All Comments on 'Looking Right At It Ch. 02'

by ohio

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Blue88Blue88over 18 years ago
Nicely done

The story is continuing well. The danger is getting too bogged down in the trauma of trying to reconcile. Alan's pain is obvious and understandable. His inability to have sex with Julie is also understandable. So we have two possible conclusions; Alan overcomes the sexual barrier, or he moves on. I don't think that they can continue living together as "friends."

PArebelPArebelover 18 years ago
Agree with Blue88

Very Nice! Please don't make us wait for the conclusion.

Blue is right there are only two ways to go. Alan can get past his perfectly understandable issues (maybe with therapy himself) or he doesn't.

If he doesn't there is only one avenue left.

I look forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
it's about time

you were punishing the readers along with the wife, not really good.

I like the story, waiting for part III tonight.

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
very nice read,

good insight and fantastic handling of the situation. I liked the two month separation without contact.

The offer of oral sex plus trying a lot of new things leaves me a little cold inside. It doesn’t come across as an act of love, but more a payoff to achieve appeasement.

I see it a lot in the cheating wife stories, but always leaves a big unanswered void of why? If it was just sex, why was she willing to do these things with a stranger that she wasn’t willing to do with the person she loved and trusted?

The bigger question, why is she willing to do those things with her husband now? What changed in her love for him after twenty years that now caused her to desire those things with him?

I don’t get the impression her husband turns her on or that she really desires to do these things with him. It’s seems more of a case she is sorry he saw her doing these acts with someone who she did desire, but to make their marriage work, she’ll do them with him.

Good story though, am truly enjoying the read and looking forward to part three. A fan always.

DoctorWyldcardDoctorWyldcardover 18 years ago
I agree....

Great writing only problem was the WAIT.

Now I also agree with wetapap's assessment of this situation. She was attracted to her lover, not her husband.

How do we know this? She turned other older men down ... until the 'stud' arrived. AND did anyone pick up her comments on his new physical build? Like she was suddenly becomeing aware of HIM?

Thing is ... I don't think she even notices that she is so...shallow that she NOW wants her husband more since he lost a bit of weight and what not after 20 years, than she did during the marrage, early on or at any time.

All she knows is that the man she loves is slipping through her fingers becouse of what SHE did. And she instinctively knows that if they don't restart their sex life...he WILL move on.

But this is something that the wife risks when she fools around. By having sex with another, she is striking at the basic 'manhood' of her husband.

While some men become obsessed with 'reclaiming' their spouce... some feel that they will never measure up. Some 'know' that have been judged as lovers and mates and found lacking...even if just for a short while.

Now more experts will tell you that women USUALLY have affairs emotionally and show it physically. BUT men think on the physical level first.

Just look at the questions that each side asks when they find the other cheating.

The woman usually will ask : do you love her?

The man will ask : Was he better than me?

Now this husband has to forever in HIS mind compeate with a stud half his age. And he knows that is a losing war. Can he get past his fears and move on? Does he want to?

Does she really want to be with him...or is she 'making a sacrifice' for the marrage to stay with the man she LOVES but doesn't lust for?

Is that fair to him? Will she 'put out' for a few months or a year or so, then slowly fall back into her "oh well...oh HE'S cute! No honey we don't do THAT." ways?

I personally think that he needs to go to a counciler...if for nothing else but to et his head on straight so he doesn't bring major baggage to his NEXT relationship.

Can they survive? Well hopefully ohio isn't pulling our chain and he gives us the last chapter soon.

romaq7705romaq7705over 18 years ago
what for??

great writing!

2 months.. tomorrow. it doesn't matter. we all know where this thing is going. the couple will reconcile. despite what the wife did they will reconcile!

ohio is a "reconcile despite all odds" author. take a look at ALL his cheating wives stories. read all 10 chapters of "the accident" and you'll know what i'm talking about.

as risq says, love is blind but never deaf and dumb.

oh well...

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
move on or get over it,stop conplaining

he sound like a bitch,whining about what be honest he could have took care of business better some of this wouldn't take two to fuck up,if he was a man he would be kicking bobby ass right now.bobby new she was married and he went after her in the hubby bed at that.yes she was a old vain stupid woman,but they need more love than young vain stupid women.what is hubby going to do about bobby.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Why Comment Before Conclusion?

Constructively - not because it will affect this story as it's in the can - fini. If we can be objective and if the writer has an open mind what we ponder may have an effect on this or another writer down the road - at least thats the hope - for consideration of change or improvement at least in our mind.

On a broad scale of measure - this writer writes nearly as well as the best - the talent is very strong - the imagination and diligence is commendable - the growth in the deliberate planning of the plot path is exceptional - his introspection & written musing is very lifelike for most of us in this circumstance.

It is easy to say all these things to this point in this story as it is fair and accurate to my way of thinking and I had a cheating wife at 19 years of marriage. The key words are "to this point". The rest is either credible and respectful and believable and not contorted to force against the flow of normal life circumstance for normal average reasonable people or it isn't an acceptable variation of reality with a chance of being reflective of life.

So in that vein, lets look at the writers words of what happened and try to understand the imposed hurdles he created for these two spouses attempting to reconcile.

The hurdles in significence: She greviously broke their marital agreement and trusting respect plus deeply offended his manhood as her exclusive lover (#1 more than once - no oops here - fully planned and executed very selfishly // #2 Invited another's cock into his marital bed - absolutely in his face without a miniscule scinter of any respect whatsoever // #3 Came multiple times due to hubby excluded acts of varied position, eating her out and a blowjob - all these denied him previously!!!

Also, while she is going through some counciling he hasn't had a thought of same - yet!

Each of these in a recorded replayable form have created a formidable mountain without too many reasonable paths for a meaningful worthwhile rejoining. This is the writer self imposed obstacle out of which comes credibiity or lack there of.

Author - you and your talents are apreciated so far and we await your considered conclusion Thanks - with high Regard

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 18 years ago
Great writing as always

I have to take my hat off to “Wetapap and DoctorWyldcard,” they sure brought up my concerns so very well.

I also will bring up what “KOLKORE” wrote in his comments after chapter 1:

“I would be very grateful if you don’t join the new trend which I would call the “I don’t know and I don’t care” trend. According to this trend, the main characters do not know and do not care to learn why anything went wrong in their relationships. Presumably they just want to fix (or end) every thing first without understanding why anything happened. They try to do so by variety of temporary or permanent punitive or corrective measures.”

