Conquering the Fearsome Foursome Ch. 03


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Before she left, I told her that this would be our secret. She smiled, kissed me on the cheek, and said "Let's not let this be just a one-time thing, ok?" I smiled back at her, "You can count on it."

I dressed and headed for home a very happy camper.

When I got home, the caterer was bringing the food in and tried to explain to me how each should be heated and served, when Irene showed up. Hallelujah. Irene was not only a great fuck, but also a top-notch cook. She understood everything they said and even corrected the poor bastard a few times. I had the bar set up a couple of days before, more out of wanting to get to some of it than to be prepared.

The rest of the ladies arrived, except Rebecca. She showed up late so that she could make an entrance. Her dress looked very familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Oh well, no big shit. Anna told me to be nice to Rebecca and try not to bait her into any debates or the like. "Jack," Anna said, "If you are not on your best behavior today, Irene and I are going to cut you off for a month." Serious threat, but I knew neither of them could last that long. They had 'Jacks-cock-itis'. I turned on the music, mixing in some jazz, big band and early rock and roll.

Anyway, I served as bartender. With the help of a bartender's recipe book, I made all the creations they thought of, some of them a bit too strong. The food was impeccable and Rebecca was truly having a wonderful time. The girls were retelling old "war" stories of the early years, hootin' and hollerin' and generally carrying on. It was a good thing this thing wasn't at any fancy restaurant, we'd have been tossed out long ago. We all presented her with gifts to remember us by. When it came my turn to give her mine, you could feel the air exit the room as they all prepared for the worst. I actually had two for her. In the first was an 8x10 oil painting. I had an old friend paint a collage of all our faces. I thought Rebecca was going to cry, because the others did. "Not so fast ladies, Rebecca, you know I love you. Okay, since we have known each other, we have traded a few barbs. And to honest, yours were, well, lame. So, this is for you, so that when we see you next, you can be prepared." She opened up a book of 1,000 Insults for Every Occasion. You could have heard a pin drop. Everyone was waiting for Rebecca's reaction. Anna and Irene both shot 'eye darts' at me. Then Rebecca looked at me and burst into laughter. She opened the book and told me that I "must have got into the gene pool when the lifeguard wasn't looking."

"Very good, Beck, but work on the delivery."

The rest of the afternoon went splendidly. We drank some more, ate some more and then drank even more. We all were pretty buzzed when they began to filter out. Rebecca stayed to help clean up, even over my protestations. I tried to tell her that I wasn't going to clean it up, that the cleaning people were coming back tomorrow. Couldn't tell this woman anything after she'd made up her mind. So, we picked up and loaded the dishwasher. We also had a chance to really talk. That was something we never really did because the two of us were never alone together. She really wasn't a mean broad, and I was seeing what the other women saw in her.

The music on the stereo played a song we both remembered as one we had danced to together on the night we first met. I tensed up, preparing for this nice repartee to sour. She smiled and said, "Remember this song?" I nodded and she surprised me by asking, "Want to try dancing to it again?"

"Sure, as long as I get to lead."

We came together, assuming the traditional waltz position. "You can hold me closer, Jack. I won't bite, I promise. Yet."

I held her close to me, feeling her womanly curves against me. I couldn't help but remember that night we met, when she started to hate me. It was a club social, and I was there stag, pretty much just to meet new people. I was talking with her husband and one of his business associates when Rebecca came up and asked Eddy to dance with her. He was in the middle of making a point and told her "in a minute." Not interested at all in the topic, I piped up. "Hi, my names Jack. If it's alright with your husband, I'll dance with you." Eddy waved his hand giving is consent.

I escorted her out onto the dance floor and prayed that I would remember my cotillion lessons my mother forced me to take as a kid. "You'll thank me someday," she'd say. Okay Mom, "Thanks, maybe." I held her close, maybe too close, but she didn't object. She smelled magnificent and her body swayed with mine as we moved around the floor. I am much taller that her, so for her to look at me at talk would require her to hold he head back, which did not make for easy dancing. So she sort of laid her head on my chest. The floor became crowded so our dance steps were confined to basically swaying back and forth with the occasional turn. You know, the high school slow dance.

