All Comments on 'Enough was More than Enough'

by Slirpuff

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

A sad tale of a marriage lost would love to see the ending from the Ex-Wives point of view

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
She over reacted

but Dennis does come off as arrogant and self absorbed to me.

NIGHTW1NGNIGHTW1NGalmost 7 years ago
That was different

But I like different. Good job as always.

tazz317tazz317almost 7 years ago

and cut along the dotted line, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Arrogant asshole

Wtf this fuck head has an emotional affair while the wife works her ass off, you know work hard first few years at career then srart family. This guy is a arrogant self absorbed prick and the wife would be much better off with a loving husband.

An not a cheating muppit. Wonder how many affairs he's had in eight year of being married to second wife.

hansbwlhansbwlalmost 7 years ago
IQ score 195????

You should know that max score is 162/163

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
This Is Fiction

I have the feeling that many commenters don't realize that Literotica is fiction. Slirpuff is one of the best writers on the site and yet he gets hammered because people don't like the characters. The characters are not real! There were a few typos but the story was readable and a little different. It never ceases to amaze me that people who never wrote anything but a high school essay hammer authors on this site, not for poor writing, but because they don't like the characters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Good enough story. Thanks Slirpuff. Gave you 3*s.

Where is Steve Moore ??🤔


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Ridiculous melodrama

Fit for the Hallmark or Lifetime channel. Yuck.

Dirty_SteveDirty_Stevealmost 7 years ago
Enjoyed the story for what it was

I was actually hoping that the wife would be waiting in the kitchen. It has to difficult being married to someone who can out shine you... and that's kind of what happened here. The wife wanted her time to shine and pushed her husband away to get it. I had hoped she would have stepped back and realized what she was losing. It was weird to have him kiss Ellen when they walked through the door before he read the note.... it cemented his "arrogant asshole" personality and showed their wrong in the "friendship" taken to the level of emotional affair.

I have to disagree with hansbwl... a quick google search shows the highest recorded IQ is 228... it's bad to call out an author for facts when two seconds of research could have corrected yours....

Different story take... not my favorite but eh....

imhaplessimhaplessalmost 7 years ago

and that's what counts most for me. 5*

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago
She's Not Half As Smart As She Thinks She Is

If she needed him to tell her the answer to ANY of those questions there was no hope for them.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "1*"

She wasn't his student when they went out.

johntcookseyjohntcookseyalmost 7 years ago
Like the newer stuff

Though your old work ranks among the LW classics, the new stuff has a sly intellectual angle that elevates it to a higher plane. Very enjoyable read. It's a treat to see Slirpuff show up in the new submissions page. Thanks. *****

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Liked it.


Driven2ReadDriven2Readalmost 7 years ago

Didn't know there was a new way to tell a LW Story, nice job by one of my favorite authors.. nicely done 5*

francis_toliverfrancis_toliveralmost 7 years ago

Original and sad. I really liked the role reversal of the typical trope of the husband working crazy hours, leading to the wife cheating. I liked that he did not cross a line until she made it clear that the marriage was dead.

Yes he was having an emotional affair, but considering that he was repeatedly telling his wife that she was killing their relationship (constant fights and emotional withdrawal on her part), I don't really have a problem with that. Human's don't live in a vacuum and his friendship was bound to grow as his wife killed their marriage.

I also like that the initial issue was caused by his own thoughtlessness. If he had been more careful of his wife's career, a lot of grief could have been avoided. That being said, his wife's personality traits would probably have surfaced sooner or later regardless. Her priorities and inability to forgive may have doomed their relationship eventually regardless.

I really liked that both were very human, with very human flaws and human strengths. It made their marriage's death spiral much more believable and also more tragic.

Excellent dialog and character arcs. Very original. Excellent all around, especially for such a short piece. Five easy stars from one of the best writers on the sight.

Thanks for sharing,

KnightofoilKnightofoilalmost 7 years ago
Interesting twist

No cheating but ego. That will get you every time. I kind of hope she would see the light.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Hubby checked out from the marriage a long time ago....

Hubby just didn't get it, did he?

But he ended up with the amerI can dream.

Not fair!

But life is now fair now isn't it?