Now she tell Alan that she has no excuse or reason for what she did:

Again, Alan," she said seriously, "none of this is an excuse. I HAVE no excuse. But the last thing I want to say is something Darlene talked to me about. Sometimes a person—even a person who knows better—does something really, really stupid. Or really, really bad. It's not logical, it doesn't make any sense, but they do it."

The one thing she fails to mention is the most important thing the therapist would continue to delve into. It would be what was she thinking about and feeling about her husband and herself while she was doing all the planning and the actual cheating and then awaiting the next day or the next.

This is the basis of finding out where her state of mind was and this would lead to her understanding the motives of her actions. Was she giddy, fearful, apprehensive, enthralled, and devastated and at what times.

People do stupid things, but there is a feeling and reasoning in the mind that makes it not stupid when they do it. That’s what she is not letting on.

Accidents happen? There are no real accidents just badly planned moves.

I’m sorry for going on but this woman is not telling him or possibly even herself all the truth. She is self-consumed and I don’t see her finding that out about her self. She just wants to make it all go away in her own stile and that means she still wants everything her way. She will sacrifice for now to get what she has always had and that’s her way all the time. She is totally controlling, it’s who she is and it will always be her way and personality.

I cannot see any hope of a lasting reconciliation as long as she hides from who she really is.

Please forgive my longwinded tirade (I obviously have too much time on my hands of late). I just find her excuses not at all supported by any credible therapist.

You do write so well and stir up such well-meaning comments.

Thanks for the wonderful story

kydreamrkydreamrover 18 years ago
The problem of being an older husband

In most men's minds the worst picture comes down to competeing with a younger man's physical potential. Around 40 most men are in their waning years sexually, prostate trouble leading to impotency is becoming a very real threat, generally the older guys don't have the stamina anymore, and after so many years together there's really not much new in the comfortable sex life.

As in this story, his wife's always turned down oral and anal sex, never suggested new things like roleplaying, exhibitionism, or anything beyond the familiar rut..something she seems to realize. Yes. she's put out the offer with that relatively tame sex book, but does that make up for her betrayal? Does her entire part of the conversation lend itself to restoring his trust in her?

And that lack of trust is probably going to be the main dealbreaker, in my opinion. If you can't trust your partner in life, you really don't have a marriage, you have a live in friend with benefits (if these two ever get back together sexually. He's got to get some professional help getting those imagers out of his mind. They won't go away on their own, speaking from my personal expereince here)

It's not just a lack of trust in truth, she has a negative value in that department now. So I hope the author has a honest and real path to restoring that trust, both in the short term when they're trying to reconcile, and in the long term, which is the most important goal for both of them.

My thoughts anyway

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Well Done ! ! !

The story is great and the content is great with the way it is going. However, Allan cannot get over Jeni's cheating ways with Bobby and I don't blame him one bit. I am speaking from experience. They should divorce and name Bobby as the person who broke up their marriage. Jenie has broken and lost the trust of Allan, and without trust in a marriage, there is no marriage. Right now they are just roomates and Jenie should find her own place to live so Allan can get on with the rest of his life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Truly Wasted

The author has become formulaic.

He had two months to come up with an enjoyable tale and what do we get ...the same old same old. He could have spiced up the tale with added tidbits of what was going on in the couple's circle...I shall highlight this after reading the 3rd part.

There has been no mention of Julie's tarnished reputation at work, no mention of Bobby's bragging [he is 26 afterall], no mention of Julie's new work place and being hit on by the guys who know that she fools around...The whole story is isolated from everyone...but the two...and in the insurance business ...everyone knows your business.

And Julie and Bobby did not practice safe sex...and what happen to the tape...did the kids accidently hear it...LOL

Risq_001Risq_001over 18 years ago




I'm at a loss on what to think here.

On one hand its a really good story. I mean you did a fantastic job of pointing out the "Whys" behind the reasoning of why the husband was upset about his wife cheating on him, the the real depth of emotions into the husband's feelings, and what the wife took from the relationship and out of the husband. You didn't let a couple of nights of seeing his wife in her nighty "Instantly" cause the husband to run back to her, wiping out everything he felt from the cheating, because of the insane lust he must be feeling for her after depriving himself of the sex that she obviously had found elsewhere.

But on the other side of that coin, I see what romaq was saying too. You seem to be laying the ground work for a reconcile story. I mean the bricks are already here. It seems to start late with the husbands side of the story. I mean everything from allowing the husband to be seen as desirable to younger females (covering one of my major complaints with reconcile stories), the wife seeing how it must have felt from the husbands side, a magic bullet called therapy to assist in seeing why she was wrong, the wife willing to wait till the husband gets over his anger - just gently proding him to see her as more than just her boyfriends sex toy, all leading up to having the wife offer to now "exclusively" do all things for the husband that she should have been doing all along, and a few more, that she had previously done for the boyfriend. Lots of ground work.

So while I have to say story 2 was the single best story I've read on the true meaning of the pain of what someone who has been cheated on feels in a long time, it does seem to walk the reconcile path.

While normally I do like to see a couple pull through, but only if makes sense and is done well. But I can't honestly see how after having a wife that refuses to do things of a sexual nature that her husband wanted her to try with him for almost 22 years, only is intrested in trying them with the husband "after" she has first seduces, and does them with a new lover, who teachs her how "he" likes it done, and now she wants to share this new knowledge with her husband? Even after he begged for years for her to do it with him, he is able to set aside the disappointment and hurt of the how and where she learned these new skills, never to think about it ever again, and go forward doing these things with her now? I can't see how any person can really not let that bother them or cross their mind ever again when they tried for years to be the only one to do this with someone they loved. Or even continuing to let the wife go on about how she can seperated out the difference of how love and sex can be seen as different from the view point of a married woman? There seems to be a bigger hole than one would expect to be glossed over by sticking them back together after a short break.

