All Comments on 'Foul Language'

by coaster2

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allforallallforallover 16 years ago
At Last

Excellent story with good dramatic tension.

Nice revenge at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
A nicely worked story!

The ability of the world to place into a state

of non communication is terrifying! But then he

does still have to explain why he does not feel

150% after moving to his dream house and getting

beautiful revenge.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Is that all there is???

Your story was interesting, but seemed to stop in the middle without an ending - will there be more?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
As you say Fuck You

Foul language solely written for the purpose of having a platform to write vulgar language.

There is one thing to include it in a story without making it the focus of the story.

roadbirdroadbirdover 16 years ago

good story ...i can actually feel his emotions and understand why he would feel angry ...if they d oget back together one thing they should do is have a prenuptial she doesnt have much money he shouldnt set her up later ..and as hes happy where hes at maybe she should just expand her business to his area ...she fucked up and is unhappy and knows she made a mistake ...he knows she made a mistake but why should he move as hes happy where he is and yes maybe they should try getting back together ...but this time as it was her fault to begin with she should end up coming to him ...i think it would do them good to start over in a narea where they have no outside influences from before ...if things dont work out she can then move back and stay with her daughter or try something else ...but again i emphasize have a prenupt so if she gets anything it is just what comes after they get together again ... i really think they need t otry it but maybe the best way is really not to get remarried but just live together and try it that way ...maybe have an agreement that if things dont work out she gets 10000 if they stay together over a year and possibly add a cpl thousand for each year after ...but again i dont think he moves she does ...he is so set up where he is and what he has is wort hso much more to have the privacy and the sunrise and view that going back and maybe having to live in a condo or something similar ,,,would love to see your take on them getting back together

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 16 years ago
Well done!

Way above the usual offering. The language, as you said was justified by the husband's anger and frustration. In fact, it was refreshing compared with too many 'angelic' husbands' characters in similar stories.

DrallDrallover 16 years ago
Very Enjoyable!

Thank you for a well-done story.I hope you will give us a sequel.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 16 years ago
let me see if I have this straight...

The evidence is clear. The wife is a sociopath.


This shallow repulsive wife is told she might have Cancer. So she hides it from her husband of 30 years. Mind you she Does not delay tellng him until the "moment is right". Just outright lies (thru Omission) about the whole thing -- and this was BEFORE she meets up with New Age Guru .


And this was supposedly when the marriage was ahem

" healthy". <b> So she Blind sided him TWICE!!</b>.


and now she wants him back? Look the author does a fabulous job of really conveying this guys's hurt and deep never ending pain. THAT was well done.


But does anyone believe she did NOT fuck the New Age guy? Since she wants her husband back of course she is going to say she didnt fuck him.


It is NOT however remotely believeable. More importantly she destroyed his relations with his kids.<b> CONSIDER: </b> when the marriage ended their kids were Grown adults with families and marriages of their own. Yet they think that the wife left b/c of something the husband DID. <b> Even after all this time? That makes <b>NO</b> sense. It seems likely -if not downright obvious --the wife is STILL lying to him about what she told the kids when the divorce happened. THAT is why the grown kids have such a severe bias against him after all this time.</b>


Lastly.... if the lying whore wife found him she knows about the $$.


Run dude run.

CastleStoneCastleStoneover 15 years ago
Sequel Please

Want a sequel. I think his ungrateful kids deserve a spanking.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
How the hell..

does Harry know what went on behind the scenes in this pretty realistic work of FICTION? That's my only problem with the story, too many incomplete tangents to the main plot.For once at least we have a man who acts like a man.(Angry,irreverent,self reliant etc.)Fun read.Pistolpackinpete

shangoshangoabout 15 years ago
"I'm just wild about Harry....."

You've nailed it! The Author did not show why Hubby should give his faithless family another chance. The wife had obviously found out about his windfall.


APeacefulPlaceTxAPeacefulPlaceTxabout 15 years ago
It is so rare that Don't...

like a reconciliation story, but I have to agree that this one doesn't pass my smell test. I find his family to be extremely unattractive! I'm not cynical enough to say they are after his money... but I certainly would make certain they couldn't touche it under any condition.


The wife I believe was clinically insane. It happens, especially when you look in Death's ugly face. However, being insane isn't a great recommendation for reconciliation. The kids are plain despicable. The mother says she told them the truth... doubtful due to her insanity, but they didn't even bother to investigate the matter. They just decided good old dad was guilty and to use the phrase of the story, said "fuck him!"


I truly can feel the man's pain, it wasn't earned and he has no solution for it. He didn't cause and he can't fix it. I really do hate the kids. If the wife shows that she's gotten past her insanity, and is ready to do her best to ameliorate his pain, I might let her work her way back. The kids would have to go a long way to be worth a bucket of warm spit.


