Confusion Ch. 06

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Can Don and the wives work things out?
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 06/18/2003
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Back in Don's room the three settled in to discuss the past two days. Diane was very sympathetic with Jenny wanting a baby. To Don's surprise she agreed with Jenny that Don would be the good choice to father the child since Joe couldn't. Both women laughed at him when they saw his jaw had dropped to his chest.

Diane explained she had been exploring her feelings ever since Don had returned and wasn't hurt. At first she was sure her marriage was in trouble. Then she had been hurt that Don not only betrayed her, but according to Joe had given Diane to Joe. Then last night, when Don left her to go to Jenny, she was so mad she was near murder. When she found Joe climbing into bed for sex with her she felt she had again been traded to Joe for Jenny. She felt that Don was treating her like a possession, not a person. She had never felt so lost in her life.

That was the stage she was still in when Don came home that morning. Yesterday she had waited for Don to say something about what had happened, and of course he hadn't said a word. Don of course believed that Diane had been asleep when he left to go to Jenny. He didn't think Diane even knew about what was happening, and he was unaware that Joe had screwed her. When he disappeared after discovering Joe and Diane getting it on she was sure he didn't have the courage to face her after what he had done.

When she finally found out what had been going on and why, Diane was surprised to find she sympathized with Jenny. When she searched her feelings she was not jealous of Jenny. With any other woman, it wouldn't have worked, but they were closer than sisters, and she didn't feel threatened by Jenny. In fact to Don's consternation she urged him to be sure Jenny had her baby.

That was when Don got up and went to go for a walk around the lake. Taking the stairs leading directly to the lake walk Don paused to admire the view. He was so keyed up he almost took a swing at whoever suddenly put their hands on the back of his neck. Turning he was happy to see both women had followed him out to keep him company.

They were over an hour in their stroll, watching a beautiful sunset before they returned. Coming back up the stairs they heard a banging and heard Joe demanding Don open the door. Poking their heads around the corner they found a very drunk Joe pounding on the door to Don's room and shouting for him to open the door. The three stood and watched until Joe pulled out the key to his own room and opened, breaking through the security chain in doing so. After Joe had gone in and shut the door behind him, they walked quietly to Don and Diane's room, entered and shut the door quietly behind them. Now didn't look like the time to talk to Joe.

Jenny asked if she could stay with them, she wasn't sure how Joe would behave if she went in the room just then. They agreed, Diane telling her she should spend the night with them. At that Jenny blushed and the girls found Don's chin had dropped on his chest again.

The three of them each had another drink before getting ready to go to bed together in the big king sized bed in Don and Diane's room. Unlike Jenny and Joe's room there was only the single bed, big as it was.

It seemed like only minutes before they heard someone shouting in the hall, "God Damn woman's STILL not home!" Then the whole building seemed to shake when a door was slammed shut.

"Oh god, that's Joe!" exclaimed Jenny. "Oh dear, what can I do now?"

Diane told her to relax, the three of them were going to have a sleepover, and then she giggled. A grinning Jenny agreed.

Don excused himself and took a long luxurious shower. When he got out he was feeling considerably better. For one thing, he began really hoping he and Diane could work out of this mess and remain together.

After thinking a moment, Don put on a pair of boxers to sleep in. Normally he slept nude, but this didn't seem the time to do so. Throwing on his robe he went to rejoin his two lovely companions.

Pouring and serving them each a drink he sat down on one of the two over stuffed chairs. The women were whispering and giggling to each other, and Don began thinking they really were planning a sleepover ala teen-age girls.

Not sure how he was going to fit into this, he began fiddling with a button on the side of the chair. It suddenly opened up under him and with a shout he found himself laying out flat on a recliner.

After the two women recovered from their hysterical laughter, Jenny excused herself and went in to take her shower.

While she was gone, Diane sat down on his lap and laid back with him in the recliner and they had a soft talk. Diane now understood what had been going on, and the only thing she was upset about was Dons not telling her what was going on. She salved his feelings though, by kissing him and agreeing it wasn't his doing. She begged him to forgive her for her own infidelity.

Don held her tightly and told her he figured out while drinking coffee in the diner that morning that Joe was pulling something pretty shabby. Something had been bothering since he had walked in on Joe and Diane in bed. Finally he decided the locked door between the two rooms was the best key to something being remiss. Not the first night, or even when he found it locked the second night, but seeing the two of them in bed it looked liked part of a well planned scheme. The first night could have been a mistake, the second was just too much of a coincidence. And he began thinking of the first night, and the long wait after he knocked before Joe had opened the door. He couldn't prove it, but he was sure Joe just wanted to be undisturbed while he had a go at Diane. It seemed Joe had been planning this to get into Diane's panties, knowing he had no chance any other way.

