Mergers & Acquisitions Ch. 03


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He got off the bed, leaving her to recuperate from the intense workout she’d just experienced. Returning to the living room where this little escapade had originated an hour earlier, he once again took a seat on the couch and resumed reading his paper.

Scanning the entertainment section, he searched the advertisements for the local reviews and dinner engagements. He was searching for something the two of them could enjoy later that evening. This being Vegas, the choices were endless. Having let her rest for a good fifteen minutes, he called out to her begging her to accompany him on the couch to help him decide the evening’s entertainment.

She climbed off the bed to a pair of wobbly legs. The intensity of her climax had been far more strenuous than she’d imagined. Slowly making her way to join him on the sofa, she couldn’t believe how wonderfully she’d been satisfied. And they still hadn’t completed twenty-four hours of their arrangement! As they sat discussing the various shows and reviews, they settled on a dinner show playing at the Aladdin.


Nearly five o’clock, she had only three hours till show time. Looking through the clothes she’d brought, it suddenly dawned on her: she hadn’t planned on such an extravagant occasion. Returning to the living room, she stood in front of him as she nervously explained her dilemma. She was toying with her hair while looking about. She was embarrassed she’d requested they go to Vegas having not chosen her wardrobe for the many events going on in the extravagant nightlife. Honestly, having never been here she had no way of knowing what to expect. Taking it all in stride, he assured her this wasn’t a problem and she shouldn’t worry her pretty little head. He picked up the phone and called the lobby asking for the Concierge. Informing Him of his wishes he filled him in on the details.

“Mr. Roberts? I need to purchase a dress for my beautiful lady.” His request was more of a demand wishing to appease the worried beauty of her dilemma. “Could you have them hurry? We’re attending a show tonight and it starts at eight o’clock. She’ll still need time to get ready when she returns. Is that a problem?”

“No Sir… There’s no problem at all.” He was there to satisfy the needs and requests of the wealthy clients housed in the Hotel . “I’ll send Miss Stacy right up and have her take Miss Toni shopping for a dress.”.

“Thank you very much… We’ll see her in a minute. Bye.”

Ron hung up the phone and turned his attention back to the worried little lady before him. Being a regular and one of the more powerful and wealthy clients of the hotel, he’d been assured they would solve her problems and cater to her every need. Smiling knowingly he’d eased her mind he assured her all was taken care of.

“See? No problem at all.” He smiled knowing he’d set her at ease. “You’d better run along and get dressed. Stacy will be here any minute to get you.”

Panicking, she hadn’t the time she felt she needed to ready herself, she ran into the bedroom to throw on something to make her presentable. Quickly touching up her makeup, she pulled on a simple skirt, adorned a pullover blouse and slipped on her sandals from last night. Inspecting her hair and dabbing a hint of perfume, she exited the bedroom just in time to catch the elevator doors opening.

Stacy, her escort, had arrived. Smiling at the pretty young lady who'd disembarked, they made their acquaintances, exchanging small talk as they discussed the possibilities awaiting them. As Stacy spoke, Toni couldn’t help but notice how pretty the petite young blonde was.

Stacy was barely five three in her heels, leaving her a good ten inches shorter than the stunning woman she was to accompany. Only twenty two years old, she was one of the youngest fashion consultants employed by a major casino and hotel of this stature. She dressed conservatively, with just a hint of a provocative touch, cultivating an all-business image with just a suggestion of something else beneath. Her petite body was all curves and was perfectly proportioned from her medium sized, nicely rounded breasts filling out her thin top, a tiny waist befitting a young lady of her small stature, to proportionate hips to complete her sensual figure. Her tanned legs were firm and toned giving the obvious impression of someone who cared about the shape of her body.

Her face was very pretty with sparkling blue eyes and long blond hair pulled back into a bow, leaving it to rest just below her shoulders. All in all, had she not been in the company of the gorgeous, dark haired beauty, she would easily have been the center of attention. Taking Toni’s hands, she suggested the one thing no one had to talk her into: “Let’s go shopping!”

Stacy watched the light turn on in Toni’s eyes. No different than any other woman who visited this town, all enjoyed visiting the many designer shops and boutiques, getting to try on dresses they’d never purchase due to the extreme expense. Following the young blonde’s lead, she waved goodbye to Ron, who insisted they both have a great time. Disappearing into the elevator, the doors closed, lowering the two pretty women to the lobby. Just before they opened into the lobby, Stacy turned to Toni and exclaimed, “I’m ready to do some shopping, are you?”

