All Comments on 'Jill, Dan & Their Friend Larry Ch. 10'

by NeedYou

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DavefoDavefoabout 19 years ago
Sad, but she really is a fucking bitch

This woman has cheated on her husband since day one.

I would think Larry should share in the pain here. Whether by

a ball bat or long bow or paying some guy $500 to amputate

his pride and joy. Whatever...I had some rotten friends,

but never this bad.

Also, maybe he can call Kim Make

sure his ex wife knows HE is on the prowl and can do a lot

better than her.

I can't think of one person, male or female, who has a long

term history (several months up to 20 years..whatever)of

cheating who quits.

Been there, done much better off now. I have a

great wife and so would a guy like Dan.

If Larry married the slut, she would cheat on him too. But

then, he would cheat on her also...a match made in Washington, D.C.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago


EffectEffectabout 19 years ago
About time Dan found out.

It's about time Dan found out and he's not taking this. It looked like she was going to change (fooled myself here) but when she started thinking about Larry before in the other chapters I knew that couldn't be the case. She doesn't care for Dan at all. I doubt she ever did. There is no way she can honestly love him while doing this and knowing the pain she caused him before. She doesn't care and I really hope she gets what's coming to her.

The one that should get it the worse is Larry. While he isn't friends with Dan anymore, it just shows how cruel he can be. Like said in the story, he seem to be able to have any woman he wants yet he has to go after the woman of the man he was friends with. It's not like Dan ever did anything to cause this. I wish the baby had been Larry's that way Dan could have gotten out sooner.

There is no way he's taking her back after this. I hope she's left with nothing as well and that those in her job find out about this, making them rethink what happen before with her and Bill and then fire her. Or at the very least have Larry dump her, leaving her alone only to see Dan later with a new wife and actually with children that look just like him.

I hope there is another chapter to finish this. I was starting to worry that chapter 9 was the end before. Glad this was done.

fakers51fakers51about 19 years ago
awesome ending

I am glad he got his shit in order. she had played him like a fiddle. His best bet is to stay away from her because of all the lies she has told him. Let her stay with that big dick sucker. NeedYou if you don't write another chapter, you ended the way I would have liked you to end it. He didn't wimp out once he made his mind up. If you take it futher, what could she do? He has no need for her, do he?

fakers51fakers51about 19 years ago
awesome ending

I am glad he got his shit in order. she had played him like a fiddle. His best bet is to stay away from her because of all the lies she has told him. Let her stay with that big dick sucker. NeedYou if you don't write another chapter, you ended the way I would have liked you to end it. He didn't wimp out once he made his mind up. If you take it futher, what could she do? He has no need for her, do he?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Just a little editing would be in order

Story is okay, standard fare for the genre. But the editing leaves much to be desired. The story switches from the 1st to the 3rd person often, sometimes in the same sentence. And the final two sentences, which should have been hard hitting, lose all of their power by pure mistakes.

..............Here they are:......."I also wanted him there so I would kill the whoring bitch. Then it as I buried myself into work it was 5:00PM Friday!"...............I think you wanted to say, 'I also wanted him there so I WOULDN'T kill the whoring bitch'. One might consider that a significant oversight. And then the final sentence, I'm not exactly sure what you meant by that, but I don't think it should be left to the reader to try to derive meaning.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
The 5 PM Ending

The significance of it being 5 PM on Friday is because Dan is meeting Jill at 7 to serve her. So its a lead in to the next chapter.

Speaking of serving, it really is best to have an impatial person deliver papers like that. A Process Server or Deputy will be able to properly document the serving should there be trouble raised later.

The one thing I don't understand is why Jill is crying after leaving Dan's office with the note for the meeting. She's gone back to work; she has Larry, the one she's always wanted and she's never had the slightest feelings for Dan, perhaps beyond a mild affection. Why should she be upset about losing Dan?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

jill and larry deserve each other ... she cheats on him he cheats on her...after all it is what they do.... dan deserves a nice woman kim maybe ,,but if not there is someone out there ....i hope she dont get shit... but larry should share in some of the pain dont you think... finish this please and i want to see jill and larry suffer and dan end up happy ..with a ex playboy model or something like lol make her jealous ...

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago
Love it

This has been a great story. Larry and Jill reserve what ever trouble comes there way. I also can't see why Jill was crying. Maybe after she was caught the first time their would still be love for her husband. But the lady and i use lady loosely cheated with her boss and Larry there can't be any love left for Dan. I guess she just sorry and upset for being caught. I would thing as part of Dan's revenge and maybe as a new love Kim needs to come back. Again great story enjoyed it.