InsigniaInsigniaalmost 7 years ago
Anger and resentment

Usurped the easy dialogue they once shared. Sounds like they got hitched way too soon but thats the starter spouse mentality that pervades. This was a clever story about two people that are too clever for their own good. Denny's mom must be an interesting gal as well. 5 stars as usual.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
re: This Is Fiction

So? Fiction is not a "get out of jail free" card. It does not grant the writer carte blanche to do whatever it wants without logic, reason, good characterization, etc. The very things you criticize are the very essence of commentary.


By your logic, not comments on a story could be allowed because, hey, it's fiction.


The only way your statement makes any sense is if, somehow, you have never read a book, watched a movie or TV show, and had a "Wait a minute" moment, that you have never had problems with the story.

bruce22bruce22almost 7 years ago
Extremely well done

He owed her a trip to her commemoration dinner, but her tendency to not tell him anything any more sabotaged it. I like the story but not the final situation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Really clever, but in the end, they were just a mismatch.

Looks like she expected the marriage to just tag along behind her career, and he lost interest in trying once he met an appealing alternative. Still, there was plenty of need and opportunity for some real heat to heart soul searching before he started fucking around on his wife, even if he Thought the marriage was over. It wasn't over that night! Her final sentence, "It looks like you won this time," implies that she thinks she lost. He should have waited to see if she had given up, or assumed he had. It almost looks like Debby knew about Ellen and was signifying that, at that point, what difference did the damn quiz really make! It would have been most responsible to forget the cleverness and cuteness and little quizz bull shit and finally decide what their future should be. There is no indication that Debby realized her response was giving him the green light to end their marriage. I took her note at face value, it was his test, so she didn't know herself what he thought the correct answers were. I found his test ploy childish and demeaning.

Too bad they couldn't get past themselves to find and love each other. They both read like really interesting intelligent people, except when it came to being married. Those who are successful at marriage know it is harder and requires more time and effort than any job you'll ever have.

Thanks for your time and effort in writing this story. Those of us without ID's are not without ideas. Thanks for allowing mine.

LVGirlLVGirlalmost 7 years ago
Very Well Done

Two very interesting characters. I think that they were mismatched from the beginning. Lust kept them together to start, but it wasn't enough to make their relationship last.

extemporeextemporealmost 7 years ago
A well written story, in a rising "career" arc.

I thought this story was very well done and I believe that's another upward step in your growth as a writer. You've almost always produced interesting stories, but over the months and years your writing has become increasingly more artful and self-assured.

It has been a remarkable progression and the hard work that made this growth possible is commendable.

gatorhermitgatorhermitalmost 7 years ago
Very Original Story

Difficult to come up with something new in LW, and Slirpuff has done so. Excellent character development. Seemed longer to read than the two pages – I think because the story is so intense. Five star story for sure.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Why does no one these days think you might just might need to work at being together. First problem they run away.I was taught that you make it work it's called compromise and bloody hard work.You meet problems together as one but never allow yourselves to forget why you are together. We made vows in front of each other as family abandoned us both and we meant them.Its not easy in fact it would have been easier at times to give up but I never forgot I love her and she loves me and we are in love with each other and we have been all our lives.Shes my Sister and the love of my life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Such a stupid premise

I couldn't make it through even the first page because it was based on such a stupid premise.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 7 years ago

A fun read. Thanks for the offering.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
A very good story

and original too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Original, but somehow it added up to a less than a satisfying read. Three Stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Functionally, she cheated her way through college,

got "grades" without learning a thing. Like stealing the trophy, and then displaying it on the mantel.

Why a dual-PhD would ever consider marrying her I would never understand. Fuck her, sure, but anyone who thinks "rules are for other people" is not really marriage material. I only have one PhD and even I know that.

However, a very inventive read, thank you.

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy60almost 7 years ago

Disappointing ending, I've always rooted for the Underdog, when two immovable egos meet! Well, you painted them both into corners.

soldierboy50401soldierboy50401almost 7 years ago

A fairly well written story, for the most part. Eight months is a long time for there to be that kind of animosity and resentment. With two intellectuals for your main characters, I should have expected reason and accountability to win out and for them to talk about their issues and differences. Therefore, the ending was lacking and didn't seem as plausible to the rest of the story. But definitely a solid effort! Keep writing! 3***

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago
@Anonymous 07/19/17 Re: "Really clever"

"before he started fucking around on his wife" - He never fucked around on her.

