All Comments on 'Just What Does Constitute Cheating'

by Slirpuff

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CSD2CSD2almost 14 years ago

one of your best!

movermoveralmost 14 years ago

Loved it, sure hope she doesn't ask again!LOL

DanielQSteele1DanielQSteele1almost 14 years ago
Did it again.

This is a great story. It's fine the way it is, but...I'm trying as hard as I can not to write the following: what does happen? You've written a "Lady or the Tiger" open ended story and it's going to drive readers crazy. The way you've written it, you know something else is going to happen...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
what is worst

i don't know what is worst aperson who writes all bullshit or a person who is all bullshit ,your both. A cop goes into a person house and attacks bullshit, and your characters are to dumb to hold jobs and raise kids. I usally like your stories but now your tryong to be like that idiot just plain bob it doesn;t work for you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

I thought it was good, I don't think the marriage next door would have survived nor should it, but good story. The taser bit was over the top cause if you get that, you are handcuffed and arrested, but the rest was great. Thanks.

BriteaseBriteasealmost 14 years ago

Great story.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 14 years ago
What I like

about Slirpuff stories are that the husbands are a regular guys. They make mistakes, but try to keep their marriages healthy and work to support their families and provide some extras for them. That makes them pretty good husbands, with a few rough edges.

The NavigatorThe Navigatoralmost 14 years ago

<p> Refreshingly different and imaginative theme for this story. It all seemed so "real life". I especially like your leaving it up in the air whether Ruth did or didn't do the nasty. Life is like that. When all is said and done, we don't always have everything put into a box, with a ribbon tied around it. A lot of life never gets explained, not need it be. </p>

<p> And your editing is getting much better. Some of your older stuff was good, but the editing was awful. Cleaning out all the typos, misspellings and wrong words DOES make a difference to your readers. </p>

hikewithapackhikewithapackalmost 14 years ago
Thanks for the story!

Great characters. Interesting plot. Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
How many times

How many times does his wife have to say I am fucking around on you, before the dumb shit finds out she has already make him a cuck? Trash is trash, and this folks is little Peyton Place.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyalmost 14 years ago
Very good

I really got into the story. Very very little suspension of belief. I particularly liked the teaser at the end "What would you have done if it had been me?" Well, it suggests to me it might have been her. Not a smart thing for her to have said twice.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Not a surprise DQS thinks this is a GREAT story: it isnt even close

cops tasering husbands for NO reason in their own home when absolutely no aggression was shown by the husband constitutes a GREAT story?

REALLY??? this story isnt not a total piece of shot like most of this author's works but once again the Underlying issues are not resolved... at all.

why does the wife and Kristy feel the need to talk to ... develop emotional attachment to then fuck other men?

we dont know. The author never tells. Perhaps one of the husbands has become a fat slob? or is a sports fanatic? maybe he is lousy in bed and she cant talk to him about it?

Instead because the husband gets Tasered for No reason... things start to get better between them. But NOTHING gets resolved

He was 100% right and the wife was 100% wrong about

Her friend Kristy

about how to handle Kristy secret

about how dangerous her own attitude was

about how and why confiding in another man... a stranger ... left her wide open to the same sort of thing Kristy did.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Ruth keeps asking...

... because she wants to know. That doesn't necessarily mean that she HAS done the nasty with Don. It may just mean she's genuinely curious.

Women spend plenty of time reading magazines like Redbook and Cosmo and Woman's Day. I see these magazines in the supermarket checkout, and I see the teaser headlines. There are plenty of articles about how "unintended" cheating in the workplace occurs. I've even picked up a couple of these mags in the waiting room at the doctor's or dentist's office, and skimmed some of those articles. One of the things they all seem to mention is how some of these "workplace Romeos" work at befriending a likely "target" married woman, and then gradually worm things around to get the woman into bed.

And, although "Oprah" is only watched in our house when the wife has a weekday off from work, I'm surprised at just how many times in the last couple years I've seen/overheard her shows being on similar topics. Here, again, she's interviewing some woman who got taken for a ride by one of these "office Lothario's". The guy works to "be friends" with the woman, and then starts trying to get her to talk about her home-life, and why she seems so unhappy. If the woman is an average working wife with kids at home, she's not getting the romance and loving that she once did, back when it was all courtship. He flatters her, tells her that - if HE was her husband - he'd be treating her like a queen. Yatta - yatta - yatta.

Before long, she's been hoodwinked into believing that her husband doesn't care about her any more - but this new guy does. He's putting "magic" in her life again - spice and "zing" - and she enjoys the flattery.

Almost before she realizes what's happening, they're in the parking lot at some motel, and she's nodding "yes". By that time, it's too late.

Of course, we're looking at this in relation to a work of fiction, so only Slirpuff knows (if then) for sure what's on Ruth's mind. But, it could just be that she's read some of those articles or seen a few of those particular Oprah episodes. She may be one of those women who read the articles or watched the shows and said to herself, "I'm too smart to fall for some line from an office Romeo!"

And, yet, here's Ruth - who may have bared her soul a little too deeply to this "Don", who now appears to have far deeper feelings for her than he let on, to her during their conversations at work. Perhaps she's realizing just how close SHE came, to being one of those women who get taken in by a cunning pussy-hound.

And, perhaps, she's curious about what her husband would have done.

Would he have kicked her to the curb for cheating, or does he love her enough that he would have tried to salvage the marriage?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

I'd have a very hard time not having a long "heart to heart" talk with ole Don, but thats just me. Really enjoyed it, could even be a part 2 after the talk. Thanks.