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago
Love it

This has been a great story. Larry and Jill reserve what ever trouble comes there way. I also can't see why Jill was crying. Maybe after she was caught the first time their would still be love for her husband. But the lady and i use lady loosely cheated with her boss and Larry there can't be any love left for Dan. I guess she just sorry and upset for being caught. I would thing as part of Dan's revenge and maybe as a new love Kim needs to come back. Again great story enjoyed it.

romaq7705romaq7705about 19 years ago

great series! finally dan comes to his senses and realize a slut will always be a slut! he should have dumped her when he caught her the 1st time. you know what they say, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

jill and larry have been fucking for at least 7 months- not to mention jill fucked her boss. well, better late than never. i hope and pray the next chapter(s) will detail dan's revenge on larry and jill. they do not deserve forgiveness!

now that would make this a real feel good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Really good

Man I hope this bitch gets what's coming to her. I hope Larry get's his balls cut off. And, I hope Dan gets to do it to both to them. The story has me so mad at this whore of a wife. It's really good! I love how a story can get me so fucking hot and mad at the same time. PLEASE keep it going a little longer for us women who love to see a slut wife get hers.

don87654don87654about 19 years ago

I graded you on your topic, together with its content. You gotta be some kind of sick, sick, sick. You obviously believe in your wife as some kind of property when in fact she is really a human being. You cannot knock up your wife and make "it" hold, without her having a miscarriage. So she begins fucking another guy to possibly get pregnant and you discipline her for it? You are a true asshole in the worst sense of the word!

sexmatesexmateabout 19 years ago
You were right! I would'nt like it.. I didn't!

You could have taken this story in a much better direction!

This one sucked! Sorry but I can't change how I feel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
re: Sick by don87654

Wrong as usually, asshole. SHE's the one treating him as property, willing to have him pay the bills and provide a home while she cares only for her own wants. (BTW, it is wants, not needs.)

My main problem with this is that it isn't over, that the writer is still trying to wring another chapter out of this. The story should be over and done with, but this clearly the set up for another chapter. Considering the different directions this has taken already, I wouldn't be surprised that there's still several more chapters and he still hasn't left her.

phoenix764phoenix764about 19 years ago
Finally Dan will get free

You really fooled me into thinking that Jill was going to be faithful. I'm glad got the evidence on her cheating, and will drop kick the whore to curb. He should have his lawyer insist that the jewelry that Jill owns be included in the assets - she shouldn't get anything for free. Hopefully Dan will make out in the divorce very well, and Jill will lose a lot financially. Jill should also find herself pregnant with Larry's kid this time, and have the baby after the divorce. Of course Larry doesn't want to be tied down just to Jill, so he either will be with her on the side or get rid of her completely. She will then have to file a paternity suit against him for child support. It would be justice for her to end up as a single mother, who struggles to meet the bills every month. That way she will regret what she destroyed everyday for the rest of her life. As for Larry, he should lose his job and be sued for sexual harrassment. Not only will he become broke, and homeless, but he will still have those child support payments to make. It would be a fitting touch for him ( and her) to also get an incurable venereal disease, so nobody would have sex with them again.

Please have someone edit the story, as the numerous errors cause distraction.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Screw revenge..

What dan needs is to find happiness, end it with him moving on and being happy with some one else. Like another poster said 'Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me.'

besides all Jill and Larry seem to have together is great sex let them live like a couple and see how long it lasts, maybe it will, maybe it won't Maybe Jill really does love Dan but the relization will be to late, 7 years to late. Besides what could he possible do to them that won't involve them being physically hurt or dead, that won't send him to jail.

cdog21cdog21about 19 years ago

This is a really fucked up ending, I mean I really thought that she was gonna change but I guess a whore like her never changes. It's just a shame that she put him through all of this, if she actually cared about him she would have let him go. Well it doesn't matter now cause they're through after this or at least they should be. I hope you at least let Dan have a nice life after this even if you don't do anything to Jill.

big_show2000usbig_show2000usabout 19 years ago
Move On

For the love of god please let Dan fuck these two up. I mean they claim they care about him, but all they're doing is bending him over and giving it to him like a rear admiral. At the very least could you bring back Kim and give this guy some kind of happiness. After this chapter they better be getting a divorce or this guy is just fucked up in the head and a glutton for punishment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
I'm confused...

