Maestro or Master Pt. 01


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The Master was quoting a passage from the book of Exodus. His recompense was his willingness to become my tutor, perhaps encompassing far more than my musical ability.

"I have no doubt that under your care and guidance I will surely broaden my horizons."

"Shall we continue your current broadening Layla? There are several points I would like to cover before we bring this initial experience to its conclusion."

"Yes Master Meridon I believe I would like very much to continue. I am and shall remain your eager and willing subject." I couldn't have stopped if I wanted to. I didn't want to.

I was standing inches away from my tutor, lace panties sopping, thighs glistening, breasts eager to tumble free of the silky confines of my barely covering thin bra. Nipples quite stiff, aching so to be free and feel the air breathe across their pulsing throbbing tips. I was waiting for some direction, some word of encouragement or inspiration. I moaned as he began to speak.

"I'd like you to reach behind you and unclasp your bra, allow your breasts to be revealed, offer them to me." His steely blue eyes were riveted on me, exactly as I expected they should be.

There was but one tiny clasp that was easily released with a quick motion of my fingers. My breasts fell from the silk cups and as he requested in a swift second were bare and proudly visible to his intent gaze.

"Lovely, round and full. Deep rose and succulent no doubt. Reach up and pinch your nipples for me, pull them taut and let me see how they swell." His tongue glided across his lips, watching it was agonizing and erotic.

"Lift your beauties to your mouth, your nipples are proud and quite large, I will enjoy sucking and nibbling on them. Now, gently lick each one, wet them, make them shimmer for me."

I was sweltering inside, smoldering and beyond fevered. My hands cupped my breasts slowly lifting and gently pushing them together until my nipples barely touched.

The tip of my tongue wet and dripping with saliva dropped a tiny bubble on the tip of my pulsing nipple, covering and engulfing it, allowing the wetness to slip down and over my breast, first one and then the other. My need to go further, my ache to feel the power of any hungry mouth sucking overtook me. Closing my lips tightly around the swollen tips, my tongue catching, holding firmly and licking became a tender sucking causing me to moan and sigh from the sensation and seductive scene I was creating.

"Yes, I like this very much, sucking your nipples, quite a sensual perception for your Master my dear. You see how your mind is engaged and the natural sense you possess in seducing and arousing your Master?"

I was enjoying, no savoring, the erotic stirrings in my body.

"Now your panties my dear, slowly remove them. I can barely detect the soft down covering your succulent mound. There are but a few wisps peeking out brushing against your inner thighs, and I find that very evocative and suggestive of what's to be revealed." It seemed that the role of seducer had shifted seamlessly. His soft voice, the song in his words were taking control of my thoughts.

"How shrewdly you chose white lace. As if you've wrapped yourself in innocence and piety, the perfect touch my dear." As he was speaking my fingers began sneaking under the thin lace band around my waist, judiciously lowering the lace over my hips.

"Stop, let me look at you. Your bra resting across your chest just above your breasts, panties lying on your hips, you are the quintessential picture of raw dirty sex, almost, no, filthy and provocative. Turn for me dear Layla. I want to see you like this from all sides."

Turning ever so prudently I was relishing this exhibition. I wanted his stare, his thoughts to surge with what he would and could do to me if I gave him the chance.

"The swell of your hips, the round cheeks of your buttocks so inviting. Thighs that separate ever so slightly forcing my eyes to imagine your full lips puffed and engorged with passion. I can feel my head resting in the softness of your belly, perhaps while my fingers dance over and slip between your legs. I'm wondering if my fingers will glide effortlessly into you, feeling the wet smoothness of your tender tiny lips. Perhaps I slither my finger, wet with your sweetness into that pouting rosebud, another searching your depth while my lips encircle and capture your pulsing pearl, feeling it hard and beating in my mouth. Will you lie still? All your energy contained until the powerful pangs of want force you to thrust up into my mouth?"

Delirious with craving, I wanted him to stop talking, I wanted him to get up and fall on his knees, lift his face upwards and attack me. I was shaking from the longing, breathless and thirsting for his touch. The Master was taking me to a place where I longed to go, needed to be.

"Face me and take away your barriers. I want you completely exposed."

This was dangerous and delicious eroticism; he was nothing less than masterful in his technique. I was being played. His words the music compelling me to get lost in his composition. How many times had he been handed a raw piece of music to play and orchestrate to his own tempo and enjoyment without concern for the mood of the original composer?

"I see in you as a fine instrument. Playing you, rushing my fingers across your body, listening for the sounds that you make. Music to my ears and food for my soul dear Layla. Absolutely you will feed my needs. I wonder of you have an appetite as voracious as my own? That seems a question that has already been answered. Here you are about to bare your body."

Introspection was beginning to invade his mind. Would I create a unique melody that was in tune with the harmony he already heard?

It seemed his interest was equally divided between my breasts and the harbor between my quivering thighs. My delight would be in his eyes, seeing his desirability for me. The satin straps fell from my shoulders, down my arms and rested on the tips of my fingers. Should I let it fall? No, I thought that he expected more than the obvious.