JusttooldJusttooldalmost 14 years ago

Another fine piece of work from you. Keep up the good work.

sexmatesexmatealmost 14 years ago
Nice job. It made me wonder as to the proper conclusion.

Ruth did ask twice. So is she guilty or just curious?

"What would you have done if it had been me?""

Ruth still asks me what I would have done if I'd walked in on her and Don going at it."

But given her non advice to her best friend I would say guilty.

Ruth telling steve that she had put Don in his place after all the shit went down with Kristi and Tim was her suddenly being scared she would get caught and she witnessed the consequences first hand.

If Ruth was meant to innocent by the author it wasn't written that way and I believe what was written was meant to be this way. So good job on having to make us think about it.

The tasering of Steve in his own house was humorous and over the top.

Thanks for writing I enjoyed it.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caalmost 14 years ago
More needed

U missed out on excessive use of force, Don made a false report that led to assault and battery, a lawsuit there and a call to his boss with a threat to sue for marital interference. Otherwise your usual pretty good yarn... Keep writing!

fregenfregenalmost 14 years ago
It was good but not great

My guess is that it HAD gone beyond lunches and talking. Ruth got the wake up call when he got upset and then decided to call it off. Also was she only being non-judgemental or perhaps actually supportive of Kristy?Next time she asks he should lie and tell her he would have forgiven her to see if she opens up.<P>

If a cop tasers someone in their own home a police report would have to be filed. To justify themselves they would need to claim aggressive action or assult on his part. To cover their own butt he would have to have been arrested. Weak.<p.

Thanks for sharing.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 14 years ago
ANOTHER dumb fuck Husband story -- that is too stupid to see REAL issues

It is one thing to say "their marriage none of our business" but the wife Ruth KNEW what her friend Kristy was doing at the office!!!

Recall that Steve suggest to Tim to he do something romantic and bring dinner to Kristy at her office. When Ruth found that about this she raced to the phone to call Kristy...

........."Kristy has been fooling around with someone at her work. She's been staying over once in a while so she can be with him and tonight when Tim brought her dinner he walked in on the two of them...."

That is NOT just being supportive of a friend. That is Ruth intentionally engaging in a conspiracy to add her friend Krsity is fucking another man.

Idiot Steve never see this .. why should he? this IS a slirpiuff story right?

The problem with this story is that the Key issues / conflicts are never resolved so the story collapses. Why do authors raise these interesting issues then leave them hanging out there with no resolution of any kind?

for example... Steve's reaction to when he finds out Kristy is cheating on Tim... is hard to accept. Ruth's advice ONLY makes sense if Steve and Tim are not friends. But as the story clearly states they are GOOD friends.

But even if one were to be that shallow and gutless as the author and Ruth is... Once Steve finds out that Tim has stepped out on his wife Krsity ONE time that clearly should have removed any sort of hesitancy or reluctance by Steve to NOT tell Tim.

WHY? because in the conversation when is revealed that TIM stepped out ONLY becuase Kristy has cut him off sexually... Steve's decision to NOT tell Kristy makes No sense.


Or this.... after the dinner party / BBQ Ruth comments on how lovey dovey Tim is with Kristy and that she ( Kristy) is COMPLAINING about it because Kristy is STILL screwing around with theother guy at her office.

And the conversation worsens as it turns out that Ruth is talking to her own Guy... essentially a total stranger. Ruth doesnt see what Steve is upset about.

Lastly about the Tasering... way over the top. but it is there for a reason. You see with eveyone talking about a Tasering event that is soooooooooo extreme soooooo over the top .... no one is focusing on the total failure of of Steve ( and the author) to focus on the REAL isues.

Nice try slirpuff but you ddint fool me for a second.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
One glaring flaw

When a homeowner tells two police officers to leave, after they have been told by both parties that there is nothing wrong..

They had better leave. Then after having been told to leave, they taze him?

I would have a couple of cops working in a 7-11, and the local government funding my IRA account.

Other than that, interesting piece.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
well done

I truly enjoyed reading this story and found it creative and quite interesting. I also found the ending of this tale also to be questionable about Ruth asking what Steve would do if it was her and Don that were caught in that position after work in the office like Tim had encountered. It certainly set off lights and sirens and bells and whistles. You have to wonder since her and Kristy were tight that they both were experiencing the same things out of wedlock and pretty much were comparing notes. If there was another chapter Steve may actually find out what he would do in that situation. Anyhow, thanks for sharing this wonderful tale, it had a lot of twist and turns in it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Much Better Writing

Your writing is much much improved. It now just flows is how I can describe it.

hawkeye007hawkeye007almost 14 years ago
Ruth is a lying piece of shit

Ruth's husband is one dumb fuck if he hasn't figured out that his wife is fucking around on him. He should have said that if he finds out she has continued her relationship with Don in any way her ass is history. There is no way he can trust her anymore. The marriage is hanging on by a thin thread. I would tell her that and that he no longer has faith in her fidelity. If she doesn't like that, too damned bad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Just What Does Constitute Cheating?

