How I Shared My Wife...

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Relationship between three people deepens.
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How I Shared My Wife With My Best Friend

My story is about my wife and my best friend and what happened this summer. My story is a bit unlike the ones I read on the Internet. My monogamous wife of many years didn't just all the sudden see a friends penis and find she had to have it. This seduction took place through many years of friendship that grew closer and more intimate as years went on.

I guess I should start in the first few years of our marriage when this closeness started. John was my best friend from 7th grade. After Jackie and I were married this friendship continued. Many times when we were together it was just the 3 of us. From the beginning Jackie and John were good friends with similar outgoing flirty personalities they were always saying stuff to each other and affectionate to each other. There were always warm hugs and pecks on the lips but never anything out of the ordinary until one night during a week at a shore house a bunch of us had rented.

A rainy weekday combined with a bunch of young couples and a bit too much beer and we started playing some silly games but ended up playing spin the bottle. Well it was pretty funny I guess for most but for me it was the first time I was turned on my see my wife with another. The game went on for a while the first few kisses were pretty tame but as the rest of the group started teasing the couple kissing saying stuff like you guys are bad kissers, we will show you! Well it became a little bit of who can out do whom. The kissing became much hotter, tongues; lip biting, deep wet kisses became the norm. My wife had to kiss all of the 6 men that were present but as luck had it that day John got 4. Well the game ended after a while and we all laughed about it after but the intimacy between them had been escalated slightly.

The following year again we rented the house with most of the same friends and again a rainy day would come. Well we chatted and played a bunch of games and had many beers, once again teenage games came up and we started playing strip poker. I was pretty surprised the girls said they would play at the time, but as close as we were sharing beach houses we had seen each other in very little clothing. I figured they would quit before they really go naked. Well the game started and little by little clothes were lost, my wife eventually went down as far as her panties and tank top. She debated quitting but the crowd was unforgiving when you said you quit. She played a little longer and lost top, when she exposed her breasts and I was turned on. She quit after that and thru her top back on.

Well after this game I noticed a change in just about all the girls in the group, it seemed that after being seen like this by the other boyfriends and husbands they didn't seem as concerned about how they were seen for the rest of the week. What I mean is they were more likely to walk around wearing underwear early in the morning or right before bed. This new comfort level would become very apparent with my wife and john who would hang out with me at our house often.

I noticed the change when Monday night football season started and john and I as always started watching it at our house, it seemed like any other Monday, she would get ready for bed at around 11 and come down to say goodnight to us. She started doing this in her sleepwear, I am not saying she would come down in see thru underwear and nothing else but she would wear some things that before might have been covered by a robe. I remember the first time like it was yesterday, she wore a green long silky nightgown, not see thru as I said but very clingy. As she came in the room you could see the outline of her tiny panties and her breasts. I didn't say anything that night thinking maybe she didn't realize it was so sexy. But this continued for few weeks and one Monday night after she came down in panties and a tank top covered by an open robe I said something.

She responded like I was being silly, John has seen me a million times in my bathing suits and he even saw be topless she said. After talking about it a while I felt kind of bad even mentioning it. As months passed I got used to the occasional sleepwear around him and didn't think much of it.

The following summer we went with John and his steady girlfriend at the time to an island. We had a very secluded beach and the second day there the girls went topless. A few people on the beach had gone totally nude and one afternoon after many drinks we all decided to see what it was like. It was the first time I had seen her nude in front of people and I can't tell you what a turn on it was.

I told her about it that night an she thought it was a little weird that I would get a turn on from of other men and john seeing her but she laughed and told me she would go nude on the beach more on that vacation. Well she and Johns girlfriend did just that, not only did they go nude at the beach but would walk back to the room in a towel and lose it as soon as they walked in and stay nude as we snacked or had a refreshing drink before going back out. Many sexy things happened in those few days, I mean I thought I would cum in my pants the morning that I came on to the beach a few minutes after the 3 of them and there is john putting lotion on my wife's back and she is totally nude. Later that day a little rough water play when we tried dunking the girls underwater as they splashed us, well I cant tell you all the accidental brushes that happened between me and his girlfriend and I am sure between Jackie and john.

