Clothing Optional Day at the Beach


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"I want to try again," she burst out.

"Okay, start with the first part," she smiled. "Remember, be gentle."

Gina nodded. She leaned forward and kissed Dan's cock, once, twice, three times, then she made eye contact with him, and smiled.

Dan gasped and managed to stammer something that sounded like much better.

Excited by her success, Gina slid her tongue up and down Dan's cock like she was frantically trying to save an ice cream cone, causing Tori to step in.

"Slow down a little," she said. "Like this."

She leaned in and licked Dan's shaft from top to bottom while Gina watched from just inches away.

"Let's do it at the same time, that will help you get the timing down," Tori suggested. "We're going to start at the balls and move up, stay with me."

Each girl got in position with her tongue at Dan's balls, and Gina watched Tori to stay in sync. They licked slowly around his newly shaven balls, and then met on either side of the shaft, gradually, lovingly working their way up. Their tongues met at the tip of his cock, and Dan watched as tongues and cock tip were mixed together in an incredible scene. He could hardly believe what he was seeing, because it seemed that the girls had nearly forgotten about his cock and were just tongue kissing where his cock happened to be. After what seemed like an eternity, their lips parted and their eyes met, still just inches away from Dan's cock.

"We should try that again," Gina said. "I need to get the timing right."

"Yes, I agree," said Tori. "Dan, do you agree?"

Dan could no longer move his head, he just made a whimpering noise that was probably intended to be affirmative.

The girls did practice again. And again. Each time, meeting at the top for more tongue kissing. Tori introduced some additional tactics, which Dan enthusiastically endorsed, and after a while Tori labeled Gina a stage one blow job expert.

Gina was a quick study on stage two as well, carefully following Tori's instruction on keeping things soft and slow, though every once in a while Tori had to slow her down. At one point Tori put her hand on the back of Gina's head to guide her up and down on Dan's shaft.

It seemed pretty clear that Gina had gone from not liking blow jobs to loving having a warm cock in her mouth. She seemed to forget that this was for educational purposes only, as she crawled up onto Dan's chair, ground her crotch into Dan's lower leg, and continue her passionate blow job.

This became too much for Dan, he felt it coming. He groaned and exploded into Gina's mouth, which caused her to awaken from her reverie in shock. She pulled off of Dan's cock and he spewed out again onto his stomach. After his cock stopped throbbing Gina looked over at Tori.

"Did I mess up?" she asked. "I've never had that happen."

Tori laughed. "I'm not surprised it didn't happen before, but that will happen a lot in your future. You have to get used to swallowing now."

She paused and ran a finger through the fluid on Dan's stomach. "If you can't swallow it all, guys like it when you do this."

She leaned down and licked up Dan's remaining load, deliberately leaving some of it on her chin. She smiled and looked at Gina. "Want a taste?" she asked

Gina nodded mesmerized, and Tori leaned in to Gina's lips and they shared yet another kiss, this time it was open mouth and cum filled.

"Mmmm," said Gina, licking the spot off Tori's chin. "I could get used to this."

"Me too," whimpered Dan.

"All for educational purposes," Tori smiled. "Hopefully the OTHERS will be impressed by new skills."

The two girls eased back into their chairs and Dan went in and made some more drinks. They chatted more about sex, things they liked and didn't like.

"It's a lot easier for girls to figure out how to give a blow job, going down on a girl is much harder, more complicated," Dan said. "Tell me how you like it."

"I like it a lot," laughed Tori. "Its hard to describe, but I know it when it's good."

"My first boyfriend was really good at it," giggled Gina. "You have to go slow, use the right's hard to explain how."

Dan pondered this for a moment, then looked at Gina. "Well in the interest of education, maybe you could pretend you were a guy, and show me how you would do it."

Gina blinked a few times, figuring out what Dan was asking. She blushed a little, then looked over at Tori, who was a little quicker on the uptake. She had already blushed and was now looking at Gina lustfully.

"It's ok with me," she said to GIna. "If it's ok with you."

"Just for education," Gina replied.

She moved over and laid down beside Tori, then looked back over at Dan. "Women's bodies need to be warmed up more, they aren't as quick to be aroused." She couldn't help but grin that Dan was already rock hard again.

"Now, I always like it when a guy kisses me for a while for starters," she said. "Is it that way for you too, Tori."

