Love: Finding the Cost


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Anyway, I finally had a paper due that I didn't have a choice but to go to the book store. I hoped that Belinda was off that day, but knew better. I mean, I was one of the few who actually knew she owned the place. So, I set my face and went in like nothing was wrong.

I was lucky, she wasn't in the front. So, I quickly grabbed the book I needed and looked for a hidden corner. I shut out the whispers and hit the tomes. I sighed as the volume went down and read that book like my life depended on it. I guess I felt her before her shadow crossed the book, but I refused to look up.

"I'm sorry miss, but this section is closed." I heard her sweet voice and wanted to cry. Didn't she know how much I loved her? "If you would follow me please...?" Biting my lip, I tried not to look at her as I followed her long dress. I gasped when I realized where she was taking me. We were in the center of her store when she asked. "Will you please look at me?" I couldn't resist her voice, so I looked up. I saw the tears in her eyes as she tried to remain calm. "Do you still love me?" She asked.

The cold shell around my heart shattered. "Yes...." I got out before she captured my lips. Instinct took over as I wrapped my arms around her. I think would have stood there forever if we didn't hear.

"Damn dude; we should have come here a long time ago. I didn't know they had a floor show. That's fucking hot!" Yeah, it was footballer's night. She pulled me behind her as we headed to the back study. As soon as we were in, she slammed the door and locked it. It was all over but the loving.

We were on each other like... like lovers in heat. It was hot passionate, loud and quick, as we found the spots our lover liked. In less than five minutes, we were both cumming. Her face was buried in my pussy as I tried to get my hand shoved up her while licking her to climax. After we shuttered to a mutual orgasm, we flipped, facing the other and cried.

After we were finally able to pull ourselves together, she refused to let go of my hand as we went out and were met by applause. "I'm sorry people, but my girlfriend and I have been separated for awhile. She just came back. We'll try and not make a habit of this, but you know how love is." She smiled as I blushed.

That night, after making love again, we had it out. She told me that she did love me, but was scared that I would leave her. So, she started taking preemptive measures. I loved it when she tried to be so rational about it. When it was my turn, I had to tell her about Mike. After a long talk, she admitted that if I did end up with him, it was no one's fault but her own. She also swore we would try and work things out between us.

That was two weeks before finals. If you've had finals, you know that nothing but studying was going on until I had passed all my tests. I didn't even have time to text mom or Mike. So in the two days before I had to fly home, I tried to talk to Mike and Belinda. Each told me that as long as I didn't lie about it, they were cool with me having the other for a lover. I wondered if we could get together and see where things could go. I mean my heart was saying it might be a good thing to have both of my lovers together.

They were dragging their feet. So, you know me, I threw a hissy fit with both of them. I told them that they could think about it while I was visiting home. I told them both that I loved them and that I would be back. Belinda went with me to the airport and I gave her a kiss and told her that I loved her, before I had to go through security.

The four hours on the plane, I had a lot of time to think about how I could greet Michelle. I'd been such a bitch; I had to find a way to make it up to her. It was to my great delight, to find them kissing as they waited for me. I was like 'Oh my Goddess,' to know what it meant to be loved like that.

I know I must have sounded like a babbling idiot as I told them my problem, but I needed advice. Then to have Tony tell me about his older lover, I knew it was going to be an interesting summer. That's when it hit me that no matter what the cost, it's the love that rules my family.


The cost:

Here it would be nice to say that everything went swimmingly and we all lived happily ever after. Sorry folks, this is real life. Oh things at home were great, but I was missing my lovers by the second week.

It took me that long to convince Belinda that she had to come out and meet the family. I didn't have the same luck with Mike. It seems like he had his summer filled with work and couldn't get away. At first I was hurt, but then as Tony would say, I got to the point of 'Sorry about your luck!' as I made love to Belinda in my own room, knowing my mom and Michelle were doing the same thing under us.

I felt sorry for Tony. He was on the none plan until Missy was on the pill. She was allergic to condoms, so that wasn't an option. Belinda and I thought it was just trying not to tie him down, so he could go to college and make a life for himself.

As they say in stories, the curtain falls and time passes. The summer was over before any of us wanted it to. But, like I said, this is life. Belinda had to work, Tony had to choose a good business college, and I had to decide if I was going to become an inactive sister and move in with Belinda while I finished school.

Then there was Mike. Yeah Mike, the one thing that could bind us or destroy us. We had agreed that we would try it once and see what happened. I knew in my heart that Belinda was doing this for me. It made me love her all the more.

I don't know what Mike thought about it, but he was up for the idea of a weekend away where we could all meet. Registration was done and the weeks had been finished. I found a nice quiet secluded resort for all of us to meet. I got adjoining room just in case. I met with Mike as Belinda had to make sure Kyle had his own set of keys.

To put it bluntly, I had arraigned for the best bar I could as I plied Belinda with wine and Mike, a prime single malt whisky that Grandpa Harold recommended. Again, it was sex. We all had sex.

The only really exciting part was as I was on my hands and knees, as Mike was fucking me from behind, Belinda scooted under me and found my clit. Since she was so well acquainted with it, she sent me over the moon. I was a quivering mass of goo as Mike shot his load into my unprotected womb.

