All Comments on 'Her Secret'

by Slirpuff

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chytownchytownabout 10 years ago
Good Read*****

Somethings just feel right like seeing you name under the title of a new story at 1;30am. Thanks for sharing a very enjoyable story.

looking4itlooking4itabout 10 years ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again I'm sure but there was cheating, just no sex (that any of us know about). Trust is easy to lose and damn near impossible to regain so I'd say that yes, he wimped out. Kids? Previous fossils marriage? All probable factors. What will happen next time she decides to be shallow???

Sid0604Sid0604about 10 years ago
Thank you...

I liked your story. Thank you for sharing.

BigJohn601BigJohn601about 10 years ago

Sometimes it is just that way. Good to have a Slirpuff story.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 10 years ago

How about that! We went through an entire tale of mistrust and lack of respect and came out with no cheating and a healthier marriage. Great job.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 10 years ago
Story of substance ...but not greatness

Divorce nipped in the bud by increased married dinner dates and dance lessons? I doubt it. Nevertheless Slirpuff hit home so well in chronicling the heated marital strife and discord, the infuriating gaps and gaffes in communication. I didn't buy the resolution. The wife's discontent and imperiousness was coming from a place too deeply rooted to be solved by band-aid countermeasures described.

Kudos to author for description of symptoms. This couple is pair of classic hard heads.The cure for fire rendezvousing with ice ? That's the stuff five star reads are made of. As for this tale ? ****

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 10 years ago
Enjoyed it

An interesting read. Thanks for the offering.

sugnasugnaabout 10 years ago
Bored wife

I have seen the bored wife and bored husband syndrome before. Most of the time they see the results of another person's life going up in flames and the start to value their own "boring" life again. Sometimes it is another couple's divorce, sometimes it is another families sick child, sometimes it is the premature death of a friend or relative. Boring is appreciated by those who understand that exciting often comes with a heavy cost. I told a friend once who was bored in his marriage if you want excitement, take your family to an amusement park and ride the scariest roller coasters. He did, and he hated it. When he got back he thanked me.

HcopHcopabout 10 years ago
Nice story...

.. and glad to see you write a new one.

My only complain has to do with its anti-climactic ending. Nice buildup, but suddenly it was over. Maybe life works that way, but remember this is fiction, not a diary. You need some of the rules that make a story work. You actually need a crisis or climax, the turning point where the wife realises that she is playing with fire and what she does is a sort of cheating and the husband realises that he needs to change things in order to face whatever drives them apart. You need a subsequent falling action and a resolution where the reader is released from the tension.

There is a reason that more or less those rules apply to everything, from ancient tragedies to today's tv sitcoms.

Anxious to read more of youur stories, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Loved the story.....

You have always been a gifted writer and I appreciate your efforts.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 10 years ago
Even though the Husband will get Blamed this was MOSTLY the wife's fault

I am sure there are e going to be several comments from various readers who are going to blame Steve for overreacting or being a jerk or an asshole. But the fact the matter is that most of this was caused by the wife and her actions and forgetting Steve's past .

The part that needs to be emphasize here is that Steve was already seriously burned once before and clearly that experience colored his perception and his understanding of what was happening with his new wife.

For some reason his new wife Beth did not seem to understand that and that clearly is her fault. She MUST of known when they got married about his past history with the ex wife and how badly he got burned and how badly he was hurt emotionally and psychologically.

Of course over time Beth may have forgotten about this but at some point she needs to remember what he is going through with respect to her behavior and why he is so suspicious. There is also a level of sexism involved here... on the part of the wife. She just assumes that steve is happy with the way things are because essentially Steve is a stupid man. I m not saying that this is wrong and in fact this sort of sexist assumption that are made by their wives about how the husband's really feel rather common.

It's a pretty good story though it could of been a little longer and I do agree that the ending is a little abrupt. As in suddenly the major crisis in the marriage is fixed and its over.

DrallDrallabout 10 years ago
The Way Life Is!

Thank you-well done.

laptopwriterlaptopwriterabout 10 years ago
Very good...