We went home after a great vacation and again the intimacy between my wife and my best friend had grown. This was when I first started thinking about what it would be like to watch her with him, I didn't want all out sex but I remember thinking how sexy it would be if he had put lotion on her legs that day, or if I could have seen there bodies brush each other underwater that day.

We would continue to do things as two couples and on some occasions to pull off a cheap weekend trip even shared rooms, it became almost non eventful for us to see each other in our underwear or catch a glimpse of nudity as we shared rooms.

Well the friendship continued like this for a few years, trips continued, some sleepovers, etc. On one occasion john and me had gone out very late for a bachelor party, I told him to stay at our house cause it was late and we were quite drunk. Well he slept on the couch in the den and Jackie was sleeping when we got home. In the morning she got up early and jumped in shower, john and me both woke up at that point and sat on the couch holding our aching heads. All the sudden out of the bathroom comes my naked wife, startled a little not expecting me to be up or john to be there, she wasn't embarrassed and actually made a minute or so conversation with us naked before going off to the bedroom and putting something on. It was at that point that I figured that if I wanted a 3 some, john might be a possible person maybe the only one.

Well I never discussed that with my wife much, I mean a few mentions about it while watching a soft porn movie that included wife watching, I remember that she told me in didn't surprise her that it was a fantasy of mine because of what I had told her a few years back after she went nude. She flatly said that their was no way she was picking up some jerk to give me a thrill, besides she said I would get really jealous after, reminding me that from time to time I would get a little weird about her just flirting with John. However nudity and some flirting was fine with her up to a point.

Since that night I noticed her flirting a little more aggressively, she would never confirm it but I some how sensed that she wore skirts a little more then before in certain situations.

Well believe it or not over 7 years had passed since we got married and John had married jenny and then split up. The split came and john was feeling pretty down about life in general, we felt bad cause we were so close to both of them. Jenny had apparently, to our surprise fallen in love with someone from work right before there wedding but went thru with it anyway, of course it lasted just a year and it seems like she was having an affair for almost the whole thing.

We decided to get our friend cheered up a bit so we rented a room down the shore and invited him to stay with us.

Well this would be the first time that we would spend this much time together without jenny and I couldn't help thinking about a few sexy things that could happen like before. Well Friday night was pretty uneventful. We were tired after a full workweek and a long car ride so we unpacked and went to the boardwalk to eat and play a few stands before retiring for the evening.

Saturday morning started with my wife making coffee and breakfast in a nightshirt. It was great as she reached for cups and dishes a little panty would show and as she bent over table to serve food the loose fitting nightshirt would allow a great view down her blouse. I thought she hadn't noticed me looking but after serving us our plates she stopped while bent over and gave a little dirty look to both of us saying, are you guys thru looking down my shirt, then saying something about us being like 2 high school boys, We laughed and finished eating.

We lay out in the sun all-day and hung out and then took showers got dressed and went out to dinner. Jackie wore a little short skirt and top with no bra. She looked great not sultry or anything just great. Her tanned legs, perky breasts looked very arousing. After dinner as planned we took off for a club were we danced and drank a bit. She took turns dancing with me and john and had us both gasping for air, so much so that we actually convinced a guy next to us at the bar to dance with her for a while (not that he need much convincing). It was late and a slow song came when she was dancing with John, he motioned to get off the floor but she said something and he stayed. I had seen them dance before but something about tonight made it so sexy, her little skirt and breasts pressed against him and her head resting on his shoulder. After the dance we all agreed to call it a night. On the walk home she held both our arms and I commented to John that well at least we both scored, as usual she was always ready for a comeback line saying that neither one of us or both were enough for her tonight. The kidding continued as we said that we would fix her when we got home, John saying at one point that I needed to control my woman.

