I've Been Missing Out Ch. 03

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I make a big mistake.
3.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/03/2022
Created 02/09/2009
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I thought long and hard about what Jill had said. As the day passed I thought of Simon bragging to his mates about having sex with me. It horrified me to think he would do such a thing, but would he? When he didn't phone me the next day my hopes for him faded. Maybe Jill was right, I felt used and dirty. I couldn't get in touch with Sarah because she was now on holiday in Africa. I waited by the phone waiting for Simon to call. As the minutes turned to hours I lost hope. I cried and cried. I went to bed Saturday night realising just how lonely I was, it hurt more than I can say. Sunday morning at 9 o'clock the phone rang. I had a strange mixture of emotions all in a brief few seconds. I prayed it was Simon saying when he was picking me up. Maybe he was calling to tell me he wasn't coming. Maybe he was going to laugh at me, and tell me I was a sad old bag and useless in bed. I had visions of him surrounded by his laughing mates as he mocked me down the phone.

"Well, has he called you?"

"No, he, he hasn't," I mumbled in reply.

"Huh, didn't I tell you? Trust me Mary I'm only doing this for your own good. Now we'll be round in an hour to pick you up for church. My brother has a surprise for you, don't disappoint him again, or you'll end up on the shelf, lonely and with nothing."

I sat in the front of the car next to Alvin. I was usually in the back with Sandra. I tried to smile but it was forced. The silence on the way to church was awful. When we got out Jill grabbed my arm, she nodded at her brother. I watched as he got down on one knee.

"Mary would you please do me the honour of becoming Mrs Alvin Kenny?"

I looked between Jill and Sandra. Jill stood there with a stone expression on her face. Sandra nodded at me with a smile, like she was coaxing me to say yes. I looked down at Mr Kenny. The sun shone on his bald head. Was this a sign from up above? This was the third time he had asked me to marry him, but the other times it was less formal, and more of polite suggestion. I watched him open a small box; I gazed at the shinning diamond ring. I swallowed. Maybe I should, it would make some sense. A gathering crowd of church goers stood waiting for my reply. Even the vicar was there with a soft smile on his face. I nodded. Jill's expression remained the same. Sandra nodded and gestured with her hands that I should do more than just nod. I cleared my throat.

"Ye, yes, I will marry you."

People clapped and gave me polite taps on the back. The vicar smiled and Sandra seemed to be applauding with relief. I looked at Jill and she gave me a little smile. She almost had a look of a black widow spider on her face for an instant. Alvin got to his feet and kissed my cheek. Everyone moved into the church, leaving just Jill, Alvin, and me outside. Jill took my hand and started pulling off the rings Ted had given me. I pulled back a little.

"Now come on silly, you should wear my brother's ring with pride," she whispered.

I watched the rings Ted had given me disappeared into Jill's handbag. I never looked at the ring Alvin had put on my finger. I went into the church in a daze. I stood next to Alvin, who couldn't stop smiling. At the end of the service the Vicar announced our engagement. People clapped and cheered. I felt a little embarrassed about all the fuss as we made our way out. We shook hands with the vicar. He smiled at us.

"Mary, I am so glad you and Alvin are getting together. I'm sure god will steer you in the right direction. Another two of his children getting married can only please him," the vicar said with a warm smile.

Just then there was a loud clap of thunder, that made all of us jump. The clouds made the sky darken almost like an eclipse of the sun, and lightening shot to the ground just outside the church. The vicar's face had now lost its smile; he looked back at me with a worried expression. He quickly smiled at me again, but the worry wasn't masked that well.

The next day Jill phoned to say she had spoken to the vicar. She had arranged everything, a young couple had called off their marriage in 4 weeks time, and the vicar said he would be happy to marry Alvin and me on that date.

"It is a little soon isn't it?" I mumbled.

"No Mary it is not, why wait longer anyway. Don't worry I have everything planned, just leave it to me."

"But it's the day James and Sarah return from holiday, they will be tired."

"Look I'm sure they will be at the church in time. I mean you don't want to leave it later. Alvin is just so happy and keen to use this date."

Over the next few weeks I settled into things a little easier. Alvin was so attentive to me, and I realised that I should just be grateful that someone wanted me. The day came quickly and I wore a cream wedding dress that Jill and Sandra helped to pick out for me. I hadn't heard from Sarah yet. Alvin dropped a note through her door the morning of the wedding, to tell them to get to the church for 12 o'clock. The day went on but there was no sign of my daughter. Still now I was Mrs Kenny and we went back to my home as husband and wife.

