All Comments on 'Love and Trust'

by Slirpuff

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
nice counterpoint

to the character development in today's other story. The one-dimensional insipid whinging and purposeless moronic behavior leaves the reader not only not caring about the characters but actually wishing them harm. After 7 pages the reader is hoping blue bolts from heaven strike them both and put them (and us) out of our misery.

FD45FD45about 12 years ago
A fine story

You were able to fit in a cheating wife while still respecting the female gender (which I know is important to the ed.). If Regina didn't understand why he was pissed, she was a bit of a moron, but aren't we all morons occasionally?

A quibble (and a minor one): How much texting and emails did they have 35 years ago? I believe it was called the Postal Service.

But I loved the story and thank you very much.


YamiBoyYamiBoyabout 12 years ago

Good story. Nice work, thanks! ^__^

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Next time

please put your story in the "Non-Erotic" section. It's entirely possible that it is a well written and compelling story, but nobody visiting a porn site and reading sex stories are interested in wading through seven pages of five year old's this...and grandmother's that...and funerals...and all that stuff...just to find out there is very little sex. That's not why people read the stories in this category.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

well written, loaded with the side stories of life that make and hold the readers interest.truly a five star effort excellent read,


demantoiddemantoidabout 12 years ago
Wonderful story

I very much enjoyed your parable Slirpluff. Well written with an endearing warmth that radiated throughout. Regina and her brood were a hoot! Well done Aesop!

jasonnhjasonnhabout 12 years ago
Mixed feelings

Regina was a more complex character than many of the women in LW stories and that is always welcome. There are some aspects of the story I like and some that rub me the wrong way. I like that Regina says that he needs to trust her to have his best interests at heart, even if she does something that, off the cuff, seems hurtful. That's a great view. You can't live in someone else's head and sometimes we all do dumb, hurtful things. The point is, if it's unintentional and not too major an issue, cut your partner some slack.

Regina's family and especially her Grandmother was a fun bunch of characters. I liked the give and take between Steve and Regina as they plan things out. I thought the unexpected pregnancy thing was a bit over the top. He isn't an ogre and yet Regina expects him to be angry?

I believe, like Steve, that honesty is VERY important. It's the foundation for relationships like concrete for a house. If the concrete was actually Styrofoam, the house would collapse. There is a tone through the story that Steve is unreasonable in expecting honesty from people. Sorry, I think that is wrong. College girlfriend not only lies about where she is but is also making out with another guy. He pretty clearly stated his expectations. All she had to do was say "Sorry, I'm not ready for an exclusive relationship". Why did she lie? Because she KNEW she was doing something wrong.

Regina is a different story but still troubling. Here is a woman who has been burned herself and is also very cautious to the point of having a pole up her ass when it comes to sexual actions. And yet she is a slut on the dance floor. That's incongruous. But what's more troubling is how it is dismissed later. I agree that she meant no harm. But she DID harm. Making him look foolish and abandoning her date (who is justifiably a bit sensitive about abandonment) is disrespectful. Being brainless about it is NOT a get out of jail free card and her behavior WAS over the top. She never apologizes to Steve after he finally explains it. She is sorry he got stabbed but never accepts her own previous behavior was thoughtless and hurtful. "Hey, I'm a bull in a china shop. It's what I do.". There was a recognition of the issue on their honeymoon when she chose not to dance with another guy. Steve as much as says one dance would have been fine. He isn't being unreasonable about it. But at least she is more aware of her behavior.

The forced "reunion" of his family was annoying as well. His mother was a cheat and walked out on her family. But then she withdrew from her son by seeing him less and less and finally not at all. This wasn't just an explosive moment but a continued pattern of abandonment. One of the problems an author has is, if you make a character a real ass it becomes almost impossible to rehabilitate them. Such is the case with Steve's mom.

So how about the idea that it's the author's story and he can write whatever he wants. Fair enough. But the story has a preachy quality about both Steve and his father having too high expectations and being unreasonable. It's a turnoff for me and the development of Steve's character doesn't support the indictment.

I mostly enjoyed the story but I think the micro writing of the individual happenings doesn't always sync with the macro writing of the over all direction and result of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
cardboard characters

Uninspired drivel, unlikable and unbelievable characters droning through sophomoric situations. Survivable as a 2 page story, abominable at 7 pages.

Mostera1Mostera1about 12 years ago

Love and Trust was truly enjoyable. Your exploration of the characters, and how the relationships developed was superb.

I agree, this could be a template for LW stories.

What I am really impressed with is how you finished the story! The closure was stunningly beautiful, and totally right. Great job, and very much appreciated.

Thank you!!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
my god

that was like a root canal. You've written some decent stories over the years, this was not one of them. Strictly a bone to the lowbrows or are you truly out of ideas?

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 12 years ago
Slirpuff Belongs in Jail !

Clearly he has bugged my living quarters & written this fantastic story based on quality time I spent with one woman in particular. Except her name wasnt Regina, it was Shante. She wasn't Hispanic but .... .

I DIGRESS, however ! This story especially the hard headed man & woman part was inspired by ME. I could have written this easily if only I had the work ethic & talent. Expect my lawsuit asking for a fair & equitable share from the Literotica royalties to be messengered forthwith. Good day !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
I actually liked it.......

Slirpuff, you're an excellent writer and this was an excellent story.

tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

once you master those all unions survive. TK U MLJ LV NV

chytownchytownabout 12 years ago
Good Read!!!

