In The Work Domain Pt. 16


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The rhythm was slow, licking from hole to clitoris, my tongue sliding in her wet gash, pressed hard to her skin and then lapping over the tip of her clitoris before the return journey, dipping into her soaked entrance. Hannah was mumbling and groaning, her trembles getting harder as the pace increased with each pass up her splayed labia and over the hard clitoris. She began to jerk her hips against me and her moans mixed with her gasps and high pitched cries started to come from her open mouth as her whole body started to tremble and shake, the wooden chair creaking as she rocked and shuddered. I licked up her and then flicked my tongue over her clitoris and she moved her hands to my head to keep me in place and I opened my mouth wide and put my lips around her clitoral hood as I licked the tip faster and harder. Hannah slammed her hips forward and screamed and her legs closed around my head as she bucked, her back arching, her legs holding me as I licked her clitoris to finish her orgasm as she let out one long cry and she pushed forward, almost sliding off the chair as my hands gripped her waist, her legs on my shoulders now. "Stoppppppppppppppp." she cried and I tried to, but her legs were still keeping me against her jerking pussy.

Hannah had to grab the kitchen table as she slipped forward, her bottom right on the edge of the chair, her hips still moving towards me and the weight of her legs over my shoulders and down my back causing me to lean backwards, pulling her away from the chair. I reached back to find support and Hannah shrieked as her eyes went wide, suddenly realising what was happening. I stopped falling backwards as Hannah's feet hit the floor and my hands propped me up, but I was bent over and she had one hand holding the table to stop her toppling off the chair. She looked down at me and then started to laugh, my head was between her closed legs, her thighs squashing me and her pussy was still against my mouth as I had been unable to move.

"I see why you didn't stop now!" she giggled. "Wait, let me move." and she shifted her bottom up and back onto the chair and then opened her legs. I still kept my mouth to her deliciously wet pussy. "You can move now." I nodded my head as if it was a question, not a suggestion. Hannah giggled and then gently put a hand to my head and guided me back and I got one last kiss on her hot lips before I pushed myself upright again and moved my body to press against hers as I held her.

"I need to go" Hannah whispered and my heart broke. I had hoped she would stay the night here, in my bed, but I guess the memories were too much. I smiled and nodded, trying not to look too upset, but figuring I had failed. There was a little laugh, "Not that go you jerk." she laughed and she nodded her head down. I looked and thought, then realised.

"Oh, I thought... OH!" I mumbled as Hannah stroked my face.

"Jerk. Sweet, loveable jerk." she giggled. "Ok, I need to go pretty badly, coming to help?" I jumped up and headed to the toilet and Hannah walked past and into the bathroom. I turned and followed, poking my head around the door to look in as she stood by the tub. She had her nervous smile and I walked to her and put my arms around her waist. "I'd kinda like to..." her eyes flicked to the tub. "Unless... I mean, it is a bit weird" she giggled. I smiled and gave her a small kiss, then pushed my underwear off and stepped into the tub and held my hand out to help her in.

Hannah stood at the end of the bath and stared at the shower, trying to decide what dial to turn and what lever to move. I laughed and told her to let me do it and she turned and giggled, "I am bursting now" she laughed as she had accidentally turned the water on to run into the bath and it rumbled out around her feet. I moved to turn it off, my face in front of her smooth mound as I knelt down. I can never resist Hannah's sweet pussy and I gave it a kiss. "Oh, OH!" she mumbled "No, wait, move!" I laughed and she crouched a little and opened her legs, lifting one onto the side of the tub. "Oh god, sorry." she muttered. Before she could do anything more I moved my mouth and kissed the top of her vulva and she mumbled "No, oh, oh" as I opened my mouth slightly, and her liquid run over my lower lip and the warmth of her release poured onto my chin and down my body. I moved back slightly and put my tongue out and quickly took a lick as she relieved herself before I put my lips to the area at the top of her mound and Hannah put a hand to the back of my head.

I shifted up on my knees so I was underneath her open legs, my hands wrapping around her as she leaned back against the tiled wall and stroked my head, sighing as she emptied herself. I kissed her wet lips when she had finished and there was a shiver from her against me. I stood and she smiled at me, her eyes full of warmth and trust and she put her hands to my face and pressed her lips to mine and her tongue licked over me then darted into my mouth. "I really don't know why I like this so much, but... it's just so..." She stared deep into my eyes and I could see why. I kissed her again and she held me close. "I hope you want to..." she giggled as we held each other in the tub, the water still not running from the shower. I nodded and Hannah moved down to kneel.

