Coming to America Ch.02


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I didn't give a thought to what Susan would think of the idea. "Sure, why not. Yes, yes. Great. Thanks. I better call Susan and tell her not to get a cab."

"Okay. I'll just go find my friends and tell them I'm leaving. I'll meet you by the statue of the small-dicked guy just inside the entrance door in ten." She flashed me that cute smile of hers, and turned on her heels.

I headed off to look for Jenny and found her chatting with two men, Kyle was nowhere in sight. I explained the situation and told her I'd call her in the morning. She gave me a round of applause and told me to have a good time, adding that I should don my sunglasses in case there were any paparazzi knocking about. She winked at me and I gave her a peck on the cheek before heading for the statue.

I half expected her not to show, for her to come to her senses but she was waiting for me and led us a different way out of the mansion. We exited onto a rear courtyard housing thirty or forty luxury cars, all gleaming brightly under the stars.

Shannen clicked open the doors to a large pick-up truck and I made a fool of myself by walking round to get into the drivers side. She probably thought I wanted to sit on her knee. She wouldn't have been wrong of course!

It took about twenty minutes to get to the airport, a journey I'll never forget. Our mutual flirting continued and the conversation flowed much easier than it did at the party. We were getting along as if we'd known each other all our lives. I couldn't figure out how she'd ended up with the bad girl reputation. Maybe she'd just done a lot of growing up in the last year or so.

As Shannen parked at the airport, I started to feel anxious as it dawned on me that this may not be Susan's ideal first night in L.A. On the positive side, Susan was a big Charmed fan and so I was hoping she'd be excited about meeting my new friend.

"Are you sure your wife's going to be okay with this?" asked Shannen as if reading my mind.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course. What better welcome could there be?"

"Brad Pitt," she laughed.

Shannen waited in the truck while I went to look for Susan. It was twenty minutes before I saw her and during that time, I was a nervous wreck, worrying equally that Shannen would come to her senses and drive off or that Susan would think I was mad and make a scene in front of Shannen.

I called Susan's name and ran toward her excitedly, scooping her into my arms. We embraced tightly, enjoying the feeling of each other, kissing, smiling. It was fantastic to see her.

I took Susan's hand and lifted her suitcase, hurrying out of the airport. I wanted to get the next bit over with, hoping she'd be thrilled when she saw who was playing chauffeur for the night. We reached the pick-up and she did a double take as Shannen climbed down to introduce herself grinning mischievously.

I'd never seen my wife look so startled. Looking at me with her mouth hanging open, she pointed at Shannen. Words failed to come out of her mouth and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hi, I'm Shannen, pleased to meet you Mrs Harrison," she said sweetly.

"Likewise," replied my wife looking between the two of us as if we were aliens.

My worries that the two of them might not get on or that Susan wouldn't want to go back to Shannen's, turned out to be fruitless. Although a big fan of Charmed, Susan wasn't big on celebrity. Certainly not a reader of Hello and the like and not the type to be star struck. I think that helped and once she was over the initial surprise, it was more like we were travelling with an old friend, catching up on what we'd all been up to and gossiping about the world in general.

I looked out of the window as we neared Shannen's and sat nonchalantly at the side of the road was the beggar that I'd given the five dollars to earlier that morning. I squinted to make sure I wasn't seeing things and he raised his drink to me as we drove past, almost as if he knew I'd be passing. The drink looked suspiciously like a can of Guinness and he had a mysterious glint in his eye as he winked at me.

Shannen lived on a ranch in Ventura County, and we wound our way up her long dusty drive past stables, horses and open fields. It wasn't the type of place I expected her to have. I watched her climb down from the cab and even though her black evening dress and centrepiece diamond choker matched the night sky and twinkling stars, she looked out of place amongst the remote surroundings.

I grabbed Susan's suitcase and followed behind the two of them. They were talking food, Mexican to be precise. I felt a pang of hunger, thoughts of a glorious plate full of fajitas and rice popping into my head. The image quickly evaporated as I stopped behind my perfect three-in-a-bed partners. I couldn't believe I hadn't even thought about that when I'd agreed to stay over. How funny would it feel screwing my wife in Shannen Doherty's house? I doubted I'd be able to get Shannen out of my head as Susan and I made love, but I wasn't about to make that public.