They were snuggling one another in the big blue recliner when Jenny came out fresh from her shower.

Diane gave Don a smooch, and trotted in for her turn in the shower and Don sat up in the recliner, leaving the footrest up. Jenny came over in her robe and perched on the arm of the chair Don was in, with one leg curled beneath her and the other long leg stretching down to the floor. The first thought to come to Don was how nice she smelled fresh from the shower, and kicked himself for it.

Looking down at her hands Jenny began, "Don, I feel really guilty for what happened, pretty selfish too. I wanted the baby so bad, and I didn't think Diane would mind. It never occurred to me that you would get mad after all our flirting. I really thought you found me attractive. I'm so sorry!"

Don looked at her, startled, "Jenny, where does that idea come from? The one that I don't think you're cute. Who ever said that?"

"Well," she answered, "I know guys, and if a gal they think is sexy gives them the OK, you fellas all just jump on her. I kind of believed you thought I was, and didn't think it would be such a chore to make love to me. I'm real sorry." She had a fresh scrubbed look, and Don expected her to break into tears any moment.

"JENNY!" Don shouted, "stop that right now! We've got some talking to do woman. Number one, you know damn well that I think you're drop dead gorgeous, and funny, and a lot of fun to be around. Where did you get the idea this weekend that I don't?"

Don's loud shout had scared her, and she seemed to shrink a little as she replied, "Well, it's pretty obvious, isn't it? For gosh sakes, I was actually asking you to make love to me. And you could hardly bear to do even think of it! I mean, I never had that happen before. I know we're friends and all, and still are I guess. I hope," she added looking up at him from underneath her eyebrows. "It's just I thought you meant it when we were flirting."

"Jenny," Don started, then paused. "Jenny you are a sexy little flirt. You have to know that if we weren't married I would be all over you like corn on a cob. But honey, we are married. I can't hurt Diane! My being reluctant to bop you had nothing to do with you, it was all about Diane and me. Don't you ever get any ideas you can't get any man you want. I'm just glad, for Diane's sake and mine that you don't think of me that way."

"That comes from me, too," came Diane's voice from the door to the bathroom. "Jenny, I just heard the last of that. But believe me, you don't have to worry about guys wanting you." She got a devilish look in her eye. "Tell you a secret, girl friend. Some of our best sex has come after you and macho-man here were flirting on a Saturday. I ain't sure he even realized it, but I'm not real slow about things like that. Don never seemed to want to stray, so I never said anything, just gathered the bene's as they say. Nice benefits, too."

Don sat and his head swiveled between the two women, now both in their robes. "Jenny, I was reluctant because I didn't want Diane jealous. And I was reluctant 'cause I didn't want to damage the way you and I feel 'bout each other. And I was slow because I wasn't sure how Joe would feel two years from now. And I was scared of how I would feel about a kid you and I made together. I know I'd love it, I just don't know how I could or can handle someone else being his Daddy. I guess I should say 'will' 'cause you may already be knocked up."

"OK, guys," Jenny said, "I guess I just put the ass before U and ME. Every guy I ever dated, including Joe, if they had a shot at some snatch they sank it. Just like in basketball. I knew you were special, just didn't realize how special. And I'll let you in on a non-secret. You know us gals can usually tell when that old egg pops? Well, mine popped the morning before we drove up here. I'm hoping you got me PG that first night, and almost surely last night. I've never had so much poured into me as you gave me last night. I was hoping to make damn sure tonight, but I bet I'm a mother right now."

Diane walked over and plopped down on Don's lap. "Jenny," she asked, looking up at where Jenny was sitting on the arm of the recliner above her, "aren't you worried about being PG now? I know you and Joe just had a big blow-up. Will it be a problem?"

"No, Diane. Joe and I are mad right now, and maybe we have some things that have to be worked out. Still, I want a baby. It's time for me to be a mother."

"I want Joe to be the daddy, even if he can't be the sire. And I want him to be my hubby and lover. But if this thing this weekend just continues to grow, and we can't get beyond it, I still want to be a mommy. Sounds crazy, but I think I could handle it. My only real concern would be the kid not having a daddy around. That's real important for the kid and I think Joe would be a good one. But you know if not, I know some great guys, like Don, who could be like role models. So if this kid comes along and no Joe, I'll cry a lot, and I'll be real lonely, and money will be scarce, but I still want it. Anyway, Joe and I can get over this, and it might be we end up with a stronger marriage. That's if Joe can grow up a bit. To my thinking, the kid will make both Joe and I grow a bit." She looked down at her flat and sexy tummy, "Of course I'll grow in places Joe isn't going to grow."