I thought I felt something press against my thigh, and when I instinctively press back, I felt it again. She was pressing her pussy against my thigh. I just met this lady and she is grinding me already. Might be an interesting evening after all. I eased my hand off her waist and up her back. I caressed her back gently; trying to keep her interested, but not be too obvious to the other dancers. When the song ended, thinking I had myself some evening distraction, "Would you like to go someplace a little more private, where we can continue this dance." Well, you'd have thought I had just asked her to fuck me right on the dance floor. Rebecca's eyes narrowed and her face flushed with anger. She stormed off towards the lobby. Curious, or maybe a death wish, I followed her. When I caught up to her I asked her why she was so angry. "What ever gave you the idea that I would even consider anything like what you are proposing? I am a happily married woman and I love my husband." Stupefied, I replied, "The dance, you were ..." "I was what?" she snapped. Oh shit. She wasn't grinding after all. It was all in my imagination. "I thought you came on to me during that dance. I was wrong. I apologize." "Came on to ...? You arrogant bastard. You young turks think every woman is craving you. Well we aren't. So get that into your thick, bony head." She turned and stormed off into the ladies room. Eddy never mentioned it to me so I figured see kept my indiscretion to herself.

As I held Rebecca that afternoon in my house, it all seemed like it was just yesterday. Like déjà vu. Then it hit me. The dress. It looks familiar because it is the same dress. She has on the same dress she wore that night. This dress was spectacular on her then and was spectacular on her now. It was one of those wrap-around silky-material dresses that have a tie and a clasp on the side. It had a nice plunging neckline, not too revealing, but revealing enough to capture any mans attention. "So do you remember, now?"

"Yes. I remember. I am sorry for that you know." She looked up at me and said, "I know. It's ok now. I was too hard on you then and too hard on you afterward too. Forgive me?" I pulled her in to give her a hug, "Of course I do."

We continued to dance when I felt that pressure on my thigh again. I was not going to make that mistake twice, so I relaxed to see if it would happen again. And it did. Again and again. There was no mistaking it now, she was grinding me. "Uh, Beck, is everything ok?" "Sshh, I'm fine. Mmmm." She pushed her groin into my thigh very hard. "You know Jack, that night, you were right, I was coming on to you. Mmmm. And had you spent a little time just talking with me, you would have got into my panties. Mmmm." She was now very obvious with her grinding, even to the point of pressing into me and sliding her pantied pussy up and down my leg. "You jumped the gun and assumed that I would automatically leave with you. I was insulted. You, in essence, called me a slut. Even though I want to be a slut with you, I didn't want to be called one."

"I was a dumb-shit. Again, I am sorry. But Beck, what your doing now..."

"Sshh, let me enjoy. Ok?"

I held her in silence as she moved her hips against my leg, steadily increasing her velocity, whimpering louder until I felt her body shiver and shake. She had herself a mini orgasm on my leg. She looked up at me with a look of serenity. She started to pull back but I held on, "Can't stop now. There's still plenty of music left to dance to."

She got one of those mischievous looks in her eyes and returned to my arms. She parted her dress so that my leg would be in direct contact with her silky panties and be that much closer to her clit. She pressed her pussy harder this time, and with much more determination than before. She didn't attempt to muffle any moans nor hide her pleasure. I reached up and began fondling her tit, and then her nipple. "Jack," she whispered, "my breasts aren't very sensitive to the touch, so that isn't really doing anything for me."

"That's fine, you have no idea how much it's doing for me though."

"Oohh, Jack," she cooed.

She reached down and placed her hand on my bulging cock. "They told me you were well endowed."

They? Told you? A little taken aback, but at this moment, I would let it slide. She massaged my dick through my pants, as now it was my turn to moan and press my hips back. Holding my cock in her hand, she went wild gyrating her hips. In her enthusiasm, she never noticed that I had undone her dress and opened it up so that I could get to her tits. She was beginning to leave little wet spots on my pants leg as her second orgasm overtook her. This one, however, was a bit bigger and her seizure was more evident.

Again, as she started to step away, "You can't stop now." "Jack, sweetie, I think twice is plenty."

"I'm not talking about that. Look at me! You're not going to get me all worked up and then leave me here like this?" My cock was straining the fabric of my pants now and if she didn't take it out, I was going to.

