Knowing Mom Ch. 08


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"This is the kind of exercise I need," she said.

"Always lift with a spotter," he answered.

"Your mom makes the best spotter?"

"Mom knows how to bring out the best."

Her heart quickened, as if she were still on the treadmill. Up and down, in and out, she was an exercise machine, one of the torture machines she used so regularly. She had become like the elliptical stepper or the recumbent bike, a device designed to work muscles, to elevate pulse, to burn calories, all in an effort to reach some chemical induced high, to endure some rush of joy that would benefit both mind and body. He was part of the machine, an integral part, the essence of the machine, the device that provided stimulation and effort. Without Ricky's tower, she would be doing merely squats, merely working thigh muscles, but with the tower, she was exercising libido and fantasy and vice. This was exercise for the mind, for the imagination, for the dream. This would charge and recharge her desires and her inner playground. This was strengthening her mind.

"Like it?" she asked.

"Love it," he answered. "Use me, mom."

She bounced up and down, driving him inside her harder, faster. He felt better than anyone had felt in a long time, far better than any sort of masturbation. She dropped on him, and he grunted. It sank so deep and hard. She wondered if she could skewer herself on it. With every stroke, she grew more aroused, and yet, she wasn't yet satisfied. Her nipples ached with need as she climbed off and pulled him to his feet.

"Over there." She pointed.

He nodded.

She wasn't quite sure how it would work, but she thought they could manage. He took his seat on the rowing machine and hooked his feet in the stirrups. She straddled him, lowering herself, feeling herself impaled on his tool. She moaned as it buried inside her. She wrapped her legs around him, and he held up her thighs, then, he began to slide the seat back and forth.

They were locked with each other, and the sliding seat would go toward the front. When it stopped, she stopped, but he would ram into her, driving his cock deep. Going the other way, he would stop first, and she would thrust herself on his tool. While the stroke was short, it was sweet and wild. He pumped his legs, and the seat slid back and forth, his missile ramming home or her pussy slamming home. As he pumped, he sucked her nipples, and she grabbed his head, forcing her tit deep into his mouth. They rocked and slid back and forth, her holding his mouth on her breasts, him stroking her superheated pussy. She perspired as if she were on the treadmill. He panted as if lifting. The mirrors surrounding them almost made her laugh. Naked mom and naked son locked in sex on the rowing machine, grinding and fucking like animals, faces blushed by naked lust. Her hair pinned up, his muscles flexing, jamming that seat back and forth in an effort to lock them ever tighter. Wild, wicked, a vice she was now addicted to, Lori knew she wanted him to fuck her and cum inside her, fill her with cream. They would have to clean the rowing machine after, but that didn't matter. What mattered was the cumming. Oh yes, that mattered a great deal.

"Ready?" she asked.


"Do it very hard."

The seat slid back and forth a few more times until he shoved with such force she thought they might fly off. Instead, she slammed onto him, and he held her there, his cock shooting deep inside, filling her with those gobs of heat she loved so much. Her orgasm fired off, her body convulsing and milking, pulling all those gobs out of him, sucking him dry. They didn't pant or even breathe. They sat there, mom milking son's cock, mom taking all son had to deposit. Their mirror images seemed to throb-or was that her eyes.

Then, they began to breathe.

"God, that was fantastic," he said.

"Yessssss," Lori answered. "Exercise equipment has many uses."

He laughed. "I think I'll take up rowing."

"I'll be your coxswain."


She carefully unwound herself and stood. Her body ached in new places, but it was a good ache. "Shower time," she said.

"I'll clean up."

"After you wash me," she said.

He grinned. "Yes, mommy."

The shower was delicious as he soaped her, rinsed her, patted her dry. Then, as she dressed, he cleaned up the exercise equipment. They couldn't leave a mess.

When Ricky asked if he could have some guys sleep over, Lori said it was fine with her. There were a few simply rules-no alcohol, no girls, and no slipping out in the middle of the night to vandalize the neighborhood. Lori understood what happened when young males combined alcohol with some imagination. Mostly, it was meet the parents at the police station. What was it about young males that drove them into the night to steal street signs? She didn't know, but she knew enough to forbid the practice.

