Lucy Ch. 26-30


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At the same time I felt Shachee's fingers, like Lucy's, flashing ever faster, and her amazing pussy clamping even more tightly around my shaft. She gave a series of deep, rising grunts as she powered up and down, and I felt my body tensing, using what little energy there was left in me to drive my cock higher. Then, as though a dam had burst under the pressure built-up behind it, I felt a gigantic surge course through me, and heard Shachee give a higher pitched, keening wail of ecstasy as I erupted deep inside her.

I have no idea how long that triple orgasm went on for, I do know there seemed to be a feed-back loop between the three of us, the forces unleashed by the sheer power of each one's climax fuelling both the intensity and duration of the others'. My tongue was aching from the amount of work it had done on Lucy's pussy but I was able to maintain enough activity that, coupled with what my hands were doing to her breasts and what her own fingers were doing, she was able to enjoy a seemingly never ending orgasm. And although I could tell my cock was quickly spent, and would normally have almost immediately lost its rigidity, Shachee's pussy held it in such a tight grip that the blood trapped in it kept it rigid, so she could continue to use it for as long as she needed.

So, by the time each of them had finally had enough and rolled off me, I was absolutely exhausted, incapable of doing more than simply lie there, listening to my hammering heart while snatching deep gulps of air.

The girls showed both consideration and compassion, leaving me for a while, then helping me up so I could stumble to the spa, where I lay, letting the reinvigorating jets play over my drained and weary body. Having poured me a glass of wine Shachee suggested Lucy might like to shower and I was left alone while they both disappeared into the bath-room.

As they had left the door open I could initially hear the indistinct murmur of their voices, interspersed with low, laughing giggles, then the sound of the shower drowned those out and I was left with my wine and my thoughts.

I found it hard to believe that the events of the evening had actually taken place. In my wildest fantasies I could never have dreamed-up anything to even remotely compare with what had actually happened. Even during the most sexually active time in my youth I had never climaxed six times in a day, this evening I had done that in as many hours. I had never been with two women at once before, now I had, and if I counted both Leila and the school-girl image of Shachee, it had in effect been four.

Chapter 29


The girls were gone for far longer than I expected, and although I didn't know whether that was because they wanted to allow me more time to rest, or because they found something other than the shower to detain them, I was grateful for the opportunity to recover some of my strength and energy.

When they did reappear it was Shachee and Lucy who were wrapped in towels, and although delighted to see the still tousled mass of honeyed hair and the familiar, sparkling blue eyes, I also felt a twinge of disappointment that Leila had finally had to leave us.

'Your turn now Jack.' Lucy said, adding. 'Take your time, I'll need a little while longer to make myself presentable in public.'

After all my body had been put through I was happy to give her all the time she wanted and tried to empty my mind of all thoughts and memories as I stood beneath the hot shower. Tried, but was not totally successful, the pleasures the girls had given me had been far too strong to ignore so easily and as I stood there, slowly soaping away the mix of oil, sweat and traces of semen and pussy-juice, I found I was getting a variety of jumbled flashes of specific moments returning.

Of Leila's dress falling open to the navel when Shachee unzipped it. Of my first glimpse of Shachee's extraordinarily sexy body when she slipped off her bra and panties. Of Leila's upthrusting breasts when Shachee massaged and caressed her. Of Shachee's completely hairless pussy, and the view I'd had of it when the school-girl version of her stood above me beside the spa. How aroused I'd got from just watching the two of them pleasuring each other, and then the wonderful feelings Leila and I had aroused in each other when we made love together. Of the sense of powerlessness I'd experienced when Lucy stroked and fondled my cock and balls while I was down on my hands and knees. Then the completely different, but equally powerful sensations I'd had when I first pushed my cock up between the cheeks of Shachee's impossibly sexy arse. The thrills I'd felt when I had one pussy to lick and suck while the other slid slowly up and down my straining cock, and the pride I'd felt when Shachee complimented me on my staying power and the wonderful sensations I had given her.