A real life like writing with true emotions and feeling thanks for a real story.

RHinSCRHinSCabout 12 years ago
Good One

His being a hard ass is exactly why he was never fucked over too badly. In my opinion what Regina did was just as bad as the others. He allowed people to pressure him into giving her another chance. He had the right idea to begin with. Ignore her. That drives them crazy. There were parts of this that are familiar. As people get older they do get more forgiving. I am not at that point yet. Maybe in another thirty years.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
people were texting 50 years ago?

So much of this trite pablum just simply made no sense. Actions, motivations, behaviors and thought patterns described absurdity or insanity. Nice read for insane absurdists I suppose, 3 stars.

sailordblj1966sailordblj1966about 12 years ago
A very nice read

I really enjoyed your story and really liked it a lot. Thanks for sharing it with us

saratusaratuabout 12 years ago
Very good,

well worth reading and I personally enjoyed it right to the last sentence.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Liked it a lot

It was a pleasure to find your story and read it. Thanks for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
God, What Drivel

Sorry, but have you ever written anything happy? I went back and read some of your other stories - all the same. A self centered egotistical shit who thinks he's better than everyone else, someone who thinks he controls the rest of the world, or should, with a "poor me" attitude to boot. Not that the world is always a fantasy, but it's not the self made tragedy that you make it to be. Sorry, Can't sign in and put a name on this, I'm sure I'd be the target of your vitriol forever more

juanviejojuanviejoabout 12 years ago
Cinco Estrellas, Amigo!

I am sorry some Anonymous people don't know a good story. I liked it very much and do thank you so much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
close to drivel but not quite

simple pandering to the lowest denominator. u must be new, this category is owned by closet cucks and internet hard men, pointless and innocuous droning like this story play well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Two and One Half Hours

Thanks Slirpuff, so well written to match real life possibilities, personalities and psyche.

For me a little tearful in the end but that just added to and made the story more real!

An anglo with a hot Latin beauty, I dated some in the past, still have a few as friends - he is one lucky and happy guy - Beautiful Story - Thanks!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Thank you

I just want to thank you for reminding me that even if you have been screwed in the past, you can still find happiness and love. I know its hard to trust when you have been hurt but never be afraid to follow your heart.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Tops again


Great job. The emotive side of your writing is very likely at the top of the stuff on the LIT. Keep it up.


FD45FD45about 12 years ago
Dear "Next Time" Anon

You are, in fact, wrong. The LW catagory has two classes of stories: the spank stories, where the wife is a nice cum slut of greater or lessor guilt, having lots and lots of sex with multiple partner, to her partner's greater or lesser happiness.

The other side is the 'relationship' stories, as I call them, where the story of the relationship is the whole point, the only unifying factor that there is a cheating wife involved, though perhaps not sympathetically portrayed.

Now, you are partially correct. Slirpuff, for reasons which need not be discussed, has transitioned from his earlier works of TTB (torch the bitch) to more...sentimental pieces. However, this is where he cut his teeth and where he has an audience.

Much of his work could be catagorized in Romance or Non-Erotic, but please note the scoring. The best rated authors here are not writing about 12 inch cocks slamming into willing whores. They are writing stories which are seen as emotive and believable...with the occassional cock of indeterminant length (whistles tonelessly)

I would suggest you look for stories rated 3.5 or below for your reading pleasure.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 12 years ago
awful.... No matter what the guy is always at fault

Even though this is a supposedly romantic story we have the same problems from this mentally retarded author. No matter what happens it's always the man's fault. In this case what makes the story so bad is that in spite of the strong character development the story has massive inconsistencies and irrational behavior which is simply unexplainable and unacceptable to the reader.

For example... Regina is catholic and Hispanic and it's a very big no no in Latino culture to abandon and humiliate yourman on the dance floor in a dance club for HOURS.!!

It is a very big no no in Latino culture for a women to say -- wait for the wedding day -- to the guy you are in love with ... that he cannot portions of your body but then let other men -- STRANGERS -- that you don't know all sorts of things on the dance floor.

Even worse then all of this is the fact that Regina had complete detailed understanding of the motivations and the background and the history of Steve. There is no way a given the Chain of events that Regina cook possibly been surprised by his reaction to her dirty dancing .


EXAMPLE # 2 .... Then there is Cindy ...Jeremy's wife. After Steven almost dies at the hospital for no acceptable reason whatsoever... Cindy decides to give him a bunch of shit and yell at him? where is the god damn fucking sympathy ?

Once again no matter what happens it is the guys' fault.


EXAMPLE #3 Then after Steve gets out of the hospital Regina will not take his phone calls or as e-mail. Yet when they meet and finally talk she claims to feel guilty about what happened. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

She claims that the guy who stabbed Steve she didnt know... but this guy did it becuase of Macho culture and a disprect thing . Again... if that is the case ow does Regina think dirty dancing with other men for hours ,...making him look like shit and allowing herslef to be sexually grabbed is OK?

Time me after time after time the story is filled with irrational behavior that makes no sense whatsoever.

The author is attempting to explain that because of Steve 's background -- his mom traumatizing him when he was five years old... that demanding honesty from relationships is somehow a "evil" or " unreasomable " characteristic. The fact that a lot of people cannot be as honest as Steve demands... may be true... but that does make Steve a bad person... or an extremist or nut case... which is what the author is trying to show.

Johnny1MJohnny1Mabout 12 years ago
I liked the story, but..

