Jenny's Deja Vu


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Frankie grinned at him and said, "I've never seen you smoke before, Paul."

Laurie giggled and said, "You've never seen him fuck before today."

Frankie giggled back at her and said, "Not exactly true."

Paul and Laurie both looked at her wide eyed and said, "Huh?"

"About four or five years ago, I was helping my mum and dad out at the pub, and mum sent me to the storeroom for a case of whiskey. There were two people in there having sex, and one of them was Paul."

"Paul was fucking Jenny in the storeroom of your pub?"

Frankie shook her head and giggled some more as Paul uncomfortably finished dressing without saying a word. Then she said, "Well, not fucking. He was getting blown, but it wasn't by Jenny."

Laurie slapped Paul on the shoulder and said, "You dog. Who was sucking you off, and where was Jenny at?"

Paul face grew a deeper shade of red, and he could only shrug for a reply.

Laurie laughed and said, "What? You've been sucked off there so many times that you can't be sure which one she's talking about."

Laurie and Frankie continued to giggle as Paul stood up. He kissed each one on top of the head and as he tweaked a nipple on each girl, he simply said, "I've a meeting to attend."

As he left, he couldn't help thinking how he intended to have Frankie down in that storeroom when she came home for Christmas vacation.


Jenny lay on Cleo's bed nonchalantly rubbing her pussy lips and wondering when Cleo would return. Her mind drifted from thoughts of Cleo here in Dallas to Lynda back home in England. Unfortunately, Lynda was away on a dig somewhere in Syria, and it had been a while since the two of them had made love. God she had wanted Cleo bad. It had been so, so long since she'd felt a woman's touch on her body. Tasted a woman's pussy. God, I'm suck a slut, she thought, as she was now driving two fingers in and out of her

She slowed the tempo of her fingers, wanting to make her session of self love last. As she formed the two fingers that were occupying her pussy into a hook shape so that they could massage the roof of her vagina, she rubbed her clit with the thumb from that same hand. This allowed her other hand to roam up her stomach to grasp one of her breasts. Softly, she tweaked her nipple before cupping and squeezing the breast. She couldn't help wonder again at Cleo's comparison of her breasts to Nat's. She hadn't just said that Nat's were bigger, an observation that could easily be made from sight alone. No. She'd also said that
Nat's were heavier. Implying that she'd held them in her hands and felt their weight.

Jenny was now groaning aloud as she vigorously rubbed her thumb back and forth across her clit while her fingers pumped in and out of her pussy. Her other hand shifted from one breast to the other, with the vision in mind of Cleo cupping Natasha's breasts and sucking her nipples. Then another vision of Nat lying beside her, the two of them holding hands and rubbing their feet together as Cleo alternated going down on each
of them. In short order, Jenny was gasping for breath as she brought herself to one incredible orgasm after another.


"Oh shit, Laurie," Frankie said. "That was so incredible. Thank you for sharing him with me."

Laurie was twisting strands of Frankie's yellow hair with her fingers and giggling as she said, "My pleasure."

Frankie's hand drifted to one of Laurie's nipples and she began to tweak it as she said, "I just can't believe what a wonderful fuck he is. I always thought he was handsome even if he is my father's age."

Laurie shrugged at that and said, "So. Age is irrelevant. For that matter, your father is one handsome guy."

Frankie giggled too, and before she took Laurie's nipple in her mouth, she said, "Yes he is."

"Fix me up with him when I come to visit and we'll call it even."

"Laurie," Frankie released the nipple from her lips and said. "You're talking about my dad."


"What makes you think he wants to be fixed up with someone besides my mum?"

Laurie gripped her by the chin and pulled her mouth to hers, but before she let their lips touch, she said, "Because he's a man."

"Oh," Frankie said as if a light bulb had suddenly been turned on in her head. "I forgot about that."

Laurie giggled again and said, "Okay. That's long-term payback. The short term is you have to tell me who you saw Paul in the store room with."

Frankie laughed and said, "Jenny's friend. Lynda."

Laurie's eyes grew wide and she said, "And where was Jenny?"

Frankie giggled out of control as she said, "Who knows? Off in her clueless little world."


Jenny was looking through Cleo's drawer for a clean pair of panties. Anything of Cleo's would be a bit big for her, but she'd had all she could take of sitting in this condo alone. Cleo seemed to only wear thongs. At least those were the only panties she had in her drawer. Oh well, Jenny thought, as she slipped a black
thong over her feet and pulled it up her legs and into place.

