All Comments on 'Fool's Gold Ch. 01'

by capecodmercury

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good work

Well written and interesting to read. What most couples go thru'. Awaiting the next part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

It's a good start, but we know this story.

We know these characters, we know the plot, the conflict and the resolution, including the ending. With a title like "Fool's Gold" and a footnote that says "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone," there are NO surprises left (we know that Anne will regret hooking up with asshole and will want to come back, but it's not going to work because our hero will find someone else, etc. etc). The problem is that we know this story, we know too much, and that is a pity because you're better than that. Where are the authors that used to give us a twist, a little surprise? I'm bored.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 17 years ago

Blame the man First...Gee what a "surprise" from CCM... ( NOT!!!!!) why isnt Laura's speech being given to the cheating whore wife? Yes he is hurt and angry but he didnt do antying wrong except work too hard. Instead the problem is NOT her cheating it is HIS ego.... How may times will this line be thrown at him over the next chapters?

I presume in a later chapters BILL will say <b> "maybe part of what happened is my fault "</b>

TiggerTooTiggerTooover 17 years ago
This seems right.

I'm glad you got in that bit about women's affairs not usually being about sex. It's about time somebody said it in print. More need to say it. <P> As far as responsibility for affairs, I assume wifey will usually blame hubby for some perceived slight or other. As a random guess, few husbands are entirely satisfactory to their wives. Me first. LOL! So, reality dictates that, while the transgressor must bear the large majority share of the blame, there must be some small share apportioned to the aggrieved party. Certainly nothing happens in a vacuum. To me, an affair would be an overreaction to any perceived husbandly failure. Most women just get a divorce. That wouldn’t make much of a story, though. <P> I know two ex-married couples who get along very well. It started for the sake of the children but they've carried it to other areas of contact. As I'd never heard of such a thing, it was a pleasant surprise and I have great respect for them. <P> CCM, looking forward to the next chapter(s). As always, you do a great job and thanks for writing. <P> Phil

Risq_001Risq_001over 17 years ago
Your going to find this hard to believe Harry.....

<p>.....but I'm going to defend the story.</p>

<p>Let's just say I've seen the whole thing. Some of it is what you believe and some of it isn't. But once you read it all you might be surprised by the ending.</p>

<p>I don't agree with some parts of the story, and other parts I think fleshed out well, but since I can't rate the story as a 90-95% I have to the 100 that is close enough</p>

<p>But the ending might suprise you >=)</p>


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
got my interest

not an easy position to be in.

nicely written and some readers may not like the husband's proposition, but it is your story. i just hope that what the "twin" said would come true. and not end the story w/ a reconcillation.

Risq_001Risq_001over 17 years ago
TiggerToo, you really crazy aren't you?

<p>You are really Howard Stern the radio shock jock aren't you TiggerToo?</p>

<p>I can't believe you said <i>So, reality dictates that, while the transgressor must bear the large majority share of the blame, there must be some small share apportioned to the aggrieved party. Certainly nothing happens in a vacuum.</i> Your really insane aren't you?</p>

<p>Based on your logic here:</p>

<p>-When spouse abuse takes place the person that is being <i>beaten</i> on shares some of the blame for the other spouse getting angry, regardles of the reasons, and hitting them? Dinner not ready, wham! Garbage not taken out wham! Wasn't at your kids recital, wham!</p>

<p>-When someone robs someone else, at a bank, at a store, or at a gas station, the people they rob have to share some of the blame for not seeing that that person who robbed them may have needed the money they <i>earned</i> the hard way, regardless if the person robbed them because they are starving or wanted the money for drugs? They need to share some of the blame for getting robbed as a teller at a bank?</p>

<p>-Someone drinks and drives and they get behind the wheel and kill someone the victim needs to share the blame?</p>

<p>Your logic is crazy. Your trying to say that just because you get married you no longer need any morals or human decency or that because your married the other person should share in the temporary loss of them when someone chooses to cheat?</p>

<p>When someone cheats because they feel they can or are entitled to, the first thing they have a responsiblity for is <b><i>talking</i></b> to their spouse and voicing their concerns before it gets to that point. If that dosen't work, or they feel that they aren't intrested in saving the marriage, then they should get out of the marriage so they both are free and able to move on, not secretly getting even or enjoy themselves for any slights they feel may have happened, like some theif in the night</p>

<p>People that try to justify cheating as partially the fault of someone else are just looking for an excuse to spread the blame around to make themselves look not as bad. It's the famous <i>I may have screwed up, but look they did to</i> syndrome that <i><b>Kids</b></i> have been using for years and you just suggested that it's a small point of some validity. Adults don't say or do this, they face up to what they do and what they need to do and make the <b>Adult</b> decisions. Not try to say <i>Well both spouses need to share some blame for the one spouse who cheats</i>. That's just a cop out of making the hard decisions to do the right thing. Cheating is easy, trying to make it right isn't. </p>


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago


You have this down pat. The dynamics of a divorce are so complex and you have done an excellent job of developing the characters and the story line. I really like where this seems to be going, and I actually care how it turns out.

