Lucy Ch. 26-30


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I heard the girls whispering to each other, giggling as they carried me to a nearby bed and laid me down, then becoming silent as they set about practising on me. Initially I felt nothing at all, I could see their lips and hands kissing, caressing various parts of me, but had no sensation of actually being touched. But after just a few minutes I felt a tingling sensation in my fingers and toes, a sensation that gradually began to spread through the rest of my body, their actions were bringing me to life.

The girls had learned their lessons well and once started the process snowballed, first I heard myself breathing, then felt my heart beating, and a little later, but far more importantly, felt myself slowly becoming conscious of my sexuality.

The four hands worked completely independently and their fingers seemed to be everywhere, stroking, probing, sometimes lightly pinching, stimulating nerve endings I didn't even know I had. And even though at that stage they had been nowhere near my genitals I became aware of them, then felt the first small movement as blood pulsed into my cock and it rolled down across my thigh.

They saw my response and that seemed to encourage them to greater efforts, their hands and fingers becoming more positive, more insistent, and it wasn't too long before I heard their low murmurs of satisfaction. Looking down, I saw the reason for their reaction, my cock was steadily getting bigger, slowly lengthening and thickening. As it continued to grow so too did both the physical sensations coming from it and the feeling of rapidly increasing pleasure. But there was not only that, beneath the undoubtedly enjoyable sensations I was experiencing there was something else, something being awoken at a much deeper level.

The girls' hands finally started working together, young Shachee's slipping down between my thighs, the fingers of one hand cupping and gently rolling my balls, the others pushing underneath my buttocks, a couple of them wedging themselves into the crack between the cheeks of my arse. Meanwhile Lucy had slid her hands down across my stomach and I felt one curling around the still stiffening shaft, then as she began to lightly stroke up and down it the fingers of the other went to work on the head.

The feelings the girls had stirred up deep inside me bloomed, then welled up to the surface, although what they were doing was delightful I wanted more, much more. I wanted to be able to kiss them, caress and fondle their bodies, feel the weight of their breasts in my hands, taste their pussy-juice on my lips. But when I tried to reach up to touch them, I found I was helpless, powerless, it was as though I was being held down by a thousand tiny threads, other than my cock, I couldn't move.

Meanwhile, their skilful ministrations had quickly brought it up to full size, but thankfully it was immediately clear that an erection had not been their sole objective, rather than satisfying them it seemed only to spur them on. I felt Shachee spreading my legs further apart and raising my bottom, then, having pushed a thick cushion underneath me so my body was arched, she crouched down between my thighs and began to alternate between licking the tender area between my legs and sucking my balls.

Lucy must have been waiting for my reaction to what Shachee was doing to me because as the sensations made me arch myself even higher I felt her fingers tighten their grip of the shaft, then her lips slipping down over the head of my upthrusting cock.

I don't know for sure what it was that brought me back to reality, it could have been one of many things, or the combination of the effect of all of them. Maybe it was what the real Leila and Shachee were actually doing to me. Maybe it was the loudness of the gasping groans I made as they intensified their actions. But the most likely cause was the sheer strength of the sensations coursing through my body that did it.

As it had been in my dream, my body was arched, the girls having obviously pushed pillows underneath my buttocks while I slept. Their hands and mouths had apparently been just as busy, and just as effective as the phantoms' had, in spite of the number and strength of the climaxes I'd already had that evening, they had already given me yet another erection. And they continued working on me, generating sensations that made me writhe and squirm with as much pleasure as I had felt in my dream, but unlike that scenario, I couldn't see them, for some reason they had blindfolded me.

They could obviously tell from the change in my reactions that I had woken and shortly after that they both stopped, Leila gave a low giggle, then said. 'We're going to play a little game now, give you a test, find out how much attention you've been paying to the differences between us. And we're not going to let you come again until you've convinced us you really know which is which, and until we've both had another climax.' she added in an almost threatening tone of voice.

