Eleven Years Later

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I was the last to know I was sharing my wife.
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My name is Eric Madison. I work for Acme Medical Supplies. I am the Vice President in charge of sales for six southwestern states. I'm thirty seven years old, married to Sarah. As with many couples we met in college and were married soon after we graduated. We have been married for eleven years and are childless by choice. She is the owner of Acme Real Estate. She has eight very good agents working for her.

It's Friday and the end of the quarter. All of my sales reps have decided to send in all of their reports at five pm. Our policies and procedures clearly state that they are to be turned in by noon. There will be a meeting of reps next week.

I call my wife to give her the bad news.

"Hi, babe. As usual all the reports came in late. I'm probably going to be four hours compiling all of them."

"This is getting really old. Didn't it happen last quarter?"

"Yep. We're going go have a meeting next week. If some changes aren't made I will make some."

"OK, babe. I'll see you when you get off. Give me a call when you finish. I'll fix some dinner for you."

"Thanks, babe. I love you."

"Love you too. Bye bye.

Thirty minutes in my computer locks up. All I see is the little hour glass over my page. After waiting fifteen minutes it's still there. I try ctrl alt delete. Nothing works. It won't accept any commands from my keyboard or mouse.

After reciting all the swear words I've learned over the years I shut it down and turn it back on. The reboot doesn't work either. The Friday Murphy's law has struck.

I call Sarah and it goes to her voice mail. I try the house phone and get the answering machine. I don't leave a message.

I walk in the front door and put my briefcase on the side table.

"Honey, I'm home."

No answer. I look for her and find an empty house. The dishwasher is running in the kitchen. She hasn't been gone long. I try her cell phone again and get her voice mail again. I suspect she has gone to Amy's being as how I had to work. But why is her phone off.

I take out my phone and tap 'find my phone'. It shows her phone at an unfamiliar address. I know where all her friends live. It's a part of town I'm not familiar with. Something is not right here. Of course all kinds of suspicious thoughts run through my mind. And the last one; you guessed it, is she seeing her lover. I go into immediate denial. She would never do that.

I go into the bedroom and change into some casual clothes. That last thought is niggling in the back of my mind. I turn on the TV but don't see what's on. That last thought comes to the front. I need to find out.


I park across the street three doors away from her car. The drapes are pulled over the big window in front. The porch light is off. I sit for a minute deciding on what to do. I could ring the doorbell and see who answers. But if it's her lover a confrontation will happen. Not being a fighter I decide to do some spying. I look around and cross the street. I walk up to the house and see the big window is open a few inches. I can hear muffled voices.

I stand a minute listening. I take out my phone and call her again. I hear her ringtone.

"I had better answer that. It's probably Eric. I don't want him to get suspicious."

"Hi, babe."

"Hi. I just wanted to tell you I won't be as long as I thought. Maybe two more hours. A couple of reports didn't get turned in."

"That's good. Give me a call when you leave so I can start your dinner."

"OK. Are you enjoying your chick flick?"

"Of course, You know how you hog the remote."

"Yeah. I'm bad about that. See you in a while. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye."

A large lump of ice just formed in my gut. I stand a minute as anger takes over. I walk around to the back yard. I see a sliding glass door with the drapes open a few inches. I tiptoe up to the opening.

I feel like someone hit me in the head with a hammer. She is standing in the middle of the room completely naked. She is in the embrace of a huge black guy. They are deep in a passionate kiss. I somehow manage to keep my wits about me. I take out my phone and open the video recorder. I tap record. I pull the handle on the slider and find it unlocked. I gently slide it open a few inches and hold my phone in the opening. I watch.

The break the kiss and she kneels in front of him. Both hand grasp his cock. It's huge, at least eight inches and thick. She holds it with both hands and starts licking and sucking. It appears as if his knees go weak and he lays down on the carpet. She follows, not letting go. I watch as she increases her licking and sucking. Soon I see her drool running down his cock. I dribble of snot runs from her nose. I've never seen her that into sucking my cock. She is going at it like her life depends on it.

He pulls her off and up over his cock. It's at full mast. She holds it with both hands and lines it up with her pussy lips. I hear her whimpering.

