In The Work Domain Pt. 10


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We spoke later as we prepared for bed, Hannah video calling to watch me strip and then giving me a quick tour of her naked body as she lay on her bed, mumbling that she wanted me next to her, saying it quietly, but I heard. "Hey, tomorrow I will be there, so make the most of the big bed." I said and she held the phone to her face.

"Are you staying over tomorrow? Who said that was allowed?" My breathing stopped for a second or two, until her face cracked into a wide smile. "Only if you give me...." she thought, tapping her finger to her lips as she did so, "six orgasms."

"Oh, so a quiet night for me then." I laughed.

"Ok, make it seven."

"That will be magnificent." I added and she laughed.

"OK, lover, time to bed. See you tomorrow." I said goodbye too, but it was twenty minutes later that the call ended as he got lost in each other.

Friday was hot. Any thought that the summer had gone, chased off by the rain, was over. The air was cleaner, but it seemed to just let the rays of the sun hit harder. I was sweating a little and hadn't even got out of bed. A message pinged and my stomach did a little flip. "Morning sleepyhead" It read, followed by a line of X's. My stomach did another little flip and I replied to ask if she was ok. "The bed's too big, I am lost. Send help." Was her reply and then a photo of her as she stretched her arm above her, legs wide, other arm stretched out, completely naked.

"I'm coming." I replied

"Wait until you get here." was her clever retort.

Every now and then I would get a sharp slap of reality and looking at the photo of Hannah I got a real punch. I had met this woman a few days after starting work there and we had become friends quickly. We had lived close by for a while, before we she moved as her relationship ended, mine having crumbled a few months earlier. Now the girl that several of my colleagues were desperate to get their hands on was sending me naked photos and masturbating online with me. I tried to walk, but stumbled and had to sit on the bed to recover for a few minutes.

I had coffee and breakfast as the laptop fired up and saw Hannah was already online. It was getting increasingly hard to concentrate as things had intensified with us, but also the desire to remain secret stayed a priority. It wasn't a relationship I repeatedly told myself, while falling deeper for her. I sent a hello wave to her and she returned it followed by "Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyym happy friday. Any weekend plans?" I giggled at her professionalism.

"Not much, maybe take some photos. You?"

"Going shopping tonight, need to buy some new clothes. Nothing else planned. Have a good one, speak soon." I went to reply with some X's, then remembered and deleted then. I knew no one else could see, but it just felt wrong.

The day went slowly, plodding along in the heat. Brendan asked about my weekend plans and then mentioned how cute Hannah had looked yesterday. I laughed, thinking of how much cuter she looked when she called from the toilet and showed her body to me.

Hannah sent a message to my phone, "See you there at 5.30." We hadn't arranged where to actually meet, so a hurried call was needed, but neither of us knew a good meeting point, so said we'd just turn up and call each other. She reminded me to bring a change of clothes, a camera and some films. I laughed at her prompt, but in truth, I was preparing to walk out the door empty handed! I shoved some stuff into the rucksack and logged off. The weekend was here and Hannah was waiting.

The station was very busy. People were heading off for the weekend, or meeting to socialise. I tried to find somewhere obvious to stand and wait. My phone rang. "Hey, where are you? Are you hiding from me?" I looked around, but still had no idea where she was, or where to meet. I asked where she was, but she didn't really know. We were proving to be terrible at outside meetings.

I looked around and saw a coffee cart. It had a big sign on top, so told Hannah to meet me there. "What coffee cart?" This was going badly. "Oh, wait."

She was wearing a blue dress and her hair was bouncing as she walked along, almost skipping towards me. I breathed in deep and tried to stay calm, but as soon as she was near my face was aching from the smile and my arms were opening for her to fall into, which, luckily, she did. I squeezed her tight to me as we kissed, it had been too long since I had her lips on mine.

The rest of the world vanished and we threaded our way down a couple of side streets to find the shop. It looked innocent enough, but also slightly odd with some collars, chokers and, what looked like, fancy dress style outfits in the window. The door was heavy to open and a little bell rang as we stepped inside.

"Hello, Good evening." The woman behind the counter smiled at us as we walked in, it was slightly dark inside, but not enough to made you turn and flee. "If you need anything, just ask." She added.

