Love, Honour and Obey


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For a second or two I thought that I had made a faux pas as Suzanne stopped still and looked at me in an odd way but I was certainly not prepared for what came next. Before I could react she reached forward and grabbed a hank of my hair. I was already off balance and it was a simple matter for her to pull me down. At one moment I was trying to read her expression and the next I sprawled between her parted legs with my mouth on her sex. I needed no second bidding. I put out my tongue and began to lick and I could taste that she had been aroused for quite some time. It made the present task slightly unedifying but as I worked my tongue deeper into the gorge the taste became stronger but fresher.

I wanted to take advantage of this new show of forwardness on her part and I brought my knees up under me as a prelude to shifting my position. I wanted to get my crotch over her face and trusted that she would get the message thereafter. Keeping my tongue deep inside her I made the first move towards crabbing sideways but even as I tried her grip on my hair tightened ever so slightly. I took this as a sign that she was getting close and so I stayed with it but after a few seconds her grip relaxed and there was no other obvious sign of an impending orgasm. I carried on with long licks of my tongue working almost from her anus to her clitoris lapping up the rivulet of saliva and juices that was steadily leaking from her. Minutes passed and, whilst I was enjoying it, my own needs were growing more urgent.

I decided to try again. To start with I turned my head so that I could push my tongue even deeper inside her and this met with a growl of approval but as soon as I tried to straighten myself by twisting my body her fingers tightened in my hair once more. I felt a stab of irrational anger but it passed in an instant and I told myself not to be so impatient. I settled back down between her legs and resumed my duties.

It was hard to judge the passing of time but my tongue was getting tired and, in an inverse relationship, the needy ache in my cock was getting worse. The only thing for it was to bring her to a climax as quickly as possible. I shifted slightly so that I could concentrate on her clitoris but she immediately applied a gentle downward pressure on my head.

"Not yet ..."

She spoke sotto voce and it was hard to read the intonation. A part of me wanted to rebel, not least because my face was sore from having been wet so long, but I also felt proud that she was pleased with my ministrations. I bent to it once more and, if anything, she was wetter still. Over the next few minutes she began to purr and, when I tried for a second time to engage her clitoris, she did not resist.

It was so firm that I could feel the pulse of it and, with a few gentle strokes, she came to a screaming orgasm but the sound was lost to me as her thighs pressed painfully against the sides of my head. She held me so tight that I was wrenched by her every contraction and only when it was finally all over did she release me.

I was definitely not feeling my best. My face was hot and my hair was plastered to my head. Suzanne, by contrast, looked totally alluring. She was still breathing hard and her lips were slightly parted but it was her eyes that captured me. There was a light of lust in them that I had never seen before and her pupils were so dilated that the deep blue irises appeared almost black.

Seeing her like that fired me up once more and I rose up over her. The head of my cock was a livid purple and her mouth had never looked so tempting but no sooner was the thought formed than she reached out and took hold of my erection.

"I want to feel you inside me ..."

In the next few seconds I felt both desire and frustration in equal measure but as she reeled me in, opening her legs wide in the process, I was lost. I entered her with all the subtlety of a rutting stag and pumped like a mad man.


She urged me on, exacting even greater effort, and the sweat dripped from my body.

"Fuck me!"

This was not the Suzanne of old. She took hold of my buttocks, her nails biting in painfully, and I tried harder still. Normally, when I come, I slow down to savour the moment but not this time. I came in a frenzy and kept on going through my own climax until, seconds later, she reached a second orgasm. As I rolled off of her we were both gulping air and I felt shattered. Minutes later my mind was still racing but when I turned to speak to her she was already asleep.

The next morning she had already left the room by the time I awoke. I slowly stretched myself, working some life into aching muscles that I did not know that I had, and then stepped into the shower. My face still felt clammy from the night before and I rinsed my mouth in the running water to rid myself of the dry musty cotton taste resulting from my failure to brush my teeth after our bout of lovemaking.

I felt slightly more human as I sauntered into the breakfast room to find Suzanne eating a slice of toast and reading the arts column of the paper. She smiled up at me as I walked in.

