Looking Right At It Ch. 02


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She stopped for a minute, sobbing a little, but pulled herself together and went on.

"And I did ... things with him that I never did with you—things that you had wanted to do with me, but I refused. And it would ... have gone on, if you hadn't found out. I don't know how long, but I hadn't ended it.

"Alan," she said suddenly, "do you want to talk? Do you want to shout at me, or call me the names I'm sure you must have thought of a thousand times? Shall I stop, and let you say something?"

"No, Julie. I'm sure I'll have plenty to say to you, but for now I don't mind listening. You have obviously thought about this a lot, and frankly I'm impressed. Your attitude is very different from the way it was the last time we talked."

She smiled ruefully, her cheeks still wet. "Yes, well, I was still in total denial back then, Alan. But if I can, let me at least say one more thing.

"I don't know what you want now, and I'm pretty scared to ask. But what I want is to come home and be your wife. I want to show you that I am so sorry for what I did; and show you that I can love you so much and so well that you'll want to stay with me."

She was crying again, fiercely. "You haven't asked yet, but I haven't spoken to Bobby even once since they day you threw me out. I've been staying at my sister's, and I quit my job at the agency. I found another job with Williams & Prentice, and that's working out all right so far."

"You really quit your job?" I said in surprise. Julie just nodded, then gradually pulled herself together and stopped crying. We sat quietly, each of us full of our own thoughts.

I got up and started to pace. "I didn't really know what to expect, Julie, but I was more than prepared to toss you back out of the house if you came in with any sort of attitude at all. I'm sure the last two months haven't been much fun for you either, but you can't really imagine what they've been like for me.

"I had a wife that I knew loved me, respected me—and desired me. Maybe our sex life was a little bland, but that was a compromise I was OK living with.

"And now—now I don't know what I have. I have a big hole where my trust in you used to be. And an even bigger one where my confidence used to be—my confidence in myself as a man, as your husband, and as a lover."

She just nodded, her eyes brimming again.

"I've found out some things about myself in the last two months, Julie. I found out I can manage without you. I could actually live the rest of my life without you. I can run the house, feed myself, stay in touch with the kids. I could maybe even find someone else who would love and respect me."

She was watching me intently, and now I did recognize what she was feeling. She was absolutely terrified.

"So if we're going to be together," I concluded, "I need to be convinced that I'm better off with you than without you. And that it's worth going through the continued pain of working through this. Because frankly, I'd probably be able to put the pain behind me a lot faster if we just got divorced and I moved on, maybe found someone else.

"Let's be honest, OK? Every time I see you, talk to you, hold you, I'm going to be thinking about you and Bobby. About how what we had meant so little to you that you could jump into bed with him."

I was still calm, speaking quietly, though my heart was thumping. "And how the hell am I ever supposed to make love with you again? How can I even kiss you, and not imagine his cock in your mouth?"

To my surprise she didn't gasp—she just kept looking at me intently, and listening.

"The worst, Julie—the very worst, and there's a lot that's bad, believe me!—is the sexual things you did with him that you would never do with me."

I started to say more, then abruptly stopped. What was the point? She knew what I was saying. I could see it on her face. Her expression had changed: she was no longer frightened for herself or worried about the marriage, she was feeling sympathy for my pain.

I kept pacing, enjoying the silence in some strange way.

After several minutes she said, "how about I get us some ice cream, and we can go out in the back yard? I miss seeing our trees."

We sat outside with our bowls of ice cream, talking about the yard and the work I had done. Then we chatted about the kids, and shared our impressions of our visits with them. We walked around the yard, and Julie told me a bit about her new job. She complimented me on my tighter, more muscular appearance, and I told her about how I'd been working out harder at the gym.

A couple of hours went by, and I realized that my mood was calm and cheerful—which surprised me. The good feelings had just sneaked up on me, enjoying Julie's company without thinking about what she had done, what had come between us.

Of course, at that thought I tightened up again. Julie saw it in my face, and she waited several minutes before she spoke again.

"Alan," she said very quietly, looking down, "do you think it would be all right if I came back home, at least for a little while? I'll sleep in the guest room, or wherever you want me to. And our relationship can be whatever you want it to be. I'm so desperate not to lose you . . ."

I could tell that she was once again very frightened—this was the moment of truth.

I sat silently for a couple of minutes. I had certainly considered this possibility, but I wanted to be sure before I said anything. And, I will admit, I didn't mind letting Julie hang in an agony of suspense for a while.

