All Comments on 'Conversations'

by The Style Guy

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
three stars

"She asked, "If I need help ... If I need to talk ... can I call you?""

No, the only accpetabe answer is no

You knight have to remain civil when in public together at family gatherings

You do not have to be the whore's freind

Bebop3Bebop3over 4 years ago
Good story, Mr. Guy

I'm not sure why he felt the need to talk to her, but to each their own.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Automatic 1 as a matter of policy now for

any author who writes a blubbering, vomiting husband or who tells the children that they need to respect and love their (cheating, slut) mother or who needs "closure" or who avoids thinking creatively by using a host of other LW cliches.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
the right move

she got back into the saddle FAST.

for all her crying and begging, she did it out of (not my words) fear.

fear of losing the best mate she's had.

but she's not heart broken. that tells me something, her capacity for loving others was far lower than his. he's far better off without her.

she's a cat, she'll land on her feet...or back. lol

too easy. like her. oooo!

seriously, i'm glad he ditched her, she's dead weight. no real remorse.

only selfish grief over what losing him meant for her.

Rob5373Rob5373over 4 years ago
Sad, but realistic story

It was a real life story with a real life ending. The ending was appropriate but Amy never explained why . We know MB pushed her into the affair but we never heard Amy’s side. Unlike so many other readers, I READ the story instead of knit picking for punctuation, POV issues, grammar and other garbage. Good story. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I liked it but for some reason as angry as he was for the betrayal he appeared awfully calm. I know the intro said no BTB and that is fine but this all went too smooth and Amy didn't appear to upset about the loss of her marriage. Everyone just carried on so nicely and everyone is happy.

Lastly, I still don't know why these husbands of cheaters insist on the kids not being angry about the mother and say treat her with respect blah blah blah she is your mother. They are adults in college and can in my opinion say and do what they want. They found out their mom hurt their dad and is a cheating slut! She is not a saint.

KalimaxosKalimaxosover 4 years ago

Typical, our kids are grown and my wife is a slut, I'm divorcing her story. Life is not like that when young children are involved. I felt for the wife of the cheater character that had young children. The young kids are the ones that suffer for their parents' selfishness.

As for the wife being influenced by her open marriage friends, The shit is all over the internet. I mean hello...Literorica? What are we all reading here? Its a how to and how not to guide to infidelity at LW.

Open marriage is so wrong, swingers shy away from it. Its acting single while you are married. A disaster waiting to happen. Few people make it "work." Most open marriages fail. Oh look, my wife's coworker's open marriage just ended in divorce. I wonder why? NOT.

PowersworderPowersworderover 4 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed that one, thanks for writing a great story!

You could really feel the husband's sadness when he found out Amy had destroyed their marriage. To hear the PI's report of her trash talking him to a lover must have been heartbreaking.

Meeting all the family and letting them all know the truth was the perfect way to handle it. There's no way the cheating slut could then blame the divorce on him, so she had to deal with the fallout... all justly deserved. Being noble and keeping the details secret is always a mistake... honesty is the best policy when dealing with liars. Wrecking Mary Beth and Mike's lives was an added bonus!

I liked that the daughters didn't really forgive their mother either. When Amy cheated, she destroyed their previously happy family. The girls loved their father... and Amy broke his heart with the vile way she'd behaved; being angry at someone who hurts a person you care about is much more realistic than instant forgiveness.

It was just a shame that Amy was happy and met someone new in the epilogue. If they marry, hopefully he'll cheat on her so she gets to feel the same pain she put Chris through.

The best part was Chris getting on with life after ditching the worthless slut and remarrying a younger sexier woman. I hate it when the betrayed husband wallows in self-pity and let's his wife's infidelity ruin him post-divorce. Living well really is the best revenge.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 4 years ago
I enjoyed the story, except, and this sounds odd for a porn site,

the gratuitous sex at the end. It just seemed to make the connection between the two less, rather than more. At least it felt that way to me. It was a bit overboard for a guy that age, the lucky bastard. Well written and thought out. Thanks for the hard work. It is apprciated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Very well done .... 5 *

Well written and easy to read .

You kept it going at a great pace , never stalling or repeating .

I really enjoyed it .

Probably one of the most enjoyable stories submitted in LW this year ..... at least as far as I am concerned .