"'It looks like you won this time,' implies that she thinks she lost" - No, she KNEW she lost, because she couldn't give him the answers to three questions that any true loving wife should have ZERO trouble answering. It was only THEN, when she admitted that she failed the test that he slept with Ellen.

"There is no indication that Debby realized her response was giving him the green light to end their marriage." "she didn't know herself what he thought the correct answers were" - Of course she did! If a wife can't say that she 1) still loves her husband; 2) that her job ISN'T more important than her marriage; and 3) she DOESN'T want a divorce, SHE is ending the marriage!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago
@Anonymous 07/19/17 Re: "Sad"

She was the one who held a well-meaning, if thoughtless, comment against him for MONTHS! She should have accepted his apology and moved on, not cut him out of her professional life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Don't Believe Slirpuff Wrote This

Two reasons: 1) Too many typos & grammatical errors. 2) In his stories , the guy always forgives the wife.

c24jc24jalmost 7 years ago

In this story, he had the emotional affair while she was working hard for their future. If it had been reversed, and she'd had an emotional affair while he was working really hard, everyone'd be saying how awful and unappreciative she was.

Not only that, if she'd used HIS words to make herself look good in HIS company, everyone'd be claiming she was arrogant and disingenuous.

Such misogynistic hypocrisy . . .

He could have fixed it by at the next party by telling a very few people how gullible their management was . . . that just like at his place of work, he could quote someone else's words and get credit for it, fools believing anything.. This would get back to them and embarrass her management nicely. They'd hate him and think him an arrogant bastard, and if they'd brought it up to her . . . she could point out how, yes, it irritated her so much when he did that, and she wanted so badly to prove him wrong, she hated his gloating smirk whenever he THOUGHT he was proven correct . . . that'd embarrass them a bit further even.

But of course, he didn't. He had to make himself look good at her expense, cheat on her, and then have the arrogance to give HER a test. What a dick.

He should have ended the emotional affair, told her he wanted the marriage back, but didn't want to stay if she no longer wanted him, and suggest they either divorce or work on the marriage.

And Ellen just couldn't wait to jump in and take advantage of a rough patch in someone else's marriage. What an awful woman. They'll both end up screwin' around on each other . . . I feel sorry for the kid.

Hope Debby found someone who appreciated hard work and her pattern recognition genius . . . maybe a better job too.

c24jc24jalmost 7 years ago
That being said - Good writing

Seem to have lost part of my original message and the whole follow-up . . .

Despite frustrating husband and home-wrecker characters . . . good (if sad) story . . . Enjoyed the read.

boatbummboatbummalmost 7 years ago
A Sad Tale -- But Wait, There's Hope!

Take a woman who skated through college only studying the things that interested her and faking it for the rest of her courses; add a workaholic temperament an overweening ambition; wrap it up with a husband who wants to have a loving family with kids. What have you got? Whatever it is, it does not compute!

Dennis gave her every chance, and did not 'move on' until it was clear that Debby had given up on their marriage. Here's wishing Dennis and Ellen and their kids all the love they so richly deserve!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I suspect that this was NOT a Slirpuff submission. Boo. Shallow characters, choppy story line and woeful dialogue. What gives?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Total Crap

What looked like was going to be a story just turned to total crap

FD45FD45almost 7 years ago
Maybe I'm slow

I just didn't get the 'zing'. And the wording of question 3 was awful.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caalmost 7 years ago

Good medium light read for slirpuf (what does that mean?) I wonder if that in the real world only the marriages that get to the point of a problem survive?

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 7 years ago
Just how 'adventurous' was Sweetie?

Not exactly sure how this is LW! Accusations that even Hubby feels are probably spurious do not a cheater make!

Not many characters to like in this tale!

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 7 years ago
what marriage?

Someone said he checked out of the marriage.

What marriage?

She had already checked out over eight months earlier.

She acted like he was a roommate she couldn't stand but wasn't quite ready to get rid of, not like a loved one.

Newsflash: People make thoughtless comments.

The only way to avoid being affected by anyone making a thoughtless comment is to never associate with people.

If that is not an option then learn to get over it and move on.

Did you get into a relationship because you wanted to be alone?

I doubt the husband did.