Answer: The "relationship" between my wife and her "boyfirend" the consequence of which results in my being Tazered in my own frontroom as the result of excessive force used by the police. There was no arrest being made, not even a threat of any kind to anyone, just an investigation where the police were asked to leave by BOTH home owners (anyone know how to spell WARRANT?). His stupid wife really got this situation sooo escalated by gettting way to inappropriately close to a wacko at work. GET REAL. It would really take some time for a real husband to even be able to look at or talk to the bitch again much less want her right back after he changed his underwear like this guy did. 1. Demand to go to the hospital to get your heart checked if nothing else, 2 See a Civil Rights attorney, 3 File for Divorce, at least move to get it before a JUDGE, and get the job and/or the guy named if for nothing else than to clear the air and level the playing field. My goodness man, you just don't have your wife's boyfriend send over the goon squad to your house in the form of a bunch of high school dropouts with badges to beat the shit out of you in your own frontroom in front of your kids and then say "Honey, its OK" after the wife claims she gave her boyfriend a strong lecture. THIS IS THE SORT OF THING THEY WROTE THE CONSTITUTION FOR, TO NOT HAVE HAPPEN TO PEOPLE. People (in this case read authors) have been so dumbed down by current pop culture propaganda they'll apparently believe anything and don't even understand the BASIC law of the land. According to what I read lately, you'd come to believe actual criminals cannot be stopped because it might OFFEND them, but you've got a guy being beat to shit cause he's closing the door in his own home??? Believe me I AM A BIG POLICE FAN but do you really think cops could barge into some JUDGE'S HOUSE on suspicion and beat the shit out of the Judge "cause he made a move for the door" and not get some negative consequences.

rphinneyrphinneyalmost 14 years ago
Research Law Enforcement

Tazers are considered "less than lethal" force. If a police officer uses force, it must be reasonable and necessary. The only justification for a tazer is a threat to a person's life. That is a crime, and they would HAVE to make an arrest. Under the circumstances in the story, those officers were guilty of criminal trespass and aggravated assault. Further, they entered without a warrant, which would be a Civil Rights Violation of the 5th Amendment. Exigent Circumstances did not exist, because they had no reasonable belief the wife was in imminent danger.

I realize this was used as a device in a story, but you are insulting and offending every professional law enforcement officer by implying that such behavior is tolerable, legal, or even possible without serious repercussions to the officers behaving in such a manner.

Next time, at least let the readers know he decided not to pursue charges or allow a lawsuit on his behalf that he could easily win. Even when he doesn't, those officers will face internal charges that will end their careers.

Fiction is fiction, but let's try and keep it remotely realistic...

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 14 years ago
rphinny you are 100% crrect BUT the Tasering used by author for a SPECIFIC purpose

rphinny et all

you are all 100% correct about the taser event but MOST of you are Missing WHY this scene ...soooo over the top.... sooo absurd... was even used by the author in the 1st place.

it was used to bring the wife back to the hsuband without the husband ever asking any real question


to avoid dealing with the issues/ conflict that this author raised in his own story.

OldStormyOldStormyalmost 14 years ago
Mr. Wimp

OK - the story was well written. Your writing has improved unbelievably. However, this story has too many flaws in it. The unlawful use of the taser first up would leave the police open to a huge civil action. The 'affair' between Ruth and Don was obviously deeper than admitted and if it wasn't then good old Don was trying to get a foot in the door. Steve should have had a very 'strong' talk with Don baby followed be a very strong talk with Ruth.

Why would Steve put up with Ruth still protecting a cheating Kristy. He should have stopped her associating with a cheater. Should he have told Tim - who knows - her cheating and turning off the tap led to his cheating. Perhaps a good sit down with Tim would have been in order.

Altogether a little too fucked up situation to simply ignore.

AnotherClosetReaderAnotherClosetReaderalmost 14 years ago
Silly rphinney, kicks are for trids.

"The only justification for a tazer is a threat to a person's life." That looks really warm and fuzzy on paper. That shit is for public consumption only. Tazers are used as compliance enforcement devices by lots of cops. Doesn't make it right, but it's true. Though, things are changing, there is nowhere near the accountability as with a firearm discharge. Most departments only care if you actually shoot the dirtbag, not subdue.

"That is a crime, and they would HAVE to make an arrest." Nope, they get to apologize on the way out if they remember. Don't forget he made a sudden move and they had no idea that he wasn't an ex-seal-recon-ranger-green beret millionaire, with 32 blackbelts it every form of fighting known to man (thanks for not doing that btw Slirpuff). It was a reasonable, and justifiable defensive precaution.

"those officers were guilty of criminal trespass and aggravated assault. Further, they entered without a warrant, which would be a Civil Rights Violation of the 5th Amendment. Exigent Circumstances did not exist, because they had no reasonable belief the wife was in imminent danger." They had a report of a woman with a fucked up face by a co-worker, easy to get confirmation from other co-workers that gets the cops interested enough to investigate, they arrive and interpreted the evasive "go away" type responses as an abused wife under threat and that takes us back to being justified in the non lethal, response with the accompanying non-threat. That idea really doesn't shock me (haha). You may not want to think that there are cops around that will actually respond to domestic abuse calls and err on the wrong side of caution, but there are those few. After all, there are other cops that won't lift a finger till after they get to watch the crime being committed and had time to put their pud away.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
and the hero shits himself

Frankly, he deserved to be tased...attempting to throw a cop outta your house after inviting them in? He "accidently" hits his wife with the door during an arguement, prceeds to call her names and berate her in public...she shoulda divorced his condesending, high and mighty, "you're MY wife" ass. Maybe on his third of fourth marriage he'll learn to be less of an asshole to his wife.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Ruth cheated. She should be history.

