Choral Evenings Pt. 03


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'We'll worry about me later.' I answered as I knelt and pushed her legs apart.

I kissed her, if only rather more briefly than usual, but then quickly moved down - to briefly suckle on each of her equally rapidly budding breasts - but right then it was what lay between her legs that was my main objective, and far, far more quickly than I normally would have, I wasted as little time as I could in actually reaching it.

From the moment she'd begun helping me to strip her I had been able to inhale the arousing smell of her body's hot sweatiness - and realised it was even more powerful than my earlier imaginings had thought it would be. So even before I was able to crouch between her thighs my cock was fully erect - straining against those infuriating and damnedably inflexible jeans - and when I did, and then caught the full strength of the scent of her it was more than enough to make my entire body quiver from the growing power of the sexual tension that was rapidly building inside me.

But right then my first need was to bury my face between her legs, to lick and suck that almost mesmerically compelling part of her - to add the taste of her pussy-juice to the heady smell that had already so fiercely inflamed me.

Although I had given her so little time to become responsive - but then perhaps the sheer urgency of my assault proved to be just as powerful as the longer and more tender caresses I normally gave her - anyway, from the moment my mouth and tongue began licking and sucking her, it immediately became obvious she was absolutely revelling in my focus on that most sensitive part of her.

And, after all the time I'd been thinking about doing that, once I was able to, I of course made the very most of it.

I quite literally feasted on her!

I kissed, licked, nibbled - then probed and twirled my tongue deep inside her - before slurping, sucking and swallowing the juices that were by then freely and liberally flowing from her. Then, pressing two stiffened fingers deeper than my tongue had been able to reach, and curling them so as to try to find that often elusive g-spot, I began flicking her stiffly swollen clitoris with just the tip of my tongue.

Whether it was what my tongue was doing, or that my fingers had found precisely the right spot, or perhaps it was the combination of both - the climax that eventually hit her certainly seemed even more powerful than usual, and if it hadn't been for the muffling the surrounding trees and bushes gave us, her shrieks of ecstatic excitement could well have alerted almost everyone in the rest of her street.

I stayed there, licking and sucking her until she had worked through two more, only slightly smaller peaks, then she finally pushed me weakly back off her. 'You must be feeling absolutely desperate by now my darling.' she gasped. 'But not out here - the ground is awfully hard.' she explained as she pushed herself upwards. 'And pass me my clothes please, I'm not treating anyone who might be watching to the sight of a back-yard streaker.' she added with a wickedly cheeky grin.

She did no more than a cursory cover up; just slipping the track-suit pants on and clutching her bra and panties in one hand and the flapping shirt-front in the other, then the pair of us scampered quickly across the grass to the back door.

'Now as the blokes usually say to the girls - get your gear off!' she instructed, before hurriedly looking around the kitchen.

'I think you're tall enough for us to do it right here.' she said, dropping her pants and discarding the shirt before turning her back to the counter-top, then hoisting herself up on to it.

As I stripped off my own clothes, she wriggled herself forward until just a small portion of her bottom was resting on the smooth surface, then lifted and spread her legs, and said. 'Now darling, this time I don't want you to make love to me, this time I just want you to simply fuck me!'

And of course by then that was exactly what my rampantly engorged cock was demanding - and once I had slid it upwards into the slippery slickness of her, and she had curled both her arms and her legs tightly around me - that was precisely what I did - what we did - with and to each other. As we had on just two or three previous occasions, we fucked - more like animals than a tenderly loving couple.

Once fully embedded, I drove powerfully back and forth, each time burying my over-bloatedly sizzling cock deep and hard into her. Each thrust both stretching and opening her.

And Bethany obviously loved it - not only urging me on - but also gripping me ever more tightly as she jerked herself forward to meet even the most forceful of my lust fuelled thrusts.

Given the level of excitement that had built in me while I fantasised about her, then while I was actually able to feast myself on her lusciously ripe pussy, I wasn't too surprised to feel my body working its way much more quickly than usual through the stages that would lead to my inevitable climax.

