All Comments on 'Law of the Heart: Consequential...Ch. 03'

by capecodmercury

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wetapapwetapapalmost 19 years ago

enough said.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Well Done

YOu did an excellent job of bringing things to a head, though perhaps you could have got there a bit quicker.

It was a very good job of portraying his emotions, though his wife could have understood more quickly the hurt she caused him.

All said, a well thought out story.

andrew peters

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Headhunter appreciates your ending

Great Job! Excellent writing and you remained true to the characters! Thanks!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

You fucked up a fucked up story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
HeadHunter speaks of himself in the third person!

HH thinks HH is pretty cool guy and people love to finish HH's unfinished work while HH tells everyone HH is a cool guy. Why can't HH finish his own shit and let Codpiece find a crotch someplace?

noone269noone269almost 19 years ago
Great Story!

I enjoyed this chapter immensely. You showed the emotional turmoil Jake went through very well, and Jill's confusion and singlemindedness expertly. I think you made Jill a little dense, but she got the picture eventually. I wouldn't mind seeing another chapter since, Sally's motivations are still not crystal clear. Other than the fact that she likes to watch a seduction, it's still not clear why she went to such lengths to convince Jill that Jake wanted to see her with other men.

Also Jill has to deal with the consequences of the perceptions at the party. How will her classmates look at her? How will they look at Jake?

phoenix764phoenix764almost 19 years ago

A decent story, but I think both endings so far don't take the logical route: that she did commit addultery, and it destroyed the marriage. I'm still waiting for that story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Truly Well Done (So Far)

I confess to being a strong critic and felt that it didn't seem possible to explain credibly her actions and his reactions or understand them satisfactorily. However! Very deep and possible as you concieved and delivered in detail a thoughtful delima two people could have wrought through misunderstanding, anger, frustration and most of all a lack of communications (or so it now appears).

Very introspective and analitically delivered - I am further impressed with your abilities beneath the story. The insight to the possibilities of human frailty and the emotions generated by misunderstandings and others malacious intentions. The contemplations, the interrelated actions and reactions, the imagination to concieve and the ability to deliver a very well written event is appreciated. Only your diligence, discipline and a charted plot path allowed this to happen with the credibility I feared was not possible. Well done author.

If you continue this (and I'm not sure I would)it will be difficult momentumwise as all that is left is how they work it out and some revenge on Sally and Juan. Unless - Unless one assumes there isn't more to unfold on the clarity of her true but unknown actions. If there really was an infidelity, it occured before he arrived and her subsequent actions before him were to see if he wanted to be openly cuckolded.

Thanks author - with high Regard

Kanga40Kanga40almost 19 years ago
Much better than Chapter 2

You stareted out with a very plausible reason for her behaviour, but I think you blew it.

Why do the female characters always have to be either stupid or scheming to get their friends into trouble?

And, why is it always the husband's fault? "You don't dance with me like you used to" What a load of shit excuse for going off with another man. Then the husband, who started out with a bit of backbone at the start of the story dissolves into a blob of jelly and believes it IS his fault.

You now have the story at the stage where I couldn't care less whether she cheated or not, and the poor limp dicked husband accepts all her crap about it being his fault. Who is there in this story to side with or care about?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

I'm almost at a loss for words.....almost. Vapid, insipid, inane, asinine, pseudo-moralistic claptrap and verbose as well. Moreover, there was nothing remotely erotic in the story. All in all, a real waste of words.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
it wasn't bad, but it isn't great

i find this alternate about the same in weakness as the first ending HH has so far written. i have read worse, but it could be better.

both you and HH made Jake a bit weak as the story went on, but at least your husband tried to confront his wife in the act.

the twist was a bit far fetched, but since she didn't cheat her faithfulness also made the husbands weakening a bit more acceptable, even if she was stupid.

a really sad story would have been one where he left her and did not confront, and she stayed faithful while no one, not even husband, believed her.....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
CONSEQUENTIAL? really mean ..."INSEQUENTIAL" don't cha...Sheesh....the defelection on the reflection was all Sally's fault. Garbaaage!!! "nuff said.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
The author is a Moron

this is arguably the 4 stupidest sentances ever written .,..

