All Comments on 'Husband’s Wish Fulfilled'

by toomuchinmyhead

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Deceptive cuckolding

Faithfulness gives in to wantonness

chootkabhootchootkabhootalmost 13 years ago

a pathetic excuse for a human being. justifying her behaviour as a cock crazy slut and putting the responsibility solely on the husband, who is a moronic cuck. total lack of morality

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
1 star.

Swingers and people with open marriages try to convince themselves that they 'love' their partners all the time while getting fucked and sucked as many times as they can. This is just another husband with a fetish for humiliation. The really and truly scary part about this story is the start of the story when the wife tries to convince herself and us the readers that she really loves her husband and for some strange reason loves him more for wanting and letting fuck other people and get better sex elsewhere. But by far is the last sentence of the story.

".....and an emotional connection with overwhelming physical attraction..."

Which translates as "I have feelings for my lover, both physically and mentally."

If I was the husband I would start divorce proceedings as soon as I could. Oka y the husband started this bullshit but he did not think this would happen did he? Fucking another person with the permission of a pertner is one thing but to develop feelings for the person you are fucking? that is way out of bounds and crosses too mnay lines I would think even for swingers. No partner wants to hear that their wife or husband 'LOVES' thier lover.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioalmost 13 years ago
No surprise here

Not badly written, but lacking in a number of respects. Firstly, the average woman would suspect that hubby was getting some strange on his lengthy trips, feeling guilty about it, and encouraging her to do the same so she would not be angry, or jealous, or file for divorce. She never wondered at his motivation nor did she raise this important and obvious point.

If being cuckolded is a fetish for him, and it turns him on to have a "hot wife," then why isn't this in the story? She should be describing her affair over the phone, and he would be turned on. Or, maybe she needs to arrange for hubby to watch. But this story fails to explain any of it. Is a chapter 2 on the way to fill in these blanks? If so, why wasn't this story labelled as Ch. 01?

Secondly, the danger here is that she clearly likes sex with Duncan better than with her husband. She climaxes more quickly, and she compares the two, "My husband never did that for me. My husband does not like to do that (kiss me after I go down on him)." Duncan is more handsome, more physically attractive (although we don't know what hubby looks like, it's evident that Duncan has him beat). Duncan even has the proverbial, bigger cock that satisfies better (another over-used cliche). So how is her marriage strengthened, how in fact will it survive this?

Actually, they don't have much of a marriage. They've been married for 10 years but no kids. She doesn't work. They don't appear to do anything together. Other than fucking when hubby gets home, what do they do? She and Duncan go for walks in the woods. What does she have in common with her husband? Since she doesn't work, why doesn't she go with her husband on some of his business travels? She could explore other cities, go to see the sights, relieve her obvious boredom. Again, the story doesn't tell us but it should.

Lastly, it bothered me that she took her first-time lover into her marital bed. Just bad in principle. She now has a replacement husband. And she even joked about it at the dance (after Duncan used it as an excuse to decline another girl's offer to dance with him). Not even a "fuck towel" to protect the bed -- all their juices soaked through the sheets and into the bed itself. So the smell might actually linger, even if she washes the sheets, unless maybe there is a mattress pad that can also be washed.

With hubby away for weeks at a time, and Duncan available most of the time, I think she and lover will really have the marriage (with hubby paying for her house and her support). Sounds great for her, lousy for her husband. And with Duncan as the lover, what love can remain for her husband? Maybe the kind we all have for the old, comfortable pair of shoes that we eventually have to throw out because they can't be repaired any longer. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Should Be In Church

Why are the "Moral Police" reading erotic stories on Sunday and not in church?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
All This Disagreement

Considering the spectrum of human personality and the breadth and depth of sexual and erotic fantasies that are available to the human imagination it still astounds me that:

- a reader will decry a story because the character didn't act within the reader's pre-determined narrow guidelines.

- a character enjoys a lifestyle that the reader would not.

- character does or says something that the reader cannot expand their mind to imagine

- a character does not define their life, wants, needs, and mores and customs in the same manner as the reader.

Seriously, folks. There is more than one way to skin a cat. Just because someone opens their egg at the narrow end instead of the rounded end is no reason to go to war. Publicly sniping a story with a (frequently) narrow-minded judgement on a topic OF WHICH YOU WERE WARNED IN ADVANCE and decided to read anyway seems like something far more suspicious than a waste of time.