I thought the end was a little abrupt, but I like it overall. Highest marks, here.

tazz317tazz317about 10 years ago

the sun shines less brightly on the domain, TK U MLJ LV NV

SW_MO_HermitSW_MO_Hermitabout 10 years ago
Mis Matched Marriage

This appears to be a mis matched marriage. When two people are as different as these two appear cheating WILL occur. She was a party animal who curtailed her desires for the first six or seven years of the marriage. A leopard doesn't change its spots. If she continued to stay out with the "girls" until late at night she eventually DID cheat. It is the nature of the beast. He was right to not trust her. His attempt to compromise with her and go dancing two nights a month would work IF she cut her time out with the girls to where she gets home by seven or eight at night. Normally the pussy hounds don't hit the clubs until eight or ten. It seemed as if your husband gave up and accepted her disrespect and cheating. He should have pulled the reins in and got control of her nights out or gone ahead and got the proof he needed of her cheating then dumped her. Don't get me wrong here--if he had been doing what she was the reverse should hold also. She should have dumped him. I am an equal opportunity BTB guy here. There were way too many loopholes in this story. As another commenter said, it died with a whimper. It had definate potential for a while though.

It was well written and to give the devil his due this ending was plausible.

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago
One Thing Bothers Me

If all she was looking for was a little harmless fun, why did the idea of her husband coming along and being the designated driver bother her?

She gets to go out, drink and dance as much as she wants and gets home safely.

If she doesn't intend to flirt too outrageously or let the guys get too handsy it shouldn't matter if her husband is there.

JounarJounarabout 10 years ago
Not good

This story felt like the author just got bored writing it. The jump from a marriage in turmoil that has a husband who doesn't have any trust in his wife and who he thinks is screwing around, a wife who flirts with and let's other men feel her up in public and doesn't seem to care her marriage is about to end to everything suddenly being hunky dory is just bad story telling.

It's like there are missing paragraphs between the end of page 1 and the start of page 2 that fill in much needed gap's.

MadBrownMadBrownabout 10 years ago

Not what I expected from you.

woodmanonewoodmanoneabout 10 years ago
Good story, HOWEVER,

As usual Slirpuff has given us a well crafted tale. Normally I try not to comment on the actions of the characters, however this time I find I can't agree at all with the premise of the story.

Beth cheated, in spirit if not in fact physically. I feel Steve just postponed the actual act by agreeing she could go out with her "girl friends" and kick up her heels.

Left alone, Beth will succumb to the excitement at the club one day. Her thinking would probably follow the path of "Well if I can dance with other men, it will be okay to get closer and let the hands roam. If I can let their hands roam, what's a little making out (either in the club or in the parking lot). If I can make out in the back seat of a car why don't I take it a little farther. Steve will never know.

I may be too simplistic here but many times good intentions go by the wayside when faced with continued temptation. Steve let up too easy and accepted too much.

I'm not normally a "Burn the Bitch" type of reader and in this case I don't know if it's necessary or warranted. But I do think Steve let Beth off too easy, if for no other reason than the insult of "I find you and my life boring".

Sorry I didn't mean to write a story of my own with this comment. But I think that Steve has more problems, stress, and heartache headed his way.

Thanks for the hard work and please keep writing.


IronDragonIronDragonabout 10 years ago

Ok, this one caught me off-guard. Slirp, you excel at creating flawed characters in your tales, and this one was no exception! It's good to see that Wifey and Hubby could work through their difficulties with no actual cheating going on first. Welcome back to writing, btw. It's been a while since you last gave us something to read. The only problem I have is the lack of Trust that Hubby has, and the way Wifey gets indignant at him for not trusting her. His first wife cheated on him, and his second wife KNEW about his trust issues and still went out clubbing with her girlfriends.

I like how they compromised and worked together to save their marriage at the end. Hubby learning to dance was unexpected. Personally, I've been told that I'm a pretty good dancer, even by my wife. lol

If I ever got to the point where I didn't trust my wife, I would have to move on. We had this talk before I even asked her to marry me, and she feels the same way. Trust and Love go hand in hand.

Luckily, if my wife ever gets bored in our marriage, she'll tell me straight up. Same if I somehow become bored, which isn't likely to happen. But either way, we'll do everything in our power to fix it. A marriage is a partnership built on Love and Trust. Nothing less. Great sex is just a bonus. :)

I'd bet that this tale is closer to real life than most of the ones in the LW section.

5 Solid Stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Woman are all cheaters, looking for some strange cock. A woman is a life support system for a cunt. Don`t forget that.

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 10 years ago
Another 5* story

It was good, as ever, and also very different, too.