Strangely enough, now, more than ever, I felt that I knew Jill and could trust her. Deep in my heart I knew that she would never have acted like she did if I hadn't been there. Somehow, even after seeing how she had acted, I had regained my confidence in her. Even if she had acted without thought, I knew she had acted with love.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Good Ending and here's why

The original story by headhunter envisioned this passive Jake whose inactivity drove most readers up the wall. Very few guys are going to stand in the shadows and let some jerk---I envision him as Jose Canseco---blatantly hit on his wife like that. HH's story direction would have ended as soon as the boat docked. How could Jake be such a pisshead and hang in the shadows? How could no one recognize him?

This author took the crappy circumstances of the original story, arrived at a different ending and made it as plausible as he could given the hole HH dug in the plot. I'm glad Jake and Jill are somewhat reconciled but they better get their act together. I think Jake is just as much to blame for being such a---hate to say it---wimp.

And suppose he punched Juan--sure Jake would have been beaten to a pulp, given the physical condition HH put him in but he would go down defending his wife, her honor, his honor, none of this imbecilic masochistic stand at the fringes observing and having your heart gnawed out---here as much by his own imagination as by Jill's behavior.

HH's story is different but I think this writer did an admirable job.

For the critic that got sick on the 4 lines----I got sick about Jake's damn passivity in the original---and let's get plots with ingenuity. Divorce and lawyers are the natural outcome & to be expected but if the plot turns a different way---not the wimp crap, that's no solution---that's death by stupidity----let's see how creative a writer can be by variations and new takes on a very predictable genre.

Hey, we are talking fiction---not reality---and I doubt if there are many basketcase Jake's out there who would not at least fight for their wife and marriage. Maybe they wouldn't win but they wouldn't just be a fly with clipped wings stuck to the all.

These stories are a metaphor in a way for castration---Jake in the original story was psychologically and socially castrated. Here he has a fighting chance to have a good life with his wife. Bravo to this writer. Not a perfect finish but the original dug such a deep hole.

gizzmo301gizzmo301almost 19 years ago

Good finish, I still see a problem with this ending, the trust is gone and she did commint adultry. I think there is still issues and this marriage still had a long way to go to be healthy

gizzmo301gizzmo301almost 19 years ago

Good finish, I still see a problem with this ending, the trust is gone and she did commint adultry. I think there is still issues and this marriage still had a long way to go to be healthy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
In the real world....

....there would have been screaming and crying and name calling and divorce lawyers and blood and guts.

Jake acted closer to normal then Jill.

Jill was way more wrong than Jake.

ChagrinedChagrinedalmost 19 years ago
Close but still no cigar

The writing droned on. You said in 5 paragraphs what you could have said in 5 sentences. With all the editorial help available (althought it must be said a few "editors" wouldn't know redaction from a broke dick dog) that people don'tmake more use of them.

Honestly, I just couldn't follow the story. Did he? Did she? Will Hector or Juan? and in the final act, who really gave a shit? By this chapter I was hoping that he would shoot her or she would shoot him or someone would shoot me for having read the thing.

A lot has been said about the Headhunters original main character who pretty much never did anything, but that is kinda his trademark story. Well, this fellow didn't do much either. And we all know that if he hadn't shown up, Jill would have been swabbing Hectors knob and marathon fucking good ol' Juan... this crap of her suddenly realizing what jeapardy she and here marriage had been in is sooooo trite.

So I give it a 2/4.. The author could (and should) have added a bit more action and drama. Page after page of dull banter gets a bit wearing..(phew!)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
2 unbelievable details

She tried to catch his eye dozens of times and he never noticed. She's looking meaningfully at him and he's doing what, being brain dead?

She sees his poker face look and couldn't tell if it meant he was having the time of his life watching her about to cheat. Has she never seen his face before? Is poker face how he looks when he's achieved his fondest dream?

Sorry, neither is remotely believable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Better than HHT's ending

Just wanted to leave you a short note. I have enjoyed this ending MUCH more than HHT's. I too believe there is more to the story based on how you laid out the plot. I think you did a very good job in making her story fit his observations, but some areas were a little weak. I am curious if you plan to take this story any further?