KingBandorKingBandorover 4 years ago
While she was rimming him

Did he ask her if she ever dated Mike? She acts just like the whores he trained.

If that's what he wanted, he could have stayed with his wife.

I felt the hubby was too much of a Saint. His calm, she is your mother and deserves respect comment nearly made me barf.

He said she distespected him and their family by her behavior and words. She did things to throw them away. How does she deserve respect now?

The things he told his daughters applied equally to him. If he is telling them to forgive and forget, why couldn't he?

Happy happy joy joy.


Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
thank you, a story where the husband isn't

alone for 10 years still trying to get over her cheating.

SanzegoSanzegoover 4 years ago
Stuck to his guns

No. I will not be humiliated by my wifes behavior. No. I will not stay with her. No. I will not be seeking an outside opinion on forgiveness. No. I will not let my wife make me the bad guy. I liked the fact that he didn't trybto hide his feelings. He was a human male facing the end of an era, and it hurt him. Good job.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 4 years ago
To King Bandor

He did forgive and forget. He forgave her then forgot her (for the most part). He was very gracious but only for his family's sake. She didn't deserve any of it but he didn't want to wallow in misery any more than he had to.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
It was a good story

Definitely a good story. I agree with others that pointed out the end was way too sexually explicit for his previous motivations in a relationship. Kind of surprised me she was so open and explicit. But this is just a comment. Over all the story was well developed and kept my interest. I gave you a 5*, because in spite of the fact I didn't like much the end, the story was still a very good one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Liked the story, but...

He had extended conversations with everyone but the wife, which reduced the story’s dramatic tension for me. Still gave it a 5, just think you left a lot of unexplored territory on the table.

green117green117over 4 years ago
Good story -

Good enough to get HDK to be serious, which takes some doing.

I rather liked the lack of proprietorship shown by the protagonist - the BTB theme generally goes with something like an ownership assumption.

As for the ending sex scenes - a bit abrupt, especially with the reveal being entirely by report rather than first person. Still, I give you a pass on it, since I suspect you were trying to show the protagonist was up for monkey sex, inside of... marriage? Whatever their relationship was at the end... but it appears to be at least living together.

So, gratuitous middle aged male wish fulfillment? Sure - once "A slim and very attractive redhead was on her feet, and her angry glare was bouncing back and forth between Lucy and me." was introduced, I suspected the fix was in. And, the motivation for Amy was a bit light - Martian Slut Ray?

And, rimming did stimulate my squeamishness.

But still, a good read.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Enjoyed it. King Bandor needs to remove the rusty pipe from his tender ass and relax.

texxmantexxmanover 4 years ago
Well written

I know this is an erotic *fiction* website, but I’m getting tired of the over-the-top story lines with the superhuman, genius husband destroying the evil cheaters. This story is much more realistic and relatable.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

here is another assanomous comment. toooooo wordy, good potential, potentually closely to reality. LOVE slap hapy papy #9

MightyHornyMightyHornyover 4 years ago

"If that's what he wanted, he could have stayed with his wife."

Except that, you know... Amy's a cheater. Which is bad enough by itself, but, evidently, she and Mike also delighted themselves by putting down their spouses verbally, as suggested by the PI report.

So no. Unless Aggie is fucking around on him and making fun of him at the same time... not at all the same thing. If anything, Chris upgraded - got the whole 'love, trust & respect' back, plus no more vanilla sex for him!

Nothing wrong with your wife being a slut... as long as she is YOUR slut, and no one else.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
Very good

Quite a few good conversations in this solid story. Like a few others, I don't think you needed the sex scene, especially the rimming, at the end(no pun) of an already complete story. Let the daughters hate the bitch, she destroyed the marriage. The conversation with MB was the best part of the story. He should have been that aggressive with Amy.

cybojicybojiover 4 years ago

Conversations happen for people that will wonder why. Not for the unfaithful. Good story. As usual 5

andyinozandyinozover 4 years ago

Thank you.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago
Fun story...

...and an accurate description of the anger that goes with cheating. The ending was less than believable, but it was fun and left me smiling. Good job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The story was great. The last 2 paragraphs weakened the finish

Was he married to Angie . Fucking her in the ass over the stove is not how you end a pretty good story.

Hooked1957Hooked1957over 4 years ago
Good read

Entertaining and well done.



ibbunkibbunkover 4 years ago

Enjoyed the beginning and middle, but felt like it sort of fizzled out at the end.