"Take it, baby. Slide down on that big cock."

"Yes. Big black cock. Fill my hot pussy with it."

I watch as the head slides between her pussy lips. A shiver runs through her body as her pussy lips close over his cock head. She waits a little with the head in. I know she's holding it on her G spot. She starts moving up and down taking very short strokes. Her pussy lips are locked behind his cock head holding it in place. Her short thrusts speed up and her head falls back. He mouth opens and I see him twitch. He just flexed his cock on the magic spot. He scream fills the room. The both stop till she regains control. She starts moving again. He waits till her next orgasm starts and flexes again. Another scream, louder that the last.

Her head has fallen back and her eyes are closed. She comes down and slowly drops, taking his entire cock all the way in. Her bone hits his and another orgasm rocks her. She falls on his chest and kisses him. Her hips are thrusting up and down. He meets each of her thrusts with one of his own.

"Yes, big cock in me. Full of big cock. Big black cock."

He rolls her over, never losing her. She moans as he moves into her saddle. Her legs go around his ass and her arm go around his neck. He drops and her body shudders from the shock of their pelvis bones hitting.

"Fuck me, baby. Fuck me with that hot white pussy. Make me cum."

"Hot white pussy loves your big black cock. The best in the world. Full of sweet black cum."

I watch as she starts humping up on his cock. I can see her muscles working on it. Her intensity increases with each stroke. He helps with short strokes meeting hers. He holds up enough to give her room to work. Soon her face in contorted in ecstasy. It seems like she is in constant orgasm. His eyes are closed and his mouth is hanging open. They both give out an animal like cries as she humps up on his cock. I see her hump up one last time. She holds her pelvis bone against his. They both cry out in ungodly screams. His ass cheeks are clenching as he pumps her full of cum. Her hips are twitching as she takes it. He goes limp but she continues working hard on his cock. She is milking it every last drop.

I was amazed at the intensity of their orgasm. On a scale of one to ten it was a fifteen. I knew she never came that hard with me. I suspected it was the interracial thing. The thrill of seeing the contrast of white on black. Then toss in a little extra size and it was just like a drug for both.

I watch as she stops milking him. He falls off to her side. She holds him in her embrace, kissing his neck and face.

"It never gets old, baby. It just gets better and better."

"I know. I'll never give you up. Your pussy is just too good."

"Nobody makes me cum like you do. I'll never give you up either."

I turn off my phone and stumble back to my car. Just as I open the door it hits me. I drop to my knees and puke up my guts. It doesn't stop. The dry heaves consume me. Finally it passes. I manage to get back in my car and drive off.

A million thoughts go through my mind as I drive home. I've lost my loving wife. The pain in my heart consumes me. I know we will never be together again. I can't be with her knowing what I just saw. I wondered how long this had been going on, because I never suspected a thing. She was a very loving wife and our sex was frequent and hot.


I sit on the sofa trying to figure out what to do. I wonder if I should just leave or wait for her to come home. I decide to wait.

I open the video and watch it again. The last words tell me all I need to know. They will never stop. The anger fades and all that is left is the pain and sadness. I know I can't share her. It will always be in my mind that while we're apart that she might be with him. I'll never be able to live with that.

I sit on the sofa waiting. I hear a car in the driveway.

"Hi Honey. You made it home early."

"Yeah, the computer system crashed after I called you. I tried to call you that I was coming home but you didn't answer."

"I'm sorry I missed it. I could have had dinner ready for you. I'll get something for you now. I just want to shower first."

"No, Sarah. Sit here. We need to talk."

I see her face pale and then she recovers.

"Are you OK, baby."

"No. I'm not OK. I know where you've been."

"Eric, I ..."

"No, Sarah. I know."

"Oh god no. I didn't want you to find out."

She breaks down, sobbing.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I never wanted to hurt you. I love you. You're my whole life."

"Not all of it. There's a part of you I don't have."

"Please, it's not like that. I'm all yours. I've never denied you in anything. Never. I've always been here for you."

"That's true, You've been a perfect wife till I found out about you and your lover. I don't see how I can live with this."