But I'll wait to see how you sew it up in part 3.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
What a conundrum


You aren't going to make this story easy. I think I know where it's going to head but I have no idea how it'll end. The problem is that she pointed out that she was at a dead end, kids gone; job done. Getting old; first smooth talker gives her wet skivvies. But you ladies never seem to talk about the other side of the coin: He's also getting old and going bald, snicker! he can't get it up six times a day and will sometimes find it's a no go. He waits for his wife's scornful comments or her laughter. Alan got his wife's scornful laughter and scorn in spades and he's not likely to forget it. His job is at a deadend and all he has to look forward to is another twenty years of drudgery at 40 hours per week, all so he can feed his family and put a roof over their heads. What a wonderful fucking reward! This from a wife who has made it plain she could give a shit about him until her rice bowl is threatened. keep it going 'cause you've got my attention. Ronnie W.

Kanga40Kanga40over 18 years ago
One big point here

We have so many commentators complaining about the possible reconciliation, and that Ohio is a 'reconciliation at all costs' author.

Both of these are valid observations.

BUT my main point of conjecture is that IF any author intends to end a cheating story with a reconciliation why do they run riot at the beginning and dig the wife into a hole so deep that a believable reconcilaition is impossible without ending up with the husband a wimp? I say 'wimp', because what man would take back a woman as evil and/or stupid as the vast majority of cheating wives authors conjure up for us?

Make the cheater's sin forgivable, then forgive it. None of us believe in miraculous redemptions for these brain dead women we virtually always see as the cheating wife.

Wise up guys, dig the hole only so deep the woman can climb out without breaking our capacity to believe your wondrous reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Worth the wait!

Yes, well perhaps. There was one small niggle for me though. Has Julie really changed? Here is the paragraph that makes me doubt she has.

"Alan—honey. What I did is awful, we both know that. The first man I . . . took in my mouth should have been you; and the first man I tried those positions with should have been you. To my dying day I will wish I could take those things back, but I can't.

'The first man’ suggest, to me, that there should or could be others.

Other than that, I look forward to tomorrow and part 3.

My best Regards

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I think you have it right


What I really really like about this story is the evolution of Julie after being caught. You really nailed the fact that most cheating spouses don't get what they have done, and if they do, it usually takes quite awhile for them to face it.

I think the level of realism in this story is excellent and I look forward to seeing how this resolves itself. I would like to see a positive resolution, but a negative one works just as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I agree with Peggytwitty...

that this is a really good story. I have not read part 3 but it is likely Alan will get over her affair and they will happy ever after. There seems to be agreement on the "smart people can do stupid things" excuse for the affair.

I liked the way that Alan could sense like many spouses who are in tune with their spouse that something is wrong. The scary part of any reconciliation with Julie is that she does not know why she seduced a young stud. She admits that she would have kept fucking him in their bed until either he moved on or when they were caught.

Julie cheated on her husband because she felt that she could get away with it. In fact while she was cheating she was trying actively to forget about her husband so that the guilt would not get in the way of her fun.

I am glad that you are allowing Alan to be desired by other women. Unless the guy is seriously flawed women are attracted to successful men. The therapy tactic was useful to get Julie to see why she was wrong but she seems to be waiting until he get over his anger - just like before to act in a manner to normalize relations. What is missing is why she finds him more desirable than any young stud. She just wants things to get back to normal. The problem is that their relationship can never be what is was before.

To be honest, Julie has demonstrated that she does not truly desire her husband as a man. Even after the first time with Bobby she only wanted to have sex with Alan to make sure that he would not suspect anything. There was even the hint of comparing her husband to her new lover sexually.

As always your writing is superb. Now on to part 3.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Minority vote

You write some wonderful stories and in many ways this is extremely well written too. My problem is that while tou have done a fine job of portraying the wife as a selfish,vain adulterous bitch you have not done a particularly fine job of making us cheer for hubby. His heartbreak and pain are well done and understandable but by the end of this chapter he is beginning to come across as a sanctimonious, pompous bully who refuses to allow his children or anyone else to discuss his problem.He becomes rather unsympatheticallly arrogant. Why don't you just have him file divorce papers and get it over with? I get the feeling he just wants wife to grovel before he throw her out. Incidentally, unless they have a strange marriage the house is normally in joint ownership so how can he throw her out? Sorry, I have daughters and sisters so I tend to sympathize with female point of view. 60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
what would the wife feel.....

if the husband have an affair w/ a 26 yr old woman?

i dont think the husband's feelings were unreasonable, i think most adulterer doesnt know how insidous an affair is to a person's psyche.

don87654don87654about 18 years ago
Good, but could be better

This story is very extensive about a sick society that believes in "adultery", whatever that is supposed to be. Since I've started it I will finish it, but the more I read it the sicker I get!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Great Writing

Thanks for the great story. Alan's a LOSER for even speaking to her, let alone letting her into his house.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

nothing needed i nearly fell asleep

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Alans right - how could a husband ever be turned on again by a wife of twenty year, after she gave her first blow job, let her pussy first be eaten , and who know what else done to her first by another man. Theis is only one possible way that Alan might take the whoreback and that is have his wife tied up is a closet or other room and make her watch eitheer in person ar by video feed as he makes love to a much younger, prettier, sexier woman than she is. Make her watch as another woma gives her husbvand his first blow job, andhsi heat the other womans pussy for the first time, and as he has anal sexwith the otherwoman. Tehn - his whorewife has to susck his sperm out of the other womans ass hole and pussy, suck his cock and balls clean of ther other womans fecesand pussy juice, and then let them both piss on her face and body to cleanse her of her adultry. Then and only then should he even consider taking the bitch back

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Love the comments

All the writers have hit the crux of the problems when there is cheating by the wife. My first wife of 10 years started cheating 35 years ago and I never got over it. I divorced her and she didn't want me to and still wants me back. I carried that loss of confidence in my sexual abilities into my second marriage to a younger and prettier woman. I was hoping to rejuvenate my confidence but had found a woman with a low sexual libido. I finally deduced that she was never sexually attracted to me. We have sex but it is not exciting for either of us. We have tried everything to make it that way and failed. We love each other in all other ways and have raised children so enough of my testimonial.

In any case I have never recovered that once proud confidence in my sexual abilities. I was getting older at the time and that didn't help either I suppose.

As far as most of these Cheating stories go...Kanga is correct. You authors dig such a deep hole for these cheating wives that it becomes much too difficult to convince readers that there could be any respect left in that wife's heart for the husband to do what she did. How pitiful must that man be to consider accepting all that and reconcile unless he is a bit broken as a man and accepts that as his future condition.