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Nice sequel

Given the incredibly stupid,wimp that you inherited as a lead character in Dumbo Jake, you have done a good job in trying to bring this story to a reasonable conclusion. The only objection I would ,make is that in HH's original story Jill was portrayed as a brilliant personable, charming woman admired by everyone. In your sequel, Jill,at times , seems almost as dumb as Jake.She says Juan is a snake that no one trusts,yet she joins him on his boat knowing he is out to seduce her, then dances with him all evening and finally invites him back to her room. This is a brilliant woman who loves her husband? In your sequel, she seems almost as dumb as Jake. Maybe they deserve each other. 60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Good story.......BUT!

I don't buy all her answers. If this was what happened for ral and I was her husband I would be very worried. There are just way to many holes in the story. She wanted to fuck the twins and her husband should realized she might have just done it on the boat and other times when her freiends weren't around. I would be watching her closely!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
The story points to infidelity !!!

Nice job, considering the material you had to work with.

However, I am not totally convinced that Jill was innocent.

The story points to infidelity, the question is when did it occur?

I hope you continue with your version keeping that in mind.

Thanks for a good read. Don't stop now author.

DG HearDG Hearalmost 19 years ago
Pretty good!

I would have liked for you to just have changed the ending but you started before the infidility.

I have to say from where you started you are doing an excellent job. Waiting to see what happens to the brothers and Sally if anything.

Jake's story is pretty believeable but Jill's really makes me wonder. If she is a smart lawyer and has all this intelligence why would she even listen to Sally. How did she get dumbed so easily. If he was a voyeur, whould she start having sex in front of him? I think not if she was a proper mother and housewife. But, if she wanted an affair or to have sex with others she would have used this as an excuse. Can't think that most women are like that. There is a real world beyond the sex. Jill has done way more then most married women who are faithful would do.

Again, you are making a good story. Kudo's to you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Hate It

Write your own stories, don't fuck someone else's up! You made Jake a pussy, her excuses were stupid an inexcusable and you had Jake over analyze the shit out of everything. At the very start we were told he hated the Mendoza's, she should have stayed away from them if she loved him. I'd put a pillow over her lying face after she fell asleep until she quit breathing and then go after the Mendoza's. It's obvious she will eventually cheat At least I can look for your name and avoid anything you write in the future

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Nice try

The story did flow smoothly. However, the story could have been told in two parts. I did enjoy the alternate ending

simply because it is not obvious.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
I AGEE WITH Gold Coast

However he spelt it wrong...It should have been "INCONSEQUENTIAL"...and to blame poor Sally...this guy is bang if my wife hung out with an old beau among my friends without me present..or even if she knew I was present...that is an all time low blow....she should have fucked him...she did before diff..She got as much shit from Jake as if she why not do the nasty....that way while you're crying in your sleep you can still feel Juan's throbbing cock going in and out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Better than original

This alternate ending is much far... than the original...still many questions...not sure of Jill's intentions yet though...still think there is more going on with Juan than she is willing to admit...a strange animalistic attraction perhaps.

Good Job...BETTER than original, I hate the actual cheating

Nightowl22Nightowl22almost 19 years ago
Would I believe her?

No, I wouldn't. My eyes tell me more!

How come she looks at Jake so much [according to her] and he doesn't notice it??

With all the hot time stuff she was doing her explanation is just not explaining it all away.

She could easily have said something to him, or waved, at any time [IF she knew he was watching].

Why was she fearful when she found out he watched her actions on the boat. She quickly recovered. If innocent why would she feel any fear? Quite obviously, she thought up her quick answer. She's good, ya gotta admit. These lawyers think on their feet.

WHAT were she and Juan talking about? Why did she jerk him into the apartment and then fight him off?? Or did she??

Nope, I don't buy her story.

I think some more digging into her story is necessary. The friends might spill some beans. Even Sally might let a few things slip!

SpykkeSpykkeover 17 years ago
Well written but convoluted and

rather unsatisfying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Fucking stupid

Do everyone a favor and DROP DEAD.You suck as a Writer and all your retarded stories a pieces of shit good only for wimpy sissies like you to wank off to.