"Erm, chokers. Do you have chokers?" Hannah didn't want to waste time searching the shelves. The woman walked around the counter and waved for us to follow, Hannah led the way. She stood by a display of collars and chokers and waved her hand at it.

"These are the main ones, anything more specialised we can order." Hannah reached for a thick choker with a heart on the front and made an 'oooh' sound and the woman laughed. "That always gets a reaction, it is a very lovely choker..."

"But?" Hannah had sensed something as she turned it around in her hand.

"It is lovely, the inside is lined to be soft on the skin. The problem some have is that the fastening is the front, the pieces interlock." Hannah peered at it and moved the heart and the choker fell open. "It means it's best not to wear it if alone, in case you have trouble as it's easier for someone else to put it on... and off." The woman reached for a slightly smaller one, "This is more popular as it has a press stud closure at the back, so you can get it off easily."

"Yes, but this one is lovely!" Hannah was still holding the bigger one and the woman smiled.

"Let me get a tape measure and we can get started." She walked back to the counter and returned with the tape and Hannah stood still as she delicately put it around Hannah to see what size she was and then looked through the chokers to find the right one. She showed us how to open it, it wasn't tricky, but when around a neck it might be harder. She then handed it to me and smiled. My hands were shaking slightly as I passed the strap around Hannah and then lined up the heart to lock the pieces together. Hannah breathed in as I squeezed gently and it slotted closed. Hannah let out a soft groan, but it was so quiet in the shop we all heard it.

"Holy fuck!" Hannah said as she looked in the mirror. To be fair, that was my thought too. The strap covered over half of Hannah's neck, but still allowed her to move. The metal heart design at the front was held to her throat and the pale skin shone against the black leather. Hannah wiggled it about and tilted her head around. "Holy.." she mumbled as she looked again. "It feel so good." She turned and had a massive smile on her face. I put my hands to it and pressed the ends together and it released in my hands. Three people sighed.

We looked at other designs, some that would be more practical for Hannah to put on herself. A mesh style one looked amazing on her, it covered most of her neck, but was flexible, so moved easily. There were also some wide cat style collars "These have a removable bell, to stop you annoying people at work," the woman explained. She found a blue one that was a close colour match to Hannah's dress. There was also a nice yellow one, that Hannah thought would go well with her other dresses, plus a red one with a white edge to it that just looked sexy on the shelf, let alone when I fastened it around Hannah's neck. "You're a primary colour girl then?" The woman asked and set about finding more things for Hannah to try. After several minutes, there was a small pile of possibles on the shelf in front of Hannah.

"Do you like clamps?" The woman asked. Hannah looked at me, then at her and nodded. "I have something you might like." and she walked off to the next aisle and quickly returned with a necklace. Hannah stared at it in confusion. The woman held it up. It was a chain loop that went around the neck. Then another loop that dipped lower with two loose bits hanging down. The woman moved to Hannah as she was undoing the clip at the back and moved behind her as she placed it around her neck. The three parts of the chain were all held with one clasp at the back. the loose sections hung down and I looked and realised there were small clamps on the ends. The woman moved back in front of Hannah.

"There are a couple of sizes of chain width, depending on the size of your nipples." Hannah blinked when told this. "The smaller one is not good if you have bigger nipple, the clamps won't fit." Hannah was still staring at the woman. I reached down and lifted the loose ends and Hannah realised and mouthed 'ohhh' but didn't actually make a sound. "Then, you can either attach it like this..." and the woman held the ends near Hannah's breasts with the chains moving outward, "Or have them just hanging down, or loop them like this" an she moved the ends so they crossed. "If you do it like this, it does just look like a third loop going down under your clothing. No one will know you have them on your nipples." Hannah's eyes glowed as she looked at me.

"Will you need to measure my nipples?" I was pretty sure Hannah had never asked that before, let alone to a stranger. "Mine are pretty small." she mumbled. The woman chuckled.

"I will get you the small and medium size and you can see." and off she went again, coming back in a few seconds to add, "There's no one in the shop, you can try it for size if you want."