But powerful as all those flashes were they were all put in the shade by those of the perhaps never to be repeated sensations generated by the tightest pussy I'd ever fucked.

In spite of the strength and clarity of those memory flashes, for the first time that evening my cock remained limp and lifeless, and I realised that the effects of what Shachee had put in my drink had finally worn off. In one way I was relieved, but in another, disappointed. I doubted I was actually physically capable of yet another round of sexual activity, but would have still liked the potency to give it a try.

Finishing the shower with a cold water rinse and then a brisk rub down restored at least a little energy, and having wrapped a towel around my waist I headed back to where my clothes were hanging.

The things we had used during the evening had already been put away and there was no sign of Shachee, only Lucy, applying the finishing touches to her make-up.

'I rang for the car while you were in the shower Jack, it should be here in about another fifteen minutes or so.' Lucy said, adding with a broad grin. 'Do you think you can manage to walk that far?'

'I think so.' I replied with a smile. 'Where's Shachee?'

'She had to go, she hadn't expected us to be here as long as we have been. But I don't think she's complaining about that.' she added.

'I wanted to thank her, though I'm not quite sure how I would have worded it.'

'I don't think she wants your thanks, if my guess is right she'd be far more interested in being given another opportunity to share you.'

'You're joking!' I exclaimed, surprised to feel colour flushing my cheeks at the unexpected comment.

'No I'm not. She told me while we were in the shower that it's been a very long time since she has been with such a potent yet so considerate a man. That combination is very powerful for a woman Jack, I've told you that myself.'

'I'm glad I didn't disappoint anyone.' I mumbled, turning away and apparently concentrating on fixing my tie. In fact I was using the mirror to watch Lucy, imagining Shachee was still beside her, then remembering how it had been, what it had felt like to be a part of a trio of heaving, sweating, violently orgasming bodies. Then thinking about what Lucy had said, that it might not have been the one and only time I could experience that.

But I pushed those thoughts aside and nothing more was said by either of us as we finished getting ready then went down, back through the restaurant and out into the cool night air.

The car was already waiting and it was only when the driver got out to open the door for us that I suddenly thought about what the evening must have cost. The hire of the limousine, the price of the meal in what was obviously a very up-market restaurant, then what about Shachee, our hostess. Presumably she had to be paid for, and a girl with the extraordinary talents she had could undoubtedly command almost any price she fancied.

I wasn't aware that Lucy had that sort of spare cash and even if she had a nest-egg she shouldn't have spent so much of it on me. But rather than spoil the closing stages of our wonderful evening I mentally filed the question along with all the others, for later attention.

Unlike Leila on the way out, once in the car Lucy snuggled close, taking my hand and squeezing it as the car moved forward. 'I hope you liked your birthday present.'

'It was the most phenomenal evening of my life Lucy, you must know that. But there are a few things worrying me.'

'Not now Jack, later. Don't spoil it.'

'OK. But when we get home, coffee, perhaps a brandy, and a chat. Is that all right?'

'Totally!' she replied, pressing herself even closer.

As the traffic was thinner than it had been on the inbound trip we were home in even less time and although he made no mention of payment I slipped the driver a fair sized tip as we thanked him and wished him good-night.

Once indoors Lucy said that while I put the coffee on she'd change out of the dress. Adding. 'You haven't said anything about it. Do you like it?'

I took her in my arms, kissing her and squeezing her tight. 'Lucy darling, it's a beautiful dress and you look absolutely stunning in it, in fact you both did. It's just that so much has happened that I don't seem to have ever had time to actually say much at all.'

She grinned up at me as she broke from my arms. 'That's fair enough, we were a bit demanding weren't we, but then I didn't hear you complaining at the time. Anyway, I'm glad you approve. Now I'll go and get into something that's, as they say, more comfortable. I'll be down again in just a few minutes.'

While she was changing and I waited for the coffee to brew I got out the brandy, glasses and put a few snacky nibbles together, then took them through to the lounge room.

She must have caught the drifting smell of the coffee because I'd no sooner taken the pot through to the other room than she reappeared, dressed in a light house-coat. Having settled ourselves and poured the drinks I asked if it was all right to ask at least some of the questions that had been buzzing around inside my head.