"Morning lover, how are you feeling?..."

Without thinking I ran my sore tongue around the inside of my mouth and her smile immediately broadened.

"...You were insatiable last night."

It seemed an odd choice of words given that her appetite had clearly been the greater but I dismissed it as I took a seat and reached for the sports section of the paper.

"Is there any more toast on the go?"

"After all you ate last night?"

The double entendre took me by surprise, not being her usual style of humour, but I smiled notwithstanding and she immediately got up to slip another couple of slices of bread into the toaster. She was wearing one of her dark business suits which pulled off the trick of being both formal and sexy at the same time but, more particularly, I noticed that she was not wearing pantyhose. She always waited until the very last minute to put them on which meant that she probably had a few minutes in hand. Something had definitely changed in our relationship and I desperately wanted to discuss things with her but I could find no easy way to broach the subject.

I was still staring at her legs, lost in my thoughts, when I realized she was talking to me.

"Is my skirt too short?"

"No, of course not, you look great."

"Then what?...Oh,...did you want something else for breakfast?"

She sat back down but she did not pull her chair under the table. She cocked her head slightly, raised an eyebrow, and slowly parted her legs.

In the next few seconds I underwent a transformation, from rational human being to a Cro-Magnon on heat. My heart was beating like a trip hammer as she smiled and slowly slipped her fresh panties down her legs.

"Come and get it ..."

I was a puppet with someone else pulling the strings as I went down on my knees before her lost in a single moment of depravity. Her sex was lewdly displayed with her dusky pink labia opening like a flower in the sun but the scent was not so much English country garden as jungle tropic. It was difficult to believe that she had become aroused so quickly but I was hardly one to talk. I had an erection that a pole dancer could have used as a tool of her trade.

I moved between her thighs, using my head to nudge her skirt out of the way, and I opened my mouth wide.


I felt her hand at the back of my head as, with a single thrust, I pushed my tongue deep inside her.

"...right there!"

Her muscles squeezed my tongue coaxing me towards her g spot and I did the best I could but I was already being reminded of my exertions the night before. The root of my tongue was more sore than I thought but I worked gamely as she gave me further encouragement.

"Do it harder...that's nice...suck it!!..I'm coming!"

In the short time it took her to reach a climax my initial blind lust abated and I found myself simply trying to get her there so that I could address my own needs. As soon as it was over I knelt away from her to find her smiling down at me. She picked up a table napkin and began to tenderly wipe her juices from my face and then mopped my glistening forehead.

"Thank you..."

Now was my moment. I stood up in front of her letting my gown slip open to reveal my needy erection and she immediately took hold of it enfolding it in the napkin that she was still had in her hand. It was just inches from her face and I gently, but insistently, pressed forward but she held me just where I was. For the next few seconds we were poised awkwardly; I would draw back slightly and then make another hopeful thrust but Suzanne would not yield. I was getting desperate and was about to ask for what I wanted when I was struck by a most ungentlemanly thought.

As always, Suzanne had applied her makeup impeccably and I was suddenly overcome by the urge to come, not in her mouth, but all over her face. I had seen enough porn movies in my time and the facial cum shot had always struck me as rather corny but that was what I wanted right then. I do not know if it was an empowerment thing or an element of "serves you right" but the mere fleeting thought brought me to the edge. I began to thrust more purposefully against her steady hand until the dam broke but, at that very moment, she used her thumb to deftly flick the napkin over the end of my cock.

I gasped and jerked spastically as I pumped wastefully into the napkin and as soon as it was over she took my limp hand in hers and guided it to my cock. She then got up from the chair, leaving me holding the sodden napkin to my wilting erection, pecked a kiss on my cheek and headed to the door.

"I'll leave you to clean up. I have to rush."

Chapter 2

She left the house shortly afterwards but I was in a daze for some time to come. It was not that I felt cheated per se, after all I had not made my wishes clear, but I did feel, in some way, short changed.