Shannen pushed open her front door and two giant dogs came bounding towards us, barking wildly, tails wagging ten to the dozen.

"Max! Luca!" she called as the dogs made to jump all over her. She must have realised at the last minute what she was wearing and palmed them off rubbing their heads ensuring they couldn't jump up.

"They're gorgeous," said Susan. "What are they?"

"Bull Mastiffs. This is Max and this is Luca. Don't look so worried Russ, they won't bite." I stood well out of the way as the girls rained affection on the two dogs. "I'll let them out the back," she said laughing, looking up at me. "They could do with some air."

Once they were safely out of the way, we followed Shannen through to a room where she told us to make ourselves comfortable. Immaculately presented, it contained two giant sofas, the biggest TV screen I'd seen outside of a cinema and a very flash looking stereo. There were small family pictures dotted around the room and a nice photo of Shannen with Holy Marie Coombs, which Susan picked up and looked at.

"You two good friends?" she asked.

"Are you kidding? She's like my best friend. She was there tonight Russ. I'm surprised you didn't see her. What can I get you two to drink?"

"What are you having?" Susan asked her.

"I fancy a glass of wine I think."

"May as well crack a bottle open for the three of us then; that okay with you Russ?"


"Great," said Shannen. "Red or white?"

"Oooh, red please," said Susan.

"Put some music on will you Russ?" said Shannen as she was leaving the room. "The CD's are in the cupboard under the hi-fi.

She had quite a collection, mainly rock stuff, classics from yesteryear (Beatles, Stones, Beach Boys, Bowie, Zeplin and the like) and quite a few bands I'd never even heard of. I plumped for the soundtrack from my favourite movie – Swingers. It seemed quite apt and I couldn't help smiling to myself as Dean Martin's smooth vocals eased out of the sizeable speakers.

"You know what Russ?" asked Shannen as she reappeared with a bottle of wine, three glasses and an opener. "You're so fucking money and you don't even know it!"

"Vegas baby, Vegas!" I replied as Susan groaned on the sofa beside me.

"You not a fan?" Shannen asked Susan.

"Not really," said Susan looking at me. "Don't get me wrong. It's an okay film but he just goes on about it all the time and we even have it as our bloody screen-saver on the PC at home. The soundtrack's better than the film."

"You ever met Favereau or Vaughn?" I asked Shannen, ignoring Susan's comments.

"No unfortunately. They've not exactly set the silver screen on fire since though have they? You seen Made? "


"What did you make of it?"

"Rubbish to be honest."

"Yeah me too."

The next two hours went on like that: Susan and I on one sofa, Shannen on the other facing us. Shannen's phone rang a couple of times but she just let the machine pick it up. We listened to more CD's and then Shannen fetched her guitar and we took it in turn to play songs to each other, Susan joining in with the singing.

I don't think I ever stopped being amazed that night. I kept looking round thinking I was having the world's greatest dream. Surely it couldn't get any better?

We were well loosened up, on the way to being drunk even, when Shannen excused herself to visit the bathroom.

"How cool is she?" I asked Susan.

"Alright calm down mister 'I'm in love with Shannen'."

"As if!" I retorted.

"Ooo Shannen you play the guitar so well. Ooo Shannen you have great music taste. Ooo Shannen, I can't believe we like the same films and books. Ooo..." She stopped as I dived on her, starting a wrestling match on the sofa until I finally had her giggling and pinned down.

"Admit you love her too or I'll strip you naked."

"Nuh-uh," she said shaking her head.

We wrestled some more until she wriggled free and then we both collapsed back on the sofa as we heard the sound of the toilet flushing above us. We were breathing heavily, laughing aloud.

"I'll admit this much though Russ. If I was going to have my first girl on girl fun, she wouldn't be a bad choice, especially as you couldn't manage to meet up with Sarah Michelle Gellar you useless git."

"Useless git? Thanks for that. Well unlucky anyway, 'cos I'd just like to remind you that I'm actually allowed to shag her." I got the list out of my wallet. "Here look, it's signed by my wife and everything." I waved it in front of her face as she frantically tried to grab it off me.

"Gimme that. I can't believe you still have it you saddo."

Neither of us had heard Shannen come back into the room. "What's he got?" she asked laughing along.

I froze in horror and turned to face her. Quick as a flash, Susan whipped the list out of my hands and to my disbelief said: "a list and you're on it!"