0649d0649dover 13 years ago
too many excuses

but possibly forgivable. Some twisted notions on teaching people lessons. Bah, women!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
7 pages and counting

7 pages so far of the husband having his masculinity stripped away.

Why do these male hating writters clog up Lit with there cuck/wimp stories

saratusaratuover 12 years ago
The previous Anon,,,

Nailed it, she striped his male ego completely away and enjoyed it. I hate stories like this, and gave it a score accordingly!

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 12 years ago
this is just as bad as headhunter BS

both version are just a cuckold lovers manual, this wasn't any better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

How dare this CUNT threaten her husband ( see quotes from Jill below )! Jake needed to know if her was married to a faithful partner or a cheating WHORE .. apparently it's the later! Yes, he could have rushed in and stopped Juan/Hector but Jill would have just gone back for their cocks at a later time if she was going to cheat! So Jill decided to play the slut and throw it her husband's face. Sad thing is, she brought all of this on herself in the first place by doing things she should not have been doing. Typical CUNT wife looking to blame her selfish, whorish, actions on anyone but herself!! NEXT TIME PUT BLAME WHERE IT BELONGS CAPECODMERCURY!

"Then I saw you standing there watching us. You weren't moving; you just stood there and stared at what he was doing. It was like you were all conspiring against me. You were waiting for Juan to fuck me. Juan was arranging for Hector to fuck me. And nobody was asking me what I wanted.

"I wanted to kill him. I wanted to kill all of you. I was furious. I was tired of your games. I was tired of Juan and his games." Jill's eyes blazed. "I wanted to tell you all to leave me the fuck alone.

"I decided that it was time that I paid you all back a little. So help me God, Jake, I wanted to make you all suffer.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 12 years ago
the marriage is over-- I mean Jill is an attorney right ?

whether the wimp husband was being too aloof and analytical or not in watching JIll engage in simulated sex in front of scores of people is NOT the point.

her anger and rage at her husband is totally out of whack and in no way Justified. She is rationalizing here and it doesnt work.

whether he was there or not is 1000000000% irrelvent

she is arguing that somehow she is NOT responsible for her actions and that what everyone else -- her and her husbands friends -- will thinks about JIll and her husband is not important. In other words if he is emasculated and made to look like a wimp by her actions.... does not matter to her

marriage over

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago
if i remember corectly

when you stand up in that church and have all your friends and family there and you promise yourselves to the other and only the other, YOU DON'T NEED ANYONE TO STOP YOU EVER AGAIN! IT IS NOT HIGHSCHOOL BULLSHIT!

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20over 11 years ago

It's hard to believe that most of us have spent hundreds may be thousands through out our lives to these people who most likely could not find a fuck in a whore house.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
House manure

What a load of horse manure, the moment she went on the boat with this known horn dog she disrespected their marraige and everything she did on the boat put her more in harms way. Funny how she spent so much time topless and couldn't or wouldn't find a cover up but could find something to wear to leave the boat. Losing her wedding rings and not registering her husband at the hotel just shows where her thoughts were, she has lost all respect for her marriage and her husband. The End

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Enjoying it

You are very consistent in your writing and have not left any loose ends. Thanks for the offering.

HardFeltHardFeltabout 10 years ago
Excellent writing

That said this story is nothing short of bullshit. The bs is so deep it is hard to catch a breath. 'But honey it almost did happen!'. Aw shucks, here I thought you were all honest and everything. My how I love to be told your lies, it's so .. so invigorating to be lied to over and over!

LostOneThereLostOneThereabout 10 years ago
Still a bunch of BS

"By now, I was feeling guilty about my behavior at the Luau. Why didn't I intervene? Was I partially to blame for what happened? What character fault of mine stopped me from stepping out of the shadows? I knew I was not a voyeur; I got no sexual satisfaction out of watching Juan with my wife even though the dance was incredibly erotic. Why didn't I act?"

Spoken like a true non-alpha male wimp. He has to be the lousiest Lawyer Boston has ever seen. I've met a few lawyers over the years and I have never seen a professionally successful one that wasn't an alpha personality. This idiot couldn't talk his way out of a shoe box let alone a courtroom.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Excuses, excuses

It has nothing to do with whether he was there or not, what she THOUGHT he MIGHT want.