Ohio is a great author and is one of the best at convincing us readers that the wife can change and be loving, caring and respectful again. can we be convinced that all she wants now is hot sex with the man she disrespected and replaced as a lover? We all know in our hearts and minds that she could not have done what she did if she really saw him as more of a man than her secret lover. To consciously be willing to do something like betraying her husband by cheating does not indicate love or respect, or even caring. For a husband to accept all that, he has to give up his pride, ego, manhood, and accept he is less of a man.

I love Ohio's and other writers reconciliation stories because he puts in all that remorse, sadness, pain on both their parts. He uses the fact that no one wants to lose their life, their family, and all that they have counted on to be content in their world. He makes some of us believe that all that can be regained in part because the straying wife just had a moment or period of selfishness and has gotten over it forever. We hear all the excuses: She was drunk, It was just sex, She wanted to just try another cock, She was seduced,

She felt old, She felt sorry for her lover, She forgot how much she loved her husband for awhile, She was blackmailed, She was drugged the first time, whatever...

I am like Ohio and in that I like to think that a loving marriage and family can be saved. I have to attest personally that I could not remain a man of honor, pride and integrity whilst being a known cuckold to my peers, family and friends. I moved on with a younger and prettier woman and left that community. As I said above, I still did not leave as complete man... While I agree with the "kick Em to the Kurb" types, it is never that easy to move on. It wasn't that easy for me to lose everything in the divorce and start over. It is not that easy when you find that the next woman has baggage and it takes years to build an everchanging relationship again.

To this day, though I am still married to my second wife, I am not sure that I did the right thing by "Kicking My First Wife to the Kurb"! I guess I am kind of a "Wimp?"

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

I didnt realize this was posted in 06 and I read it in 11. So I will read all 3 chapters. TK U MLJ LV NV

chytownchytownover 12 years ago
The Story!!!!

Is very entertaining and well written. Damn it's good!!!!!!!! Thanks again for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
load of crap

"And I did ... things with him that I never did with you—things that you had wanted to do with me, but I refused. And it would ... have gone on, if you hadn't found out. I don't know how long, but I hadn't ended it.

the emasculated wimp still talks to the slut, pathetic! does he think he can compete with a 26 year old cock? poor fucker.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 12 years ago

Nothing new. I don't see Alan getting over the betrayal. We'll see...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

a cornhole brutally reamed, he smoked a meaty cock, betrayed!

Danger09Danger09almost 12 years ago

I don't even need to read part 3 to know he's taking her back. First off: bobby did NOT pursue her she pursued him! Bobby didn't take advantage of her, she was miffed because he wasn't flirting with her, she went upto him & asked him why wasn't he flirting with her like he flirts with the other women! She failed to mention this fact to her wimp husband, & by her own admission if he hadn't confronted her she Never would've stopped screwing bobby... I'm sorry but the bitch needs to go. She refused to do things sexually with her husband of 22 years but she didn't hesitate to share those experiences/pleasures with someone else.some marriages are not worth saving I don't give a flying fuck how long you've been married.. The total lack of respect for her husband, her family, her & her husbands home & marital bed is freaky! She set up a liaison at her home on Thursday while her husband was away, what if he came home early?! Dan would be a total moron to stay married to that type of person. She refused to suck his dick or let him hit that from the back; he didn't go out & find another freak that would be gladly to oblige him... Fuck her! Dump the dirty slut & move on

SirThopasSirThopasalmost 12 years ago
As always

Some of the most emotionally gripping work this site has to offer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Boo fucking hoo.

My wife cheated and I can't get over it. She hurt me and I can't get over it. She fucked another man and even though I put her through hell for three months, I can't over it.

Grow the fuck up! If he can't get over it, then it's because he doesn't want to. Not because of her actions but because he DOESN'T want to. He enjoys feeling like a martyr.

karan9876karan9876over 11 years ago
Cuck alert!

The way this is heading its obv the husband alan is going to be a wimp and a cuck. A cuck alert for real men. For cucks, please read it you shall love it.

RhomanovRhomanovabout 11 years ago
101 Positions for Great Sex

There's an app or that.

Android and iOS.

Chuckle ;-D

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 11 years ago
Loved it

"She told me that people don't always act logically—that sometimes even smart and reasonable people go off the track and do something crazy, or stupid, or self-destructive."

Something most of the readers on this site fail to understand.

The book of sexual positions was an excellent idea that would certainly help me get over the big stumbling block of her doing things with lover boy that she wouldn't do with me. That's huge. The book is an inventive solution. However, there doesn't seem to be any way to get past the bj thing. Why does she want to give hubby a bj? Because she enjoyed it with Bobby. Will she be thinking of Bobby each time she sucks hubby? It really is not the issue of picturing his cock in her mouth whenever she gives him a blow job - it's knowing that the techniques she uses, the things she does with her lips and tongue, were taught to her by Bobby. And he got to hear him giving her the lesson! Not sure I could get over that. There are only so many ways to suck a cock.

bobyroy69bobyroy69over 10 years ago
A story of complete betrayal

and it's headed a way that will leave anybody disgusted except the sick ones. And I'm not sick so "Looking Right At Sh(It) Ch. 03" can go to the toilet...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Not buying this.

I think i can see where this is going and I don't like it. She has no real remorse and understanding of her action until her sister and therapist call her on her attitude. She seems to be regurgitate what her therapist tells her rather than real remorse from within her. He is a better person than me if he forgives her.

Tim413Tim413about 10 years ago
Well done!!!

Our hero is a nice enough guy to make the work in the long run. My cheating ex-wife and I did not get back together. We talked about it, went to counseling, etc. but I was just so GD mad at her. Now, years later, I realize if we had gotten back together I would have verbally abused her to the point that she would have left. If my personal analysis is anywhere near accurate, this couple can make it work and the story is pretty much real world - at least for people like these characters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

He should have let her boyfriend to do her one more time get her used to anal

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
So tell me I'm not right

She goes to a 'therapist', comes back to Allen and starts parroting what she's been told and he instantly starts crumbling? Puh-lease...

She not only did it once, but twice and admitted it would have continued had she not been found out.

The old saying is perfectly true with this cunt, z cheater will ALWAYS cheat again and I see nothing about this little whore to be any different. She is contrite because her playtoy was taken away and she got booted from her sandbox.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
it is all rationalization

from the point of view of a "counselor" who's agenda is getting the couple back together.

seekerazseekerazover 9 years ago
Julie's rationalization is bullshit.

