Descent Into Oral Servitude


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“Your turn.”

If I had any doubts they soon evaporated. Roselyn began to strip off with almost unseemly haste and, in no time at all, she was completely naked. I felt my erection throbbing even more violently but Heather was completely unfazed. She stopped stroking until I had settled down again and then she resumed with the same easy motion. I do not think I had ever been harder but with the stiffness came an aching pain which could only be relieved in one way and now Roselyn told me the price. She climbed onto the bed and straddled my chest in the same way as Heather had.

“I’ve dreamed of this for the past day or two. Make me come and, if you make it good, I’ll do the same for you.”

She licked her lips as she said it, holding out an even greater promise, but I was all but done in. She sensed that I needed a brief respite, or perhaps she was just trying to tease me even more, whichever, she moved slightly forward so that her knees were either side of my head and her sex was pressing against my chin. I looked up into her eyes but the lower half of her face was obscured by the impressive sight of her heavy breasts and, as soon as she was sure of my attention, she began to rub her nipples which were already starkly erect. This triggered another surge in my groin but my body had decided that it had taken enough. The pains in my neck and back reasserted themselves and for the first in what seemed like ages I felt my erection begin to wane. Heather cradled my balls in one hand and began to stroke more firmly with the other but I was getting beyond recall.

Roselyn could see what was happening but she was not going to be denied.

“Please, just leave me alommmfffff.”

She came down on my face but I managed to get my mouth closed and I steadfastly refused to co-operate.

“Come on …be a good boy.”

For a moment there was a stalemate as she rocked very gently back and forth to try and encourage me but then her patience ran out.

“Okay, have it your own way.”

So saying, she lifted herself up and I silently congratulated myself but the celebration was premature. She simply did a half turn and then settled herself once again but, as she did so, she used her hands to spread her pert buttocks. From afar her backside was prize-winning but, now that I was suffocating beneath it, it seemed to take on much greater proportions. My nose was firmly trapped in the deep, well defined, cleft and I had little choice but to open my mouth to breathe. I was just resigning myself to surrendering once more when it became clear that it was no longer my tongue that she was interested in. She braced her hands on my chest and slowly began to move. She rubbed herself over the whole of my face from my chin to my forehead and then back again and, as she did so, she added fresh lubrication. She repeated the process a couple of times until my face was covered in her juices and then she began in earnest. She kept her upper body still and all movement came from her hips. She set a lazy pace but she was relentless, sliding back and forth ever more easily. It was both a demeaning and a painful experience as her well trimmed growth of pubic hair rasped at my face. I was forced to keep my eyes closed and slowly but surely she was driving moisture into my nostrils so that it felt as if I was drowning. It became a battle of survival but she was slowly speeding up and I could hear her grunting with effort. I stopped trying to resist, hoping that the end was near, but, suddenly, she stopped dead.

In the silence I could hear my own heartbeat and then Roselyn spoke.

“Hi there …”

I was given no time to ponder the significance of the pause because she began again and this time she was more enthusiastic than ever. She drove herself on, moving ever faster, with even less regard for my well being. She was working her clitoris on the bridge of my nose and then her thighs began to tremble. Her orgasm, when it came, seemed to last an age. Every time I thought it was over she would find the strength to push herself across my face once more as she wrung out the last remnants of pleasure.

At the finish she almost fell off of me and whilst she got herself dressed again Heather cleaned me up with a face cloth. Once they had me tidied up Roselyn fixed me up with the hands free kit of my mobile phone and put the phone itself into my hand.

“What do I want this for?”

“You might want to phone your wife…she looked in on you ten minutes ago.”

Chapter 2

I was angry, frantic and frustrated. Karen’s mobile was off but I assumed that, as she was back in the country a day early, she may have gone to the museum. When I tried there I was told she was unreachable even when I stressed that I was her husband and that it was an emergency. After two hours of balked calls I assumed that she was deliberately ignoring me and so I took the only available option. I phoned home and left a message on the answering machine but, as soon as I was finished, I began to regret it. I am over six feet tall and in pretty good shape, thanks to a regular gym regime, and here was I suggesting that two nurses had forced themselves on me. It sounded stupid when you heard it but I consoled myself with the thought that Karen knew just what a helpless position I was in.