Thanks for your hard work and time though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Nicely done.

I find it difficult to believe that he and his parents continued to even talk to Amy given the level of her betrayal. You could have used a few less words in your conversations. And like HDK, the gratuitous sex at the end seemed strange. Other than those things, well played.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 4 years ago
Pretty smooth.

All the right things and none of the wrong. I am not a fan of the "talk with the children" episode, as I can't imagine giving adult children that advice about a relationship with a cheater. Your character was beyond anything I can find real in that. Not a fatal flaw, as the story was well conceived and executed. He shed the drag on his life and moved on. Full marks from me. Write another, please, Randi.

JbRobertssonJbRobertssonover 4 years ago
A good story, strong writing skills...

I liked the story. It was well written, progressed smoothly. No real surprises, but I appreciate that the husband stayed strong and resolute. He did what was needed to discover the truth and then followed through with the divorce.

His crying and sobbing was a bit much for me, but I can see how some husbands could respond that way. I know men cry, but men also try to hide it or keep it to a minimum in public. I expected to see something in the dialogue or narration that would reflect those efforts, but it's a small point anyhow. This is a good story.

I must also admit that all the politically correct "love her, she's your mother, regardless of what she'd done to us" admonishment to the children, which we see in so many stories, is becoming quite tiresome. I really don't think that the man who's heart has just be ripped from his chest, is going to be too concerned with the woman who did it. That's not this author's fault though; many writers put something similar in their divorce stories and I just think that sentiment would rare, not common.

I think, in real life, we'd see something more like, "Your mother is a cheating douche, so weigh everything she tells you. Think about how your actions will affect your friends and loved ones. You don't want to grow up to be like her." Not saying that's the way everyone should be, just saying I think it's more realistic.

Well done. Great job, thanks for posting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Very well written story!

We have had a run of decent stories this week. This is the best one I've read in months. This story showed the damage caused by infidelity to whole families. You covered a number of interesting characters and their perspectives without repetition.

This was a complete story in three pages. I can understand why readers want more because your characters felt so real. Husband is criticized for not reacting more harshly to his ex but the story made it clear that he slowly realized what she was up to and then found out it was worse than he feared. He was honest with everyone but did not cause her unnecessary harm. He didn't deal with her until he was ready after the divorce.

Thank you for your hard work!

reasonable man

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Good Story

Interesting presentation. I enjoyed the perspectives from the various conversations. It did seem to get a little clinical (for lack of a better word) in terms of the presentation a couple of times, but it was still a five star story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
A fairy tale.....

...everyone ended up happy....even the slut wife

AileyInnAileyInnover 4 years ago
Great story...

I aspire to be as level headed as your protagonist. I’m not, but I can aspire...

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The world has changed too much.

Why marry? Why waste the time? I cannot see any reason why a young man would marry in this day in age. Fidelity? What a joke.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

There are so many things wrong with this story that I don't know where to begin, but the one that I really can't get around is - WHAT BURGER JOINT IN THE WORLD SERVES CRAFT BEER??

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This guy has to be a candidate for sainthood

The story was very well written, all bases covered, but, it was just totally not real life. Kate was the only believable one in the entire story. Sorry, it just did not appeal to me at all, way too much fantasy.

ForensicFossilForensicFossilover 4 years ago
But She Really Talked Him Bad!

From the story, and my take on real life, it was her verbal abusive slanging him with her lover that actually killed the love he had for her. An affair recovered from, but the kind of horrible talk we are led to believe she did about her husband can't be repaired. Why didn't she address that if she wanted reconciliation? I am left thinking she really had little or no interest in the husband.

I strongly feel this is a plot and reality hole. She should have said why she talked about him that way. Without that, absolutely no chance.

The husband was too kind given the facts.

kiteareskitearesover 4 years ago
A bit clinical (to quote nony) in places

Never a fan of telling the kids (or anyone) in these situations what they must or must not do. "She's your mum, she gave up 20odd years for you. Please try and remember that."

Wasn't a fan of the confrontation with Mike. "Don't call the mother of my children a slut!" before striding over and slapping him for that and a 2nd time for lying. Those damned steps! Guess that one's tied in with the whole disrespect/humiliation/training thing.