After months of trying he gave up on salvaging a marriage she had long ago abandoned.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Sorry, this is one of your worst stories ever.

I didn't even finish it. No professor in his right mind would talk about ogling a students tits in the classroom like that. Nor would he say the word "fuck" to a student like that or even go to dinner with her. This whole story is ridiculous.

dumdum57dumdum57almost 7 years ago
the husband is a loser

for the very first time reading one of this categories stories, i am siding with the wife. the husband phoned in this marriage. he didn't even try.

xtremeddxtremeddalmost 7 years ago
Not sure I read this stories comments.... but I did read this story.

I cannot be sure where their comments came from or the story they read.

Clear to me there was a disconnect on the acceptable actions in a two party marriage.

5* Thanks for sharing on Lit.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
He is Really Smart

He gave her all the rope she needed to hang herself with. He also knew how she was going to answer his very short quiz. Just glad Ellen was with him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
195 IQ!!!

hansbwl is again wrong when he states that the professor can't have an IQ estimate above 162/163. This is incorrect. The problem with IQ's above 160 is that the error of estimation in the IQ estimate increases significantly at values greater than 160. To simplify their work most IQ evaluators don't want to do a more rigorous test of a subject in order to establish a more accurate evaluation of subjects above 160 IQ. This doesn't mean that such an evualtion can not be accomplished!

It be should noted that a past IQ evaluator once stated "Everyone is a genius at one thing and stupid at something else." I will expand on this point by my own quote: "As a person's IQ estimate increases, the number of things that they are a genius at increases exponentially relative to the IQ first standard deviation group of 85-115. The corollary to this is: "As a person's IQ estimate decreases, the number of things that they are a genius at decreases asymptotically to zero relative to the IQ first standard deviation group of 85-115."

Based on these definitions we can extrapolate the following: hansbwl has an IQ lower than the IQ first standard deviation group of 85-115. Secondly, hansbwl is stupid when it comes to comments on stories like this one!

By the way this was a well written story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I agree with dumdum57, the husband really made no effort, either in the relationship or the marriage. Definitely not one of the author’s best.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 6 years ago
Bull Shit

The husband did try. what was he supposed to do? His wife was pushy, bossy and completely self centered. He should have read the signs before he married her. She didn't change. He grew a set of balls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

He had it right from the get go. Debby couldn't get life right unless she was led around by a ring in her nose.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
piece of shit dude

marries piece of shit whore. what a nice idea. *

ErotFanErotFanover 6 years ago
Tough story to grade

It reads like a long build-up to a clever ending. Pretty straight forward.

But an awful lot of verbiage was spent on his first wife only to throw her a trick test.

His second relationship tried to tell him how to resolve the first, but he refused.

Instead he couched it as a test to his wife. He put nothing into it.

Oh well, you reap what you sow.

etchiboyetchiboyover 6 years ago
Loved this story, but...

... I agree that he did very little to keep the marriage together. Debby tried several olive half branches, i.e. she gave a vague half hearted try. But Dennis never attempted to meet her half way. It was pretty much “my way, EXACTLY, or the highway”. Yeah, Debby put him in that position, but then he gave up. Honestly, I think Dennis was a shit. Debby’s only real failing was taking the last test, unless she REALLY meant she wanted out of the marriage. In that case it was a perfect answer.

Anyway, I’ve read this 4 or 5 times now, and I obviously really like it. So 5-stars.

etchiboyetchiboyover 6 years ago
Oh yeah. And I’d like to know what happened to Debby.

Enquiring minds want to know.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago

married a slut. What did he expect?

tazz317tazz317over 6 years ago

but she had Juevos all the way to the bitter end, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
A matter of whom won what

Debby was a wildcat and very competitive. She was able to win his weenie and his intrigue. She provided a tell of her preference when she chose the job over having a family. When he made the mistake at the social, she pretty much made the choice between her husband or her job. From that point on she gradually drifted away. Trying to invite him the promotion social was half-hearted effort. They both knew it was.

Ellen genuinely care for him. Even though she wanted a relationship, she tried to push him to reconcile with his wife. He could tell that Ellen was the real deal. Was it an emotional affair? Maybe. But, it seemed to be a mutual friendly relationship.