Lori relegated them to the basement and promised not to bother them as long as they were reasonably quiet and non-destructive. She ordered in pizza and enough soft drinks for a small army and went to dinner with Marie. Ricky was responsible enough, and there weren't that many boys. Still, she wasn't entire sure they would behave. They were teenagers.

At dinner, Marie seemed in the dumps. To her, it seemed as if her fling with Todd was spiraling down. He didn't seem as randy as before, not as willing, not as often, and she was just the opposite. Now, that she had discovered how good he was, she wanted it more and more. Why was that? And wasn't it always that way? When she was inaccessible, he was all over her, and now that she was willing, he was pulling back. Were two people ever really on the same page, or was the pendulum always swinging back and forth, never stopping in perfect balance? Marie didn't know. She just wanted to sip some wind and complain a bit. Lori tried to point out that two humans always mismatched a little. That was life. Perfect synchronization was impossible, and even if it were possible, it wasn't desirable. Everyone needed a bit of conflict in their lives. What she needed, Marie insisted, wasn't conflict, it was sex. She felt she had somehow tripped a wire in her brain, and now, she was ready for sex all the time. Lori suggested Marie play had to get again, thinking it would spark Todd. Marie wasn't so sure. She was the forbidden fruit that once tasted and consumed was discovered to be just another apple, and an older apple at that. Lori laughed at the comparison. Marie didn't have to worry.

When they reached Lori's house, they heard the music pulsating from the basement, but it was a reasonable decibel level. They sipped some wine and started a DVD. Lori hoped the movie would distract Marie. It did for a while. She seemed involved in the movie. But when Lori returned with a second glass of wine, she found the family room empty. She waited for a few minutes to see if Marie would return. After 10 minutes, she checked the bathrooms. No Marie. Where was she? Her car was in the drive, and she wouldn't walk home. Where?

The basement.

Lori knew she had promised not to interfere with the party, but if Marie was down there...well, Lori had to stop Marie's meltdown if she could.

The music didn't seem as loud, but it was loud enough to mask Lori's entrance. As she came down the stair, she knew she couldn't be heard. She reached the landing and peeked. If Marie wasn't there, Lori didn't want to intrude. What teenage boys did in the company of their own was something she would just as soon avoid.

But Marie was there.

She was laughing with Todd, Ricky, Bobby and Dave. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes seemed alive, and Lori recognized the look. Marie had found a small herd of young men, and she wanted to charm them. Lori wasn't sure why, but that didn't matter. Marie was on the prowl, and that wasn't good for her or the boys. But before Lori could move forward, Ricky produced the blindfold.

Before Lori could intervene, Ricky sat Marie on a chair. At that point, Lori was intrigued. What kind of game was this? The old-fashioned kissing game? Could Marie tell who was kissing her? Lori could remember playing the game at parties. Could spouses really tell each other by kissing? She had seen the same game with feeling legs too. How well did spouses know each other's bodies? Most of the time, not very well.

But the boys weren't kissing Marie.

And they weren't letting her feel their legs.

What they were doing was pulling out their tools and watching as the first boy, Dave, stepped forward to be fondled by Marie.

Lori knew at that moment that she would step forward and stop this nonsense. What kind of game was this? Why was Todd allowing it to happen? This wasn't an activity for a bunch of horny teenage boys and an oversexed mother. Yet, Lori couldn't bring herself to step forward. She could simply watch from the stairs, wondering where it might lead.

The magic of youth allowed Dave to get an erection in just a few strokes from Marie. She squeezed him and held him and stroked him and waved him away as Todd replaced Dave. Todd was already hard as were the other boys, so Marie had nothing more to do than touch and stroke. Some pure groping and Todd was replaced by Ricky. The exercise was repeated on Ricky and then finally, Bobby. They all cycled through, allowing Marie to play with their erections, and she was supposed to decide, but she pretended to not know. So, they cycled through again, all hard, all being pulled and handled by Marie whose nipples poked at her thin silk blouse. The fondling was getting to her. She liked what she was doing, and the second round actually took longer than the first. At the end of the second round, she pulled off the blindfold and announced her decision. Boy number four. Nope, wrongo. That was Bobby. Didn't she know her own son?