Ruth cheated. Telling Don anything about her relationship with her husband broke the vows. In any event, Don felt comfortable enough about protecting Ruth, his property, that he called the cops on the husband. Ruth had to have told him about the argument that had taken place at home with her husband. Slirpuff Babes, please, sometime depict the husband in your story to have more than a "keep my wife married to me at all costs " attitude. Give us some dialogue where the husband actually confronts the wife instead of writing in all of these twisted and contrived scenarios that allow him to suffer any number of untold pains and humiliations. In every story, your downtrodden husband can count on the fact that his cost in pain and humiliation will provide a way for him to: accept part of the blame, avoid the truth about his cheating spouse, save some face, and take her back to live happy always after. As the story is written, it does appear that the wife probably is hiding something significant from the husband about her realtionship with Don. The tiring thing is that the husband is happy not to know anything more about it, lest he man up and need to kick her to the curb. It borders on cuckoldry. Keep writing though and thanks for sharing! Ohio, USA

SW_MO_HermitSW_MO_Hermitalmost 14 years ago

You write very well and I enjoyed this story. With that said, it was pretty obvious that Ruth was guilty of more than just emotional cheating with Don. If this wasn't your intent, well even if it was, I suggest a sequel. As this story stands it appears the poor schmuk of a husband is dumb and blind to everything going on around him. Normally I enjoy your stories and this was no exception but I think you needed to more fully address the little issue of Ruth and Don. I believe the husband needed to check it out and get the goods on her and he needed to get some retribution on good ole Don. Oh, well it WAS your story. Keep up the good work.

SW MO Hermit

vietvetvietvetalmost 14 years ago
To anon: and the hero Sh** himself

You dumb dip shit, the only time he talked to Ruth was in his own home not in public. As for the tazing that you said he deserved, the cops were completely in the wrong as the wife had already told them that she was not assaulted and that she was not going to press charges. At that time the cops only duty was to depart the premises and leave the family alone.

The cops left their department open to civil suite and the so called officers open to suspension and/or discharge. It does not make a difference as to whether the husband made a quick move or not, he was in the right to escort the officers from the premises.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago


Good job. I echo some of the others. You are getting better every submission.

Matt Moreau

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
She Cheated

To what degree...hmmmm? Probably, given her non denial of hubbies comments on what she did discuss, those type of fetails being shared amongst co-workers generally involves some hugging and re=assurance. Seems reasonable to assume Don wants her, at least a piece of her and I' m guessing, by virtue of the fact, that she justifies the neighbors infidelity that she herself has done some, maybe just kissing and fondling so far, maybe even a blowjob, possibly a lunch fuck.

Someone suggested a sequel...I agree, she has asked too many times about what he would do if she cheated!!! Sooooo many possibilities and considering his buddy stooped to a quickee (because his wife waas not interested - too busy screwing her boyfriend) I would guess that his pal might discover his wife cheated? So many possibilities!

Love your stuff Slirpuff, don't stop!

Oh a sequel or chapter 2, I (we) think she is getting away with something. Punch Don's lights out, sue her Company, file charges against the police know?

FireFox59FireFox59almost 14 years ago
She Cheated

When she confided with Don about her sex life with her husband she cheated. And I would doubt that all she did was talk. Especially after her friend started fucking her chat buddy. Good story but it could have been much better with more details. You seem to be able to get a good story going but then you seem to want to end it way too quickly.

Zeb40Zeb40almost 14 years ago
Ruth's reaction says a lot.

She obviously is protective of her relationship with Don that she has kept from Steve. We can guess what Don wants, but why does she feel she needs an intimate male friend. Suspicious!

When she tells her husband that she just wanted a male perspective on things from Don, why couldn't she get this from him. She obviously is covering for her friend, and we have to ask why? Even if she hasn't physically cheated yet, it sure looks like she is paving the way for it.

Loverboy went too far when he called the cops, and hopefully this will cause her to rethink what she tells to "friends". If Ruth really wants to keep her husband, she just got a big wakeup call. If she doesn't, well nothing will make a difference. It looks like she may be OK, but maybe as my wife's grandmother used to say "too soon old, too late smart".

gatorhermitgatorhermitalmost 14 years ago
SP is turning into a very good writer

This story was compelling, concise, and well written. Character development was complete without being too detailed. In terms of plot, very very credible - with women, the sex follows the relationship and the husband in SP's story understood that principle clearly.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 14 years ago

what story are you talking about?

jasonnhjasonnhalmost 14 years ago
Good story with an annoying flaw and wife occasionally brain dead

The Taser incident, as pointed out, is crap writing. To be honest I'm not sure the police can demand that someone comes to talk with them without a warrant. Of course they can get snotty if you refuse to talk with them but he was within his rights to ask them to leave his property and shut the door in their face. <br>

I would ask how Ruth is allowed to make a moral decision for Steve. He finds out Tim's wife is cheating and Ruth tells him he can't tell Tim. Sorry, no one is my moral conscience except for ME! I might agree to delay telling him so I can consider the possible impact but it is my decision as best to handle the situation. This is not a question of what color to paint a room or car to buy. This is a moral and ethical question. Spouses can participate but not control my decision. <br>

Now as to the question posed; cheating is forming an excessive emotional bond with someone else. If Ruth and Don are coworkers and it is common for various coworkers to go out to lunch, fine. Him no more often than anyone else. Or go out in a group. I used to go out to breakfast with nurses I worked with all the time. We were friends and that was it. It is pure garbage for someone to say that they didn't realize their relationship had changed from friendship to something more. Everyone KNOWS when such relationships are developing. They make a conscious choice to allow it to happen, even if they are lying to themselves and saying it will only go so far and no further. Once an emotional relationship starts it is not possible to be sure where it will end up. The test, as others have pointed out, is absurdly simple. Can you sit down with your spouse and tell them completely and honestly about what you are doing with this other person? If not, you are in dangerous territory and already starting to cheat by hiding the relationship. Once it starts it feeds on itself. Wow, I have been meeting them for lunch the last few weeks and no one has caught on. I can probably

get away with dinner and a little dancing. Then a few kisses and some petting. Then .... <br>