I don't think I had any sympathy for Chris especially after he said his forgiveness would not be for Amy but for the sake of others. IMO, that's not forgiveness, that's saying I won't be a shit to you for the sake of the others.

Other than those couple of dislikes about his actions, I thought it was mostly well written, though in places it felt like all emotion had been stripped from the story and his anger never really came across.

Thanks for sharing

TajfaTajfaover 4 years ago
Why did she do it?

It's unlikely the outcome would be different but we never heard him asking why.

Also apart from early phone calls she didn't show much remorse. I gave 4 stars but would have been 5 if the meeting had the question asked and answered.

MollydaKatMollydaKatover 4 years ago
Pretty Good

I enjoyed the stand by your morals attitude of your MC , a person has to be true to yourself because , as in your story , others may not .

Especially enjoyed the convo with the swinger , those types seem to want to validate themselves by encouraging others . Seems they think if they spread the "Lifestyle" around then their own self guilts may not feel so heavy .

One thing struck my funnybone though , when you started listing characters after 5 years , my mind immediately went to the closing scene from Animal House , and that's never a bad place for one's mind to wander off to ! lol.


thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerover 4 years ago

I've only been upon this earth 79 years, and make no claim to be an expert on man/woman relations; however I do know something about true love. Sadly, I must conclude many of you who commented on this story seem to have been hurt so badly you've forgotten, if you ever knew what love is.

May I speak as a Ditch Uncle? Thanks!

Where the hell did you get the idea that adult children aren't affected by a parents divorce? Mom and Dad are still Mom and Dad, no matter what they did to each other. No right thinking mother or father would encourage their child to disrespect the other parent, no matter what may have happened between the two.

I'll go out on a limb here and say many here do not possess the kind of love I have for my children, nor do they possess the real life love I saw my brother display when caught in almost the exact situation. He did all within his power to keep a good family relationship between his adult boys and their mother, and continues to do so even while she flaunts her whoring in his face.

Some will say he's a weak fool, he would answer, "God will reward us both with what we deserve." I suggest all you keyboard commandos give some thought to what comes after this life. No, we don't have to accept getting screwed over but we shouldn't hate our trespassers either.

Full disclosure--even while I say and believe this, every time I hear about what the progressives are doing to our country I prove myself to be a liar--until I get my emotions back under control.

BTW author, I gave you full score. Thanks for your effort. cd

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

He had her she wanted his friendship which could’ve forced her to answer questions. Really how long , why , were there others and why were they so verbally abusive toward him and the guys wife while fucking ? You can’t respect and love someone who you humiliate, emasculate and cheat on repeatedly. I’d need answers

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Pretty good but then I was turned off by the crude ending.

I forced myself onto my five years widowed and unfucked 38 year old mother-in-law but, by the time I pushed my cock into her pussy, she was hot, wet and willing because I'd kissed, licked, sucked and made love to her, while stimulating her. After those first two fucks, I took the next day off of work and came back to spend the day fucking her brains out. From then on, she was hooked and couldn't get enough. For three and a half years, I was stopping by, two or three times a week, and fucking her. Somehow my wife found out and asked how come I was stopping to see her mom so often. When I told her the truth, she was pissed and then started to smile and ask me how I ever got to her mom. I told her the truth again... that I'd forced her and how long we'd been doing it. She started to get excited and wanted to know everything and then said she wanted to watch while I fucked her mother.

I started bringing her mom to the house and fucking both of them in our bed. After four months, when we were sure that everyone was happy, her mom sold her house and moved in with us. She has her own downstairs outlaw apt. for the two of us to fuck in and also sleeps with her daughter and me.

What we did and do is just plain sex... nothing crude about it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Did he send the Email about Marybeth to everyone?.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I Hope he sent that email to everyone

I would have waited until the 3 assholes had gotten moved in to wherever .. Then I would have sent a copy of that email to a couple of churches in that area .. I am Sure that they would have been welcomed by everyone ?? But then again I could be wrong.. I agree I feel really sorry for the kids .

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Read some comments good and bad flaws in story

3 stars

What man would tell his kids to respect their mother after the way pictures etc described

Love yes No respect

She cheated and got caught totally disrespected him and he doesn't ask how long and why

Only answer he is trying for sainthood

LoejtcLoejtcover 4 years ago
Why? Who Cares?