'Yes of course it is Jack. But let me answer a couple of the obvious ones for you. The Leila trick is the first, right?' I agreed it was and she continued. 'The hair is obviously a wig, and the eyes are just cosmetic lenses, the darkest brown I could find. The skin is a tanning dye, it'll actually take a few days to wear off, so you'll have to put up with that for a bit. Actually the hardest part was the pubic hair, it's dyed too of course but it didn't want to take, so I had to do it several times. That's one of the reasons I was so long getting ready, so I think it'll wash out pretty quickly.'

Hearing the list of quite simple things she'd done to herself made me wonder how I could have deluded myself for as long as I did, but she even answered that unspoken question too, when she continued.

'Of course the rest was what was going on inside your head, and elsewhere.' she added with a cheeky grin. 'Leila told you not to worry about the how and why, that you should just enjoy the fact that she was with you, and that's exactly what you did. I think the quick blow-job probably helped too, although it reduced some of the sexual tension it probably got you in the mood for more of the unexpected.'

'You're certainly right about that, and although I may not have said anything at the time the dress certainly played its part in restoring what you call the tension.'

'It did?'

'Of course it did. I couldn't keep my eyes off you as we were driving into town, the slit up the side left the full length of your legs on view, and then there was the way your breasts moved with the motion of the car. But when I helped you out I found I had to choose between looking down your cleavage, or at the amount of leg showing as you slid across the seat.'

She giggled and said. 'I could see your eyes shuttling up and down and guessed what was going on. It made me feel good, seeing you react like that.'

'Not half as good as it felt being able to perve on you. But there's a much more important question I have to ask Lucy.' I said in a more serious tone.

'What's that?' she asked with note of genuine surprise in her voice.

'The cost of it all. You don't have that sort of money Lucy.'

She smiled, took my hand and answered. 'That's a much longer story, but let me just assure you that the evening only cost me the price of the meal and wine, plus a bottle of Ouzo.'

'A bottle of Ouzo?'

'For the driver of the car. He's a friend of ours at Uni., he drives of an evening to pay his way through his studies. He had a paying job this evening and what we organised was that he'd slip away once he'd dropped off his customer, nip over here to pick us up and then do the same at the end of the evening to drop us home again. I just had to be prepared to be a bit flexible as to timing. But as things turned out it all worked perfectly.

But thank you for giving him a tip, he'd appreciate that.'

'But Shachee, the hostess, she's a professional isn't she?'

'That's a much longer story Jack, so top up our coffee and brandy and I'll tell you as much as I know about Shachee. She's at Uni. with me too.' she added.

The story was a long one and we had both refilled our glasses again before Lucy finished. As she'd said, she met Shachee at university, where although several years older, she was doing the same course as Lucy. Apparently her father and a couple of his brothers had been in the restaurant business in both Hong Kong and Shanghai, Lucy wasn't clear as to whether those businesses still operated or not but knew that Shachee's father had emigrated from Hong Kong a year before it was handed back to the Chinese.

It was clear from the bits and pieces Shachee had said to her that the restaurants were not just places to eat and drink, but had other, more profitable businesses running for wealthy, and sexually demanding clients. Shachee wasn't sure about it but she didn't think that any of the really hard drugs were involved, but soft drugs and especially traditional Chinese remedies were certainly available at a price.

Shachee had been brought up in Shanghai and because her mother had died when she was young and her father was preoccupied with the businesses, she had been cared for by a woman who had once worked in the biggest of the restaurants. Shachee was extremely bright and had an enquiring mind, so, in addition to being very good at school, she had picked-up and ferreted out a good deal of what went on in her father's business at quite an early age. And as the woman who was caring for her had been instructed to teach and guide her in all things a mother normally would, the responsibility for her sexual education was in fact in the hands of what we would call a high class call-girl.

So not surprisingly she actually learned many things a normal girl, of any nationality, would not. And that by the time she reached puberty, although she was physically still a virgin, she was, at least by our standards, both rather precocious, and extremely knowledgeable about sex and sexuality.