Ruth is a fool about the cheating. She should have started unequivocally that she could not support her cheating and not to talk to her about it. Anything else is encouragement no matter what she tells Steve about it. She also asks a rather stupid question, "What would you do if it was me?". There is no rational answer to the question because it is an emotional situation. I think most men would react angrily and express nasty language and possibly physical action. But not all. Some might be overwhelmed in some manner and be unable to take any real action. My own answer to the question would probably be "You would greatly regret finding out". At least Ruth seems to have woken up at the end of the story. All in all a pretty good read.

bdoggriffenbdoggriffenalmost 14 years ago
husband should be more suspicious

I don't think the wife has cheated. But she may have. She lied for her friend to him, even if just by omission. I do think most men would have become suspicious based on all that had been happening. I think from the way you wrote it, you did not intend for her to have physically cheated him, but as a reader I don't know that for sure based on how it plays out. And I don't think the husband could know for sure either, I'll give you this and read between the lines that his shock at his friends and desire to keep his own marriage secure, may have him thinking a little "on tilt" right now. But I would think that soon, he's going to begin to wonder. Maybe he will see something, or she will not be someplace she is supposed to be and he will wonder. And even if she never physically cheated on him, his loss of trust in her could eat away at their marriage and his sense of happiness in the marriage. Still, to be honest, I enjoyed the roller coaster also. I was interested all the way through. Your gift for making your characters come alive and spin interesting and different stories continues. And I always look for your name in new stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
It was OK

Pretty good story but don't like the question mark about Ruth's relationship with Don.

Looking forward to your next story. Thanks.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbialmost 14 years ago
South of stupid

The lead male character just doesn't fit at all. For half the story he is bizerko macho cave man because his wife talks to another guy at work to the point he gets tazed by a cop investigating domestic violence he caused. Then, out of the blue, he turns into villiage priest and marriage counselor to his buddy whose wife at least has gone to the extreme limit of office flirting if not beyond. Nothing about that scenario works at all.

Sorry SP, this one doesn't pass the laugh test on my mind.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Husband too forgiving..wife too stupid

Normally enjoy your stories! I think you missed the mark here. Husband should of received some kind of revenge on the wife and telephone lover. Not a psychological study..just a story of a stupid wife heading towards becoming a slut wife while husband becomes a wimp husband. Dan should of had an "accident." Wife should of been hung out and dried.

bruce22bruce22almost 14 years ago
Good enjoyable story

Sort of unbelivable for us regular guys and certainly wimpy for the real men out there. Taser can have adverse effects on pre-existent physical conditions. My thought is about the violent reaction of my wife if this happened to me and that is where I conclude that Ruth is all ready out of love at that point her reaction was not that of a person who loved her husband. Basically the two gals deserved to be divorced but do the kids deserve separated parents, that is almost as difficult to evaluate as to draw the line as to when you can say that she is cheating on him. Good read, both the story and the comments!!

DanielQSteele1DanielQSteele1almost 14 years ago
A second bite of the apple

I've already commented but I couldn't resist jumping back in on the tasering comments. This is not to insult anybody, but I wonder what world you're living in. I've worked with and around cops, even had one in the family sort of, and I like and respect most of them. But cops basically do what cops want to do. There is a tremendous amount of power in the hands of individual cops and you do have assholes wearing the badge. You get tasered in the situation that Slirpuff's hubbie does, and if you've got any sense at all you shut your mouth and say, "thank you sir." There are times and places when you have to stand up, but generally taking on a man who has a gun and the legal right to use it while you're unarmed, is just plain stupid. Granted those cops might be punished in the end, but anybody who goes up against cops without a real strong motivation is asking for pain.I know there'll be people who disagree, but where I've grown up and lived, that's the truth of it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
If two cops come to the door

and you know you've done nothing wrong, wouldn't you be worried that something had happened to someone you Know? What's with the come back another time crap? More a miss than a hit, but always entertaining...Mancelt.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpetealmost 14 years ago

you get tasered like he did and you laugh all the way to the bank. My problem with story slirp dog is that you wrote how she hadn't been on top in years.WTF???????

Ducky7Ducky7almost 14 years ago
That reminds me of a Hamlet line

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." For some reason Ruth seems to be stuck on this thought. Maybe she has some reason to worry. At any rate, good story. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Overdone scene

Instead of reading a story about interactions between husbands and wives, the reader ends up focusing on the scene with the police. That scene was over the top and obviously too distracting.

I have to agree with others, there is a dandy lawsuit waiting to happen. The police were not in circumstances where they would have reasonable fear of their safety. Simply having someone move suddenly towards them is not in itself sufficient cause. Let's have the sequel where he sues the city including requiring the police to expunge the record. If the "friend" told others that Steve was abusive then a slander suit could also come out of it. Since Steve is not a public figure, he need only show "false and defamatory", easy enough to prove. BTW, a child's reaction would hardly be one of "so cool"; more like traumatized and crying.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
son of a bitch!

why do you always write so terribly? because that last paragraph wasnt a twist or a shocker. it was pretty obvious she did something more talk to don. hell, she even said what kristy was doing wasnt all that bad and wtf was with the cops? that shit isnt legal because he in no way was a threat, he simply started walking towards them and told them to leave.i hate your writing and i hope you either get better or stop. i read some of your stories because i want them to make sense, but they dont. it seems like your trying to make the stories realistic but it never happens. realistic would be having the couple break up, permanently, at least in some of your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
1x versus how many

tim & kristy, and she took it over the top, so forgiveness is a problem. for our heros, they learned from the whole episode.