We both looked at the small and medium clamps are tried to work out what would be better. Hannah tried both the chains around her neck and liked the smaller one for the way it felt, not too heavy on her neck and it swung more freely. Next we needed to know if the ends would fit. Hannah looked around nervously. "I can't get my tits out here!" She whispered. I reminded her of the coffee shop incident and she laughed. "Yeah, good point well made, but still!" The woman laughed at our predicament and walked back a few paces.

"I can see the door, so I can stop anyone who comes in from disturbing you."

I unzipped Hannah's dress and flicked her bra clasp open and she quickly pulled it from her body and handed it to me. "Hide this" she giggled. and then pulled the dress up to cover herself. "OK, stand in front of me and try it for size." I held the clamp end and Hannah pulled the dress away again and I opened it over her hard nipple. Hannah hissed as it held on tight and I put the other one on, just to be sure. "Holy fuck." She mumbled. I looked down and said exactly the same thing. Hannah turned to look in the little mirror and repeated it. "Oh fuck, it looks amazing. It feels great too. Holy fuck!" I stepped away and Hannah turned to the woman, who looked away from the front door to Hannah's chest and smiled and nodded.

"It looks perfect" She said and Hannah even gave a little shimmy as she stood with her breasts exposed and chains around her neck and on her nipples. "The perfect size too for your nipples and it looks great against the dark of them." Hannah pulled up the front of her dress and it wasn't obvious the ends were on her nipples, the chains just looped down. Hannah smiled and patted her chest as the chains jangled. She grinned and then pulled the dress back down to remove the clamps. "That is a very sexy item, it always turns me on when I wear it and it gets my girlfriend going too." the woman added and Hannah looked down as she removed the second clamp and gave a little moan as the nipple was released.

"Yes, this and the chokers are very sexy." She sighed and then blushed. and pulled up her dress as I reached to zip her up again

We were shown some other items, especially after Hannah mentioned having a tail. There was a plug with a heart on it, but Hannah got worried it might turn around and look wrong. I laughed at that and she looked confused. "How can you be such a perfectionist about a butt plug?" I asked, but she still insisted it was a valid point, so I gave in and continued to laugh.

"Do you have any underwear? I really need something sexier... well, I have nothing fancy." Hannah mumbled and looked around nervously.

"No, we have some outfits, you know, French Maids, that kind of thing. We used to have more, but found that toys were more popular in the shop. We have some stuff online you might like." The woman looked down the shelves searching for more suggestions. "Are you interested in toys?"

Hannah blushed again, "No, not really. Right now I just want to feel I look good, or look better anyway."

The woman gave Hannah a quizzical look, the same one I give her when she says she doesn't look good. "Well, you looked amazing with those on. You look great anyway and I am being honest, but I understand. Sometimes I need to wear something to just feel as if it makes a difference. Underneath nothing has changed, but it just gives me a boost." Hannah smiled and gave a little nod.

We gathered the possible purchases. Hannah was having trouble deciding on chokers and collars, reasoning that different colours went with different dresses. We got it down to one red, one blue and one yellow, some in different sizes, plus the big heart one and a smaller one with studs that closed it. Hannah kept picking up different ones to put back. In the end I picked them all up, including the necklace with clamps. "What?" she objected.

"We'll take all of these please." and the woman smiled as we walked to the counter to pay, Hannah mumbling behind me.

"I can't afford all of these." She whispered.

"I can."

Hannah looked at me and I saw her eyes well a little. She blinked and bit her lower lip. "You can't do this."

"Why?" She looked at me again. I moved forward and kissed her lips and she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"The big choker will look great if you have your hair tied back, it will contrast with your pale skin and dark hair." The woman knew her stuff. Hannah began to look into her bag for something, but the woman reached down on the counter and lifted up an elasticated hair band. "Always have some here for just such an occasion." she smiled. I paid and then Hannah took the choker and handed it to me.

Hannah bent her head back slightly as I pushed the ends of the clip together on her throat and it slotted into place, Then she swept her hair back into a pony tail and twirled the elastic around it. The woman and I both said "wow" at the same time. Hannah went to look in a mirror and repeated what we had both said.

"What did you do with my bra?" Hannah looked around for it, but I had put it in my rucksack.

"Not sure why you wore it." I mumbled, slightly miffed she had turned up with underwear on.