"Poor Jack," she said as she stepped back to me. Rebecca's hand was on my cock, trying to unfasten the belt, pants and zipper all at once. Finally, my aching cock was free and was being handled by the woman who had been tormenting me. She stroked it to its full capacity, smearing any pre-cum over the head and shaft.

"Jack, you DO have a magnificent tool here." That is high praise coming from her. Everyone knew that Eddy was hung like a horse, that I couldn't even hold a candle to him in the dick department. "It is so smooth, Jack. So hard too! A cock only a young man could wield."

While she played with my cock, I eased her dress off her shoulder and to the floor. Feigning a southern belle accent, "Jack, I do declare." But feeling the cool air against her skin, her arousal level heightened and she needed more.

She led me over to the kitchen chairs, and before sitting me down, relieved me of my clothes. Straddling my legs and sitting on my lap, she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. My own arousal level was peaking and I started to play with her breast, but remembering she told me that didn't do anything for her, I decided on holding onto that gloriously plump ass.

"I want to taste your pussy, Beck. I really do."

"That does sound so inviting Jack. But not today. Today I want to feel like a woman. I want to feel you inside me, to hold you close to me. I want to look into your eyes when you cum, knowing that I was one who brought you there."

I wasn't going to argue. I understood her feelings. Eddy's lack of ability over the last couple of months took a psychological toll on her sense of being. She began to doubt her femininity and her ability to gratify a man. So I just kissed her as passionately as I could and held her body to mine.

Finally, Rebecca reached down and pulled the fabric of her panties that was covering her pussy aside, elevating herself, and as I held my cock to her hole, she slid down. My cock entered her with ease. Even though her cunt had been inactive for some time, it remembered what to do with a thick slab of cock. She rocked herself back and forth, pushing her nub into my pelvic bone. I tried to thrust my hips upward into her, but in this position and her weight, I was unable. So I was left with squeezing my PC muscle, which, in turn, made my cock "flex."

She moaned as she began to raise herself and fall in a more hurried pace. Soon she was bouncing on my lap, my cock being driven into her pussy. I wanted her to reach a few orgasms before I made my deposit, so I grabbed her ass with intensity and held on. Rebecca called out "Oh yes" as I squeezed and kneaded her ass cheeks.

"Oh my gaaawwwwd," she cried out as she shook through an orgasm. When she came down, she went faster. With each orgasm, she would ride me harder and harder.

Inadvertently, while toying with her round ass, I brushed my fingers against her asshole. "Do it again." "Do what again?" I panted. "My asshole, play with it."

I pressed a finger onto her asshole, and she immediately pushed herself back into my finger so that it would enter her. She held herself there for a second, my finger inserted up to my first knuckle, before she thrust back down on my cock. "Finger me. Please finger me."

Since I couldn't do anything with my cock except sit there and be fucked, I introduced her asshole to the rest of my finger. She exploded like an orgasmic volcano. To keep that orgasm going, I pumped my finger, and then added a second, in and out of her ass. She was in a frenzy, not knowing whether to push back onto my fingers or to push forward on my cock. So she did both. She took my head in her hands and held it in front of her face, so that I could see the pleasure in her eyes and she could it in mine. "Ooo. Cum! Cum for me! Aaaahhhh! Cum in me!" She rocked back and forth, moaning.

I was at the brink, when the phone rang. Not about to answer it, I let the machine take it. She slowed down so that we could hear the message. She kissed my neck and moaned in my ear while I continued to push my finger into her tight asshole. It was Anna, thanking me for having the party, and that she was especially looking forward to Thursday.

I could hear the smile on her face when she whispered in my ear, "Three down, and one to go!" I could only laugh a second before she restarted. Within minutes, I was back and she had me moaning and yelling, "Here I come. Yes, Oh Yes!" I spewed my sperm into her, filling her pussy with the warm fluid she so desperately wanted from me.

She held my cock in her pussy, along with all my fluids, for as long as she could. She would rock back and forth, until gravity took over and I slid out. I was about to pull my fingers out too, but she stopped me. "If you must take them out, scoop up some of that cock nectar on those fingers and put them back in my ass."

I obeyed her orders and smeared as much of my spunk on my fingers as I could, then found my way back into her ass. "Yes, Jack. Good. Just finger me for a while. Yes, that's it."