"Okay," I said finally. "I think you should sleep in the guest room for now.

"Frankly, Julie, I didn't expect I would want you to move back in. My feelings are still pretty raw. But I was really impressed by what you had to say to me earlier. It makes me feel we might have a chance."

I could tell she wanted to move into my arms, and I let her come to me. The hug was intense, very warm. I hadn't had her, or any other woman, pressed up against me in more than two months, and the feelings were almost overpowering. Neither of us spoke. I loved the feel and the smell of her. I was aware of how aroused I was feeling—which made me think about sex, which made me think about her and Bobby, which made me angry again. I broke the hug and stepped back.

Julie could see it all in my face, and she just looked down and said, "I know; I am so very sorry, Alan."

*** *** *** ***

Julie drove back to her sister's to pack a bag, and then she moved her things into the guest room. We agreed that I'd help her move the rest of her stuff home on the weekend. After our intense conversation I guess we were both exhausted; we quietly said goodnight, without touching, and went into our separate bedrooms.

The next morning I was up early, but Julie was already in the kitchen. There was fresh coffee and a big breakfast waiting for me, along with my wife watching me hopefully and a bit fearfully.

We still didn't touch, but I smiled at her and we ate together, sharing the newspaper and reading bits of it to one another as we had done for years. It was totally weird, simply because it felt so familiar and so good.

When our plates were empty and we were on our second cups of coffee, I looked at her and said, "Julie, can you tell me why?"

She flushed a bit, but never looked away from me. "Alan, I want to tell you everything—but I need to say first that I have no excuses. There are reasons for what I did, but none of them makes it excusable. None of them makes it less awful, less selfish. Okay?"

I nodded.

Julie talked for a while, mentioning some things that were new to me and others I'd already thought of. It was our first year with both the kids out of the house, and she'd been feeling a little restless. She still had her job, which she liked, but the big part of her that was her life as a mother suddenly seemed over. It made her feel a bit useless, and afraid of being middle-aged.

And we'd been married more than twenty years, and sex had become pretty routine. (It enraged me to hear THIS complaint, since she was always the one refusing to try anything different, but I sat quietly and listened.)

Men had always shown an interest in Julie, because she was very pretty and had a great figure, with breasts almost too big for her small frame. She was used to being flirted with, and to handling passes from men; and the attention pleased her. It had gone on the whole time we were together, and it was not a big deal to either of us.

But Bobby had caught her at a time when she was feeling vulnerable, wondering if she was getting older and less attractive. And his passiveness—the fact that he eyed her with obvious interest, yet never made any sort of move—confused her, and intrigued her. In all likelihood, this was Bobby's standard way of getting women, and it probably worked with a lot of them.

"Again, Alan," she said seriously, "none of this is an excuse. I HAVE no excuse. But the last thing I want to say is something Darlene talked to me about. Sometimes a person—even a person who knows better—does something really, really stupid. Or really, really bad. It's not logical, it doesn't make any sense, but they do it."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, she was crying again. "And that's what I did. And all I want is to make it up to you, and for you to take me back . . ." She stopped, crying hard.

I felt the instinct to take her in my arms, to be her comforting husband—but I just couldn't do it. I reached over and held one of her hands, and just watched her while she cried.


After a couple of weeks I was thrilled, but I was also very frightened. I couldn't believe how much Alan and I had gotten back to being good friends again—sharing our lives with one another the way we had before. We watched TV together, ran errands, cooked, and talked about everything. We talked about the kids, and work, and friends—but we also spent a lot of time talking about my adultery, and how he was feeling about it, and how we could move forward.

It had shocked me that when I first came back he wasn't wearing his wedding ring. But after a couple of days, without our discussing it, it was back on his finger.

I was so grateful to him for his patience! I could see the anger boil up in him at unexpected moments, I could almost feel the heat of it from across the room—but he would control himself until it had passed. Sometimes our talks would get fierce, but never nasty. I felt he was being a lot fairer to me than I deserved—or than I could have been if the situation were reversed.

But while as friends we were doing great, as lovers we were nowhere. There was an occasional hug, and once we held hands at the movies, but nothing more. I was still in the guest room and there were no signs that that would be changing anytime soon.

It wasn't that we weren't talking about sex. We talked about it a lot, and Alan was very direct about how he felt.