"You're quite remarkable, seeing you trace your luscious globes with the silkiness of your bra, perhaps encouraging me to imagine what my lips will feel? Artists have an innate sense of what the eye will find desirable. The use of color, the movement in a creation, you have that sense. Teasing me by dancing the soft silk across your bare heaving breasts. Bravo Layla, I expected nothing less."

Slipping the straps over my hands I began a fluid motion of movement, teasing the silk across my skin, brushing my nipples, feeling them pucker and plump from the constant yet tender touch of the smoothness of my bra.

Weaving a magic spell of craving, a golden gossamer thread of want. Slipping the strap between my teeth allowing the delicate silk to dangle between the valley of my breasts was sheer magic.

"You're rather intuitive my dear Layla. You appear sinfully wanton biting that strap. Now the final reveal if you will." He had reached his ebb.

Bending slightly forward, forced my breasts to sway and bounce, his eyes following my fingers, shooting back and forth not wanting to allow one single inch of my body to escape his leering.

Slipping my thumbs under the lace band, tugging, more of a slow pull. I eased the white lace over my hips, my thighs and just above my knees. Sliding my right hand down between my legs, covering my downy mound, allowing my other hand to remove my panties kept from his eyes what he sought to see. With my panties now over my knees, I lifted my feet, each one as carefully and painfully slow as was possible never uncovering what he now pleaded to see.

"Show me Layla, give your Master what he wants."

My Master? What a misguided thought on his part.

I opened my mouth and watched my bra fall to the floor. The only thing between absolute reveal and his gaze was my hand. How long would I make him wait?

"Whose will be stronger? How long can you control the urge to show me Layla?"

Authority is erotic and exquisite pleasure. Sensing the level of my power was addicting. Understanding how to wield that control was the key to realizing the bliss and accomplishment of this introduction into the world I was seeking to enter. Surrender would give me what I needed, his complete and unquestioned dedication.

"Magnificent control dear Layla. Your mind wants more. The final moment is painful and just as exhilarating. Your will to hold fast is fading."

I stepped back into the light that was illuminating the room. Taking one step to my right, allowing my thighs to part I dropped my hand to my thigh and moved my left hand to the swell of my hip. I felt his eyes ogling me. My body shivered from the explosion of sheer sexual energy.

"Such softness. Fine tufts of silken auburn veiling your glistening lips, so wet with your essence. I can smell you. My senses are filled with your scent. Heavenly my dear Layla. Can you imagine my tongue sweeping across your skin, lapping and licking? Right in this very moment you're drowning in a sea of desire. I'd like to quell that craving. Please go and lie down on the chaise."

Across the room there was a crimson velvet chaise. My mind was ravaged with want. I'd won. He was about to give me what I wanted. Lying down I was facing him. I waited for him to get up, come to me.

"Now the true and final surrender begins. You seek fulfillment. Your body desires release and I'll permit you to have that pleasure. Show me how a woman pleases herself Layla, touch your body, ignite the fire and fall into the flames. Allow your Master to witness the burning you can kindle. Never close your eyes, keep them open and show me your passion building taking you deep inside the blaze."

I was on fire, his voice ignited the smoldering in my body. My skin was shimmering with beads of coolness trying to quell the scorching between my legs. Nipples that ached begged to be tweaked and tugged. As if I was outside my body, I looked down at the woman lying there and watched her body undulate and grind in a synchronized rhythm.

My thighs parted, one knee raised and fell to my side. Fingers reaching for tender breasts, cupping and squeezing in a frenzy of sheer fury. Pink swollen tips, rolling and pulling between outstretched fingers causing me to moan and shriek with the painful delicious ache. Lowering my hungry mouth, a warm wet tongue furiously lashing back and forth across rigid engorged ruby jewels, giving in to my lust and sucking deep and hard. Grazing the painful points with my teeth took me into a pleasure that was all consuming. I was living in my own decadent world. My mind was captivated in the journey, nothing else existed. My pleasure was taking complete control and I reveled in it.

"Abandon yourself Layla, let your body take governance, give into the creature that's screaming inside."

Reaching between my legs I felt the hot wet slickness. Fingers slipped into a deep sweltering cavern and drenched themselves in the molten fluid, bringing it up along the tender lips that sheltered and secreted my swelling and fully inflamed pearl of crimson pleasure.

"Spread your legs open for your Master Layla, show me your treasure."

Dropping my feet on either side of the chaise, my legs were wide and quivering as they rested on the floor. With two fingers, I slipped down and along my soaked slippery lips gently slowly separating the wet weeping folds revealing a cherry red nugget proudly poised begging to be lavished and licked with smooth slow fingertips.

"Just as I imagined, succulent and sweet, so ready to be plucked and taken prisoner." I watched his tongue sweep across his lips and felt them sucking and licking me. My fingers rolled and squeezed, rubbed and teased.

"That's right dear Layla, tease and excite. Feels like heaven. You love it, don't want the feeling to end. Reach down into the left side of the chaise you'll find a gift."

