Fucking Tom Selleck

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After twenty years a wife tries adultery.
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Paul and Jan were the archetypical perfect married couple. Twenty years earlier, while in college, they met, dated, and married. They had the two (but no more) children required to replace themselves on the planet. Perhaps the only thing missing from the quintessential "yuppie" marriage was that neither had strayed outside the bounds of married life.

Both were writers. Paul was an English professor at the university and had been published in magazines – scholarly and popular – across the country. Jan was a features writer and associate editor for a large, regional magazine. And, like Paul, she freelanced frequently. Both were often guests on TV programs in San Diego. Their sex life was the sort generally described as healthy and vibrant by marriage counselors, at least those who counseled monogamy. Ironically neither considered their own monogamy to be the only, or even best. They just couldn't afford the publicity if an affair was the subject of gossip magazines.

On their twentieth anniversary they opened a bottle of fine Champagne and celebrated before having more of the exciting, but after two decades, a bit predictable, sex they both loved so much. Paul broached a touchy subject for the umpteenth time. "Still not interested in trying someone else eh Jan?'

She smiled back at her husband and lover, "Oh I didn't say I'm not interested. I just don't think I'm interested enough. It's not worth the trouble."

"You're probably right. It's enticing but I haven't strayed either."

"I know that, but you've thought about it?" The question wasn't devious or even accusatory. She was merely curious.

"Oh yes and I've even fantasized about it."

As she'd often do when asking a question in an interview, she raised an eyebrow, and asked, "I know it'd be pointless for you to fantasize about me. I'm there for the taking almost any time. So, who do you visualize about when you're alone and want to get your jollies?" She loved slipping into the popular vernacular.

The wine made it easy for him to be frank. "You know how often I've watched our old VHS tape of Cleopatra?" Well the 1963 version of Liz Taylor was the sexiest woman in the world."

Jan flushed and asked, "Did you ever get yourself off thinking about her."

"Not while you were around, but while alone, yes, and she was wonderful." Paul grinned and continued, "Now that I've bared my soul, what about you?"

"Oh god, I was infected with an incurable case of lust for Tom Selleck when I was young. It started when I was in puberty and he was the Marlboro Man. I can conjure him up on a moment's notice. Mostly I think about his hard body, but he is also intelligent and talks well. If we had an affair we could have a stimulating chat between fucks." Words were the tools of her trade. She used any of them for the most effect.

"Would you, with him? " asked Paul.

"I don't think so. He would be even more trouble than just any old hard body and if it became an item of gossip it could wreck everything we have, even if you and I aren't jealous."

Her husband asked, "Is that the only reason you wouldn't do it with Tom Selleck or anybody else."

"Frankly yes. It just isn't worth the hassle. But as much as we are in love, I don't want either of us to feel we own each other. I think that respecting each other's peccadilloes is a requirement and the end result of love. We must be understanding no matter what. But if either of us wanted to go after a Liz or a Tom . . . "

She left her sentence hanging. Paul had been hoping to open up some sort of new perspective of their sex life. He came close but still short, not that he minded. Their marriage was close to perfect and he didn't really want to spoil it.

At any rate it was their anniversary, and they were alone. Jan gave Paul that special smile he loved so much. Then she unfastened the zipper at the back of her dress and let it fall to her waist. Then she unhooked her bra and her breasts were bare She pulled up her skirt. and slipped off her panties, noting the crotch was wet. Did the thought of Tom Selleck have anything to do with that?

Paul slipped off his shirt, and dropped his pants. He started to get on his knees to bury his face in her but she lay back on the chair. "Do it to me here Tom. Take me right now, hard and fast."

With no further foreplay, Paul buried it in her. "Oh Jesus Liz. Finally I get to fuck you."

With squeals, grunts, and cries of "Cleo, Liz, and Tom," they consummated their first fuck of the second twenty years of their marriage. Within a couple minutes Paul shoved it to her hard and held it tight. She writhed in ecstasy as she felt it happen. She said, "Oh my god darling that was awesome. Our talk was better than any foreplay and I love doing it in extemporaneously like that. It's all most as hot as in the back seat of our car."