It has to do with the proper wa for a MARRIED woman to act, and she failed miserably.

As I mentioned elsewhere, she didn't know he was there when she went on the yacht with the know womanizers, and cavorted topless with Juan.

rightbankrightbankalmost 10 years ago
she knew he was watching

otherwise she would have done it with both of them. if he had not let himself into her room to stop her she would have done both brothers.

being an attorney, she know how to spin her position to her advantage.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Monkcalm once again advocating violence towards women?

Can't this cunt be banned from the site? I think Broken Cuckolds shouldn't be here they obviously can't handle it.

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
Still Blaming The Victim

"I couldn't help but compare it to the way you have been treating me at parties lately. Maybe if you had treated me this way more, we wouldn't be having this conversation."

Well, excuse him for being trusting, and not acting like a possessive jerk!

"I wanted to get laid in the worst way. I hate to say it, but the thought did cross my mind that if you weren't going to come in and give me what I needed, then I would let Juan give it to me. I did consider fucking Juan tonight."

So, what would have been so terrible about forgetting her stupid game, going over to him and dragging him to their room and fucking his brains out?

sinstalkersinstalkerover 8 years ago
What Karen said.....

Karen has covered everything I was thinking in each of her comments. The writing needs work also too many fragmented sentences. That being said I enjoyed the story it kept me interested to the end. Thanx for posting.

CarnilliaCarnilliaalmost 8 years ago
A bit better but still very weak and full of holes

"I couldn't help but compare it to the way you have been treating me at parties lately. Maybe if you had treated me this way more, we wouldn't be having this conversation."

That's called blameshfting and it is what all cheaters do to justify their behavior. Truth is that thre is no other reason to cheat, that the the cheater WANTS to cheat. Then of course when they are caught they look to blame others.

"I could feel his erection pushing into me and I didn't want him to stop. I liked it, at that point in time it felt right."

She cheated and she liked it.

"Jake, by that point, I couldn't believe you hadn't stopped me."

Is he her husband or her dad? Is she a faithful wife or a wild teenager? That makes no sense at all. Jake is nore responsible for her actions, SHE IS. More blameshifiting.

"Jill, we both got caught up in our preconceptions tonight. Without knowing it, we were trying to test each other. "

No, Another weak point make Jake look like a pathetic wimp. what they did IS NOT the same. She cheated, he didn't.

"I was relieved that she accepted responsibility for her actions."

When? Did she apologized? Did she showed any sign of remorse? Did she say she was wrong? Sorry I don't see any she was accepting any responsibility.

"I decided that it was time that I paid you all back a little. So help me God, Jake, I wanted to make you all suffer."

Make him suffer? For what? Not acting like her dad? If he would have stopped her, then he would never be sure if in the next trip alone she would cheat on him again. The only thing that makes sense in this story is Jake's desire to know how far his wife would reach.

"I'm glad you finally got off your ass and did something."

Another sign that she is blameshifting an not taking any responsability for her actions. She still blames him.

"Strangely enough, now, more than ever, I felt that I knew Jill and could trust her. Deep in my heart I knew that she would never have acted like she did if I hadn't been there. "

Based on what? Sorry buy there nothing in the story to support Jake's remark.

Again. Very weak.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Jill Is One Lie After Another

Jake (Yah, he is finally mentioned by name) has caught Jill in one lie after another, one contradiction after another. She harps on Jake not stopping her actions. If she was faithful, he wouldn't have to stop it. Jill had just as many opportunities to stop it that Jake did. Did I not read that Jill and Juan were in her hotel room for two hours, from 9 until 11 pm? No one can convince me, or Jake, that Jill and Juan did not have sex in her room. Jill and Juan had made it impossible for Jake to step out of the shadows and stop their very public affair without revealing to his friends his awareness that Jill, Sally and the Mendoza's had conspired and succeeded in cuckolding Jake. Once he has slept and has mulled her explanation over, his analytical mind will realize all the lies she has told and to what extent Jill has betrayed Jake.