Tori nodded, and the two girls began kissing passionately. Both girls had been feeling the sexual tension between them growing all weekend, and now they had the chance to let it go without feeling awkward. And they were really, really, letting it go. As they lovingly kissed each other, their hands roamed all over each other's bodies. Gina stopped momentarily and looked over at Dan. "I like it when a guy spends a lot of time on my breasts, licking long, slow circles around my nipples and then sucking on them," she said. "Do you like that too, Tori?"

Tori didn't say a word, she just nodded and pulled Gina's head toward her chest, and immediately sighed when Gina's mouth closed over her left nipple. She took her time, carefully treating each nipple to the full treatment, always making sure Dan had a good view.

"Next, I like it when a guy doesn't rush right in, I like it when he slowly kisses me all over my belly, then moves down to my thighs, gradually moves in closer and closer until I am aching for him to move in to my pussy," she said. This time she didn't even have to ask Tori if that was how she liked it, she whimpered in anticipation.

Again, Gina took her sweet time, kissing all over Tori's toned abdomen, showing Dan how to use her tongue, then moving down to her thighs. By the time her mouth had moved to Tori's pussy, Tori was arching her back and begging her for it. Rather than describe the next step, GIna just plunged right in, her tongue making a long, slow arc around Tori's pussy lips, once, then twice, and when Tori could no longer stand it, she ran her tongue from bottom to top, lightly the first time, then harder, and then harder the third time, before plunging it deep inside her. Then she moved up and directed her attention to Tori's clit, licking it lightly, circling it, then flicking it repeatedly with her tongue. It wasn't long before Tori began to lose it.

"Oh yes, that...that's just how I like it, that's...oh..just how it should be done," she moaned, biting down on her finger to maintain control.

The sound of her voice jolted Gina back to reality, and she leaned back and looked over at Dan. "Okay, so you think you got it now?" she asked.

Dan let a long slow breath out. "Oh yeah, I think I got it."

"You think?" said Tori breathlessly, still trying to collect herself. "Maybe you should ... get closer ... get a feel for it."

Dan took that as an invitation, sliding in between Tori's legs as Gina pulled back. His mouth was watering, but he hesitated with his mouth just inches from Tori's warm pussy and looked up at her.

She looked down on him lustfully. "Go ahead," she cooed. "I'll tell you if you're doing it right."

Dan dove right in, and true to her word, Tori guided him. "A little lower, yes, there, and, oh yes, up and down, ah, again, yes."

Gina was helping too, making suggestions. "Try going around in little circles there, that always works for me."

Tori had figured out pretty quickly was that Dan didn't need any lessons going down on a girl. He already knew how to do it, quite well. Tori's hands were in Dan's hair by now, pulling him towards her. She pressed herself into his face, rolling over so that both of them were on their sides. She pointed to Dan's cock and looked at Gina. "You should practice on him, while he practices on me," she gasped.

Gina didn't wait for a second invitation, and Dan felt her move right into a passionate stage one blow job. It was an unbelievable feeling, having Tori wriggling around on her face while Gina licked and sucked his cock.

"Dan, have you ever had a girl sit on your face?" Tori whispered.

Dan thought about that for a moment. "No," he lied. He had figured out that by saying no he would have to be taught. Which would be good.

Dan rolled over on his back and Tori straddled his face, facing Gina, who had gotten comfortable straddling Dan's lower leg as she licked and sucked his cock.

Now Tori was more in control of the contact, and she rolled and ground her hips over Dan's face, feeling his tongue reaching deep inside her. Her reaction was immediate, she shuddered and swooned forward, her hands coming down on either side of Dan's torso. Just inches away, she could see Gina hungrily sucking Dan's cock, and she couldn't resist joining in. The two girls worked in unison, Gina from the front and Tori from the back. They also found themselves together at the top of his cock, and as they did before, they shared passionate kisses with each other before returning to take turns sucking Dan. All three felt a powerful surge of physical arousal that was rising simultaneously within them. The moment came with Dan's cock in Tori's mouth while Gina was licking his balls.

Tori could feel Dan growing and trembling in her mouth, and she knew it was coming. Kissing Gina and watching her suck Dan's cock had her in overdrive. Dan's tongue had gone into overdrive on her clit, and her orgasm grew with his. She felt his steady hands on her torso, squeezing her tighter and tighter, and the last thought she had before she lost control was that she wished his hands were squeezing her even tighter. She was not usually a moaner, but she completely lost it, moaning into Dan's surging cock.