We arrived home in great sprits and broke out a few beers, at that point Jackie said she was going to get dressed for bed, I of course fired back that she wouldn't need any clothes for bed tonight. She laughed and said something like well the same goes for you two then. When she left John was saying how great Jackie was, saying its like hanging with one of the guys cause she can take the abuse and dish right back out at you. Well I agreed but wanted to get her so I suggested that we strip down to our underwear at least and wait for her to come back, we both figured that would get a good laugh out of her and she would call us to jerks. So we did it quickly stripping down.

Well out of the bathroom came Jackie but not changed yet as apparently she had gone to the bathroom first and was coming back to the living room to ask if we wanted to take a walk on the beach before we changed. When she walked in still fully dressed she did laugh as she looked at us saying that she didn't really see anything she liked. Well we laughed back and I said that she was the one that mentioned that we wouldn't need many clothes for bed and that in fact she had just chickened out. She gave me a pretty stern look saying that she was going to ask if we wanted to walk on the beach since she wasn't yet tired but if it was naked I wanted I would get it. She pulled the shoulder straps of her dress over her shoulders and the dress dropped to the floor as she stood there in her panties. She looked at me knowing I enjoyed that and said okay now at least maybe you guys wont have to eye me at breakfast, so now what. Well I didn't really know what to say at that point cause I didn't know what was next or what I wanted next, then she gave me another look and it was a look like, okay lets see how far you go before you get jealous. She walked over to john and said I love this song on the radio lets dance, well john was looking pretty awkward at that point but he started. She held him close as her naked breasts were pressed against him and his penis rubbing her naval. Well I couldn't believe it, it was so hot. They danced for a couple of minutes and a different song came on, she kept dancing, she looked at me and said have you had enough of our game. I didn't say anything part of me didn't want to blink for pride sake, part of me loved it but part of me also felt a bit threatened about what was happening.

As I thought about what to say she mumbled guess not yet, with that she told john how when she danced she liked to get her neck and ears kissed and took his hands off her back and on her panty covered ass. He just held her ass for a bit but I guess not getting any stop from me and being very aroused at this point himself he started to gently kiss her neck. She noticed his arousal I am sure and started to grind him more. Meanwhile I was in another world, all different emotions were going on in my head. My brain was saying that I it didn't want him doing this with my wife while my cock was saying, wow I have masturbated to this scene before. I just sat there and said nothing and I am not sure whether because she was proving a point and wanted me to be the one to stop it or she was getting aroused herself but she took the next step. She broke the dance and looked at me briefly as to give me a second to stop her and when I didn't she peeled off her panties and then grabbed johns boxers pulling them off his waist. She said something like this will make dancing nicer and went back to the dance. I didn’t even realize it then but thinking back they were now dancing slow to a fast rock song but anyway the dance continued only now it was skin on skin. That was the last time she looked at me as from that point on whether out of being dared or sheer sexual desire and arousal she began to kiss john and massage his chest. He returned her kiss but was very hesitant to touch her anywhere but she continued the dance and after a few minutes reached down and started to stroke his cock. I was frozen in time, john would later tell me that he looked at me but I didn't return his look and he was to hot to hold back anymore. He started to massage her breasts and quickly started to kiss and suck them as she continued to stroke his cock. This went on for a few minutes more and then she stopped grabbed his hand and went towards the bedroom almost as if I wasn't there. She brought him in the bedroom and he was no longer being shy, she lay down pulled him toward her and reached down to insert him inside her. I had followed and stood at the edge of the bed, as it was obvious by her purrs and moans that she was hot. John started fucking her and she quickly started to squirm, I figured john would cum in an instant also but I was in for a surprise. She came hard lifting herself and john off the bed at times with her legs as she came. She had always had great orgasms but this one of the best I had seen, the amazing thing to me was john didn't cum. It was like the guys in the porn flicks that seem like they can fuck for hours and not even come close to losing it. He continues to fuck her and within 5 or 10 minutes she again came. Her sounds were unbelievable as she did. Then she broke there kiss and said something to him, with that they flipped over and she got on top. Again they fucked, this time much longer as she rode him, she was in heaven, for the first time I came over to the bed and started to stroke her hair. She looked at me with a weird kind of look but she never stopped riding his still hard cock. We held a great deep French kiss as she rode john's cock until she broke the kiss. She was on her way to yet another orgasm when finally john mumbled something that sounded like he needed a condom I said its okay. With that she came again and he finally exploded inside her. There sounds were loud, there sweat so erotic, I was ashamed to say it but I couldn't remember the last time I had fucked her like that. They both came and collapsed on one another as I stood there rubbing my wife's back.