Not surprised - but definitely disappointed.

The feelings I was getting from what we were doing - actually fucking on that counter-top, there in her kitchen - plus the sheer exhilaration of the sensations her tight but undoubtedly welcoming pussy were giving me, were such that I would have loved to have had some way of prolonging them.

But that was not to be, and it wasn't long before I felt that distinctive surge, and, jamming my cock even deeper, I felt the first of what proved to be a long series of dizzyingly explosive gouts of semen jetting into her.

And although her almost synchronised screeching cries of her own release were nowhere near as ear-splitting as the sounds she had made in the garden, the addition of my deeper, more guttural ones no doubt more than made up for them.

Chapter 22

The week-end following what we came to refer to as our 'FFF' (Fast and Furious Fucking) in her kitchen, was that for the cricket match between Jason's school and their long-standing rivals, a similar boys school located some forty five minutes drive away. And that was of course the game that Jason had invited me to.

As the match was a combination of being something of a local Derby - the two schools' very long-standing rivalry covering a range of inter-school activities - and the final match of the season for both schools, great efforts were apparently always made to make the whole day a rather special one; for both the boys themselves and perhaps even more so for the relatives and friends the schools hoped to attract as spectators.

Bethany explained that although we would therefore not have to bother with taking a picnic with us, and although the day and setting were by their nature, informal, we should still make a bit of an effort to look the best we could. What I gathered from that was that she would be using this as an excuse to head out to buy herself a new outfit - which I of course would not be allowed to see until I went to pick them all up early that Saturday morning.

So, when Jason opened the door and then took me through to the garden - where he said his brother and mother were waiting -at first I wondered who on earth the woman was that I found myself looking at.

Apart from everything else about her - it was the hair that really threw me right off balance.

Until then I had of course only seen Bethany wearing her hair in one of the various types of coif she fixed it into, that or - as I of course much preferred - with the full length of it cascading down over her back and shoulders.

But this woman, this extraordinarily beautifully dressed woman - who was half-turned away from me - had quite shortish hair, apparently cut into a just below ear-length bob, the ends of which were then curved elegantly forward.

I just had time to take in everything else about her; the soft pale green, matching blouse and knee-length pleated skirt - which were patterned with a shadowy, russet-toned design, that might have been inspired by the rapidly approaching fall of autumnal leaves. An ensemble that was made even more smartly stylish by the large-brimmed, same-colour hat that was obviously designed to shield her face from all but the most direct glare of sunlight.

But then she turned, and of course it was Bethany - and even though she looked totally different from the way she had then, she was still as arousingly attractive as she had been in the crimson dress she'd worn on that never to be forgotten night of the Founders' Ball.

'Ah Mark, as always, on time - and looking even more handsome than usual!' she said with a tenderly loving smile.

She must have seen my continuing look of confusion and guessed the cause. 'It's the hair, isn't it. Don't fret, I've not had it cut - just coiled it rather differently to the ways I normally do. Do you like it darling?'

I mentally breathed a sigh of relief - the thought that she might just have had a moment of sheer, utter madness, and had that erotic abundance trimmed, had occurred to me. 'It, no you, you look simply fantastic darling! And yes, I was thrown by the hair - for a moment there, I wondered who this gorgeous creature was.' I added with a bit of a roguish grin.

'So you approve of the outfit I bought?'

'Oh yes, very definitely - as always, your taste is absolutely perfect. You look positively scrumptious!'

Bethany chuckled, cast a quick look across at where the two boys were standing, then replied softly and rather enigmatically. 'Well we can talk about that aspect of things, sometime later.'


There was of course a fair bit of good-natured banter between the two boys during the trip. John saying that Jason had better make sure he scored a few more runs than the mere two he had managed in the previous year's game. Prompting Jason to remind us all that this year he had been selected for his bowling and fielding.