"I need to walk Sammy he hasn't really been out all day."

"Oh he can wait I'll let him out the back," Alvin said with a smile.

He held me in his arms and we kissed. I tried to push away a little but he was so passionate.

"Oh you look so pretty Mrs Kenny. How about we go to bed for awhile before my sister gets here?"

"Well, I am a little tired."

"Oh you are a tease, Mrs Kenny," he said with a smile.

I walked to the stairs with Alvin behind me. In all my time knowing Alvin I never considered him in a sexual way. I know that sounds a little odd, but I just didn't. I didn't think he was interested in sex, I just thought he didn't think about things like that. I lifted my long dress as we went up the stairs. Alvin lifted the back for me. He just kept raising it higher and higher.

"Alvin please, that is high enough," I mumbled.

"Oh I just need to see those stocking tops darling."

I felt his hand on my backside. He groaned with lust. I sort of rushed into the bedroom. I took a deep breath as I turned to face my new husband. He had sweat on his top lip. I gulped as he started to take his trousers down.

"Wait!" I shrieked

He looked a little shocked, but his face turned to a rather worrying sick grin.

"Yes, you are right, I am your husband and you are my wife. Maybe you should take them off."

I felt his hands on my shoulders and I just slipped to my knees. I reached up and watched my fingers tremble as I started to open his trousers. I looked up and saw him smiling down at me. As I pulled his pants down his cock sprang out. I knelt there in shock as it jutted straight out.

"Show me your breasts?" he groaned thickly.

I sort of reached for the zip on the back of my dress. I pulled it down and pulled my arms out of it. While I did this I just couldn't take my eyes off his cock. He groaned as my breasts came into view. But it was like I was in another world. I just couldn't stop gawping between his legs!

"Kiss it for me, go on."

For the first time I looked away from his cock and up into his eyes.

"I, I've never done that before," I mumbled.

"We haven't got time for proper sex. Just, just give me a blow job, quickly," he panted.

"I, I can't do it, Alvin please don't make me do it," I whimpered.

"Oh my look at your huge tits, come on wife, suck me, please."

His voice was full of panic. It was like he only had seconds to live!

I looked back at his cock and for the first time I touched it with my hand. I shook my head knowing I couldn't possibly put it in my mouth. I didn't need to, it just happened. He cursed and swore as spunk shot at my face.

"Damn it woman suck it!" he snapped in a pleading tone.

His legs shook and he face was bright red. He looked so pathetic and instantly I felt silly knelt there. I stood to my feet and gave his cock a few jerks. His spunk trickled out into my fingers.

"I'm sorry Mary, I, just couldn't hold on," he panted.

"Alvin, I am never putting your cock in my mouth."

"Is it because of my size?" he asked nervously.

A chuckle escaped my mouth, but I quickly reprimanded myself.

"No it is nothing to do with that. I just don't think I can do that to any man. The fact that you are, well, um, small, doesn't come into it."

I pulled my dress back up and went past him.

"Damn it woman you are my wife. I've wanted you for years and now we are married I will not be denied."

I turned and looked him in the eye. I was angry with what he said, and how he said it.

"Alvin if you ever talk to me like that again we'll spend our lives in separate bedrooms. OK you have a small cock, but it doesn't make you less of a man, so behave like one."

"We have to share a bed, you agreed to let my sister live with us."

"I said I would think about it. Anyway, if that happens then we could end up with single beds. I will not be treated like a maid."

"It is my house too you know."

I turned to walk away from him and bumped into Jill.

"How did you get in?"

"Alvin had a key cut for me. Now about the bedrooms I want this one. I've told you often enough I cannot stand the sun in the morning. You and Alvin will be better off at the back of the house."

I went past her and down the stairs. I heard them talking as I boiled the kettle. I patted Sammy wondering what the hell married life had in store for me! I jumped as Jill came into the room. She had a strange grin on her face.

"Here are the deeds to the house. You will sign it over to Alvin so you share ownership."

"No she fucking well won't you evil fucking cow. This house belonged to mum and dad and now its mum's."

"Well if it isn't little miss foul mouth. My brother has married your mother, he is entitled to half," Jill spat.

"Oh and have you mentioned the small print? Sandra told me everything, she phoned me. She said you and your prick of a perverted brother planned to leave it to you."

"Sarah, what is all this?" I asked in shock.

"She is right Mary. You'll end up on the street if Alvin goes before you," James snapped.