"Because I was on my own on the tube, I didn't want anything to happen and me with no undies!" It was a fair point. "No point putting it back on now." She giggled and blushed as she looked at the woman.

"You look great without it." She said and Hannah blushed some more.

I looked down lower. "Of course!" Hannah laughed as she realised where my eyes were.

"Shame." I added.

"We'll find a bathroom and I'll take them off. You are SO demanding, mister." The woman laughed.

"Do it here, there's only us here." The lovely woman said. Hannah looked around. I laughed. She looked around again. The woman moved from behind the counter to stand in front of the door, blocking the way if anyone came in.

"Will you do it please?" She looked at me with those beautiful eyes shining and I would have done anything, so doing that was easy. I moved towards her and knelt down and put my hands up her dress, my palms running up her bare legs until I found the material around her waist and I slowly began to pull. Hannah lifted each foot in turn so I could pass it through the leg hole and then I held them up for her to see and handed them to her. She scrunched them up and gave them back to me and laughed. "Sheesh, they are slightly wet!" she said, slightly too loudly and the woman laughed with us.

"Not surprised!" She said as she moved back behind the counter and Hannah continued to blush.

"I do not know your name" Hannah asked the woman "and you have seen my boobs, so it seems a bit odd." The woman laughed.

"Sarah" and she held out her hand to Hannah.

"Nice to meet you, Sarah, I'm Hannah and this is Stuart." and she reached out to me and we shook hands.

"Thank you for brightening my Friday, you are a very lovely couple." Hannah looked at me and then blushed a bit. I saw her thinking about correcting Sarah, but she stopped.

"Thank you." She giggled, then looked at me again, "Yeah, he's ok I guess." she laughed

We emerged into the hot summer evening as London went about preparing for a scorching weekend by getting drunk. Hannah looked at me and then pulled me to her for a kiss, my hand stroking over the choker on her delicate neck. "Let's go home, you have seven orgasms to give me so we can't hang around."

The Tube was busy, but people were beginning to abandon it again as the heat took hold. Hannah grabbed a seat, but I was too busy looking at her neck and the choker to get next to her and someone stood in front of her, but I could see her and she kept smiling over at me as I stood a few people away down the carriage. I missed another chance to sit next to her at the next stop, the person getting off moving towards me and blocking my path and I sighed as a young man crashed down in the empty seat. I shrugged and she just laughed.

The guy kept looking across to Hannah, his eyes on her neck and then dropping down to her chest. I wasn't sure if he could see down her dress, but she sat back to make sure any view was blocked. Then he started talking to her. She answered him and looked away, but he kept talking and she would glance at him, say something, then look away, clearly not interested. He persisted, his hands moving as he spoke and getting quite close to her, he would put a finger near the choker, clearly entranced by it. I saw her face change and she said something to him, her eyes hard and cold. He kept talking to her.

Another stop reached and people moved and wanted to get past. I stepped against the door and suddenly Hannah was next to me, pressing herself onto me. "Fucking hell." She muttered, "Some guys don't get the hint." She explained that he was trying to chat her up, but she said she wasn't single. Then he asked her about the choker and she had told him her lover bought it for her. He kept going and she shot him down, "I told him I wasn't interested in a no good, ugly fuck like him." she giggled, "I may have upset him, but he still didn't get the hint, so I came to be with you." The guy got off the next stop, his eyes glaring at us as he went out the door. We kissed as the doors closed.

"Hey, I had some messages on the site." She whispered. The train was quieter now and we had settled down to sit next to each other for the last six stops. "Most were from single guys wanting a quickie." She sighed, "But there were two couples, we can look later if you like."

We walked hand in hand to her flat. The air was heavy and the usual Friday evening sounds were dulled as people just gave up and stayed indoors. We climbed the stairs, doing the usual tiptoe past the first floor neighbour and giggling as we did so. Hannah had never explained why she did this, but it was the custom now. At the top of the stairs we stopped and I pulled her into my arms and reached for the zip of her dress and slid it down. Hannah stood and I brushed the shoulder straps away and watched it drop to expose her breasts. She arched her shoulders to make them rise as my lips went to each nipple. Then I pushed the material from her hips and she stepped out of it. I knelt and put my mouth to her pussy, breathing in the scent and tasting the traces of her juice on her lips.