"Not too bad," she said aloud as she checked herself in the mirror. "I've worn stuff that fit worse."

Then she did a little half turn and checked out her ass, "Nice."

Then she blushed at how silly she was being. In another drawer, she found a tee shirt that must have been too small for Cleo because it fit her rather snugly. In still another drawer, she found a pair of khaki shorts and was soon buttoning them up and pulling the belt for them as tight as she could. With the belt on the last notch, it fit her well enough. She found a pair of white tennis shoes on the shoe rack in Cleo's closet and was grateful that the size of Cleo's feet did not match her height. Even though her stepdaughter was four inches taller than she was, they seemed to wear the same size shoe.

Jenny paused. Odd. That's the first time she'd ever actually thought about Cleo and referred to her as her stepdaughter. Of course, that's what she was. She was her husband's daughter and half-sister to her children. Still, she had always been just Cleo, their old family friend and now her sometime lover. Of course, since Paul didn't openly confess to being Cleo's father, Jenny felt no need to be bound by it either. Still, biological facts were biological facts, and Cleo was Paul's daughter and that made her Jenny's
stepdaughter. Hmm, she thought. Maybe I'll just think of her as my honorary stepdaughter, that and a darn good pussy licker.

The only thing Jenny hadn't borrowed was a bra, but she knew that nothing Cleo had would even come near to fitting her. She laughed to herself as she thought, I'd get lost inside one of Cleo's bras. That's okay; this shirt is fairly tight, so my boobs won't swing too much.

Once dressed, she searched around for the phone so she could call a cab. In looking for the phone, Her eyes fell on Cleo's jewelry box. For some reason that she couldn't explain, she found herself opening the box and lifting the top section out of it. Yes, she thought as she looked at the bag of cocaine. There it is. But, then, you already knew it was there. For some other reason that she again had no explanation for, she lifted the plastic bag out of the box. She was about to open the bag when she said to herself, "What in heaven's name am I doing?"

Then she dropped the bag back into the box and replaced the top section. Before she closed the box though, she lifted the top section back up and found herself palming one the three hand rolled cigarettes lying in the bottom with the bag of coke. For later, she thought as she closed up the box and dropped the joint into her purse.


Laurie and Frankie lay on the bed cuddled in each other's arms, exchanging kisses. As they kissed, each of their hands began to explore the other's body. As Laurie's hands moved to Frankie's tits, she cupped them and felt a twinge of jealousy. When they first met and until recently, Frankie had been the only girlfriend Laurie had ever had that didn't have bigger tits than she. Over the summer though, Frankie's tits had grown into full B cups while Laurie's stayed the A cups they had always been. Laurie's little sister, Kelli, even
wore a B cup and would probably wear a C if she didn't like the way hers almost fell out of a B.

Rather than dwelling, Laurie sighed and moved on to allowing her palms to brush Frankie's nipples, before sliding their way down her stomach. They reached Frankie's pussy right about the time Frankie was cupping Laurie's ass checks and pulling them even tighter to each other. They broke the kiss they were engaged in and each gasped for breath. In between gasps, Frankie asked, "Whose turn is it to go down on
the other?"

"Who cares," Laurie said as she was already turning her body into position for a sixty-nine. "There's no need to worry about that."


Jenny thanked the cabbie and tipped him five bucks as he let her off in front of the apartment that matched the address she had written in her book for where Frankie was staying. She'd promised Stephanie she'd drop in on her while she was there. She smiled as she thought about the time they'd once caught Len having a go at Stephanie in the grass before a cricket match. It was months before they could look each other in the eye again. She smiled wider. That was the same day Paul's mother had walked in on her and
Lynda in the middle of licking each other's fannies. She suppressed a laugh at how afraid she'd been, but nothing had ever come of it.

Fortunately, she had an inside source in Shirley that revealed to her that Paul's father had not believed his wife when she'd relayed the story to him, and therefore had refused to tell Paul. Paul's mother had been unable to muster the nerve to approach Paul with the matter herself. Shirley knew this because she was at the time being shagged by Paul's father. Lucky cow, Jenny thought. I'd have loved to have a go at Paul's
father myself. For that matter, she'd been more than just a little disappointed that Paul's mother hadn't joined her and Lynda in bed when she walked in on them.