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3over 7 years ago

Another stupid and unbelievable story where slut wife through gracious assistance of author persuades husband that her activities are his fault for not stopping her. Gag

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Slut???? Maybe, but Jake has got to be one of the most pathetic characters EVER!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

JAKE get off your fat backside and pay more attention to Jill, dance more with and why not do the salsa with her instead of watching her with lothario, make sure she is in your company more put your arm around and hold her make sure that Juan doesn't get much time with her. What she craves for and is trying to get your attention and all you do is watch. If you don't change you will lose her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Never change a good story!!! MINUS 5*!!!

Your attemt to write a good story is miserably failed!!! Your thing is only cuck crap without any sophistication!!

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 7 years ago
Another EFF the haters commment. Good job dealing with ugly material

I am more of a bat to the Mendoza's heads guy, but I can see how yuppie class folks could eff up their marriage like this. Good job Cape Cod Merc

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
2* Reallly? Piss poor Wimp character and a slut wife

Bullshit story. I hope their plane home crashes on top of the Mendozas.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Ha ha ha!!! Idiotic cuck crap!!!

How pathetic!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I still think he needs to torch the stupid bitch

if for no other reason than because she tried to foist the blame for what she was doing on him

is she some kind of spoiled brat who can't take responsibility or something?

RePhilRePhilover 6 years ago
A good read

Well woven story, great job in balancing out the antagonism.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago

"I finally realized I had to wear it" - Huh? It's going to be UNDER the sarong, what does it matter if it matches the new top or not?

"Damn it, I wanted you with me so I could talk to you." - So forget the stupid games and go over to him!

"If I had known that you were upset at how I was dancing, I would have stopped immediately." - She's a married woman, doing a suggestive dance, knowing that her husband is watching. She doesn't think that it's inappropriate regardless of how upset he is?

"I couldn't believe you hadn't stopped me" - Why should he have to stop her? What if he wasn't there, would/could she stop herself? How many times have we seen husbands try to interfere, and are told that she can handle things herself?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Should have finished his talk with the slut and walked out and dumped her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

SERIOUSLY???!!!! She was right....and so was a point! "Why didn't I intervene?" Because HE'S A PUSSY! He said, "analysis without action is mere mental masturbation." He must have had multiple "mental orgasms" for all the analysis and inaction he went through! His over-analysis of events and not react is only an excuse for his BEING A WIMP! Then he tries to turn it on her by asking her if she thought about everyone watching her and what they thought!

She certainly was wrong to act like a slut but he surely was wrong not to let her know immediately that he was there. Oh, and after the little escapade on the boat, when It docked, he should have decked Juan! Then it would have been over....but wouldn't have this POS story!

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Why do your female.characters always cry that their husbands should have stopped their slurry behavior? Why can't they stop themselves? Jill deserves much more grief than a little crying. Net Jakie will enact some murderous payback on Juan.

johnadpjohnadpover 5 years ago
One Thing I Don't Get

I'm buying her story, so not sure if there was a reason for this from the original story, if this was a mistake by the author, or if this is a big clue that her story is not true and she had been with Juan the night before. In the room she tells Juan to go get dressed and then they could talk. How did Juan have his clothes there in the room? It's possible I guess when they left the hot tub he had additional clothes besides swim suit on the side and he brough that in the room with him, but this wasn't mentioned in the story. And she wouldn't have allowed him to get undressed when they got in the room. So I wondered about that part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Rationalizations. Shes co equal and responsible for her actions.

The whole point is that he can't be there always and the situation was her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Just another heartless lying CUNT and a sissy loser husband

steaming pile of shit!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
why not stop her?

He was testing her, thats why. He should have told her that if he stopped her he would never know if she would do it again. If he say her stop it herself then he would know he could trust.

Why he doesn't say that is beyond me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Very frustrating

Both stupid idiots that deserve each other.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 4 years ago
Can't redeem Jill

An ok attempt but it falls way too short.

Jill's behavior was all on her and there is also no way she could have seen her husband as much as is claimed without him knowing.