As usual there are no winners in this stuff, just survivors.

Excellent start and I look forward to the rest of the story

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I think TiggerToo's comment was reasonable

First off - I like the story so far. Many of us would like to see the husband behave as a total hard ass and leave the wife with nothing. He got screwed over and she was in the wrong so he shouldnt have to compromise. In a perfect work, it would work like that. This isnt a perfect world though and the husband is acting in the best interests of his children. He is still behaving in a realistic manner (angry etc) but is trying to do whats right. <p><p>

One of my peeves is that the cheated on party (usually husband) becomes reasonable and conciliatory way too quickly and it usually makes him seem emotionless. This guy is still acting like a human being and still has faults, but he is trying to overcome them and keep his eye on whats really important. Cant ask for more than that in a character Im supposed to identify with. <p><p>

As for tigertoo's comment, I dont think he said that the husband was to blame. He said that the wife was blaming the husband. Seemed like he was talking about the rationalizations a cheater would use to justify themselves, and not the way blame would be distributed by a third party. Also said that most would (and should) leave their spouses before they start looking for someone new if the perceived slight/failing is too great to overcome but that cheaters arent known for behaving honorably. Maybe I didnt understand what he meant but thats what I thought he was saying. <p><p>

Anyway author, good story and thanks for writing.

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 17 years ago
Very well done scenario of what a split can be lik

I have not read any of the comments as I don’t want any thing to taint my response.

I find this a true to life experience I have seen hundreds of times. The reality of human beings having the great gift from God of feelings and emotions coupled with the ability to rationalize is so well pointed out here.

Your dialogue and descriptions with the great emotions coming through make this a delight to read. The foundation of reason and how it is accomplished is textbook to what makes for a full life of growth and actual comfort to those who can see the tree among the forest. Some one has to be there to guide those emotions so a clearness and understanding lead to an outcome of a new life with greater possibilities then the old.

I am looking forward to the end of this story of human emotions and frailties.

Thank you so much for this work of sensibilities.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
the wife broke her vow of marriage

the husband is mad,what new.with men its' justice or revenge and how we want to do it.this story the kids are coming first and i salute the writer.once the kids are in place the lover have to pay and then the wife.the lover for going after another man wife.ladies its' a man thing.i would try and destroy the lover money first and then the relationship with the whore.that just me as a man who been married for 4 decades.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
It's like a more poorly written nici fic.

So, it's once again the husband being irrational and silly about it. Thank goodness for the guru relative that showed up out of the blue 3/4 of the way through to clear everything up. I'd love for authors of this ilk to apply themselves to the noncon category. "You're being really childish. You really have no one to blame for being raped but yourself and you should get over it already."

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
Extremely well told

Excellent authorship by a fine writer. The characters are absolutely real, entirely credible and very human. The storyline is deftly handled by the author and the train wreck of their marriage as it blows apart is painfully realistic.


I've read the tale in its entirety elsewhere. It's one of the best LW tales in a long time. Thank you, capecodmercury, for a story very well told.

Irish_DomIrish_Domover 17 years ago

An outstanding story. More like what real life would be like than a lot of other stories posted to this site. I had my own bitter divorce a number of years ago. We did the yelling and blame thing and it wasn't good for either of us. Keep it up!

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 17 years ago
RE: "I think TiggerToo's ..."

That was me. Must have forgot to enter my name. Sorry.<p><p>

Thanks again for a good story.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 17 years ago
I too read this elsewhere; the Ending is DUMB

but of course you know who53 has never met a cheating wife he didnt want forgiven AND reconciled

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 17 years ago
Risq is right that is EXACTLY what TiggerToo said

its called Moral relativism and it is why guys like him --and some others-- ALWAYS manage to place SOME blame on the husband. What PHIL cannot see is that there is a critical difference contributing factors and Fault An overworking Husband that has been doing so for a few weeks or months is NOT JUSTIFICATION for cheating.

To follow RISQ's example... If the Bank has lax security and gets robbed ... it is STILL the Robbers fault.

if the wife doesnt get Dinner on the table and the husband /ully is beating on her ... it is STILL the husbands's fault.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 17 years ago
I think the whole idea

of shared custody is noone is at fault. It CAN work and work well. Right now it's up to Ann to see if they can work it out. There won't be a reconciliation. She's already gone too far and there arguments have cinched the rift. I think Laura is right but I think Ann will be unhappy quicker than a few years.