Leaving her thoughts behind, Jenny noticed that there was no doorbell, so she softly rapped on the door with her knuckles. She stood for a moment and tapped her toes while she waited, but no one came to the door. She waited another moment, before knocking on the door again, this time a bit harder. Then she knocked twice more, so hard this time that it made her wince from the pain she felt in her knuckles.

Still no answer.

Jenny sighed, as she realized she would have to call another cab to take her to the hotel. Before she reached into her purse for her cellular, she followed a whim and tested the door to see if it would open. It wasn't locked. As she opened the door and stepped inside, she thought to herself she'd have to scold Frankie for not following good safety practices. She knew from her own experiences in Dallas that it had it's rough
element. She'd have to remind the girl that she wasn't back in Taunton, England anymore.

As she closed the door behind her, she sniffed and recognized that their flat smelled of cigarette smoke. A quick glance around the living room showed an ashtray with stuffed out cigarettes on just about every level
surface. She'd have to talk to Frankie about that too. Thank God she'd been able to convince Paul to quit smoking years ago. A step further into the apartment, and she recognized another smell. Tobacco wasn't the only thing being smoked in this apartment. She suppressed another laugh. Perhaps I shouldn't scold her about smoking, she thought as she remembered the joint she'd shared with Cleo a short time ago, as well as the one that was in the bottom of her purse that she intended to smoke later at the hotel.

As she approached and neared the bedroom, there was another unmistakable odor hanging in the air.
Aroused female. Another step to the bedroom and she heard the moans, pants and gasps that went with that state of arousal. She should have turned and left. She was raised better than this. Still, she walked to the bedroom and stepped inside. Upon recognizing that it was Laurie Frankie was in bed with, she was a bit surprised. Intrigued, but surprised still the same. She'd expected to be getting a look at some young college stud driving the moans out of Frankie. Not that she hadn't been looking forward to getting a look at a young college stud, she wasn't a bit disappointed to be getting a look at Laurie though. Frankie either for that matter. They were both beautiful, young girls. Watching them go down on each other, reminded Jenny
of the passion she'd felt when she first began her affair with Lynda.

I should leave, Jenny thought.

But, she didn't. She stayed, and she watched. She watched them eat pussy, and she listened to them moan while they did it. And, while she watched, her hand drifted to her own pussy. She rubbed it through the material of her borrowed shorts. Then, without even realizing it, her hand was slipping inside those shorts so she could give her fanny a better rub.

Before Jenny was able to get herself off, Frankie momentarily lifted her face from Laurie's pussy to shift positions. Upon doing that, she made direct eye contact with the woman that she had thought, until that moment, was the straightest woman she'd ever met. As soon as she realized she'd been caught actively engaging in a lesbian fuck session by one of her mother's closest friends, Frankie gasped with horror.

Realizing that she'd been caught peeking, Jenny said the only thing that came to her mind. "Hello, girls."

The way Frankie flew apart from the sixty-nine position she was engaged in and started grasping for a pillow to cover herself with reminded Jenny of that afternoon nearly thirty years ago when she and Lynda had been interrupted by Paul's mother in exactly that same embrace.

As Frankie began to sputter, "Jenny what are you doing here?"

Jenny smiled and said, "That's a fair question. Of course, I don't need to ask what you're doing."

"It. It. It's n-not what you think."

"Oh, really," Jenny said. "Well, what I think is that I just walked in on two beautiful girls having sex together. If that's not what is, than what is it?"

Frankie stared at her dumbfounded, unable to speak, until she heard Laurie's laughter. She looked over at Laurie and saw her stepping off the bed to take Jenny's hand. Then Laurie was pulling Jenny to her and
Frankie was amazed to see them not only touching lips together but slipping tongues together as well. Then it suddenly dawned on her that Jenny's shorts and knickers were down at her knees and that they had been that way when she'd looked up from licking Laurie's pussy. Oh my God, Frankie thought. She's a lesbian too. Never in a million fucking years would Frankie have guessed that.

Then Laurie was leading Jenny to the bed, and Jenny was kicking off shorts, thong and tennis shoes as she allowed the teenager to take her down. As soon as Laurie had her on the bed, Frankie was reaching to her and lifting her tee shirt overhead, leaving Jenny just as naked as the two teenage girls she was in bed with.
Frankie and Laurie, together, pushed Jenny onto her back, and Frankie leaned her lips to Jenny's so that they could share their first kiss.