Regina is supposed to be a "nice" girl. Not a slut. Someone who wouldn't cheat on her boyfriend. And yet she supposedly went out on a date with him and spent 40 minutes or so dancing with other guys without coming back to the table where he was waiting. When he gets up to find her she dances with him a bit, then laughs at him and goes off to dance with other guys. OK. This happens. When it does, it's because the girl doesn't give a shit about her date and is just using him to pay her way into the club. There would be no more dates after that. No phone calls, and no getting back together without a serious apology. Yet Regina never does think she did anything wrong.

Then, one of his best friends, Cindy, whom he's known for years, doesn't take his side. She mocks him saying, "your little ego was hurt." That's harsh. Also, it's just not believable. Anyone's "little ego" would be hurt because behavior like that isn't acceptable. Cindy, if she's a friend, would have been more understanding, even if she felt that he should give Regina another chance. It's the central part of the story, the part that makes the story, and it wasn't handled well. He's supposed to have trust issues and be over sensitive. In this scene, absolutely every single guy would be pissed. Would any of you think no big deal if your date mocked your dancing in front of all her friends, laughed at you, and then left you standing in the middle of the dance floor to go off and dance with other guys? To fit the story, her behavior would have to be a lot more ambiguous, and it would have to be clear he was overreacting. He didn't overreact. He reacted just as 99% of all guys would, and so his "fatal flaw" wasn't portrayed. That's the fatal flaw in this story.

cueball961cueball961about 12 years ago
Good Read

I enjoyed this story. Two things are absolutely a must in any good story. First, there must be good, well defined characters. Second, for me anyway, there must be an emotional context that makes the reader care about the characters. The reader should care what happens to them and be drawn into the story. This story satisfied on both points.

Both Steve and Regina are richly drawn. Steve is a dark character, drawing from a dark past full of pain that continues to haunt him. That he manages to find love and grow out of his pain is nicely done, touching but believeable. Regina is likewise a wonderful character. She is drawn from the ubiquitous hot Latina woman, yet she has unique characteristics that keep her from being a stereotype. Perhaps my favorite character in the piece is Regina's grandmother. An entire story could be built around her.

I've enjoyed this author's work. Some have been better than others to be sure, but most have been good reads. This was, on the whole, a great effort. I gladly gave it four stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

The url has the word "erotic" in it.

The section is entitled "Erotic Stories".

If slirpuff has, as you say, cut his teeth then he should seek out a more appropriate literary venue for his work and not waste the time of people that understand the purpose of a porn site.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Nice one, I read all 7 pages and I don't really do that for non uber-erotic stories :D Keep writing :)

monsterer23monsterer23about 12 years ago
i guess, i get it

if you are dirty pervert philanderer and if you dont have a chance with too god-fearing and chaste catholic woman, who had a bad experience with someone like you before, you just have to learn to be a good dancer of dirty dances(salsa, lambada etc). than you will get access to all her goods for hours with only exception of sexual intercourse. whats make it more interesting for your dirty pleasure- you can have all of that fun with her, while her exclusive boyfriend is presented and stupidly watching, and while all others are laughing at him. more, he cant do anything even when you get kiss from her, because he have `friends` with him who gonna calm him down and shame him if things will go too hot :))))) ....(cant leave unnoticed -what nice friends he have)...poor bastard

thanks for the story, anyway, good read

bruce22bruce22about 12 years ago
Interesting Story

It held me the whole time. I just kept waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Someone who would humiliate a guy like that, and then still get him stabbed?

Finally forced him to get back with a mother who slapped him as a little.

Nope there is no way I could make it through to his golden moment.. I am not even envious of him!

Still I appreciate the excellent work and recognized it with five stars...

BTTapBTTapabout 12 years ago
SP is one of my favorite authors

and this story is a good example of 'why.' Flawed characters who make mistakes, but love frequently conquers all. While not frequently erotic as such, he can describe some hot sex when appropriate to the story. I dug it!

Boros749Boros749about 12 years ago
really interesting characters

i know some of them. LOL. well, some people who are like them. interesting story. 7 pages, but didnt seem that long.

The NavigatorThe Navigatorabout 12 years ago
Great read

Well written, as usually is the case with this author, and interesting theme. Excellent character development. Just a fun read. Entertaining.

It is interesting the extremes in the comments. In some cases, it was difficult to believe they were all talking about the same story. As I've often commented before, it's the author's story. It could have a thousand changes, in an attempt to satisfy each reader, but then it would not be the author's story. Just as in life, take it or leave it; we can't do much about changing it.

I look forward to Slirpuff's next story and I'm certain it will be another good read.

greowulfgreowulfabout 12 years ago
big buildup

No delivery. I was excited to see your name today, but I think I will have to read some older stories to remember why. This was a swing and a miss. The early part had plenty of character development and tension. Pages 3-6 had no rising action, though, and I found myself surprised to hit page seven with no real story going on.

The character development continued, but the story stopped. The writing was good, but there was no tension. The veiled threats of the "second shoe" were a bit too little, too late, and the pregnancy resolution was too predictable. I like both revenge stories and reconciliation stories, as long as they're plausible, but at least give the reader something to invest in.

Usually love your stories, and enjoyed the break from the recent WACC trend. But I expect better from you.



xtremeddxtremeddabout 12 years ago
Wow... Great story.


