Lucy Ch. 06-10


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'Well, we'll need to go back to your place so I can have a shower, no, a bath, a long, soaking bath.' she said. 'Then after that, what I'd really like to do is do what we've just done, all over again. Only a bit more slowly, and somewhere more comfortable.' she added with a grin.

'I'm sorry you were...'

'No, no, don't misunderstand me Jack. This was utterly fantastic! Another fantasy come true, I wouldn't have changed anything about it. But I want to be able to feel that incredible power gradually building-up before we do it again, so we'll need to do it differently, much more slowly, and that needs somewhere appropriate.

Then later, I'm going to cook for you, something simple but nutritious, so we'll have to stop at the shops on the way. Then while we eat you're going to tell me something about yourself, maybe about some of the women in your life. Then we're going back to bed, that time to sleep.' she added with a low chuckle. 'How does that sound?'

I made her laugh when I said it sounded so wonderful that I might offer her a job as a social secretary, but as we got nearer to the restaurant and saw the number of people leaving I felt her tensing up.

'I know it's silly but I can't help feeling they know what we've been up to.' she said, gripping my hand more tightly.

Certainly eyes were watching us, or at least they were watching Lucy, but I told her that even if they did think that, what did it matter. 'The men will just be envious of me Lucy, and that's their problem.'

She relaxed a little and responded. 'And let me tell you that if the women knew how well hung you are Jack, how good you are with it, and what you just did for me, they'd be even more envious than the men.'

'So, let's flaunt it, and leave them to their poor, unexciting lives.'

'Right!' she said as she stepped out more confidently, ignoring the stares we got as we made our way to my car.

However, when we got to the shopping centre she said she really was too embarrassed by her appearance to go in there wearing the little that she was. So she ran through the things she needed and I went in and bought those items I knew I didn't have in the cupboard, and then we headed home.

Chapter 8

Bubble Bath

Once indoors and we had put the ingredients away I suggested she go up and start running her bath.

'What about you Jack?'

Although I could easily have used the second bath-room the idea of being able to see her, to watch her bathing, overwhelmed my normal reaction to give her privacy. And as the shower was in the corner opposite the bath, with a clear glass screen and door, I would be able to do that. But then I wondered how Lucy might feel about that.

'I'll be up in a minute, for a shower, that is if you don't mind sharing the bath-room.'

'Of course I don't mind sharing Jack, anyway it's your bath-room.'

'OK, but I've got a few things to do first, so you get started, you said you wanted a long soak. I think you'll find bath salts and other stuff in the cabinet, help yourself to whatever you fancy.'

'Thank you, but don't be too long, I'll need you to scrub my back.' she added with a meaningful grin.

After she had gone upstairs I went down under the house, where I had a small, but well-stocked cellar. Not knowing her preference for wines I selected a light, mellow red and a crisp, not too dry white for our evening meal, then took a bottle of champagne from the half dozen or so I always kept in a small fridge.

Contrary to what I had said to her I really had nothing else to do, I had just wanted to give her a little time to herself, so sat quietly for a while, replaying in my head the almost unbelievable events of the last few hours.

In my wildest fantasies I had never conjured up anything as incredibly exciting as what we had done together, or the sensations I had experienced.

I found I was getting a jumble of visual flashes of Lucy. Sitting beside me in the car on the way to the restaurant. The worried look on her face when she told me she was still feeling sexually aroused. The provocative movement of her breasts as we walked together in the gardens. The way she looked when she stood naked in the shrubbery. A close-up of her pussy when I had lifted her up to the wall.

And found that just those brief flashes were more than enough to start getting me aroused again. Then when I remembered what we had done, how she'd reacted when I found her G-spot, how it felt when I'd fucked her against the wall, my cock started throbbing almost as powerfully as it had been when she'd pushed her hands down inside my trousers.

Pulling myself back to reality I remembered what she had said when I asked what she wanted to do. 'After I've had a long, soaking bath what I'd really like to do is do what we've just done, all over again. Only a bit more slowly, and somewhere more comfortable.'