They broke for air, and Laurie turned Jenny's face to her so that they could continue the kiss they'd started off the bed. And, Jenny alternated being kissed with each girl massaging her breast that was nearest them. As this continued, Jenny cupped a tit from each and brushed and tweaked their nipples as she did so. This allowed her to observe that Frankie's were larger than Laurie's but still a bit smaller than hers. This made
her smile inwardly as she and Frankie tongue wrestled. It was fun to be the best-endowed woman in the room for a change, especially after an afternoon with Cleo and her melons.

She released the tits she was cupping and let her hands drift down each girl's torso. She discovered a piercing in each of their navels and her mind wondered to the timing of when Natasha got hers pierced. If her fifty-two year old memory wasn't failing her, it coincided with when she'd been here to visit last spring. That was also when Natasha had completely changed her wardrobe to be dominated by clothing that
allowed her to reveal her belly button, and the gold hoop that was in it, to everyone she encountered. As she switched from kissing Frankie to swallowing Laurie's tongue, she briefly entertained the idea of having one done to her own navel.

Then, there were fingers opening her fanny lips. Laurie's. While Laurie fingered her, Frankie softly began to suck at the nearest nipple.

Laurie broke her kiss with Jenny allowing her to release the moan she was holding. As Laurie kissed her way down and began to suck the nipple that was on her side, Frankie kissed her way back up, sucking briefly on the side of Jenny's neck and then licking her ear. Jenny giggled as Frankie tickled her with her tongue and then Frankie met her open mouth with her own. Their tongues darted together like fencers, and
then like dancers dancing a waltz.

Jenny moaned again as Frankie was now lying beside her stroking her hair, their breasts, hips, thighs, knees, ankles and feet touching lightly as they kissed. Jenny's moan turned to a gasp, a pant even, as Laurie entered her with a second finger. Jenny clasped hands with Frankie and interlocked her ankle with Frankie's as Laurie drove two fingers in and out of her fanny like they were a small cock. She became so
wet and so aroused as she clamped her vagina muscles tight around Laurie's fingers that the act of those fingers pistoning their way in and out of her was causing a loud squishing sound to emit from Jenny's pussy.

As the squishing became louder, Jenny blushed and Frankie and Laurie both giggled. As Jenny's moans
increased with an intensity that proportioned the volume of the squishes coming from her pussy, Frankie giggled more and looked to Laurie to say, "She makes the same sounds as Na---"

Frankie stopped as she realized she had almost revealed to Jenny that she and Laurie had shared Natasha in similar fashion and that Natasha's pussy made the same squishing sound. Laurie smiled at her as Frankie blushed and she lowered her lips to Jenny's clit. As she switched her hands over to Frankie's pussy and began fingering her pussy while she sucked Jenny's, she thought I better keep her more occupied before she blows Nat's secret to her mom.

Lying side by side with Frankie, Jenny was only semi-coherent as she ran the fingers of her free hand through Laurie's bleached hair and squeezed tighter her grip on Frankie with her other hand. As she used the foot that was touching Frankie's to slide up and massage Frankie's calf, she was reminded of the image she'd had earlier that day while masturbating in Cleo's bed. The one of her and Natasha lying identical to how she was now lying with Frankie while Cleo went down on each of them. She couldn't help wonder if her uptight from birth daughter would ever let herself go so that she could experience this kind of pleasure.

Soon, all such images were departed from her mind as Laurie brought her to the edge of ecstasy and then pushed her over it, bringing Jenny to one screaming orgasm after another, until Jenny's pleasure sensors seemed to short circuit and she passed out.


Jenny opened her eyes to the fuzzy image of Laurie holding a mirror in her hand while Frankie leaned down to the mirror and Frankie placed one end of a three inch long, gold straw to the surface of the mirror while partially inserting the other end of the straw in her left nostril. There were several lines of white powder on the mirror, and Frankie moved the end of the straw that was on the mirror along two of those
lines and breathed each line of powder into her nose. Then she handed the straw to Laurie and exchanged it for the mirror. At that point, Frankie proceeded to hold the mirror in place so that Laurie could also use the straw to breath two lines of the power up into her nose. Oh my God, Jenny thought. They're snorting cocaine.