The morning of the test Debby and hubby knew it was over. Her deliberately failing the test sealed it. Him going to bed with Ellen only after Debby had made her decision. The divorce was decided upon. Only the paperwork needed to be drawn up and signed. Since she probably made a lot more than him and there were no kids, she wasn't going to make waves.

In the end he has a wife that loves him. Two children which both parents enjoy spending time with. Debby has her dream position in marketing. It seems all three got what they wanted. I'm not sure anyone noticed, but Ellen also took that test and seem to have passed it easily with her actions. Does she love him? Seems so. Is her job more important? Nope. She chose to go out with him and family on Saturday than to the Social. Yes, she ask about going to the social, but a good spouse will do that to help point out options. Does she want a divorce? Doesn't look like it. Their life is good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I am with twocrows

She never learned a single thing in life. She cheated because she could see patterns. The fact that a wrong word from her husband blew her out of the running for the job meant she either was going to get it and be set up for someone else’s screwup, or they never wanted her there and were toying with her. What could he have possibly said other than to piss off her boss that would derail her career so badly? She checked out of the marriage all the way back there. He asked her three lousy questions. How they were put was irrelevant, all she had to do was answer them honestly, so did he check out? Only after she did anything and everything to alienate him. She couldn’t even answer three questions? He felt he put and put and put, but she didn’t care. She obviously wanted out. C’mon she tells him the evening of the award ceremony? After all the abuse ( mental ) that she put on him, she never even tried to make amends. Had she put 1/16th of the effort that she put into her work into her relationship with her husband then I am sure that they wouldn’t have gotten to this point. As always one of the most glaring issues here is communication or the lack there of. He isn’t off the hook either, but it is not all or even mostly his fault. I’ve seen her type in the business world. 9 times out of ten they wind up bitter old spinster that can’t be happy. Their only happiness comes from seeing others suffer unless everyone is dancing to the beat of their drum and not their own!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Second read

I wonder what she was thinking. Did she assume that she could just ignore her spouse for such a long time, have him sleep in a separate bedroom and think that it will all just be fine and dandy on her timeline with no regard to any resentment he may be harboring? OK, he should have watched what he was saying especially after she had said something about it. However that does not mean he should be treated like an afterthought for the better part of a year! As said her POV would have been interesting. Wasn’t really impressed with either of them, but, at least he was happy afterwards.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
A Couple of Losers

Those two deserve each other. IQ of 195 and he marries a gal because of a body and good sex? Has to be more than those temporary things. A loser. And her? Shallow and greedy, self-centered. Loser, too.

This story is not up to Slirpuff's usual level. It lacked depth and emotion, which he replaced instead with braggart sex. High school stuff. Slirpuff, you are a better storyteller than that!

YvesmiYvesmiabout 6 years ago
His fault

You must always mention you sources. Whe you quote somebody else’s statement. His answer during the first party. Probably it would not have changed much.

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderheralmost 6 years ago
Put a Fork in Me

I have read probably 1/3 or slightly more of your stories. I have thought a couple of them were excellent, half of them were good but the rest were like this. Sorry, but this is the last one of yours I will read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Ignorant BS

IQ is a test result not an inherent part of brain. If you take two IQ tests you will have two IQs. The circumstances about college mathematics here are absolutely ridiculous, apparently written by a person that does not understand college teaching. I know what I am talking about since I am a college math professor.

The absurdity in the rest of the story fits well in slirpuff's male chauvinist style but it does not make a good story other than for sanctimonious male pricks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I quit reading when they started dickering over whether or not to let her pass on the essay test and take a different one. I despise people who believe they are “entitled”, and I think that girl certainly qualifies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I understand....

why you wouldn't read over this story and correct the many mistakes. It is a really boring story. Nuff said. I was feeling very generous and gave it a 3. That's a pass...just!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
So I know he's a math professor

But he decides his marriage and his future on a test? Without actually TALKING To his wife, face to face? Man was that stupid.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Enjoyed this and all your stories.

Reading your stories for the second time. I have enjoyed them all. Glad this one ended up the way it did.

GrimmerGrimmerover 5 years ago
Nice take on an old subject

Debby was self centered and selfish. She fully expected his okay after almost a year of her behavior? At least he now has what makes him happy.

Wonder what happened to Debby ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Needed to know.....

...what happened to Debby. The story is good and could have been great.4*s.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
A test

Did I like it or.not? I had to read it twice, but yes I liked it.