I realised that if I let myself continue with the thoughts I'd been having, when she was ready for me I'd go off like a rocket, spoiling things for her by climaxing far too quickly. So, in an effort to clear my mind of the visions of her body, and the feelings she stimulated in me, I busied myself with sorting out pots and pans, china, glass and cutlery for our evening meal, and while I was doing that, tried to concentrate on one or two business decisions I knew I needed to make over the next few days.

My efforts were at least partially successful and by the time I opened the champagne and carried it and the glasses upstairs my erection had virtually subsided.

Lucy had obviously found some bubble bath in the cupboard and as she was stretched the full length of the bath all I could see of her was her head.

'I was wondering where you had got to Jack. This bath is enormous, there's room for us both in here.'

Ignoring the implication I merely answered. 'I can't stand those modern, little things they call baths. If I'm having one I like to do what you are doing, lie right down in it. How about a little champagne, bubbles on the inside to go with the bubbles on the outside.' I added with a grin as I poured the wine.

'Oh lovely. More decadent luxury.' she said, pulling herself upright and taking the glass from me.

As she did that her breasts broke through the layer of bubbles and although covered with foam I could still see the outline of their shape, and found that was quite enough to start rekindling the feelings I thought I had successfully suppressed.

We clinked glasses and drank. 'Oh that is really nice champagne.' she said, then, after taking a second draft, added. 'Very, very nice. It's not French, is it?'

'Yes it is.'

'Jack, you're spoiling me. You mustn't, I might get hooked on it.'

'So. Why not?' I responded, then emptied my glass, moved across to the shower and started to strip off.

Although I had my back to her I could feel her watching me, and not for the first time, wished it was the muscular body of a twenty five year old I was exposing.

Once again it was as though she could read my thoughts. 'I know you keep referring to your age Jack, but you really do have a great body.' she said as I leaned into the shower and turned on the water.

I turned to thank her for the unmerited compliment and as I did so I saw her eyes drop to my crotch.

'And that's especially true of that part of you.' she added in a lower tone.

Although my previous erection had subsided my cock had remained partially swollen, and the sight of her in the bath had sent more blood coursing into it. So at that moment it was, as the saying goes, at 'half mast', not stiffened, but thickly swollen.

'I'm not sure I believe you, but it's nice to hear you say it Lucy.' I replied with a smile, then stepped into the shower stall.

She continued watching as I soaped and washed myself and so it wasn't surprising that my body continued to react to the combination of her being there and the thought of the pleasures we would soon be sharing. Even the feel of my own hands had an effect and by the time I had finished and reached for the towel to dry myself, I saw that my cock had started to stiffen.

'Are you going to give my back a scrub now?' she asked when I hooked the towel around my waist.

'Sure.' I replied. 'I'll just refill your glass first.'

She had both arms resting on the sides of the bath, one hand holding the empty champagne glass, but as I leaned across to refill it she slipped the other up under the towel, supporting my already semi-erect cock on her wrist and curling her fingers around my balls.

'Mmm that's nice. A lovely hot bath, champagne in one hand, and this gorgeous thing in the other. I feel like one of those 18th century French courtesans. Very nice.' she added, feeling my cock twitch as her touch sent more blood flowing into it.

'Lucy, you are far more beautiful and ten times more sexy than any courtesan ever was, French or any other nationality.'

'That's nice to hear, even if it is only flattery.' Then, without letting go of me, added. 'But now, would you give my back a good scrub please.'

As I reached for the soap and began to lather her back she took another drink, then looked up at me with a positively wicked glint in her eye and started rolling and fondling my balls. In addition to the sensations her fingers generated, all the thoughts I had previously tried so hard to ignore returned, and by the time I had finished washing her my quickly rising cock had pushed the fold of the towel aside.

Lucy's eyes widened as she stared at the still rising length, then draining and putting down her glass she turned, unhooked the towel, let it drop to the floor, and with a tense smile on her face, said. 'Don't get too excited too quickly Jack. I'm going to do to you what you did to me last night.'

'What do you mean?' I asked gruffly as I felt my cock continuing to harden.

