In The Work Domain Pt. 18


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"But... that was just a one night thing." He tried to explain away his actions, but I saw Hannah's eyes blaze.

"I walked in behind you the next day and you didn't even say hello to her properly, you bastard."

There was a deep intake of breath from us all and Charlie decided he needed to talk, even though three people thought he should just walk away. "I would satisfy you." He said, trying to get his bravado back.

"Charlie, you utter fool, I have a lover who gave we seven orgasms in one night. SEVEN. And that was after he had taken me to dinner." I knew part of that wasn't strictly correct, but let it slide, Hannah was making her point and kicking Charlie's advances well out range. "Do you think I would want to do anything with you? Do you? I doubt you could give me seven orgasms in a year, let alone one night." She took a deep breath.

Amazing, Charlie still thought he had a chance. He didn't know when he was beaten. I doubt he knew when, or if, he was winning either, he seemed devoid of sense. "I could try." He chuckled and looked up to see Hannah glaring at him.

"You're NEVER going to have a chance. EVER. I have a lover who is a gazillion times better than you in EVERY FUCKING WAY." She said the last bit strongly and quietly between gritted teeth. "Go away, you stupid man and if you pester me again like this I'll put in a formal complaint. Just fuck off and leave me to talk with my friends." Hannah stepped back and reached out to put her arms on me and Brendan, pulling us closer to her and then threading an arm around ours to link up.

Charlie lifted his head and looked at Hannah. I was getting ready to leap at him, or between him and Hannah, but he smiled and then turned to walk away, glancing back to mumble, "Enjoy those losers." at her before stomping off. The three of us breathed a sigh of relief.

I looked across and saw Brendan was staring at me. He had a look of shock in his eyes and I felt it was from more than what had just happened. He mouthed something and it took me a while to register, so he did it again. "You" was the word.

Hannah was trembling and I wanted to hug her, she looked into my eyes and all my willpower went and I took her into my arms. She reached out to Brendan and mumbled "group hug" to try and cover our actions and he joined in. It was several minutes before we all pulled apart and Hannah laughed.

"Fuck me, this is some party!" she giggled. I started to laugh too, but I looked at Brendan and he looked serious.

"That's some lover you have, Hannah. Seven in one night." He tried to sound happy, but there was something missing.

"Yeah, that was the time we counted as we had a silly bet." Hannah giggled and blushed. "I mean, who counts otherwise?" She laughed and looked at Brendan and I saw her expression change as she sensed something was wrong.

"A gazillion times better than Charlie. Wow." he said, still trying to be jovial, "Oddly, Stuart used that exact same expression to say the person he is seeing is better than Nicole after he tuned her down." No one was laughing now. Hannah turned to look at me and a small smile went across her face.

"Oh" She said as she looked back at Brendan.

"Yeah. Funny that. Must be a coincidence." He smiled, but only his mouth. I was feeling terrible as if I had betrayed him. "I mean, Charlie I understand, most would be a gazillion times better, but Nicole... I mean, she flashes her pussy and he still says someone is a gazillion times better."

Hannah span to look at me. "She flashed her pussy at you? When? When did this happen?" Holy fuck, this was really turning into a car crash now.

"Earlier." I mumbled, "She asked if I still wasn't interested and wanted me to see what I was missing." I was doing my best not to throw up. I knew Brendan was upset as his plans were ruined now, but I also felt angry he had mentioned that.

Hannah turned to Brendan and I saw her hand reach back and I moved forward and our fingers gripped tight.

"Busted!" she whispered, seeing the hurt in his eyes, but unsure why.

"Sorry buddy." I mumbled and he smiled properly.

"I'll let you guys talk." Hannah said and we had another group hug before she walked away.

"I wish you'd told me, I wouldn't have thought of asking her out if I'd known." He mumbled, clearly still upset.

"It's complicated." I said, trying to form the words, "It's complicated, it's just fun, nothing serious, we're not actually dating, not a couple."

"Yeah, seven orgasms in a night doesn't sound serious." He tried to laugh, but couldn't.

"It's not a relationship. It started as a one night thing, just keeps going." I breathed in deeply. "To be honest, I think it's ending, Hannah was recovering from her split and she's almost there. I think she's over him now and wants to move on, which means our little adventure will be over." Brendan stared at me as I said this, a glint in his eyes. "I didn't say anything to her about you asking her out, so your secret is safe." I said the last bit as a verbal punch for his mention of Nicole and I saw him recoil slightly as the words hit home.