'She has always been somewhat coy about the circumstances of her initiation to actual sex.' Lucy said. 'But from the few clues she has let slip, and from her resulting attitude to it, my guess is that it was a planned and structured event, not just the result of a young girl's infatuation.'

'Was that her father's restaurant?'

'One of them Jack.'

'And Shachee works there?'

'Only sometimes. If her father has a critical staff problem, a key person off sick, something like that. She organised tonight for us, well for me I suppose, as a special favour. She has always liked me.' she added in a softer, somewhat embarrassed tone.

'She's bisexual?'

'Yes, she's never hidden that, it was part of her unusual upbringing.'

'And her liking of you, that was sexual?'

'We liked each other as people first, or at least I liked her that way. Then there was Art, I'd always been interested in Asian Art and Shachee knows so much. It was inevitable we'd drift together, attending the same classes, meeting up in that section of the library, stuff like that. Then when I went through a really bad patch with the guy I was living with she was very supportive.'

'Was that when she came on to you?'

'Oh no, she never tried to take advantage of me, she waited until all that was out of the way before telling me that as well as everything else she was also attracted to me physically.'

'So how did you react? Had you been with another girl before?'

'No, but I'd always been curious about it, I imagine everyone is at some time. Have you?'

'No it's never appealed to me. I don't have any moral objections, nothing like that, it's just that I've never found the male body physically arousing. For some reason the idea of two women making love seems far more understandable, a sort of natural extension of their softer, more caring natures. But maybe I find it easier to relate to merely because I'm so turned-on by a woman's body.' I added with a grin, then added. 'But let me admit that just watching the two of you was one of the biggest turn-ons I've ever experienced.'

'So you wouldn't mind if we did it again, sometime?'

'So long as it doesn't come between what you and I have, I mean our love for each other, and especially if you sometime let me watch, no Lucy, I wouldn't mind.'

'I meant the three of us, not just Shachee and I.'

'Well that's really up to you, how you would feel about me being in that situation with Shachee. But if that doesn't worry you, then obviously I'm not going to object, quite the opposite in fact.' I added with another grin. 'But tell me about tonight, what gave you the idea, how did she get involved?'

It was Lucy's turn to grin. 'In a way it was her idea. We had been seeing each other for some months, just from time to time, there's nothing serious between us, emotionally I mean. Then you came on the scene and naturally I told her about you. I also explained that the physical side of things between she and I had to come to an end, which she said she understood, and I think she sort of accepted. But she actually encouraged me to talk about you to her, and then of course she couldn't stop me so a number of times I probably ended up boring her silly with my chatter.

Naturally at some stage she asked about sex and of course I wouldn't go into details, I'd never do that with anyone Jack, you can be sure of that, that's just between us. But even so she must have seen from the expression on my face just how good it was between us, even at that early stage.

Anyway, although we weren't having sex any more we were still spending a fair bit of time together at Uni, having coffee or sometimes lunch. She still asked about you and I started to get the feeling that she'd quite like to meet you some time. I really didn't take much notice, thought it was just something I'd misunderstood, that is until the question of your birthday came up.

I had no idea what to get for you, I mean you really do seem to have everything you want Jack.'

'Now that you're here I do darling.' I interrupted, leaning across and giving her a kiss.

'It's always lovely to hear that darling, but it didn't help me with my problem. Anyway Shachee and I talked about it a couple of times and between us we came up with a few ideas, none of which seemed just right. Then she suggested this evening, and naturally enough at first I thought she meant just for a meal. But she said that wasn't enough for a man in your position. That's the Chinese in her coming out.' she added with a giggle. 'I already knew about her father's restaurant, including the rooms upstairs and at least something about what went on there, but was quite stunned when she asked how I would feel about us making up a threesome.

She obviously wasn't at all surprised when my initial reaction was completely negative, I said I didn't think you were into that sort of thing. She just gave me a typically inscrutable smile and said, 'Think about it, we talk again in a few days.'