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
Harry isn't gold but he is a fool

I won't dignify your remark with a response, Harry, because you're not worth it. I do hope you'll resort to some more foul-mouthed invective so people will know you for what you really are.


I don't want to spoil the story for others, unlike you, so I'll say nothing about its conclusion. Besides, what's the point? You've already discovered eternal truth so why would anyone bother talking to you? You're sad and pathetic, little man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Harry and you

think you could possibly take your bickering out somewhere else and not on a public forum where everyone is made to deal with your vitriolic attitudes? I don't think the author's whose work you impugn enjoy the attention you bring. Have some decency, go beat each other up in an alley or something.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

just dont look at reconciliation as how could you ever trust this bitch again

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
You ALL forgot!

Apparently everyone has, including the dumb author, forgotten one thing in this soap opera. The other victim-wife got All the evidence, kicked the cheater out, and she is going to take him to the cleaners using ALL the cheating evidence to win her case. So, BEING NICE in protecting Sarah and Lacey is a moot point.

ALL the dirty laundry is going to be public knowledge anyway. So fire at will, get all the revenge that is deserved. Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead. Yes, get your head out of your ass and use some cold-hearted logic. Forget it and get on with life, with full custody of the girls. Who says they need a cheating slut mother, when all those nice eager mothers-to-be are out there waiting.

Don't wimp out; just because your silly "twin" doesn't see the big picture. Swinging door marriages may be her cup of tea, but that does not have to be the case.

Our hero can have his cake and eat it too... nothing less makes any sense.

TiggerTooTiggerTooover 17 years ago
Heavy sigh ...

Perhaps the real question is the definition of the words ‘factor’ or ‘fault’. I’m using it interchangeably so pick the one you like better. In a situation such as this, everyone involved has some of the fault. It takes two to tango. That’s not moral relativism. That’s not a justification for cheating. It’s just reality. I’m hardly equating the small amount of responsibility the aggrieved spouse has because he wasn’t the perfect hubby with the far greater amount of responsibility the cheater bears for her wild overreaction to hubby’s perceived faults. The cheater is not 100% at fault. There are always underlying dynamics from childhood or the marriage that result in a person doing what they ought not to do. Too many people here see things as all or nothing, but life is not about absolutes. There are few. Life is about the shifting sands of understanding and great complexity. People need to grow and gain the discernment to see nuances as they have life experiences. <P> I once met a Jewish man who had tattoos on his arm from his time in the concentration camps as a boy. He lost all his family. A German co-worker from the nearby town who made sure he had food every day saved his life. What a bittersweet thing. That’s life as it really is. <P> To Risq – Your comments are usually very good. I most certainly meant nothing that could be construed that way. People should not read in meanings that aren't there. <P> Again, an excellent story so far. <P> Phil

shangoshangoover 17 years ago
I didn't like the story

So I wasn't going to comment. But TiggerToo, your logic is flawed. A German showing compassion to a Jew during WWII has nothing to do with a Cheating Spouse. The "Devil made me do it" defense, or the he/she drove me into another's arms is for the immature. Grownups recognize an oath for what it is. AN ABSOLUTE!! I've been to many weddings and I've never heard the terms "mostly" or "the best I can"used. Concerning the story, another poster nailed it by reminding us (author and readers) that Hubby also has a responsibility as a Parent to show his children that breaking vows has its consequnce(s).

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I can see it now.

The husband will be b;amed. This is bullshit. The author must be a wimp to wimp out the characters so easily.

comment_IDcomment_IDover 17 years ago
Strong Chapter

A strong hard-hitting Chapter One. I liked how it played out and how well the characters were developed by thought and by action. I got a good understanding for Bill and for his cousin Laura. I especially liked Laura’s speech to Bill about how good his future life could be, if he would only be his normal self and not become bitter. ------------------------------

I do not have quite as clear an understanding of Anne, but probably more of her character will be revealed over time. I do wonder if Anne might believe that Bill was cheating with Heather. If it turns out to be one of her reasons for cheating on Bill, then I hope that she has some other reasons to justify cheating on Bill besides an “unsubstantiated” affair by Bill. To me, at this point in the story Anne appears to be a somewhat heartless woman to choose a married man (Alan) to cheat with, thus taking the chance of breaking-up another woman’s (Claire’s) marriage. ---------------------------------

I am looking forward to watching/reading Bill’s character change and grow as he goes on with his life. However, because of how this category of stories often times plays out, the question in the back of my mind is whether Bill will change and grow with the promised life his cousin Laura said he could possibly have? Or will Bill only pine for his previous life; then find a temporary substitute(s) for his wife; and then finally return to Anne? ------------------- Thank you author for a strong Chapter One.

zed0zed0over 17 years ago
Wimp Alert!