Eric, we've tried to stop. We tried and tried. We can't stay away from each other. It's just intense raw sex. There is no love involved. We can't control it. It's been that way from the start."

"Not that it matters but how long has it been going on?"

"We met in college. At first we were just friends. We had a couple of classes together. We started studying together. After a time we ended up having sex. It was wonderful at first. Each time it just got better and better. Then he told me he was married with a small baby. We tried to stay apart but we kept meeting. We just couldn't stop."

"Eleven years and I never had any idea."

"We tried to keep it from both of you."

"Does his wife know?"

"No. We were very careful only meeting when she was gone and you were busy. Usually two or three times a month. It's been that way all the time."

"He loves his wife, I assume?"

"Yes. Just as much as I love you. She is a wonderful wife and mother. He would never leave her for me. We don't want to be together all the time. We don't love each other. It's just sex."

"You shouldn't have ever gotten married. It's impossible to keep a secret like this. You were bound to hurt one or two people. You may still hurt her too."

"I thought about it, but I needed someone in my life to love. You were perfect for me. We thought if we were careful we could do it. It worked till now."

"I know you want us to stay together, but I can't do that. I have to leave. It's all of nothing and I know you can't give him up."

"Can you find it in your heart to try. I know you love me. I'll never let you know about it. I'll always be clean for you. I've never given you sloppy seconds and I never will. I'll never deny you anything. I don't want to lose you. I love you with all my heart.

"I can't do it. I'm not angry with you. Just profoundly sad and hurt. I'll leave in the morning."

She broke down again and ran to the bedroom. I knew she was feeling the same pain, sadness and loss that I was. I hoped it would get better for both of us.

I slept that night in the spare bedroom. The next morning I got up and started packing some clothes. Sarah sat in the living room staring at the carpet, not saying a word. As I started to leave she got up and walked up to me. She hugged me and kissed my cheek. There were tears in her eyes.

"I'll always love you."

"I love you too, Sarah. Please take care of yourself. It will get easier."

I turned and walked out.


A week later I rented a pickup truck and went to what used to be my house and packed everything. I had found an apartment and moved all my stuff in. The next day Sarah received the divorce papers. She called me.

"Hi, Eric. I got the divorce papers today. Are you still sure you want this?"

"Please, Sarah. Just sign them. It's an even split. Please."

"Goodbye, Eric. I love you."

She hung up.

A week later my secretary buzzed me.

"Eric. A Brian Williams is here."

"OK. Stall him for a few minutes. I'll buzz you when to send him in."

I called security and had them send Larry up. A few minutes later he walked into my office. I buzzed Betty and told her to send Brian in.

He walked in and looked at Larry.

"I'm not here to cause any trouble. I just want to talk."

"OK, Mr. marriage wrecker. Talk."

"I just wondered what your intentions were. Are you going to tell my wife?"

"Do you think you should get a free pass on this. You two ruined a wonderful marriage.

"I'd like to keep this from my wife. I love her and we have kids."

"What would you do if the roles were reversed?"

"I don't know what I would do. I can't even imagine how much pain it's caused. There are no winners here. Everyone involved is hurt. I just want to spare my wife."

"Have you seen Sarah since this all came to a head?"

"Yes. She's devastated. She loves you with all her heart."

I figured I'd let him suffer a little.

"I haven't decided what to do about you. I have to think on it."

"Well, for the record I never wanted to hurt anyone. I'm sorry."

"Yeah. So am I. Too bad it didn't turn out that way."

He got up and walked out.

"Thanks, Larry. I guess I didn't need your help after all."

"No problem. Call me anytime."

I sat there thinking about Brian. He could have been a real asshole and rubbed my nose in it, but he chose not to. I thought about sending the video to his wife. I knew they would continue fucking and she would find our sooner or later. I couldn't think of a good reason to hurt Sarah any more. I could see she was suffering enough. She really did love me and was suffering just as I was. I trashed the whole scorched earth idea. I just wanted to move on.


The next time I saw Sarah was in court. She looked like she had lost weight and her face was drawn.

The Judge asked if we would consider counseling. Sarah looked hopefully at me and I declined. She sighed and declined. He granted the petition effective in ninety days. I walked out with my lawyer without looking back.