"I, I, wouldn't do that Mary, we are friends. Oh my pills, I need my pills."

I watched Jill slump into the chair. I rushed to the sink and got her a glass of water. Sarah took it from me and I watched stunned as Sarah threw the contents in her face!

"Sandra told me the pills are just headache tablets. The lying fucking witch has not got a heart condition. Have you fatty four eyes!" Sarah yelled.

I watched James grab the papers from the table, before the remarkably recovered Jill could reach them. I looked at Alvin shaking my head slowly.

"I told you it wouldn't work," he snapped at Jill.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Mary I'm sorry."

"Oh fuck off you old pervert," Sarah hissed.

"Please Sarah will you stop swearing," I hissed.

"Well fucking hell mum, he couldn't keep his hands off me, until dad beat the crap out of him."

I just stared at my daughter for a few moments. I could see tears in her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked in disbelief.

"Dad asked me not to, he explained to me it was sorted and he didn't want you worrying, neither did I."

"James, will you please see them out of the house, and make them leave their keys."

I cuddled my daughter as she broke down in tears.

"You should have told me sweetheart," I whispered as I stroked her hair.

"It was just after my 19th birthday. Dad and I agreed not to tell you. Dad caught him groping me in his car. He dragged him out and punched the shit out of him. That was why he stayed away until after dad died. I never told you but I was going to. Still I figured the way he did the kitchen up and things was just as good a punishment."

I could feel my own eyes watering now. Ted was a big man, a farm worker. Alvin wouldn't have stood a chance. Ted always protected us, we were his girls and he said he would rather die than let any harm come to us.

"Sandra phoned and told me about the wedding. She was in tears she just couldn't cope with knowing what they were doing. She told me that Jill went to see Simon; she told him you didn't want to see him again. James and I are so sorry we didn't get to stop the wedding, but we didn't know."

"This is all Jill's fault, that bloody woman," I mumbled.

Sarah laughed through her tear stained face.

"Wow mum you nearly swore then."

"Hey, you've got a visitor," James said with a smile.

I looked past him to see Simon standing there.

"Mum, we asked Simon to stay the night just in case Alvin or the thing from the swamp comes back. We are pretty tired from all the travel. You don't mind do you?"

"Of course not Sarah, You go home and rest. Simon would you like to walk Sammy with me?"

He went to the kitchen hooks and got Sammy's lead.

"Ready when you are?" he said with a smile.

I went to the back door and changed my shoes.

"Mum you can't go across a muddy field in that wedding dress," Sarah said shocked.

"Why ever not, I'm wearing Wellingtons, anyway if I ruin my dress, so what?"

I made Simon something to eat and he offered to sleep on the couch. I gave him a little shy smile.

"Um, I'd feel safer if you were closer by. I, um, well if you don't mind sharing a bed with a married woman, then, I," I mumbled.

He smiled at me.

"I suppose you might need a little help, getting out of that dress."

I stood in the middle of my bedroom. I felt Simon slip the zip down. He kissed my neck softly.

"I'm afraid your dress is ruined."

"I don't really care," I replied with a grin.

We slipped into bed kissing each other. He moved down pulling my nipple with his lips. I gasped and shuddered as his warm lips tugged, and his tongue licked across the tip. He moved further down kissing my belly, and I looked at my erect, moist, nipple. My eyes closed as he kissed between my legs. I started shuddering again, as my trembling fingers ran through his hair.

"Oh Simon that's so, so, wonderful," I whimpered.

He groaned sending his tongue in deeper. My thighs started to tremble as an orgasm started to boil over. I heard myself moan and tried to stifle it. Things in my body started happening faster and faster. My breath was gasping and I could no longer keep quiet. I panted and let out the odd gasping cry. My eyes were so glazed with lust I couldn't focus on anything! Simon and I seemed to get tangled up as he came up from between my legs. My thighs got caught over his shoulders, and as he put his hard cock in me my ankles seemed to be beside his neck. I swear I could feel more of his penis in me than the time before.

"If you are uncomfortable you can put your legs down?"

"Goodness no, it is just a little different."

"Do you like it like this?" he asked with a grunt as he pushed into me.

I smiled at him and nodded. It was quite a weird sensation. I felt like an oven ready chicken the way I was almost folded in half, but it was surprisingly comfortable, and Simon wasn't pressing down on me too much. I could sort of feel every inch as it penetrated deep inside me. He felt like some huge snake! My backside rolled a little every time he pushed in. It felt more like we were one person, or maybe just joined like we were made for each other.