After a few minutes john got up and left the room to go to the bathroom. We stayed in each other's arms and she said a few things about not really wanting this to happen but I assured her that although I was a bit jealous I was okay and John was the only person I could ever imagine sharing her like this with. We kissed and proceeded to make love for what seemed like hours after. John never came back, I guess he saw us and went back to his room.

We awoke and john was already having coffee, Jackie blushed a bit and so did John. He asked if we were okay cause he had spent most of the night worrying about us. We told him that we were fine and we had enjoyed what had happened and were so glad we shared it with him. With that she gave him a huge hug and a big wet kiss.

We spent that morning at the beach were we talked about how it had happened and what was going thru each persons mind. At one point Jackie actually told john what a great fuck he was, john laughed said thank you. Well after talking about it all morning when we came back to the room Jackie had an evil grin and looked at both of us stripped off her bathing suit and said how about just one more time.

We did it most of the afternoon till Jackie said she was way to sore and it was hurting. As in the night before John got most of the fucking time cause he lasted so long, although since I had cum a few times the night before I lasted pretty long myself.

Afterwards Jackie said that she didn't want to make a habit of this but that she had loved sharing herself with both of us and would feel bad if we never spent a special time like that again.

Well that was in June and we haven't done it again but the other day she told me she had a special celebration planned for my birthday in August. I think I know what it is.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A similar thing happened between my wife and good friend. He divorced and moved into our basement apartment and the sparks between them really grew. I had a cuckold fetish so naturally a threesome eventually happened which quickly turned into a twosome with me watching. I'm small and not satisfying at all with intercourse but my friend was large and a complete stud. You'd think they were a couple and I was single after that as my sex life turned into just masturbating, completely cut off, even kissing. A few months later he moved upstairs while I moved into the basement apartment. He stole her from me and I let it happen. I jerk my little penis regularly to him taking her from me.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

AI am copy pasting this comment because I really liked it.


sex4u - over 19 years ago

I'm hard

I'm hard just thinking of the great fuckin they just gave to each other.

End quote.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

My wife got the hots for one of my best friends (I had known from childhood and college) when she finally met him. After she became friends with him, I told her that I wanted her to fuck him because he was a single guy and I knew he would love her pussy, and I wanted to do something for him. Every time she got around him her nipples would get very hard, and she would get wet. So, one day I said, "I want you to fuck him. I want you to enjoy each other as a sort of gift from me to both of you." She surprised me when she said, "I'm afraid if I do I will like it too much, and I will want him all the time, and I might lose my desire for you. I just can't do it; it's too dangerous." How's that for love and devotion? The interesting thing is, though, that she has no problem talking about him and fantasizing about sex with him, and getting dripping wet as we have sex. She asks, "What does his dick look like? Have you ever seen it? I wish I could see his dick." Then, she cums like crazy!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I like the story but in my mind it lacked depth between the husband and wife after she and his best friend had sex.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story, you are a very loving husband to let your wife experience her sexuality. Most women if they were honest with their husbands they would get to experience their fantasies. I know be told my wife numerous times that I would love to share and watch her with another man. She still hasn’t agreed to doing it but I do know when watch porn together, her favorite to watch are the ones with a woman being screwed by two or more men which the only ones she picks when we have gone to porn shops to pick out a movie. The fact is they are my favorite to watch also and I get so turned on watching them with her wishing that it was us in that movie

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