Yes, I had ulterior motives... I mean if this was the only time we would do this. I did want to give Belinda the children she requested. I knew Mike was clean, so Belinda didn't use protection either. Yes, I repaid the favor, as Mike took her. I mean it was my Belinda. I loved her so much I would give her anything. The alcohol helped with that little part of my heart that didn't want to share her.

That weekend was equal parts booze, babes, and sex for Mike. When he was too tired to go on. We would go into the other room and have some alone time. Mostly we just talked as we cuddled. We figured it this way, if this is what it took to make the other happy, then we were willing to try.

Mike, being a guy, was all for another weekend. I mean to have two sexy women at his disposal had to be an ego booster. As it turned out, it was too much of an ego boost. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Like I said, to stay in college, there is a huge amount of studying. Once you are on the Dean's list, everyone expects you to stay there. That meant the teachers expected you to do better and more. Add to that, as the weeks passed it felt like I had constant stomach flu.

The first chance I got, I went to Mike's college to see if we could all get together again. To be honest, I felt like shit. So did Belinda. We figured this would be the real test. To see if he could be a supportive part of our relationship. I know I messaged him when I expected to arrive.

So, since he had given me a key, I didn't think about it. It was in the middle of the day. There wasn't a sock on the door, so I opened it. I about fainted. Let me tell you what I found, because it took me awhile to figure it all out.

Mike was naked standing with his back to the door, flexing his hips. Then I saw them. After Mike there was this blonde flailing like a fish out of water. Under her was Mike's roommate. As it soaked into my brain, I was able to discern that she was urging them on... telling Mike to fuck her tight ass as his roommate tried to rip her tits off and fucked her pussy. I even got to see the grad finish as she looked over and saw me. I think they all came out of shock.

Me, I just slammed the door and headed back to the train station. I never ran so fast. I knew Mike didn't have a chance of finding me before I was on the train back home. I was a blubbering mess by the time I climbed the stairs. Belinda saw me and was there in seconds, holding me and asking what was wrong.

It took some time for me to tell her. I mean it only had been a month since we gave that asshole every guy's dream, if all those porno books are to be believed. I shared the most sacred thing in my life and he wasn't anything but a fucking cheat.

He had to know how long it took me to get back. I had just finished telling Belinda about what I saw when the phone rang. If was him, of course. I listened to him try and tell me that he hadn't cheated, that it was me who wanted an open relationship and he didn't see anything wrong with further experimentation with other people.

"I thought you loved me...!" I screamed at him. "I was trying to make you a part of something special and you took it as license to fuck around. I want us, as in all of us, to be in a committed relationship with each other. I don't want a fucking open relationship. I wanted the two people I love, to love each other so we could make a family together. You fucking idiot! Never call here again." I threw the phone across the room and it shattered against the wall. I collapsed in Belinda's arms and wept uncontrollably. How could he betray us like that?

"It's okay... it will be okay...." Belinda told me as she held me. "He's just a man. His dick got hard and he couldn't think. We're better without him. I love you." She rubbed my back as I cried a river.

After I calmed down, Belinda had to go back to work. I spent the weekend tossing cookies as Belinda looked green and tried to keep her stomach under control. We decided it would be a good idea to get ourselves tested to make sure he hadn't cheated before we allowed him to be with us.

She and I made joint appointments, so we could be there if something was wrong. I know they had to know we were a couple since we refused to let the other go in unescorted. After an hour of waiting, the doctor pulled us back into his office. He looked grim as he told us to sit.

"What's the verdict doc?" Belinda asked. "Did we miss the bullet?" She tried to smile.

"Um well, that depends... um, well there are no STI's, but there is.... Were you trying to get pregnant Miss Walters?"

"What...? I can't get pregnant. Are you sure you got the right test?" She looked like she would pass out.

"And you, Miss Burris? Did your partner know you were having sex with a man?" He went on uncomfortably. "I mean you are both about six weeks pregnant... did you do this on purpose?" He shuffled the paperwork. "This is why we usually do this in private." He said not looking at them.

"We... We're pregnant...?" I asked stunned.

"But I can't. I was told I'm sterile, I never thought... are you sure?" Belinda asked.

"Well, we could do a blood serum test, but these new tests are just as accurate. Have either of you been feeling sick to the stomach, sore or tender breasts, a heavy discharge, tired? When was your last period?" He asked ticking off the symptoms of his fingers.

"I thought it was a virus or the flu. I'm in school and carrying a full load."

"Well you are definitely carrying..." He smiled at his own joke. "And Miss Walters, I don't have your file, but the body is a wondrous thing. This isn't the first time I've heard someone who thought they couldn't have kids, getting pregnant. I was just wondering about the dates. I know many couples like yourself, who have gone the insimation route. I was just wondering...."

"Oh wow, um, yeah, um...." I stammered "what do we do now?"

"Well, I can suggest some good OBGYN's. You need to get an appointment as soon as you can. Until then, you can take some over the counter vitamins and extra iron. It's early in both of your pregnancies. You're both young and healthy. So, I don't foresee any problems. But it's always best to be under a physician's care." He said like he was reading it off a cue card.

