Conquering the Fearsome Foursome Ch. 04


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Jess eyed me curiously for a second and then realized what I was doing, and wanted. She straddled my head and lowered herself down to my eager mouth, moving her hips slowly so that her pussy lips and my tongue were barely touching, eliciting a cooing sound from her. She took my stiff cock in her hands and stroked it softly, rubbing the head back and forth across her cheeks and mouth. Almost as if we were reading each other's mind, simultaneously we dove hungrily into each other.

My dick disappeared into her mouth, her tongue magically finding every sensitive spot my cock had. Her head began to bob up and down, my thickness stretching her mouth to its limits. When her jaw began to ache, she would lick the shaft like a lollipop or just take the head in and flick her tongue across the tip. Her soft, silky smooth hands glided up and down, stopping only to caress my balls.

Her pussy was drenched and I was licking her juices excitedly. My hands at first were on her hips and thighs, enjoying her firm muscular legs. But as she became more aroused, her gyrating became more pronounced and made it difficult for me to concentrate on one area of her pussy. I moved my hands to her ass cheeks and pulled her into my face, slowing her gyrating. I sucked her lips into my mouth, holding her ass firmly as she tried to buck wildly. I could hear, and feel, her muffled moans, encouraging me to continue. I began to alternate between sucking her pussy and pushing my tongue into her juicy depths. As I darted my tongue in and out of her, rather than fight my firm hold onto her, she pushed herself down onto my face, almost cutting off my breathing.

I knew she was very close to orgasm, as was I, and I wanted hers to be big. I moved my lips to cover her swollen clit, but not touching it. I let my tongue lightly brush across it and she jolted suddenly and moaned. I touched it again and she pressed down onto me wanting more. I held her ass strongly and sucked her clit hard into my mouth. She threw her head back, my cock coming out of her mouth, and moaned loudly. She groaned out an "Oh yes!" before taking my cock back between her lips.

That loud moan and groan reminded me that Sheryl was still watching. I glanced out of the corner of my eye to see if she was in fact still there, and she was. I couldn't see her hands because they were beneath her nightgown, but I could see that her arms were moving in such a way that it was obvious she was masturbating. Her mouth was open, panting maybe, or fighting a silent scream. I wanted both to cum now, one I would watch and the other I would taste. I sucked Jess's clit again, but this time I moved one finger into her pussy and another to her ass hole. After having Rebecca's ass, I wanted to enjoy that aspect more often. Jessica couldn't control herself any longer. She took my cock into her mouth as far as she could and began to shudder and shake. Her screams stifled by my cock, the vibrations bringing me closer to my own orgasm. Her pussy juices flowed over my face and into my mouth.... she tasted so, so good, I didn't want it to end. I looked over to Sheryl and saw her begin to shake as well. Her head back and shoulders quivering meant that she too was in the throes of an orgasm. I sucked hard again on that ripe pussy, trying to get another orgasmic eruption. I was rewarded seconds later with one that pushed me over the edge. I opened my mouth as wide as possible and covered as much of her pussy as I could; I was rewarded with all of her vaginal liquid in my mouth. I could feel her moans on my cock and my balls tightened. I felt my own orgasm swelling up within as I too began to shake. She could tell I was ready to explode as she readied herself for the onslaught. I felt my cum traveling up my cock as it began to pulsate and spew my own juices into her very receptive mouth.

She gulped and swallowed as fast as she could, having to have only the head in her mouth to make room for the liquid gold. With each swallow, I replaced it with a new load. I felt like it was never going to end, but sadly, it did. Exhausted, I relaxed my head back and held her tightly just as she was. She slowly licked and slurped up any cum that escaped her mouth. Once finished, she rolled off, and turned to lie next to me in my arms. We kissed lightly, holding each other and enjoying the euphoria of some great oral sex.

