Building Utopia Ch. 07

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A trip to Florida to visit Margarita's family.
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Part 7 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 12/10/2013
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My thanks go out to my volunteer editor "Wires" for his assistance with this story. His efforts in editing have been immensely helpful. As always all errors remain mine.

Roger recognized one great truth. His men were now well fed and safe but they were unhappy. They wanted, they needed women. Three of the women who accompanied Roger into the wilderness chose men to marry during the winter. The remaining five showed no interest in the other men. Counting the 7 men who were married when they left Roanoke that left 42 men with no women and they were becoming unhappy. Roger talked with Margarita and Sunny then came up with a plan. He talked to the men and made them an offer.

Roger's offer was well received by the men. He promised them if they would work hard with him and get the crops in as early as they could he would take half of them on an exploration trip. He gave them his promise that they would try to find women either in the Spanish Colony of Florida or in the Indian camps they might come across. If they wanted an Indian wife he would help them meet the bride price for her. He also told them he would give a few of them permission to go back to the coast if they wished and try to find other English women to marry. He reminded them though that there were very few English in the new world at this time so that prospect might well not pan out. Those who did not accompany Roger on his spring expedition were assured they could accompany him in a later expedition to find a wife. He also promised if they wanted he would authorize them to go on their own in search of a wife.

Thus began Roger's plans for expansion of his small colony. After the crops were in he did as he promised. He took Margarita and Sunny with him and a group of 21 men on a trek toward Florida. Margarita hoped to find some of her family and friends alive and further hoped to convince them to move to Birmingham with her and Roger.

The first three days of their walk was uneventful then their luck changed. Early the morning of the fourth day just as the men were moving to eat their breakfast Indians attacked. The first warning of the attack was a strangled cry one of the men let out when an arrow struck him in the stomach. He grabbed his stomach and slowly collapsed onto the ground. Other arrows came flying toward the men who were scrambling to find cover. The arrows were followed by a screaming mass of Indians brandishing tomahawks and knives. The few men with firearms had already discharged them with minimal success. Only two Indians were hit.

Roger rolled behind a log and took a moment to make sure Margarita and Sunny were safe. He smiled with relief when he saw Margarita and Sunny hidden behind a small pile of brush a few feet from him. Sunny was holding her knife and watching the attackers. Margarita held her pistol and was also watching the attackers. One of the Indians saw the two women hiding and moved toward them. Margarita watched him come then when he was about ten feet from her she carefully took aim and shot him. After he fell she began picking off the Indians nearby.

Roger relaxed and turned his attention to the other Indians attacking his camp. He began taking careful aim with his rifle and dropping one Indian after another. By the time the Indians decided the attack was a bad idea all but four of them were injured badly enough they could not walk. The four Indians still mobile moved into the woods at a trot. Roger was upset when he saw Sunny and some of the men moving through the camp killing the Indians who were not dead. He moved to stop them but stilled his response when he felt Margarita's hand on his forearm.

"Roger, let it be. They are dead anyway. It is a kindness to finish them off. Infection would surely kill those who remain alive if we don't kill them. Besides, leaving them alive would make you seem weak in the eyes of the tribe and your men. I know it is not civilized but it is necessary, at least until you have established your power in this area.

After the Indians were disposed of, the injured colonists were treated and their delayed breakfast was served. The one dead man was buried and the group moved out following the trail of the running attackers. They followed the trail for two days before coming upon a small encampment. Roger intended to enter it peacefully but when they showed themselves to the occupants they were immediately attacked.

The unprovoked attack angered Roger and he and his men fired back. Before the battle was over the remaining men of the camp were dead as were four of the women and three of the young boys. After the battle ended Roger's group moved into the camp. Sunny began talking with the survivors as she and Roger walked around. They spoke for several minutes then she turned to Roger. "Roger, it seems we have killed all the men and some of the women and children. These women cannot live alone now that their men are gone. They will starve or be carried off as slaves by the next tribe that runs into them. They are scared, distraught, and willing to do almost anything you wish them to do if you will spare their lives and treat them well.

"I think they would be willing to move to our settlement. I know if you take them in they will be hard workers and will be loyal to you." Sunny smiled and continued, "I also suspect that soon they will take some of our unattached men to be their mates. An Indian woman needs a man just as much if not more than one from Europe. These women know how to take care of a man in the wilderness. I am sure your men would appreciate the chance to take one of the women as their wife, also."

Roger didn't have to think too long about the offer Sunny made. He looked over at Margarita. She smiled and nodded her head yes. Roger turned his attention back to Sunny. "I don't see anything wrong with that. You need to be sure they understand they have to follow my rules. They also need to realize we do things differently than they do and they will be expected to learn many new and strange things if they come to our settlement.

"I still want to continue on to Florida, though. I promised Margarita she could visit her family and I want desperately to trade for some horses if I can. Do you think we should take the women with us or leave them and some of the men here until we get back?"