Gina had often wondered, and fantasized, about what it would be like to kiss Tori, but actually doing it had taken her to a level of arousal she had never imagined. She could feel Dan's balls tightening, and she could also hear Tori's elevating moans, and she knew she was coming too. She As she realized her friends were coming together, she was almost stunned to find that she was as well. She ground her wet crotch even harder into Dan's leg and then he was lifting her into the air with the same leg, and then it was like a sudden electric charge surging through her, her mind went completely black and she felt her body uncontrollably shaking.

Dan couldn't see what the girls were doing, because his face was buried in Tori's crotch, and there was no better place. She was warm and wet and delicious, and he could also tell she was loving what he was doing to her. He couldn't see what the girls were doing, but he could feel it, and visualize it, and as he felt his third orgasm of the afternoon beginning to build, he realized that Tori had him in her mouth and Gina was licking his balls and grinding her wet crotch into his leg. Somehow he could feel, and sense, both girls reaching, and the feeling that he was satisfying them made his orgasm exponential. When he did come it was the most intense he had ever had. His toes curled up and then stretched out, he felt every muscle in his legs become taut, and he was consciously aware that his hands on Tori's torso were digging in with a grip that might be strong enough to break her in half, and his leg was likely lifting Gina off the chair.

It may have been minutes, or hours, before the three physically spent bodies gathered enough mental awareness to move at all. The two girls curled up on the chair on either side of Dan, their heads on his shoulders, his arms around them. The girls each had a hand on his chest, their fingers intertwined. After three orgasms, it was the first time in two days Dan didn't have an erection.

"That was an," Dan murmured. "I'm not sure the OTHERS would agree. After all this time we've spent together trying to keep this from happening with someone else, this is ironic."

"Well, on the positive side, at least the OTHERS will be the beneficiary of our educational interaction," said Tori softly. "Dan, I actually don't think you needed much education in how to go down on a woman - you were fabulous. But at least you know you're doing it right."

"Thanks, maybe you could tell Ellen, it doesn't seem to work for her," Dan said. "Gina, I can promise you that now that you've learned how to give a blow job, Harold will be flying out to see you every weekend."

"Yeah, well, maybe not," said Gina. She was silent for a moment. "I need to tell you guys something, but you have to promise you won't get mad," she said.

Tori and Dan nodded in agreement.

"The truth is, Harold and I broke up," she said slowly. "It happened about a month ago. I didn't want to tell you guys because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to hang out with you anymore."

The revelation was met with stunned silence, then Dan spoke up. "Gina, that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard," he said. "Except that I did the same thing. I broke up with Ellen a month and a half ago."

More silence, this time broken by Tori. "You guys are light weights," she grinned. "I broke up with Stan two months ago."

A jaw dropping extended silence ensued. Each thought about how the other two had sacrificed to keep the group together. They thought about how their guilt at what had happened over the weekend was no longer. Then they thought about what would happen next.

Gina had a vision, she was on all fours, Dan was behind her fucking her brains out, and her face was buried between Tori's legs. Tori had a vision where she was sitting on Dan's cock, leaning back and kissing him, while Gina was in front of them, licking the length of Dan's cock and then her clit. In Dan's vision, the two girls were in front of him, lovingly embraced in the 69 position, as he watched them and stroked his cock.

The silence on the deck was almost deafening. Then slowly, the girls let go of each other's hands and both began drumming their fingertips on his torso, gradually moving their hands downward. As Dan felt their hands gliding down his body, he was stunned and amazed to feel his cock growing hard once again. By the time Tori's fingers had reached down to lightly pet his cock, and Gina's fingers had moved down to lightly tickle his balls, he had returned to rock solid.

"I'll bet that we could greatly further our educational pursuits if we took this party inside, maybe to a bedroom," Gina murmured.

"If we get into bed, I'm going to teach you girls things that go beyond your wildest dreams," Dan said.

"Maybe so," answered Tori. "On the other hand, I've been having some pretty wild dreams lately."

All three nodded. Enthusiastically.

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djripdjripover 1 year ago

What a great couple of girls! I love their enthusiasm!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great ending to a wonderful story!

olblueyesolblueyesalmost 6 years ago

hhmmm, one of your better sex tales, loved it, tension was great, well written, well paced and very erotic

52andnotoverthehill52andnotoverthehillover 6 years ago
Very erotic!

I loved the buildup!

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