Cry for help?


Let the fictional characters have their fun. We get it. You wouldn't do that. So why do you read it?

KingofCucksKingofCucksalmost 13 years ago
DITTO : All this disagreement

I completely agree with the anon comment titled All This disagreement, so he saved me the time to try and write one similar. This story is well written and believable. Well done

magmamanmagmamanalmost 13 years ago
Only one flaw

The warning at the beginning gives away the ending, thus no anticipation. The tale was well written although a rather common scenario, just told far more realistically than most.

I personally find it simply foolish to comment negatively on a story when the subject matter is known in advance, and even more foolish to post complaints about portions that are not even in the text.

Nowhere in this piece is there even a suggestion that the husband was unfaithful, the other truth here is that many husbands in situations like this simply are not.

One added thought. Would or could a woman feel love for a man, knowing all it would be was a passing by, a moment?

Yes. I believe that can be true, intimacy for woman has quite different meanings than males.

Very well written,

Thank you,


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
re: All This Disagreement

You miss one simple concept: a warning that appears AFTER you open a story is meaningless.


I love how most of the comments here basically state that if you don't like the story you have no right to state that. I also love how after stating that, they have nothing -- or little -- positive to state about the story. I guess they couldn't find anything positive about the story.


Here's an idea. You like a story? Say so. You don't like a story? Say so.

maturemadness2maturemadness2almost 13 years ago
From this woman's view

Whether there is any truth to this story or not. I can assure you that relaionships like this occur and more frequently than some readers on here are aware of.

To the author........don't let negative comments stop you from writing wha t you feel, regardless of the content.

My husband and I have been given some very caustic comments and in all fairness, comments that have greatly helped us in our writing. We have also gotten E-Mails from Anonymous trolls, to chickenshit to leave a return address.

Don't let that bother you either. The way we figure is that if they are that negative in real life, they are probably the anonymous type there too.

My husband and I have been married for over 40 years, we started the swinging lifestyle, almost 30 years ago. We have never regretted it. Regardless, of what some may think of us, we do not consider him a cuckold or a wimp, nor me a slut or whore. Although I like being slutty at times and hubby enjoys it. We have also been with lovers, apart from the swinging scene. It doesn't seem to have damaged our marriage at all. At our age, it is all but over but we still enjoy the pleasure of others at times.

This probably will piss off some readers, we have always preferred black couples or singles for that matter. We have found them to be extremely passionate with on goal in mind, to satisfy whomever they are with.

I guess I got a bit long winded. Keep writing but don't be giving the plot or ending away anymore. We both loved the story and want you to continue with more chapters.

Feel free to go to our bio and E-Mail us if you would like to discuss this further.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
re: All This Disagreement

One more thought.


The only way the "you should know what you're getting into" argument remotely makes sense is if you are admitting "these" stories are all alike, that you can tell what is in a story BEFORE you read it.


Therefore, the real question isn't why people trash it, but rather why you don't. You have pretty much admitted the story is written without thought or effort. If must be if one can tell what is in it just by the title and a lame first paragraph.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

It's true that many women love this idea and they do convince their husbands that they can fuck around and not get involved with the person they are fucking at least emotionally. That of course is bullshit, the wife in this story is so deep in emotions she is drowning in them. She cares nothing for her husband or what he truely might feel there seems to be no discussion she just goes ahead and does it. The question is if such a couple exsist why are they married? It makes no sense, they don't see each other for most of the year, they don't talk to each other when the stranger is there. They have no life together they share nothing in common with each other so I ask again, why are these people married? Only the writer knows why it's his story after all. Everyone else can just moan about the story or jerk off to it as the readers that praise this story are doing. But it's obvious that the cucks and whores love this story they all seem to have got their panties in a twist about other peoples comments.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
not much to say about the story

but I hope you change your architecture , kind of, when writing.

In the beggining you write that the woman loves her husband more than ever.....blablabla.

and a couple paragraphs later you start to destroy that picture once and for all.

I would say not the best concept if you forget what you wrote in the "intro".

so what should somebody believe now. nothing if it's possible to change major statements from one second to the other.

another fucking story with a lot of loosers in the end.

the story is dead.

the end

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Re: the Moral Police

All you people who hate this story because of the "immoral" wife, WHY AREN'T YOU IN CHURCH?