Tim413Tim413about 10 years ago
I knoww the story titles don't always portray the story,

but what was "Her Surprise?" She wanted to dance?

njlaurennjlaurenabout 10 years ago
What is amazing

Is how people get into a rut and don't think to do the obvious thing,talk about it with their partner.I think irl a wife would understand why a husband who had nmbeen cheated on would be gun shy,Beth seems a little too brittle.And if this was her simply dancing and having fun,why does she treat him like garbage?I think.she was consciously or unconsciously thinking of cheating,felt guilty and took it out on him.

Not a bad little tale,but I think.the resolution wouldn't be so easy.

carvohicarvohiabout 10 years ago
All Right!

Have a five Slirpuff!

Here's what I think happened. Wife took the first step toward an affair and the probable demise of a normal marriage. She wasn't planning anything; she was just trying to escape a little. The husband sniffed it out and caught it before she went to second step which would have been some kind of emotional affair with a regular at one of the two clubs. He saved their healthy but somewhat stale marriage.

Was he gifted with some sixth sense; yes, probably the learned outcomes of his first failed marriage. If he'd known what to look for in his first marriage he might have rescued that one.

There's a logic to infidelity. Our husband knew it and understood it. Slirpuff you gave us a good lesson on how to save a marriage. No wimp here, just an aware and loving husband. He did all the right things.


sbart921sbart921about 10 years ago
Horns of a Dilima

First things first - it's great to start a day by finding a new Slirpuff story; welcome back.

This was well written (as always with Slirpuff submissions). My trouble lies between the journey we were taken on in the story versus the ending. I just couldn't accept that she got off Scot free - she continually lied and was on the way to ruin without regard to her marriage and family.

But as DQS1 was commented "One of the ways you know a story is good is if it worms its way into your head and you know you're going to have a hard time forgetting it." Amen.

Thanks for the great tale.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Grammar? Spelling?

You are a careful writer and a wonderful storyteller, but this piece was full of misspelling, omitted letters, confusing punctuation, so it intruded on the storytelling.

That "ain't" you.

You are still a favored author.

bruce22bruce22about 10 years ago
Glad to see you back

You set up a tough situation and essentially had them blow their fuses.

Then suddenly all was well ?? Karen E. is correct the only reason that

Beth did not accept his offer to go along is that she wanted the liberty to anything that she felt like and really should have accepted the divorce offer or cut out the nights out.

disturbedhrtdisturbedhrtabout 10 years ago
Welcome back

Trumpets scream out loud to kill the drum roll that is deafening and we have the return of loving wives of another of loving wives fav sons.

This site needs more of our tried and tested back writting people who can carry characters, story line and a series without creating an endless circle. As a long time fan welcome back 5 stars. Let's cross our fingers for more returns of our best writers soon

JustForPostingJustForPostingabout 10 years ago
This auther never fails to deliver

A poorly written piece of tripe. He doesn't know 'your' is NOT a contraction of 'you are', and there is no way to 'jeopardies' anything.

Oh, and slipping into first person is stupid, not to mention lots of other small problems.

I gave up on this asshat, and took this one last plunge. Definite ignore from now on.

CreeperclawCreeperclawabout 10 years ago
Good Stuff

Their both at a good part in their lives right now, he's more active and she's less bored. If she ever does stray, he'll see the change in behavior. Most of us men can be slow in figuring it out, but he'll eventually see it. 4/5

BTTapBTTapabout 10 years ago
Very common

This is very common, in my experience. Women like to be wanted and pursued. Men tend to grow complacent in that department with their wives. I found it very credible how the wife had a hard time copping to her dissatisfaction. I found it very unrealistic that she went out, knowing the shit was hitting the fan with her husband, and had her girls night out and allowed liberties to the younger men on the dance floor.

The tension in this story never reached the heights of other SP stories, and perhaps that was a result of this couple being (marginally) more mature than those in most of his tales.

I did not like how the narrator broke the 4th wall.

7daysuntil7daysuntilabout 10 years ago

This was a good read. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Why Does Anyone Get Married?

If you read enough loving wives stories that has to be the question that runs through your mind. To me marriage is not about having a wild and incredible sex and social life. If you want that then just remain single. It is having children if possible and loving each other to the point of excluding all others. It is taking joy in the little things in life like watching one of your kids while they are sleeping. Finding things you can do together that you both find enjoyable. Having experiences together that form the basis of your shared love. Boring? Any lifestyle can be boring after a while. Even the glamorous life of rock stars, the rich, film stars etc. Ever notice how many of those people get divorced or commit suicide or die alcoholics or drug addicts?