She did not call me back, nor did she visit, and I began to wonder if Roselyn had been telling the truth. Had she tricked me into making a total idiot of myself? The one thing from which I could draw comfort was the sudden replacement of the two nurses. My midday meal was fed to me by a male nurse who refused to be drawn on any questions concerning Heather and, that night, the duty nurse was a real harridan who must have been in her sixties.

The next morning the consultant came to see me and told me I could be discharged. I still required bed rest but there was no reason why I still needed to be in the hospital. I was digesting the implications of this when he told me that an ambulance had been arranged and that my wife would be at home to meet me. Needless to say I was overjoyed.

Karen did not say a word as I was stretchered up the stairs. She had them put me in the spare room, which made sense because it had single beds, and then we were alone. Karen was wearing a dark, two piece, business suit of the sort she favoured for work and, not for the first time, I was struck by her resemblance to the actress Kristin Scott Thomas but I would never tell her so.

“So, can I assume that you believe me?”

“Not at first, but when I thought about it it’s probably not something you would do of your own volition and it was fairly obvious that, despite that woman’s best endeavours, you weren’t turned on by it.”

I gave a silent prayer of thanks that she had not walked in the room a little earlier.

“So, am I forgiven?”

“That depends.”


“On how co-operative you are in the next few days.”

I smiled at the thought.

“Well the doctor tells me that I won’t be going anywhere under my own steam for a couple of days yet so I guess I’m yours to command.”

She looked at me just a little oddly.

“Yes, I suppose you are….”

She paused for a moment as though wrestling with her own thoughts.

“…I have a little confession to make.”

For a second or two I felt my guts churn but then she broke into a smile and continued.

“It turned me on…seeing you like that…I had to find a toilet so that I could masturbate…I haven’t done that since I was a schoolgirl.”

By that she meant using a toilet for the purpose. Karen liked to masturbate and she made no secret of it. When she traveled on business she was happy to avail herself of the hotel porn channels and whilst, in one sense, I felt demeaned by it at least it meant that she remained faithful. The upside was that, whenever she returned from a business trip, she was fully charged and the sex was always great. It occurred to me that, now she was back from Turkey, it was going to be some while before I was any use to her but then a second, more worrying, thought entered my mind. If she accepted that I was acting under duress then surely that must have implied a degree of suffering; in which case, why did she find it arousing?

I was still mulling this over when Karen crossed the room and closed the curtains.

“That’s okay, daylight’s fine.”

“Not for what I have in mind.”

As I watched she unfastened her skirt and unwound it from her waist.

“I’m not sure I’m up to this…”

Even as I said it my manhood decided otherwise and it began to stir inside my pajamas and the more so when she slipped out of her tights and panties. She did not bother to take off her jacket and, somehow, this made her look incredibly sexy.

“Are you sure?”

As she said it she parted her legs slightly and stood with hands on hips. I reached full erection within seconds and it sprang free from the confines of my pajama bottoms to see what all the fuss was about.

Karen approached the bed and I resigned myself to my pleasurable fate; if she was prepared to do all the work that was fine by me. She leant over and kissed me briefly on the lips and then she moved up onto the bed.

I closed my eyes and groaned in anticipation but I opened them again when I felt her weight settling on my chest.

“Ready lover?”

She slid forward positioning her sex over my mouth.

“Karen, please, not like this … my neck still hurts.”


She said it with a mock sulk and flashed me her “little girl lost” smile. I desperately wanted to refuse but, however you looked at it, I was still in the bad books and trying to make up lost ground. Reluctantly, I put out my tongue and gently started to lick at her outer lips which were fringed with a neat Mohican of dark hair. This was something she definitely liked and she settled a little closer to give me better access.

It was odd being underneath her in that way. In the whole of our relationship I could only remember having done it that way twice and both times I had been mildly drunk. If I had to do it I liked to be on top so that I remained in control. It was, to my mind, an act of subservience and I was only really comfortable with it in a classic sixty-nine so that neither partner could claim mastery of the situation.