Suddenly she sat up. "We need more wine, come on." She stood up and started heading for the kitchen. I followed, but knowing Sheryl was nearby, I took my time, even stopped near where she was hiding, so that she could get a good close-up view of my cock. When I was sure she got an eyeful, I went into the kitchen to join Jess. I pulled her to me and kissed her hard, grinding myself into her. I was hoping to make just enough noise to allow Sheryl to make her escape. After a few minutes of that, I led Jessica back out to the living room. We played with each other, kissed and sucked a little more and finished the bottle of wine. I knew she had an early morning, so I kissed her passionately, got dressed and went home a very contented young man, knowing full well that I would be fucking at least one of them, Mom or daughter, very, very soon.

At our Monday golf outing I was a bit nervous about Sheryl. Would she treat me differently? Well, I had to get past it and act as if she saw nothing. I was paired with Anna, which was nice because she always let me rub her pussy between holes. It did nothing for my golf game, but it sure as hell put me in a better mood.

The men in the locker room knew I played golf with them and they kept on me to try to help these women improve their game, if not for the sake of the women's enjoyment of golf but also for the shear safety of all the others out there on the course. So today I took it upon myself to offer up gentle suggestions, gentle being the operative word here.

We were on the back nine, and Sheryl hit a shot that hit a tree and landed on the green 2 feet from the hole. Unfortunately, it was the green for the front nine and she nearly castrated poor Mister Barker who was in the process of putting. I jumped out of the cart and went up to the tee box where Sheryl was standing. I put a new ball on the tee and told her to try again, but let me help her. Amazingly, she was amenable and I stood behind her to check her stance and swing. She took a few practice swings and I saw immediately what her problem was.

I stepped up behind her, wrapped my arms around her and gripped the club with her. Startled, she said, "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Shut up, Sheryl. I'm showing you how to swing a golf club so you won't send another golfer running and screaming from the course."

"Ok, fine...asshole!" She added "asshole" with a smile.

Testy, isn't she? "Just let me lead, ok?"

I brought the club back to the optimum height and then brought it back down, complete with a good follow through. We did it a few times. Her swing not only included her arms and upper body, but she also wiggled her ass too. With me behind her, when she swung, her ass was right up against my dick. Now between my playing with Anna's pussy and Sheryl's wiggling ass, my cock was beginning to come alive.

After the fourth swing, Sheryl whispered, "I think I've got it now, because I think you're enjoying this too much."

As I stepped back, she turned and instinctively her eyes dropped to my crotch. There definitely was a bulge, but thankfully her little comment deflated it a bit. I blushed and told her to go ahead and swing away. Happily, the ball didn't travel as far as it usually did, but it was still in the fairway.

I figured that for the rest of the round, she would be fine and not need any more "pointers". But on the next hole, she looked and me and said "Aren't you going to help me?" Surprised, I went up and took my position again. This time she didn't wait for the swing to wiggle her ass; she did it almost as soon as I got there. She did this on each of the remaining holes. My cock was getting to be like Pavlov's dog, each time she set up to take a shot, it would start twitching in anticipation of that ass wiggle.

Lunch wasn't much better. We were seated at a table that was really too small for a group of four. So we had to sit rather close together. Sheryl maneuvered herself next to me and made it a point to brush her leg up against mine and lean into me when she spoke to me, so I not only got a whiff of her recently applied perfume, but a soft tit against my arm.

By now I was in desperate need of relief. While the ladies ate and chatted, I devoured my lunch, chugged my beer and excused myself with the explanation that I had to get ready for my trip to the lake the next morning, which was true. As I was leaving I noticed Nancy, my last new triumph, across the room. Maybe she could drop by and alleviate some of my frustrations. I headed straight to her table. She was sitting alone at the moment so I had to hurry, because I knew someone would end up joining her soon.

"Hey, Nancy. How did you hit them today?"

"Jack!", she beamed. "I hit them quite often, frankly." We both laughed, as that was the typical reply when the score was poor.

"That's why we drink afterward! Say, you have any plans this afternoon? I thought we could get together and discuss.... unfinished business." I gave her a big smile and a wink at the last part.

"Oh, Jack, I wish I could, really. I mean, really! But I have appointments all day today. How about tomorrow? I'm free all day tomorrow and would love to 'finish the business'!"

"Damn, I am out of town through the end of the week." I gave her a playful pout and added, "Would you mind if I gave you a call?"