I turned on the shower and aimed the spray downwards so it ran over the back of my legs, Hannah was kissing my belly, which was wet from her and her lips went lower and took the end of my cock into them. "Ok, you may want to move." I muttered as I tried not to pee. She let me go from her lips, but stayed close as I relaxed and her hand went to my penis as the flow started. Hannah moved me so I sprayed onto her throat, murmuring as the warm liquid ran over her and down her body. I watched, fascinated by her as she bent her head and the spray went over her closed lips for a second, bubbling between them before she lifted her head and smiled up at me as I now relieved myself onto a breast. I let out a sigh as I finished and then gasped as Hannah took the end of my penis and licked it and the final drops.

Hannah stood and we kissed again, this time I licked her lips before putting my tongue into her mouth. Our wet bodies squashed together as we moved. I bent down and moved the shower head up and we shifted to let the water run over us as Hannah grabbed some soap and lathered it up in her palms and caressed it on my skin as I prepared to do the same to her.

I stepped from the shower and laughed, rather awkwardly. "Erm, well... I only have one towel!" I said as Hannah stood, soaked in the tub. I hadn't really considered I would have a guest, let alone be in the shower with them and only ever had one towel ready. I draped it around me and told her to wait as I went to the bedroom to try and find the spare one. I walked back to see Hannah, naked with the water shining on her skin in my bathroom. My legs almost stopped working and I just mumbled as I held out the towel, captivated by the sight of her, the warm smile directed at me. I managed to get my act together and held the towel open and stepped to put it around her, pulling her to me as I wrapped her in it.

"The pizza will be here in twenty minutes or so." I said as the message flashed up on my phone and Hannah clapped with excitement and looked around for plates.

"I don't know where anything is" she said as she stared into cupboards. I laughed, but she seemed a bit lost and I wondered if she was struggling still with being here. I opened a door and she smiled and pulled out two plates, looked at them, then put one back, "Saves on washing up" she giggled. I looked at her as she stood in my kitchen, wearing just a t-shirt, which was mine, the curve of her bottom just visible as she reached up to put the plate back. It was bittersweet as I felt her moving away as we got closer, figuring this trip, back to her old neighbourhood, could be the final push for her. I walked over and held her tight and she snuggled back into me.

I rushed around, trying to find some clothes to go downstairs and meet the pizza delivery. "Won't they come up?" Hannah asked, peering out the window to the street to watch for them arriving.

"Usually they miss the block, so I often go and wait on the street. I doubt they will come up the stairs." I replied, pulling a a t-shirt on and kicking my legs into shorts.

"I could answer the entryphone and whisper seductively." She giggled and I stared at her and shook my head.

"Maybe you could stand on the balcony in just the t-shirt, that might do the trick." I laughed.

"They could look up and see Sphynxy!" she shrieked and laughed.

There was the sound of a moped revving and then stopping and Hannah looked out and then stepped onto the balcony and waved down, holding the t-shirt to her as I slipped on my trainers. "Can you come up?" I heard her call and then the buzzer rang and she ran to answer it, giggling. She stifled her laughter and said "third floor" and pressed to open the door. "The plan worked" she laughed.

Hannah opened the door and peered out, thanking the delivery person as they stood and handed over the two boxes of pizza. I hid down the hallway, trying not to laugh as she opened the door fully and took them from the masked delivery person. It looked to be a man, but I couldn't tell. Hannah tried not to move too much and reveal anything as she thanked them again and moved back to allow the door to close before walking down the hall, giggling softly.

"It was a guy, he just stared at my legs as he handed them over. I got worried I was flashing the gash again, maybe I did, I dunno." She shrugged and put the boxes on the table and the smell of fresh pizza filled the room. "If he saw, he saw. You are the one who does the licking." She lifted the box and everything else was then forgotten as the aroma of melted cheese, hot tomato sauce and baked dough wafted over us. "Totally worth it, whatever he saw." she laughed and opened the other box and breathed in deeply to fill her lungs with the scent.