Diane sat for a while, cuddling up to Don while they and Jenny chatted. After a while she reached up and cupped her hand against Jenny's cheek. When Jenny looked down at her with some confusion, Diane reached up with both hands to Jenny's waist and pulled her down onto Don's lap with her. Once she was there she put both arms around her and gave her a hug. Then, keeping one arm around Jenny she snaked the other behind Don's neck and pulled him down for to share a long, soft kiss.

Looking fondly into her husband's eyes, her own seemed to twinkle with humor. "Jenny, what I'm going to say would only work with you. And then only because I really do love and trust this big dummy. I didn't know why we were taking this vacation, but now that we are here I think we should see that Don fulfills his obligation. Don't you think so, Jenny?"

Jenny looked confused for a moment, then her eyes bugged out, and she gasped. "Diane, what are you thinking? Haven't both our marriages taken a big enough hit already?"

"Jenny, the hit was because the guys couldn't get themselves to tell the truth and tried to do things behind our backs. Or at least mine! You won't endanger my marriage. I think that if you had approached me right I would have gone along with it from the first." Diane was quiet for a moment, "Well, I think the idea is a good one. And since two thirds of the action has already gone and been done, we might should go ahead and 'do it'. What do you say, Jenny?"

"Hey!" broke in Don. "What about me? Don't I get a say in this?"

"Oh, poo poo Don," Diane answered, "us girls know if we give permission you'll pole vault into the nearest bed."

"Diane!" yelped Jenny. "Don, don't listen to her. If you aren't interes..."

"Hold on there, Jenny!" Don said. "We already went through this. I doubt if there is a man alive who wouldn't sprain a leg getting into the sack with you! That's not the point..."

Diane quietly broke in, "You are damned right that isn't the point. Jenny, Don lusts for you. I'll prove that in a moment. What I'm saying is we, the three of us, go ahead with impregnating you. And it is going to be a three-way deal. I haven't had this sexy hunk all weekend and I plan to get my share too. I'm sure Don understands this doesn't open up our marriage. Neither Don nor I could take that. Though it may open it up to include you, at least on occasion."

"I don't know, honey. What would it do to us?" asked Don.

Diane smiled adoringly up into her man's eyes, "Not a thing, Don. I'm just taking the forbidden out of the weekend. I love Jenny more than any sister could, I have been sharing things with her for a long time. What I would be doing would be sharing my most important possession with her. Don't worry that I would be giving up any of my ownership in you. Just you remember, I'm the owner!"

"At the same time I want to keep the fun and loving. Jen and I are closer than most sisters. This will just make us closer. Face it lover, you and Jenny have been more than just-friends for years. All we're doing is adding a new dimension to it. And I don't think it is that big a change. You would have done almost anything for Jen before, all we're doing is adding the intimacy. You aren't going to leave me, Jenny isn't going to take you away from me. I think the three of us will end up closer than before."

"Just one thing really concerns me, Diane," Don slowly stated. "I couldn't handle you being with someone else. It almost killed me last night. You're right, Jenny is more than just a friend. Next to you, she is my best friend. And that includes Joe, she's a better friend than Joe. But I can't go with adding Joe into our marriage. I just can't do it, honey. I'm worried about your wanting to include Jenny, and Jenny is both a good friend and one of the most attractive women I've ever known. But no way could I handle you with Joe. If that is where we are going, I guess we should split the sheets now while we are still friends. It would drive me crazy."

Diane smiled lovingly at him, "You big doofus. Did you hear me mentioning anyone but Jenny, you and me? Jenny is something special. And I'm not going to step out for a smoke while you two procreate; ain't gonna happen. I'll be here, too. And beyond this weekend, well that's in the future. We do have to think about it but don't have to make any decisions now. As for Joe, the way he manipulated us, there is no way I want him in this threesome. If it weren't for Jenny, I think I'd not allow him in my home again. But he has been a good friend in the past, and now that we know this side of him we can be prepared for it."

Diane smirked at Jenny, rolled up on her back, resting on her arm with her back against Don's chest. With her free arm she pulled down the cloth covering his groin, displaying a cock, hard and quivering with anticipation.

"See," she teased Jenny, "I told you he was interested."

"Uhm... looks good!" breathed Jenny.

"Why don't you sit down here for awhile, and think about what I've just said," snickered Diane, holding Don's pecker proudly pointing straight up.

