Jenny's Deja Vu


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Paul grunted and began to lift his hips up to meet Laurie as she thrust down and ground her pussy on his cock. "We fucked that morning right before I got on the plane. Remember? You bent me over in a stall in one of the airport restrooms."

Paul didn't say anything as he thrust his hips higher and faster. "I didn't really get a chance to clean your deposit out of me. She did a good job of licking me clean though."

Paul groaned and gripped her hips for support as he increased the rate of his upward thrusting.

"She cleaned it real good," Laurie said. "I didn't have a drop left by the time your sweet Natasha licked all your spunk out of me."

At that, Paul came again inside her pussy and she came with him and fell silently unto him, resting her head on his chest. He stroked her hair with one hand and cupped her ass with the other. After a while she reached for her pack and drew out two cigarettes. Once he had lit them, he said, "That was quite a story."

"Uh huh," she said. "And I didn't even get to what happened later."

"Later?" Paul said.

"Yeah. She wanted to do some blow, but we didn't have any left, so I called a friend to bring us some over."

Paul took a draw on the cigarette before saying, "I think I've heard enough."

Laurie smiled and said, "You mean you don't want to hear about him driving his black cock into her while she snorted coke out of my asshole?"

Pause. "No," Paul said. "I don't."

Yes he does, Laurie thought. "Well," she said. "That part might not have happened anyway."

"It might not have, huh," Paul said as he sat up from the bed.

"Nope," Laurie said as she rolled onto her side and rested her head on her hand as she propped it up by digging her elbow into the mattress. "But, then again. It might have."

Paul chuckled and tried to act nonchalant. "Knowing you, Laurie," he said. "I'm sure you made the whole thing up."

"Maybe I did," she laughed. "And maybe I didn't."

Paul laughed too, despite himself and said, "I've got to use your shower. I might get away with going to my meeting with your smell all over me, but I'd never be able to explain it to Jenny later."

"Go ahead, love," Laurie said.


Cleo and Jenny hurried through the front door of Cleo's condo in an effort to beat the mid afternoon rain storm that had suddenly come upon them. When they had exited Cleo's Acura Integra, it had seemed calm enough, but before they were halfway across the parking lot the sky had turned black and opened up in a down pour. They broke into a dead run with their shopping bags in hand, and Cleo was impressed with the way Jenny was still able to scamper and matched her stride for stride.

They dropped their bags to the floor as soon as they were inside and looked at each other and laughed at how drenched they were. Jenny felt the water dripping down from her ruined hair she had only had styled that afternoon and said, "You really need to get a place that has a covered garage."

Cleo laughed and said, "You won't melt. You aren't that sweet."

"Moi," Jenny said mockingly. "Not sweet? But, I feel myself dissolving as we speak."

"Sure you do," Cleo said as she helped Jenny out of her summer jacket. "Let's get these clothes on a hanger for now. After that, I can run them through a dry cycle."

"You'll do no such thing," Jenny said. "I bought these clothes at fashion show in Paris. They'll not be going anywhere except to a reputable dry cleaner. That is if you have such a thing here in Texas?"

Cleo laughed again. Jenny enjoyed her laugh.

"All right, sweetie," Cleo said. "Let me have them to hang up though."

"I think you're just looking for an excuse to get me out of them," Jenny said as she began to unbutton her blouse.

Cleo laughed again and said, "Do I need an excuse?"

"Nope," Jenny laughed with her. "Not from me."

"I didn't think so," Cleo said as Jenny handed her the blouse and then began to step out of the skirt.

Jenny blushed as Cleo whistled. Jenny looked at her and said, "I suppose I should have instructed you to turn around while I did this."

"Not like I haven't seen it before," Cleo said.

"No," Jenny said as she stepped to her, wearing only her drenched bra and panties. "I suppose it isn't."

They leaned their lips together and their tongues softly touched. Jenny stepped away and said, "Weren't you going to hang those up?"

Cleo paused before saying, "Uh yes. Yes I was."

As she stepped away in search of a hanger, Jenny said, "You'd best be getting out of your clothes too. You'll catch your death of cold." She looked down at the way her nipples proudly protruded through the thin material of her bra and thought, especially the way the air conditioning is cranking in here.