"I'd love that. But not at my home number, please. Here's my cell number. Leave a message if I don't pick up, please!" She scribbled her number down on a napkin and handed it to me, slowly dragging her fingers across mine at the exchange. I was definitely going to be using this number in the near future.

Just then, one of her friends came up and sat down, practically ignoring me except for the slight look of contempt for me on her face.

"I will, I definitely will! Well, I better let you get back to your lunch. Well, hello Linda, it's always a pleasure to see your dazzling smile; it just brightens up my day. Bye ladies."

Nancy gave me one of those looks that my mother always gave me when I was rude, but I could also see she was trying to suppress a laugh. I left the club and drove home, making mental notes of everything I needed to take care of before I left.

Tuesday morning could not come soon enough. I had gathered all the necessary documents for the closing. I arrived at Sheryl's a few minutes early so that I could load her stuff in the car while she did any of her last minute primping that women always have to do right before walking out the door. She had her bag on the stoop already and a box of catalogs etc. that we could look at in deciding what type of decorating I would like. I tossed her bag in the trunk and put the box on the back seat in case she wanted to look at them while we drove.

Amazingly, she was all ready to go. Also amazing was what she was wearing. She had on this bright yellow halter-top that fit her very well. The fabric clung to her tits and really left nothing about them to the imagination. I could practically see through it. With this top, no bra could be worn. Her shorts were fitted, no panty line could be noticed, and I was definitely looking. The shorts accentuated her round ass and each cheek was well defined. She wore open-toed sandals, showing off a newly acquired pedicure. Her hair and make-up were applied impeccably too. In my present state of "blue-ball-ness", this could be a very look trip if I couldn't get her into bed.

She gave me a little peck on the cheek, letting those big beauties brush up against me. She climbed into the passenger seat and buckled herself up. She asked if I could put the top down for the drive, since it was such a nice day. As I raised the top and prepared it for the drive, I couldn't help but look at her, sitting there with her legs crossed sexily and running her hands through her hair. I wondered if she was oblivious to what she was doing to me or if this was all some grand scheme to teach me some sort of lesson women like to do to men. Oh well, it was only a few days and I still had "Rosie Palm and her five sisters" if it got too much.

The drive there was uneventful. However, she looked absolutely radiant with the wind blowing in her hair, the cool air making those nipples even more erect and every time she wanted to make a point in the conversation, she would pat my thigh. We arrived in good time since there wasn't any traffic. I had her drop me off at the title company's office for the closing and she could take the car and scout out some stores for more ideas.

I did the walk-through of the house and the closing went smoothly; I was out of there in a few hours. The house was actually only about 10 blocks from the office, so I decided to take a walk to get myself acclimated to the area. I found a little liquor store along the way, so I dropped in a bought a nice bottle of champagne and bottle of Tequila for some celebrating.

When I got back to the house, I found Sheryl sitting out on the boat dock, watching the sunset. I put the champagne in the refrigerator to cool, made us a pitcher of margaritas on the rocks and joined her.

"This is so peaceful, so relaxing, I could just stay her all night," sighed Sheryl. I looked at her and she did have that look of contentment, of being at ease and all the stresses of her real world were gone. It was a bit reassuring that she was so comfortable being alone with me, and to be honest, a bit of a turn on too. She now had a special glow, or radiance, that made her more beautiful to me. We sat on the dock, sipping our drinks in silence, watching the sun fall below the tree line on the other side of the lake.

Once the sun set, we were rather surprised at how much we had drunk when we stood up. Actually she stood up. I only got halfway before I lost my balance and fell into the water. After we laughed ourselves silly, I climbed out and we made our way back to the house.

I went upstairs to change while she readied dinner. I put on a pair of shorts and my favorite Hawaiian shirt and headed for the kitchen and another margarita. She handed me the steaks to be grilled and she went to change herself, claiming something about feeling gross in the same outfit all day. I just nodded knowing full well it was useless to argue with a woman regarding her attire.

Just as I pulled the steaks off the grill, she emerged in a red sundress that nearly took my breath away. It highlighted her skin complexion; the spaghetti straps were loose enough that it covered just enough of her breasts so that her nipples were not exposed. I was awestruck.