AcatnamedsamAcatnamedsamalmost 14 years ago
Good story

I enjoyed this story, but it really needs a follow up, I think Ruth at least did SOME minor fooling around

APeacefulPlaceTxAPeacefulPlaceTxalmost 14 years ago
First, I enjoyed the story...

except I have a real problem about how the taser issue was handled. The cops were way out of line, and the kid's reaction was "that looked cool" ????? The man had been humiliated in his house in front of his kids and all the sympathy was for the wife's face.

I'm as hostile to domestic violence as it is possible to be. However, I've also had it up to tips of the hair on my head with the assumption that all bruises are the result of domestic violence. You talk about profiling!

The wife had more than absolute obligation to clear her husband reputation and honor as soon as the cops showed up, even before the taser and a absolute moral obligation to do so once it was done! He is now know as a wife beater and that will have long term repercussions. I would have filed charges against the cops and I'm pro cops!

I've been married forty-one almost forty-two years, but if that had been me, I'd have been out the door I'd be so angry. I would have come back, I'm not talking about divorce but there would be a cool down time and some serious apologies coming. It was NOT his fault that she was hurt. The argument could be made that the fault was shared since kicking in the door wasn't normal behavior, but hell even Rhett Butler did it! A locked bedroom door is a more than serious affront on a marriage.

So, I kept reading hoping that I would see the husband get some justice and it never happened. For that reason I gave it a rare 4. I almost always give 5s to offset the anonymous BTBs. This poor guy was dumped upon and his wife never even acknowledged her errors.

VickieTernVickieTernover 13 years ago
First rate

A wonderful sequencing of passion, fury, careful tact, good sense, and tough thinking. What can drive us berserk handled instead with civility. No matter how we may merely enjoy warming our hands, fire is still fire.

MarvinSMarvinSover 13 years ago

This is one of the best "loving wives" stories I have ever read, and I have read a lot of them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Happy ending?

Please, enough with the open ended closings. For my money, Ruth was a little too understanding of Kristy's indiscretions, if you know what I mean.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
He is lucky the cops didn't shoot him.

Cops are killers and liars and the courts protect them. Cops murder innocient people every day. They break into people homes without a warrant shoot to kill including little girls and old women. Cops shoot people in wheelchairs, and retarded teens. They keep tasoring someone, and while he vomiting and shaking and completely incapacated they take out they take out guns and shoot him.

There are so many videos on the internet of cops killing innocient people in cold blood, that they claim it is illegal to video or take photo of their crimes. If a person questions a cop or asserts his rights, his life is in danger because cops murder people for asking questions or asserting their right. Google and you will find hundreds of articles and videos of cops killing people for no reason other than it is fun.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Wrongful actions by police in mans home with no grounds

Major lawsuit time! The wife of his is a major slime ball. He wasnt supposed to know but he over heard, therefore he knows, it is his responsibility to tell his friend. And by keeping such secrets his wife proves she is unsuitable to trust. OW some people are born stupid and stay that way. People come into my home and make those kinds of allegations when I and my wife refute the, they can expect major complaints.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Great story

Really liked it. About if the cops can tazer someone in their own home or not, I don't give a fuck. It was a story and I thought that part was funny as hell!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Not quite finished

Good story, well written.

Just need to hear that "Don" somehow got his knackers kicked into next week!

I liked it.

OldStormyOldStormyover 12 years ago
Unfinished business

Really liked the story as it contained some very real home truths. The only reason I gave it 4 instead of 5 was because Don, the Asshole, didn't get any comeuppance for his knowing role in the story. Thanks SP and keep going.

FD45FD45almost 12 years ago

Didn't believe the tazing.

No closure on the Don front.

Wife should quit her job. Period.

Wife milks the face thing WAY too much...and she shows no fucking awareness, miuch less remorse about what she's done.

Therefore, I don't like her.

bigguy323bigguy323almost 12 years ago
If a cop tazes someone, someone goes to jail period. They only use a tazer when subduing someone prior to handcuffs.

This story needs another chapter to be complete. We'd like to know if the wife was actually cheating with "Don". And, Don needs a reminder to mind his own business.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago

Too many things happening at once and not enough closure. But what do I know?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
not a very good friend


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I agree

with FD 45 the tazer and no remorse, I just don't like the wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

If Iwere Tim and I walked in on her and Don doing it, We would be divorced and the kids would know what kind of a cheating whore thier mother was, and to further embaress her I would have DNA tests done oj all of the kids. Then after the divore I would wait and wait and after a couple of years when the slut and Don were alone together his head would suddenly explode spraying brains matter all over the whore. and ,, no would ever know who did it or what really happened to make his brains leave his head in such a spectactular manner

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Ok story

But there's no way a cop would have tazered him like that. He would have gotten a lot of money from the ensuing lawsuit. And I do think hubby would have checked up on the little woman more.