"Even though we're getting along, Julie—and I'm amazed sometimes at how well we're doing—it's painful even to imagine making love to you. When I think that you took my twenty years of fidelity and pissed all over it . . .

"And how am I supposed to compete with a 26-year old, who can probably get it up four times in an afternoon? For that matter, how am I supposed to touch you, while in my mind I'm seeing you fucking him doggy-style, or giving him the blow-job you never ever gave me?"

He was right, and I knew it, and I said so. And I said that I hoped that eventually my two times with Bobby would fade in importance, compared to the hundreds or thousands of times Alan and I had made love.

"And I didn't make love to him, Alan—we fucked. It was a matter of physical pleasure and nothing more. He didn't make me feel cherished and safe, the way you do."

"Yeah, well, he must have made you feel something good or you wouldn't have invited him back for seconds, would you?" Alan glared at me, and then sighed.

"Julie, I know sarcasm doesn't help, but I don't know what to say. Of course I want you, but too much of me is just too hurt and insecure. I can't match a 26-year old hunk; and knowing that you gave him what you wouldn't give to me is a pretty big obstacle."

I had been continuing to see Darlene twice a week, and she'd helped me a lot in understanding how Alan must be feeling. I had two things to try, and I tried them.

"Alan—honey. What I did is awful, we both know that. The first man I . . . took in my mouth should have been you; and the first man I tried those positions with should have been you. To my dying day I will wish I could take those things back, but I can't.

"But each of them happened only once. I want all the rest of the oral sex I have in my life to be with you. I want to . . . please you that way over and over, and learn with you how to please you best. I should never have begun with anyone else—but please let me continue with you!"

He smiled faintly. "That's a nice way of thinking about it, Julie. I know what you're saying is true ... it's just not so easy to get past what I'm feeling."

"I know," I said, and I handed him a book I'd been holding. "Let me tell you about this, OK?"

He looked at it in some amazement. " '101 Positions for Great Sex?' Hardly your cup of tea, I would have thought!"

I smiled at him, as lovingly as I could. "I bought that about a week ago, and I've been looking through it at night. There are lots of things in there that we've never done—that I've never done with anyone. I put some bookmarks in to mark the ones that particularly excited me.

"Alan, I know I robbed you of something that should have been yours. But there in the book are things that would be all ours, no one else's. And I promise you, I am ready and willing to try whatever you would like to try. I want is to be all yours."

I smiled at him and felt the tears welling up in my eyes yet again. I'd given it my best shot. I truly didn't know what else I could do.

*** *** *** ***


It had been almost four weeks, and where were we? I didn't know. Julie was back in the house. We were getting along okay, and in fact I liked seeing her every day, liked eating with her and talking about things. I liked our life together—this was my wife, and I hadn't stopped loving her.

My anger and pain was no longer broadly focused on Julie, but much more narrowly on Julie as a sexual being. We could be friends, we could be parents together, we could laugh and talk and hold hands—but the moment the possibility of sex arose, even if it was just in my mind, the painful feelings flooded over me.

So not only had we not made love, we hadn't even kissed, beyond a quick peck when we left for work in the morning. We'd had a couple of nice hugs, but they'd been the warm, friendly kind. As soon as they started to arouse me, I got angry and pulled away.

Julie was being patient and loving. I couldn't get over how much her work with the therapist had helped her, made her more self-aware and more understanding of my feelings. I felt a maturity and a generosity in her that I certainly didn't see during her brief affair with Bobby. In many ways I felt more than ever that this was the woman I wanted to grow old with.

Except. Except. That I couldn't have sex with her. Part of me wanted to, of course. I'd never stopped being attracted to her, and she'd made it very clear that she was ready and willing whenever I said the word. She didn't push, but she did make sure to let me see her a couple of times in her sexiest nighties as she poked her head into my room "just to say goodnight".

And the sexual positions book she gave me was quite a turn-on, especially for a man who hadn't had sex in about three months. Some of them appeared to require advanced gymnastics skills, but there were a few I would have been dying to try, had the situation been different. And it was definitely arousing thinking about the half-dozen or so that Julie had specifically marked as being exciting to her.

So we were stuck—or perhaps I was all by myself. I couldn't think of making love to Julie without feeling angry and humiliated all over again. Even imagining plain old missionary sex made me think about the guy who'd last been on top of Julie—and about whether his 26-year old cock was bigger or harder than mine, or whether he'd had more stamina and made her come harder. How does a guy get past that?