I could not concentrate on work for the remainder of the morning and my frustration grew so great that I phoned Suzanne to see if we could meet for lunch. She said she would have loved to but she was already booked to meet clients and she further compounded my misery by saying that she had to go back to her flat that evening.

I slept badly that night and another less than productive day passed with each ensuing hour seeming longer than the last. I knew what I wanted to say and rehearsed a hundred different ways of saying it but none of them seemed right. In the end I reminded myself that we were in love and I should be able to say anything I wanted.

When Suzanne finally arrived I bit the bullet. After a welcoming hug and kiss I led her by the hand to the sofa. Her expression told me that she thought something was wrong but she relaxed when I sat down next to her and gave a reassuring smile.

"Suze, I want to talk about yesterday morning."

For a second or two she seemed lost but then memory served and her eyes twinkled mischievously.

"Certainly a nice start to the day.|"

"It's just that..."

Her expression changed in an instant to one of concern.

"I'm sorry! Was I too forward?"

"No, of course not."

I squeezed her hand gently and she relaxed again.

"I know that some guys don't like to do it... but you really seem to enjoy it."

The conversation was veering from the course that I had in mind but at least we were having a discussion.

"Of course I do. I love you. I'd do anything for you..."

She gave me a heart melting smile and I pressed my advantage.

"...and I thought that you would do anything for me."

"I would...except..."

She paused for a moment, seemingly lost for words, but then picked up again.

"...I thought we were okay, you know, as we were...but then you seemed so insistent, I didn't want to deprive you."

Her reply was not one that I had allowed for in my many rehearsals for this conversation and I blurted my response.

"Don't you like it?"

"Of course I do silly. Can't you tell?"

The truth was that I suspected that she enjoyed better orgasms when I went down on her than when I actually entered her which, whilst in one sense flattering, was, in another, deflating. I decided to go for broke.

"Have you had a problem?...You know...With other men."

What followed was probably the most awkward silence that had ever passed between us. For fully a minute she looked deep into my eyes and it felt as though she was searching out my soul. When she finally spoke she was choked up and she made a couple of false starts.

"When I was a teenager I had...problems...with my stepfather."

I tried to fill in the blanks.

"He forced himself on you?"

"He tried, on and off for about two years. I always managed to fend him off but I could not tell my mother. It would have devastated her...or so I thought."

"One evening, he cornered me in the kitchen. Mum was out and he had been drinking. It was the first time he ever exposed himself to me...then he grabbed my hair and forced me down to my knees..."

She could not continue. For a few moments she sobbed into my shoulder and then she found her voice again.

"...I was screaming so loud he didn't hear my mother come back. She summed it up in an instant and she didn't hesitate. She hit him just once but she used a cast iron saucepan. He went out for the count."

At this point in her story she smiled and then laughed a little.

"I had been afraid for so long and my mum solved all my problems with a single blow. She locked him in the kitchen and called the police but by the time they arrived he'd gone through the window and neither of us has ever seen him since."

As I gently stroked her hair I felt relief. Her reluctance was now fully understandable but I was certain that I could win her round eventually. We sat quietly for the next quarter of an hour with me continuing to sooth her and then I asked quietly.

"Do you want me to stop doing it?"

Her reply was not quite what I had expected. She freed herself from my embrace and in a single movement she lounged back against the arm of the sofa and lifted her leg onto the seat. This served to ruck up her skirt and I found myself staring between her legs. She waited a couple of seconds for the surprise to register and then, with studied deliberation, she used her immaculately manicured nails to shred her pantyhose and pulled her translucent pink panties to one side.

I could not help myself, I could not think, I was drawn to her like filings to a magnet. As I bowed down between her legs I was conscious that she was still in clothes that she had worn for the whole day but I was not put off. Her sheer brazenness excited me and overcame any qualms I might have had. As I closed my mouth over her sex the remnants of her hose snagged on the tiny bristles of my five o'clock shadow but, following her own lead, I ripped them aside and started to devour her.