Sunny looked at Roger for a moment then turned to Margarita. They talked rapidly for several minutes then Margarita turned to Roger and said, "Roger, we think the women should come with us. It will be safer for them and they can perhaps help us carry things we may trade for when we go home. We should, perhaps, leave them in the woods outside the settlement so we do not frighten the Spanish but I still think we need to take them with us."

The small group spent the remainder of the day and that night in the Indian camp while the women collected and packed the items they wanted to take with them. Roger promised they would return by way of the camp if possible and if anything was left that they still wanted they would try to take it with them.

Early the next morning the now larger group moved out. Much to Roger's surprise a very beautiful Indian woman began walking near him, Margarita, and Sunny. She seemed to always keep her eyes on him and twice she moved to him and offered him a drink from a skin of water she carried. She was heavily laden with a pack containing he knew not what.

At the noon break the Indian maiden was the one who served him and his two wives then she took a seat nearby and ate her small meal, never taking her eyes from Roger. Finally Roger had enough and turned to Sunny. "What is going on with that woman," he asked.

Sunny looked over at Margarita with a guilty expression then turned back to Roger. In her halting English she began speaking, "She is your new woman Roger. Her name is Beautiful Deer. She was the wife of the Chief of her tribe. You killed him during the attack and now she is your woman. You may do anything you wish with her but it would be a kindness if you would just accept her as your woman. You can give her to another man, but if you do she will probably kill herself. You may use her as a slave or you may use her as a wife. She is yours completely until you sell her, give her away or kill her."

Roger sat in shock for a moment. He finally moved when he heard Margarita giggling. She gently touched his arm and he turned to her. Before he could speak she said, "Sunny and I thought you would react this way. You did catch on faster than we thought you would, however. If you want my opinion I think you should take her as your wife also. She already respects you as no other man she has ever seen. She thinks you have great magic. Your weapons never run empty, you command many men, and are seemingly invincible in battle.

"Of course, I am afraid Sunny and I added to your desirability when we admitted we were your wives and you more than adequately fed and cared for us. We admitted that many times your ardor was more than we could handle so she thinks you are a god of sex, also."

Roger sat in shock. He was literally speechless. He looked over at the Indian woman. She was watching him with an expression verging on fear. It seemed she instinctively knew her fate was being discussed. Roger sighed and stood. He told his followers it was time to leave. When she saw the rest of the group standing, Deer, as Roger decided he would call her, stood and moved beside him to follow when he walked off. She kept her eyes on him the rest of the day.

Roger spent much too much time on the march thinking about his predicament. On one hand he was impressed with Deer. She was beautiful, young, and desirable. She seemed like she would work hard if how she was trying to care for Roger and still carry all her worldly goods was any indication.

Roger worried about the impression he would give if he did take her as his wife. She would NOT be used as a slave however. The one thing he DID NOT want to get started in his new colony was slavery. He also didn't want to insult the woman by forcing her to go with one of his men. He thought about just letting her be an unattached woman in the camp and was leaning that way when they stopped for the night.

To his surprise, when he seated himself, Deer moved to his side and helped him remove the burden he was carrying. She then tried to massage his back and neck muscles. When Sunny and Margarita said the meal was ready, Deer rushed to get Roger's plate for him. The rest of the evening Deer cared for Roger to the delight of his other two wives. Some of his men and the other Indian women were amused by her antics also.

That night when they bedded down Roger found his bedroll between Sunny's and Margarita's. He was tired, very tired, but for some reason—perhaps it was because their bed was partially hidden from those of the rest of the camp—he suspected he would get a little more tired before he was allowed to sleep.

As soon as he lay down Roger found his suspicions were right. Sunny and Margarita began fondling and caressing him as they brought him to full arousal. As soon as he was fully hard Margarita moved over him and guided his hard cock into her dripping pussy. She moved in a frenzy rising and slamming herself back down onto his cock. Just as Roger was about to blow his seed into her tight pussy he heard her scream and felt her slam down onto him one last time. Her pussy muscles were milking him as her orgasm rushed through her. Roger grabbed her hips and thrust upward hard driving his cock deeply into her.

To his surprise Margarita rolled from him and gave him a quick kiss. His cock felt cool waving in the air. He was literally throbbing he was so close to cumming. Roger looked at Margarita in shock and a little anger when she didn't let him get off. He was just starting to say something when he felt movement on his other side. He turned his head and saw Sunny moving over him. She grabbed his cock and gently inserted its tip into her wet opening. She, too, slammed down onto Roger and began rapidly riding him. If anything she was even tighter than Margarita. Roger grabbed her hips and pulled her toward him as he began thrusting up into her.

To Roger's dismay Sunny also finished her orgasm before he did his and then rolled from his cock. She gave him a gentle kiss. Margarita moved in on his other side and gave him one, too. They each had a hand on his chest and were obscuring his vision with their heads. Roger felt movement and smooth flesh crawling over him. Once again his cock was held in a small hand and he felt it nudging into a very wet opening. Again he felt a tight pussy slam down engulfing his cock. When he hit bottom, Deer screamed.