It happened. She was curious. She let her friend MB entice her. She wanted it so she did it. Knowing why, when, how often, or how many others doesn't change anything. Once is more than enough.

I fully agree he should try to forgive her. Carrying anger, bitterness, self pity, etc is self destructive. Forgiving her is the biggest part of healing himself.

The only disagreement I have is his willingness to talk to her as a "confidant" after the divorce is final. The sooner he rids himself of all vestiges of her existence other than what is necessary to maintain family relations with the kids, the better off he'll be and the quicker he will heal. He doesn't need to hear her tales of loneliness, despair, self deprecation, regret, etc. He'll have enough to deal with by himself.

Well written. Flowed nicely. No apparent contradictions or need to suspend belief. Nothing in the story stands out as unique or a creative twist to a common storyline.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I'll never be as good as I once was,

but I'm as good once as I ever was.

Thank you, be sure and tip your waiters. Good night.

ohyessssssohyessssssover 4 years ago

In light of the total disrespect she showed you, you never got around to mentioning the comments she made. I think his treatment of his ex was extremely unbelievable. . When first speaking with his daughters , he implored them to treat her with respect. That was a golden opportunity for her to say “ I’m treating her with exactly the respect she deserves. When his mother flat told him she was going to stay close friends with Amy, it was a golden opportunity to tell her” I’m so glad you’ve chosen to reward her behavior.” With that said , I would have turned and left. Throughout the story, his actions were not the actions of someone completely opposed to reconciliation. Much ambiguity. I wish now that I hadn’t given you four stars.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago
Just read it again. Still 5*****!

The story rings true on every page. What most impressed me was near the end where every relationship survived, more or less, except the marriage. Loving people forgive, but cheated spouses can never trust again. There's a lot of pain in this, and a lot of truth.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
"Julie was exactly nine months older than her sister."

He got her pregnant again the day she delivered. What an a-hole!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

While the PI report makes any excuse moot, I'm still surprised that she didn't want to grab at one of the innocent reasons he gave her.

"I also expect you to treat her with the respect she deserves." - Besides my usual opposition to encouraging the kids relationship with the cheating wife (though I would never come between them), it seems that they ARE treating her with the respect she deserves.

"[T]hey'll come around. I promise." - He can't make that promise, it's not in his control.

Mike's already cheated twice that they KNOW about, yet Aggie thinks that Lucy's imagining things?

eh9198eh9198over 4 years ago
Fun story

I enjoyed it, but I would have loved to see more explanation of the affair, how it started, and what awful things were said about their spouses to each other. Missed out on some important stuff there.

danoctoberdanoctoberover 4 years ago
Sad little tale of woe.

Middle age crazy to middle age divorce. Pow! Sad to spend so much of your life devoted to creating something beautiful only to find it wasn't real.

Where does one go from there?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

To talk to, can I call you?" His first response was the real one. Fuck no you cheap,cheating slut. Don't ever Talk to me in anything other than a public function that involves family. And even then it shouldn't be anything deeper than "nice weather we're having ".

mattenwmattenwover 4 years ago

That is the right answer to such an ugly event! Initiate the consequences and live a happy life !!

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 4 years ago
A good story.

Well done in every way.

Top ratings from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I'm Sorry

But this has to be the dumbest set of reactions ever written! His own parents want to maintain a relationship with his slut wife who has been cheating on him for months? He tells his children that they must accept what their mother has done and maintain a relationship with her when he has no intention of doing the same. Then he accepts a meeting with her in a private place where she can claim whatever she wants has happened and no one can dispute her! No one could be that stupid!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
After the negative comments

From his wife with her lover why would he be nice to her.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

I can understand the girls wanting a relationship with their mother, even though it appears that they don't, but why the fuck would his mother want to? I could see if the kids were younger, and Amy was the gatekeeper, but that's not true here.

"It was all your wife's fault. She came after me!" - Maybe she did. That doesn't mean that he couldn't turn her away.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
"You need to put on your big boy pants and get over it."

and that is when you walk out on the 'friend'.

Grimjack01Grimjack01over 4 years ago
Nice story

I really enjoyed this story, it's more like what can really happen. This is kind of how my first marriage went, really liked this one as to how everyone ended up at least moving forward.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Re: sbrooks103x

Short, concise, sweet and correct - Thank You. Signed: BTW

MormonJackMormonJackabout 4 years ago
Well done! 5 stars.

