Mrs. G's Odyssey Ch. 01


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"Almost midnight." I mumbled.

"Good lets go chill in the living room for a bit." Dean added, the bathroom door opened and Dean grabbed my arm lightly just above the elbow. My whole body was tingling at that point. I walked ahead of the other boys being led by dean. I remember the rooms passing by me in a blurry haze.

Once in the living room they turned the TV on and started flipping through the channels. Martin and Joe sat on the couch, it's big enough for three comfortably. Dean then sat pulling me down half on his lap half on the floor. I slid down as though I were going to sit on the floor at their feet.

"Oh no you don't!" Dean said, pulling me up by my arm. He pulled me until I was in his lap. It was awkward and uncomfortable. My behind was between his legs, and I was awkwardly leaning towards Joe so my shoulders were wedged between them.

"You don't feel comfortable." Dean said. He nudged me down and grabbed a leg turning me so that I lay across the three of them. My feet were just past Martin's lap, my bum was in Dean's and my back lay across Joe with my head on the end cushion by Joe's shoulder.

On the TV there was some kind of sports show. I was half on my side, and I could feel Dean's mostly stiff penis pressing against my behind. Dean began to caress my stomach, just below my belly button. Martin's arms were across my legs and his hands were wrapped up in my calves. Joe had one arm under my head and the other under my right arm and draped across my chest.

"No........." I moaned in response to Dean's touch.

"Did you just tell me no Mrs. G?" Dean asked angrily.

"Please don't." I whispered. "You got to see me in my underwear. Please no more." I begged! His hand was frozen over my abdomen, his fingers playing lightly at the waistband of my panties. Joe's phone began to ring.

"Maybe I'm not satisfied with that!" Dean said. His fingers began to tease my waistband flicking under the edge of it.

"It's Michelle." I heard Joe say. "She needs a ride." I tried to think in my muddled state who they were talking about, there was a Michelle in one of my classes that I thought I had seen them with.

"Tell her we'll be there in a few minutes." Dean said. "But before we go." Dean paused as Joe hung up his phone. Then he flipped his hand and grabbed my waistband. My stomach gave out, as I realized in utter horror that he intended to pull them off. "Joe. Get her tits out." Dean said crudely as he literally tore my panties down my legs.

"NOOOOOO! I squealed trying to hold onto what little clothing and dignity I had left. Feeling complete futility as Dean overpowered me stripping my panties from me then helping to hold me as Joe fumbled with and undid my bra. I twisted and tugged and pushed and a few moments later I was still completely naked. I only succeeded in falling on the floor naked.

I crawled away from the couch trying to keep my legs together. Dean came over and grabbed me roughly by the arms lifting me to my feet and turning me towards the couch. He had me by the elbows in such a way that I wasn't strong enough to cover myself. Joe and Martin ogled me. Dean then turned me to face him and took a hard look at me.

I must have been quite the sight. My chest was heaving from the raspy frightened breaths I was taking in. The gym keeps my 38Cs fairly firm even when not in a bra, my nipples normally fairly small and light, were like dark erasers they were so hard and contracted. My bush although trimmed hadn't been 'maintained' in at least a week and dark stubble covered my pelvis around my neatly trimmed square of thick reddish brown hair. My stomach muscles, which I work so hard on felt tight as my stomach was in knots. My hair was in a big messy pony-tail, my make-up streaked to hell from crying.

"Damn! I'm gonna' be undressing you in my head all class tomorrow!!" Dean hissed. "I got an offer for you! Unless you want some of these pics mailed to your house addressed to your husband, you better stay fuckin' naked ALL night. We might stop by later to 'check' on you before your husband gets home, the back door better be unlocked and you better be completely naked. You can get dressed at eleven, y'know in case he comes home early." There was some snickering amongst them. Dean let me go. I was shaking and weeping.

"Please!" I sobbed. "Don't tell anyone."

"You don't want anyone to know about your pot smoking or your sudden 'nudist' habits. Nice bush by the way." Dean said he emphasized nudist menacingly.

"Please! I could lose everything." I said my voice hitching between sobs.

"Hmmmm." Dean said walking around me. "Get on your knees and BEG us not to tell." I sank to my knees, still keeping my legs clamped as close together as I could.

"Please." I said clasping my hands together and raising them to the three students. "Keep what happened today to yourselves, you can't tell ANYONE! I'll lose my husband...oh god, everything."