And imagining oral sex was worse. Julie was clearly eager to give me a blowjob, by way of atonement if for no other reason. But the vision that filled my mind was not of my cock in her mouth but Bobby's, with her sucking hard and looking up at him in excitement. Needless to say, the image was painful rather than erotic.

In short, we were at an impasse, and I didn't see how to get out of it.

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AceAureliaAceAurelia26 days ago

Once a woman performs a sexual act with another man that she refused to do for her husband there is no coming back. The only way back would be if he has a cuck fetish or little to no self respect. Then consider that was done IN the marital bed …

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

"I want the rest of my oral sex to be with you." "I want to learn new sex positions (that I didn't try with Bobby) with you" lol...who writes this shit? I love how all your female cheaters need a therapist to point out the blatantly obvious. I really love how so many of your stories are pretty much the same. That works for fap stories, but not so much drama. A slight change in setting doesn't make up for the progression and dialogue being nearly identical. All the way down to the BIG FUCKING BREAKFAST!!!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The "men" in these stories are the exact same person. First, they are wholly ruled by illogic. That's a very feminine trait, which makes the irony and disconnect so much more telling. Second, they always refuse to answer phone calls, delete messages, tear up written correspondence, and refuse to engage in discussions. Why? What man wouldn't at least listen to a message, even if it's just to decide whether he will hear it all the way through? In "at fault" divorce states, emails, voice mails, and written documents can be used as proof of infidelity. No, the typical LW "male" is a whiny, angry, shrill, self-destructive, runaway, mouthy, passive-aggressive beta who struggles with his manhood. He's the reverse side of the doormat cuck.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The whole I did thinks with him that I never did with you is the most fucked up way to hurt your husband. You might as well just cut his nuts off and let him bleed to death lol. I know that sounds dramatic but I’m sure every man here will agree they’d probably rather that happen than the former