I know that these stories are fiction but within them is truth. I have gotten so tired of women who throw their partners under the bus because they didn't feel good about themselves. That is NO reason. The simple fact of the matter is that Julie shit all over her husband and still is making fucking excuses. Shame on the "counsellor" the enabler who in reality, despite claims to the contrary, is giving Julie the excuse she needs to not take responsibility that she decided to KILL her marriage.

The needs to be reconciliation and forgiveness for all of us. We all have feet of clay but until the offending party owns it and realizes that she "didn't love her husband with all her heart" or even a fraction of it and quits lying to herself there can be no healing. It's not the husbands fault for not making her feel desirable. It's her fault for not working within the marriage to be desirable. If her counsellor/therapists don't hold her feet to that fire they enable deceit and betrayal and are themselves betrayers.

Been there, done that, got the T-shirt and it's the wrong color and two sizes too small.

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanover 9 years ago
He went from

being a 30 minute 3 miler to a 34 minute 4 miler? 8.5 minutes each for the first three miles, then a 4 minute mile??? Wow!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Its a great story. You always do good work.

But from experience, nothing is less appealing than being offered a trick your wife learned from her lover.

Imagine the look on her face when she realizes that saving the marriage means never doing a b or c again. Its anguish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Women can be so dumb

When men try to score with married women, as in the case of the fictional Bobby in this story, it isn't about the woman. Nope. It's all about making a chump out of her husband. Woman, unfortunately are either too dumb to figure this out, or just don't give a damn.

A question for any women readers. What is this fascination married women have with inviting their lovers into the bed they share with there husbands? When this happens the woman is helping her lover make a chump out of her husband. If these women have so little respect for their husbands, well, there is such a thing as divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
No Way

that woman is unredeameble 22 years she never gave herself fully to her husband but did in a small amount of time to bobby!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I looked at it and read it and gave it a 5

if annony didn't like it and wrote abut it I know it would be a good story and I was right.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
By having the affair...

...AND giving Bobby something she had refused her husband for 22 years is unforgivable. Yes, unforgivable. It can never be taken away that the first time those two things happened, it was with someone else after DENYING her husband.

Shitcan the cunt and get on with your life. Otherwise, you live with those facts the rest of your lives together. And always be an obstacle between you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
looks like he has a problem

he needs to have done to him what his wife did to Bobby by another woman. Take pictures and show them to his wife so she can see in her mind what he sees in his. And dear old Bobby still needs to be punished also, Say maybe pictures of him taking a cock in his ass and mouth also. So he has some pleasant memories to live with the rest of his life also. And i still say divorce and sue him for alientation of affection and sue her former company. So they pay better attention to what goes on in their work environment from now on. He needs compensation from his wife her lover and some of that should be revenge and some in money. So chapter one got a five vote.This one gets a 3 till you make everythong right in his universe

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago

The question is whether Alan can regain his confidence sexually with his wife. Also, whether she can maintain how she feels about her older husband, having fucked a young man on his terms and loved it. Also, where is the revenge? Should he practice on a younger woman before going back to his cheating wife? Would a revenge fuck work? Damn the fucking wife blew a great life and the love of her husband. One more chapter. Will see...

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
Second time through

five stars. Dealing with the real problems that face a couple dealing with adultery.

crock45crock45about 9 years ago

What about the next time she's feeling "vulnerable", unattractive, middle aged, overweight, sad, unloved, misunderstood, etc., etc., etc? "Oh woe is me... I guess it's time to go and get fucked by another man again because of all these negative feelings. Oh woe is me!"

If he takes her back, I wish him all the luck in the world (he'll need it!), but if she does what I strongly believe she will, he's only got himself to blame. I know, I know, married over 20 years, 2 awesome kids, SO many memories but remember what he said, "I found that I can survive without you, Julie.I can handle life without you and the pain would go away even faster if I just divorced you and found someone else."

Just because a couple have been together for 20 years doesn't automatically mean that they've GOT to stay together. Ex.--- They stay together and SOMEHOW manage to hold on to the relationship... GREAT! Ex. 2--- He tries hard but just can't get the specter of Bobby out of his mind. He even goes to therapy but the years drag on and they are BOTH miserable. In that instance, one can see that a divorce is a viable option, not just for the sake of the divorce but to allow both parties relief----- she from her horrible feeling of guilt and shame and he from the agonizing pain of betrayal. She can find someone else and use the bad experience as a learning tool to NOT make the same mistake again and be a better wife to him. He, of course, can find another woman who would respect him more (yes, Julie disrespected him BIG TIME) and build new memories together.

So you see, RAAC's, you CAN choose to divorce for viable reasons and not just anger and resentment but something tells me you won't see ti that way.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Let her back in the house?

Alan's a freaking ass. This is not going to end well.

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago

“I'd only slept with Bobby twice! Surely he was going to give me another chance....” – And just how many times could Alan sleep with another woman before you’d refuse him another chance?

It’s not just sleeping with Bobby, it’s doing things she wouldn’t do with Alan, and doing them in the marriage bed!

I’m not thrilled about the fact that SHE started things with Bobby, not the other way around.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Powerful, intelligent thoughtful

Congrats. As the title says this is powerful, intelligent and thoughtful writing from one of my favourite authors Five out of five. I like how the husband doesn't explode and do crazy stuff right away. Instead he takes the time to think.

But I am curious as to whether there will be any revenge against Bobby. At the very least the husband should have gone around and looked at him frm a distance to know what he is up against.

I look forward to the final chapter. Cheers Steve

magmamanmagmamanover 8 years ago
Having been there once...

..I can say that for myself, there is no way back, no way out of the feelings. They are way too raw for some people.

I lost my 1st wife to a war, lost her while I was off fighting it. One just does not leave a healthy and somewhat oversexed 21 year old woman home alone for months and months on end. Not and expect to come home to her untouched, it is just the way of life.

Now, in my fading years, I am more tolerant and can understand the emotions far better. Had I felt back then as I do today, I might have given things another try.

Nice job with this tale,



AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Poor little cuckold, I feel for him.

But at least he told her a thing or two.

sugnasugnaover 8 years ago
Bad Person

"But one bad deed doesn't make you a bad person. It just makes you a person who did something bad. What matters more is how you deal with what you've done—how you atone for it, how you do whatever you can to make it right."