Nodding her agreement she smiled as they climbed into the limo ready to take the two of them off to the various designer shops and boutiques in an attempt at finding the perfect outfit for the evening’s engagement. Aware they hadn’t a lot of time, Toni tried on a number of dresses, wowing the saleswomen, who all thought they’d already seen the prettiest of customers for the day. Being Las Vegas, the boutiques they visited all catered to only the wealthiest of women and most attractive of clients. But seeing Toni modeling the many designs, they all shook their heads in disbelief at her awesome beauty. She tried on short revealing dresses, only to be embarrassed at how little they concealed. Mid-calved lengths were more her style, but she felt they had a little too much business appeal to their designs for a night such as tonight. Finally switching to the full length evening gowns, she smiled her approval at what she saw in the mirrors. She felt like a princess about to attend a ball. Trying on a number of different gowns that Stacy had brought for her to model, she found herself torn between two of the many she’d modeled, leaving her unable to decide. Stacy talked her into buying both of the dresses reminding her it was only Saturday night and she could very easily need the other over the next two days for a similar engagement.

Having purchased her dresses, the two sped off to find a pair of heels to accent both the outfits and her stunning legs. If you thought shopping for dresses was difficult, you hadn’t gone shopping for shoes with the leggy doll. Picky as hell, Toni could try on twenty pairs and leave without taking any of them. Lucky for her, they had her favorite store: Nine West. Most of the heels she owned had been found and purchased there. Trying on different types and styles, she finally found what she was looking for and purchased the two pairs, leaving only the lingerie to complete her outfits.

Hurrying to the Victoria’s Secret’s in the Caesars Palace Mall, Stacy led the brunette to the location of the store. This was her favorite type of shopping. She adored the sexy feeling that beautiful lingerie gave her. From the silken fabric caressing her soft skin, to the feel of lace gently stimulating her body with its rough yet soft texture, to the look presented when she adorned the sexually exciting ensembles, every bit of it made her feel excited she was a woman. Stacy would show her an outfit, only to cause a slight flush of embarrassment at having someone other than herself or her lover know what she was wearing beneath her clothing.

“Let’s see how it looks?” the blonde consultant asked as Toni tried on her first piece of lingerie.

Toni quickly gave her an adamant, “No!” Though she knew Stacy’s request was purely innocent, she was somewhat uncomfortable about showing her nearly nude body around other women. “No… No way am I coming out with this on.” Toni was flushed with embarrassment alone, in the privacy of the dressing room. There was no way she could handle an audience. “Let me get dressed and I think we can leave.”

Stacy couldn’t help but laugh over the tall beauty’s discomfort. She herself had no problem showing off when the opportunity arose, very pleased with her own body. Thinking of how Toni’s must look, she didn’t understand why the brunette was so uncomfortable with her figure. She knew of no woman who’d turn down the opportunity to exchange bodies or appearances with the stunning woman. When Toni reappeared from the dressing room, the two made their way to the counter and she purchased the two sets she’d liked the most.

As they exited the store, Toni looked at her watch and began to panic over the time. There was only two hours left until show time. Stacy assured her not to worry and radioed the limo driver to meet them at the entrance. Practically running, the two scrambled into the car as Stacy ordered the driver to hurry her back so her client could get ready for the evening.

The two women exited the elevator to an empty suite. Ron was nowhere to be found. Having no time to worry right then, she hurriedly thanked the young lady, hugging her graciously for all her help. Saying their goodbyes, she scurried into the bathroom to get ready.

She began running the hot water, filling the tub to bathe herself and primp in preperation for the exciting event that awaited her. Adding her favorite lilac scented oil to the water, she waited as the bubbles began to fill the tub, filling the room with its captivating aroma. Once full, she slipped into the tub and disappeared beneath the water as the bubbles on the surface popped noisily, in approval inviting their heavenly guest. Inhaling the soothing fragrance, she let it relax her for the moment before having to enter the bustling world of the Vegas nightlife.

Closing her eyes, she fantasized about living this sort of life style every day. The pampering, lavished surroundings, the jet-set ambience, who wouldn’t enjoy this sort of life? Everything was exactly like she used to dream about when she was a little girl. The difference being that this was reality and she was living the dream.

Toni took the soft sponge and began lathering her body, caressing every portion of the delicate surface of her skin. Lifting her long legs one at a time, she inspected them as they broke the surface of the water, appearing through the bubbles. She felt the baby smooth skin for any flaws, reveling in the knowledge she no longer had to shave them. Having had them waxed so often, they permanently exhibited the desirably smooth, tanned surface that glowed beautifully, giving them their sensuous appeal. As she ran the soft sponge down her long legs to their junction with her body, she couldn’t helpbut take the opportunity to pleasure herself momentarily. Her bare pussy, even softer than her legs, needed no attention other than the stimulation she was giving it. With her head back and eyes closed, she slowly rubbed the soft surface of the sponge over her smooth slit, caressing her clit, forcing it to peak excitedly from its protective hiding place. Between the feel of her stimulation and the wonderful bath, she wished she had more time to enjoy this incredible feeling but without warning, she was snapped back into the present by the sound of her alarm, warning her she was running out of time.

Regretfully, she climbed from the tub to towel off, and dry her long dark tresses. Seated naked in front of the mirror, she began to apply her makeup and fix the beautiful long brunette hair she’d been naturally blessed with. Brushing and styling the dark silky waves, caused them to cascade, flowing and curling perfectly over her tanned shoulders and down her back. Teasing and fluffing every little strand to perfection, she looked over her handiwork, very pleased at the sight before her. Finished for now, she rose from her seat and proceeded into the bedroom to finish getting ready for her night on the town.