At first they made their identification easy for me, Shachee kneeled beside me and lifted my hands to her breasts so I could fondle them, while Leila kneeled down between my legs and started to caress my balls and cock. When I'd made Shachee's incredibly long nipples stiffen she bent lower, finally giving me the chance to nibble and suck on them and the combination of thrills I got from doing that and from what Leila was doing soon had my cock throbbing and jerking.

Once she was satisfied I was fully aroused Leila told me to roll over, then had me get up on hands and knees, and as I did so she told me it was - 'Pussy licking time.' - then I felt one of them moving around behind me while the other lay down in front.

Using the line of the wide-spread legs as a guide, I bent my head low as I eased myself forward between them. I gave a slight shiver as I felt the warm silkiness of her inner thighs brushing against my cheek and on reaching their apex I pressed my mouth against a pair of already moist pussy-lips. I paused momentarily, then slipped my tongue up the slit between them, and above found a fleshy, completely hairless mound.

'Shachee.' I mumbled as I spread her legs further apart and moved closer.

'Correct, but we're making it easy for you to start with. It'll soon get more difficult.' Leila replied as I slipped one hand beneath Shachee's bottom and lifted her, hearing her low hiss of pleasure as I pressed my lips against her pussy, then another when I began to slowly lick her.

Leila did nothing for several minutes, presumably so I could focus on pleasuring Shachee, then I felt one hand reaching around me, its fingers curling around the shaft while the other slipped up between my legs to cup my balls. And although my cock was already fully erect from what the pair of them had been doing to me I felt still more blood surging into it as she began to stroke and fondle me.

The strength of my immediate response must have alerted her to how aroused I already was, and I found out that she really had meant what she'd said about not allowing me to have an orgasm until I had satisfied their demands. Although one hand continued to gently squeeze and roll my already swollen balls, she reduced the risk of me having a climax too soon by loosening the other's grip, then just fluttering the tips of her fingers over and around just the head.

Even though the intensity of thrills I was getting from having Shachee's juicy little pussy to lick and suck while Leila did what she was doing was powerful stuff, after only a few minutes I realised there was some other factor adding to what I was feeling. But with my brain swamped by all the sensations I was experiencing it took me a while to work out what that was.

I finally realised that some of what I was feeling was being caused by the actual position I was in. Being down on my hands and knees meant I had no way of affecting what was happening to me, as I had been in my dream, I was virtually helpless, quite literally in Leila's hands. Of course just at it did when Lucy tied me down, that feeling of powerlessness, the fact that Leila had absolute control over what was happening to me, further heightened my excitement. And as a way of prolonging the time I had to savour those sensations I deliberately slowed down what I was doing for Shachee.

I seemed to be able to split my brain into two different compartments, one reacting to what Leila was doing for me, the other dealing with what I was doing for Shachee. Although I couldn't of course see Shachee's reactions I got the distinct impression that she really enjoyed the slower pace, her body relaxing, as though giving herself up to whatever I wanted to do to her. And Leila certainly didn't disappoint me, keeping me at a peak of excitement by alternating those fluttering caresses of my cock-head with much slower, almost lazy strokes up and down the shaft.

Perhaps it was just because her build up to it was so protracted, but the climax I eventually gave Shachee seemed almost as strong as the earlier one she'd got from having my cock powering into her. Both her high pitched squeals and the way the rest of her body writhed as she bucked her hips and ground her clitoris against my flickering tongue told me just how strong it was. Then, when she realised I was going to continue even longer, she relaxed, enjoying the rolling, and obviously still extremely pleasurable after-shocks she got as I sucked out her still flowing juices while licking and swirling my tongue around her pussy.

As Leila's hands maintained their insistent activity all that time my excitement was by then at almost fever pitch so in one way I was disappointed when it was clear Shachee had had enough and they told me to roll over on to my back. Then they finally started to make my identification of who was doing what more difficult, moving about and changing places as they caressed and stimulated me in a seemingly never ending variety of ways. So when from time to time one or the other would ask me which of them was doing something, I wasn't at all sure how many times I managed to get the right answer.