A few weeks later they, along with journalists from across the country, were at the university in Lincoln, Nebraska to attend a seminar. Lincoln is a town so pedestrian it doesn't bother to call itself the "capital" of anything. Although the town was stodgy, a friend came to the rescue. He gave them directions to a fun joint on the outskirts, a Country and Western dinner club with good old shit-kicking cowboy music and romantic ballads. Paul and Jan found it wonderful. Both were decked out in appropriate western garb. She was lovely in a full skirt that whirled when Paul spun her around. Her red and white checkered shirt with a red bandana was unbuttoned enough to give a good, but not obscene, view of her breasts.

It was enough to make a gal giddy. After dinner, they found room at the bar and took a couple seats there. "Oh Paul," exclaimed Jan. "I love this place. I feel like I did when we were dating. If you ply me with enough drinks, you can have your way with me in the back seat." Then, she gave him a big hug. That was her second reference to their favorite spot of lovemaking in their youth.

After a bit a tall, rawboned guy sauntered over and said, "Howdy folks Ah'm Hank." Then he looked at Paul and asked, "Y'all mind if ah ask the lady to dance.?"

Paul decided to play the role. "Hell fire man ah think that'd be a fine idée, but she jes told me she felt like a young filly, not a lady. But y'all go right ahead. Do yer best, both ya."

Dance they did, a couple fast ones and a couple slow ones. She had to ask him what he did for a living. "Ah'm a rodeo cowboy Maam." He did indeed look it. His clothes weren't as deliberately western as Paul's, but they were indeed made of well worn denim, scrubbed clean. He wasn't affecting a "look." He was just wearing what was comfortable.

He was a good dancer, and didn't hesitate to hold her close. Nor did she hold back. When they came off the floor and back to the bar Paul noticed she was smiling and her face was flushed.

She did have to go to the bathroom. Hank took the seat next to hers. When she came back from the loo she saw her husband and Hank engaged in what looked like a serious conversation. Hank didn't see her coming and as she approached she overheard him say ". . . happens all the time old in places like this ol' buddy, and everybody loves it.

Paul made a quick motion and Hank shut up. Then her husband said, "Our new friend here says you are a wonderful dancer and the prettiest gal in the place. I think you ought to reward him with another dance or so." She hesitated. He continued, "Go ahead I love watching you have a good time."

She replied, "In that case let's go Hank. Let's make everybody in Oklahoma jealous of our dancing"

He took her hand, leaned over and said, "It's Nebraska, love, but ah'll learn ya everything you need to know about everything."

On the dance floor the first couple songs were fast ones. They danced together well and Jan managed to whirl her skirt high, giving everybody a peek at the best looking forty-two-year-old legs in the place. She was euphoric. When the band moved into a slow set, Hank again pulled her in tight, and again she stayed in close. She almost shuddered at the feel of his hard body pressed so tightly against hers. Where she would have ordinarily moved farther away, she shut her eyes and enjoyed every bit of it. She found she was even thinking of the Marlboro Man.

Then, she felt his hand move down to her ass. She opened her eyes and looked up, intending to tell him to move his hands. But she didn't. He looked down at her. She smiled. He bent over and put his lips on hers. She also intended to pull away from the kiss, but didn't do that either. She didn't know if Paul could see them but she lost her decorum altogether, especially when she felt his tongue on her lips. Rather than stop him she opened her mouth. She put both arms around his neck and ground her body into his. She didn't want the music to ever stop.

But it did. Jan was actually shaking when she whispered, "I never did that before."

"I'm sure that's true. Your husband said there were lots of things that you haven't done."

She ignored the reference to Paul, but said, "I think we'd better go sit down. I need to calm myself down."

When they walked back to the bar she was positively flushed, and walked a bit unsteadily. She sat down, gulped her drink and said, "Oh my god!"

"What's up darling," asked her husband.

"I kissed that man and let him fondle me, right on the dance floor."