Bottom line, she isn't worth it. She's not willing to even leave her job to ease his pain. I would hope that the character would now see this and be able to move on. Perhaps even grow to the point that he might benefit from dishing out a bit of pain in the wife and her monsters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Wish I could find a list of the stories

that HairyinVA did not like, they would be sure fire winners. Exclusive of that the wife's need for reconcilation was phoney and her using the kids as a reason was an indicator. She gets Miss Bitch for a lawyer while she is in the meeting up in the sticks? She already had Miss Bitch under contract before she went to he meeting, and heard one of the big time high dollar faciliators hold a feminist session. Assuming that ten women went, it showed something that nine were not already set on divorce and loved their husbands/families. No go on going back. No go on the kids, she and they wanted whatever he had kept for inhertiance, they did not suddenly find a desire to see him after that many years. And the wife must have spent all of her money and have a PI find out about his.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
good story

but it needs a sequel, does he reconcile with the kids, with his wife, does his wife finally get through to the kids re fault? do they want to reconcile, it seems like they do? to many loose ends left hanging

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

is ancient, to paraphrase an old document, The Law Givers, The Money Lenders :etc, TK U MLJ LV NV

RePhilRePhilover 12 years ago

Thanks for sharing such a fulfilling story. Truly a timeless tale!

norcal62norcal62over 12 years ago
Gratuitous revenge doesn't salvage this "story."

Was going along okay until you inserted the infamous LW statement: "I love you and I suppose I'll always love you." That did it for the story.

With a male as abused and angry at this one, such a statement was horse manure. The fantasy of "I wanted it back like it was," is just that. You can't get back to "like it was" after a sequence that was described. Why do LW authors continue this crap?

The believable tales have the male looking to the future, not trying to recapture the past.

Danger09Danger09over 11 years ago
It's not possible to get back what was lost.....

It isn't possible to obtain what this wife foolishly flushed down the crapper just because she's weak minded & easily influenced. The fact that she anxiously decided to divorce her husband of 31 fucking years after a week with a con artist & the fact that she knew she was making a gigantic mistake before the divorce became final yet was once again a weak minded easily influenced dumbass bitch isn't just cause for reconciliation! She allowed others to dictate to her on how to live her life, she didn't act like a grown up she acted like a 3 year old who needed someone to hold her hands to lead the way. This is not the type of woman any man would or should stay married to. What happens the next time someone whispers bullshit in her ears? Cross your fingers & hope she chooses her husband? Your character of the husband is one hurt, angry & bitter individual; yet you have him still in love with a woman who chosed others over him, you have him wanting/willing/hoping to reconcile with the same woman who took everything from him without any remorse. She can't be trusted, she flushed their 31 year marriage down the crapper & than chewed his ass in court, I can't help but wonder why the fuck would he want her back? It didn't matter that she didn't sleep with "swampi" it was only a matter of time. The wife is also unbelievably stupid. The husband wants back what they had before she had her blond moment but after so much pain & anger there's no way to get that back because he'd never be able to forget how she so casually threw away their life together. What they had is gone, what they had wasn't really that special to begin with if it was so easily discardable. If this wife was going through something's & was feeling a bit lost why did she feel her hubby of 31 years wasn't privy to this information? Why didn't she feel comfortable enough to discuss her fears with her husband? The kids are another story they chosed to take the dumb wife's side even though they were told he did nothing wrong. I would've liked for the husband to be able to releas his anger/ bitterness & move on--with someone else, I'd also would've loved for him to tell his moronic ex-wife that he was rich! The story had great potential but then you went ahead & ruined it with the possible reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

plain and simple.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
No chance

No way he takes the ex-wife back. No way he could possibly believe that she didn't cheat on him AND egg her bitch kitty attorney on to rape him in the divorce. She's tracked him down for her own selfish reasons and he should recognize that fact. His kids have been poisoned by their mother and nothing he says will change that. Best to simmer in his owns juices for whatever amount of time it takes for the angry to fade, then make a new start somewhere WITHOUT the ex.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 11 years ago
Interesting Tale

It included quite a lot of detail in just one story. The best part was the revenge against the asshole pedophile abusive attorney. As for getting back with the stupid gullible wife, she has no chance in hell. Another chapter would really settle this saga once and for all. Good read.

Tim413Tim413almost 11 years ago
I am

becoming a huge c2 fan. I particularly liked these two items:

1. ...those famous romantic words: "I need a shower. I stink.''

2. ...labor of hate.