We decided it was too hot on the balcony and headed inside. Hannah was nowhere to be seen, but Charlie was there, so I felt she was safe. He was trying to edge into a group of girls, but they kept closing rank and I felt a little sorry for him, until I remembered what a prick he had been. I decided to find a quiet corner and hide.

"Hey, what a party!" Hannah giggled as she sidled up to me. "Come on, mingle with me." She walked away and I followed, both of us trying to not be together, but close enough so we would keep bumping into each other as we spoke with anyone else. We chatted with David, her old manager and he laughed about how happy she looked and Hannah joked again about it being orgasm therapy that worked. He laughed and said he was happy for her and her mystery lover and her eyes glanced to mine and shone.

Maybe it was the heat, but the party flagged quite early. Usually people would have to be kicked out of the building, but the temperature on the balcony meant it was hard to stay there for too long and the office felt claustrophobic with so many in it. People drifted off in groups to continue the party elsewhere and soon Hannah suggested we should call it a night, or a late afternoon and head off. The dread began to bubble inside me. As the atmosphere had subdued, so had Hannah and her look began to be one of nervousness.

"I'll meet you in reception." She whispered and we headed away to get our stuff.

I was chatting with Stacey, trying to calm my nerves as people drifted by. "Nicole left ages ago." Stacey said, checking no one else could hear. "Man, she was so pissed off. Well done on resisting." I told her about Charlie and she confirmed that he had left too, "Alone!" she added. The door opened and Hannah walked out and then skipped over to me. I watched her move and the dread increased when I saw the way her breasts moved, it looked as if she was still wearing a bra.

"I'm back in tomorrow, so I can leave my laptop here." She said, explaining why she only had a small bag with her. I looked down to her chest and she gave me a small smile, her eyes betraying her now. She hooked her arm around mine, "Think I'll take this lonely one home tonight." She giggled at Stacey.

"Have fun and, if possible, send photos." Stacey laughed and we waved goodnight and headed out, Hannah still holding onto my arm as we walked to the tube station.

I stood in front of Hannah on the escalator at the tube and looked at her chest, but there was no reaction, no jiggle, no pulling of the material forward to let me get a glimpse. I looked into her eyes and there was a nervous smile. This was it, the end.

We sat on the train, Hannah resting against me. I pulled her close, my brain thinking of so many reasons not to end this, but knowing that there was nothing to be said if her mind was made up. I had agreed to this on her terms and knew it would end one day, but each time together I had hoped that day would be pushed back further, but now time had caught up with me as the train rattled along. I stroked down her back, thinking of the same dress and how I had undone her bra and my fingers hovered over the back of the strap, but she shifted position and looked at me, shaking her head. Inside I died even more.

The walk to her place was quiet, the return of the heat had cleared the streets, maybe giving an excuse for one last holiday. London seemed to be as empty as my soul right now. We held hands and Hannah squeezed mine as we walked, but her face was growing harder, her eyes now avoiding mine. I thought of just walking away, but knew we had always talked of ending this as friends, no recriminations, just good memories of great sex and fun. It was hard to think of that as possible, but I knew we would be ok in time.

"It's all alright." Hannah said quietly as we stepped through the door from the street. She gave me a little hug on the step where I had reached up to remove her wet knickers the first time. The memories will never leave, even though she was about to. We crept past the first floor neighbour and up to the landing to her flat. I wanted to hold her, thinking of all the times I had seen her naked here before I would strip to enter her flat. We had made love right here, unable to wait, staying quiet in case the neighbour heard. With each step towards the door my heart broke a little more.

The key turned and Hannah opened the door slowly, as if to delay this, but now I wanted it over, I was dead inside now. We stepped into her flat, our little sanctuary, our realm where we discovered each other, exploring, experimenting and becoming more intimate than with any other, our empire of the senses. We had retreated here to escape the world to concentrate on each other and now I wanted to retreat from here.

I stood on the step, normally Hannah would insist I strip before walking over the threshold, but now she waved me in, her eyes averted from mine, her breathing fast now. The door closed quietly and I automatically slid my rucksack down, before wondering if there was any point. It rested against my leg on the floor.