'Make you wait. Get you almost there, then stop. Torment you the way you tormented me, remember?'

'But it was worth it, wasn't it?'

'Of course it was, it was wonderful. So let's see if I can make it just as good for you. Eventually.' she added after a meaningfully long pause.

As she spoke she had been running the palm of her hand slowly back and forth along the underside of the shaft, the soapy water made her already soft skin even slicker and that, coupled with the lightness of her touch, sent tingling waves of pleasure up my spine. I could feel my cock growing as more and more blood surged into it then gave a low grunt when, after a few more of those tantalising strokes, she curled the fingers of both hands around it. Pushing one right down to the base and closing her fingers firmly around it, she began to lightly stroke up and down the still rising length with the other.

What she was doing was so stimulating it only took a minute or two to get it up to full size, for the veins along the shaft to become darkly swollen and the bulging head turn a dark plum-red, its skin taut and glossy. Then, while one hand maintained its grip around the base and began to rhythmically squeeze the shaft, the other concentrated on the head.

I looked down, watching her finger-tips slowly skimming over it, then in and around the deep groove behind it. The head was already so sensitive that each move generated a shock-like thrill that zipped up through my body and fired off in my brain's pleasure centre. 'Oh Lucy, that's fantastic.' I said hoarsely. 'You have really magical hands.' Giving another, louder grunt of pleasure as what she was doing made my cock jerk several notches higher.

Feeling the strength of my reaction, she stopped and slipped both hands down between my legs. 'That's good.' she said as one stroked up and down my thigh and the other gently fondled my already swollen balls. 'These are feeling heavy and seem to be getting tighter. But it will be quite a while yet before I let you empty them.' she added after a lengthy pause, then went back to work on my cock, increasing the strength of the shock-waves coursing through me by occasionally grazing the rim of the bulging head with the tip of her finger-nails.

The electrifying sensations kept me at fever pitch and I saw her watching me closely, her eyes flitting up and down from my face to my cock, apparently gauging exactly how close I was to coming. She'd give me a brief smile, then again concentrate on what she was doing to me, taking me right to the brink, then somehow managing to hold me there.

I couldn't suppress an occasional groan of sheer frustration and after what seemed an age of pleasure-filled torment finally couldn't stand any more. 'Please!' I begged her in a rasping growl when the pressure and tension became almost unbearable.

'OK, that's enough for now.' she said, deliberately misunderstanding my plea, suddenly taking both hands away and leaving me standing there, my cock jerking wildly, the semen in my aching balls churning, and my entire body quivering. 'Now let's see if you can do what you did to me that first evening. Get in here, behind me, then caress my breasts for me please.'

Realising that she'd really meant what she'd said about keeping me waiting, I had no choice but to do as she asked, so, slipping one leg down either side of her I lowered myself into the still quite hot water. As I got in she leaned forward and pulled out the plug, lowering the water level a little, then leaned back, trapping my quivering cock between her back and my stomach.

She gave a soft sigh when I slid my arms around her, the soapy water making her skin feel like warm silk, my fingers tingling as they slipped up over the gentle swell of her stomach and cupped her breasts. I tried to ignore the unbelievable pressure she'd built inside me by concentrating on what I was doing for her, alternately stroking and squeezing the firm globes, grazing and nipping her nipples.

'You have a magic touch too Jack, and a truly impressive piece of equipment.' she added, squirming herself back against my cock as I bent forward, kissing and sucking the tender flesh at the base of her neck.

Although I had initially doubted that without some additional stimulation of her clitoris I'd be able to repeat my previous performance, playing with my cock must have started to get her physically aroused because I hadn't been caressing her for very long before she started to tremble, and I felt her already swollen nipples getting spiky. I knew that by simply slipping one hand down to her pussy I could get her off in a matter of seconds, but as she'd specifically asked me to try to do again what I had that first evening, I resisted that. Instead I tried to intensify what she was feeling by changing the pattern of what I was doing, keeping the caresses of one hand light but being stronger with the other, alternating the pressure on each breast every minute or two, and every now and then lightly pinching her spiking nipples.