Thank Gawd Laura was there to show him how to "WIMP OUT." A well written & compelling story of another pussy whipped wuss!

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 17 years ago
The same sympathy management devises

The usual downers usually come as preparatory plot devices. They usually prepare the stage to retell the story of the cheating; present the cheating wife in a more positive light and overall equalize the field between the two main characters as far as where our sympathy flows. Let’s cal them SYMPATHY MANAGEMENT DEVICES. They should work well if they are not transparent. If they are repetitive (easily recognized from other stories) and incredible (appear suddenly with no justification in the plot sequence) they could be a destruction and an annoyance. Here’s how it works. <P>

1. Somewhere in the middle of the first chapter, the husband transforms from a resourceful independently thinking person into a character which wears the attitude of: ‘stupid me please tell me what to do’. <P>

2. In addition, he turns from an assertive and appropriately angry (per his predicament) to a mish mash of self doubt and most incredibly –guilt! Now he asks his confidants ‘Kick me in my ass as I am an ass’. Where does that come from? Refer question for an answers to the author. <P>

3. A third downer, still serving for the above plot purpose: Supposedly trusted family berate and humiliate the offended husband. Worse, they patronize him. Minimize his suffering and blame him at least in part. They show very limited empathy and crudely manipulate him with a combination of promises and threats (all for his own good). Generally he is being disrespected in the process of being helped in a manner that would not be suitable even to treat a child.

marriedwithballsmarriedwithballsover 16 years ago
I once read a Sfi Fi story about

aliens coming to earth. the aliens discovered cow pies in a pasture and suddenly cow pies were big business. Big high pressure executives and very important men, in their own eyes , suddenly were the thing. Like our hubbie here. He was dealing with contracts and projects, just like the cow pie execs. Except one day the aliens lost their curosity about cow pies and they were back to being simply cow shit, Manure. If we could only look at all these projects and critical life threatning high pressure meetings as what they really are. They don't amount to a pile of cow shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
near truth

Well I've been there myself, with the difference that it took me some months to find out that she had a new guy. It wasn't until he moved in with her after being thrown out from his own home that i found out the real reason for our separation... It hurts like hell when you have kids together and especially when you find out that she might have been lying for f* knows how long (work mate)... She acted smart and never told me the true reason why she wanted us to split. I found out later the hard way instead. So my ideas of women really took a nosedive with this lady and our twenty years relation. Your story could almost be mine :) kids and all... Cheers Yoron.

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago
Not a Wimp

Some of the comments are saying that the male character is a wimp. Far from it. Our court system in the west in bias towards women in the case of divorces and child custody. I know I went through it. Even though she cheated the courts will look favorably on her and badly on the husband. He has to play smart and swallow his rightful anger. He will get raped by the legal system no matter what. Now if later in the story he should ever take like lying slut back then he will be a wimp. Woman marry men and cheat on men for few reasons. The biggest reason is money. His wife is nothing but a whore. She cares only for herself and part of that is the money involved in custody cases. Then there is alimony and asset division. Do you see the pattern, it is all about the money. Whores expect to get paid.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Whoa ... This One is True

This story is so realistic I'm thinking it may be true. I've represented a couple of clients that had story's that were spooky similar to what I am reading. Great Job so far... I'm heading for ch.2

bigguy323bigguy323over 14 years ago
Cunt "Twin" is still a cunt....

NEVER listen to a cunt about how to do a divorce. They are closer than cunt hairs and completely messed up.

0649d0649dover 13 years ago
Laura is right..

It would ruin the children's lives. I didn't know that court details would be so public, but apparently they are/can be. And he can get pussy. But one thing that needs to be faced is that he is partly responsible for the deterioration of the marriage. Not as much as 50% perhaps - he didn't cheat. But he doesn't know one of his kids has a mobile phone, and why she needs one..? Heck, I had one at that age but it was only for emergency calls. That's not so much the point - the concern is why he's not more involved with the children, and perhaps his wife..

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Wife is a slut

If she was unhappy, all she had to do was open her mouth and tell her husband of her concerns. She purposely lied to him instead. She became selfish and "me" oriented. When all focus is on yourself, any action is justified. Her choice was telling about here character, she's a slut looking for an excuse.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Long live SuperCuck!