"What sort of list?" Shannen asked looking curious now.

"It's nothing," I said trying to grab it back but the girls weren't having any of it.

Shannen took it from Susan and started to read from the card. "Famous women I'm allowed to make love to. Make love to huh?" she teased. "Susan Sarandon, Kylie Minogue, Jennifer Aniston, Rachel Hunter, Nicole Kidman. " She flipped the card over and carried on. "Liv Tyler, Angelina Jolie, Shannen Doherty, Heather Graham, Jamie Lee Curtis. I hereby agree that my husband, Mister Russell Harrison may sleep with any of these women, signed Susan Harrison. You know I'm kind of insulted Russ. Only number eight on the list?"

"It was just a bit of fun. You're not actually in any particular order. If it makes you feel any better, you'd be number two on Susan's list, right behind Sarah Michelle Gellar."

"Really?" said Shannen, her eyes opening wide. I was almost sure she was suppressing a smile. "Now that is flattering. Sarah's a very good friend of mine. I don't mind coming in number two to her but some of these others Russ. I don't know." She was going to milk this for all it was worth. I just sat shaking my head and raised my hands in the air, too embarrassed to say anything else. "Still, I suppose making your top ten out of all the women in the world isn't too bad. Wanna dance?"

She'd put on some Frank Sinatra and I looked across at Susan for approval. She nodded that it was okay and so I said "Sure," as coolly as I could do.

"Not you silly," she replied. "Susan."

My wife gave a little look of surprise before walking over to Shannen, swaying her hips in time with the music. Standing a few inches taller than Shannen, she put her arms around her waist. Shannen looked up and smiled gently, enclosing her hands around my wife's neck. They moved closer; their breasts touching, faces only inches apart.

Edging slowly round in a tight circle, Shannen rested her head on Susan's shoulder, her face a picture of smug contentedness as she glanced up at me. I decided to head up to the bathroom. I didn't want to sit there and let her think I was jealous, even if I was. I took my time, attempting to clear my head of another alcoholic fog, splashing my face with cold water and taking in deep breaths of air. Their little show of intimacy had reminded me that it was ten days since Susan and I had made love. I looked at my watch. Twelve thirty am. Another half an hour and then I'd start the yawns and the hints that it was time to retire for the night.

I expected them to be seated by the time I got down, but they were still dancing. I frowned as I looked at the lights, wondering if they'd been dimmed. I looked back at Susan and Shannen who had turned a little more. Their lips were pressed together, eyes closed, their tongues dancing together with the passion and rhythm of a salsa. Frozen to the spot, I was unsure what to do. Should I leave the room? Cough? Stand and watch? I had a feeling they knew I was there.

I quietly dropped to the sofa, settling for a ringside seat. They looked too lost in each other for the kiss to be solely for my benefit. My heart began to bang as my cock stiffened, my throat dry. I felt for my glass on the coffee table, my glare not straying from their passionate clinch.

As the song finished, their lips slowly peeled apart. They gave each other a final peck, breaking free of the embrace and turning to face me. I gave them a round of applause, smiling widely in appreciation of their little scene.

"Your wife is one hell of a kisser Russ. You're a lucky bastard you know," exclaimed Shannen walking towards me to scoop her drink from the coffee table.

"Right now," I replied. "I'd say I was about the luckiest guy in the world."

"Care to keep your streak going? Susan and I decided it was time for bed. You wanna join us?" She had one hand on her hip, the other offering red wine to her blushed lips. She was in total command.

My Adam's apple rose and fell as I attempted to gauge whether she was just fucking with my head. I looked at Susan, her face betraying no emotions of surprise, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Do you think we should let him Shannen?" crowed Susan seizing on the uncertainty I was failing to disguise. "I'm not sure I want to share you." She looked at Shannen, placing one hand on her ass, the other rubbing teasingly at her own pussy through the material of her short skirt.

I wasn't dreaming but the feeling of incredulity was overwhelming. I wasn't in the habit of having my fantasies turn in to reality. My brain was working overtime, attempting to calculate if my wife was capable of winding me up to this degree. I decided after what seemed an age that she was not. They had to be serious.

"Shannen," I declared trying to sound confident, "I'd love to join you. Lead the way."