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 5 years ago
Reading through the comments again

I don't think I rated the story high enough. It is original and I think it serves as an ink blot test of sorts. Different people seem to see very different things in it. From one comment to the next it's like they are commenting on two very different stories with the same characters. I'd give you ten to one odds the people who blame him skew significantly Democrat and vice versa.

jtwheelsjtwheelsalmost 5 years ago
Against the grain ? Different take but have read a lot so similar

And didn't like other either

Younger days read average book a day record 7 one day was up almost all night

Love to read way more than TV movies etc

Reading Is my relaxation

He knew what she was like he was smarter than her figured out better way to handle relationship or move on

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Yes she was selfish but how many men do the same thing and expect the woman to suck it up. Stupid on her part just as stupid on his if he did the same thing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This is pretty bad

Wow that main character is a total asshole. Sure, the wife didn't seem too agreeable from his perspective, but since he consistently made everything about him, and never made any real effort to communicate with his wife, well... Excuse me if I don't trust his judgement.

Other than that, the story was poorly written. Several sentences didn't make sense, the characters were shallow and uninteresting, and the plot wasn't near fleshed out. The story simply lacks effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Sheer trash

Aside from the wild spelling errors,which were sometimes quite funny e g "corgel" for cordial, this story shows little to recommend it. I gave it one star. But then, I've always been a generous guy.

jimjam69jimjam69over 4 years ago
Good story

Kind of unusual. All in all, pretty good.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
Third time

I understand it now and I like it.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
Im confused

In slirpuff other stories the wife flirts, talks trash about her husband and everyone says the husband is overacting asshole and he's not letting his wife be herself. This husband is a genius and he an asshole for being smart. about a double standard.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
This Story Brings Back Memories

Of college and a girlfriend. Had a college tech class at night, machine shop, welding, etc. Most of the class was made up of factory workers going for classes and/or degrees to help them improve themselves personally and professionally. One night the instructors gave us a 100 question T/F test. I got down probably 10-15 questions and noticed a pattern. All of the answers were A, B, C, D in order, 1-4 then repeat all of the way down. He was walking around the room looking at the students and their answers. When he got to me I looked up at him with a questioning look and he just smiled and walked on. As I looked around there were a number of worried people with some changing answers. I just kept going and when I was done the pattern held true. Might have been the only time in college I ever got 100% correct except for my Engineering Statistics class, a lot of others in that shop class didn't do so well.

The girlfriend couldn't figure out how I almost always seem to win at the board game Clue. Just about the only time I lost was when my brother was in the game, he was the one who taught me. So I explained if you had two of the three cards and someone else asked a question containing one or both of the cards you had, when the other person showed their card you knew where either one or the other was. Keep track of who answered when and with what and you narrowed things down very quickly without even asking anyone anything. If someone else showed you one the the cards from an earlier play you then had two answers at one time. Just like watching Columbo. She insisted I was cheating and wouldn't play Clue with me anymore.

"It wasn't my favorite but I could stomach everything but smoked eel; I didn't even like the way it looked much less tasted." Don't know about eel but I can't get passed octopuss and squid, there's a reason they call it escargot because no one would eat it if they just called it snails. What is caviar? At least my second read and enjoyed it even more. I assume (yeah, I know the joke) that Question 3 had a typo and it would be interesting to know what happened to Debby but it's just curiosity and doesn't matter at all to the story. But I'm wondering where and with whom she spent the night since there wasn't any evidence that she was cheating other than a passing comment in anger. Still can't fathom people reading intelligent, unique stories and then coming up with the most stupid comments like "cuck shit". Signed: BTW

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago

Did he ever find out if wife cheated? Or was she married to her career?

Nice ending...

WargamerWargamerabout 4 years ago

Good story, loved it

jesemmojesemmoabout 4 years ago
Interesting Story

Their marriage was doomed from the beginning. Dennis had achieved his success and with an IQ of 195 was stable. Debby had an obsession to succeed at any cost and became the victim of her ego. I've experienced too many couples such as these two. If success mean more than your love for you partner the marriage doesn't have a chance.

I enjoy reading your stories. You have a talent in writing literotica sex stories. You have a depth of thinking that goes beyond just a sexual experience.