"It's all alright." Hannah mumbled, her voice cracking a little. I knew it wasn't.

We stood facing each other, Hannah looking anywhere but into my eyes. "Ok" she said after a deep breath and I noticed she was shaking. I wanted to hold her, wanted it more than anything, but I was unable to move. The only thing working was my brain, but it just swirled with reasons not to end this, each one flashing across too fast for my mouth to catch and say. I knew it was worthless anyway, but still the ideas span fast.

"I have something to tell you." Hannah muttered, her voice now trembling as much as her body. She was looking at my chest, but glanced up and I saw the tears in her eyes, already overflowing to stream down her cheeks. "And I am so fucking scared." She sobbed as she tried to talk.

I reached out and squeezed a hand and her fingers reacted, but then she pulled away and both hands rested on my chest. "It's ok, Hannah. Just say it." I mumbled, I couldn't stand seeing her so upset, it was time to just get it over with.

She was sobbing and trying to talk and then Hannah looked up into my eyes and I saw several of her as the tears formed in my own.

Hannah breathed in, but just sobbed instead of talked, she tried it again and she was gasping, trying to suck in air and almost hyperventilating.

"It's ok, I understand." I said quietly, hoping to calm her enough so she could talk, but instead there was a small wail from her and her hands slapped my chest. She tried again, breathing in deep, her body shaking now.

"I... I..." she gasped again. "I don't want you to be my lover." Then she let out another little wail and gasped as her body was wracked with the sobbing. I looked at her, but she was a blur as the tears streamed from my eyes. My mind still tried to think of reasons to stay together, even though the central logic control was screaming that there was no use, the decision was made, Hannah had decided.

"I don't want you as a lover." she said as she cried, her breathing fast and gasping, the words garbled, but clear in my ears.

"Not my lover." She repeated as she gasped.

"Want... boyfriend..." Hannah was gasping, shaking and trying to talk and I had no idea what she was saying as my mind was full of screams.

"Not lover...." she breathed in really hard and looked at me, or I thought she was, but my eyes were full of tears,

"Boyfriend." she gasped.

"You." She sobbed.

"What?" In my head the word was clear, but when it hit my ears I realised I was crying too, so the word was slurred. My brain was struggling now, unsure what was going on and just making stuff up to try and make me feel better.

"Boyfriend..." She mumbled through the shaking and tears.

"You" she cried loudly some more. "Please."

"Huh?" Was as good as I could do now.

"Please say yes. Please." She was crying hard now.

"What? What?" My brain had gained a little control, but not much.

"Please say yes. Please." her voice was quiet now, just about audible above her crying.

"What? What are you saying?" I was shaking now and had to wipe away tears to look at Hannah clearly. She was looking at me, her eyes streaming, her head would go back as she cried out and sobbed so hard she shook.

"Please say yes." She repeated and her fingers spread wide on my chest and she patted me gently, the movement enough to pull me back to the situation. "Please." she cried and then let out a little wail.

"You want me to be your boyfriend?" My brain had clearly lost the plot and thought this was what Hannah was asking.

"Yes." She sobbed and then her head moved forward to rest on her hands on my chest.

"Really?" I still hadn't learned to not question a good thing when offered, but this seemed to be too good, there was clearly a mistake,

Hannah lifted her head and looked at me. "Yes."

The world stopped moving.

"Yes. Please say yes." Hannah gasped in and held the breath for a second or so and seemed to calm, "I don't want you as my lover, I want you to be my boyfriend."

I stared.

I stared some more.

The world still hadn't started moving yet, it was waiting for my brain to catch up.

"You will be my girlfriend?" Again, seeking clarity.

"Yes." Hannah sobbed loudly again. "Please say yes. Please." There was a loud wail from her and she moved away, her head back as she cried. I was unable to move, I was in complete shock. She slapped my chest again and it brought me back, "Please." was whispered through the sobs.

I wiped more tears away and stared at Hannah. She had been wearing a little mascara, but it was now streaked down her face. Her cheeks were red and covered in tears, her hair now sticking to her. Her lips were quivering as she sobbed and her body was shaking. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

My hands went to her face to hold her, fingers gently touching her cheeks, spreading to take as much of her beautiful face in as possible. "Please" she whispered, her lips still trembling from the sobs.