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yeah thai comes off as too unemotional. The hsuabdn is mature and sees he can survive without her. And he is attractive to other women. How does a.man cope with a wife who intentionally sought out a younger stud for physical pleasure for inane reasons, no alcohol or drugs involved, no fighting or having drifted apart already, just physical desire and pleasure. But worse she does things with the stud that she never did with her husband, stating that their sex life of 22 years had gone stale but she refused any expansion of their sex life in terms of variety and experimentation. Her "not better, just different", but yeah he is 26 and could get it up easily, is code for "he was a better physical lover but I don't want to hurt your feelings". Any guilt she had evaporated as soon as she had orgasms with Bobby, including the second time. Her lack of guilt between the first and second session was pitiful. Even after discovery, she had little clue as to why what she did was so bad. Apparently she is emotionally immature and lacks empathy is kind of stupid. The two months was a blessing to prevent things be said that coukd never be unsaid. She got therapy and realized she had been a bitch. As an aside I don't get where commenters come off saying she was now seeing herself as a victim. That is not at all what was written. She owned up yo the fact their was nothing that excuses what she did and she gave a real apology. But... so what. Trust is shattered. They aren't going to marriage counseling. The husband seems kind of impassive at times. He likes being around her but gets remembered every time that anything sexual comes up. His insecurity and feeling undesired by his wife is sky high. She has only herself to blame for their sex going stale. She had a chance to confess and blew it. The second session would be the deal breaker a d she had no intention of stopping anytime soon. That has to hurt immeasurably. But yeah the blowjobs, cunnilingus, doggies style, etc, when she had been so unwilling to do anything remotely erotic for years outside her comfort zone, speaks volumes for her betrayal. Maybe if she had tried to spin it that she thought those things were slutty and she couldn't be a slut for her husband, while still implausible, at least it could be discussed. But her thinking those things were "gross" but giving them up for her new lover just twists the knife immensely. She can say what she wants and even be totally honest and show strong remorse, but it doesn't change thatbshe just killed the sexual part of the marriage. How would Alan think he coukd ever measure up. That it wouldn't just be mercy fucks from now on. That she actually desires him and his 46 year old body. That he could ever ring her bells like Bobby. That she wouldn't be going through the motions to appease her husband while thinking of Bobby. After all Bobby got her to suck his cock, let him eat her out, and do various positions that the husband had been hounding for about for years before giving up. Stale? Screw her. The only solution I could see is divorce, then split amicably for a time. Let each have their own lives for a time, maybe six or twelve months, See how they feel about living by themselves (or with others). Let Alan get over his insecurities and try new things of his own. Let Julie figure out what are her priorities. If she wants more strange cock, post divorce then get itnout ofnher system. Then meet again and discuss. Don't have to be total strangers just don't live together. Take some time and figure out what each wants. Then decide what level if any of relationship they want. By then Alan will have been back in the saddle. How she acts during that year apart, will speak volumes yo.how.invested she is in trying to reconnect. If she finds someone else.or.fucks around a lot, then it wasn't meant to be. If he is happy enough alone or with other women while dating, then againnshe killed their marriage. Maybe they end up as housemates and FWBs. Maybe they just coparent and enjoy grandchildren down the line. Maybe she learns more about herself and decides she can't live without him, knowing he is having sex with other women and having his own experiences. Maybe he cannot come back due to the level.of disrespect and her lying, but mostly the feeling of being humiliated sexually by her "gifts" to Bobby. Look she torched their marriage. Her attitude while cheating was naive and delusional. The 2 month separation and no communication was a gift to both. Alan is a cerebral guy and isn't going to fly off the handle. But his hurt is palpable and she has no clue what he feels like until after therapy and even then is only a shadow of what he feels. But she wasn't evil. She got attracted to anhit young stud, liked his cock, and what he did with it and liked the pleasure and new experiences, not to mention that she still is desired by men, and she liked the secret aspect as it heightened what she though was just naughtiness. Of course she shit on their marriage vows, emasculated her husband, made him feel undesired by his loving wife, made him doubt himself, especially sexually, broke trust in their marriage, and lied about her affair behind his back (was laughable when at first with therapy she thought wasn't an affair, lol). Do agree she did a really bad thing (twice), but she isn't evil, just clueless and selfish. She came to realize how much she messed yp and how.much she hurt him (well at.least somewhat). But sometimes a betrayal is so bad, that the victim (the husband Alan in this story) cannot get past the thoughts of that betrayal and for him those are all sexual. She didn't see Bobby because she no longer loved her husband. She didn't fuck Bobby because her husband mistreated her, ignored her, made her feel unloved, unwanted, not cherished. She went to Bobby because she was getting older, worried about her being desired, but mostly for what she thought would be hot, naughty sex and Bobby did not disappoint, which led to her second time in their marital bed. No doubt would have been a long affair, as she really didn't see what she was doing was so horrible to her husband. Eventually she may have developed feelings for Bobby and distanced her self from her husband. That is possible but starts being (more) evil. She got caught too fast, and found out. So that didn't happen. Can't fully convict for something that didn't happened because not clear how long she woukd have continued. It is speculation. But her betrayal in those two times was so hurtful, don't see any oath but divorce and going separate ways. Mayne they could reconnect at some level. Maybe never sexual again. Maybe as lovers but no firm commitment on his side. Maybe a postnuptial after a long break. But no.joint counseling, living together and eventual reconciliation without divorce? Nah. Wil say one more thing. If he saw video, they wouldn't have a chance in hell. Audio is bad enough, but video, he woukd have no choice but to go straight yo divorce and forget the possible future relationship. The emotions woukd be too high and seeing her furst.blowjob woukd eviscerated his soul. In general, men have strong sexual pride in their marriage of being a good lover. Nothing wrong with that. But we men have a lot tougher time forgiving an attack on our sexual fortitude than most women. She basically decimated his sexual ego. Everything she did with Bobby was about the sex. Not intimacy, not love, not companionship, no emotional affair, no seduction (she went after him), it was just about sex. But what she did was harder to swallow (pun intended) than why she did it. So all her psychological maturation with therapy Maybe helps with the non sexual aspects but does zilch to address the razing of their sex life, in his eyes, to the foundation. So yeah video would have nuked rhat from orbit. If a husband has any thoughts of reconciliation, don't examine the photos and certainly not the video, otherwise the hurt will be just too bad and their sexual confidence demolished. Unlike.a lot.fo cheating wives on this site, don't despise Julie. she comes off as clueless, naive, vain, stupid, and in a daze around Bobby, but she isn't evil and the 8 weeks of therapy got her to realize that she really screwed up and hurt her husband terribly. But good.luck getting over the sex hump. Audio will play over and over in his mind, her "first blowjob", etc and he will fill his.mind with imagination of the actual acts. Can't see sexual reconciliation without divorce and long separation. Even then good luck. Really low probability, though not impossible, but like shooting through narrow rapids, much more likely to end up on the rocks.

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