Someone had earlier posted comments that this story is anything but consistent. I don't see his remarks now, so I assume they were deleted. But they did motivate me to reread the two previous chapters.

At the beginning of Chapter 8, Larry and Jill run across each other at the mall. He tells her long time, no see, and their conversation consists mainly of two people catching up with what's been happening in each other's life. In Chapter 9, Larry and Jill form an alliance to combat her boss's attempts to have his way with her. There is no intimation here whatsoever that they are simply more than friends now. But Chapter 10 completely negates that. Now we learn that they have really never interrupted their affair. So, "NeedYou," what gives?

ryu77ryu77about 19 years ago
I agree

this story isn't consistent in some parts. To answer the question bellow, if you read chapter 7, Jill started to work after the loss of the baby. It was part time at first, and then went full time. When this happened, her boss did the pass on her. Larry came to the picture and "helped" her with her problem. After the ending of chapter nine, we see that Jill never got over the great sex she had with Larry. The best bet I have is that Jill restarted her affair with Larry a few days later. Then chapter 10 starts ten months after these events occured.

It sucks, though, because I hoped she would change. I guess she wanted the best of both worlds.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
to some out there

Well to be honest I've been reading some of the reviews and feel that alot of them are actually valid however I've also feel like others are just down right stupid. It's like they can't tell the difference between a fictional work and a nonfictional work. This piece is afterall nothing more than a fictional work and thus doesn't deserve some of the disrespect it recieved.

Their are however inconsistancies that are fairly annoying but overall it's okay.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Whos Kim

Who the hell did kim come from and go? I know she was with larry in the very beging but then I didnt see her at all tell like chapter 5? shes just there and isnt she with larry? and I dont get it, it said pretty much that "once a woman had larry she pretty much wouldnt want anything else", yet shes all over dan Did I miss something because I thought she was with larry? please someone explain?

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago
Whos Kim

She was with Larry on the boat, Told Dan about Larry and Jill, Was mad and Dropped Larry. Told Dan to give her a call if him and Jill ever broke up. She semed to Like and care for Dan alot... More than ihis wife Jill dose and is a women that could make Dan happy and help with the revenge of Larry and Jill if Dan wishes

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago
Whos Kim

She was with Larry on the boat, Told Dan about Larry and Jill, Was mad and Dropped Larry. Told Dan to give her a call if him and Jill ever broke up. She semed to Like and care for Dan alot... More than ihis wife Jill dose and is a women that could make Dan happy and help with the revenge of Larry and Jill if Dan wishes

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

Make sure that you really do a number on Larry, like castration, he deserves it. I would send copies of the tape to all of his family members and hers also.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
High Scores And Supportive Comments Are Nice Eh

The theme of consequence can be fun and entertaining for all can't it! Also, be proud that you pissed off Doniepregnant!

Thanks with Regard

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

it could have been longer. bad ending. ....... oh?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
What a bunch of shit!!

He is to much a idiot to dump the whore asap??? Like the littele cuck/wimp he is!! Or maybe like the author?!

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Couldn't get passed where Larry fucked Jill into a comma.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Get passed it, and falling into a comma... they're meeting at the dinner diner?

When my wife left me for another guy, I gave her half of everything. She kept the house, I kept the savings and my retirement. Figured the best revenge was a life well-lived, and I was staying in our small hometown, population 737.

Fast forward a year. She came to me wanting to sell the house. Seems her boyfriend didn't figure he needed to help with work around the place and pay bills, he wanted free pussy. I never answer her plea for help and closed the door while she stood there and waited for my answer.

Forward 10 years. My ex - a primary school teacher - got my oldest little girl in her classroom. I remarried and my wife and I had a little girl and two boys. Annie - my little girl - told me sometimes her teacher would look at her and have to wipe her eyes with a tissue and blow her nose.

No big surprise, my ex never remarried after going through at least twenty guys friends told me about and couldn't find love again, but did find a few different STDs.

The_NexusThe_Nexusover 4 years ago

The plot line changed drastically from the last entry. Is this the same story? 1*

mattenwmattenwover 2 years ago

What an idiotic story. A cuckold who gets exactly what he deserves! Who wants to be married to an asshole like that? No eggs and just crying!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Umm what did he expect? She had a long term affair already with Larry. What a moron.

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