"Are you sure?" Jenny asked again. Diane could almost see her mouth watering.

"Hey..." Don started, but Diane shushed him and wiggled the rock hard penis at Jenny.

Jenny stood up and slipped the robe off her shoulders, and yanked her panties down. Spreading her legs she straddled Don's legs, then slowly lowered herself over the boner sticking up from his groin.

With Diane sitting in front of him and blocking his view the first thing Don was aware of were two wet labia slipping over his throbbing cockhead and the searing heat inside Jenny's guts. Then the velvety smooth walls of her clasping cunt slid lovingly down over the length of his shaft. Then the lips of her cunt kissed the base of his invading cock and hugged the shaft. He felt his balls sliding across her ass cheeks and the tip of his cock met the soft end of the tunnel as it kissed the end of his penis. Don's hips convulsed upwards and he felt the softness at the tip of his cock seem to open up and the head was clasped by another warm ring deep inside Jenny which pulsated around his velvety hardness.

It seemed to Don that he had been hard for an hour. His maleness had been bursting to break free and sink into a warm sheath. The unexpected clasping, the pulsating around his spear was too much and he suddenly ejaculated heavily into the heavenly warmth of the pussy holding him. His sperm shot straight into the welcoming warmth of Jenny's womb, and that last contribution to her uterus joined an earlier sperm and two wigglers met together at the egg traveling down her tubes. Jenny was impregnated, and some weeks later she heard the news of the twins that were to be born just nine months later.

Jenny couldn't know this when it happened, any more than did Diane and Don. They spent the rest of that day cuddling and procreating, one with another. Diane was not left out, and sometime early the next morning she and Jenny found themselves holding one another and kissing.

To their total surprise they found a physical love for each other. It was never more than a sometime thing. It surfaced and was recognized only when the three of them were sharing their mutual love for Don. That love just seemed to expand to include the two of them at those times.

Yes, Don was part of their love. Because of the trauma and heartache initially created that weekend the three of them found their love one for the other forged and solidified to unbreakable strength.

Jenny finally accepted Joe again, but he was never part of the trio of lovers his selfishness had spawned. In fairness to him, the three were especially careful that Joe never understood the relationship Joe himself had forged between Jenny, Diane and Don. He regained his standing as a family friend to Don and Diane, though he never found himself alone with Diane again.

As Jenny had believed, Joe proved to be an excellent father, caring and supportive. The twins were his as the daddy and no father could be prouder or loved his children more. They in turn loved him, but recognized the special love their Uncle Don and Aunt Diane had for them and returned that love.

It was almost three years later when the two women began talking about their getting pregnant at the same time. Jenny was very enthusiastic about sharing a pregnancy with Diane.

No one considered bringing Joe into the planning process, though Jenny did casually mention he had already approved the process once before.

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miket0422miket04228 months ago

Jenny accepts Joe back after she knows he's cheated on her before and he then manipulates everyone so he can fuck Diane?

Don and Diane accept him back as a friend after he betrayed his supposed best friend and scammed his way into fucking Diane?

Diane had a lot more making up to do to Don than just letting him fuck Jenny again. Her trust in Don and her knowledge of who he is as a person wasn't strong enough to keep her from buying into Joe's lies the first night? She should have known something was wrong with the whole story but, instead she betrays him the first night and then eagerly plans to get some more of Joe's "big salami" the second night?

No one out of the four handled the situation well with their lack of communication but, I don't see a way that any of them ever accept Joe back into the group and Diane should have had some major grovelling to do in order to repair the damage she did to her marriage

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

By far my least favorite Troubador story. Each half of this couple are equally revolting, frankly.

SarahwithloveSarahwithlove10 months ago

Diane letting Joe fuck her as a revenge/anger tactic is a problem for me. She should have been sad about her husband with Jenny. Sex would be the last thing she would want. But she jumped at the chance to fuck Joe, and then did it again because she liked the big cock. I don't see how Joe isn't ostracized from the friendship after his scheme.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I really dont see allowing Joe back into anyones life, he manipulated all three of his "closest" somethings, he had been cheating on jenny w/ at least 1 other cunt prior to manipulating and lying his way into dianes cunt. I dont see jenny continuing to love him unless its as an abused wife scared to leave him, hes immoral, dont see that as being a good role model to pass on to twins. story was far fetched to start but, this ending is, im sorry, deplorable and close to beyond the pale. rk

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Would be a shame for any of these characters to reproduce. The world already has far too many problems without more adulterers and bastard producers. With any luck, undiagnosed STDs have rendered all of them sterile and destined for an early grave.

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