Putting the Claire story in the Epilogue was a good idea. If it had been buried in the main story, it would have slowed down the main story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

poetic justice, good story, lovers reconciled

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Not a bad story!

But never ever ever take back a wife after she's done that. She has proven herself to not be trustworthy, nor worthy of a spouse. Ditch the bitch, so to speak.

Now on a different matter...........

"There were Bald Eagles in the trees nearby as well as deer..."

Now that right there is funny. I can just see hunting deer in trees. Just walk underneath and shoot them right off of the limbs!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Paybacks a bitch

Promise to take the Bitch back, but ONLY after she returns your money plus 10%

interest.Get the money safely hidden, Then kick the Whores ass off your property

tazz317tazz317over 10 years ago

to get a full closure. TK U MLJ LV NV

vikingprincevikingprinceabout 10 years ago
How could he ever trust her again?

Hmmm, let's see, see does not tell her husband about a potential medical issue, she is not happy but does not talk with her spouse, and is it not funny how the kids automatically assumed it was all his fault. Nice. Welcome to a man's world...

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago
Leave Her In The Dust!

"The insensitive lout that I am failed to see that and she masked the fear until she was given the all clear by her doctor."

I HOPE you're being sarcastic and aren't really blaming yourself because SHE refused to share her health scare with you!

Bottom line, I don't care how "vulnerable" she is, you don't toss out a 31-year reasonably happy marriage with NO discussion based on a 6-day "retreat".

And if you don't want to cripple your husband you don't hire a "burn the bastard" divorce attorney in the first place, and you don't let them "bully" you into continuing the divorce when you want to call it off.

If he wants to be friends, fine, that's up to him, but NO WAY should he take her back, and IF he does it has to be with an iron-clad pre-nup!

And he should have NO contact with his ungrateful spawn unless the HUMBLY apologize, and if not make sure they inherit ZERO!

BrettarnBrettarnalmost 10 years ago
Nice Emotional Piece

5 star for the main story, well written and realistic - the Epilogue should stay as a separate piece.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 9 years ago

After all the story to establish the pain he was given for no fault of his own, the loss of his family, the life of continuing misery, that he would even let the selfish bitch on his property is unfathomable.

To seriously consider reconciliation after what she put him through makes me think that he has had a sudden mental breakdown.

This isn't about "real men" BS, this is about how could you ever trust someone that hurt you that badly without a care after being so much of your life?

How could that person ever make amends to you?

Making amends means returning you to as close to the same as you were before they hurt you.

Even erasing all his memories for those years would not repair his childrens distrust of him.

She has made no real effort there, as their total lack of interest in contacting him proves.

Beyond repair.

EgoTrixiEgoTrixiover 9 years ago
Interesting turn...

...I liked reading it. Loved the ending, although you might have better finished the matter between him and his Ex-wife. The way you left it makes this story appear somewhat incomplete...4*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
90 days for the shithead driver: to be served in the Belgian Congo -- never to return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What foul language??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

No reconciliation on this one, please!!! Come on!

KarenEKarenEabout 9 years ago

The kids should definitely be left estranged for two reasons: Either they believed the worst about their father despite what they HAD to know about him OR they CHOSE to believe the worst even after their mother, who they presumably loved and trusted, TOLD them it wasn't his fault.

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago

I know I'm repeating what others have said, but here goes:

Why in the hell CAN'T she tell her husband of 31 years that she supposedly "loves" about her cancer scare? Who ELSE is she going to turn to?

She didn't want to destroy him? But she somehow decides to throw away a 31 year marriage after a 6 day retreat? She HAD to have been at a MINIMUM already been thinking of leaving the marriage, was probably already having an affair, if not with the Swami then someone else! And you don't hire a rape the husband divorce attorney if you don't want to destroy him, and if you want to call things off or go easier on your husband and your lawyer won't "let" you, you FIRE them!

And I don't believe her that she told the kids it was her fault. If she did why won't they believe her? If she means it, she tells the kids, "You go apologize to your father, or you won't see me again!"

xtchrxtchralmost 9 years ago
I Hope Not!

I sure hope this guy doesn't even think about taking her back.

1) After 31 years, she decides to end the marriage after 6 days.

2) She never tells her husband about her medical scare...why not?

3) I don't believe she never had sex with the swami, why else did he think he could pimp her out for more customers. It only took him 6 days to end a 31 year marriage.

4) I doubt that she told the children what happened for them to hate the father as much as they did.

5) To use a shark of an attorney and then try to be nicer to husband and the attorney said 'no'. Doesn't make sense...could it be another lie.

I think that she wanted out of the marriage and used the retreat as an excuse.