Thank you for the well written story! I love how you capture the emotions of the betrayed husband in the conversations.

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 4 years ago
I love this guys style

here's a guy that may be a little soft on them but he isn't standing for that cheating shit

someoneothersomeoneotherabout 4 years ago
Ending with Aggie was really a lousy ending

I did not like the story because there was nothing new, and none of the characters were developed. As always with The Style Guy one is left wondering why the wife acted as she did.

But the ending with Aggie just sucked and caused a 2*.

ohyessssssohyessssssabout 4 years ago
Just saying

As an adult and college student, I don’t need either mother or father telling me how I should react to a slut parent....period.

ohyessssssohyessssssabout 4 years ago
Here we go again

If my mother told me she would continue to be friends after finding out that my wife had been having an affair, I’d have looked at her and said, then don’t expect to see much of me. If at all. And I would have left. And I sure as hell would not have told them where I was going.

ohyessssssohyessssssabout 4 years ago

I would not have met her. Nothing was accomplished. Nothing was talked about. My feeling is I would never forgive her but I would certainly try my best to forget her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Did he send the letter about Marybeth to all and sundry,because it took a long time for her and Phil to move away?.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Amy proved over and over by the PI's evidence she's a slut. She deserves nothing and no happiness, as she broke up a loving home after years together. She deserves nothing but bad luck...


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
The pictures and talk about them so bad he doesn't want anyone to see or hear And he tells daughters to have relationship with her?!!!

What a wimpy cuckold

ErotFanErotFanalmost 4 years ago
This is one of your best that I've read so far.

There were a couple of stumbles where I wasn't sure which character was speaking. Amy finding "the one" was a little disingenuous, but Oh Well.

However I think you treated most of your characters with sensitivity. This was a worthy LW entry.

The epilogue was a masterstroke. All character issues were wrapped up.

The hookup with Aggie was a bit of a surprise and you just couldn't resist ending with a mini stroker could you?

LoejtcLoejtcalmost 4 years ago
How to Destroy Reader Interest in Six Short Paragraphs

Well written. Flows smoothly. Good sentence structure and logical storyline development. Typical craftsmanship of TSG.

The story itself was nothing extraordinary but kept my interest. I was hoping for a novel twist but was mildly disappointed.

The ending killed it. So he marries a dominating nymphomaniac and lives happily ever after?

Does he ever wonder where she acquired all her kinky tricks and skills or if she's still receiving outside tutoring? Maybe he needs to use the PI again.

NitpicNitpicover 3 years ago

Whilst he divorced her,he is still a wimp.For the way she treated him he should have burnt the bitch.He must get his spineless approach from his parents who still see Amy ,what a pair of cretins.

MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

Lucky!!! Love those Hot, anal loving, Red Heads!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
He’s a bit of a pussy

Being nice to the ex is why I gave it 4 stars instead of 5. Hell, he was nastier to the swinger friends than the slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Perhaps anonymous should reread the story. I doubt that the swinger friends changed where the ex demonstrated a desire to at least understand herself better if not improve. Stranger than fiction, 20 years after my divorce I have some serious health issues. While we had some rough times after the split my ex has been there to help and support me for the last couple of years. Being nasty is easy, forgiveness harder but can be easier to live with. Besides, you are more than welcome to write your own stories with the ending you prefer!

SleeperyJimSleeperyJimover 3 years ago
Good story!

I just found this one, and the title naturally had me interested.

What I like most about this was the reality of it. Yes, the anons want fire and brimstone and cheaters roasting in hell, but the reality is usually very different. Sure, there's anger, even rage. But with that comes embarrassment, confusion, doubt and longing - all of which makes people react differently to how they imagined they would.

So, every person reacts in a different way, but life goes on, and those incredibly intense emotions can't maintain. People get used to the new normal and when their paths cross, there's probably more embarrassed awkwardness than anything else.

You reflected all of that in a well-written piece. Good job.

Thank you, sir. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Well written story but kind of a throwaway ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I CAN NEVER GET OVER.....................................

The bullshit about talking to nearly adult children and telling them they have to love and or respect a cheating parent that doesn't deserve either. That's a voyage onto the realm of fantasy that can't be backed out of. And why would he have to talk to the whore? The fact that she's a whore makes any future relationship impossible. I would never take a call from that skank. Never forget or forgive. Wouldn't think about her and having her at a distance would make that so much simpler. Seeing her would just start the thoughts of her coming to harm swirling through my mind. It is true what they say, "out of sight, out of mind".