If you see a story in the "loving wives" category, EVERYBODY knows it may be a cheating wife &/or cuckold story. If you object to that kind of story, READ SOMETHING ELSE! Why do you bother to finish, & rate, a story you dislike so much? Move on. Find the type of story you DO like. Isn't that why Literotica has so many categories, tags & search functions? Different strokes for different folks. Find stories YOU like & let others find the stories they like. Live & let live.

This story is well-written & HOT. Period.

Thank you for your efforts, toomuchinmyhead.

kelsaffirmkelsaffirmalmost 13 years ago


Anonymous0Anonymous0almost 13 years ago
Re:Moral police.

"Find stories YOU like & let others find the stories they like. Live & let live."

There is a song that has those words as lyrics. "In an ever changing world in which we live in make you give in and cry LIVE AND LET DIE!"

That is far more real and should happen more often.

winterfoxxwinterfoxxalmost 13 years ago
That was the easy part ...

Now I hope you challenge yourself to the harder part?

After hubby comes home ... what then? Will she tell him or keep it a secret? Will she develop any guilt/regret later? Will hubby if/when he finds out?

Will she tell hubby how great it was? Will she swoon over the things Duncan did for her than hubby doesn't, and whitewash the things she did for Duncan that she never does for hubby?

So many ways you can go with this ... I hope you chase one of these down!

Thanks for the read

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
"I hope this is what my husband wanted for me, because I certainly enjoyed it immensely!"

you mean the stupid cunt never bothered asking to make sure?

in the real world, this couple would be toast.

katibkatibalmost 13 years ago

So far, this has been a marvelous story. good descriptive writing; nice depiction of moods; understandable psychological development; gradual development of character, especially of Brenda -- altogether it is impressive. More?

The basic idea (so far) may well be one that is worked to death on this site, but you have treated it exceptionally well, with good taste, with writing skill, and I think fondness for the subject. Impressive.

BigJohn601BigJohn601almost 13 years ago
Well written and told story...

I thought the story was well planned and written from a reluctant wife side. The sex scenes were erotic and believeable. While I personally don't care for cuckold stories as the rule this one was very good.

machandsomemachandsomealmost 13 years ago
Very good story

But please do not end it here I want to know how hubby toke the news, or did she even tell him? There is at least a second chapter hopfully discribing how this couple worked it out and does she get to play more?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Too painful

You write well, I'll give you that. But, this story is a definite "Be careful what you wish for" Husband gives her permission to fuck, and she falls in love. Heartbreaking.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpetealmost 13 years ago
Mostly stupid comments on a hackneyed story....

but Vulcan 100% correct and Magmaman mostly 100% wrong, simply hinting that authors are not necessarily fair commentators. Caveats trying to scare away negative comments are for people that shouldn't post here. Try readers digest or something.Post a story in Lw and expect all sorts of readers. Now the cucks are trying to claim LW as THEIRS????

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Too long, not to the point, and TOTAL CRAP--Well written MY ASS.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

What happens next. Divorce, full blown affair, threesome. Lovely discription of their love making. I'm waiting for part two before I show my husband. good read for us woman

Just_Simply_MeJust_Simply_Mealmost 13 years ago
I Wish To Reserve Comment! I Want To See The Next Chapter!

This was a most interesting piece, sensual, extremely well written, great dialogue and with many unanswered questions. Will she share her experience and feelings with her husband? How will he respond and react? Will Duncan return while hubby is home or call while he is present? How will she react? Will she have second thoughts? Will Duncan become a stronger force in her life and make a point of being with her?

There are too many unanswered questions that need clarification. With that in mind, I encourage the author to add another chapter or 2 and this may appease many of those who have responded negatively. The piece as it stands is extremely good but it leaves many unanswered questions some of which are how she feels about her husband now, how he will respond, what she will share with him relative to her encounter, and whether this relationship will continue and how they both will react and respond.