She laughed and started to rise, and someone offered a new game. She considered a moment and sat again. The blindfold went in place. From her perch, Lori wondered just what the hell was going on-until Todd stepped forward to be fondled again. Only he was fondled for a moment before Marie too him into her mouth. She licked and sucked and bobbed for a minute, giving him a blow job right in front of the boys. What the hell! Lori actually took a step forward before Todd stepped back and Ricky moved forward for his suck. It was the same game as before only she was using taste and tongue to pick her son from the pretenders. And the pretenders loved it. As hard as possible they took turns getting sucked, grinning at each other, laughing, letting Marie suck them as deep as she wanted. The game was wild and getting hotter. Marie's nipples were clearly visible against her blouse. She liked this too.

They went through two rounds, and during the second round, the boys took turns fondling her through her blouse. Lori assumed it was but one more facet of the game. Could she determine who was feeling her up from how his hands felt. The boys seemed to be having an incredible time, squeezing Marie's breasts even as she sucked them. She wasn't giving a real blow job, just tasting and teasing and licking. Her cheeks were very red, and her body glowing, and the boys unbuttoned her blouse to insert their hands and feel her even better.

From the stairs, Lori watched, fascinated and getting hot herself. What a wicked game. She supposed the game was supposed to be played with girlfriends, not moms, but watching Marie produced the same effect. Although Lori knew she should step forward and stop the game, she couldn't bring herself to do it. They were all having a good time even if the room was so full of sexual electricity she thought it might produce a lightning bolt. Perhaps the joking was beginning to transform into real desire as the boys were wound tighter and tighter, as Marie pushed the envelope.

The game finished with Marie flushed, her blouse unbuttoned, her smile wide. She picked, and she was wrong again. They all laughed, those four boys with their erections still pointing, and Marie, whose breathing seemed far too fast. Lori had the idea that if Marie was as wet as Lori was, Marie would have soaked panties. So, the next game seemed inevitable.

The blindfold was put back in place, but Marie didn't sit on the chair. Bobby did, and as he stroked himself, Ricky pulled down Marie's panties and hiked up her short skirt. Then, she straddled Bobby, helped him insert his shaft, and rode him up and down. She was performing the ultimate test to find Todd, fucking them.

From her vantage point, the entire scene seemed incredibly bizarre. Marie, blindfolded, rode up and down on Bobby's rod while he played with her bare breasts. She looked like some kind of cowgirl breaking some wild horse as she bucked and rode and arched and humped. She was panting and pushing, and it took no time at for Bobby to grab her ass and jam her down and cum like a sailor after a year at sea. Lori could tell when it happened. It was incredibly obvious and incredibly sexy. Marie looked so hot and so ready, and the boys, well, the boys were young men-always ready.

Ricky replaced Bobby, and Marie performed again. She seemed visibly pleased by Ricky's size, and she began fucking him enthusiastically. She rode and bounced while he squeezed her breasts, nipples as hard as nuts. She was breathing hard for the few minutes it took to get him off. She slammed down, gasped, and perhaps had her own orgasm as Ricky spurted into her. At that moment, Lori felt hot and jealous. She almost leaped forward to stop the game right there. What right did Marie have fucking Ricky? Wasn't that Lori's job? But she didn't leap forward. She panted as her hand fondled her own breast and watched as Dave replaced Ricky on the now cum-fouled chair.

With Dave, it was more of the same. Marie, her skin now shiny with perspiration, mounted and rode and bounced, and this time, she added moans to the performance. And she no longer feigned any demure testing of the boy's erections in some game of choose the right one. No, she was actively fucking them, using them, wantonly slamming down on them. Squeezing them and telling them to squeeze her tits hard. It had passed beyond a game. It was a gang fuck, and Marie was more than willing to take on all comers. She used Dave like a tool, and he came hard, grunting with effort.

And that left Todd.

As Marie straddled Todd, she moaned afresh. She sank on him and rose and sank and moaned and then urged him to fuck her, to use her, to cum in her like the rest of the boys. Lori watched and grew warm as Marie danced on Todd's shaft, making it serve her. She pounded her own son while he squeezed her tits so hard Lori thought they might pop. It was wild, sexy, hot, forbidden. Marie was a gang-bang mom, taking on her son his friends for her pleasure. Lori had never seen anything like it, and she wasn't sure she ever wanted to see it again. But the last fuck didn't take long either. Marie screamed as Todd shot into her, while the others watched, fascinated and wickedly turned on. This was like no orgy they had ever seen before. This was beyond anything they had ever imagined.