Jenny stepped out of her heels and looked around Cleo's condo. Oh yes, she thought as she spotted the bottle of Scotch Whiskey sitting on the bar. That should warm us up. She poured two glasses and as she was reaching her hands behind her to unclasp her bra, Cleo returned. Not only had she hanged up Jenny's suit but she had also put her own less delicate tee shirt and jeans into the dryer. She'd not bothered finding anything else to wear and stood before Jenny completely naked. It was Jenny's turn to whistle.

"Like what you see," Cleo asked as Jenny admired her full D cup breasts, equally full hips, long legs, and deep Texas tan. Jenny also noticed that unlike the last time they'd been together Cleo's pussy was now bare and cleanly shaven. She almost giggled as she thought if Cleo had been like that before, Paul would have never have realized it wasn't Michelle mounting him and she'd have had a bit more fun with him.

Cleo stepped behind Jenny and said, "Here. Let me help you with that?"

She quietly unclasped Jenny's bra and let it fall to the floor. Then she moved her hands around to Jenny's front and genteelly cupped her breasts. As she felt the weight of the breasts and stroked her sharp nipples, Cleo kissed the side of Jenny's neck, pressing her own nipples into Jenny's back, and whispered, "Yours aren't quite as large or as heavy as Natasha's are."

Jenny gasped from the pleasure Cleo was giving her and whimpered, "No. Not quite."

She let Cleo turn her head so that their lips could meet. When they broke from the kiss, Jenny asked, "And, have you examined Nat's as closely as you are now examining mine?"

Cleo released a single breast and used her free hand to place her index finger to Jenny's lips in a shushing motion and said, "Now that's not a proper question for a mother to be asking."

Jenny laughed and said, "Just curious."

Cleo kissed her again before again breaking and saying, "Do you really want to know?"

Jenny leaned her lips back to Cleo's and as they were about to meet again said, "It's not my priority concern at the moment."

And, again their lips touched and meshed together. Neither was sure whose parted first, or whose tongue slipped into the other's mouth first. The kiss continued until Cleo broke it and slowly kissed her way down Jenny's torso as she dropped to her knees. Once there, she slowly rolled Jenny's panties down off of her ass
and placed soft kisses on Jenny's butt cheeks. She slid the panties down to the floor and Jenny stepped out of them and turned so that her brown bush with it's speckling of gray was now in Cleo's face. Unable to resist, Cleo leaned forward and gave it a kiss. Dipping her tongue to explore Jenny's forest. Jenny's gasp told her she'd found what she was looking for as her tongue flicked across Jenny's clit.

After a moment, she felt Jenny pulling her to her feet and heard her saying, "Let's take this to the bedroom, dear. I'm too old to be making love in kitchens."

"Sure," Cleo said. "My bed awaits us." She took one of the glasses offered her and led Jenny to the bedroom. Cleo sipped from the whiskey and asked, "Was this to warm us up or to help with the mood?"

"Perhaps a bit of both," Jenny said mischievously.

"In that case," Cleo said as she set down first her glass and then Jenny's on a couple of coasters. "I have a much better mood setter."

"Really," Jenny said as she lay across Cleo's comforter.

"Uh huh," Cleo said as she opened her jewelry box and removed the top section. Jenny's eyes widened as she saw Cleo take a hand rolled cigarette from the bottom of the jewelry box. Cleo reinserted the top section before Jenny could get a better look, but Jenny was certain she had spotted a clear plastic bag containing white powder also in the bottom of the jewelry box. Cleo placed the joint between her lips as she retrieved her lighter from her purse and lit it. Jenny's eyes grew wider still as she watched Cleo suck
the smoke deep into her lungs. She held it there for as long as she could before she released and took a fresh breath.

She took another similar hit on the joint and this time held the smoke even longer. Then she sat on the bed with Jenny and held the joint out for Jenny to take it from her. Jenny did so tentatively. Before placing it to her lips, she looked at Cleo and said, "I've only done this a few of times when I was in college."

"With Paul?" Cleo asked.

"Once with Paul when we went to Jamaica. The other times with Shirley and Lynda."

"Go ahead," Cleo urged her. "It will be like you're in college again."

Jenny shrugged and held the joint to her lips and puffed. Then she coughed. Then Cleo laughed. Then
Jenny coughed some more, as Cleo continued to laugh. Cleo took the cigarette from her and said, "Let's try it this way."

Cleo took a long hit on the joint and motioned for Jenny to lean close to her. Then Cleo pressed her lips against Jenny's and blew the smoke into her mouth. Jenny managed to hold it in without choking again as she and Cleo continued to kiss. When they broke their kiss, Cleo handed the joint back to her and said; "Now you try it on your own again."