Lewy123Lewy123about 10 years ago
a breath of fresh air..

An actual realistic loving wife story! 5 stars you still got it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Pleasant to read.

I must have missed it. What's her secret??

Just boredom and a rut.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I don't get it!

I don't get all the glowing comments. This story was horrific. The wife was a shrew and he should toss her ass out. One of the comments said it correctly. She should have talked to her husband about the way she felt. But no, she had to go out and be the cougar as he called her. Sorry PUFFMAN but this was not up to any of your standards.

Storm113Storm113about 10 years ago

Sorry, dancing, flirting, kissing etc... IS cheating. I would not put up with my wife doing that. At best it's disrespect for your spouse. At worst it's figuring out who you want to have the affair with.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Steve has no clue whether she's fucking another man behind his back. I always say trust but verify.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
A Three Star Story

Not very ballsy,is he? He sat there and watched her mind-fuck her dance partners,and let them rub their hands on her body..So much disrespect on her part towards her husband. So,what does our hero do? Nothing but threaten. So,he's basically waiting for the other shoe to drop in this marriage.

honey_licker1124honey_licker1124about 10 years ago
Good Story

I agree with Storm 113 that the way she was acting in the club, in front of her husband, and wouldn't even acknowledge he was there, was cheating. I also agree with Anon who asked "What was the secret" But the intrigue that brought the story along was good. I don't think they ever dealt with her "problem" but kind of glossed it over. Smoldering embers that may flame up later.

Yes, grammar better, but you still had a couple of places that needed fixing. I'm going back and definitely read others from your submissions page. 4 *'s

OneShotOneOneShotOneabout 10 years ago
Very poor

A couple of awful people. She's a bitch and he's an asshole. I guess they were meant for one another.

starmanfivestarmanfiveabout 10 years ago
Nice story

That is a real life type story that could happen to most of us at one time or another . It should serve as a wake up call to both bored people and their spouses that worry. Why put some one through that. I liked the shared new found activities and the better communication. Thanks for a good read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
You're right.....

boring story, but it kept my interest enough to read it . You need to correct all the typos!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Middle of the Road - Middle America...BUT

I thought it was a good, brief and easily plausible story of a middle class couple...BUT

The problem I feel is her going out every Friday (understand not cheating - so we think - so far) and just taking hubby for granted, no talk, no nothing, just I'm home, why are you up. Kind of cold, at least lacking in love or emotion so...

This scenario, even without Lit LW, in the real world is a prelude to a tryst, an indulgence, a quickie, a whoops and after a very brief period of private remorse, turns out to be an exciting memory and new encounters begin to happen.

MY feeling, the fact that she grew bored and acted without having family talks about what they might do is a definite indicator that she no longer holds enough respect for hubby or her family - she doesn't own up to it, buries it in her subconscious and goes along telling herself she is fine - NOT!

Even with the dance lessons and the date nights every two weeks, she is still going to secretly harbor those thoughts of being trapped for 15-20 years and then being too old to enjoy life...tell you anything?

Thanks Slirpuff, still a very good story - as always!

FantasyXYFantasyXYabout 10 years ago
Awesome 5*

Loved the story; especially the last paragraph.

This sort of story allows readers to put almost anything they want into it when they "read between the lines". You didn't paint every painstaking detail the way many writers do. This let me fill in the story's details with my own experiences and get into the story and character, rather than just reading through it.

I'd love to be able to let go of the control and just let my stories flow like this one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Too short

There needed to be more after he moved home.

"I don't think Beth is bored any more but if she is, she's hiding it well."

That's because she's hiding an extra cock in her cunt. She gets the best of two worlds, her strange cock on the side and a stable household to come home to. No doubt, she's out getting her hole pounded. He's just too dumb and trusting to know it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
let her go

She wasnt worth keeping. Let her take her insecurity to the no tell motel. I'd rather be a two time loser than stay with her.

tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

no matter the repetition or mundaneness. TK U MLJ LV NV

shuttlepilotshuttlepilotalmost 10 years ago
...and prove to myself I'm still attractive to others."