"I know, but the good news is that I'm the only person from San Diego who saw you. You needn't worry about doing something to be ashamed of. Nobody will know."

She stared at her husband. "You know!"

"Yes and it excited me beyond belief."

"I didn't want him to stop."

"I could tell."



"Suppose I had gone to the car with him?"

Then I'd have given you ten minutes head start and followed you and watched from the front seat. You have no idea how much this whole thing excites me." " Jan took his arm, set his digital watch to countdown, punched "go" and turned back to Hank. "Cowboy, feel like taking on a wild filly?"

Hank stared at this woman who had suddenly lost her reticence and now seemed to be determined to violate the ethos of "proper" America. Hank, a wise man, also concluded that she didn't give a big shit what the ethos was. She surely knew exactly what she wanted and how far to go. He was simply eager to take care of it. Hank took her hand, noting that she squeezed it back. After their wild shenanigans on the dance floor everybody stared at them. Jan could only hope nobody recognized her, especially when she felt her soon-to-be lover's hands on her ass again. When they got near the rented Cadillac she unlocked all the doors with the electronic key. Then she slid in the back seat and turned to Hank. "Ready cowboy?"

"You going to lock the doors."

"Nope this is a family affair. Paul will be along directly. The good stuff will have to wait. Hope you don't mind."

She put her arms around her handsome lover and they had another wet Frenchie. This time she had no intention of breaking away. And when he said, "Daymn, I been looking at those lovely titties all nite. Can I touch them." She put his hand on her breast and replied, "Yes, but for now just through my clothes. Let's wait on Paul for the undressing."

And so it went, hugging, mild fondling, words of passion. So far it wasn't more exotic than what Jan had done in high school, but they both knew more was coming. They didn't have to wait long. The front door opened and closed. A loud "clunk" told them the outside world was locked out. Their universe now numbered three. The game was afoot.

And none too soon for Jan. After twenty years of dreaming of Tom Selleck she was in his arms. Now the high school game of "making out" was replaced with raw, passion. Hank untied her bandana and hesitated. "Put it in the front seat." He threw it up there and Paul caught it. Next he took her shirt off. Jan nodded. Hank tossed. Paul caught it. Janice removed her own bra, and handed this peace of intimate apparel to her husband. He blew her a kiss.

Hank gave her a real one, and fondled each titty as he did so. Then he moved down, kissing, sucking, even nipping a bit at each. When he put his face between them she held them tight against his head. He was beside himself with lust. She was, at last, enjoying what she'd dreamt of so often. Tom Selleck was going to fuck her. It didn't matter that he answered to "Hank.".

Hank/Tom moved his hand to her thigh. She spread her legs. Higher, and he was running his fingers up and down her vulva but on the outside of her panties. This was as far as any guy other than Paul had gone. She whispered, "Push my panties inside me Hank. Make me cum."

Soon she was writhing in ecstasy. "YES OH GOD YES. I LOVE THAT. OOOH GOD TOM DO IT."

If Hank wondered why this erudite city gal was calling him "Tom." made no mention of it. He knew what was going to soon happen and didn't care who she called him as long as she stayed hot. He pushed her down on the seat and tugged at her panties. She raised her ass, an act she recognized as the final act of surrender. She felt them slide down and off. Then he handed them to her as if they were a prize. Perhaps they were, but, if so, they ought to go to the winner, the guy who instigated all this. She handed them to her husband who immediately rubbed the wet crotch over his face.

Hank next buried his face in her crotch and was lost in the ritual of mating in the parking lot of the "Wild Horse Jamboree." His "filly" responded with a gusto. He held on tight to avoid having his nose broken as she bucked and threshed. Then he heard from the third member of the group, "How to go cowboy. When she starts that long low growl, move on top and give it to her. Don't hold back. She likes it hard and fast.