Jill is a stupid cunt that cannot be saved by all the writing gymnastics in the world.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Didnt like this

"Even when she acted out of thought, I knew she acted out love", this statement was just stupid and just showed how much of a wimpy fool the husband is. Both were stubborn idiots and even though I believe they deserve eachother, I was still hoping he would grow a backbone and dump her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Not believable

The performance of the husband was that of a wimp. The behavior of the wife was typical of a slut. I sincerely doubt that she would have been aware of her husband being in the vicinity. If indeed she did her performance was clearly the preliminary to going with her old boyfriend. The thought is as wrong as the action.

racfguyracfguyalmost 4 years ago
A common theme

Wife is looking to cheat. Starts acting like a slut. Gets caught & called on her behavior.

Slut wife turns it back on husband, trying to blame him for her actions.

Sad, really sad.

AlericAlericover 3 years ago
All bullshit aside

This was a pretty honest look at a very difficult conversation. Well done capecodmercury.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

So he takes partial blame for her almost cheating. I really can't see that at all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A Preposterous RAAC.

One of the most offensive and cuckish plot strategies for reconciliation in an LW story is the "blame spreading" trope. As soon as the husband is written as thinking, " I knew that I bore some of the burden for tonight's fiasco." I knew where this festering carbuncle of a story was headed- a contemptible RAAC.

Not only was Jill's explanation generally not credible, if one were to take it at face value it would be clear that she is unfit to be a wife because of her sheer stupidity and disrespect for her husband. While I would have blown the whistle on her long before the MC did because her behavior was, in fact, cheating that hadn't quite escalated to fucking, I can see a husband wanting to know just how far she was going to take things. After all, if trust is an issue for spouses of adulterers, then I suppose some husbands would want to know just how untrustworthy the wife is.

In any event, a normal husband would have confronted Jill when she got off the boat. The scene would go something like this:

I was in a rage as I watched her get off the boat. Oddly, though, it was cold...icy...and controlled.

As she walked by I stepped up to her, and in a flat, even tone of voice said, "Hello, Jill. Surprised to see me? I'm sure you are. So, I'll make this simple. No rings; no top; no marriage. Goodbye."

amygdalaamygdalaover 3 years ago

She whored herself out in front of her peers and why is the husband allowing her to still be friends with that viper Sally?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I hope the author dies of AIDS!

WargamerWargameralmost 3 years ago

He is a wimp and a budding cuck.

Jill is a cheating whore in the making.

They are toxic.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 3 years ago

BEST treatment of this story yet. Both of them learned, as do people who STAY married, even through the inevitable storms and trials! 5/5!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Convoluted, intricate...still swirling. A tangled web full of consequential things. At the center a female lawyer pulling the strings. Is there a place for hubby there or is he prey? He went back in when he was almost away. What is his fate after they mate?


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 3 years ago


About time she got with the program.

AlanDavidAlanDavidover 1 year ago

Jake is a insecure & immature small minded wimp. He was afraid to show himself because he knew he wasn’t in the same league as Juan & his brother. Standing around and perving on your wife for 24 hours is as big of a wimp and insecure person Jake could have showed himself to be. Then he interrogated her after he found them just talking in her room, that just brings out all of his insecurities. It’s not clear how to diagnose Jake, since his insecurities did the interrogation that evening. Did he think Juan was superior to him, Of course he did. Juan also had a better body, most likely a bigger pecker too. So Jake drove Jill crazy due to his own insecurities. Jake needs a shrink, or a Dom. His inaction caused his own doubts. Jake’s the loser here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Still no clue why Jake did not intervene. Either during thr end stages of the dance or certainly thr hot tub, preferably earlier. With? Always better to prevent a forest fire and talk it out. If you are worried about her cheating later, then hire a PI. What was the logical down side of him intervening, even if he was maybe wrong about her intentions. It is a normal emotional response. Holding back only has one great outcome and everything else is a nightmare. Worst case if he intervenes is she gets pissed and they argue, and she spouts garbage like "you don't own me" etc. If it gets bad demand counseling or hire the PI. But at least talk about it and maybe snuff a building flame from becoming a destructive fire.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Is she an adult?!? Does she have agency? She kept saying that she was waiting for him to intervene. He’s her husband, not her father! This is all on her. If a woman won’t be accountable for her choices, then she doesn’t deserve to be a wife and mother.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I think what everyone misses here is that OP was FINISHING a story with some shitty plotlines and characters he was dealt. The husband's behavior, as written, was the simpering, milquetoast beta-boy that wifey and Sally believed was his "true nature." OP has cleverly and credibly dug MC out of that hole and placed the blame on the impulsive wife and crazy friend. Capiche? You people...