You're supposed to be attractive to your spouse, not others. That's the problem with her thinking.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Not Quite Buying It

Repeating an earlier comment I made, if her outings are so "innocent", why is the thought of her husband coming along as the designated driver so repugnant?

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 10 years ago

This is where the problem starts:

"prove to myself I'm still attractive to others"

The only way for a woman to get "proof" of that is to get fucked by other men (men - plural - more than one)

Otherwise how does she know for sure?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
40 years I've been married to one wife

I do NOT understand this being found attractive by other people. My wife finds me attractive, I find her attractive. Period. She isn't supposed to look attractive to other men, I'm not supposed to be worried about my attractiveness to other women. I cleave to her and she to me. Period.

Pappy7Pappy7over 9 years ago
Touching inappropriately?

The fact that she was going out to be touched and humped to make her feel better about herself was infidelity. The fact that she lied to her husband repeatedly was infidelity. The lack of respect she showed him was infidelity. How many times was that? The fact that she forced him by her actions to begin doing stuff that he didn't have any desire to do. Like not trusting her, following her and catching her, etc. All a part of not being faithful. Whether she got dicked or not doesn't matter, she broke her wedding vows. This crap about it being her body that so many stories present is bull shit. When you marry you forsake all others, that doesn't mean unless you decide what you can do with your body. I notice in all of the stories that the man is never allowed to decide what to do with his body.

She's a cunt, drop her.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

its not a secret anymore, TK U MLJ LV NV

ParttimereaderParttimereaderover 9 years ago
My issue with this is lack of communication

I talked to her often and she said nothing was wrong. Huh? That's the time to start and dirt it out.

tae352001tae352001over 9 years ago
The comments are justified

Her actions or lack of actions towards her marriage and husband was an infidelity alarm. Her lack of respect, imagine a 21 something hot blond with her husband just saying only friends, how long before the frying pan is up side his head? let him come home with perfume on his clothes, don't think she has men's cologne on her dresses do you? the smell of smoke? try switching rolls and see what happens, not only sleeping on the couch or den but soon on the lawn. I agree a lot of the stories here showcase wives that consider harmless flirting, dirty dancing and rubbing normal activities in their mind, but allow the husband the same freedom and the doors are closed in the husbands face quick and hard. The husband is considered a cheater and out to leave the wife and kids while the wife can do the same and expect no reactions and if any, the husband is over reacting. Which is the case shown early on several paragraphs and he did sleep on the couch.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago
You Know

During the course of a marriage there will be times when things are a little off. But if there is true love you survive those times and continue on.

But if you wake up one day two years after your wife died and discovered it was all a lie, well, join the club.

RhomanovRhomanovabout 9 years ago

Good story but "just felt off"; like something was missing. You know the feeling; you pick up a six pack an a can falls out of the plastic.

krosis666krosis666almost 9 years ago
Girl's nights out (hunting cock)

Why get married, if you are going to go out every week and act like you're still single? And why do GIRL'S nights out invariably involve other men? Because it's not about socializing with your girlfriends, it's about the hunt for new meat, without your husband getting in the way!

What will happen in this story, when the wife decides to push the boundaries, maybe a little kiss, or a slow dance or two, to guage her husbands reaction, only to realise that hubby ISN'T watching? At some point she WILL realize that she isn't being followed! She will realize that they can't afford to keep a private detective on retainer indefinitely, and then all bets are off!

krosis666krosis666almost 9 years ago

I don't understand how some comments claim this, and stories like it, are 'happy endings'. Your idea of a happy ending is the fact that no one gets divorced? Talk about low standards and being easy to please. My idea of happiness involves somewhat more than merely avoiding divorce court!

How is this a happy ending? She never admitted any wrong doing, (A married woman dry humping college kids in public IS wrong!), she not once apologized, and the only reason that she gave ANY indication that something was wrong, was under the threat of divorce. How is a reconciliation warranted, when he had to BLACKMAIL his own wife into not cheating with the threat of being followed around indefinitely by a private detective? That's SOOO romantic!

ohyessssssohyessssssalmost 9 years ago

You willing to bet your life she didn't cheat?

tazz317tazz317almost 9 years ago

to worry himself into a frazzle. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
A Dog Always Returns to It's Vomit!

She was bored? Well, that just shows she was not working enough, so she had a lot of spare energy to fuck around. If he wants to fool himself that she wasn't , he's a bigger fool than she figured him to be. Well- "Find a fool-Kick him in the head!"