Hopefully toomuchinmyhead gets the message and sees fit to bring this to a more natural conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
husbands regret

Brenda really picked a good one to have a relationship with her husbands knowledge. She is definitely attracted to him and she has done several firsts with her new man which she in ten years has never even attempted with her husband. She cums quicker and harder with her lover and he is bigger and longer than her husband and the fact that she even thought that she wanted him for her boyfriend. I guess she is on the pill because they didn't use a condom. If hubby doesn't watch out he may lose her. One thing that wasn't addressed was that hubby is away from his wife and now does that open the door for him for flings? Great story and well written. I for one would like to see this continue but would like to thank the author for sharing this with us.

eoins1eoins1almost 13 years ago
Keep writing

I love the comments from all the anon's but especially the one who writes 'well written my ass'. Show us yours ............ if you can. You really have to laugh. Hello? It's a story. You didn't have to read it.

I enjoyed it,well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Good story,well written.

I come to the site now and then to feed my fantasies, usually transferring them to the bedroom where the wife and I keep our sex lives revved up to the max. I actually feel sorry for the horrible little bigots like pistolpete or johndoe who spend their lives here, in utter bitterness, with no real wife or any friends.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

To the last commentator: how do you know john and pete have no wives? Do you know anything about them? Its good you take ideas from this site. I wouldn't recomend letting your wife cuckold you but whatever floats your boat.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caalmost 13 years ago

It was hubbys idea lets remember,,, hubby was not badmouthed in any way, so at this juncture this is a onesided swinger relationship.. Noy my favoured concept of swinging.. But whatever floats your boat. Ill agree with the one commentator on that she brought him home too quickly and should not have used their marital bed without hubby there or approval. Chapter two is in oeder dear author. ... What happens when the intrepid traveller returns to find that she finally stepped out, no post game footage for him to share the experience, a wetspot, and the discovery of her having more of a mini romance rather than a noncommital fling?? Perhaps the new guy is as desireable as the husband without the travel?? What fun, FICTION,

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caalmost 13 years ago
Fun with swinging??

It was hubbys idea lets remember,,, hubby was not badmouthed in any way, so at this juncture this is a onesided swinger relationship.. Noy my favoured concept of swinging.. But whatever floats your boat. Ill agree with the one commentator on that she brought him home too quickly and should not have used their marital bed without hubby there or approval. Chapter two is in oeder dear author. ... What happens when the intrepid traveller returns to find that she finally stepped out, no post game footage for him to share the experience, a wetspot, and the discovery of her having more of a mini romance rather than a noncommital fling?? Perhaps the new guy is as desireable as the husband without the travel?? What fun, FICTION,

Scorpio44Scorpio44almost 13 years ago
I enjoyed the story.

Hubby may have enriched her life for years to come by granting her permission and encouraging her to find Duncan. Reading the story I wondered, How many husbands love their wives enough to do what he did, have her needs met even when he's away?

Most of those who sign Anon seem to think if she tastes another man she should be kicked to the curb. I'm not one of those men.

The story is well written and flowed easily. Thanks.

GizmorGizmoralmost 13 years ago

I wonder why all the negative feedback is from one that will remain anonymous? I for one enjoyed this story and many more on this site! It's just a FUCKING STORY!!! Critics jus shouldnt read tis stuf! Thanks. Hope to read more of your great stories!

BobNbobbiBobNbobbialmost 13 years ago
Tender intimacy . . .

. . . sounds like a love story to me, and a well written one at that. If real life, a situation like this could easily lead to a two husband woman with both of her men being away on travel types of guys. The story is well told, and has that romantic feel that women seem to love.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Good Story

Good story author.

I like the emotive sense that you bring to it. A sequel would be good too, as some others have mentioned.

A comment about some of the commentors: Yes there is a sameness to many of the plots and stories on LW. And, so what. People like certain things and reading variations of the things they like makes sense. Clancy writes in the same genre all the time, so does Grishom, so does Patterson, and so do we plebians out here in LIT land.

At any rate, I saw this story as kind of a lead in to maybe a trilogy or the like. Hope that's the case.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
love the stories

I think of it all the time. Lots. I'm her first Man but my fantasy is her getting the ultimate pleasure from another man who has a large tool.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
the best is yet to come!

Beautiful story but the most interesting part would be the husbands reaction and if and how they went forward with the arrangement.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 12 years ago
Very exciting!

