Choral Evenings Pt. 03


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So I suppose it was not too surprising that it wasn't that long before I felt my body tightening, flexing as the pressure inside me rose quickly higher and higher - and as Bethany felt my increasingly powerful responses, she obviously remembered the effect she had had on me the afternoon of our picnic - and she further increased the thrills I was experiencing by starting that low, deep-throated humming.

And of course, that did it! I felt the surge, the rush, the feeling of urgency as the accumulated semen literally came to the boil - then the excruciating exhilaration as the first jet scalded its way up through my cock - felt it, and then those that almost immediately followed it, spouting deep into the back of Bethany's still humming throat.

Of course to enable her to swallow it, she had to stop the humming, but by then I really didn't care about that, all I could think about was the continuing elated euphoria I experienced as Bethany pumped and sucked what felt like every last single drop of fluid from me.


Luckily we did still have time for at least a little lunch, then, although Jason's team lost the game by a couple of wickets, as his name was the first the captain referred to as boys who had played at their very best, we knew that he had had a very good end of season match.

It was only then that Bethany thought to tell me that as the coach was hosting an end of season barbecue for the boys, and that once we had dropped them off at his place, we would have the house to ourselves for two or three hours...

So I did get to have a proper look at the flimsy finery she had bought to wear beneath her special outfit - and it was just as, and then a good deal more so, sexily erotic as her verbal description had made it sound. And I think that what I then did with and to her, made her feel that whatever the cost of it had been, it had been more than justified.

Chapter 23

Of course the cricket match not only marked the end of that sporting season but also heralded the beginning of another type - Autumn - and although the days still remained pleasantly warm, the nights and mornings began to have that crisp chillness that marks the shift from one time of the year to another.

Naturally, as the original house had been constructed long before the age of air conditioning, the main rooms had all been built with fire-places, and whilst I had reluctantly realised that given the small size of that room, it made sense to remove the one in what had been the parlour, I had kept the one in the lounge room. It not only had a beautifully crafted and intricately carved stone surround and mantle-piece, but the fantasy of sitting beside the flickering fire-light - perhaps with a faithful Labrador beside me and a glass of port in hand - was itself a more than good enough reason to retain it.

So I had had the flue and chimney swept, checked and where necessary re-pointed, then had even gone to the trouble of lighting a test fire - just to make sure that when I did come to use it I would not end up with the rest of the house chokingly full of smoke.

At that time Bethany and I were still maintaining the weekly choral practice, though by then I really no longer needed her personal tuition - at least not with my singing - but it had of course become a sort of romantically 'special' time between us. Coupled with that was the fact that Bethany liked the idea of giving her boys at least one night of the week when they could watch a horror or action packed movie together, without worrying as to whether or not she would approve of it. 'I know I sometimes push them to study both longer and more diligently, so relaxing the reins a bit from time to time is probably no bad thing.' was the way she would put it.

And as that was the one night I knew she would stay over and eventually share my bed with me, I always tried to cook something a little special for us on that evening.

That particular Tuesday gave us just the merest foretaste of the even colder times that were creeping up on us; briskly chilly winds from the South whipping the first few dead or dying leaves from the surrounding trees. So, once home, I got my first proper fire started - a belated 'house-warming' I thought to myself as I settled a couple of larger logs on top of the brightly crackling kindling.

Then I headed out to the kitchen to do what initial preparation I could for our dinner, before taking a long, hot shower and changing from my business suit into something more relaxingly comfortable.

So by the time Bethany arrived I not only had dinner preparations well under way and a bottle of a not too tanniny Shiraz opened, but also a cheerfully blazing log-fire to sit beside while we sipped a pre-dinner drink and chatted about the events of our separate days.

She had already been home long enough to prepare a meal for the boys and to see them at least starting on that evening's allocation of homework, but had also clearly done as I had, showered and changed out of her work-day clothes. At least I hoped that was what she had done. If not, and if she had been at the library in what she was wearing that evening I think she might have caused a rather riotous outbreak of men coming from all parts of the town and storming the building, just to get an eyeful of her...