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
guess he's a real man

Wow. What a great guy. He doesn't feel sorry for an ex-wife who was beat up? It's ok not to love her anymore, but this juvenile tough guy BTB crap is really is dumb. The story would have been fine just mentioning an ex-wife who wronged him, but I guess the BTB crowd demands an uncaring selfish "real man", also known as a loser.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 8 years ago
To the last anon

Damn what a fucking asshole you are. Obviously you have no idea how a marriage or even a real relationship works or doesn't work. So just keep typing down your mom's basement while hollering up, "Ma, I'm hungry. Where's lunch?"

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
An interesting plot. Kind of a pre-cheating story.

She thinks being a wife and mother is boring? Raising two sons is just marking time until the kids are gone? She wants to attract other men? She wants to spend time with her girlfriends, dancing with other men, to relieve the tedium and mundane life she has at home?

She's already gone, or on her way. She will start dancing more with some guy she finds attractive and interesting. They will make their monthly dance date a regular event, then may look for lunch opportunities. She will find this other man's attention exhilarating and freeing, and she will want more of him, and less of her boring tedious husband and family. She will start fucking this other guy. She will get caught. She will get kicked to the curb. She will be sorry and regretful and eventually realize what she has lost. It will all be very sad. A stupid shallow selfish person, losing what matters most in an attempt to hold on to youth and a carefree life. Just another divorced family, and the kids will suffer the most. How ugly.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

“Where she slept I'm not sure, but Beth was not in a good mood when I walked into the kitchen showered, shaved and looking pretty damn cheerful.” – Hey, if she can lock HIM out, turnabout is fair play!

“prove to myself I'm still attractive to others." – Why should it matter if you’re attractive to others? What’s wrong if you’re no? What are you going to do about it if you ARE?

As has been said, if it’s all so innocent, why the objection to him being the Designated Driver? That way they can all drink as much as they want!

He should either arrange for a friend to check up on her, or insist that he go along. If he can't/won't spy on her, and she refuses to accept him as driver but insists on continuing the nights out, then divorce is called for.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanmover 8 years ago
How about a part 2?

How about a part 2, you know where she really crosses the line despite all her husband has done. Seems to be something in the air recently.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
There was one good thing in this story

The man and this would be you. At least admitted that you needed to make a change and started taking the wife out and dancing with her. Where others will see her and you are there with her. But in general you write as a very hurt man that can't get over things and blames others for the problems you help create.

CarnilliaCarnilliaalmost 8 years ago
I love it

Hey, I don't mind if now one cheated or otherwise. You gave us a great story. With an real loving wife and a husband that acts like a real man. Loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Nothing happened - "this time"

Beth doesn't like being a mother with kids and wants her youth back so this marriage is doomed to failure. "Steve, I'm not looking to have an affair, just a night out once a month to let my hair down and prove to myself I'm still attractive to others." With that statement Beth revealed that she would never be happy with the efforts Steve provided because they will eventually be too little by a man that she has grown to see as too domesticated ("Face it you like living like this"). The only reason that Beth hasn't cheated (beyond the flirting) so far is that she hasn't been targeted by a man with seduction powers who will take his time to get her immature eyes to look at him as the "fountain of youth" the one man that makes her look and feel young again. I'm sorry but, moms don't leave their kids at home and stay out later and later with friends if she doesn't deep down want out of her marriage. If she was innocent, why didn't she take Steve's offer to go along and be chaperone on her dancing nights? He caught her (this time) but her feelings of longing for a life without the burdens of husband and kids are still there and will come back eventually. Her secret is that she was looking to cheat but, she got caught and you can bet that she will be more careful next time.

Rocco1960Rocco1960almost 8 years ago
A good reality check

It was an enjoyable story, I liked the fact of no one getting cheated on. This story just felt real to me!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Paying attention

In my case I did pay attention to my late wife. Heck after being together for so long I knew what she smelled like and felt like. One night after having to attend a company meeting after work hours she came home. Wow !! looking at the way she was dressed well I had to have her. Well something was off, as soon as I went in I could feel her pretty tight compared to her usual self. So I decided to mark in my calendar the date. 2nd and 3rd time also. I didn´t confront her I just asked whom she was going out with. Of course she denied it, and I actually begged her to please don´t lie to me I then proceeded to give her the dates I knew she had been with somebody. She changed so many colors and started to look at the floor as if wanting to cry. I loved my wife to much to see her like that so I went and hugged her comforted her and let her know I wasn´t mad at her. once convinced I was being true to her she told me about her co worker she was seeing. No company meetings. When she asked me how I knew I told her and also when she would try to start fights with me before her so called company meetings. Any way she kept seeing him till they got tired of each other. She always respected my feelings and she never told him I knew about their company meetings and for that I´m grateful and also for the years I spent with her.