I often wonder as a story develops when it will end. It is entertainment that envelopes a reader and they want to read more. WWWM, Damp Gray Dawn, Arlene and Jeff or Love & Trust, I/we don't want them to end. Call us "escape junkies" It just ends so we feel like we are left hanging. Just because a writer has a life, they end the story. Ah well, better to have read and ended than to have never read at all...

Well written, edited and enjoyed, Slirpuff.

Thanks for sharing on Lit.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I enjoyed the story more as straight-up literature than I enjoyed it as erotic fiction. It was compelling enough that I read it all in one go even though I had planned to be in bed by the end of "page" 1.

Well done.

One critique I'd like to offer:

"Noticeable was the first part of the sentence."

There was a particular sentence formulation that stood out. It probably wouldn't have been so noticeable if it were only used once or twice, but it seemed that every page used an action-first "Yoda"-style sentence structure.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
not even a great build up

No character development at all; but in fairness characters have not developed in several recent stories so this read like a record player getting stuck in a skip and playing the same part over and over and over...

DewpawDewpawabout 12 years ago
Papa Hemingway?

Some of the comments on this forum (usually anonymous) seem to be searching for another Hemingway or Steinbeck---I'm here for the filth and a good story, Slirpuff provides both. Yes, in the past, he was guilty of going from the 1st person to the 2nd person to the 21st person in the same paragraph---amazingly I was still able to get the gist of the story with little effort.

Slirpuff a Pulitzer prize winner---I don't think so---but he does tell a good yarn

BTTapBTTapabout 12 years ago
Read some comments

I think the BTBers (Harry, et al) take a too-hard line about the hero's girl. They had been going out for a few months, and no indication she had cheated on him or acted inappropriately, except perhaps on the dance floor that one night.

She loves to dance. He doesn't. He had specifically and repeatedly given her permission to dance with other guys when they went out. When he realized it made him uncomfortable, he didn't talk to her about it-he fumed.

Sure, she probably went too far-dancing too long without 'checking in' with him, maybe getting a little risque on the dance floor. But, you know what? Salsa, samba, etc., dancing involves intimate dance movements. Ever see Dancing with the Stars or that shit? They get pretty close. You think the spouses of those dancers are shitting themselves because of it?

One kiss, on the lips, with a dance partner (not making out, not swapping spit-but a little kiss) might have been inappropriate, but perhaps he was an old friend-I have old gal pals who kiss me on the lips.

The 'laughing at him on the dance floor' (he described her doing it and her 'friends' doing it), could have been meant kindly (by her) and could have been imagined/exaggerated by him (re: the others). We don't know. I think the author was putting us into the character's jealous head-space where he interpreted everything through his veil of perceived betrayal. Two ways of looking at everything.

The fact that his friends, who did love him and understood him, didn't see it his way suggests that he was overreacting/seeing things that weren't really happening.

The fact is, our hero was a good guy, but a damaged guy who suffered extreme jealousy and paranoia in re: gals and relationships. He also didn't communicate very well and was quick to run away. Bailing on his date, who had proven herself to be a chaste gal who cared about him, without talking to her about what he perceived as her acting badly was a bullshit move. Then, he refuses to talk to her, and then, when she approaches him, he insults her and rejects her.

I understood his pain, especially with his background, but he did overreact, and he failed to communicate. I was glad the characters got it together, in the end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
It becomes a joke after a while

Yes Jeremy it's your fault. if you would just accept it things would go much easier, maybe even for you too.

People can treat you like dirt, humiliate you even inflict violence on you and you should be grateful, grateful i tell you, that they took the time to acknowledge your little existence. "Get your head out of your ass" they say. She's HOT and she's talking to you (damn you are lucky). Nevermind that every second word is either an insult or a curse. How dare you assert your views! How dare you object to the Third rate treatment you receive from the people who supposedly "care" for you!

I hope you realize how lucky you are Jeremy

RHinSCRHinSCabout 12 years ago

You should read that part of the story again. She danced with other men for weeks. He told her he didn't like it and she did it again. His friend agreed that she went too far. Kisses on the cheek are different than kisses on the lips. The last time one of my previous girlfriends kissed me on the lips in front of my wife, the wife decked her. She would have let a quick kiss on the cheek slide.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
i have many problems with this story, you tried to paint the main character to much

i will only go into one aspect others i am sure will take aim at other issues. When and Regina went dancing with the other couple they were one a date. They has already talked of some of his concerns about lying and cheating. I dont care for myself dancing fast and my wife does and she does dance with other people so i understand that. What is way beyond understanding is why his date runs for over an hour dancing with man after man some more than once and never comes back to be with her date. My wife always, even when we were dating, when men asked her to dance to them to come and ask me first. That is the way it is done. Had Regina simply been at the club and they ran into each other her attitude and behavior might be more understandable, not acceptable perhaps. While on a date with a man she was supposed to be only dating it was totally unacceptable for men to be handling her in suggestive waves, actually it is totally inappropriate behavior even if she wasnt on a date, it identified her as a slut. Finally, when he went out and danced with her she humiliated him and did not even return to the table with him, again very trashy behavior. In reality, had she been my date I would never have gone on the floor and would have left after she stayed out there for more than three dances, and I would never have spoken to her again. Cindy's getting in his face over his humiliation and betrayal by his date was way over the line and her husband should have shut her mouth since she wasnt intelligent enough to know to keep her mouth shut. Any apologies that needed to be made should have been made by Regina, she was the one at fault. Finally in their conversation after this when she said they hadnt discussed men feeling her on the dance floor should have been the straw that broke the camels back, her words stated clearly she was use to men feeling her up on the dance floor. Sorry marrying this piece of trash is taking on a slutwife and a divorce in the future.....