Jenny accepted it from her and this time successfully sucked the smoke into her lungs and held it. When she was no longer able to hold it in, she did as Cleo had done and pressed her lips to Cleo's so that they could kiss and Cleo was able to suck in the smoke that Jenny was releasing. They swapped back and forth
until the joint was smoked down and neither was able to hold it. Then Cleo dropped it on the ashtray next to her bed. She handed Jenny her glass and they each finished their whiskey.

When they'd sat their glasses down, Cleo began to softly stroke one of Jenny's nipples. Then she leaned forward and softly kissed her again. The kiss gradually became more intense until they were swapping tongues and Cleo was laying Jenny back on the bed. When they broke apart from the kiss, Cleo and Jenny both gasped for breath and Cleo said, "Well, I'd say it definitely helped set the mood."

"Oh yes," Jenny quickly agreed. "It definitely did."

"Feel like trying something really daring?"

"Like what?" Jenny asked as she anxiously thought of the clear plastic bag of white powder she'd seen in the bottom of Cleo's jewelry box.

She leaned closer to Jenny and whispered as if someone might hear. "Have you ever tried cocaine?"

Jenny gave her head a brief shake for she was too nervous to form words with her mouth.

"I have some if you want to try it," Cleo said her voice still in a whisper. "It will magnify the intensity of the sex like it's out of this world."

Jenny wasn't sure what to say as Cleo leaned closer to her and while softly stroking her nipple, she nibbled at Jenny's ear and said hoarsely, "Come on. You won't believe how great it makes you feel until you've done it."

Jenny whimpered and as she was just about to nod her head in agreement and give her consent, Cleo's pager went off. Cleo reluctantly released the breast she was cupping and looked at the number on her electronic device. "Shit!" she said. "That's the emergency number. I've got to return this call."

Jenny watched her snatch her phone from its' cradle and quickly punch out the seven numbers for the hospital's emergency line. She heard Cleo report and after a brief pause say that she would be right there. As soon as Cleo had hanged up the phone, she turned back to Jenny and said, "I'm so sorry, but there's been a major freeway catastrophe and they need every surgeon back at the hospital. It must have been this fucking rainstorm."

"But you're not going to be sober enough to do surgery," Jenny said.

"Be a sweetie and make a pot of coffee while I grab a quick shower. I'm in for a long night."

"Of course," Jenny said.

Cleo kissed her again and said, "I'm really sorry. I can't tell you how much I wanted to do this."

"I know," Jenny said trying to hide her disappointment. "I wanted it too. All of it. "


Laurie was sitting on her bed, still naked, lighting a cigarette when she heard the door to her apartment open up and Frankie's keys being dropped on the counter. She formed her free hand into a fist and made a driving motion with her elbow down next to her side and excitedly whispered, "Yes!"

Frankie stepped into the bedroom. Having already kicked off her sneakers, she stood before Laurie in her yellow skintight running shorts with matching sport bra. Smiling at her unclothed roommate, she noticed the half open bathroom door and heard the running shower. As she sniffed the air to catch that unmistakable scent of freshly fucked female, she asked, "Who's in the shower?"

Laurie patted the bed next to her and said, "Someone that would give his left nut to walk out here and find the two of us naked and going at it. What happened to tennis practice?"

"Rained out," Frankie said as she pulled her sport bra over her head revealing her still growing breasts and erect pink nipples. "I'd hate to see him give up his left nut."

After Frankie let herself fall onto the bed with Laurie, Laurie freed her hands by placing her cigarette between Frankie's lips. While Frankie dragged on her cigarette, Laurie slowly began to roll the yellow running shorts down Frankie's legs. She stopped when they were at mid thigh and leaned down to give Frankie's blonde mound a kiss. Then she continued until she was slipping them off of Frankie's feet. Frankie responded by sucking deeper on the cigarette and opening her legs, allowing Laurie to kiss her way up them until she was again able to place her lips upon Frankie's pussy. Frankie sighed with pleasure as
Laurie slowly traced the tip of her tongue around the outer lips of Frankie's fresh, pink pussy.


Paul shut off the water to the shower and slid open the curtain so he could reach for the towel Laurie had left him. As he began to rub the soft, thick towel over his body, he was certain he heard moans. He smiled. That Laurie. She's in there masturbating while she waits for him. What time did he have to be at his meeting? Maybe he had time to hear another one of her stories. What am I worried about, he thought as he felt his cock begin to stir? I own the company. God, I love this girl and what she does for me.