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 8 years ago
Good reading

But misleading title, sort of.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
More BS!

Gawd! Divorce her already! Grow a pair already.! LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I liked it.

I liked was actually different and yes I could actually see that happening in real life.

McAnonMcAnonabout 7 years ago

Good story well told. However If I had been in their company I would have banged their heads together, especially his. The smart Alec retorts, having the last word, all of that leads to disaster as sure as God made little apples. It also reveals a bit of disrespect for each other. When truth came out she was NOT cheating but could have n¡been more open about it and accepted the drive to/from her club

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

IN many of the stories I've read, the wife and her friends go to a bar or night club to dance. And who do they dance with? Why strange men of course. And why are the men there? Why they are looking for someone to fuck. So why is a married woman there without her husband? could it be that she is wanting to get some strange? I could see married women going to a lounge where there is no dancing to have some fun time with her friend talking and acting silly, but dancing with some stranger while he has his hands on her ass while he presses his cock into her crouch , not acceptable .In this story Steve watched her dancing for at lest an hour and a half , with her never leaving the dance floor, and there was some touching and groping going on. She said noting happened but the intent was there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Says it All

The last paragraph of the story does, it says it all. "Boring fucking story".

Enough said.

StormKing33StormKing33about 7 years ago
4* Good Prevention Tale

He nipped her wings before she could cheat on him.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
You are

The man

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I've Fallen Afoul Of These Wive's On The Prowl Who Say Their Live's A Bore And Start Searchin' For More

Everything in life takes imagination, including people and the health of their marriages. If the relationship was based on solid ground a few years ago there is no reason for it to go "stale" except for weak minds that have not cultivated any creative imagination for that affection and tender feeling that should be built up, enshrined actually, in the mind of each spouse. That's the reality of it.

Both the man and woman are responsible for this state of mind which should bristle everyday with marital niceties and affectionate gestures. The entire relationship should be recreated everyday in one's mind. It should be a masterwork of one's creative thinking and feeling. In truth, though, I impart somewhat more responsibility to the man for this state of mind.

The woman, through her biological connection to the generative forces in earth evolution will receive a type of rest or reprieve through her husband from her great duties connected to motherhood - and not just from the actual births themselves. The child's biological dependencies of necessity work through the mother and her own organization. One could say that the mother doesn't "have time" for all of this high-minded creative thinking of the father. Of course, if the woman is a crass, unthinking, self-centered bitch then, Houston, we have a problem.

The wife in Slirp's yarn here has been showing her true character. Not only is she unfit for motherhood with all of this catting around that she has been doing, but she is a rather stupid and mean-spirited woman to have demeaned the marriage and insulted her husband as "boring". One gets the distinct impression that she feels she is better and smarter than her husband and that she is entitled to go "blow off some steam" once in a while. One can easily imagine what she will be blowing down at the club soon enough.

All that being said, it was a nice gesture for the husband to start dancing with his wife. He should have done that years ago. Better late than never. But this marriage is on rather thin ice.

It's surprising, though, in that last couple of years of this reader having haunted the stories and their comments that no one seems to mention Imagination as the key to all sorts of happiness in life: Marital Imagination. Honestly, people would be way better off not relying on some mystical, magical chemistry between spouses and be creative and have nice words for your partner every day.

"It is not what goes into a man's mouth that defiles him but what comes out of it." - Jesus Christ

Thank you, Slirp, for your efforts. Though, I must say, this wife that you created has a horrible mouth on her. Yuck.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Maybe Realistic, But Boring

I am not going to tell you that this is an interesting story when I find it boring. I have read some of your other work. This one pales in comparison. I know you can do better. Remember, I have read some of your other stories.