This husband should have never let her in his house and told her to get lost. She is NOT redeemable or a candidate for reconciliation. She must have found out about the money and wants the easy life again.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 8 years ago
most people don't...

Most people don't just randomly close their eyes and stick a finger in the phone book when they choose a divorce attorney do they?

How could she not know Claire was a rabid dog style attorney?

Claire left enough victims in her wake that she must have had a reputation.

So does Joyce saying she did not want him destroyed in the divorce pass the smell test?

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 8 years ago
My take is a bit different

The story is moving along to a possible reconciliation, then the author just drops the main story and goes wandering off into a page and a half Epilogue about a comupence of the wife's attorney, who cares and what relavance does it have to the story. Thus the reader is left scratching their head about what the conclusion to this story really is.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 8 years ago
Further Comment

Frankly the only reason the Epilogue seems to have been tacked on to this story was to provide the reader with some vicarious sex. It added nothing to the actual story, or its conclusion.

I have found that this story does have a continuation in another story titled "Clair LaPonte". I wonder why it was not simply posted as chapter 2 of "Foul Language", and the Epilogue of this story was not written as part of "Clair LaPonte"?

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 8 years ago
Good Grief

Since my last comment posting I have found that the Epilogue to this story has been simply posted as a verbatim stand alone story titled "The Outing of Claire LaPointe."

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago

I don't know if I commented on this before, but two things (among many!) bother me about his ex-wife:

I refuse to accept her explanation about why she couldn't talk to her husband about her cancer scare.

I don't believe that she didn't know what her lawyer was doing, and IF she didn't she certainly knew afterwards, and could have and SHOULD have filed a complaint against her for disobeying her wishes.

There is NO way I would have anything more than a cordial relationship with her! She totally blew off his concerns, which turned out to be 100% spot on.

The kids would have to do some SERIOUS ass kissing if they want to reconcile, after they continued to blame him even after their mother insisted it wasn't his fault. They obviously didn't have much respect for him if they could blame him under those circumstances!

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanmover 7 years ago
Should be a part 2

This story is not finished by a long shot. It needs to be finished.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 7 years ago
@stillaonewomanm 01/08/17


Should be a part 2

This story is not finished by a long shot. It needs to be finished.


There is:

The Outing of Claire LaPointe

by coaster2

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
@previous anon

Coaster2 has written some other stories pretty similar to this one: break up, male character becoming a wimp out of nowhere, lightning fast reconciliation. Not a fan of this kind of plot.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysalmost 7 years ago
A Shame

He might have been an asshole in the beginning, but at least he acted like a man, much better than the wimp who broke down when the ex came to visit and was busy blaming himself, and being much too forgiving of the woman who out of the blue decided to divorce him.

The so-called explanation for why she was so vulnerable felt more like a throwaway comment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
dont understand

I don't understand the comments. Life fucks u over . Just your luck . These are just stories. I don't get the vitriol and bile

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I liked this story, but I would have liked it more if it had some kind of definitive ending. I mean, did he get back with his wife, or not? Did he reconcile with his kids, or not? I mean, inquiring minds want to know!

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 6 years ago

Chapter one? Rest of the story?

Mauser45Mauser45over 5 years ago
I'm with the others here

Did his kids apologize to him, or are they both still assholes?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Stupid cucks who take back cheating sluts

deserve their pain

ojalalalaojalalalaalmost 5 years ago
It's a good thing they signed that "you can't come back for more" agreement...

It doesn't "feel" that she's being straight with him. When she showed up, she kept asking about his work, how he managed to live there, and she took her time telling his that his kids still think that he wronged her. I think he needs to call that PI again, find out about her alleged health scare, whether she was laughed off her job for falling for the "swami," why and when she went with the attorney she chose, considering she acknowledged having no grounds for breaking up the marriage. No matter how hurt he's been, he needs to deal with her sanely now that she's come to him with that "I tried to stop her (the attorney) and couldn't" and "I was vulnerable" (to the "swami") -- no responsibility, no looking him in the eye, just lowering her face and some tears.

This yarn drew me in for a second reading, and I would love to the hanging threads tied up by the weaver of the tale, but I do love that the first to be dealt with was the attorney and then exposed that the bar association and a leading newspaper left her (and other disbarred attorneys) reputation unsullied, her misdeeds unexposed even though they were illegal and brutal acts.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
WTF Coaster?? All the great stories you write (Deb Cummings) and then throw in a few with total cucks.