I moved my fingers in and out of her asshole, alternating between deep and shallow strokes. She held me tightly, whispering in my ear "Oh, yes. Yes, Jack, deeper. Jack, try three fingers." She was loosening up quite a bit, so I slowly inched a third finger in her. She flinched slightly at first, but as I slithered them into her, she became accustomed to it and resumed moaning.

This was turning me on more and more. Unfortunately, I was losing the feeling in my legs. After sitting in that hard chair for some time, and with her weight directly on my legs, the circulation was being cut off. I wanted to continue with this woman, but if we stayed there much longer, I would be useless.

"Hey, Beck, let's move up to my bed, we'll be much more comfortable and have lots of room to move around."

"Not your bed. How about over there." She was referring to the den. "Sure, let's go."

She stood up and I felt the blood rush back into my legs and feet. As I stood, I had that familiar tingling feeling which made it difficult to walk. Luckily, she was busy getting something out of her purse while I stammered into the room. "How about right here," she said standing in almost the exact place that Angela and I had baptized this house.

"I want you to remember me when you use this room," she said as she sat down on the floor. If she only knew the amount of action this room has seen. I got down with her and we kissed. She rolled over on her stomach, "Finish what you started."

I placed a couple of throw pillows under her hips to raise her ass up. I positioned myself behind her, between her legs, "Beck, you have a gorgeous ass. Absolutely gorgeous." She gave it a little wiggle for me and cooed a thank you. Before I attacked her ass, I grabbed each cheek and squeezed them, parting them and then pressing them together. I bent over and gave each one a kiss.

I pushed my fingers back into her one at a time, until I had the three inside. At this angle, I could also get them in much farther, making her moan and writhe. "Oh God, Jack. Pump 'em. That's it, oh, oh, yes, go deep, yes, push, oh." I pumped her bum pretty hard, I thought I might be hurting her, but she loved it, pushing her ass back into my fingers.

With my other hand, I reached in and played with her clit. "Put you fingers in." I put two fingers into her pussy, and in unison, banged her bottom. She screamed out, clawing at the flooring, until she came. My cock was raging now, and I wanted to take her from behind. Before she could protest, I replaced my fingers in her twat with my cock. I kept my fingers in her ass as best I could, but when I pushed all the way home, she came again and, in the process, moved such that my fingers slid out.

"Jack?" "Mmmm, what?"

"Jack. You cock feels wonderful. But would you like to ... um, would you please fuck my ass? I've never had a big cock like yours in there."

"I've never done that before. Have you?" I admitted. I pulled my cock out of her pussy, and leaned back on my heels. She turned on her side and looked at me, "Really? Never? It's okay. Yes, I did it before I met Eddy. I was traveling through Europe after I graduated from college and met a nice, handsome Greek boy. He was an animal," she said with a remembering smile. "He introduced me to it, and I've craved it ever since. Eddy thinks it is against human nature, so he wouldn't even try it." She stared, looking at no one, then said, "The way you were fingering me, I was hoping you could do it for me. I'll help you. Just take it slowly, and, here, let me put some of this on you."

She pulled out a tube of lubricating jelly from her purse. So that is what she was looking for. She squeezed some onto my cock and, not being ready for the coldness, I flinched. But when she spread it over the head and up and down he shaft with her soft hands, I relished it. She put some on my fingers as well, and then rolled over to bare her ass to me. "Put some in me too. Can't have too much, can we?"

After thoroughly lubricating her ass, I was ready. I placed my slippery cockhead against her eager rosebud and pushed. Having already loosened her up with my fingers, the head popped in easily. "Oh, yes, Jack. Yes! Now slowly, give me more. Slower Jack, that's it, very good. OH! Very GOOD, Jack!" As my dick began to disappear in her hole, she arched her back, pressed her ass into me and egged me on.

The deeper I got, the slower I had to go. I pulled back out and began the process over again, this time a bit quicker. After a few times, I was completely in, my balls were pressed against her labia. "This is tremendous, Beck!" "You're telling me!" she gushed. "Now fuck me. Go slow at first, but I want that meat hammering me, understand?"

I didn't bother replying, I just did it. With a sense of determination, I clobbered that bottom. She was groaning extremely loud and throwing her head back and forth. I held onto her hips, pulling her to me on each thrust and pushing with each withdrawal so that the next thrust would have more power.