Roger tried to see who was riding his cock even though he was sure he knew. He felt small hands press on his chest as the pussy engulfing his cock began rising and falling rapidly on him. Each time he was fully inserted the pussy would squeeze and the hips would move in a circle. With an oath Roger got his arms free from his wives and grabbed the hips riding his cock. He pulled them down as he slammed his hips upward skewering the pussy milking his cock.

Once, twice, three times Roger slammed his cock upward into the grasping cunt riding him. Deer was fully nude, unlike Sunny and Margarita. Roger watched as her beautiful breasts bounced up and down while they fucked.

Deer screamed and her pussy clasped Roger's cock. She rotated her hips and thrust back and forth rubbing her little clit on his pubic bone. Roger could take no more. He felt his seed blowing out the tip of his cock into Deer while he roared out his pleasure. Roger squeezed Deer's hips and pulled her tightly to him while he strained upward trying to hold his throbbing cock deeply in Deer.

When her orgasm ran its course Deer collapsed onto Roger. She first laid her head on his chest then lifted it and looked into his eyes before she gave him a gentle kiss. She raised her head once more and stared into his eyes. Apparently, she liked what she saw because she smiled and once more lay down on Roger. They both dropped off to sleep with him still inside her pussy. Sunny and Margarita snuggled up on each side of the two still connected lovers and drifted off to sleep also.

Roger woke slowly the next morning. Deer was still on the sleeping mats with him. She was lying with her head on his shoulder gazing at him with adoration. When she saw he was awake she sat beside him. He was awed by her naked beauty. Deer yelled something and Sunny came to them.

Deer said something to Sunny and Sunny turned to Roger. She said, "Deer says she is honored to be your third wife and pledges to always work hard for you and to care for you over anything else." Sunny blushed and continued, "She also said that you were much better than Margarita and I told her you would be and she wants to thank you for the best night of her life so far. She said she is your woman now and forever. All you have to do is let her know when you want her again and no matter what she is doing she will open for you."

Roger knew he had been railroaded but secretly he was glad. He had come to admire Deer for her hard work and ready smile as well as her physical attributes. He smiled and wrapped Deer in his arm. She whimpered and melted against him. Roger jumped when her hand found and squeezed his cock. He began to immediately harden. Sunny and Deer grinned when they saw that. Deer gently pushed Roger back and moved over him. He was fully hard when she gently notched the tip of his cock into her opening. She looked into his eyes as she slowly and gently settled down onto his cock.

This time Deer rode Roger until they exploded in simultaneous orgasm. The whole camp heard her scream out in completion. Several of the nearest men smiled and clapped their hands when they saw what was going on. Most of the women smiled and looked on with envy as Roger took his new woman or, perhaps more accurately, as she took him.

The rest of the day while they marched Roger thought about his little settlement. Somewhere along the way he decided he was going to rule the settlement and enforce rules or laws as he felt they should have been written. He was vehemently opposed to slavery, theft, inequality, and many of the other ills of our modern society. Roger wanted the society he would create to be as free as possible. Individual freedom was of utmost importance to him. He did not want many of the tenets of religion to take hold because of its oppressive nature. He believed deeply in the underlying teachings of religion and felt the Ten Commandments were a good basis for his laws. Roger decided to write out a Constitution patterned on the U S Constitution and Bill of Rights as soon as they returned home. He would set up a "Constitutional Monarchy". He would also codify laws to address current and, hopefully, future needs.

Roger decided one of his first decisions would be to make sure his people accepted an individual's right to live and love as they wished. If a man wanted more than one wife and his other wives accepted, then so should society. The same would hold true for a woman. If a woman wanted more than one husband and her other husband(s) agreed, that would be allowed also. Of course, his personal situation probably caused him to think this way. He would immediately codify non-discriminatory treatment of Gays and Lesbians as well as all the other races. He would not allow discrimination to take hold in his new nation.

While he walked, Roger thought about other things besides how he wanted to set up his society. He also thought about how he was going to jump start an industrial society. He planned his foundry and manufacturing plants as much as he could. He wanted to be industrialized and have a strong military force to insure the safety of his population. He intended to build some version of tanks and to build roads, and hopefully railroads, so rapid movement would be possible. Of course, the roads and railroads would facilitate commerce and help the economic growth of his colony as well as insure rapid movement of defensive forces and his workers. Roger knew that in the near term any roads built would be no more than rudimentary trails because they would be very labor intensive to construct. As the road became better travelled it would be slowly improved.

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ausvirgoausvirgoover 2 years ago

Getting more interesting.

MarkT63MarkT63about 3 years ago

Great again!!! Polygamy is fine for men. Women with more than one husband breeds chaos and jealousy!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

So the others could see them???

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Slaamd at will...

To slam or not to slam, that is the question. Oh deer, surely there are other ways to copulate?

rightbankrightbankabout 9 years ago
oh my!

we are only half way through.

and it gets better with each chapter

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