I moved closer and put my lips to her forehead, feeling her shake under my lips. "Yes" I whispered and Hannah let out a loud cry. I moved and put my lips to her left eye, gently licking some tears from the closed lid. "Yes" I whispered. I kissed her right eye as she closed the lid for me to lick, feeling her eye move under my tongue through the skin. "Yes".

Hannah cried out loudly again and shook in my hands. I kissed the tip of her nose and whispered "Yes", each answer making her sob. I licked over her cheeks, tasting the tears and then put my lips to each one, "Yes. Yes, Hannah." I held her face and her eyes opened to mine and she smiled. I moved my mouth to hers and pressed my lips softly onto them.

"Yes, Hannah, a thousand times yes. A gazillion times yes." She let out a huge sob and I stifled it by putting my mouth to hers and the sob went into my lungs as our lips opened wide. I pulled Hannah close and her hands slid around me. The world had started moving again, but it was different, better.

Hannah was still sobbing as she looked at me, tears still trickling down her face and I licked some as she giggled. "Really?" she whispered, "Really yes?"

"A gazillion times yes." I giggled and she hugged me tight and I could feel my shirt wet now as her face pressed to my chest. I felt her breathing slow and the tears stopped after a few more minutes. I stroked her back and soon heard a happy sigh as she nuzzled herself tight to me.

"Want to go to bed with me?" She whispered as she lifted her head to look me in the eyes. This went to top of the list of craziest questions Hannah has asked.

She took my hand and led me into the bedroom and turned when she was next to the bed She was biting her lower lip and looked very nervous. "Hi." she giggled and I figured I should just hold her for a few minutes longer, so did just that. There were still some trembles and I rubbed her back some more and she sighed and calmed down enough for me to move back slightly and move my face to hers. She smiled and then opened her mouth wide as our lips met, my tongue licking around hers as we kissed until Hannah's tongue flicked onto it. I pulled her closer and Hannah held me tight as we groaned and kissed.

"You're a good kisser." Hannah giggled. She still seemed nervous, unsure of her actions. I stroked my hand over her shoulders and she turned. "Can you lower my zip please?" and I reached for it, noticing that my fingers were shaking as I slid it down, a hand stroking the exposed skin of her back. I lowered it past her bra strap, resisting the desire to undo it, just caressing down her spine as she shivered. Then I stopped and she turned and breathed in deeply.

I moved a hand along Hannah's left shoulder and the dress strap fell as she shivered. I repeated it on her right shoulder and the front of the dress sagged down now, showing her white bra. My hands shook even more as they moved down her arms to push the dress from her. Hannah was biting her lower lip and shivering slightly. I pulled her closer and kissed her as her hands went to the back of my head to hold me. I moved back as she calmed and then put my hands on her dress and slid it over her hips and it pooled around her feet. Hannah blushed slightly and I stepped back and looked at her as she stood in just her bra and pants, the former white, the latter pink. Hannah blushed again. "Jeez, I don't even have matching underwear on." she giggled and I moved back to hold her again.

"Nice shirt." Hannah said as her hands went to the buttons. She was still trembling, but soon her hands went to my shoulders and slid it away and it dropped on the floor behind me. She gazed at me, her hands gently stroking over my chest. "So nice." she whispered and then pressed herself to me, her hands around my waist as we hugged.

I started kissing Hannah's shoulder and pushed the bra strap away as I neared her arm. It was a plain white bra, but it still looked amazingly sexy on her. There were shivers as I pushed it off her shoulder and it slipped down, hanging uselessly on her arm now. My lips moved down to Hannah's chest and stopped where the cup of the bra was still held firm. "My boobs are pretty small, sorry." she whispered. I looked up at her and smiled.

"They look perfect to me" I replied and there was a little tremor across her body. I started kissing over the edge of the bra material until my lips reached her cleavage, then I kissed back. I looked up at her again and smiled. Her eyes were shining now, dark blue and full of warmth. I put my lips to her chest again, this time I pulled the material down and Hannah gasped and trembled as I pulled it lower, my lips now on the exposed skin. I kissed slowly and Hannah began to moan as my mouth moved across her breast, my fingers gently pulling the cup of the bra down. I moved my head back and looked at her breast as my finger pulled to material away and her full breast was revealed, the nipple small and dark on the pale skin, the areola straining as the hard nipple looked to be pulling it away from the breast. We both gasped.