It wasn't ONE bad deed, it was many! Yes, a pattern of many bad deeds does define her personality as a "bad person"! That is the least of her problems, she was a bad wife, and this probably wasn't new. People do not change that much. She was likely a turd in other ways before she got caught cheating. Her denial certainly makes it seem that way.

rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago
you can't erase the doubt

or remove the image.

she was the one who initiated the affair. she pursued him. she sought him out.

all the "talk" is psychobabble to justify a reconciliation. and no, an affair on his part will not level the playing field, it will only make them both losers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

No matter what, those images will pop into his head for the rest of his life... maybe not every time but enough times that the bitterness of her selfish, betrayal in performing those acts on and with another man in the very same bed that she'd repeatedly refused to perform them with him will never die. She was, is and always will be a slut.

Her sister was right. She hadn't ruined his favorite shirt or banged up the car.

Tell her to pack her shit again and find a new home. Who needs that torture??

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

he's going to wimp out. useless fag...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Unexcusable. If He Takes Her Back, I Hope She Cheats With Bobby Again

For 22 YEARS she continuously turned down her husbands attempts to spice up their sex lives. But in FOUR DAYS she was eagerly doing those same things the FIRST time Bobby asked...or demanded her to. She loved Bobby far more than she will ever love her husband. Kick her out. Take the bed from master bedroom outside and burn it. Get new bed. File for divorce. Sue Bobby for Alienation of Affection. If he takes her back, he deserves to be publicly cuckolded.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Being the cheating WHORE wife APOLOGIST PIECE OF SHIT Author and closet dwelling CUCK asshole .........


Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago
Second time through....

Still five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
It started really good...

I liked your hero in chapter 1 but he appears too weak by the end of this chapter.

I like how much your heroine has worked in this chapter but am very disappointed with a lack of explanation as to why she was such a bitch in bed for 22 years to her husband but a total cock pleaser to the piece of shit she became a slut for.

That topic cannot be glossed over.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Check His Wrist!!

"Unexcusable" (sic)

It's 99% a husband thing. Due to the rather steep angle and pronation of his wrists he is probably a homo :))

No guy with balls larger than a grape would let his wife control the substance and direction of the marital sex life if she is the type that thinks a little oral sex is....yuck!! It is a sweet gesture of intimacy to your spouse and that's how hubby should be selling it.

He should have put the hammer down in year one. But he didn't and now his wife's pussy went all Super Nova, but it wasn't with him because he naively bought her modesty act. He forced hot steamy meaningful sex with her away. Now, divorce or no, he has to live with it.

Poor dipshit Hubby. He's probably still reading that old hideous hook-nosed golem Betty Friedan. He treasures the books that he had personally signed by cranky old jewesses. Stupid stupid stupid limp weenie goyboy!!

It's HIM. HE fucked up, not her. Once you man up and bring some fun and humor into the bedroom, your wife will go along willingly. She is afraid of being slut-shamed. She needs her man's help, but she will NEVER say anything to you.

As a rule, women find it extremely tedious to direct the husband's incompetency in the bedroom. She naturally needs the man to lead the marital sex life. If he doesn't, when the Super Nova event finally explodes in her pussy there is a sporting chance he won't be there to see it. Then she might as well start finding someone to tap his ass.

Really, men should just stop with the woman's lib bullshit in the bedroom. Nine out of ten you will ruin your intimacy with your wife and create way more strain in your relationship.

I read this story a couple years back and can't remember what happens. I think he fucks the cute workout chick. It might actually help his...problem...if the cutey slaps him when he wants to turn out the lights and fuck her through the hole in his boxers. It's a Mitzva!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
She wouldn't do what?

It's a little hard to believe that in the world today there are women under the age of 70 that would refuse her husband oral sex, or allow him to return the favor. I just can't imagine it, but I'm sure it happens. It will be extremely difficult now for the husband to ever enjoy her doing it, because she did it first for her lover - after her husband asked for so many years. She thought that only cheating twice would help her situation somewhat, but it actually makes it worse. How does the husband feel after being denied that particular pleasure for a couple of decades, but she does it on the first "date" with her lover? Situation looks a bit hopeless for reconciliation, but if anyone can find a way, it'll be Ohio.

And to Anonymous 07/18/16: Get some help, my friend. Sounds like you have a lot of unreasonable anger - go get some therapy and shrug that anger off your shoulders. It's a heavy burden and it sounds as if you've been carrying it for far too long. Don't you find it exhausting?

Tootight1Tootight1almost 8 years ago
good story

and it is for a number of reasons. There are still virgins out there, both male and female, either by choice, or luck of the draw. Most people have seen the religious dedication the far left and the far right have in this country and in others. On the other hand I can tell you there are still a number of 60 year old women in this country that have never had pleasure in the bed room. I'm not trying to place blame here, just make aware to some readers that not everyone is the same.

She made a mistake, why, who cares, she still loves him, he still loves her. At this point in the story, I would suggest that he get some counseling, or they both go to the same doctor. I liked the doctors words that even good people make bad decisions from time to time, and its how they handle them that give them character, and make them who they are.

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

to let your EGO involve in decisions and the future, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I have come to expect...

...better from you. For 20 years 40 yr old wife refuses to engage in oral sex then chases after guy a few years older than her son and gets right to it. Then has gall to tell husband their sex life had become routine as her justification even though she had adamantly refused his requests to experiment. Oh and her ego was hurt because she was getting older and younger guy hadn't tried hitting on her

This effort from you is stale and the RACC is unfortunately predictable

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Very Surprised

Yes, it is surprising that no one seems to realize that most of this whole thing is the husband's fault. And there really should be NO doubt about this.

How in the heck do you blame a wife for not wanting to get into "slut shame" territory? There wouldn't be ANY monogamy at all if it weren't for sexual modesty. That women here in the pious West would naturally tend to sexual conservatism shouldn't surprise anyone.

But the real surprise is that you goofballs don't realize that a man who lets his woman's natural sexual conservatism run the show in their marriage gets everything he deserves. He is more or less a squishy sissy inside and never in 20 years saying to his wife exactly what needs saying:

"Enough!!. Enough of this bullshit!! I want to bury my face in your pussy and consume you. I want to drink your sex and you are not going to do a damn thing except enjoy it."