" look.... fabulous. Really... fabulous. Wow." She smiled at me, obviously happy at getting the reaction that I gave her. I was either in for a long night of fun or one of total frustration.

We sat down to eat and the topic of discussion centered mostly on the furniture she had found and other decorating ideas for the house. I was truly impressed by her knowledge on the subject and found myself actually paying attention to what she was saying rather than what I was seeing. The most impressive thing is that she understood my tastes and was not going to make this into her little show house, but also not into a frat house either.

I agreed with everything she suggested and we retired to the den for some music and to break open the champagne. I popped open the bottle and the cork flew across the room and hit the only lamp in the room, knocking it over and breaking the bulb. Plunged into darkness, we scrounged around the place looking for candles, laughing at my "suave and debonair" manner. Finding a few half-burnt candles in the kitchen, we lit them and settled into the small sofa together.

As we drank, the mood soon changed from that of silliness. I couldn't help but admire her body. The more I ogled her, the hornier I got. I soon was feeling my cock grow down my leg and out the pants leg of my boxers and shorts. Sheryl knew I was looking at her, even in the dim candlelit room. Then I saw her eyes look down and grow wider. She saw it. What was going to be her reaction? Would she bolt? Would she get pissed off and yell at me? Would she get excited like she was when I was with Jessica? I hoped for the latter.

But she just stared at it. Stared and said nothing, did nothing. I guess it was up to me to break the ice. I leaned over to her and softly whispered in her ear, "Go ahead and touch it. It's ok, I want you to."

Her gaze went up to my face, "I shouldn't. I'm married and you and Jessica..."

"You want to do it. I know you do. You wouldn't have been dressing the way you've been dressing or flirting with me unless you wanted me to notice. And as for Jessie and me, well, she has a lot of school left and I don't want to put any kind of hold on her that would be unrealistic. If after she's done with school and we still feel the same, then we will see, but until that time, we both agreed to have fun together and let the chips fall where they may. Sheryl, I'm not going to force you, but I have to tell you, I want you...I want you bad. Sheryl, touch it."

Her eyes slowly went back to my very hard cock. I put my arm around her shoulder, softly caressing her silky skin and in the process, easing the strap of her dress off her shoulder. Her hand slowly reached for my knee, then to my inner thigh and stopped just inches from my engorged purple helmet. With my other hand, I eased the other dress strap off her shoulder. Her large tits held the dress up, but all it would take would be a little tug and they would be free.

She looked back at my face and I gave her a little kiss on the lips. She sighed and kissed me again, this time a little harder. All at once, she pushed her tongue into my mouth and let her hand travel the final few inches. I moaned as I enveloped her in my arms and felt my cock grow under her touch.

I kissed her with as much passion as I could muster, letting her know that my lust for her was truly as intense as I had said. Although with my cock in her hand, she surely knew that already. She broke our kiss and pushed me back. "I have a fantasy I want to fulfill first. I want to experience your cock first before you experience me, ok?" I nodded as she pushed me back against the arm of the sofa.

Her one hand was rubbing the length of my cock while the other played with the exposed head. I instinctively raised my hips with each stroke and I hoped she would hurry and pull off my shorts. But no, she was taking her time, rubbing the shaft, pulling the shorts leg up each time exposing more and more. I could only lean my head back and moan.

Finally with amazing skill, she pulled my shorts and boxers down to my knees just as I had raised my hips again. My cock sprang up, literally slapped me in the belly. She gave a little gasp, finally getting a close up look at my full size. Using both hands, she began to stroke my shaft, play with my balls and tease my pre-cum soaked head.

She leaned in slowly, gave the head a small kiss and a ice cream cone lick, then raising up with a "Mmmm!" I knew I had given her control of the situation, but that was only going to be temporary. Once I got my cock into her, she would be mine, completely. I pushed my shorts and boxers the rest of the way off so that I could spread my legs wider to give her better access.

She leaned back in and again kissed and licked the head, then traveled down the shaft to my balls to kiss and lick them as well. "These balls are nice and full, Jack. Have you been saving yourself for me?"