ParPlus10ParPlus10about 12 years ago
I like your stories.

As I read comments sometimes I wonder if the authors aren't laughing their ass off at our analysis of a story. Still I think the reason for the comments is to allow us to give our two cents. Hopefully it's worth that much.

Some have said that there was no character development. For me, you did such a good job of developing Steve's character and letting us in on his thought processes that it created anger at the way Cindy and Regina treated him. Unfortunately that is not the case with the rest of the characters.

I don't think there was anything that could excuse Regina's behavior at the club. She was supposed to be on a date with him not dancing, kissing and getting felt up by half the club. If he couldn't keep up with her then she needed to sit the dances out and suggest they get lessons or do something else. She certainly shouldn’t have been dirty dancing with others if she was serious about a relationship with him. A big part of relationships is showing respect and sacrifice, not just being selfish and doing what makes you feel good.

It seemed that you were trying to show that Steve had serious issues and that the others were just trying to help him. You did a great job of showing that he had issues. But for me the rest didn't work; especially with Cindy. There was no real relationship developed between him and her but she was the one that was giving him the most criticism. With the exception of the one conversation it appeared that she just thought of him as her boyfriend’s best buddy that she barely tolerated.

I think this was a good story. I like most of your stories, even the ones where I don't agree with the outcome. And I think this was one of your better efforts. The problem was that because Regina's character wasn't developed well enough I don't feel like I really know her. We had nothing to show she was a good person and her actions really didn't reinforce that she was. I really expected that she would cheat in him through their marriage. And telling us at the end that they had been married for 35 years didn’t really overcome that deficiency in the story.

I don't like the rating system on this site because it isn't fine grained enough. When compared to most on this site, this story is certainly better than a 4. But because of a couple of missing pieces I don't think it is a 5. So the only choice I have is to give it a 5.

Thank you for all of your submissions.

MissouriUSAMissouriUSAabout 12 years ago
Thanks for sharing the story.

I thought that it was a pretty good story. But I kind of agree with a little of what Harry is saying. When you read a Slirpuff story, somewhere along the line the "hero" will be made to take the blame whether he deserves it or not. Then the "hero" ends up begging for foregiveness. Regina stepped over the line. She never admitted what she did. She never apologized or really even acknowledged that she understood why Steve had felt humiliated, hurt and betrayed. Alot of men would have walked away. Steve may wish he would have left for good once Regina gets her figure back and goes out dancing again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
hero drew empathy

since many LW readers can identify with the character. No way any attractive normal girls would give a guy like that the time of day unless he was a millionaire though. cognitive dissonance ruins it but for "low information" types the story works. 3*

BTTapBTTapabout 12 years ago

I did as you suggested and read that part again. I see your point. I never said Regina acted properly, she didn't. She was disrespectful to her date/boyfriend. However, I also was reminded of something else-she didn't kiss her dance partner on the lips. Her dance partner kissed her. That makes a difference.

A breakdown:

She loves to dance.

He hates to dance/isn't any good.

They repeatedly go to dance clubs (why not choose alternative venues?)

He specifically gives her permission to dance with other guys

She dances with other guys (every Tom, Dick, and Harry)

He stews about it, but says nothing, for WEEKS

He finally brings up that he doesn't like her dancing with everyone who asks her

She doesn't get it-doesn't appreciate how he feels about it, and kind of laughs it off

He doesn't persist

They go on a double date and she goes off dancing again-just like she had been doing for WEEKS

She dances with various partners for basically an hour without checking in with him

He cuts in, dancing badly, and takes her laughing as her ridiculing him

She goes off and dances with other partners

The dances are a bit risque, with a lot of touching, etc.

He sees her get a quick kiss on the lips from one of her dance partners

He storms off and leaves her

I'm not saying she didn't screw up, and I'm not blaming him. But, she has always acted chaste, and he has no reason to expect that she has been unfaithful. The nature of that kind of dancing is that there is a lot of physical contact. He allowed it for weeks, and only complained once, and didn't pursue it with her to set new ground rules. He let it fester inside instead. He could have cut in and said "no more," or "we're leaving", and then had a serious talk about her conduct. Instead, he cut and ran. Fine, he has that right. But, what did she do that night that he hadn't allowed and in fact given her explicit permission to do for weeks? Nothing.

The kiss was bad, but a stolen kiss from an admirer isn't her fault. The failure to check in with him was just plain rude, but hardly a deal-breaker, imho. The laughing at him on the dance floor? Hard to say what that was-playful ribbing? Maybe, but he was in no mood to take it. She later acknowledges that she screwed up, and was sorry for it. She is understandably pissed that he ditched her, but she does reach out to him via email at the dance club weeks later. He ignores, then insults and rejects her. Later, when he is knifed, she is obviously upset, and does her best to SAVE HIS LIFE.

I found the part about her avoiding his calls later to be strange. I didn't get the part about her not wanting him to yell at her, etc. again. I guess she was feeling guilty (although the knifing wasn't her fault), but I didn't understand that part.

I had no problem with the reconciliation. In fact, I thought that the whole incident of him leaving her at the club was a blow-up all out of proportion to her "sins," but without it there would have been no story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
arguing about 8th graders?