Her expression told me it wasn't going to be that easy. She was doing the cute toe twisty thing again while my wife's hand continued to explore her shapely ass. "Maybe your wife has a point. We were doing just fine without you." They both smirked, obviously not content until they had me on my knees, begging to join in.

"Fair point, but you'll have a much better time with me added to the equation." I tried lamely.

"Oh we will, will we?" mocked Susan sarcastically.

"Uh-huh. Maybe you're forgetting that I have something the two of you don't."

"Now that's not strictly true," said Shannen.

"How do you work that out?" I frowned, checking out Shannen's crotch for any surprising bulges.

"Well I have Bob upstairs waiting for me whenever I need him," she replied.

"Bob?" I asked in unison with Susan.

"Yeah, my battery operated boyfriend. Bob! He has a few non-vibrating relations too," she stated calmly as if talking about the latest kitchen gadget.

"Not exactly the same though is it. To quote U2, there ain't nothing better than the real thing!" I sang.

"Well, I'm still not convinced Shannen. What do you think? It's your call," said Susan smugly, obviously enjoying her newly acquired membership to the girls union.

Shannen gave me that look again. The look I couldn't read. Was now the time to drop to my knees and grovel?

"If he passes the test he's in."

The test? Sounded like she'd set it a few times before.

"If it's okay with you Susan, I wouldn't mind discovering how skilful he is with his tongue." She winked at my wife.

Susan nodded her approval and Shannen walked toward me with purpose.

"I want you to lick my cunt Russ," she whispered.

It was a bit of a shock to not only hear the word cunt elide from Shannen Doherty's mouth, but to have her look me in the eyes whilst uttering those dirty words made it my favourite sentence ever.

Looking at Susan being led to the sofa by Shannen, I wondered what was going through her mind. Engaging in sexual practices with another female wasn't exactly normal practice for either of us. We'd talked about swinging in the past but that's all it was. Talk. Hell, as far as I was aware, Susan hadn't even kissed another woman until a few minutes ago. She wasn't averse to complimenting women; looks, figures, breasts, bums etc., but I never thought I'd ever witness her in a passionate embrace with one. Then there was the jealousy factor. How would she handle that?

"Hey Russ are you gonna get down on your knees and pleasure me sometime this century or shall we just forget about you?" barked Shannen impatiently. I snapped out of it and looked at her sat back on the sofa, knickers round her ankles, dress pulled up around her waist and decided she had every right to be irritated. I'm sure it wasn't every day she dropped her drawers for a relative stranger. What a sight. I was down on my knees in a shot, skidding across the laminated flooring towards her like a Brazilian celebrating the winning goal in the World Cup final.

Looking up at her face, she was smiling with wild anticipation. To the side of her, Susan was lowering the straps on her dress, ready to free her breasts. She shuddered slightly as my fingers made contact with her bare skin for the first time. I started with a hand on either thigh, just above her knees, being careful to take a firm grip so as not to tickle her. Her skin was incredibly smooth and cool to the touch. As my hands glided slowly up those milky thighs, her skin became warmer, as if my fingers were on some incredible journey towards a blazing furnace.

"Oh god," said Shannen, involuntary bucking. I was at the tops of her thighs but her reaction wasn't my doing. Susan was squeezing Shannen's breasts, tweaking and pinching her tumescent puce nipples whilst kissing her neck. It was going to be difficult to concentrate and I wished I had as few clothes on as Shannen. My cock was struggling intently against the confines of my boxers.

The skin surrounding her pussy lips was shaved and as smooth as her legs. She had a mound of dark thick hair above her opening and I ran the fingers of my left hand through it as I traced a line from the bottom to the top of her labia with my other hand. She moaned slightly as my left hand glided around her exposed flesh, my finger continuing to work up and down her slit. Her lips began to part, becoming slicker and swollen under my caress.

"Oh yeah...stick it in Russ. Finger my cunt," she breathed.

I could definitely get used to her telling me what to do. Gripping her knee tightly with my left hand, I carefully slid my finger up her slippery passage. Twisting it round slowly, I teased the inside walls of her vagina and hooked my finger round searching for her g-spot. The sudden contraction of her muscles and a loud moan told me I'd hit the target. I kept the pressure on a few seconds until I felt her body relax a little, and then continued stroking.

"Oh, that feels nice. Yes, oh god yes."