This ranks right up there with "Absence of trust" where wife says to husband "I want to find another man to fuck me". Six days to throw away a long term marriage is not credible on face value alone in this story. Sorry this is another total BULLSHIT !! You are way better than this crap, unless you are the cuck in B.C. What say you?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Still not sure about the couple

Claire looks like shes going down the tubes. Except for the couple a very good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

We are all agreed the divorce happened because of her. She knew the lawyer was screwing her husband over but she wasn't willing to stop it. Now she comes to him but for what? To ease her conscience? I think not. If she was truly repentent she would drop everything and come back to him. No make-up sex? After 2 years of "nothing?" Bull! I sense something else is happening. And if this story were continued to it's conclusion, I think we would find out that she has a boyfriend/husband and she found out about the patent sale, so her REAL motivation for finding and visiting was/is trying to get more money from him. Please write another installment and let me know if I'm right - or wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I love this story but always hope for a sequel about the husband and wife

Please write a sequel about this couple.

Rancher46Rancher46over 3 years ago

The story was great till the last two pages, Coaster2 left the main story of Geoff and Joyce without a conclusion. Yet he concluded in detail how Geoff and the other victims of Claire LaPointe exacted their revenge on the man hating lawyer. Since their divorce was not cheating by Joyce and was caused by her having a cancer scare and becoming vulnerable and be bullied into a divorce by a man hating lawyer there was no reason for them not to reconcile and live happily ever after. I however doubt if their will ever be a continuance to this story by coaster2 as he hasn't published anything on Literotica since September of 2017. It is a shame as Coaster2 is a gifted writer and I for one will miss reading his stories. As it is well written and has great characters I give it 5 stars

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 3 years ago

Pointless story really.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The last two pages were a separate story and you left the main story up in the air. Very poor narrative construction. Still a four because of interesting original premise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Problem was the ex-wife. Why even bother to talk to her? He was SO angry I don't see him doing anything but throwing her off his property when she shows up. No way in hell does he talk to her, let alone take her back Ridiculous.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

So after 31 years of marriage she just divorced him after a 6 day hash conference. In the aftermath she doesn't take any responsibility. He is the bad guy, the kids legal system everyone all looked at him as the bad guy. Hell he even was questioning his own actions. The author even couldn't make the wife accept responsibility for her actions, instead he took a side road on a fantasy type quest with a lawyer. Hey everyone hates lawyers, in a divorce the make out like bandits

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Why in God's name is he back with her? Makes no sense. None.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

My self esteem and seld respect and dignity is way too high to take someone who left me for someone else back... that's just crazy... the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results... he already knows she won't hesitate to cheat, lie and up amd leave him.. he already knows she's a weak minded easily led, easily manipulated brainless follower.. why oh why would he take this braindead cum slut back? That makes absolutely zero sense. He already knows she is not to be trusted with his trust, love, heart and back.. he already knows all it takes is some pretty words for her to jump ship. No way to change her mind, no way to fight for her.. so again.. why in the world would he take this slut back?... he thinks sluts can change their spots.. not this type of slut... a married slut are the worst sluts.. these type of sluts get married when they should've stayed single.. after 31yr marriage this woman goes on one trip, comes back and demands a divorce... no talk, no hesitation... I'm supposed to believe she wasn't already banging her lover.. she wasn't already having little dates, light touches, kisses in secrets before the trip.. I don't believe it... this is something that's been building up and she finally had the courage to demand a divorce... whose fault is it she has buyers remorse cause she was fooled. Now she wants a second chance? To do what? Take the second ball she didn't gwt in the divorce? Total ridiculousness... reconciliation won't work here... itvwas her attitude.. the way she left him.. no way in hell I'd tryst that tramp with my heart again.. we already kbkw she will stab him in his back when his back is turned.. why would any sane person reattach themselves to such a person?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago



AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To the commenters below. She didn't leave him for a lover. She go swept up with some sort of Swami. She was naive, trusting, and a bit dumb and bought into the New Age bullshit. She had a cancer scare she kept hidden from her husband when she went on the retreat. She was the only to fall victim to the Asshole on the trip. Ahe eventually saw through them. The unethical, evil divorce attorney also.messed up the proceeding which the wife wanted to stop. Taking her back is a complex decision. And people would correct is they cannot reconcile. Regardless forgiveness seems warranted but she really hurt him.and reconciliation is easily a bridge too far for many. It seems clear in the end that they rekindle their relationship, though details are lacking, as the ending shifts to punishment of her divorce attorney. Story seems a bit incomplete for discussion of the family. What a mess.

deependerdeepender10 months ago

There are so many disgusting lawyer stories on this site that it seems the authors think that "LW" stands for "Lawyer Wars".


What does a lawyer have in common with a sperm cell? They both have a one in a million chance of becoming a human being.

krazicat99krazicat996 months ago

This story is begging for a part 2

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