This creampie-eater reconciles with this slut in the final chapter: The legend of SuperCuck lives on!

chytownchytownover 12 years ago
TO LONG!!!!!

And now four more parts.ZZZZZZZZZ

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3over 11 years ago
Never trust

a lying, cheating slut. Nuke her ass NOW.

monkcalmmonkcalmalmost 11 years ago
blame the victim

no im not gonna play the game it is a shitty way to begin a story buts thats how they begin,

1 most feminist women take the women side in cheating see story like the guys..oh wait they dont here

2 the victim of adultery on average doesn't do shit to deserve it

3 tiggertoo if you are a man with that take on blaming you forgot to wear your cock and balls today

4 the lawyer is on clients side? how so by ?she is a woman that makes her the enemy in an adultery case and she sounds like shes preparing to cuck him in the courts

5 To all any any writers where the fuck is the support for the guy in any of these stories?

6 fuck the kids the bitch has got another man,what i mean is if you shield kids from the truth of evil they will do it, so tell why the divorce make the grow up so they can prepare against it-sign prenuptial and say if you cheat you are fucking done in today's age of computers can you shield a child no, but you can if got the balls arm them

tazz317tazz317almost 11 years ago

it makes AIDS seem like a cure-all, TK MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Only one thing to do.

Spend 2/3000 dollars to find two people decided to force good enough Alan to a wheelchair for life.

Either that or the life of a mollusk

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
How about being a man

Why do the LW authors always say the father did not tell the children the truth because he "wanted to protect them". Tell them the TRUTH: you mother is a adultress slut and she wants someone else instead of me your father. It is better to always tell children the truth rather than lying to them outright or by obmission.

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
Shared Custody

Why does shared custody mean that he has to move out?

They both have to live in the same school district, why can't she get a house in the district? I assume that's what HE'S going to have to do now.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketalmost 9 years ago
So far

So far a good story and fairly realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Gotta agree

with KarenE. Why is it that the man is the one who always has to move out? Whether he's bullied into it or does it of his own accord as some lame "peace offering", as depicted here, it happens in so many stories. And it's even worse when these stories make it clear that it's HIS house, that he bought with HIS money(often to please the wife), which he made by busting HIS ass at work. After all that, he not only hands it over to her, but does it knowing that her lover is going to move in as well.

What, is the new guy not making enough cash to afford a new place just for them? Usually this is done to drive home the unfairness of it all and rally sympathy for the protagonist, but here it's just flat-out folding to appease the soon-to-be ex. There are other ways to "sweeten the pot" than giving up yet another piece of your life for a bitch who doesn't deserve it anymore. I mean, he's already giving up his marriage and partially giving up the kids, and now he's giving up his house. I have to wonder what else he's going to give up on his journey along the "moral high-road". I'm not saying I'd prefer the lawyer's route of dragging the wife through the mud; karma tends to be a bitch and it WILL turn on you. But there's a difference between compromising and retreating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
man hate cusk story

pathetic 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Its very good, not pathetic 5*

Ignore the comments of the sad BTB bitter people. It is well written and has some depth.

sinstalkersinstalkerover 8 years ago

It's amusing how some of the posters in this category are so vehement. I know that it comes from them having been cheated on and it hurts them so they respond with anger, most immature people respond with anger to various situations. But it is blatant that their postings are quite telling as to their personality disorder and that they may have played a huge part in their own situation. If you respond so outrageously violent to a fictional story on a web site I can see why a significant other would not want to tell you to your face they had issues with your relationship in fear of how you would act. Leaving the door wide open for someone to steal your supposed love of your life away. I think a little self.reflecting is needed on your issues and the part you may have played to wind up in your situation that causes your anger and vitriolic postings to a fictional story on a website.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Idiotic cluster of insane theses!!! MINUS 5*!!!

An idiotic author who thinks he got the true!! His theses are far away from the reality!! Only laughable!!!

rightbankrightbankover 7 years ago
As presented so far it seems to be a reasonable discussion

and presentation of the foibles of divorce. But it is an awkward place for a break in the storyline.

The wild cards are the other wife, the cheater and their children. If she boots him out, isn't he going to have to deal with the same issues regarding his children? Same school district among them? Many other details have not been brought into the equation.

Then there are all the postings telling about a RAAC in the future.

bruce22bruce22over 7 years ago
A fery neat snapshot of a divorce

This first chapter shows all the little foibles that make life after divorce hard to live.

Basically you have a real problem here. She is cheating but believes he has been doing the same thing. But instead of discussing it they get involved in a tornado of emotions and make everything worse for themselves.

DrSemblanceDrSemblanceover 7 years ago

As I said before at the end of your truth and consequences, it is obvious that you are just reading other people's stories and taking ideas from them because you have no experience of which you write.