But although I of course joined in from time to time, mostly I was stealing sideways glances at Bethany.

Although, because she had insisted on keeping her hat on the car - saying it had been hard enough to fit it correctly when she had a mirror in front of her - much of her face was covered by its brim, the rest of her was not of course obscured. The shirt, which was a nicely tailored fit, showed off her small but beautifully shaped breasts, to perfection. And the fine cotton fabric of the tightly pleated skirt did much the same thing for her waist, hips and mouth-wateringly rounded thighs. Then wondering, and sometimes imagining, which of her particular sets of flimsy finery she had on beneath those, was more than enough to stir my cock into its first stages of 'interest'.

When we arrived at the sports' field and had parked the car, the boys quite naturally immediately left us - Jason to make for the small pavilion and changing rooms, John taking the opportunity to 'lose' his oldies and quickly join up with his school friends. So Bethany and I strolled leisurely across towards where seating and refreshment marquees had been erected.

We had just enough time to buy a coffee and find a pair of seats for ourselves before the match began, then, as Jason's side had lost the toss and were to bat second, we duly clapped when a fine stroke or excellent bit of fielding was made. Jason actually cut off several almost certain boundaries, and then managed to take not only a decidedly tricky catch, but also two key wickets during his bowling spell. So we both thought he had already more than justified his position in the side. But in spite of his and the other fellows' efforts, the opposing team did manage to amass a pretty daunting score and when the umpires called lunch-time, his school's supporters had pretty glum faces.

Whilst Bethany and I had been concentrating on the game - and especially Jason's part in it - the thoughts and images that I had had in the car, remained with me, and I found my eyes constantly drifting across to either take another lingeringly long look at Bethany, or allowed my sometimes far too vivid imagination to picture what exactly she might be wearing under that outwardly elegantly attractive outfit.

Amongst her feminine finery she did have a bra and panty set in a dark, almost bottle green - made from a fabric that looked much like silk, which fitted her so snugly it left virtually nothing of the detail of her body to the imagination. Maybe she was wearing that one - it would certainly 'go' with the softer green of the blouse and skirt.

But then, given it was a cricket match we were attending, perhaps she had chosen something white as being the most appropriate. And of course she had plenty of bras, panties and cami-tops in that colour that she could choose from - some decorated with tiny bows or rosebuds, others with merely shiny, satin ribbons.

So, my mind had scrolled through the various items I knew she had to select from, rejecting some that I thought she would consider too plain for a day such as this one, which still left me with a quite extensive array of flimsies I could easily picture her in. And did - each one several times!

All of which I was soon to discover, had had the usual, and of course quite predictable, result...

As we stood to head for the luncheon marquee that had been set aside for the parents - the boys being catered for in a much larger, and even then already much noisier one - Bethany took my hand, and began walking us towards the pavilion and changing rooms.

'Where are we going? Lunch is in that marquee there, and the toilets are around the back of it.' I exclaimed.

'All in due course lover - I think we need to take care of something else first.' Was all she said as she continued walking us away from where everyone else was headed.

The pavilion door was of course open, but it was immediately obvious that other than ourselves, the entire building was apparently totally deserted. And as we walked further through it, that appearance was quickly confirmed.

Bethany had obviously been there before because she walked confidently down the hallway and opened a door that I found led us into a small office. Having closed and then locked it, she turned, came straight into my arms, and - tilting her head so that we did not have the brim of her hat to contend with - she kissed me.

That kiss was as luscious as any of the thousands we had by then exchanged; her lips moist, open, and hotly welcoming, and as I felt the tip of her tongue immediately searching for my own, she seemed to somehow be breathing in whatever air my body did not need.

Perhaps it was the sheer unexpectedness of her action that triggered such an instant reaction from me, or maybe it was the sheer passion Bethany put into that kiss - but even as I pulled her even more tightly against myself I felt my cock immediately re-engorging, the combination of that sudden rush of blood, plus the thrill of her ongoing kiss making me quite light-headed.