By that stage my cock had become so super-sensitive that just their lightest touch, or even having a few strands of hair brushing against it, sent a thrilling rush through me, thrills that fired straight up my spine and exploded in my brain's already over-loaded pleasure centre. And as the rest of my body had become a tense, quivering mass I felt my hips jerking, thrusting, trying desperately to bring on my climax.

They both obviously knew the state I was in and just how much I needed to come, but still seemed determined to delay it for as long as possible. Then, when I heard Shachee say - 'You like more pussy to eat?' - I was convinced that their plan was for the pleasure-pain they were giving me to continue indefinitely.

But, hoping against hope that this might actually be my final test, I lay as still as I could manage as they both straddled me, one pair of knees pressing against my face, the other astride my thighs. The one whose pussy was presumably to be my test lifted herself and eased forward until it was directly above my mouth before slowly lowering herself. Then, as I felt the moistly pouting lips brushing against mine I took a deep breath before I began to lick her, and found the scent of her own arousal filling my nostrils.

Even through the incredible frustration I was feeling my sex-besotted brain still managed to register and identify that distinctive smell. 'Lucy?' I tried to cry, but with her pussy pressing down against my mouth it was turned into just an unintelligible mumble.

'What did you say?' she asked as she lifted herself a little.

'Lucy? Lucy!'

'Oh you really are a very clever man aren't you! Did you hear that Shachee?'

'Yes, you right, he is clever. And he have very good nose.' she added with a giggle.

'I think he's earned his reward, don't you?'

'Clever nose definitely worthy of reward.'

'OK Jack, one more for me, then Shachee will give you yours.' she said softly, pressing hers pussy back down against my lips.

Slipping my hands under her bottom and taking some of her weight, as I began to lick her I tried to sort through the whirling confusion inside my head. For the past several hours I had been convinced the girl I was with was Leila, how could that be when logic, her voice, and especially the distinctive scent of her sexual arousal, pointed to the fact it was Lucy?

Then I remembered what the girl I had been sure was Leila had said when she'd seen the perplexed expression on my face as we left the house. 'Don't worry about the how and why Jack, just enjoy the fact that I'm here, for tonight, for your birthday night.'

I had wanted to believe, so I had started out by suspending my disbelief. From then on it had just got easier and easier.

Merely having the girl I thought of as 'Leila' sitting opposite me was enough, the coal-black eyes and hair, her milk-coffee coloured complexion - any doubts I might have had as to the genuineness of the colour of her skin already having been dispelled by what I had seen in the car. Any other doubts were dulled by the promise of the delights that would follow the meal that I saw in her eyes.

Then of course the wine with the meal had helped, as had the sight of the mass of jet-black pubic hair, and then the combination of the dope and whatever it was that Shachee had put in the drinks that we had later. Then there had been the perfumed oil that had masked our other odours.

And added to all that was the fantastic reality of the other, more physical things Shachee had done for us, and the incredible, absolutely mind-blowing sex we'd all been having.

So as I now knew it was in fact Lucy, not Leila I was left with the problems of the colour of her eyes, hair and skin, but I quickly decided they were merely details, and I could get the answers to those questions later. In the meantime her pussy was still pressing lightly against my mouth, its lips growing wetter in response to my licking tongue.

Putting my previously whirling thoughts aside I concentrated on Lucy's pleasure, and as she was complementing what my mouth and tongue were doing by using her fingers to stimulate her clitoris, it wasn't long before I felt her starting to squirm and heard her initially soft sighs growing steadily louder.

As if she'd been waiting for just that signal, Shachee, who had remained patiently squatting astride my legs, made her presence felt again. Having checked my cock had lost none of its readiness by lightly running her hands up and down the full length of the shaft a few times, she gave a low hiss of satisfaction, then lifted and shifted herself forwards.

The few short seconds it took her to get into position gave me more than enough time to anticipate what was to come, and for the memory of the tightness of her pussy and what she could do to me with it to come flooding back. I remembered the electrifying sensations I'd felt each time I thrust into her, as though the very skin was being stripped off my cock, the nerve endings firing so powerfully that their signals simply overloaded my brain.