"Are you sure you are OK?"

"Oh yes," I replied with a smile.

He started getting faster. He raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner.

"Go on then," I whispered.

Suddenly he let himself off the leash. I could see how much he had been trying to control himself. I could feel his balls slapping against my backside with every deep thrust. He was grunting too, as his cock sawed into me. I can't pretend that it didn't hurt a little. But I was prepared to put up with it just to please him, besides there was another stirring deep inside of me. He was a powerful man, and his stamina was something I had never encountered before. I started wincing a little, which he noticed. My legs were aching a little, and I didn't want to get cramp, but I didn't want to disappoint Simon either.

"We can change positions if you want?" he grunted.

"Do you mind? Its just my legs are aching."

He pulled out and rolled me over. I wasn't quite sure what he was doing until he pulled me up on my hands and knees. He was stood on the floor now right behind me. He pulled me backwards until I was stood up!

"Bend over Mary."

My eyes opened wide as he pushed into my pussy. I gripped the quilt on my high bed.

"Simon don't you think, well, we should, um, get into bed?" I stammered.

He laughed softly.

"Oh Mary, just relax," he said with a chuckle.

"Well, I have never done it the wrong way round before. Don't you want to look at my face or something?"

"I'll stop if you want to turn round?"

"No, um, I guess it isn't that bad. Just kind of different," I mumbled.

He grabbed my hips and started rolling me back to meet him.

"Anyway, in the morning we'll have a nice old fashioned straightforward fuck."

"Oh my goodness," I whimpered at the thought of doing it again.

He started getting faster again, and the orgasm I thought I had lost 10 minutes ago started up again.

"Oh heavens, I can't stop myself," I panted.

"Then don't, it isn't a sin."

"B, but I've married a man only this morning, and here I am, with you."

"If you want I can go home?"

I shook my head.

"I just don't want you thinking I'm some sort of wicked lady."

"Oh sweet Mary, you are wicked, but in such a nice naive way," he said with a chuckle.

I moaned and groaned again as he continued pushing into me. I didn't think I could keep my legs from buckling now. I was on the verge of collapsing onto the bed, just as he grunted and gave one mighty thrust. He had slowed right up and I think each thrust now was when he actually shot into me. His hands let go of my hips and he slowly pulled out. It was all I could do to keep myself from falling forward on the bed. He went downstairs to make a drink and let Sammy out, while I went and sorted myself out.

"Why are you crying, did I hurt you?"

"No, I made the biggest mistake of my life today. I married Alvin and I knew I shouldn't. I'm his wife and it feels so horrible. Oh my god, what if he comes back to claim me!"

"Look Mary, he cannot do that, he won't do that."

"But I'm legally his wife, what will happen to me?" I wailed.

"Mary, we had this conversation in the field when we took Sammy out. I'm not leaving until you feel safe."

"But that might not happen for ages," I whimpered.

"Well, in that case, you had better get used to watching football, going to the pub now and then, and being pampered every single day," he said with a big grin.

I slept in Simon's arms that night, and the night after that. In fact we've been together nearly 3 years now. Simon and I have been married a year too. Oh and on our wedding night I gave him a blow job, and I have done quite a few times. I see Alvin and his sister around town, they steer clear from me. As for Sandra she died two years ago. I went to hospital and held her hand while she slipped away. I'm now a granny too, Simon says I'm the sexiest granny he knows. Simon takes me to the cemetery to put flowers on Ted's grave at Christmas and on Ted's birthday. Now and then I go to the graveyard on my own. I talk to Ted and I like to think he would like Simon. I don't tell him what we do in bed; well a girl has to have some secrets, doesn't she?

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Nicely Done

Just wanted to say, I like your style of writing. Have you ever considered co-authoring a series? Though I have nothing on here as yet, I have written a number of things that delve into deep givings and misgivings. Let me know your thoughts, that is ... if you are still around.

thebug37thebug37almost 9 years ago
Happy days

Things got better on her wedding day - she dumped her daughter's would be rapist. Nice story and ending. Another five.

Scotsman69Scotsman69over 11 years ago

The marriage to Alvin just didn't ring true.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Oh I loved this

Thank you, well writen and beautiful. A story I can personally relate to as I am that older woman, and so love my yougner man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Merriam Webster says it all

"marked to the highest degree by grandeur, excellence, brilliance, or competence. Thank you"

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