Sure enough, she soon started to moan, "OOOOH OOOOOH." For the first time in her life Jan experienced not just great sex, but sex with many different facets all at once. Hank was moving inside her, and she was moving back. She also looked up and there a couple inches from her face was the image of the man of her dreams. When he put his face against hers, he was hers. His bare chest was tight against her titties, and she felt a hard body. In fact all of him was hard, including the part surging inside her. Even his legs were muscular, she wrapped her ankles around them and moved back as hard as he thrust inside her.

But there was more. Her husband with his words "I'd have said 'go for it." chased away the last trait of reluctance. She had no more excuse to stop doing what she had dreamt of. She even discovered she loved being an exhibitionist.

And it showed. Later she tried counting her orgasms. The first started when Hank moved inside her. She felt it all the way in. After that she was sure she just had one huge orgasm punctuated by peaks. Once she thought she might coast for a while, but she looked and saw Paul looking at her from the front seat and that triggered another.

Perhaps the only one keeping his aplomb was Hank. During what might be considered a lull he asked, "Ah know ah'm Tom, but who are you?"

She said, "Liz as she looked in 1963. Call me Liz or Cleopatra."

He was too far gone for the longer name, but he started the short strokes crying "Oh god, Liz, fuck me give me the fucking of my life."

That set her off one last time. As the passion engulfed here she closed her eyes and rode it out. Feeling him pounding inside here over and over. Soon the car was rocking and she was screaming. A look at her husband told her that three of them were excited over the whole thing.

Finally Hank turned the corner and headed for home. He held her tight, proclaimed "Liz, oh beautiful Liz, I love you." She responded with a bucking orgasm ending by her pulling him deep inside her just as he exploded. Then they lay silent. Both were still breathing heavily. Each could feel the other's heart beating.

She said, "Whew!"

He said, "That was wonderful, absolutely wonderful."

"Now what?"

He said, "Ahm going to put on my clothes, go back inside, pick out the most beautiful woman left in the joint. Ah'll dance with her, feel her as jes like I did you'rn and make her hot. Then when she wants to go outside . . .

He paused looked down at Jan and said, "Ah'll tell her that Ah jes fucked the hottest woman in the world. When she feels like competing with the Queen of the Nile she should give me a call." Then he put on his close bade both a good night and swaggered off to the club.

Jan, now alone with her husband, started to have doubts about what she had done. She just lay there, eyes closed, and wondered what she should do or say. After a while she felt something. Paul was wiping off the residue left behind b y the wild sex he'd just witnessed. Jan looked down and commented, "Thanks darling, but you're using your handkerchief. Why didn't you use my panties?"

"They were too wet."

"Too wet? Surely not. I'm not one of those women who 'gush at the sight of a hot man.' And he was a hot man."

"No but when he started calling you Liz, and you responded by going absolutely crazy, I lost it. I guess you could say three of us had a the fabled simultaneous orgasm."

She smiled and asked, "Like to fuck the Queen of the Nile yourself."

Paul pulled her up and gave her another wild kiss. "Let's head for the barn my filly."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

No Tom Selleck! Did laugh hard, though. Kudos!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Phony Title !

From the storys title,I assumed it was about Tom Selleck and the woman,but instead it wasnt at all,but I quess you decided to call it that so that people would read it!Next time if you ever write a story again make sure you name the story correctly okay ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Just another slut wife.

And a brain dead husband. But as daddyrich says, she will probably fuck anyone she can now. It won't matter what scandal she gets caught up in. Oh Well MaryAnn strikes again well written slutty sex. Not erotic at all. At least not to people who are not sluts whores or skanks like this woman. Once a slut always a slut.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

You really are a fucked up old dude. That you have some serious women issues is clear, but I also think you may be gay. Your desire to read about big dicks is getting worse. Why not just head to the nearest bus station and get a real dick for yourself, you will feel better out of the closet.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 15 years ago
I really enjoyed reading about her getting fucked

Since she fucked a stranger and found out it was enjoyable for both her and her husband, she should allow it to happen more often. I think the next time should be in a hotel room, where she can stretch out and he can see everything that's going on. Watch her strip off for her lover and let him finger fuck her. He could watch her as she went down on her lover and suck his cock, and then see him stuff his cock in her pussy.

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