"I'll tell you what." Dean said. Stopping in front of me. "If we keep this little secret safe, and amongst ourselves, what will you do for us?" He was looking down at me, his crotch at my eye level.

"Whatever you want." I said my voice a hoarse whisper of complete defeat.

"So you'll do whatever we want if we keep this a secret?" Dean sneered.

"Nothing that will get me caught." I said. "And don't hurt me." I added, it sounded as feeble as I was. "Please." I added.

"So we'll protect your secret, and in return we'll get a teacher as our very own toy!" Joe said. He was now standing beside Dean.

"Yes." I said nodding meekly.

"Good." Dean said. "See you tomorrow at school." A moment later they were gone out the back door.

I stood in my living room naked for several minutes. It was still only late afternoon eleven was a long way off. I was petrified to disobey them. After a while I went upstairs and cleaned the bathroom up. They had left some pot. With a tinge of guilt I hid it in one of my drawers rather than throw it away.

With the sun still out I wandered my house without purpose, I was still fairly high, and completely naked. They'd been gone for about a half hour when I began getting horny. I don't know where it came from, probably the fact that I WAS high and naked. The pot was wearing off. I ended up masturbating and making myself dinner. Then I smoked a little more pot, and masturbated again! The boys never did come to check on me, and I fell asleep naked in bed at ten pm.

___ ____ ___

The following day I woke up tired and out of it. I hadn't heard my husband come in, but he was asleep beside me. I climbed into the shower and tried to get myself motivated for work. I was scared. I took forever trying to find something to wear. I wasn't sure whether to dress ultra conservative to discourage them, or slightly more revealing to avoid angering them.

In the end I dressed fairly normally by my standards. A calf length corduroy skirt, with a cream colored blouse that buttoned up too high to show anything much less cleavage.

I basically hid in my classroom all day, I was afraid to see them in the halls. I stared at all my students petrified someone knew. Finally the class with Martin came about after lunch. Aside from staring at me he said nothing, did nothing. The suspense was wreaking havoc on me.

Dean was in my last class of the day. He came in and asked how I was doing today, a little sarcastically, but not enough for anyone to notice. I said good thanks and he took a seat. He didn't do or say anything either. No one did.

The weekend came and went then a week had gone by with nothing. I finished the pot that had been left at the house. Things were back to a tense normal for me. It had been almost two weeks.

Then it happened. Right after school, Martin and Joe met Dean at my classroom. Dean lingered and was the last student. Martin and Joe came in and shut the door behind them.

"What are you doing?" I asked. My voice wavered terribly. They approached my desk crowding in behind it.

"Don't worry Mrs. G We won't get you in trouble." Dean said. "What are you doing after school today?" He whispered leaning over me. "Your husband works tonight doesn't he?"

"Yes." I said quietly.

"Wanna' get high this afternoon?" Martin asked quietly and laughed.

"What Martin meant is, you're hanging out with us this afternoon, at your house." Dean said. "Leave school, go straight home, leave the backdoor open, we'll be over soon."

"What time does your husband get home?" Joe asked.

"He's working a double." I said. "He won't be home 'till morning, probably nine." I silently cursed myself for not lying.

"Great!" Dean said, he was far too close to me. "Remember, when we walk out this door, you go home, and leave the backdoor open."

I drove home and went in the house leaving my work on the kitchen table. My knees were weak. I had worn a pair of slacks, and a blouse today. I poured a glass of wine to calm my nerves.

The back door comes in off the back deck between the kitchen and living room. I was leaning against the counter trying not to panic and sipping my wine. I heard their footsteps on the porch, then a shadow in the window, and then the door opened. There was no pretense, no knock, and no hesitation. The doorknob turned and the door swung loudly open, striking the door-stop. Dean led the charge.

"Mrs. G!" He said loudly his eyes settling on me. He strode purposefully towards me. "Are you ready to get high! We've got a hell of a night planned." He walked up until his feet were on either side of mine, his face inches from my own, my lips were trembling and my stomach was in knots.

"I don't want to smoke anymore." I whispered. Dean stepped back and reached for my blouse, I moved my hand to stop him and he slapped it away hard.

"I don't care, you're smoking anyway, it'll be more fun." He said, as he began unbuttoning my blouse. "Drink your wine Mrs. G." He said. My knuckles tingled slightly where he had slapped them. The whole situation already so out of control was getting more and more dangerous. I nervously swigged a sip of wine, as he reached my slacks and rudely pulled the blouse out to finish unbuttoning it. Then he pushed it open.