We cut the pizzas into segments and piled two at a time on the plate, then grabbed whatever bit we wanted and munched, my teeth biting into the indentations hers had left previously and Hannah doing the same for mine. We scoffed it down, leaving one quarter of each for later. "Breakfast" she laughed and then burped. "Oh my, so sorry." she laughed loudly and another small burp left her belly. Then we both relaxed, heading into the living room to cuddle on the sofa.

"I am sorry if this has been a bit... fraught." She sighed. "I had a lovely thought, it would be so good, we'd just go to bed and make love, kiss, lick, enjoy each other. Instead I had a massive panic attack and the plan fell apart. Then I insisted on peeing on you!" she laughed.

"You didn't insist, I was totally willing." She smiled at my answer, "Also, it has been great, really great. I knew you might be nervous, but we have made love and I have loved you being in my bed and we had pizza and..."

"I have no idea why you are willing, or why I want that. Shit,, I am a fucking freak." she snorted at the last bit.

"No, not at all. For me, when we do that, we are the only two people in the world, wanting to share, wanting to be..." I sighed as I tried to think of how to express it, "Wanting to be the only two people in the world and be totally at ease with the other and share everything." Hannah looked at me and her eyes shone.

"Yes, yes, yes. In the past I have wanted to be one of only two people in the world, but, I guess, the other one didn't share that view, so I felt alone. I wanted to share everything, wanted them to share too, but... things just turned to shit." she mumbled the last bit and looked away. I reached over and squeezed her hand and she smiled.

"Maybe leave out the shit." I giggled, "Stick to pee." She slapped me gently.

"Yeah, that would be a bit too much sharing, no one else needs to see that." There was a strange silence that followed, then the softest of whispers. "I guess you have, sort of." I stayed quiet. "You are too much of a gentleman to say anything though." she sniggered and then wiggled back against me.

The evening arrived, earlier than the day before, but still light was clinging on the crepuscular air with a hint of a cooler breeze. Summer was heading away, soon the Swifts would leave, their screams going south for another year, taking the season with them. I could just hear the distant call from the open balcony door as they drifted high to feed and sleep as they rode the thermals. A bus trundled down the main road, but other than that, the neighbourhood was quiet, as was Hannah as she rested on me, her soft breath on my chest. I wondered if she had drifted off and I stroked her back, but there was a small mumble and I felt her lips touch my skin.

"Your sofa isn't as big as mine." Hannah muttered as she snuggled. "Still, should be big enough."

"Big enough for what?" She had managed to confuse me again.

"For me, if I am staying here. Unless..."


"Well, you could ask me to go to your bed." She giggled, "But I need assurances."

"Uh huh, what kind?" I laughed.

"Just two points." I could already feel two very nice points on me as she snuggled on me.

"Ok, what's the deal then?"

"First, we are naked in your bed. Second, you kiss me." This was a great deal, but I wondered if I should try for more.

"Where should I kiss?" I asked and she lifted her head and put a finger to her mouth. "Just there?" She shook her head gently.

"But mostly there." She sighed

"You like kissing?"

"Only if the other person is nice and a good kisser. I think I am in luck tonight." she laughed.

"Want to come to bed with me?" I whispered.

"Very much so." and she lifted up off me as I stood and I held out my hand for her and led her to my bed, pulling her to me as we cuddled up, a sheet draped over us in the hot evening air. My lips went to hers and she purred softly into my mouth as her tongue pressed to mine.

"I think I am a bit nervous too." I mumbled as Hannah stroked over my groin. She just kissed me and gave my soft cock a squeeze.

"It's fine, I have told you, just hold me and kiss me and all is good." I did just that and she moaned as my hands stroked over her body and she shifted onto her back and her legs drifted wide as my hand went lower.

"I may have to move my lips from yours, is that ok?" I asked as I pressed my nose to hers. She nodded.

"They are going to stay on my body though?" I nodded this time and started kissing down her neck, licking along the edge of the yellow collar, which she had put back on after the pizza and onto her throat. My hand had moved down and was cupping her mound and she wiggled her hips up to encourage more movement, but I stayed still, just holding her as I kissed down her chest.