HardFeltHardFeltabout 11 years ago
Ok gave it a five

There are worse stories. Well written cuck story. What DO women give up when they get 'married'? The answer of what is cheating was never answered only questioned.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 11 years ago
Necessary tazing

Hubby had to be tazed. No, the cop didn't have to do it, SlirPuff did! Sweetie had been hurt, and it was very evident. But she had told her problem if the AssHole just offered comfort and maybe advice! But he had to be the White Knight and protect (read: impress) his love interest! Without the taser, Sweetie can still play the aggrieved Battered Wife card. With it, especially in front of her and the kids, the weather-vane swings in the other direction. Sweetie knows it was NOT really Hubby's fault, but now she has set him up for (much more) serious shit! Her trump card is now used toilet paper. She has to be the one to get everything back in kilter! Best thing that happened to Hubby in this tale!


monkcalmmonkcalmalmost 11 years ago
chick flick weak characters

piss poor story and characters, tazed? no lawyer?, she the way its written has cheated and he is okay with it, so if the questions is never asked, no cheating, and i forget but someone said JPB writes ordinary guy's, so well then they are weak and give in to easy to sluts, guess white Americans in a lot of these stories like being pussies with no self respect or balls, kinda like Germans under Hitler, says a lot about the men/women to be in USA if cuckolds are ordinary men and you have slut marches for moms. JPB can write well the stories are coherent and have plots(not my cup joe but hey), but why are so many "male writers slanted towards the women in a equal rights society, and staying together is so important at any cost? For the kids... really, have you seen the numbers on the drop outs or crime or the heroes they look up to, you create the society you envision

sugnasugnaover 10 years ago
Why ask that question?

Pretty obvious. She is guilty and wants to come clean, but she wants to know what the punishment is first. This guy should be able to figure that out.

tazz317tazz317over 10 years ago

OK...Who the fuck knows, TK U MLJ LV NV

EMiamiRiverRatEMiamiRiverRatover 10 years ago
"What would you have done if it had been me?"

is where you quit writing and improving your first draft. It is clear that no revisions other than minor clerical errors were done beyond that point. The ending clearly did not have your usual polish or style, but dropped like a brick just when I had my hopes up.

BfreetorunBfreetorunabout 10 years ago
I read this before and failed to comment. I knew the tazer was bogus.

Cops in a real city can't do that, used to be that they could in my home town. Of course, tazers had not been invented back then. I go with cantbuymy's response and I would have slapped it on her so quick and not even blink. I do not mean actually slapping her, just give her a quick and definite response. If she asks again drop it on her. Slirpuff, by all the responses this has generated a lot of interest. I, too, think that if Ruth has not had sex with Don she was definitely having ideas down that line. He should be firm but kind, that is the way I always am, LOL. Another chapter is called for. We love happy endings but hate willing cuckolds or wimp husbands.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 10 years ago
did she do ?

From the question "What would you have done if it had been me?"

I would bet she did more than talking.

She is trying to find out what trouble she is in when he finds out.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 10 years ago
She's a woman...

As such, you know she'll ask the question again...She won't be able to help herself..

So it seems, based on his feelings about cheating, the correct response would be along the lines of, "If I ever find out you cheat or cheated, as much as I love you, our marriage would be over. If I haven't already made that clear, maybe it already is."

krosis666krosis666about 10 years ago
Don`t ever

Trust someone that condones, or covers for a cheater. It shows that they see nothing wrong with it, which means they have no sense of morality themselves, and would do the same, given the opportunity. By helping Kristy cheat, Ruth became a cheater by proxy. She was well on the way to a full-blown affair herself. She already showed that she had very little respect, or regard for her husband, by telling her "boyfriend" private details. If the roles were reversed, and Steve was telling everyone about their sex life, or revealing her intimate secrets to a strange woman, you can be assured that she would explode. If She had known about Tim`s cheating, you can bet your life savings that the first thing she would have done would have been to pick up the phone, and tell Kristy everything. Double standards.

She asks at the end, "What would you have done, if it was me?" That shows that she still doesn`t get it, and never will. She STILL doesn`t see that she or Kristy did anything wrong. This woman WILL keep pushing the bounds of fidelity in the future. She only told her "Boyfriend" that they woudn`t be having sex, not that they wouldn`t still go out to intimate meetings, and kissing, etc. Just no sex. How long will that last? And that was only because her husband was suspicious, not because she saw anything wrong with their "Friendship".

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Comment By: krosis666 YOu do realize it a fucking story

don't you? You bithc like you think it's a real life problem! Get a life you dumb ass

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Too many unanswered questions.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
So many questions about....

Ruth's relationship with Don. Well here's the answer:

I've been banging her regularly for months, but she's a little nervous now, so we are down to just three a week.

Sincerely, Don (aka tom anon)

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

Married people, women OR men, shouldn't be having personal/intimate conversations with people of the opposite sex.

For that matter, if you wouldn't do it in front of your spouse, whatever "it" is, you shouldn't do it.

Tim413413Tim413413almost 10 years ago

well-done! 5 stars. I really liked the way the author used the neighbor to tell the story. What did Billy Crystal say to Meg Ryan in "When Harry Met Sally"? Men and women cannot be just friends. My first wife proved that.

Pappy7Pappy7over 9 years ago
Co-workers and lunches.

There is nothing wrong with two co-workers having lunch with one another, but it should only be in the presence of others and only on the work premises. If the work doesn't have a cafeteria or café as part of the facility it shouldn't happen. There is no situation that justifies continued, intimate meals between male and female employees. Also, people talk at work all the time about their families and their spouses but nothing personal should be shared between co-workers of the opposite sex. Like has been said, men and women look at that kind of sharing differently and adult women should know this. Hugs are sometimes shared between friends at work but little intimate touches and whispering to one another are inappropriate actions and are unacceptable.