"You're not resisting Mrs. G." Joe pointed out admiring the sudden exposure of my lacy blue bra.

"Would it do me any good?" I asked. A little too much spite loaded into my voice.

"Fuck no!" Dean said as he pushed my blouse off, "but it makes it more fun. C'mon we'll smoke on your back porch." The back door opened.

"We can't smoke out there!" I hissed. "We'll get caught."

"There's a garage in the way on one side and all those trees on the other side, and no one lives high enough to see over your back fence. We're smoking outside." Dean said grabbing me by the arm.

A moment later I stumbled over the threshhold and out onto the back deck in slacks and a mostly see through bra. My half empty wine glass was dangling from my fingertips. Dean pulled out one of the chairs around my patio set and basically plopped me into it. The next thing I knew they were all sitting around the glass table and Martin was lighting a joint and taking a large puff from it.

"So...Mrs. G, how'd you feel the other day when we had you bare ass naked in your own living room." Joe asked. He then took the joint and a big hit, he spoke quietly somewhat respectfully given the subject matter and the fact we were outside.

"Well?..." He said to my silence and I, when he was finished exhaling. Joe passed the joint to Dean. I would be next. I thought about the bra I was wearing, I knew my nipples could be seen through the lace. I thought back to when they had pulled my clothes off on the couch. I remembered Dean pulling me to my feet and facing me towards the couch as though he were displaying me to them. The shame of it rose in my belly.

"It made me feel sick." I said quietly. "Like a piece of meat, I felt disgusted." I hung my head.

"Really?" Dean said. His tone was so sharp, so mean. I heard him get up. Fear gripped me. "Take a hit or two." He said the joint suddenly being held in front of my face.

As I took the joint from his hand, I was beginning to cry again. I put it to my lips with a trembling hand. I inhaled and as I exhaled, Dean reached behind me to unclasp my bra. I began to cough. By the time I was done coughing my bra was laying on the table. Then I felt his hands reaching around me, he grabbed my breasts and began to gently squeeze and knead them. He was lightly pinching my nipples and pulling on them. I shuddered involuntarily.

"How do you feel now?" Dean asked. His hot breath against my ear.

"Humiliated, please don't do this to me." I said, my whisper still raspy from coughing. My eyes had locked with Martins intensifying the humiliation, as I tried to plead with him trying to use my expression to help me.

"Stand up." Dean said. I pushed my chair back as I stood, his hands never left my breasts. "Take another hit then pass the joint to Martin." I took another hit while he continued playing with my nipples. I passed the joint, his hands slid across my belly, his fingernails very lightly raking my flesh, not leaving a mark just the tingling sensation of their passing.

"No...." I said as he unbuttoned and unzipped my slacks folding them open.

"Don't worry Mrs. G." He said into my ear. "I'm not going to take your pants off yet. That is unless you're wet." His fingers played across the waistband of my matching lacy blue panties. "Here's the deal. I'm gonna' reach right in here and get a GOOD feel. If I hold my finger out to these guys and it's glistening, I'll know you're horny and like what we're doing. If you're dry and no fun to play with you can keep what you're wearing and I'll check again later, with the same rules."

He had spoken slowly with raspy breaths that were so hot on my ear. While he had spoken he had teased his fingers over my pelvis, one of his hands returning to my chest to manipulate my breasts. Just listening to him describe where he was about to go drew my attention down there and I could feel the heat and dampness begin collecting, then intensifying as I brought my attention to it. 'Damn it.' I thought.

His hand then slipped under my panties. With the hand on my breasts holding me firm he leaned back, lifting me, and causing my pelvis to tilt forward. At first his fingers played lightly in my hair, then his middle finger applied pressure to the top of my pussy. He missed the clit through the hood at first, but grazed it as he pushed the intruding finger down into my folds.

I could feel how greasy and slick it was by how easily his finger moved. A shiver ran up my spine when he did make contact with my clitoris. His top knuckle hooked inward slipping into me, and then he slowly pushed it deeper. I could feel him wiggling it around. Trying to get it nice and saturated no doubt. Then he arched his palm to keep my panties from wiping the finger dry as he withdrew it.