That technique seemed to do the trick and as I continued I felt stronger tremors running through her body and she began to make those plaintive mewling sounds, arching herself more tightly back against me. A little later, as her body tensed, she cried out. 'Oh Jack! Jack you darling!' Then a series of powerful shudders rippled through her.

I continued fondling and squeezing her breasts as she rode the undulating waves of her climax, both surprised and thrilled I had actually been able to do what she'd wanted. But, given what she'd said about wanting to keep me waiting for a long time, I was even more surprised when, as I felt the strength of her responses finally lessening, she gripped the sides of the bath, lifted herself up, and said. 'Please, put it inside me Jack.'

Sliding one hand down over her stomach I reached beneath her. Although I had been trying to ignore the need she had built up inside me by concentrating on giving her as much pleasure as possible, the feel of her, and the way she had continued squirming herself back against my cock had kept it throbbingly erect. She lifted herself higher as I positioned it, then, still holding on to the edges of the bath for support, cautiously, lowered herself down.

Guiding the head into the fleshy slit I used my fingers to spread her pussy lips and she gave a long drawn out sigh as she pushed down and the rigid length drove deep. Having taken most of it she paused. 'Oh Jack, you can't imagine just how good that is. You're so big and hard, it feels more like it's Fred I've got inside me.' she said in a husky voice.

After what she had done to me my cock was so sensitive that the sensations I got as her pussy engulfed it were not just good, they were simply indescribable. But in spite of what I was feeling myself I still tried to concentrate on Lucy, and while I kept one hand working on her breasts, I began to lightly stroke the still pronounced ridge of her clitoris with the fingers of the other.

'Oh yes! I'm coming again Jack!' she screeched in surprised delight a minute or two later, and although I doubted it was what she had originally intended to do, as my fingers moved faster, she took a firm grip of the sides of the bath and began bouncing up and down.

Lucy had built up so much pressure inside me and her action was so energetic that the accumulated semen seemed to come instantly to the boil, and she was still building towards the next phase of her second climax when mine hit me. Feeling my cock explode seemed to intensify what she was experiencing and although in that position I was unable to thrust upwards, with each downward plunge she drove my spouting cock deeper. As her action became even more urgent, forcing successive blasts out of me, her cries of excitement and then release blended with my guttural grunts before echoing around the bath-room.

'That wasn't what I'd originally planned, but I hadn't really expected you to be able to get me off again that way either.' she said when we'd both finished. Then, lifting herself off me and shifting forward, she added with a low chuckle. 'But doing it in the bath means we don't need a shower.'

'And although we have to mop up the water we've splashed over the floor, there's no wet spot in the bed.' I replied.

'An even better reason. And that's where I'd like to go now, if that isn't being too decadent. I don't know about you, but after all this activity, on top of that beautiful meal, I think a nap would do us both good.'

She was right of course and having mopped the floor and dried each other we slipped into bed, and after a few tender kisses and caresses, we both quickly drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 9


When I woke I found I was on my own, but as Lucy's side of the bed was still slightly warm I knew she couldn't have woken too much before I had. Having taken a piss, splashed some cold water on my face and slipped into a fresh shirt and trousers, I went looking for her.

As I half expected, she was in the kitchen, humming to herself as she chopped and sliced the vegetables we'd bought on the way home.

She had obviously taken more time to dress herself than I had, as well as putting on a skirt and blouse, she'd fixed her hair and applied a light touch of make-up. I stood in the door-way for a moment, just looking at her, feeling the pace of my heart-beat quickening as I drank in her beauty, and recalled the thrills we'd shared just a couple of hours earlier.

I hadn't made a sound but even so she somehow sensed I was there and turned, smiling when she saw me watching her. 'So who was the sleepy-head this time?'

'After what you have done to me today I'm surprised I woke at all.'

'What I've done to you? What a cheek! I seem to remember it was you who did the raping in the gardens.' she exclaimed.

'And I suppose I was responsible for what happened in the bath-room too!'

'Well, maybe not that. I was just getting a little justice, you know, tit for tat.'