I think we were in shock as we tried to understand the test results. We didn't say anything as we got on the bus back to our apartment. Belinda looked like she wanted to say something, but she'd open her mouth and nothing would come out. To be honest I wasn't much better. I mean, yeah sure I had thought about if I was to get pregnant. But it never crossed my mind that she would... and at the same time.

My next thought was if I had to go through this, there wasn't anyone I rather go through it with. I just hoped my lover felt the same way. I figured I would give Belinda some time to processes this, but she beat me to the punch.

As soon as we closed the door she asked. "What are we going to do?" She was almost in tears. Happy or sad tears I didn't know.

"Well... to me it's simple. We um, call our parents, drop the bomb and then invite them to our wedding. I continue school and we work through this, as a couple, one day at a time." I hugged her.

"Goddess I wish it was that simple. What about Mark?"

"Mike... his name was Mike."

"Whoever, what are we going to do about him? We can't hide it from him. What if he tries to take our babies? What then...?"

At least she was thinking ours. "I don't know. With his new found sexual freedom, I don't think he'll want to be strapped down to two different mothers of two different children. Two sets of support payments. It doesn't go with the vision of his free experimental sexuality. At least he didn't give us the crud." To say we were overwhelmed would have been a major understatement.


Okay, since it's almost dinner time, I'll just sum-up what happened after that.

First, we called my mom and Michelle. Michelle was a great resource of information. Mom couldn't stop crying and Tony and Missy couldn't stop laughing.

Second, we double teamed Mike and gave him a choice. Since we knew the children were his, it took his paternity complaints out of the equation. He could sign away his parental rights, or we would go after support. I know it was mean, but neither Belinda nor I wanted him coming back and causing problems. As far as we're concerned, the whole reason the Goddess put him in our life, was to give us the children we're supposed to have. After talking it over with whoever he talked to, he signed away his rights.

Third, Belinda let Kyle have the apartment over the store. I was concerned at first. When I asked her where we were going to live, all she said was.

"Sweetie, my parents are financially secure... um like on a first name basis with Bill Gates secure. In other words Love, their rich. Daddy bought me the store for a graduation gift. I've shown a profit since I re-opened the doors. Money isn't the problem. Getting you through graduation is." Then she showed me her plan. So, that took care of that.

Now the bad:

Grammy and Grandpa Harold lived long enough to see their great-grand kids. They even saw Tony and I graduate, get married, and helped Tony settle in as the new head of the business. They even made it to the birth of Tony and Missy's second child. Then they went on a trip, and never came home. Their plane went down. All they could find was the wreckage.

Belinda's parents didn't exactly abandon her, but it was a close thing. The only saving grace was the kids. It meant another generation of Walters running around. Other than that, we could feel their dislike of our marriage.

Oh, just to clear up any misconceptions, we took each other names when we got married. I'm Kimberly Meghan Burris-Walters, and she is Belinda Marie Walters-Burris. Our children are Harold Anthony Walters-Burris, and Linda Michelle Burris-Walters. We are known as the Burris-Walters clan. There is no mistaking our children for brother and sister.

After Grammy died, Mom stopped working at the office. She and Michelle put all their efforts into the dress shop. They sold the houses and found something closer to the shop. They celebrated their tenth anniversary by taking a long cruise together.

I gave Tony our father's bed. He and Missy needed it more than we did while he was in college. We bought a huge King sized bed that you can generally find our kids sneaking into and cuddling us to go to sleep.

So there you have it. The good, bad, and ugly; of how I went from a screaming, homophobic, cretin to a happily married lesbian with children. I hope it clears things up for you, because Belinda is cooking dinner with little Linda and I need to be there to make sure they don't burn the house down.

And yes, it is worth the cost to have a love like ours every day.


Author's notes:

Do to the many requessts I've recieved to tell Kim's story, here it is. To be honest I did it as an excercise in writing. I had to have the story complete in fifteen thousand words. No more, no less. Also, I decided to go with just one editor, Ekmathean, to finish this work and get it posted. I think there might be some issues with all the file transfers when I copy and post to this site. The most irritating are the he to she, or as to and. there are a few others that have been pointed out, but such is life.

I hope you enjoyed this story and remember all the legal disclaimers. Once again please vote and give me feedback as to how I did.

Thanks for reading my stories

The Author.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

What an elegant, passionate, and poignant sequel to the story of Linda and Michelle. I knew when Kim was so accepting of their relationship when she came home for the summer that her story needed to be equally intriguing. And you certainly delivered. While the story tended to gloss over the challenges that confronted to two young lesbian lovers, it was a testament to how love can find a way, even against great odds. Hail Goddess, let us all be worthy of your love and guidance. Tears now, lots of tears . . . and joy.

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai6439 months ago

Good conclusion to the story!

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I thought in the first story Harold had already died before the boat cruise?

MasterpuppyMasterpuppyover 6 years ago
Some guys

Can't handle that kind of relationship. Some on the other hand can.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Excellent story

Excellent story well written and a Happy ending to boot !

5 out of 5 stars

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