About a year later I was sitting in my office going over some papers. My secretary buzzed me.

"Eric, Sarah is on line one."

"Thank you."

I punched the button for line one.

"Hi, Sarah. How are you."

"Hello, Eric. I'm doing OK. I called because I want to talk to you. Can you meet me for lunch."

"OK, if you agree not to open any old wounds."

"I won't. I promise."

"OK, how about the Olive Garden on Main."

"That's fine. I'll see you at noon."

"Ok, bye bye."

I sat in the back waiting. She showed up right on time. She was dressed very professionally as I expected. I was glad she didn't try to dress to impress me. I stood and pulled her chair out. I thought she was going to hug me but she surprised me and sat. I pushed her chair in and sat across from her.

"Thank you for meeting me. A lot has happened since I last saw you."

"It looks like it was all good. You look much better now."

"There was some good and some bad. I just wanted to tell you about it."

"OK. Tell me."

"When we first split up I was having a lot of trouble dealing with the hurt I caused. I decided to see a counselor. She did me a lot of good. She made me see how self destructive my relationship with Brian was. I finally saw that if I ever fell in love again the same thing would happen eventually. She helped me get through it. I stopped seeing Brian. He wasn't very happy about it. He called me a few times. I told him about my counseling and he finally stopped calling."

I waited for the other shoe to drop.

"About two weeks after that he was killed in an auto accident. A drunk driver crossed the center line and hit him head on. The were both killed."

"I can't say I'm sorry. Did his wife ever find about about you two."

"No. I'm really glad she didn't have to deal with that. I know how much pain it would have caused."

The other shoe was about to drop.

"So, you didn't find a replacement for Brian?"

"No. I'm way past that now. I actually dropped a black client that started coming on to me. There was nothing there. I think I lost a nice commission on that."

"You're a beautiful woman. I'm surprised you haven't moved on and found someone."

She chuckled.

"I dated a few times but there was no attraction. You may not believe this but I kept comparing them to you. They failed."

I chuckled.

"That's funny to you?"

"Sorta. The same thing happened to me. I guess we set the bar too high."

"You know what I think?"


"We both still have feelings for each other. I know I do."

"You're probably right. I did delete that video, but it's still in my mind. I still feel sad when I think of it."

"My counselor showed me that I could forgive myself for hurting you. I did that. I don't know if you forgave me."

"There was nothing to forgive. You were trapped in a nightmare. You were in love with me and in lust with him. Your only way out was just what happened. I still don't know how you lived that way all those years."

"It was terrible at first. I almost didn't marry you. It just got easier as time passed. We were so careful and really didn't think anyone would find out."

"If my computer hadn't crashed we could still have been married. I never had a clue."

"I have a crazy idea. What if we started dating again. Just lunches or maybe going to the movies. Start out slow and maybe progress to dinner and a few drinks. Just go slow and see what happens."

"It is kind of crazy. I never thought about it. I just wanted to move on. Let me think on it."

'You're so brave. One thing though. If it gets too uncomfortable you can stop anytime you want. I won't stalk you or anything like that. I'll just accept that it's over."

"OK, but don't get you hopes up. I may not be as brave as you think."

She just smiled.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
rbloch66rbloch662 months ago

This was devoid of anything that gives life to a story.

And the ending is not something that any self-respecting person would consider.

pummel187pummel1874 months ago

I would have ended it by saying. " get used to filling out dos welfa forms dirtball

pugg6963pugg69634 months ago

And then he shot her in the head. The end.

The_John_YossarianThe_John_Yossarian6 months ago

This story has no emotion, no feeling. It needs a major edit and rewrite to inject some feeling into it. As a reader, I ask myself why this needs to upset me or why I should care because MC treats it with the same severity as an overdue library book or getting zapped in an online game. None of the characters seem to be engaged in the story. It's a decent first rough draft but no more.

GamblnluckGamblnluck7 months ago

Damn. The guy finds out his marriage is a sham. His 'loving' wife is screwing another guy. He does not even let the guy's wife know. That in itself is shameful.

Then he considers taking his ex back because the guy died and she is lonely? What crap.

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