With my left hand, I followed his command and felt exactly what I needed. A long hard dildo appeared as I raised my hand. How could he have known? How could he not know?

"You see, your Master understands your need and will always provide. Now show me how much you want that pleasure. Rub your gift along your weeping lips, make it wet and slip it inside, deep and slow."

My hand barely grasped the shaft and with deft fingers touched it to my wetness. Gliding it up and down, glazing it, finally giving in to the desire. My gift was filling me, pushing in deep and snug.

"Now bring him to life dear Layla, switch him on and let him hum and pulse, he wants to throb and thrust into you as you taunt and tease that nugget of sweetness."

The prodding shaft had a life of its own. Pulsing became raw power, my body gripping tight and grinding. I was at the point of no return. My finger furiously pounding, my hand thrusting and pushing until the two came together to take me into the world of unleashed ecstasy. I felt the rush of unbridled supremacy take me down into the burning flames only to throw me up into the arms of pleasure so intense I thought I would shatter.

"Eyes open! Eyes always open to the Master dear Layla, show me the passion."

I had to fight to keep my eyes on him. I wanted to lose myself in my world of deliciousness.

"That's what control gifts you dear Layla. Obedience, surrender, submission only provides pleasure and joy if you give yourself to it. This is merely the beginning. The world has opened a new universe to you."

I heard him talking, saw his lips moving but couldn't coherently understand what he was saying. Frankly I didn't care. I was slowly coming back down to the here and now. I released my inanimate lover, laid him to rest and began the arduous journey back to reality.

"This would be a good time to refresh yourself and dress. I'll be here waiting for you. The bathroom is down the hall on your right. Please don't dawdle as the day has been long and we have a few things to discuss before you leave for the evening."

Ever the Master. I smiled to myself and then to him.

In somewhat of a cloud I gathered my things and left him there realizing that he had never moved from that chair during the entire sequence of events. I also found it odd that he made no attempt, never suggested that he join me in my little adventure. A thought crossed my mind? Could he be a secret voyeur? Perhaps his pleasure was in the seeing not the doing?

Once I was again revived and suitably attired I returned to the sitting room, and there he was, as if he was a stationary fixture.

"How lovely you look, the blush of pleasure still on your cheeks. Please pour us a glass of wine and sit, I have some things to speak to you about regarding your future."

It was as if I'd always been here, that he was always with me. I know, this was a less than forty-eight-hour acquaintance. How could I possibly be so taken in? I handed him his glass and took my place.

"Just to refresh your mind, you've been through quite a change I believe in a very short amount of time. As we agreed earlier you will arrive at 10:00AM, suitably attired. Please plan to spend the day as I told you we have a lot to do. You will meet Jeremy tomorrow; I believe you will enjoy his presence. Lastly, if you decide that you aren't suited to the proposal I've made than you will simply not return. There will be no need for explanation. However, if you accept my terms than we will proceed accordingly. You will become my only concern. If you have any questions now would be the time to voice them, if not, please see yourself out and we will begin in the morning."

I was somewhat disconcerted. He never mentioned one word about the preceding events, almost as if the day had gone exactly as he had expected. At this moment, I couldn't think of anything to say, I was quite honestly still coming to grips with my apparent decision. It's funny how distance can make you feel close and what you want most are the things you never had. Must be the mood I'm in. I felt different. I'd changed. What I once thought might be wrong suddenly felt right.

"Yes Master Meridon, I'll see you in the morning." "Yes, dear Layla I believe you will. Goodnight and careful home."

Did I detect a smile?

With that I was out the door and on my way wondering all the way exactly what had made me so compliant? Was this a distorted reflection of reality? I managed to drive and I was soon opening the door to what felt like my former life.

Every day in every life is open to interpretation. This day started out as most do running on imagination out into a world I was sure I knew. Add a dose of reality and a little truth to the dream and you can touch what you only thought possible.

The possibilities before me now ... endless.

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chad132chad13210 months ago

I like all your stories, so this is also great. Thanks

Hotat21Hotat21over 4 years ago

Oh my goodness.... that was incredible. *fans self* I too enjoy intellectual mind games and the fact that you combined it with sexual pleasures was the icing on the cake. It's so hard to find someone who can touch the mind of someone highly intelligent who doesn't fit into "normal" proclivities. Just reading the story made my mind tingle. I've been on the site for like 16 years and you are one of my new favorite authors. Very scintillating. Thank you for that.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Is it over?

ZZZZZZZZZZ Talk about putting someone to sleep. I couldn't get past the first few paragraphs. Shakespeare you are not, so quit trying to be.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Take My Breath Away

Layla, you have taken my breath away. The masterful use of your words and the phrases that you choose to use.....I found it hard to believe we were talking about taking piano lessons, you had me on the edge of rapture, I congratulate you.

lovelyladyfairelovelyladyfaireover 7 years agoAuthor
Sincere apologies ...

The "Edited" story will replace this error riddled submission. One should never attempt to "Rush" when offering a story. Thank you for your treasured feedback ... and being gentlemen and gentle ladies by not pointing out what is evident ...:)

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