NitpicNitpicabout 4 years ago

The ending doesn't work.They were three simple yes or no questions,there was no pattern to work out.It was an excuse for the author to team him up with Ellen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
The husband killed the marriage

He destroys ger career that she spends years building and then he just wants her to get over that betryal quickly? Then he accuses her of cheating with no actual evidence but is having an emotional affair with anothet women? Being smart is not an excuse to be a jerk to other people but that seems to be the only ability he has besides being good at math.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Good story

Crap ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

did not get the ending

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Was a bit confusing and unsatisfying. Kinda wished it had been stretched out a bit.

Still a hood read until the end.

KRD19254KRD19254over 3 years ago

Wow, it sure appears that most LW readers have never worked with any PhD's. And this one is a 2x PhD and in Mathematics & Statistics - do you know how eccentric that makes him? I've worked with many PhD's and all but a very very few had their feet on the ground - usually they are in their own little world having no social awareness. She knew his shortcomings. So she should have been like glue to him at any work social gathering to help guide him. Yes, he goofed up but he owned it; her solution was to cut him off.


So his true friends saw what was coming and pushed him towards Ellen. Ellen became a real friend becoming more when the opportunity rose, lucky Dennis.


Debby emotionally dumped Dennis when she did not get that promotion; Dennis moving into the guest bedroom was his scream for her to notice but she was already gone - she let the marriage die.


5*, Hooyah, salute! an almost PhD w/dyslexia

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Wheres the ending?

There was no real ending. What was her reaction? Great first half of story, but I'd like to have the rest of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Reason for low score was there really wasn't enough evidence to suggest cheating, it was implied but never proven, she could of been working harder than before to get back to promotion level within the bosses eyes.

But to be fair when a spouse refuses to communicate and does everything possible to make sure that work takes up all their time, what type of marriage would you think could survive that?

Also for me to bump up this score it needs some form of epilogue or another short chapter to tie up the loose ends, I'm sure they would of spoken when papers were served, It implies heavily that she cheated and didn't care about what he did, but did she? I have a feeling she didn't but could be wrong.

These types of stories that don't have a proper ending, leaves me frustrated, it's a great story just needs a way better ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Debby never did get the idea.

She needed to put an effort into her relationships.

By the time my first child was born she had been divorced for a second time. She just could not act like a normal wife should.

By the time my daughter was 10 she had been divorced 3 times. She still did not get it. By the time my son graduated she had been married 5 times and divorced 5 times.

Eventually she got it but by then it was too late.

She is now 65 and I am 78 she rang me the other day asking to talk. We talked for several hours and she told me she never cheated on me but she did hold her lack of promotion against me. That was why she became so nasty. She also told me that she never stopped loving me and the reasons her other marriages didn't work was she always compared her husbands to me.

Ego boost? Not really I felt sad for her.

She also told me she threw away a damned good marriage because she was bitter about what I had said. To this day I still don't understand why she was pissed as I had just repeated what she had said to me, and I told her that.

She also told me she had only several months to live as she had cancer and needed to clear her soul so she could pass without regret.

Over the next 5 months my wife and I spent as much time with her as we could. We were there when she passed and her last words were to me "We will meet again."

She passed peacefully. None of her other husbands came to visit while she was going down hill, just me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

There is more than sex to cheat a marriage - taking time away from your partner is one of them, regardless of the reason.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It takes two to make a marriage. It doesn't matter if all her time is at work or she's having an affair also. Like the Eagles song, she's 'Already Gone'! Thank you for your story! 5*

somewhere east of Omaha

whateverittakeswhateverittakesabout 3 years ago

Even if anybody could have seen what he said was clear he didn't have to say it. Sometimes it's a good idea to just shut up. Too bad since they did make a good couple.

SorchakSorchakalmost 3 years ago

Not the first time I've read this, but now I'll comment. Debby was too reliant on finding the pattern in tests, especially this one. There can be a pattern, but not much of one, in only 3 questions. And her needing to know the answers to the first and second last questions were, in this case, her downfall because only SHE knew the answers. Lastly, please fix question 3: Do you don't want a divorce?

secretsalsecretsalalmost 3 years ago

Good story, but her reply to the quiz just felt too trite, especially considering she was signing off on the death of their marriage. Ending with that made the whole thing feel a bit cheap.

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