I gave you just ONE of the many many examples of this in your conception of what an "affair" is.

Another is your common to other stories, misconception of how pride and "fragile ego" truly play in the affects of betrayal.

As I said in the other story, I just do not have the time and inclination to school you in all of the faults in your stories. I have only mentioned 2 and just in skimming this story there are at least 4 others that give you away.

It is so obvious that you just try to glean an idea of what it is about from other stories.

It just isn't working for you.

Well, I take it back, it is working for some readers. Those not as observant as I. Maybe those who have no experience on the subject either and only understanding comes from reading other stories. I suppose for them, your stories work.

But, it seems to be a recurring theme with you in this genre. The total lack of true understanding of the betrayal of a cheating cunt. And I just can't read any more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I really admire your writing style!

Very enjoyable with good characters. Five starz*****!

To DrSemblance: It appears, at least to me, that you are a prime jackass. A pompous, know-it-all fool. Go away, please.

EXursusRhereEXursusRhereover 7 years ago

You are my hero for certain. dr. semblance actually has more resemblance to a horses hang down than a horses ass. You did note that the moron has just scads of stories listed that he/she has written, not.

My thinking is that he/she should just keep their mouth shut and ignore those that think he/she is a grade one idiot rather than spout of and prove it beyond doubt.

dr. semblance Why read the story if it's so unworthy of your time? Don't you miss the time that you are missing reading instead of jacking off as is normally your wont?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Dr Semblance

Dr Semblance is our resident philosopher and poet, and defo my hero too.

He stands for love and compassion in a cruel, cruel world rather thn being disillusioned, bitter and venting his failings through comments on stories here.

I think we can all learn a lot from that, especially in the LW category.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
the dr or semblance of

The fact about this site and category is someone sits down for hours and create a story, puts it on this site for OUR FREE ENTERTAINMENT. THE UTHORS ARE OF VARYING SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE BUT ALL HAVE THE COURAGE TO POST THEIR WORK

And accept the criticism-some quite unfair.

All the authors work hard at developing the story and with some encouragement and helpful critique they will get better.

Only a finite number of stories and plots4 exist for lw section. Hell look how often the same theme is used for movies and sitcoms and all television shows

So what if similarities exist

I enjoy all of capecodmercury's stories.

When drsemblance posts his original work I will be glad to read it

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Just laugh....

Just laugh at Dr. S like the rest of us, he is about as qualified as Ann Landers was lol.... Nice story, real emotions are hard to write, but you hit a lot of really key points in this drama unfolding.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
"All's fair in love and war".

If you've never been directly involved in a divorce that involved young children, you have no idea of how nasty things can get between two people that used to love each other. NO IDEA! That's why you see people shooting their "exes" in the newspaper and on the TV. The distance between love and hate is tiny. Pretty well written story. Should be interesting what direction it goes in.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
2* Reallly?

Husband is obtuse that he doesnt see danger of having a cute young thing working under inappropriate that is??? And Annie and others fail to articulate their displeasure esp inappropriateness????

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
The twin is an idiot

All is fair in love and war. She cheated and deserves no compassion. Destroy her and let your daughters see what kid of slut her mother is. She an example for them about what happens when you break your words and your vows. Otherwise they learn that the guy guy lose and that chweating has no consequences.

All the dr Phil shit that laura fed him, I'm not buying it. There is always someone who's going to get hurt in a divorce. He did nothing to cause all these pain, So the cheating cunt has to own it. Show the world what kind of person is she.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeabout 6 years ago

"All is fair in love and war".

Probably one of the most

stupid sayings in english


Good writing, good plot.

This first part gets

top ratings from me.

johnadpjohnadpabout 6 years ago
Life Is 10% What Happens To You And 90% How You React To It

Some of the pathetic commenters on these stories don't realize how much they reveal about themselves. They are full of anger, hate and are misogynists. Anne is a villanous slut because she cheated and she deserves the wrath of the children and everyone she knows according to them. The stats are that anywhere between 30-60% of married people cheat at least once in their lives. It's believed that it's closer to the 60% than the 30%. And that's the people that admit it. Does that mean that 45% of adult Americans (at least the married ones which is the majority) are villanous nasty vile people that should be thorn away from their children and their community?