Marie backed off, and Todd moved, and she grinned as she told them which one was which. To their amazement, she named them in order, and then she laughed. That was when Lori stepped forward, for Lori understood what might happen next. The blindfold would be tossed aside, and the boys were get their second wind, and Marie would be used till they were all too tired to move. Lori couldn't have that. She moved in, telling the boys to get dressed, pulling Marie aside. Enough, she told Marie and sent her upstairs. Marie might have wanted to continue the orgy, but Lori couldn't allow it. Then, she told the boys that nothing they thought had happened had happened. If anyone ever breathed a word, she would make sure their lives were hell-especially Todd and Ricky. Then, she told them to clean up the basement and get back to video games.

Upstairs, Marie was strangely calm. Dressed, she smiled as Lori entered the kitchen. "Time to go home," Marie said, "and thanks for not interrupting when you had a chance."

"Have any idea how that looked?" Lori asked.

"I can imagine. I'm going home."

"Get some sleep."

"I'll be able to now."

Lori watched until Marie's car disappeared out the drive. Then, she turned for her bedroom upstairs. For a moment, she thought about the basement, about playing her own game with the boys. But no, she couldn't do that. No, she would have to find some other way to satisfy the itch.

The music woke Lori. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and glanced at her clock-2:30-the middle of the night. She rolled out of bed and walked to the back window. Below, the boys rollicked in the pool to sound of hard rock. The lights were off, but moonlight was enough to show her they were naked, skinny-dipping. Sudden anger surged through her. Didn't they respect the neighbors? Didn't they respect her? Skinny-dipping in the middle of the night was bad enough but adding loud music? What were they thinking? Seething with justified anger, she stomped out of her room.

When she reached the pool, she immediately searched for the boom box. The big think sat on a table, and she immediately killed the sound. As she did, the boys turned to her. She marched to the edge still dressed in her panties and T-shirt.

"It's bad enough you're skinny-dipping," she hissed. "But loud music? Are you crazy?"

"We didn't turn on the lights," Ricky protested.

"People are trying to sleep. Do you want the police to catch you?"

The boys eyed her sheepishly.

"We're sorry," Todd said. "We weren't thinking."

"No, you weren't. Now, keep it down, or I'll send everyone home."

"We will, mom," Ricky promised.

Satisfied, Lori turned away, and at that moment, Dave grabbed her and tossed her into the water.

The cold water stung her, and she bobbed to the surface more perturbed than ever. Aware of how her wet shirt clung, she glared at them.

"What do you think-"

She never finished as someone grabbed her shoulders and pushed her under the water. She struggled until the hands released her and she again bobbed to the surface. Anger surged through her as she spun to face her dunker.

"What the hell-"

Hands grabbed her from behind and dunked her again. Even under the water, she could hear them laughing. When she surfaced, she immediately started for the deck, but she couldn't reach it before someone grabbed her and shoved her under again. They held her under until she thought her lungs might burst. She gasped as she surfaced, gulping air, hearing them laugh. She lunged for the side. They grabbed her. Under she went, but this time, one of them went under with her. She felt his hands running down her sides, hooking her panties, and ripping them off. She couldn't stop him. She could hardly keep from passing out. Her head popped out of the water, and she was acutely aware that her panties were gone.

"Stop!" she gasped. "Stop!"

One of them grabbed her shirt and pulled up over her head. Too weak to resist, she tried to breathe, tried to move. But they held her naked body between them. As her breathing became easier, she was aware of their nudity, her nudity. They stood all around her has her bare breasts rose and fell. By the way they held their hands, she knew they were stroking themselves.

"Look," she panted. "This is crazy. You don't want to do this. None of you. Now, back off. Let me go."

"This is just getting to be fun," Ricky said.

They moved closer, and she felt their shafts rubbing her under the water. Behind, on the sides, in front, she was surrounded by hard teen cocks.

"This is wrong," she said. "This will get you all in trouble."

"I don't think so," Ricky said. "I think you came down here for this."

They moved closer, a rod slipping along her ass, one rubbing her bare slit. Hands grabbed her breasts and squeezed. She was helpless, overwhelmed. They were going to take her.