Hannah arched her back to push her breasts up as I took one nipple into my mouth. I closed my lips tight around it and bend a finger to press onto her labia, the wet lips parting to my touch. She groaned loudly and opened her legs wider as her body writhed, wanting to push into my mouth and hand at the same time. I curled the finger to part her inner lips fully and the tip rested under her clitoris, the point of it hard on the soft, wet tip of my finger. I let her nipple go from my mouth and moved to suck on the other one as I stroked my thumb over her lips to rest on top of her clitoris. I pressed my finger and thumb together as I held the nipple in my teeth with just enough pressure so the hard enamel gripped it. Hannah cried out and her hips rose.

I sucked on Hannah's nipples, taking each one in my mouth for a few minutes before pulling the hard nipple up in my mouth and releasing it to move to the other. My finger and thumb were slowly moving together, squeezing and massaging her stiff clitoris. Hannah had moved her arms out wide from her body and she groaned and shuddered, her hands gripping the bed tightly as her body writhed. I adjusted my position to be able to look up at her face as I sucked on her nipples, her eyes were closed, mouth wide open as she gasped. If that wasn't sexy enough, she was in MY bed. I was getting hard again now, the nerves sliding away.

I kept my finger steady and stroked the thumb against it and over the tip of her clitoris and Hannah began to shake and her moans increased in volume and frequency. She lifted her head and looked down at me, her eyes drifting and unable to focus. She gave me a little smile and then her head slumped back as she pushed her chest up into my face as I took a long suck on a nipple. I moved my thumb faster, making little circles over the end of her clitoris and she cried out, her hips jerking, making it tricky to keep the rhythm going, so I moved another finger under the tip and squeezed them and thumb together. Hannah screamed, her back arching and holding up as her pelvis shuddered against my hand. Then she dropped down for a second, took a deep breath and then trembled. I squeezed again and there was a long groan and her entire body shook as she gasped and muttered "yes" over and over until the word was replaced with "Stop."

Hannah lifted her head, her dreamy eyes looking at me as I held myself just over a breast, my exhaled air on it. "I need you inside." she mumbled. I moved my legs over her left one and hers closed to hold me between them. I moved up, holding myself over her body on one elbow as I held my cock to press against her opening. I was almost fully hard and I worried I would not be able to penetrate her tight hole, but I pushed and the head popped inside as Hannah groaned, her soft, wet and tight vaginal walls spreading easily for me. I moved up as she raised her legs and wrapped them around my back. I held myself up on my hands and looked down at her as she opened her eyes, her legs pulling me tight to her, arms still wide, hands clutching the bed, her chest shaking as she breathed hard. "Yes darling" she murmured and I pushed as my cock swelled to harden further as her cunt squeezed me.

I kissed her lips as I had promised, a condition of her coming into my bed. Her hands had now wrapped around my neck and stroked my back, her legs high and tight around me to let me get deep inside her. We were both grunting as we kissed until the breathing got too fast. Our hips were pressing together, small, fast movements to slam the head of my cock over her cervix. Hannah was making high pitched noises as we moved together, loud in my ear as I tried to kiss and bite on her neck, my breathing too ragged to let me do it properly. Her feet were locked together on my back, a heel knocking onto a hip as we thrust together, the sound of wet slaps filling the room to drown out the creaking of the bed. I slid my arms under her head and we were now wrapped tight together.

"Don't..." Hannah had managed to say something, her groans and grunts being the only sounds for a while now, "...Stop" she added. I didn't want to, ever, but we were driving each other on, our actions frantic, but still small, as our hips slammed together. I could feel her grip tighten, the head of my cock being squeezed by the end of her cunt as she let out a big groan that turned into a cry and her liquid washed over me as she pulsed around my cock. I didn't stop and Hannah was now grunting and moaning loudly against my head, our bodies moving faster together as she squeezed my shaft and soaked me.

I knew the end was close, the feelings rushing around my body, electric and sharp, nerves tingling. I could feel the liquid moving, my senses fully alive as Hannah was clamped around me, every movement in her tight cunt causing me to shiver. My cock swelled as the sperm readied to flood her and I gritted my teeth for the last few moments as I groaned onto the side of her head, her wavy, dark hair being sucked into my mouth as I tried to breath. Then I pushed hard and we both cried out as the head of my cock expanded deep up her cunt and I shot a stream of hot cum into her womb. I shuddered and then pushed hard again, several times as I emptied into her.