Not excusing cheating, just put it where it belongs. Something that half of married couples partake in cannot be the end all to humanity. So the husband has a choice here like Laura says. Does he become the angry bitter nasty human being like these nasty commenters who are walking wounds or does he come out of this the best possible for himself, the children and yes even Anne. In life you watch out for your loved ones, yourself and if you have the opportunity for your community as well. He loved Anne for 15 years and she was good to him all that time he doesn't need to destroy her now just because she no longer wants him and wants someone else to bed or be in a relationship with.

cabbage01132cabbage01132over 5 years ago
good so far 5*

i fucking hate cheaters, but being indifferent and keeping the moral high ground without being sanctimonious is the best way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
@anony 12-23

Recently, this guy has been going around to LW stories and writing vitriolic comments directed at the authors. Some woman got his balls in a divorce for sure!

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 5 years ago
Freaking Moronic Cliche

"I won't tell daughters that my wife has been slutting around"???

What a fucking ridiculous LW cliche about the "high road."

No real male acts like this, this is only LW cliche repeatedly used by moronic writers. You must definitely tell your children the truth, to get their support. Because if you do not then your wife will use them against you, to support her.

In either case, since female is more often around children, a male will get a bad wrap with children BUT to paint himself completely out is TOTALLY and COMPLETELY moronic and only a complete moron would do that. A real male would not.

Once I read this moronic cliche I knew immediately I am reading cliche writer who will spin all the cliches available to paint his wimp story. No doubt there will be psychobabble, and "self-examination," and all other wimp arsenal that is available from other wimp writers on LW.

1 star from me, suck it.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 5 years ago

I have to admit the rest of this chapter is well written but what does it matter when the main premise requires fake moral attitude and fake people.

Why does this writer thinks he needs to write about a man that is as it "should be" rather than about the man as it "may be"? Because the writer wants to control his character rather than being an honest observer. That is why you will never be Lew Tolstoy. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Well written

This looks like its leading to another wimp husband that's giving in and crying over a cheating wife if so I'm done well written however we will see where it goes or even if I finish this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Slash and burn

Oh yeah Laura's all about being reasonable and working together. Fuck that, don't trust any woman ever again is the answer. Do your own thing, build a good life for yourself, yeah have casual sex. But DON'T ever enter into a committed relationship again. The sooner guys wake up to what's really best for them the better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Ah yes

The ”fragile male ego” angle yet again. Fuck her and whatever she wants out of this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Cheaters Like Secretes

Cheaters Like Secretes. It starts first with keeping the affairs secret from their spouses and family. If divorce occurs because of their affair or affairs then they like to keep the reason and details of the divorce a secret as will. Cheaters want control of the narrative and its because of selfish reasons usually to protect their image and try and shift as must fault or blame to the spouse as possible. Cheaters will actually play the victim card that they're actually the aggrieved party in the relationship. Cheater cheat because they want to and feel entitled to cheat.

Can't believe people still believe in hiding the reason of the divorce from children. Kids aren't stupid but they are resilient. There's no reason children can't be told in age appropriate language WHY the divorce is occurring. In this case, their mother was no longer in love with their father and had fallen in love with someone else so they were divorcing so she can be with this new person.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Right. If the husband sucks up the insult that has been meted out to him by his loving wife he's a saint and if he doesn't he has a "fragile male ego." Dude you're a worse cuck worshipper than even the great Matt Moreau. Thank God you don't post your stories on literotica anymore. SIGNED : ML

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Well done. A brilliant opening chapter. This is a classic marriage failure where work becomes more important than family.

It's really insidious commitment to the job can gradually overtake your life to the point where you are effectively having an affair but the partner in the affair is the job and not a person.

The author hasn't published anything since 2007 which is a shame as the writing is very good. Hope that maybe they are publishing under a different name.

The 'cuck' and 'wimp' comments are pointless. Very unlikely the author will be reading them now.

Helen1899Helen1899about 3 years ago

Well done a writer who understands kids need protecting. A father who puts his kids before his ego unusual in lit. Great opening chapter. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Why don’t people tell the truth to the children. At 10 and 12 they have some ideas of what sex is, and they know that breaking promises is wrong.

“When I married your mim, she promised that I would be the only one to touch her body. She broke her her promise and gave her body to another man. Because she chose him over us, she’s moving away to go live with him. The three of us will stay here together and have a great, happy life.”

There, not difficult at all. The sharing custody idea is crap. There’s no such thing as a bad wife but a good mother. Allowing his children to be exposed to her poisonous decisions without consequences would corrupt them. He has a responsibility to keep them away from her.