Let it go, author writes simple stories about immature people. Watching Random and others babble about actions and motivations makes most of us belly laugh. It is hormones and immaturity, just enjoy the story for what it is.

DWornockDWornockabout 12 years ago
He married a BIG girl.

Any ugly can do that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
DWorncock is so stupid

she puts on a wetsuit to surf the internet

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
couldn't take reading this

I had to stop.

The woman treated him badly week after week at dance clubs and the pussy took her back and married her. Geesh.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Thank you for sharing your story, we all need to forgive and love a little more! Congrats

Mousse9Mousse9about 12 years ago

Sorry Slirpuff. I couldn't continue after he got stabbed and Cindy chewed him out, it was that bad. Writing was excellent ofcourse, but the story material wasn't. The unfairness and injustice was simply too much. There was so much of a double standard that it just wasn't worth continue reading.

Yeah, this does read like one of THOSE stories where it's always the guy's fault. Hated those, and still do. This one is a miss.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
as always

You are the MAN

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdabout 12 years ago
This Is One Of Those Stories Ruined By a Poor Ending

Over & over again as I read this story, I found myself saying out loud things like "No way!", "You've got to be kidding", or "I can't believe she did that?!" Regina's antics were so outrageous that I just assumed that either her or Steve would have an epiphany and the story would progress. But when he just sucked it up & accepted her behavior, and continued for 35 years...well that took this story from a "5" to a "3".

You can't ask a reader to buy into 7 pages of character development, and then just turn everything upside-down.

6 pages of a very good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
an okay story with errors

not your best work,but good nevertheless. no cell phone and texting 20 years ago so 35 years ago only telephone and usps. major flaw. plus it might have worked out fro them but he reconcilliation with his mother was a little to much and marry into her family with his and her temper just didnot cut it for me. but it was a story .keep them coming

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Good story...

but I do agree with Mousse9, especially about the dance scenes. No loving or proper woman would leave her boyfriend alone for over an hour and just ignore him to dance with other several other men...even with his permission to dance with other men! Nor would she have allowed such conduct as she did with their putting their hands all over her. If it had indeed been a Latin boyfriend she had done that to...their would have been some killing going on, because he was in fact disrespected by both her and her friends! It was not his untrusting attitude at play here at all.

He didn't get sex for 4 months with her because of her supposed primness around other Latinos and her family. I do agree that Latins with their "Extended" families are very protective of their women. And once again you were correct that Latin gang-bangers will hurt you fast if they think you have dissed one of their own.

BetterEndingBetterEndingalmost 12 years ago
A Few Minor Issues

As has already been stated, the dancing with others to the exclusion of spending any time with your own date was problematic. I don't really know whether or not the hand locations of her dance partners were a problem. They were dancing the Salsa, which is a very sensual dance. I think he would have to learn the Salsa to cure that problem.

However, you did write that she kissed one of them. That was not cool. There should have been some level of apology from her for the kiss as well as leaving him for so long. She also should have been taken to task for her comment about slow dances and offered an apology in response.

You never really gave us a good explanation from her regarding him feeling like she laughed at him and also feeling humiliated by her other actions on the dance floor. It would have been nice if you had provided her point of view.

I think being in this type of relationship was a new thing to her and she really did not understand what the issue was. She was just having fun and expected that he was as well. She does sound like a bull in a china cabinet who makes cutting comments without realizing the impact they have.

We never really were made privy to her responses to his complaints. Frankly, that made it hard to understand why he continued to pursue her. If she was not going to learn from their confrontations, they were destined to keep having them. Enjoyment of their continued attempt at building a relationship was reduced by the lack of contrition on her part. You did however save some grace by having her refuse to dance with someone else on their honeymoon.

Regarding the relationship with his mother, some have written that she ended up totally abandoning him. That was not true. He was the one who had shut the door in her face the last time she came to visit. Considering the situation, it is not surprising that she did not come back after that.

Finally, even with all of the above, I still really enjoyed the story and gave it five stars. Thanks for writing!

tazz317tazz317almost 12 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Real theme of the story should be her behavior.

To disrespect him as she did DID turn him into a humiliated wimp. Real theme is a domineering woman who mocks her man, disrespects him, and almost gets him murdered. star.

nakdsubnakdsubalmost 12 years ago

I loved this story. It took me two nights to read it, but it was well worth it. five big ones from me. Thanks.

Sid0604Sid0604over 11 years ago

I gave this story 5 stars when I 1st read it. I've just read it again and I enjoyed reading it just as much. Thank you

carvohicarvohiover 11 years ago
Very Thoughtful

A story about infidelity and the impact it had on a child. Plus a story about what a strong family can do. I'll read it again for sure. Of course this was a full figured five.

rijubhairijubhaiover 11 years ago

I wish more stories like this were submitted to Lit. Very powerful and poignant to read about characters that are so plausible, you care about their story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great read!

Great read, Awesome characters, good detail.