I also remembered the struggle I'd had getting my cock into her, how I'd had to rock back and forth as Shachee wriggled herself back at me, between us gradually forcing more and more of it into her incredibly tight pussy.

So I was taken by surprise when she pushed herself down and I felt my entire cock being drawn smoothly and apparently effortlessly up into her. When she had taken it all she held herself still for a few moments, the cheeks of her bottom resting lightly on my thighs as she let it bathe in the slick warmth of her pussy. Then, as she began to rise and fall at a steady but unhurried pace, I felt it tightening a little, until it clung to the shaft of my cock like a second skin.

While again marvelling at the amount of control Shachee had of her body I kept my tongue busy with Lucy's pussy, and knowing just how sensitive her breasts were I reached up and took one in each hand, tingling pleasures running up from my fingers as I enclosed and began to knead their silky firmness.

When she first straddled me Shachee had held on to my legs with both hands, but once she had my cock inside her she used only one, and I realised what she was doing with the other when I felt the back of her hand brushing against the shaft of my cock. Like Lucy, she too was augmenting the pleasure she was getting from riding me, her fingers stroking and rubbing her clit.

Although each one of us was undoubtedly lost in our own very personal world of pleasure, the effects of what each was separately feeling seemed somehow to add to what the others were. In my own case, even though I was able to lick and caress Lucy, I found that being pinned down by the two girls was giving me the same sense of helplessness I had felt before, and that it was again increasing my excitement.

Although I was not able to see either of them that was compensated for by a heightened sense of both touch and especially smell. The scent of Lucy's arousal had always been a powerful aphrodisiac for me, and although I certainly didn't need that extra stimulus right then, it seemed to be affecting me just as strongly as it had ever done before. And all that, plus the feel of Shachee's clinging pussy rhythmically pumping my cock, quickly brought the pressure inside me back up to critical level.

By then Lucy was also showing signs of her own arousal, her nipples had become a pair of jutting spikes, the flesh around them tightly swollen, her fingers' movements had become more purposeful, and her breathy sighs more frequent. Suddenly the memory of how strongly she'd reacted to what I'd done to her breasts several times came back to me and I repeated that technique, keeping the caresses of one hand light, but being stronger with the other, and alternating the pressure every minute or two.

Shachee must have recognised the same signals that I had, and as my hands and tongue intensified what they were doing to Lucy she began to move up and down my cock more quickly and I felt the rhythm of her fingers picking up speed too. I immediately realised what her intention was, she was aiming for a triple climax, for all three of us to come together.

Although my brain was already over-loaded with the various sensations I was experiencing, the very thought of that brought my entire system to fever pitch, and as my mouth and tongue sucked and probed Lucy's more vigorously I began to thrust my cock high into Shachee's engulfing pussy.

Then everything seemed to happen at once, and happen so quickly and violently that I'm not really sure my memory of the sequence of events is truly accurate. But even though blurred by the deep crimson haze of my own climax I seemed to be conscious of what was happening to both Lucy and Shachee.

As Lucy pressed her pussy more tightly down against my probing, swirling tongue I felt her fingers rubbing faster and faster, felt her body arching backwards, heard her panting for breath. Suddenly her panting stopped, her entire body went rigid for just a second or two, then she gave a high pitched cry, and as she began to grind herself down against my face I found my mouth filled with her freely flowing juices.

What they had started doing to me while I slept, and even more importantly, what they had done since I had woken, had built the sexual tension and pressure inside me to incredible levels. But, as it would be my sixth that evening, and I knew how much semen the girls had already drained from me, I didn't see how there could be a single drop left in my body. But when I felt my already aching balls tightening, I knew there was. And although Lucy had created a mental block when she told me I was not going to be allowed to come until they both had, what they had done to me was too powerful and as she began hers, I felt it cracking under the pressure of my own approaching orgasm.