That being said, all evidence pointed to the fact that Ruth had been getting intimate with Don. That was why she kept asking about what her husband would have done. If I would have walked in on something like that there wouldn't be a need for a divorce. Nuff said.

virtualatheistvirtualatheistover 9 years ago
I have an issue...

with the actions of the policemen. They are walking lawsuits. Their actions were illlegal.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

as well as the element of truth. TK U MLJ LV NV

WoodButcher57WoodButcher57over 9 years ago
I concur with "virtualatheist"

Not two minutes after the officers had left, I'd of been on the phone, crappy pants and all. What they did, did not constitute the taser action, if so, they should have had cuffs on him and hauled off to the station. "F"in German Gestapo Crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Lol- technically those two police officers civil rights. They cannot insist or threaten people. If the taser had killed him. They would have been arrested for murder. Plus they did not have probable cause.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 9 years ago
Enjoyed it

the last paragraph seems to suggest he cheated on his wife. Am I reading that correctly?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Yes Drbreamer I read it that way also. And it is suggesting that she may have done more then just talk with Don. Enjoyed the story. Just found this writer and I'm enjoying his stories so far.

krosis666krosis666almost 9 years ago
@Anon 4/8/14 and 4/9/14

Please learn to spell, and write with SOME semblance of intelligence, and buy a dictionary to look up words, or else stop using words that you clearly are incapable of understanding. Many people lack education, but you seem to be in the sad minority that appears to be proud of that fact! Do you even know what the word 'Cuckold' means, or is it just another of those word thingys that you clearly don't understand, but you see others using, so you think you will too?

I must thank you, however, for truly making my day with all those emails you just had to send. My coworkers and I really got a laugh from your quite evidently low I.Q. Seriously, one comment that I wrote, and almost immediately forgot, got you THAT worked up? I mean, five emails, containing the word 'Dubnas', in one day? Excellent! I love it when something that means so little to me, gets a moron so worked up!

krosis666krosis666almost 9 years ago
With apologies to Slirpuff, and all other readers

For leaving a comment that had NOTHING to do with the story. I rarely do it, and promise that I won't make a habit of it. I will give this story 5 stars, by way of apology.

ErotFanErotFanalmost 9 years ago
Needs a sequel badly!

But it doesn't look like one is coming given the submission date.

My supposition is that they BOTH have hidden indiscretions.

sugnasugnaover 8 years ago
Bad marriage

I have some news for you; if you or your spouse is forming intimate friendships with members of the opposite sex and are sharing details about your family and marriage with them - your marriage is already in bad shape! In a healthy relationship the partners have no need to discuss their marriage with anyone else. In fact, they want to keep it to themselves because they consider it special and value it. Only when they have lost their care for the relationship are they willing to cheaply share it with interlopers (especially at work!). I have seen this over and over again. Sometimes, it is for good reason, sometimes a person is married to a cheater or an abuser and they are desperately seeking a way out. Yes, they may be on the verge of cheating and it is wrong but it may be a reaction to the horrible situation their spouse has caused. This is a scenario not often found in these stories. I have seen weak people cheat in order to escape abusive situations because they were not strong enough to leave on their own.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

“there was no way in hell I was going to tell Ruth about our little discussion.” – Yeah, you can bet Ruth’s “we shouldn’t get involved” would be forgotten when it was TIM who was cheating!

It’s one thing not to “judge”, but she should have told Kristy that she wouldn’t cover for her, and if she heard about anything else SHE would tell Tim!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Well that left some unanswered questions

The first one that came to mind was why didn't he file a complaint with the Police Department and then file a lawsuit against them? It seems like he would have had a slam dunk win for Police brutality and a number of other charges. The money would have helped him in his divorce. Because Steve is going to divorce his lying, cheating wife right? She may not have physically cheated, but she sure cheated emotionally. And by covering for her friends cheating, she condones her actions. Not exactly good wife or Mother material. I was amazed that Steve didn't tell Tim what he knew when Tim confessed to him. By telling him he could have kept Tim out of jail (the man he assaulted will file charges and Tim will go to jail). And isn't Steve condoning Kristy's actions by not telling Tim? There are some serious unlikeable people in this messy, unfinished story. I would like to see a followup that details the two divorces and their fallouts. I suspect the only person to make out will be Steve. He will get divorced, have to pay child support and probably not be able to sell the house until the last kid is 18, but after he gets his divorce and THEN settles with the police (so that he doesn't have to give up any money from his settlement to his wife) he will be able to afford to move away, buy a nice house and start over. The rest of them will struggle to survive in one income houses with multiple children. KaBOOM!

tazz317tazz317over 8 years ago

try not to get hit with that bag of shit coming out of the skies. TK U MLJ LV NV

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Further Thoughts

"When you didn't say anything I just assumed you weren't opening it up." – He’s right! All she had to do was say, “I’m coming,” and there would have been no problem.

“I was just trying to be a good friend and not judge what she was doing.” – You weren’t just “not judging”, you were ENABLING!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

“I heard our bedroom door slam and figured she'd also locked the door.” – If she doesn’t want to share the bed, then SHE should go to the guest room, why should HE have to leave? And he should DEMAND that she stop talking to the other guy, or he’ll kick his ass!

And why do all these wives think it's okay to have intimate conversations with MALE co-workers? Besides the fact that nothing good seems to ever come from it, don't they have GIRLFRIENDS that they can talk to, or better yet, their HUSBANDS?!

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