That would have gone most of the way to either preventing this shitty situation or at least making it easier for him to just divorce her and start over.

But make no mistake about it. This man is to blame for his particularly bitter pain - that his wife gave herself to another man and experienced great hot sex that he was too weak-willed to give her himself. There really is no way out of the culpability here for him.

Obviously she cheated. But why in hell would a man be such a weiner, such a sissy and let his wife dictate their entire sex life for 20 years? It's simply unconscionable.

HE needs to step up and take responsibility for the problems he created. You can bet one thing for damn sure: That therapist won't ever figure this one out. It's not in her "gender equality" playbook.

Reap the whirlwind, Sissies!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

There have been mistakes done. But! I think her biggest mistake is going to be if she stays with this man. This man needs help bad. When my late wife confessed her one day affair it took me all of like fifteen minutes to realize I didn´t want to spend my life without her and I didn´t want my kids to suffer because our inability to keep each other sexually satisfied. I didn´t tell her then, as he was supposed to go see her the next day. Instead I encouraged her to go through with it and get it out of her system. If she did . Well there was not going to be anything left for me in this marriage. Next day I made myself scarce right before he was to get there. I went to my brothers house fifteen minutes later she was there. She couldn´t go through with it and broke it off. We were married forty six years before she died on me. I´l tell you one thing though that night we fucked as we hadn´t in the longest time. After that episode I made sure she was always satisfied in bed. It was new me and she loved it. I faced the fact that had I been more attentive to her needs she would not have been looking. But Alan needs to face the fact that he failed her as a lover and accept his part of the blame. Instead of trying to make himself to be a victim.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 7 years ago

“At the time I didn't have the slightest understanding of how deeply I had hurt you.” – I am SO tired of this excuse! I thought that women were supposed to be the more sensitive sex. How could she POSSIBLY not know how deeply it would hurt her husband even if all she did was kiss Bobby?

“sex had become pretty routine” – I TOTALLY agree with his rage here!

Okay, I can SOMEWHAT buy the “empty nest, feeling older, younger guy” bit, but how does that translate into doing things she doesn’t do with her husband? She’s been refusing oral with her husband for 20 or so years, and the FIRST time Bobby tells her to do it she just does it? She doesn’t say, “NO?”

Screw (no pun intended!) “new” positions; I would insist on daily blow jobs and naked weekends!

boatbummboatbummabout 7 years ago
"The Joy of Sex" by Alex Comfort

Is a book that should be read from cover to cover by anyone in a loving, committed relationship. It was first published in 1972 (when I was a clueless youngster, and it taught me what a clitoris was and where to find it), and has been updated a couple of times, most recently in 2008. Look for it in your local library or get it from Amazon or B&N.

I don't usually have good things to say about Anon comments, but I have to agree with one of them that Alan wimped out on pushing for more sexual experimentation in their bedroom. It's still not his fault that Julie cheated, but grow a pair for God's sake and convince her to at least TRY something different!

I've already commented about my feelings regarding oral sex in chapter 1, and I'm gonna double down here. You see, my bride of 20 years has never come from straight vaginal sex (her clit is quite small, and just doesn't get enough stimulation), but I can get her bouncing off the bed when I go down on her, and I love hearing her screams of delight when she comes. Ahhh, such sweet music to my ears....

As usual, 5* for the story!

luedonluedonabout 7 years ago
Indeed, Boatbumm, Re 'The Joy of Sex'

Like you, we used it as the maintenance manual for our early marital years. I gave it a mention in my story too.

I must now go and read Ohio's story, which I missed earlier. Any story that mentions Alex Comfort's masterpiece should be worth reading.


Ps: A few years ago I read that an updated version had been published with pictures rather than the drawings used in the original. The young girl in the bookshop looked at me strangely when a 70+ year old woman approached the counter to pay for it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
That's Quite Big Of The Pig After Her Frig

"And I said that I hoped that eventually my two times with Bobby would fade in importance, compared to the hundreds or thousands of times Alan and I had made love."

Bet he is really glad to hear that she will be working hard over the next twenty years or so to forget all of the cum-soaked sexual cataclysms she experienced with her young stud.

The thousands of hubby-fucks might actually measure up one day! Yeah, he is no doubt overjoyed to hear that. Really big of her.

Even though she is a stupid little cheater bitch, it is really her limp, soft hubby with his pink panties who could have prevented this by learning how to fuck her right. Instead, like a metrosexual who looks up to golem bedroom feminists of the day, he went along with the modesty act.

Now the prissy bastard is paying the piper.

That's gonna be great for him one day sittin' there in a rocker with his shriveled pecker at the old folks home remembering all of this. Not.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 7 years ago
Second time through

The sexual positions book was a nice idea.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I can understand his anger and even humiliation, but he's also a guy with some major

self esteem issues! Yes, a wife who cheats with a younger man and does things with him she's not done with her husband could have profound consequences to his psyche, but after such a long period of time and he still can't let go??? Bitterness is a mean and hard mistress and will eat you alive! He couldn't find a way to deal with the attach on his manhood! What's worse, he can find no place for forgiveness! You don't mention it once!

Find Bobby and beat the living hell out of him and make sure he can never use his "wonderful cock" EVER again! That would go a long way in dealing with his insecurities! But it's easier just to "punish" her! That's what he's doing by shutting her out! I think he still can't face his own weakness that he won't go after Bobby!

So far, Bobby gets away clean, probably laughing himself silly that he got away with seducing her and destroying her marriage and he suffers no consequences.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago
Re-Reading Again

"I'm sorry you're doing this, but it's your decision." - HE'S not doing it, SHE did it!

I still can't get past 20+ years of no cock sucking for her husband, first time with Bobby she does it with no hesitation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago


silentsoundsilentsoundover 6 years ago
Your men

In some of these stories are catastrophic pussies!!!

This bitch has serious repercussions coming but dufus hubby is to much of a bitch to bring any real heat and Bobby, of course, gets a taste of his wife in ways he never had while walking free.

Maybe this stupid bitch of a man deserved it. What a wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
silentshitstain said it best

we closet cucks read all this author's stories, spank a tiny monkey, then in a fit of shame and denial, leave a nasty comment

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Fuck off anon below

No one actually reads ohio's stories to jack off. He writes good stories even if majority of the men are giant pussies. He throws enough curveballs to warrant reading his stories.