Given the sudden drop in temperature, she had of course needed to wear a top-coat for even the relatively short walk from her place to mine, and as the lighting in the hallway was pretty dim, it was only when I saw her in the much better light in the lounge-room that I fully appreciated what she was wearing.

It was the blouse that really did it for me! A full-sleeved one in a subdued misty-pink colour, but the material it was made from was so fine, so sheer, so virtually transparent, that it merely made what she had on beneath it all the more tantalisingly sex-charged. And that was a decidedly tightly form-fitting bra, just a few shades darker than the blouse, and - at least from what I could see of it - apparently made of little more than the sort of 'cobwebby' net that I'd discovered her panties were made of, when I eventually got to undress her after the cricket match.

So, even through both the bra and her blouse, I could still quite clearly make out the rose-red circles that surrounded her nipples, and even their slightly darker centres.

Once I was able to drag my eyes away from what I could see through the misty pinkness that surrounded her gorgeous 'boutique beauties', I took a moment or two to take in the short, Wedgwood blue skirt, and even the pale pink nylons that completed her outfit.

'Pretty in pink - doesn't say the half of it, my darling. You look even more scrumptious than I said you did on the day of the cricket match. Positively mouth-wateringly so!' I said with obvious appreciation.

'I'm so glad you approve, I thought this colour might be a little too young for me.' she replied uncertainly.

'It wasn't really the colour that I was commenting one.' I said, hearing a trace of huskiness creeping into my voice. 'But whilst it might be for some women, so far as I'm concerned, that shade of pink is absolutely perfect for you, it just enhances your already perfect complexion. But, as I said, right now it's not the colour that's getting to me!'

Bethany made a deep-throated giggling sound. 'That's good, I thought it might! And I might have one other little surprise for you - later.' she added mischievously.

'Well if you're going to keep me in suspense I suppose I'd better get us both a drink, then we can sit beside the fire while the final stages of dinner are cooking themselves.'

'The fire was a lovely idea darling - very romantic.' She said, giving me a kiss before I went to get the drinks.

To enhance the effect of the firelight I had turned on only a couple of small table-lamps in that room, and with the ambient lighting that low, the constantly flickering glow just made Bethany look even more beautiful than usual. And that was particularly true of what I could see beneath the diaphanous blouse and bra. Then adding to their natural beauty, the subtly moving shadows they threw just seemed to make it look as though her breasts were in continual movement - swaying to and fro as my eyes remained almost permanently fixed on them.

Yet we talked; of this and that, of what her day's work had entailed, sharing a few titbits of gossip she had heard, and perhaps, even as to our feelings about those major events that had occurred elsewhere.

But it must have been very clear to her that although I was responding, it was only in an abstractly desultory way - my brain was just too busy processing both the image of the sensually erotic picture she made, and as to how soon it would be reasonable for me to make some more sexually positive overture to her.

However, it was only when I made absolutely no response at all to some question she had asked me, when she said. 'Did you actually hear what I said darling?' That I gave up struggling with any question of reasonableness.

I got up and moved across to sit beside on the sofa - slid one arm around her shoulder and turned her face to me - then kissed her. Kissed her long and hard. And while doing so, slipped my other hand up to cup her breast, then rhythmically, but very gently, began fondling and squeezing its full firmness.

'Well, what brought that on? Delightful though it was - is!' she added when our kiss ended but my hand continued its slow caressing of her.

'You can't expect a guy to sit there looking at you -especially the way you are dressed - and then not expect him to respond in some way.' I replied, before kissing her again - that time just a little more passionately.

'Of course not - and I certainly wouldn't want you to not do so, especially if the kisses are going to continue to be as exciting as those were!' she replied when I finally gave her a chance to breathe again. 'But may I be just a little practical for a moment and ask, do you still have anything cooking? I mean out there in the kitchen!' she added cheekily.