“Suck them …”

This was another new departure. Karen had never complained about my technique in the past and she had certainly never expressed preferences. I took the slick fold of her labia between my lips and sucked very gently. There was something immediately comforting about her familiar taste and I began to tease the trapped flesh with my tongue. She remained very still and she seemed contented as, for the next few minutes, I alternated between the two sides of her sex.

“Deeper now…”

She gave a small wriggle just to reinforce the message and so I braced my tongue and pressed against her inner lips. They yielded easily and I was immediately struck by how hot she was inside. I burrowed deeper and then I began to stab my tongue slowly in and out.

“OOhhhh yes…that’s nice.”

I knew I had hit the spot as I felt her juices trickling down my chin and I do not think that her scent had ever been stronger. It seemed to act on my subconscious because my erection raged more fiercely than ever and I was now desperate to get her there so that she could help assuage my own increasing need.

I probed upwards, seeking out her clitoris, but she immediately put her hand on the top of my head and tipped it back down..

“Not yet …”

I begrudgingly resumed my gentle probing but now she was growing more excited and her body began to writhe. I tried to stay with her but her sex was a raw pink maw rubbing over my face. I tolerated it for as long as I could and I was on the verge of an angry outburst when she suddenly lifted herself. I caught a glimpse of her face and it was a picture of pure lust but it was a short-lived vision. She brought her hand down to her sex and stretched herself open to reveal her excited clitoris standing proud of its fleshy hood.

“Suck it!”

This was not the Karen I knew but I was given no time to think about it. She dropped down, almost brutally, covering my mouth. Now I just wanted to get it over with and so I pursed my lips around the tight button of nerve endings and began to suck.

I met with almost immediate success as her body began to judder and so I licked as well. She immediately went into melt down. She began screaming obscenities and took hold of my head in both her hands. For the next few seconds it was as if she wanted to push my head up inside her. I could hardly breathe and she was wetter than I had ever known her to be. Then, almost as quickly as it had begun, it was over. She got off the bed on to unsteady legs and tried to calm her breathing. It took her a few moments to compose herself during which time she managed to get back into her skirt.

To my own surprise I was still maintaining a healthy erection and, now that I had played my part, I reckoned it was time to reap the reward.

“My little friend would like to play.”

“He’ll have to wait until later. I’m going to be late for the office.”

I could not believe what I was hearing.

“Karen, you can’t leave me like this.”

“I’m sorry I’ve got to go.”

I had to make an effort to swallow down my anger.

“Well at least clean me up before you go.”

She brought her face close to mine.

“You do reek of me don’t you? You know what, I think I’ll leave you just as you are and then you’ll be reminded of me all day.”

“Karen, come on, don’t be stupid!”

“See you later.”

I shouted after her but it was to no avail. I heard her go downstairs and then into the shower room. Twenty minutes later the front door closed and she was gone. I was so angry that it took me a few minutes to realize just what being alone meant in practical terms. How was I going to feed myself and, worse still, what about using the toilet?

After two hours I was in torment. Now that Karen’s scent had grown stale it was not pleasant to be compelled to draw it in with every breath and it was also making my face feel incredibly itchy. But that was not the worst problem. I was desperate to go to the toilet and for a quarter of an hour I had sported a painful, urine fuelled, erection. I had just resigned myself to wetting the bed when I heard the front door being opened. Karen was home and I was overcome with a sense of relief and barely controlled rage.

When I heard her footsteps on the stairs I was sorely tempted to relieve myself just to spite her but the woman who came into the bedroom was most certainly not Karen. She was not only much younger but probably twice the weight.

“Who the hell are you?”

“I’m the day nurse, didn’t your wife tell you? Your medical insurance provides for an agency nurse whilst you remain incapacitated.”

She seemed unsurprised at the state I was in and she went quickly to work. She donned a disposable apron and a pair of latex gloves and then she took out two aerosol cans from her bag. The first one contained a lubricating gel which she dispensed into the palm of her hand.

“I hope you don’t mind. It’s easier while you’re like this.”