She laid the two gowns onto the bed, weighing the look and feel of both. Running short on time, she didn't possess the luxury of playing dress-up so she made her selection and readied the lingerie she’d chosen as her intimate apparel to accessorize her outfit. The bra and panty set were a lacy red and nearly transparent. Form fitting just as all her lingerie was, this choice wasn’t disappointed, receiving the opportunity to grace such sexy perfection. Lifting the delicate garment, she slipped her arms into the bra, pulling it around and hooking it in the front. She adjusted her breasts under the sheer cups, making sure each one was positioned perfectly as the wispy garment strained to hide her half exposed nipples. The combination of the bright red lace, her beautifully tanned skin, her creamy white breasts protected from the sun’s rays by her tiny bikini, and the dark brown of her areolas surrounding her nipples peaking through the thin fabric, made an awesome sight any man would give his fortune to behold. Sure everything was adjusted to her liking, she continued getting dressed.

Lifting her skimpy g-string panties off the bed, she slipped her feet into the openings and proceeded to pull them up her legs. The extremely small piece of fabric given the responsibility of covering her thin strip of hair and bare pussy lips fought to accomplish its designated goal. She continually pulled and adjusted the lacy covering until only a hint of her trimmed guide was peaking from the edge of her lacy panties. There was so little material designated to accomplish this task, it couldn’t even contain the tiny tan lines left by her skimpy bikini. The sides pulled high, she settled the back into its comfortable location nestled between the firm cheeks of her ass. Her legs, long and tanned, were in no need of a covering, emitting their perfection allowing them to show off from beneath the gown she’d chosen.

Toni removed the sexy four inch red heels with their open back and ankle straps from their box. Bending at the waest, she slipped them onto her slender feet and secured the straps around her delicate ankles. Proceeding back into the bathroom, she inspected the new intimate apparel with a hint of excitement pulsing through her veins. Standing before the full length mirror, she couldn’t help but smile knowingly at the body that drove so many men crazy in an attempt to obtain what wasn’t available to any of them. She’d worked long and hard to maintain this sort of perfection. Happy with what she saw, she returned to the bedroom to adorn her dress.

Stepping into the stunning gown, she pulled it up her frame, slipping her arms into the long sleeves and adjusting it into its rightful position. Reaching behind her, she found the zipper and pulled it up. Returning to the mirror, she admired how good it looked hugging her incredible body. The dress was a long evening gown, bright red in color, form fitting, with a plunging neckline meant to show off some serious cleavage. Stopping just above her bra’s clasp, it molded her breasts to give them the maximum appeal and accent her sexy figure. As if it needed any help. The dress cinched tightly around her tiny waist, showed off how flat and toned her tummy actually was. Venturing down, a slit up the right side revealed more leg than she dared show in her revealing nightgowns. For this reason alone, she couldn’t wear her usual stockings and garter for fear of showing off the lacy tops as she walked. She was going to have to rely on her hot shapely legs tonight, letting them show off how perfect they were adorned in the sexy heels that gave both her legs and ass an added firmness, bringing out their toned appeal.

Making her final adjustments, she heard the elevator door opening in the other room. Checking her watch she found she had only a few minutes left before they’d have to leave for the show. She made her way into the living room to find Ron dressed in a handsome black suit with a bow tie. He was definitely dressed to the nines, ready for an evening on the town. Stopping short of where he stood, she asked his opinion.

“Do I look ok?” She had to be kidding. Ok didn’t cut it and there wasn’t really another word befitting her beauty. Waiting his reply she turned completely around, giving him the full showing.

Ron stood once again shaking his head in disbelief. Every time he saw her she found some way of becoming even more beautiful. Taking her hands in his, he looked into the mesmerizing green eyes which contrasted sharply against the red outfit. Smiling, he gave his approval. “My, my… How many times are you going to out do yourself?” He couldn’t pay her a better complement, there just wasn't one available. Still in awe, he continued his flattery. “A lot of pretty women are gonna play second fiddle tonight. A beautiful princess is about to grace them with her presence.”

Toni looked down in her typical embarrassed acceptance of the compliment. Never had she felt such admiration for her appearance, leaving her feeling less than worthy. She raised her eyes to meet his. “Thank you. You’re such a sweetheart.”

Kissing him gently, she tried not to leave the imprint of her luscious full red lips on his cheek. Happy she’d pleased him with her choice of evening wear, she followed his lead, placing her arm into his as he led her into the elevator. Riding to the lobby, he inhaled her fragrant perfume, saying, “Mmmmm, you smell great, baby.” The aroma was sweet to the scent, giving her the same aroma she portrayed with her inner beauty. Kissing her cheek gently, he suggested the evening’s itinerary. As the doors opened into the lobby, they proceeded to an evening of fun filled adventure.

“Let’s have some fun!” The two of them smiled at each other in anticipation of what lay in store for the two of them…

To Be Continued…

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