She was incredibly aroused and her taste quickly filled my mouth. At first it was strong,, almost unpleasant, but as I slipped my tongue inside her flow was hotter and fresher and I swallowed greedily. At some point the awkwardness of her panties grew too great and she pushed me away for a second or two until she had divested herself of them in a frenzy of limbs. Once free, she opened her legs even wider and pulled me back into place.

I went back to work but her pubic hair, now free of restraint, slowly uncoiled and tickled my nose bringing with it the fusty odours of the day. Once again nagging doubts about the equilibrium of our relationship seeped insidiously into my mind but I was about to reassert myself with the mother of all erections.

I used my thumbs to open her up and set upon her engorged clitoris. Within a few seconds, her body began to shudder and then, to my astonishment, she ejaculated. A gush of moisture hit me square in the face followed quickly by another more copious jet. My instincts made me recoil but she held my head anxiously.

"Not yet!"

She pulled me back into her using her own fingers to rub her clitoris as she continued to come coating my face with her outpouring. When she was finally spent moisture was literally dripping from my face and I wished that I had a towel to hand but I was not prepared for what came next. As I slowly rose from between her thighs she grabbed the front of my shirt and drew me towards her. We remained posed with our faces just inches apart and then she licked me. She was like a cat, running her tongue slowly over my whole face, and at the back of her throat she sounded a pleasurable growl.

I have had my share of girlfriends and I like to think of myself as a man of the world but nothing could have prepared me for this act of wanton behaviour. My erection, already straining, seemed to swell to even greater proportions but then with a sudden tightening of my balls I started to come. For a second or two I tried to fight it back but it was far too late. I felt myself pumping endlessly as a warm wet stain started to discolour my trousers. I was shamefully reminded of the wet dreams I had as a schoolboy and I felt my face flushing with embarrassment.

"Get undressed. Let's see if we can coax him back to life ..."

Her tone was gentle, sympathetic, but I found it hard to meet her eyes. I took off my shirt and then peeled my sticky pants down my legs. I wanted to shower, to get clean and make a fresh start but Suzanne had other ideas. She quickly removed the remainder of her own clothing and drew me back onto the sofa. I lay on top of her as we started to kiss and she scissored her legs around my waist. Under other circumstances this would have been enough to excite me but my climax had taken more out of me than I realized. I tried valiantly but my manhood could only make a half-hearted effort to rise to the occasion. She sensed my unease and, as she relaxed her legs, she whispered playfully in my ear.

"There's no rush...we've got all night."

"Just give me a few minutes ..."

"Okay...but while we're waiting..."

She slid from under me, moving upwards so that she was perched on the arm of the sofa with her legs spread and where, at one moment, my mouth had been on hers it was now scant inches from her sex.

"Come and lick me ..."

I was to become very familiar with that phrase in the weeks to come. If anything our lovemaking grew in intensity during that period but it somehow became assumed that I would always go down on Suzanne as a prelude to penetrative sex. Nor was this simply foreplay; she wanted to be brought to climax before we began in earnest and, at her most relaxed, it could sometimes take more than half an hour to make her come. If I am truthful, I found it a little irksome but I did not begrudge her. She started to drop subtle hints that the door had closed on her past and that, by implication, another door was opening on a brighter future in which her inhibitions would be shed.

I think that, subconsciously, I formed the idea that if we were finally married then her fears, however they were grounded, would all be calmed. To that end I pressed her to name a day but she refused to be hurried. She made the very valid point that I had yet to meet her mother, who had returned to live in her native Argentina after the formalities of a divorce from Suzanne's stepfather, and it was difficult to get her to commit to a visit. Whilst I could rationalize this I found it less easy to come to terms with Suzanne's refusal to move in with me in the interim. She said that when she did move in she wanted it to be into her marital home but I was damned if I could see the difference.

When I reviewed things in the cold light of day I knew that I should have been more than happy. I was engaged to a beautiful woman with whom, with one notable exception, I was enjoying wonderful sex and there were other things besides. Suzanne had introduced me to her circle of friends which was much larger than my own and I revelled in her popularity. Everyone loved her and, amongst the males, I was sure that I detected a friendly jealously which only served to boost my ego.