Honestly, I sat down to read a hot story and rub one out. An hour later I found myself completely lost in the story and not wanting it to end. 5 big ones.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Excellent Story

There are many stories on here about husbands and wives cheating or betraying one another's trust. They typically end with one side moving on, or getting back at the other with a vengeance. Your story went deeper, showing just how traumatizing and damaging something like that can be to not just the spouse/significant other, but also to others, like children in this case. Though I normally use this site as a "release" every now and again I find a story such as this that captures my attention and makes me forget anything else for the time being. An excellent story with very few flaws in my opinion.

phil2213phil2213over 11 years ago
magnificent story

The thing that impressed me the most is the redemption that thr author allowed the characters to achieve. The main character was damaged by his jaded brawling parents and through his friends began to realize his errors and worked on self-improvement. The girlfriend /wife Regina facilitated in creating the awareness of his selfconcept bringing him together again with his family. Jane, the mother was allowed to make a comeback to her son's life gaining opportunity to have dialogue to express herself with passionate apologies and a renewed relationship with her son whom she had loved. Regina was the heroin in this story and the driving moral for in her husband's/boyfriend's life and his family. The story was sensing well described and frothed with deep emotion. The author utilized many tools to elucidate the harm parents can impose on their offspring through their own behaviors with a failed marriage. The story was also saturated with human interest and overall feel good qualities in potential good outcomes. Thank you for a wonderful story that was meticulously well thought out.

phil2213phil2213about 11 years ago
5 very full figured stars

I've read this story before and I revisited a couple times without skipping a word. Everytime, I am consumed emotionally with the power of this amazing piece of literature. It measures up to the best of the best of stories. I must thank Slirpuff for your expertise and time consuming task of such an epic story. It was magic and spellbinding. It doesn't get any better than this. Thank you again!

sugnasugnaabout 11 years ago
One of the Best!

Some of the best writing, and a plot that was amazing. This was one of the most intelligent and gripping stories on this site. It makes me wonder why I read the others.

James QuillerJames Quillerabout 11 years ago
Great story

Great story by a great storyteller. Shows redemption and maturity.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
why do wimps ex-zist

would any man or woman go thru that crap. the bitch got him almost killed. but she is a good catholic, la di da. and he still married the bitch. do wimpy men like him really exist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
How can these idiots rate it high?

The bitch humiliates him, almost gets him murdered, and you idiots think he needs to wimp back. Well, bullshit to all of you fellow wimps. She's clearly a slut and he needs to dump her forever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I don't understand the high rating.

I can't understand why anyone would want to have anything to do with this girl. She humiliates him, laughs at him, and he has to go crawling back?????????


PrideInsightPrideInsightalmost 11 years ago

....well my is because she never humiliated least not with intent but may be through his own stupidity(he never took time to understand dance...he told a Latina he was comfortable with her dancing with others....Latin dances.....salsa, lambada, rumba, paso doble, merengue....are all passion filled, sexual and touchy) and just that a display of culture.

ps even wanna be kill was over "more of dissing culture than any thing else".It is the realization of his naivete that made the girl feel guilty and try to stay away after the knifing .....fellow it takes a big man to put all that in context and admit he was wrong...i am now forced to give this one a 10 on the scale of 1 to 5...mmmm? make that a 10+....ha ha ha....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Mean cruel selfish biotch

What a trainwreck of a "wife" That kind of dance floor BS deserves no cultural excuses. Pinche Borriquena ! OB

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
The Only Thing I'll Agree With...

...she danced too intimately with another man and let herself get groped - Not comfortable with that!

However, two things, she was happy with our guy and she was a one man woman so she really wasn't thinking about what her dance partner was doing - she should have but reason number two, Latins are more outgoing, carefree, fun loving, hot blooded and expressive in their dancing and she most likely wasn't getting the feeling that her dance partner was out of line...they're Latin and the culture is more open and NO - Not submissive!

If you are going to date someone from a different culture then you better learn something about their nature. Personally, she was too big for me but I did like her character, he got a good one with her!!!

Thanks Slirpuff.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Dancing ?

What they call dancing is what we would call foreplay.

When a man performs foreplay on a woman he expects that he will be the one getting the sex from her.

If you saw someone performing foreplay on your woman how comfortable would you be with that ??

sugnasugnaover 10 years ago
More Fish in the Sea

His biggest problem was strategy. He should have calmed down, gone out with as many women as possible, and given himself a selection to chose from. All women are not the same. He limited himself so much that he didn't have a choice. Her dancing was inappropriate - in any culture. She was his date and should have danced with him, unless it was with a non-threatening person and has gave permission and then only for one dance. If she didn't like his dancing, she should have taught him how to dance. Her behavior was selfish and disrespectful. His friends should have backed him up. Then they should have encouraged him to date more women! He was a damaged character - true, but not all that damaged. He wanted to be treated decently and that is not too much to ask for. His only problem was his hysterical over reaction. He should have waited until Regina got done with her ego trip, taken her home, and gone looking for the next girl.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loved it

Very well written with a truly happy ending. Five stars.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 10 years ago

First...a good read IF you like autobiographies. This took us from before five y/o to empty-nester, with most in early adulthood. It included some anachronisms, but outlined Hubby's rationales well, and Sweetie's somewhat less thoroughly (but it WASN'T written from her PoV!)

However, it was a very long TLW tale, and if there was a moral to the story, it largely escaped me. At least a moral which justified the story length and diversity of foci! Why did Hubby get knifed? Was Angela's existence or were any of her attributes (besides being a cute young girl) used for some message? The accident which introduced them got very detailed ... OK ... she's volatile and loud ... got it! Get past it faster! Finally, let Sweetie's Abuelita pass was a touching and reasonable end point! End point! Most readers understand that everyone dies eventually! PS - Ending there would erase the most obvious anachronism!

Unrated because it is a well-written story which is in the WRONG place!

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 10 years ago
I have to agree with Harry on this one

no matter what in 90% of Slipuff stories it's the mans fault. The wife could be the biggest slut on the planet and some how it will be the man's fault.

harrycartonharrycartonabout 10 years ago
'Skuze me?