The John Yossarian

xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

Give me a break your trying to make the husband out to be less of a Pussy but seriously it didn't fucking work. Seriously this story died because the author is trying to be smarter than they actually are🤓

NonSequitourNonSequitourover 1 year ago

Circular, claptrap, soap opera dialog/logic. "I wouldn't sleep with Juan if you paid me." "But I was pissed at you and I was horny so I considered it." Yeah right.,

BigfundrewBigfundrew12 months ago

I call shenanigans.

Had the MC intervened, he would have Ethan been accused of being controlling and not trusting his oh so very trustworthy wife. The admission that it was all intentional manipulation to FORCE him to act are signs of a fucked up view of love, marriage, fidelity. Etc etc etc etc etc

She literally explained that ALL her actions were his fault. Hows that work?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Deep consideration of how things can go when a couple does not practice communication well. Wifey's friend had more influence than dear hubby did, but only due to lapsed effort at communications.

Two people caught in an analytical spiral with questionable input from others....

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Because drinking alcohol leads to good decision making... Right... It's just the first of the bad decisions of the night.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Husband is an insufferable, navel gazing pussy. Basically, he was willing to watch his wife get seduced right in front of him and their friends as part of his analysis? Really? . She should have fucked Juan right in front of the passive douche. She should go find a real man; Juan’s not it either. I’m not a knuckle dragger, but I wouldn’t watch my wife snd some dude for 50 seconds, let alone an entire day. No wonder the wife was wondering about his “cuckness.” She’s hot and he’s a pussy.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

“. . . . . and I’m glad you finally got off your ass and did something.” Not the words a wife should ever have to say to a real man/husband. This hubby is a putz if ever there was one. She should dump his overly-analytical lame ass self.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Sorry but I feel the husband was watching to see how his wife would behave. She saw him and did not remind her she was married. No she just let herself get absorbed into what the others were doing. When she noticed her husband it should have been a shot in the arm to start acting like she was married and not there for herself. Why she he have to fight for their marriage when her actions says she does not care. He could have ley her stray and then divorced her and she would say "Why didn't you stop me", no she should have been in control of what she was doing even if he did what her to sleep around. No she is not to be trusted on several issues including Sally. Lastly I wonder what she would have done if her husband was not there?

DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah3 months ago

I found this to be an interesting examination of psychological elements and dynamics in a relationship. Both partners had plausible explanations for their motivations. The interplay of their viewpoints was a recipe for disaster. Each new action (or lack of) added fuel to the fire. A dangerous duel indeed. Both partners had their flaws; Jill for her impulsiveness and Jake for his over analysis. They skirted the precipice for quite some time.

More interesting was the couples’ completely different interpretation of the same situation. Until we master telepathy we should keep working on improving communication I suppose. Regardless of the truth of the “psycho-babble” contained in this story, until the partners share their views, they will remain a mystery.

Most interesting, at least to me, are the comments following this story. Many contain more than a grain of truth and the description of Jake as being a navel-gazer is apt. He claims that even with his analytical skills, he still doesn’t know why he does it. Nice try. He’s most likely a weed head.

Thank you, capecodmercury. This story is one of my favorites. Crack on.

AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

Pwhahahaha! I can definitely see how this story appeals to all the cucks out there and spineless RAAC lovers. I’ll give this one star because the rationalizations by both spouses was laughable and detracted from the story. What man would let his wife off the hook so easily for her horrendous behavior? Jake admits he is humiliated and disgusted by his wife’s behavior and was ready to end the marriage until she produced one of the most idiotic rationalizations ever heard. Then Jake was like, okay, let’s just go to sleep. Pwahahahahaha. Capecodmercury… you soooo funny! Pawhahahaha. Looks like this piece could be your foray into Humor & Satire stories.

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