'Oh shit yes! Thanks for reminding me. Are you hungry right now, or should we eat a little later?' I asked as I disentangled myself and got up.

'I think later would be better - but as you're the one that mentioned the eating thing - well, I wonder - would you mind very much if I asked you to do that thing you do so wonderfully for me?'

Her question left me puzzled - but only for a moment - then I knew exactly what it was she wanted me to do for her! And the combination of the prospect of being able to do that - and hearing her actually asking me to do it - was more than enough to inflame me, and I felt my already stiffened cock, give what I knew must have been a truly almighty jerk.

Having popped the pasta sauce into the oven to keep warm, I headed to my bedroom, then stripped off, grabbed the down-filled quilt and a couple of pillows off the bed, and hurried quickly back to the lounge-room.

Bethany had been just as busy as I had; turning off the two small lamps, so we had just the fire-light to see each other by, then loosened her hair and removed her shoes, skirt and blouse before lying back along the full length of the sofa. So, with her hair spread out across the end cushion, she looked exactly like some modern-day version of a 19th century Parisienne courtesan - only, at least to my eyes, ten times more seductively beautiful.

It was only then that I realised just how flimsy her bra and panties actually were; in fact the net they were made from was so fine, so sheer that, at least visually, she might just as well have been wearing nothing at all - yet the fact that she was, of course somehow made her appearance all the more seductively erotic.

'I considered taking these things off.' She said, trailing her fingers down across her bra and panties. 'But then thought you might like to get a proper look at them before we do that - and anyway, if you remember, I did say I had a small surprise for you.'

I had forgotten that she'd said that, but then was of course extremely curious - with so little still left on, what surprise might she have in store for me? But putting that thought aside for the moment, I folded the quilt in half then spread it across the floor, added the pillows and said. 'If I correctly interpreted what you meant when you asked if I would do the 'thing' for you, it might be easier - and more flexible for you if I lie down here.'

Of course until then the quilt had hidden most of my nakedness, but then I was left standing there displaying just how aroused I had become - and I saw Bethany staring, wide-eyed, at the state I was in.

'Even for you that's very impressive my darling!' she said throatily. 'I hadn't realised how quickly or how strongly aroused you'd become - there are many women who would happily give me anything I asked for if that meant they could exchange their position with me right now.'

'We always aim to please madam!' I replied, jokingly as I reached down and pulled her to her feet.

As we came together she slipped her hand between us, then lifted my cock so it became pressed between my abdomen and the much softer roundness of her own - and we kissed, again, and again, and yet again, our bodies straining together a little more urgently with each succeeding one.

Then I lay her down - still delaying taking off her final things until I had found out what the 'surprise' was she'd mentioned.

And it was only when I moved her legs apart a little, so I could get an even better view of the totality of her, that I found it. Unlike all the panties I'd ever come across - which always had a slender strip of cotton stitched into the crotch of them - these had nothing! So, with just the gossamer-like net covering her, and although the closeness of their fit compressed her pussy-lips together a little, I could clearly truly see all of her.

'You can tell me over dinner, where you found all these amazing things you're wearing - right now I think it's time we took even these little wisps of nothingness off you, that is if you don't want me to disappoint you by coming while simply looking down at you.' I said, not entirely facetiously - the sight of Bethany lying there, virtually naked, her gorgeous body bathed in the flickering glow of the fire-light, was more than enough to get almost any man well beyond his point of self-control.

She sat up to unfasten her bra, then I helped her off with both it and her panties then we exchanged places; I stretched myself flat and, once she had straddled me, helped her to position herself so her pussy was immediately above my eagerly waiting mouth and tongue.

Even before she lowered herself towards them, the scent of her had the same affect it always did - just the first whiff of it jerking my response level several notches higher than it already had been - so once I had the actual taste of her sweetly-acrid juiciness, I felt my cock begin straining and throbbing as yet more blood forced its way into its already rock-hard engorgement.