GymShortsGymShortsabout 6 years ago

But Ohio to the rescue! He'll find a way out!!! RAAC at all costs!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
"No one actually reads ohio's stories to jack off"

Damn right! So sick of the closet cucks getting teased around here - better that they lurk here and comment instead of gunning down co-eds in SB while waving a manifesto or running down pedestrians in Tor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
So the trainwreck continues

By monday she's back in the house and he's OUT of the house. A simple meeting with an attorney and the police and he's out. Maybe with a restraining order. This story is both improbable and unbelievable. Where's anything remotely close to reality?

DrakenNoirDrakenNoiralmost 6 years ago
Re: Anon, 07/30/17

Must be nice in your universe. You very eloquently describe Alan's issues, but you offer NO solutions other than to 'walk it off' , ' take a lap', ' rub some dirt on it'. Wow, your sympathy for another human in one of the biggest crisis you can face in life is, well, underwhelming to say the least. According to the web sites dealing with infidelity, it takes about TWO YEARS to get back to NEAR normal. JULIE needs to realize that she's going to have to be incredibly patient with Alan. He's been fairly restrained in his treatment of Julie. It would probably help Alan if he would get some counseling to help him through the emotional rollercoaster he's been on. Julie's sister could have been more helpful to Alan. She could have visited him just to talk about how HE was doing. That would also help Julie, she would at least know how Alan was doing. Maybe mentioning that Julie was in therapy, or just suggesting that HE might try to find a good counselor. But she just drives off and leaves him to figure things out for himself. What a pal.

I don't know about anyone else, but I definitely would Not be sleeping in the same bed that Julie cheated on with her lover. In fact, I wouldn't be sleeping in the same room that she defiled. That bed would have been burned and anything else they used would have been gone. By the time Julie came home, Alan should have at least been living in the guest room. See how long it takes Julie to figure out why he's there. Staying in that room would have to mess with Alan, at least subconsciously. Night after night he's sleeping in the same room and bed where Julie betrayed him. That's got to hurt.

Alan certainly does have issue's. But he'd be better off in individual counseling and then couples counseling than trying to work it out himself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Somewhere in the story there needed to be a confrontation between Alex and Bobby. He should have been brought to accountability for his part in the affair. ( Like a good old fashion ass kicking) by Alex!

0zed0zedabout 5 years ago
I Smell A RAAC!

Wimp took her back! Really?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I Know Several Things For Certain

I'd never be sleeping in that marital bed again and it would be up to her to deal with it. I'd also not be too wild about sleeping in the guest bed either. Why should I be punished further by her cheating in 'Our' home. One more thing that really pisses me off, what about dear innocent Bobby. What's his punishment here? Seems to me there should be a little fucking up to be done there. Signed: BTW

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago

I can already see that hubby will give in and be the typical OHIO Cuck!!! He never should have let her come home!!! Ohio's cheating wives ALWAYS get a free pass to whore around with NO consequences!!! At least his writing is good...

fucktheagedfucktheagedabout 4 years ago
Giving him a blow job is not the answer

Alan said that he sensed Julie wanted to give him a blow job. Sorry but I don't think that is a good idea. It will make it be like a "pity fuck" . She would be better to let him have her in a new way. Maybe anal. She doesn't have to like it, or though she may really get into but by now giving him the things she should have let him be first in doing will possibly make matters worse as it will be a reminder of her giving her oral virginity to someone else. That is how I personally would feel if I was Alan. It is a bit like cutting your nose to spite your face but he has to regain his manhood with her and NOT compete with a 26year old. The blow job should come later when they are back in a strong sexual relationship. That's my opinion anyway. As for the BTB brigade they must live very aggressive and lonely lives having no comparison and forgiveness in them. There are ALWAYS two sides to everything and usually it is a lack of communication between the coup!e that causes this situation.

WargamerWargameralmost 4 years ago

Divorce her and start with her again as single people, date her and if the spark cabebrekindled get back with her, but slowly.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Julie is a whore/slut

For 22 years she wouldn’t give her husband a blowjob or allow any other sexual position other than missionary! But she allows her first time lover to do everything with her! That is the definition of a whore/slut! He should have just divorced her and removed Bobby’s balls! If I was on the jury, I would have given him community service since he didn’t kill Bobby for what he did to his marriage.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Looks like a reconciliation, but she hasn't really earned it yet. Go find Bobby and help him use his insurance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The fact that she had to visit a therapist to merely understand how many wrongs she has committed and how much hurt her husband has been abd it was all her responsibility speaks volumes about her character.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

As always with a story by Ohio, this is very well written. But why are so many of his male characters so wimpy? Wife's behavior is pure sluttishness. Not a one time thing where she gets half drunk and spreads her legs for a much younger guy; that would be close to unforgiveable, but maybe after a lot of anger and soul searching, they might stay together.

But the wife in this one invites "Bobby" to the couple's home and sucks and fucks him in the marital bed. And it is quite apparent that she would have kept fucking Bobby if she hadn't been caught. Even if husband were convinced she would never stray again (and how can he ever again have any confidence in her), he has to get past the utter disrespect and contempt for him she displayed. Kids are grown, he is getting his act together, it's not too late to start on a second life.

Finally, the recurrent themes of mid 40 something wives trying to "explain" their conduct by saying they succumbed to flattery from a younger man while they were feeling some mid life crisis is utter bullshit, especially here. Bobby did not flirt with her; she threw herself at the hot new guy and immediately, on the same day that Bobby first gave her any attention, went to his apartment and they fucked in ways that she had denied her husband for 20 years. Just let her go back to her little apartment and both of them need to get on with their lives, separately.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

From flirting with Bobby and then fucking him in her matrimonial bed Julie has surely come a long way. She finally REALIZED that what she did with Bobby in her matrimonial bed is perceived in the real world as "cheating" and by doing it she did hurt her husband whom she claims to love so much. I mean SHE FINALLY REALIZED IT! That's a HUGE achievement isn't it? (Most of us didn't have to cheat on our spouses to "realize" that it would be a deal-breaker but who cares?) That "realization" alone makes her a person to I want to root for and no wonder Alan is impressed by her "different" persona! Way to go, Julie.

5 stars from a recovering misogynist BTB-addict

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