She began to spread the gel over my, now painful, erection and immediately induced a new element of frustration. I was not sure whether or not to complain or encourage but then she stopped as suddenly as she had started. She picked up the second aerosol, aimed it at my cock, and fired off a short burst. I yelled in surprise and pain. The whole of my groin was enveloped with a numbing coldness and my erection instantly wilted.

“It’s generally used for freezing sports injuries but I find it does the trick.”

With brisk efficiency she slipped a rubber catheter tube over my shriveled manhood and connected it via a plastic hose to a collection pouch. Having satisfied herself that all was well she went through to the bathroom and came back with a damp sponge. She stood over me and looked at me oddly before she started to sponge my face. Once I was clean she left me and only reappeared at lunch time to bring me a meal.

Boredom set in quickly and by the time Karen finally arrived home a little after eight I was so glad to see her that my morning’s anger all but evaporated. She showered and when she came back into the bedroom she was wearing a simple blue silk kimono. It was loosely tied, affording teasing glimpses of her breasts as she moved, and I immediately felt a pleasant twinge in the area of my groin.

She smiled as she drew closer but there was something about her that I could not quite put my finger on.

“Are you ready to play?”

I tried to keep my reply lighthearted.

“As long as you’re ready to pay your debt.”

“We’ll talk debts a little later.”

With that enigmatic remark she hopped lightly onto the bed and immediately straddled my face.

“Karen, please, play fair. You had your fun this morning.”

“And I’ll have it again tonight. I want you to eat me.”

“No! Now come on. This is not funny.”

My body tensed with anger and, much to my surprise I found that I had actually managed to move my arms. It was only a little movement but it was a start. Karen noticed too but she could see that I was still pathetically weak.

“It looks as though I’ll have to take advantage of you while I can.”

“Karen, I’m serious. Get off of me.”

She ignored my entreaty and knelt up over my face so that her sex was just inches from my mouth.

“Karen, I’ll bite you, I swear.”

At that moment I meant it. She was my wife after all and, even though I was in the wrong, I felt that I was deserving of some sympathy.

“So be it.”

She got off of the bed and I tried to smooth the waters.

“Look, I’m sorry.”

She ignored me and went over to where the nurse had left a supplies box earlier in the day. She spoke as she began looking through it.

“The doctor told me you were in no danger but he said that, for a few days at least, there was a very slight danger that you might have a fit. He instructed me on how to stop a patient swallowing their tongue and how to keep the airways clear…”

When she turned to face me again she was holding a plastic tube. It was about four inches long with a semi circular profile and was fixed to an elasticated band.

“…here let me demonstrate.”

“What are you doing!”

I could not resist as she slipped the band behind my head and held the tube in front of my face. Too late, I tried to shut my mouth but she had already let it go so that the elastic pulled it between my teeth. The flattened bottom of the tube pressed down on my tongue and it rested just short of the back of my throat. It was painfully uncomfortable but no doubt ruthlessly efficient for its intended purpose.

I began to swear but all I was capable of was a strangled gargle.

Whilst I continued to struggle she returned to the medical box and pulled out a wide necked plastic funnel. Ignoring my barely coherent expletives she got back onto the bed and straddled my head but this time she pressed her knees to my ears so that I could not move. She inserted the funnel into the ventilator tube and watched with amusement as I grew angrier still.

“Seeing you like that makes me so hot.”

She allowed me a few more seconds of futile struggle and then she knelt up over me. As I watched she brought her hand down to her sex and began to rub her immaculately manicured nail through her furrow. The ease with which it was gently swallowed showed that she had not been lying and she quickly introduced a second finger. Within seconds she was slowly probing herself whilst at the same time she used her thumb to stimulate her clitoris.

I had seen her masturbating before but never from so close a vantage point. It was like watching a porn film except that films could not convey the heat and the all enveloping scent. I found myself taking in the tiniest of details, the single bristle where her bikini waxing was not quite perfect, the tiny red spot on the inside of her thigh which was, in fact, a birthmark and, not least, the way her fingers teased out creamy strands from deep inside.