But in spite of the heat of the fire that was by then beginning to blaze inside me, I somehow managed to take my time in demonstrating all my love for Bethany. Caressing various parts of her as my lips and tongue kissed and licked her. Licked the insides of her thighs, around the rim of her poutingly unfurling pussy, along the edges of each of those tenderly sensitive petal-lips. Every now and then sipping a little of the nectar that soon began to seep from between them.

Only very much later, slipping and sliding the tip of my tongue down into the juicily warm moistness that they led to.

And only even very much later still, allowing it to wander just a little higher, allowing it to flicker against the very tip of the protruding ridge of her clitoris.

All that time Bethany had been giving sighs and soft moans of her slowly increasing pleasure - sometimes redirecting the focus of my attention by shifting herself slightly - sometimes pressing herself just a little more firmly downwards. And - as an orchestra follows the beat of the conductor's baton - she had been happy to allow herself to move towards the eventual outcome at the pace that my caresses and licking had been dictating.

But once my stimulation was directed at the very heart and centre of her arousal system - as my tongue licked and flicked her clitoris - the pressure that had until then been contained, burst through and, like the waves that have been built by a storm-front, a massive tidal surge literally overwhelmed her.

Her grunting cries of both surrender and release, burst staccato-like, each peak triggering a longer and louder one - her body grinding itself down against me, almost smothering me as it strove to achieve a yet still higher crest.

On and on it went; making it clear that she was in the grip of a rolling orgasm that seemed to be the strongest and longest she'd ever experienced with me.

Somehow I kept pace with her - at least my tongue did - licking and flicking her spiking clitoris, then sometimes thrusting its stiffened length deep inside her, and sometimes coiling itself out of the way as my mouth took over; sucking her, sucking down the volume of love-juice that flooded from her.

So between us we worked her through to the very end of what must have been a truly physically exhausting series of rolling climaxes, and, only once she had regained at least a degree of control, she reached back behind herself - and found the quiveringly towering thing that my cock had by then been turned into.

'Oh Mark! Oh my darling, that was indescribably wonderful! But, by now you must be incredibly frustrated!' she whispered hoarsely - her fingers tightening around the solid girth of it.

Then, sliding herself back down me, and then lifting herself, she steadied it, and eased down on to the tip of my cock-head.

The feel of the slick wetness of her pussy-lips engulfing it was both unbelievable and indescribable; sparking shock-waves of euphoric excitement from every nerve-end - shock-waves that shot straight up my spine, sent them jolting into the very deepest recesses in the pleasure centres in my brain.

Then I heard myself grunting at the sheer power of what her slowly downward sliding pussy was doing to me.

But then, as she pushed her way further down the length and mass of it, she also grunted. 'Oh my god! That's massive! It's stretching me, no, it feels as though it's splitting me wide open!'

Even so - or perhaps because the experience was so fabulous for her too - she continued; slowly pushing lower, gradually taking more and more of me deep inside herself.

When she was done - when our two bodies were fully locked together as just one - she sat there, bolt upright, breathing hard, giving just an occasional wriggle as she settled herself more comfortably. Then she reached forward, and as she stroked the side of my face with one hand, whispered. 'I know I've said this before, but - you really do fit me perfectly my darling, it's as though my entire body was made just to take you.'

'And it feels exactly like that for me too my darling.' I replied. 'But although this feels like utter perfection, would you do something for me, something that will make what you're going to do next even more blissful?'

'Of course, anything!'

'Just bend forward, reach out beyond me, so your breasts are close to my mouth. I'd love to be able to lick and suck on them while you are riding me.'

'Oh yes, that sounds wonderful to me too!' she answered eagerly.

And that's what she - we - did. I felt her pussy tightening its grip as she shifted to lean forward over me - making sure I did not slip out of her as she did that. Then, with her breasts and their juttingly spiking nipples hanging just above me, I used both hands to hold and fondle them, and as she began to slowly but firmly ride up and down the bloated rigidity of my cock, I licked and suckled her.