Huedogg2Huedogg2almost 3 years ago

Another fall on your sword for the greater good story. Divorce is was you don’t go for the French fries

russ603russ603almost 3 years ago

I am reading this for the first time and am enjoying the flow. Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Dumbass had the proof of her adultery as leverage and was too much of a wimp to user it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Its obvious that the author has no idea what marriage is. With the break down of how bad a betrayal is, lies directly on how trusted the betrayer was. Doesn't take a genius to look up those ideas and you will get a idea on what divorce is. Now with the break up of the marriage, it extends to the break up of the family. Yes the kids will be affected and they should be pissed as well, who are we to tell them how to feel about it. Now the author wants us to grow the hell up, and stop moaning and acting pissed, like our lives have not been dumped on, but to act like its all good. I guess the kids will have to do that as well, mind you they are much more ready to accept change as that is their go to point.

Diecast1Diecast1over 2 years ago

Like story. Waiting to read the next chapter. AAAA+++

skruff101skruff101about 2 years ago

Just more LW lunacy, it’s become quite prevalent lately.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Chump. First, husbands who leave the house are fools. Let her leave; that part was correct. But his cousin's advice is awful. The wife may get the kids 9 times out of 10 but regardless of the custody agreement, she will end up screwing him over about time with his daughters, likely urged on by her fuck buddy. Scorch the earth with her because it will not make things worse legally. And why shouldn't at least the 12 year old be told at the very beginning that her mother was having sex with another man and had broken up that man's home as well as her own? There is no high road in a divorce based on blatant infidelity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very nice bit of writing.

Real in nature, believable, plot evolving well and the characters, thus far believable.

Would be nice get the soon2BExs thoughts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Extremely well founded, well written, and clearly presented.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

[From what I understand, genetically, I was their child and Laura was the child of my parents. It's no wonder we ended up acting like twins.]

====> wait what? They swapped kids? His womb did he come of? His Aunt Cindy's? Then who was the father. Is implied it is his uncle, despite the shared honeymoon and arrangement between the two polyamorous couples. Agin who's womb? Who's sperm? He came out of his Aunt Cindy's womb, and Laura vice versa from his "mothet" and they swapped kids? Wtf? That doesn't sound credible.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

[Now, before anyone gets the wrong idea, as far as I know nothing kinky ever went on between our parents. Spare me the jokes or crude comments about how easy it would have been for our parents to make a mistake and switch off. Trust me, even with identical twins; there are enough differences for family members to be able to tell them apart. We all knew who was who.]

===> ok strike previous comment. So his and Laura's parents were not polyamorous, did not swap but somehow his Aunt and Uncle are his biological parents, while Laura his cousin is the biological daughter of his parents? What the hell? That is absurd.

ibuguseribuguserabout 1 year ago

>>don't let your emotions push you into a corner that you can't get out of.

Best piece of advice ever.

Good story.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman10 months ago

3 pages to get almost nowhere

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Shitty advice from his "cousin." Wife not only cheated, but she also expected MC to move out of the family home so her lover could move in. Now, in return for "shared custody" (whatever that means in real life practical terms), he's about ready to give her the house. Even if she promises that her lover won't move in before divorce is final, she probably will break that promise within a matter of days, once husband has moved out and wifey has house and girls are living with her. At best for MC, she will

move lover in as soon as she can and he will quickly be taking over the role of "Daddy" even if only to rub MC's nose in the dirt.

Next, why does he not tell the girls from the very start that their mother cheated on him and their entire family by having sex with another man? There is this convention among many Lit LW authors that husband will take the "high road" and protect the wife's virtue. What a laugh that is. She gave up her virtue when she cheated and her daughters need to know that is Mommy, not Daddy, who fucked up everyone's lives. The same goes for all of his and her extended family, friends, etc. Otherwise, from what I've observed, people tend to think that the husband "must have done something" to cause the divorce.

Finally, "shared custody" is a favorite trope of LW authors. I know several "family law" judges and have talked to them over the years about custody arrangements. The ones I have talked to do not think shared custody is a good idea because of the disruption of the kids changing residence every couple of weeks. Generally, mothers are favored over fathers, especially with girls; the preferences of children from the age of 12 will be taken into account but are not dispositive; and the house goes with the kids (i.e. the parent who gets the house keeps the kids).

Story is pretty well written, but the pace of the story is reallllly sssslllloooowwww. 4****

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

With relatives like his, it's no wonder he's a pitiful mess.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I have not read work from this author before.

I am impressed by the author's grasp of the realties of life and understanding of how both me and women think.

The "twin" is a perfect foil to ring things out.

Plot to this point - thoughtful and clever =

Characters well defined (enough that commentators hate the cheating wife). +

Understanding of the impact of divorce not only on the principals, but also the kids. +

To this point I sense this series could be in m personal Hall of Fame.

I also believe their should be a social significance award for stories that help people understand life and show how to improve lives. I sense this series could be a strong candidate.

The Hoary Cleric

PS Angry critics: the author posted for three years and stopped 17 years ago.

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