The tags for this story include 'cheating wives', 'revenge', 'other woman' and 'oral'.

This story is about cheating wives and revenge and other woman about the way that the Internet was invented by Al Gore. Yeah. He was present when they voted on it, and yeah there was a cheating wife in the story as in "my mom cheated" a few times, but come on.... And the oral tag?? What? A mention that he got a bj or two is enuf? What about the 'cruise ship' tag? or the 'Dancing' tag?

It's a pretty good romance story (not in the tags) but I believe in Truth in Advertising.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

A good story which I enjoyed a lot. The thing of it is, that I had expected a cheating wives or husbands tale. What I got instead was a romance, where the guy grew up in a screwed up home and felt the after-effects deep into his adulthood. That didn't make the story any less interesting to read, but I don't believe it fits into Loving Wives as the (primary) category.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 10 years ago
simply this

Regina allowed her dance partners to touch her in more intimately sexual ways than she allowed Steve to touch her.

That is disrespect.

Leaving your date for over an hour while you have fun with other men ?

That is disrespect.

If a woman shows you that much disrespect while dating, which is when most people try to give the best impression, then what will she treat you like when she feels that she has you ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Had one like her once.

Dated and had a short term (2 years) relationship with a Spanish/ Irish woman like the one in the story. Had to leave her for my own sanity. couldn't put up with the screaming and temper tantrums for just anything even small things that occurred. Had just bought a new car, a Pontiac Grand Prix, drove it around the corner from the dealership to a nice restaurant. I did not realize the new car had an airfoil under the front end and wound up hitting the bumper block in front of the restaurant cracking the brand new front foil underneath the Pontiac. She went completely beserk screaming and swearing at me for being so stupid. It wasn't even her car. I bought it and I was paying for it and it was my insurance. This is only one instance. After a couple of years I had it and had her leave. No more hot blooded spanish for me.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Loved It!

I do have some problems with the dance club, she should have realized that she was acting inappropriately, and Steve was right to feel disrespected.

I was concerned just before the pregnancy announcement, I was going to be pissed if the faithful wife was suddenly going to be unfaithful, glad it was good news!

I don't quite buy her nervousness, yes, it was unplanned, but it wasn't like she deliberately went off the pill without discussing it with him first.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Dance Club

I agree with KarenE about the dance club thing, she was completely inappropriate but am willing to give some literary license. But who thinks the pill is working on the second day, please, why didn't you just have the condom break, much more believable.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 9 years ago
The dance club treatment was the final straw

Her temper and dismissive attitude early on was bad enough but I couldn't get past the dance club stuff she pulled. No man with a backbone or even the most minute amount of self-respect would have ever spoken to the disrespecting bitch after that.

Seeker1107Seeker1107over 9 years ago

People get stupid about things like unplanned pregnancy. She had hormones and felt like she broke his trust. Almost had the same thing with my wife, but as I used to be a paramedic I saw the signs. She stewed and was snapping when I finally forced her to talk. Here is the thing I was happy and my wife was on the pill for years and still got pregnant. It happens but he manned up.

As for the dance club, how could she not see she was dissing him in front of everyone. And with the hands all over her then the kiss, I would have walked away. Jeremy and or his girlfriend should have told her what happened not gone off on him and if she was still there for him or even interested in him how could she leave him for more than an hour. Same way girlfriend said it newsflash ladies guys think differently, we have egos and we have feelings. We do not however have mind reading capabilities, nor do we act well when a girl that we agreed to go out with basically abandons us on the dance floor. She should have apologized to him. Hot blood or not, it is not an excuse.

Other than that it was a great story. Also two days on the pill is insane. It takes at least a month to be effective unless they get a shot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
My 2 Cents

Did his dad know Esther? Did he part take in the swinging pleasures of Temple Garden? LOL

markranemarkraneover 9 years ago
Excellent Story

Thank you for a wonderful read. Great real life characters, plot, dialogue, etc. And the editing was good, too!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Jealous prick

That Steve guy is a pathetic insecure jealous prick, I believe Regina is better off without that asshole, don't know why she bothered marrying him

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
re: Jealous prick

isn't that called penis envy, you know for guys with a tiny wanger. Your just a sick fuck who has gotten "laid" since it became a word. Go back to jacking off your cellmates's left nut you fucking fag.

Screw 'em !!!

Screw all the naysayers. This was a great story for several reasons: #(1) The kid got some respect from the kids at school,# (2) he stated his principles and never compromised them,#(3) it was a rocky road from first meeting to marriage,but they made it,#(4) the story had a really happy ending,and your editor did a bitching job on this one with almost no errors or typos.

And if some of you other readers didn't like this story then you should probably be looking at another category!!!

garic372garic372almost 9 years ago

I honestly can not reconcile anyone having a problem with this story. It was amazing from start to finish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Why yes it is called a dance club.

Not a grind club. Not a sex club. Not a grope club. Not a hump club. So if all she was doing was dancing there would've been no problem. But she was doing a lot more of everything else than dancing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good story, characters, didn't like Cindy

I know you probably intended differently, but the character Cindy came off to me as a hard-ass that hated your protagonist. I can understand asking someone to lighten up - but it's a bit much to dismiss everything that happens to them as projection on their part. I had the feeling she probably thought he deserved the slap he got in the driveway from his mom at the age of 5.

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