"MMMHMMM! Mrs. G. Look at that!" I opened my eyes and there two inches from my nose was his middle finger, a droplet of moisture ran slowly down it, my own musky smell filled my nostrils. "YOU; are sopping wet." He said.

My upper body was still arched back from the way he was holding me. His right arm was across my body with my left breast firmly in his right hand. My breath was coming in short ragged bursts. I could feel the waistband of my slacks askew. My attention was drawn to Martin and Joe who sat across the table staring at me.

"Joe." Dean said. "Mrs. G's pussy is drenched. So she can't tell us she's repulsed by this, why don't you come over here and tug her pants off, we'll let her keep her panties for a few more minutes."

I could only watch in horror as Joe got up, I squirmed a little against Dean's grip on me, he responded by tracing a slow circle around my nipple as he held me. Joe knelt down before me and grabbed my pants. He then slid them down unceremoniously. When he got to the bottom he grabbed my calf, I obligingly lifted my foot so he could slide my shoes off and tug the pant free from my leg. He did the other the same way.

As Joe stood he dragged a finger up my leg and upon reaching my crotch cupped it through my panties his finger settling against my pussy and pushing in. He wiggled it pushing the crotch of my panties into me for several seconds before finally stopping. When he was done he stepped back and looked down at his handy-work.

"Holy shit!" He laughed. Dean let go of me and walked around to look and I looked down too. They all snickered at me. There was a very distinctive wet spot encompassing the whole deep camel toe that Joe had just given me. I reached to fix it and Dean slapped my hand away. My fingers again tingled a little from the suddenness of the slap.

"Leave it, let's go inside Mrs. G." Dean said.

With Dean and Joe ahead of me, and Martin behind me. I walked back into the house, padding lightly on bare feet. I had been wearing open-toed sandals before my disrobing. My slacks and Bra were still on the deck, my discarded blouse greeted me as I entered the kitchen. I had only had a couple of puffs of marijuana, but it combined with the wine was beginning to get to me.

Dean and Joe spilled onto the couch and continued smoking pot. I heard the back door shut and Martin joined them. The joint, now almost gone was held out to me and I reluctantly took it not thinking about the smell that would seep into my living room. As I stood roughly between my kitchen and living room deeply inhaling from the joint, the fact that I was practically naked in the presence of three 18 year old students was distant and slipping further.

"I am so fucking hard right now." Dean said. Martin had begun rolling another joint. "You two smoke that for a few, I'll be back in a few minutes. C'mon Mrs. G." Dean said.

Fear gripped me as Dean stood up and held his hand out. My feet reluctantly followed even as my mind raced to come up with an argument or some kind of refusal. He led me up stairs to my own bedroom, once there he shut the door.

I watched mesmerized, and horrified as he undid his pants and reached into his boxers pulling out his hard penis. It was big, not enormous, but so hard that I could see his veins straining on its surface. I suppose I knew it was coming out, but like a train wreck I couldn't take my eyes off it. He pushed his pants and boxers down a little way causing his manhood to bob up and down then sat on my bed.

"Start sucking Mrs. G." He said, laying back so his bent legs trailed down to the floor and his cock jutted straight up obscenely.

"Please don't make me do that." I begged. Dean rolled up to a standing position and taking hold of me by the shoulders began to push me down. At first I offered resistance trying to stand up, I was petrified that he would slap or hit me.

His weight became more insistent and I felt myself begin to sink I knew my resistance wouldn't hold. A moment later I was on my knees. The end of his dick was right between my eyes. "No." I said, but it was futilely. I could feel my panties wedged between my pussy lips, I was wet down there and being on my knees caused me to gape slightly, the air felt cool on the moisture.

He took it in his hand and began to rub the end on my face. I could feel the sticky trail it was leaving. He rubbed it across my forehead and both cheeks then down to my lips where he began slowly tracing it back and forth. My arms hung limply at my side, for an instant I thought of biting it, of running, but I knew I didn't have it in me. Instead my lips parted and he pushed it in.

The bittersweet taste of his precum immediately coated my tongue, and the sweaty taste of his flesh filled my mouth. It was in about two inches and the roundness of his head was cradled in the center of my tongue.

"Nice and warm in there Mrs. G., this is gonna' feel awesome high." I could feel his hands in my hair, I realized my eyes were closed. As he began to lightly thrust against my face I found myself moving my tongue and mouth to accommodate the movement. Dean was moaning.