Excellent writing. Great descriptions. The opening paragraph sets out to affirm the truth of this couples love, however the story stops short of actually proving the point. Would love to see this go further. The husband is encouraging his wife to do this, assuring her that it is just sex. Once she commits the act, it is clear that it is far from simply sex. The interaction between her and Duncan is exquisitly written, but is so compelling and well written, that I almost believe she cares more about him than her Husband (which again would seem to undermine her opening premise). So I am left wondering where you would want this story to go. Is she ultimately wrong in her belief? Does this relationship become more than she expected, more than she can handle (while trying to maintain a loving relationship with her husband)? Does it put stress on the marriage, or does it enrich it? I am just not sure, but would love to see that play out. I find these lines of thought to be most titillating when telling a "hot wife" tale. It is one thing to simply assert that such a relationship between husband and wife can work, and actually strengthen a marriage, quite another to explore all that such a venture entails. Don't just tell me it does, prove it. The drama that inevitably ensures when marriages explore this type of relationship is just as exciting as the actual exploration (at least for me). Again, love the writing, a compelling scenario, but would love to see more. Perhaps a part two is in the mix? Pleeeease!

ythebadgerythebadgerover 11 years ago
it started off with a lot of promise

but ended up being a sad tale. You wrote it well - perhaps too well because it made it appear that the lover holds a far more important place in her life than the husband. She does things with the lover, and enjoys things with the lover that she doesn't do or enjoy with her husband - and that's what makes it sad.

If it had ended after their first time - if her lover had then gone on to keep his appointment - it would have been really hot, but the following day and the obviously deep involvement between them made the whole thing ultimately painful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Fellers !! Do you actually take this garbage seriously???

This writer is a halfwit for gods sake !!! And half literate at that. Probably nigger.

"1" !!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
What You Wish For

His wish slowly became hers. The more she dildo'd, the more he put visions in her mind, the more she thought about it and - of course - now the curiosity and the wanting to do it!

Problem, she got attracted to a stud, innocently at first - they seduced eachother and then she just pulled him in, probably not too hard to do.

Real problem, she not only didn't fuck him, she made love and actually fell in love with him. She'll begin to realize that, push it out of her mind and just think about and enjoying future rendezvous but - yes, we know - she'll be totally his and if he isn't an asshole (doesn't seem to be), he'll take her away and they will be together from that day on.

Too bad. I understood her husbands horny nature and sexual arousal and some men do what he did BUT - they are not gone for long periods of time. Not my cup of tea but - I would have kept her.

She will eventually realize that after meeting,dancing, kidding and talking that she had actually been in the early, but very definite stages of being in love, not lust, Love!

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 11 years ago
Wrong Choice !

Another story of wife taking a lover while away just for sex and starts falling in lobe with them.

Also doing things with lover she has not done or dislike with husband. If husband does not wake and smell the coffee he will lose her to her new hunk, bigger cock, better sex machine lover !

elling50elling50about 11 years ago
A work of art

This story is extremely well written, the build up of the wife's psychology, the acts, and the ending. Was this really Husbands wish fulfilled? Did he want his wife to get a lover, or did he just want her to have impersonal sex? Will she eventually leave her husband for her lover? Will it develop into a permanent polyamourous relation? The readers are left with having to think themselves, as good art often do.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Toomuchinyourhead ??

There is a sewage sucker nearby. Use it, you need it !

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Just god-awful

One of the worst stories it has been my misfortune to read here on this site. BARF!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Don't respond to willing cuckold stories. They are trollbaits.

The willing cuckold genre is not really stories but premise for sexual scenes that end in anti-climax. If the wife leaves the husband, he deserves it. If the wife humiliates the husband, he deserves it. If the wife stays with husband, nothing is changed. There is no suspense, and so there is no story. The only point in reading this genre is getting aroused by sexual scenes, but after a few scenes, the genre usually becomes boring. If it is boring for the reader, it must be more so for the author.

So why do authors write these willing cuckold stories? They want your attention. The more they provoke you, the higher the likelihood that you would respond. Negative responses don't matter as they just want to soak up the attention. The mechanic is the same for children who hit other children to get attention. Yes, it's a childish way to get attention, and the best way to dissuade such behavior is not to respond to it. Willing cuckold stories are trollbaits. Don't get sucked in.

desperate1desperate1over 10 years ago
Very good and well written story

I loved this story perhaps because I am a cuck myself. I also know that if she has fallen for this guy (in addition to the fact he is MUCH better in bed than her husband) as it appears she has she will leave her husband for him. It is not as though he is better in any way than the lover. Her lover is better in EVERY way.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
ROFL! What a horrible story!