JackmoftenJackmoftenalmost 7 years ago

She'll cheat, eventually, she's bored with him and their marriage. She's looking for excitement and he doesn't provide it. She'll cheat when he gets relaxed in their relationship again..only time will tell.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
He takes her out dining and dancing so he can get some pussy

What is different than just going to some whore? Same thing. You are paying for pussy.

cap4451cap4451almost 7 years ago

This story is so true in real life. The couple gets into the rut of just going with the flow of things and expecting more to happen. Well the only way things get better is u have make the effort to do things better. Marriage is a work in progress always not just in the beginning. Keep writing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
sad but true

Married females have come to believe it is fine to go out with girls once a week and dance the night away. Fact is dancing, especially these days is a mating ritual. Any wife who needs to regularly go drinking and grinding against males not her husband is looking for sex

Any husband who allows such behavior is a fool.

Best to brush up on his dancing skills, get in shape and then show up where wife is on the prowl and do a great deal of grinding on his own...

If he is unsure of himself spring for ''girlfriend experience''

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Dancing Now Is Just Vertical Sex

If your wife demands a Girls Night Out, it is time to contact a divorce lawyer and start separating your assets. Change the doorlocks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

She did admit she needed to go out drinking and dancing with lots of cute guys to prove to herself she was still attractive.

While taking Latin couples dance lessons is fine attempt on his part, she would still need to be shown other guys desire her.

Since she still goes out with girls, she is still cock teasing young guys. Time for him to go to same place and do same thing even if he has to pay for dance partner. Tell her he NEEDS to feel he still has it.

Maybe that will open her eyes


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

So she keeps using that excuse of a 'Girls' night out' as an opportunity to get laid on the side... though she'll play it straight for the first few months, biding her time and waiting until she's sure that he's no longer checking before she spreads 'em. She's still going to where the 'fire' is and allowing young men to fondle her, which means that she's not willing to give up being in close proximity to hot logs. Her husband is right. Sooner or later, one of them will be rooted in her womb... and then all the hot young logs that will follow that first one.

Tootight1Tootight1over 6 years ago
good story

Yes she is hiding it better.

etchiboyetchiboyover 6 years ago
This feels real.

Has the air of reality to it. And well written.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
He still has a big problem

His problem is that his wife is bored and she doesn't bother to tell him about it. Rather than talk to him about her problem (which is actually his problem also) she decides to go out and rub herself up against a bunch of men. Love/Trust/Respect. She may have loved him but obviously she didn't respect him. And her evenings wouldn't have passed the spouse test or she wouldn't have minded if he were there to be their driver. So sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

You're right, you wasted your time and everyone elses that read this shit!

The stories not over! She'll do it again but will be more careful 'cause now she knows "he's watching"!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
To Anonymous 01/18/2018

Newsflash: the only thing that happens in the story is what the AUTHOR, not the reader, decides. You may disagree with how the tale unfolds, but, again, newsflash, it's the author's tale to tell, not yours. Talk about how unbelievable it is if you feel that way, that's a valid argument, but don't try and rework character development after the fact.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
Girls night out?

How about boys night out at the strip club? That would be the exact same thing. His wife goes where she can get pawed and slobbered over. At the strip club he and his buddies can get pawed and slobbered over too. How you think she would like them apples.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
title of story - her secret

Would think author would have revealed her secret at some point.

Wife tells you that every Friday she needs to spend 4-6 hours being ''groin ground'' and groped by lots of younger guys. Certainly you would gush ''have fun honey''

My reaction would be to head out on my own every Saturday night. So what if I can only slow dance. I know how to by drinks and flirt and grind and grope in my truck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
A sound plot and a good effort, but a weak execution of the story.

As soon as your character admits he doesn't really want to know the truth, we can understand why he has marriage problems. There is one essential ingredient to all successful relationships, always seeking and embracing the truth. And this guy seems to have truth avoidance issues. Maybe that's why the wife didn't come forward to discuss her boredom and insecurities? She knew he didn't really want to know.

The wife was totally wrong not to force her concerns upon this delusional avoider, but I can at least sympathize with her predicament. He was happy in his bubble, and didn't want anything she might say or do to break it. Its likely she would have gone on dancing out with the girls till that got boring too, then maybe she might be over it, or might just ditch it once the kids are grown and gone. We'll never know.

Again, a husband with more courage and determination is what was really needed. Maybe she will be satisfied with reluctant dancing boy. Have to hope so, for the kids' sake.

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