But then I became aware of the feel of her hand, squirming itself up between us, her fingers curling around the quickly stiffening length of me.

'Aha - as I thought, you're wearing those boxers again, and whilst that does make you feel very exciting, perhaps combining them with those summer-weight trousers might not have been such a good idea - well not if you were going to be spending the morning thinking the kind of wicked thoughts you obviously have been.' She said as she finally brought that scalding kiss to an end.

'So what's been going on in your head my darling? I've been watching that part of you going up and down for the last couple of hours.'

'I thought we were here to watch the cricket!' I responded, giving myself a moment or two to recover from the dizzying feeling her kiss had given me.

'Oh I've been keeping one eye on that too - but you can't blame a woman for keeping the other one on that part of a man that she's particularly interested in. So are you going to tell me who or what you've been day-dreaming about?'

'You of course!' I answered heatedly. 'And more particularly which set of lingerie you're wearing underneath that gorgeous outfit.' I explained rather shame-facedly.

'Ah, I see, it all makes perfect sense now. Well this is probably not the place to actually show it to you - we'll leave that for some time later - but I will tell you that it's something new, something that I thought would go quite perfectly with the skirt and blouse.'

'If I'm not to see it, can't you just describe it for me?'

During the moments it had taken us to have that exchange, her hand had remained precisely where she'd placed it - her fingers gently curling around the stiffly swollen shaft of my cock - then as she began to do as I'd asked her, I felt them closing rather more tightly, then, rhythmically firmly, begin squeezing it.

'Well it's not something I've bought before - and I suppose it's best described by saying it's a sort of bustier. The bodice does have a little gentle support for my breasts built into it, so I didn't have to wear a bra with it. And it's longer than my usual cami-tops, coming down just below the line of the waistband of the panties that come with it.'

'And what colour is it?' I asked.

'I think I'd say you could call it a milky jade-green, and this one is made of pure silk, not some man-made substitute - so it feels especially nice against my skin. But the thing I think you might like best about it is the unusual design and cut of it. But before explaining that I should tell you that the panties themselves are made of not much more than some sort of almost 'cobwebby' net, with just a sliver of silk down over the crotch-piece - so there's very little of me that's left to your imagination.' she added with her often used, mischievously cheeky grin.

'But the part you'll probably like best is the way the chemise itself has been designed - which is really just to show off the panties. Instead of having the little side-slits that many longer undergarments have, that give a girl a little more freedom of movement, this has a very much larger one, but it has been cut into the front of it. So if I were standing there, you would in fact be able to see almost exactly what I had to offer you.'

Just that brief description was more than enough to bring flashing images before me - images of Bethany standing there in nothing but that just described outfit; her pertly beautiful breasts filling the upper part of the jade-green silk, her mons and pussy showing through the bulging 'cobwebby' net below.

Then, even as I felt my cock surging in response to that image, I both heard and felt her unbuckling and unzipping me - and as she reached inside to extricate the increasingly heated length inside them, she dropped down and crouched before me.

'I think I need to diffuse some of the pressure I seem to have generated.' she said, tilting her head so she could look up and see the strained expression on my face. 'We'll keep the more significant activities until we are home again - this is just so you don't have to spend the rest of the afternoon with a painful feeling down here.' she added as she guided my swollen and pre-cum stained cock-head between her already moistened lips.

Then, with one hand stroking smoothly up and down the rigidly throbbing shaft, while the other cupped my balls and gently rolled and squeezed them, she slid her lips back and forth - every now and then pausing only so she could swirl her tongue around the sensitive under-side of it - and at other times adding a powerful suck to everything else she was already doing.

Although the physical thrills she was giving me were truly spectacular, what made that time even more powerful was just the way she looked. The image of that chic and poised woman, kneeling there to give me a much-needed blowjob - and especially that she was doing so whilst wearing that elegantly stylish hat - made the scenario seem more like one out of someone's else's overly erotic imagination. But it was happening, happening to me, and in reality!