"Don't you ever get enough," he was saying as he stepped through the bathroom door back into Laurie's bedroom. At that, he was immediately stopped in his tracks at the image of Frankie laying back moaning while Laurie went down on her. Oh my God, he thought.

Frankie lowered her eyes from the ceiling and gave Paul a smile and tapped Laurie on the side of the head. Laurie lifted her face out of Frankie's pussy and looked back to Paul. "Hey, lover," she said. "I was just getting her warmed up and ready for your cock. And, from the looks of your cock, it's all ready to go for her."

Paul let his gaze fall from the two girls down to his cock. It stood up at about twenty or thirty degrees past ninety. He dropped the towel and walked to the bed. He knew he'd hate himself for this later, and he'd probably never be able to look Len or Stephanie in the eye again, but if he passed, he'd hate himself right now. As Paul reached the bed, Laurie rolled from between Frankie's thighs and Paul took her place. He
dipped his tongue just to see how wet she was and how she'd taste. She was very wet. More than ready he thought. As he licked her juices off his lips with his tongue, he also thought she seemed to have given up on British food since movie to America. She had an American girl taste to her.

Frankie lifted her ass off the bed and pushed her pussy up into Paul's face as Laurie crawled up to her and stroked her hair as she softly kissed the side of her neck. Paul only gave the lips of her pussy a few licks and her clitoris a brief suck, before he knew he had to have his cock inside Frankie's twat.

He pushed her legs up into he air so that she could rest the backs of her ankles on his shoulders and he began to rub the head of his penis up and down the length of her slit. Using the head of his penis, he pushed her pussy lips open and worked about an inch of his cock inside her. Frankie groaned from the way he was
stretching her. He wasn't as big as some of the guys she'd fucked, but the position he'd placed her feet in both tightened and constricted the muscles of her vagina and her vaginal wall.

God, she's tight. Paul thought to himself as he slowly entered her. She's even tighter than Laurie. At this point, Paul was about halfway inside her. He knew she was no virgin, but he was reminded of taking Jenny's virginity. That's how long he had to think back before he remembered having such a tight pussy wrapped around his cock. He and Frankie both grunted as he gave one more vigorous push and he was inside her to the hilt. He lay motionless atop her as he allowed her to adjust to the cock that was inside. She
gazed into his eyes and smiled as she slipped her feet from his shoulders and let them slide down the outer sides of his arms until she was able to wrap them around his ass. Then she whispered, "Fuck me!"

He leaned his lips down to hers as he slowly began to rock in and out of her. As they kissed, Laurie playfully nibbled on first Frankie's ear and then Paul's before she began to kiss her way down Paul's back. Paul and Frankie must have broken their kiss, because she heard Frankie begin to moan as Paul increased the tempo of his cock pumping in and out. In and out. In and out. Faster and faster, harder and harder, he
pumped his cock.

As Frankie's moans grew even louder, Laurie nudged Paul's legs apart and began to lather his balls and his asshole with her tongue. Just like she'd done earlier that day when she was blowing Paul, she dipped her finger into her pussy and got it good and wet. Then she slid her hand underneath and slipped her wet finger into Frankie's asshole and worked it in and out at a similar tempo to which Paul was stroking his cock in and out of her pussy.

Recognizing from Frankie's screams that she was now cumming, Laurie lubed another finger with her
pussy juice and slipped that one into Paul's asshole. As soon as her finger touched his prostate gland, he was shooting his load inside Frankie. He held off and made his own orgasm last for as long as he could before he collapsed upon Frankie and gave her another long, slow, deep, wet, French kiss.

While they were kissing, Laurie pulled a bag of cocaine out of her drawer and poured enough to make six medium sized lines spread out over the mirror laying on their bed stand. As soon as she divided out the lines, she took her straw and snorted a line with each nostril. Then, once Paul and Frankie broke their kiss, she handed the mirror and straw to Frankie, who also snorted a line with each nostril. Frankie offered the
mirror to Paul, who shook his head. "Are you sure?" Frankie and Laurie said together.

"Yes. I'm sure," Paul said. Then he rolled off of her and reached for his pants. Laurie had sat down the mirror after Frankie handed it back to her. She was now lighting three cigarettes. She kept one for herself and handed one each to Frankie and Paul. Paul accepted the cigarette and said, "Thanks."