I think it was written to purposely piss off the readership. It's the standard cheating wife justifying her actions by blaming them on someone else. In this case her husband. But I think this was written to let the BTB crowd go crazy as she happily cuckolds her husband. And they did. Not well written. Poor character development. Was her husband really that dumb? Didn't enjoy this at all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
The real truth?

This is close to the way it happens in real life, nearly always that chance meeting, chance attraction. Then consider that it is fairly common for a husband to not be all that upset, if not in fact enjoying the wife's enjoyment?

Very well written, very real.

I remember my first time, spotting my wife's clear attraction to a friend. It took some time for me to get her to admit it, then once she realized I was not going to freak out we jointly planned his seduction.

Well, that plus HIS wife, also.

Kind of fun for those who are less up tight.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
willing heart

Why do men want to show their dominance?I used to encourage my late wife to date other men and this is something she told me. I was curious as to why she was back from a date less than thirty minutes after she left. Seems this man had been trying for the better part of a year to get a date with her till she finally accepted went to a motel with him and he started trying to make her beg for it she pleaded with him several times not to tease her and he would ask her to tell him what she wanted, finally she excused herself to go to the bathroom, dressed herself and walked out telling him that when he was serious about a fuck to let her know and she would consider it. she never went out with him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Hot story written from the woman’s perspective. Ignore the moralists. Read this author’s stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
It is not a "woman's perspective", it is simply cheating

Wife-sharing is cheating. The whole first page describes seduction that is undivided and dedicated to one man. The woman could be confused but once she does that she is simply betraying her partner, there is no way back no matter how approving her partner is, there will always be secrets and sooner or later the original connection will feel the impact of that betrayal.

Yes, you can be a slut but that way you will disrespect your husband and sooner or later you will feel disrespect of others for yourself, not because they are moralists but because you have none and without morals you will have no respect either. Being selfish to cater only your urges is what it is. People that do that, in sex or anything else, are not respectable people. Without respect no marriage is on equal terms.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I don't get it

She cheats. She shows her husband by her words and actions that she has no love or respect for him. She demeans, degrades and humiliates him. Why would he even consider NOT divorcing him? If she thinks that her actions are what her husband really wanted for her, she's delusional. Her marriage is over and that seems to be her intentions. Done and done.

1 star

CharlotteBlue69CharlotteBlue69over 5 years ago
Insecure men just wouldn’t understand.

I’m in a wonderful sex filled marriage to a guy I consider the hottest, most compassionate and caring man in the world. Until a few years ago, he was the only man I had ever experienced in bed. Our emotional bond is unbreakable. He tells me I am his favorite porn star and wants me to enjoy life’s pleasures to the fullest. It was my loving husband who slowly encouraged me to enjoy both other women and then other men. I went from being an innocent wife to a what my husband calls a ‘hot wife.’ Yes, I have sex with other women...a lot! I also have periodic sex with other men. No, my husband doesn’t watch or at times even know I’m with someone else. Still, when he gets home, I tell him every detail. He gets pleasure from my being pleasured. To be totally open, I do feel an emotional bond to some of my lovers, but it pales in comparison to the bond I have with my husband, the man I will spend my life with. So, all of you anonymous loving wife haters, get a life. This is a wonderful story that made me hot and my husband hard.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Another damned whore and her cuck husband story that smells and reads like horseshit.

mrsrobinsonxxmrsrobinsonxxover 1 year ago

I loved reading that. So much detail. I must admit I was aroused. Yes, you could say that she cheated, but come on, where was the harm. I'd love her to tell her husband when he arrived home. Let him be the Judge. I've done very naughty things behind my husband's back, but, during the last couple of years, I've had other men with his "consent", for want of a better word. Tell you what, the latter were much more exciting. Anne.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is truly a loving wife and husband. She is neither cheating or a slut for exploring her sexuality. I really don’t understand these losers who read these types of stories and then make derogatory comments. Clearly they have a very limited if any sex life with their own wives and will never understand the tremendous pleasure a sharing couple enjoys.

Jlyn1Jlyn14 months ago

She formed an emotional attachment to the guy. She was comparing him to her husband. It wasn't just sex; she wanted more with little thought of her husband, and he would soon regret it. At least, that's the impression I get from her thoughts after her lover had left. Another chapter would have been nice when the husband returned and his reaction when she told him.

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