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
Reading again

A very good, honest story about the realities of infidelity in a marriage. I believe children should receive honest, age appropriate , information about the cause of the divorce. Amy didn’t deserve happiness.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

"She's your Mom and you need to accept and love her, warts and all, just like you need to accept me, in the same way."

Yep, it's rancid bullshit, which author after author repeats thinking somehow that it signals virtue. Just stupid

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 3 years ago

A good story.

Chris was too nice to the slut for my taste.

But hey, if it works for you, go for it.

Everything else tasted sweet to me.

Top ratings from me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Good story but it missed out on the explanation of why Amy cheated in the first place. The marriage is portrayed from the husbands pov but we get no insight into their marriage. Was the marriage failing, was it just that Amy was selfish and wanted to have fun etc. without knowing the other side of the story it's like half a story. Perhaps the author just wanted us to judge Amy as a slut without any remorse so that the story panders to the BTB trolls.

nixroxnixroxabout 3 years ago

4 for this story. Wow, certainly lots of anger issues in the commentary cheap seats.

However, I would have liked to see more revenge on the male perp. At the very least a really good thrashing and a couple of good kicks to the nuts, as a reminder not to fuck married women - even if they are laying naked in front of him - begging him to just do it.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesabout 3 years ago

The story inferred that she and the asshole trashed their spouses pretty badly. Given that how could he be so kind and compassionate to the cheating wife? I agree that the asshole should have had much more heaped on him than just a little tongue lashing in his front yard.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Story was too wishy washy. There is no way in this kind of divorce, that everyone stays friends. To begin with, why would he talk to her, after the perceived things her and the lover said about him? Most women who cheat, don’t hate their life or spouse. I think most struggle with what they are doing, and to some extent feel guilty. Disrespecting the spouse verbally with the lover seems overly cruel, and pointless. I guess “ loving wives” is where women go to lose their conscience.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 3 years ago


I hate that the cheating cunt wife is happy our hero's girlfriend makes up for the hate with love.

Five Stars

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 3 years ago

I read it again and I still think this story belongs on the top shelf. The way the narrator goes from one person to another, informing and answering questions, sharing his grief, it's both healthy and very believable. The depiction of a viable extended family being pulled apart only to be held together by the will of those on the edge is very good. I do wish we got an explanation for the wife's behavior, but you offered about as much as any husband can expect. Great effort!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

""I'm really sad and I need someone to talk too." Its D-Day - Divorce Day, why the fuck would he give a rat's ass his cheating ex is sad and why would he even consider answering her call? She cheated because she felt entitled to cheat. Its not his job or responsibility to help her fell better about herself. She made all the shitty decisions and she gets to live with the consequences. As far as her relationship with her children that's on her and her problem to fix if they ;et her. Just because you're their mother doesn't mean they have to forgive you blowing up the family with cheating and quite frankly their opinion is forever altered and not for the better. Two years latter she's ready to hook another unsuspecting dumb-ass who I'm sure doesn't have a clue about her cheating past...well until she cheats on him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Dear Anonymous (ref D-Day below)

You are a sad little muppet, getting angry. There was no D-Day, there was no cheating. It was a story! You urgently need to do three things:

1. Get a shrink's help about the difference between fact and fiction.

2. Read the comment below yours. This is from someone who understands that difference.

3. Get a life.

Style guy: nice story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great story. Enjoyed the various comments relating to all roll players. Think a bit more as to why Amy cheated would have made it more balanced. But I’m not the author. Keep on contributing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I agree with the comment below. More detail on why Amy cheated as it is it's difficult to hate her actions without knowing why she cheated. The MC doesn't seem that devastated about the divorce so it begs the question of what their marriage was like, was it rocky before Amy cheated. Other than that a good well written story.

desecrationdesecrationover 2 years ago

Cheaters all have the same reason: life is passing, and they're not as important as they thought they should be, so instead of making themselves important by doing something that benefits others, they figure that another penis or vagina will make up for the void in themselves.

dgfergiedgfergieover 2 years ago

Good story about a bad thing, Divorce is the screwing you get for the screwing you got. 5 stars from me.

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