Mrs. G's Odyssey Ch. 01


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I was by no means an expert at what I was doing. I had only done this for my husband a few times a year, and only a few times total before meeting him. While completely repulsed by what I was doing the sensation of this warm, fleshy, dribbling rod in my mouth was not unpleasant. I was pretty high and it felt and tasted interesting. I nudged it with my tongue and sucked lightly on it feeling it's consistency and weight. For support I found my arms wrapped around Dean's waist. A few minutes passed and I was lost to time. Only when it suddenly tensed up and flooded my mouth with cum did reality come washing back in on me. Literally so to speak. I don't know where I had been mentally, I was far too high, but clearly I had remained focused on the task at hand at some level.

I recoiled another blob landing on my face, I had swallowed the first two spurts, and still had a mouthful, it drooled out onto my chin. Dean fell back on the bed moaning as he finished his orgasm. I used my hand to wipe off my face then wiped my hand on the back of my panties. Finally I was able to stand.

Looking down at Dean wiping himself off with my sheets, revulsion hit me. For an instant I gagged realizing I had swallowed some of his cum, I forced it back. I could see myself in the mirror above my bureau, my hair was tussled up, my breasts were rising and falling. I could see how askew my panties were, driven up inside me the way they were, dark whisps of pubic hair were visible at the edges. I began again to cry. Dropping back down to my knees I sobbed curling into a ball on the floor of my bedroom.

"C'mon." Dean said. He was standing over me. I looked up at him he had put himself back together, and was covered again. "Let's go back downstairs, smoke some more and watch TV. Maybe get dinner, I'm hungry." Rage filled my stomach.

"Get out of my house!" I hissed angrily. Forcing myself to stand. Dean took a half step back as I berated him. "You can't do this to me! All of this is wrong! I'm married, this whole thing is OVER! You've had enough, LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled. Panting I stood staring at him glowering with anger. Dean stood staring back at me, with each second that passed my words carried less weight.

Rather than dignify me with a response, Dean began walking around my room. He went to the bureau with the mirror above it, my bureau. He began picking through the make-up and knick-knacks. Then he opened the top drawer. My underwear drawer! He began pulling out all my bras and panties and tossing them on my bed. Some of the smaller ones he gave an approving grunt to.

"Mrs. G, we should start telling you what to wear to school." Dean said. He held up a small lacy black thong. "It would be so hot knowing you were wearing this under your skirt in class." He said. "We should go downstairs smoke some more, and chill. At some point, I think you owe Martin, and Joe some relief too."

I was still standing roughly in the middle of my room. I was still angry, but beyond that I was feeling utterly helpless, my tirade was all that I had. Dean knew it and by not even dignifying me with a response he was taking everything from me.

"C'mon Mrs. G time to go back downstairs." Dean said. Grabbing me by my armpit he hefted me towards the door and I once again went into autopilot.

I was very high and light headed, most of the hallway and stairs were a daze, then I found myself standing in the living room again. Martin and Joe were looking at me hungrily, and their pants were visibly bulging. I blushed realizing that I had actually looked at their crotches to be sure.

"Mrs. G has been officially broken in." Dean said smugly. "I think it's time she gave up her panties." I half heard what he was saying.

"What'd you do?" Martin asked.

"Made her blow me." Dean said. My face went absolute crimson. My eyes immediately shot to the floor. "Mrs. G I told you to lose the panties." Dean repeated to me.

My head was buzzing, awkwardly I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my panties. I was suddenly aware that they were still snugged into my crotch. My body was tingling from the pot and exposure. Here they were demanding my last article of coverage, the last of my protection. This would leave me naked before them.

I began tugging the panties down. They snagged in my pussy. The sensation of the material against my lips and clit was causing me to tingle down there severely. Gradually I pulled them down. The waistband was almost to my knees when the gusset in the crotch finally began to slip out of my folds. I looked down at my glistening lips, they pouted open slightly as they settled back into place. I lifted my feet one at a time and stood up with the panties balled in my right fist, while my left subconsciously slipped across my abdomen as though I were smoothing out my pubic hair.

So there I was once again standing naked in front of my students in my own living room. This time I had at least groomed myself, of course this time I also still had the slimy taste of cum in the back of my mouth. I made a face thinking about it, and must have opened my mouth trying to clear the aftertaste. Dean laughed.

"Got a funny taste in your mouth Mrs. G?" Dean asked cruelly. I instantly shut my mouth and looked down at the floor. Dean walked up and took my balled up panties from me. "Open your mouth." Dean said. I looked up at him fearfully. His eyes held no question that he expected to be obeyed. I opened my mouth. "Stick out your tongue." He said. I did. Then he took my panties and flipped them open turning the crotch out, I could see how wet they were. He used the crotch of my panties, the inside of it to wipe my tongue for several seconds then stuffed the panties into my mouth crotch first.

"OMG, make her stay like that!!" It was Joe, I looked up to see him frantically getting his phone out. A moment later he held it out and no doubt took a bunch of pictures of me, naked with my panties stuck in my mouth. My shame was getting worse by the moment. How had I gotten myself into this.

"I'm next!" Joe said. "You guys wanna' get a pizza or something?" Joe stood up and approached me. He reached out and grabbed my hand. "C'mon Mrs. G." He said. My feet moved on their own, I walked back up stairs and back into my own bedroom.

Joe shut the door behind him and began feeling me up. He grabbed my breasts and massaged them. I didn't know what to do. Then he slid his hand down and began rubbing my pussy. It was more exploratory than actually stimulating, but there was something intensely erotic about the unabashed nature of it. I for my part stood with my arms at my side letting him manipulate me. I was high and shell-shocked at that point.

A few moments went by and his fingers (two of them) slid out of me, I realized I had spread my legs slightly to accommodate one then two of his digits. Joe went over to the bed and pulled his pants down, he kicked his shoes off as an afterthought and took them (his pants) all the way off. Then he lay down on the bed. (MY bed) His cock was big and thick, it stuck straight up into the air.

"Mrs. G." Joe said, "C'mon over here." I walked over to the bed, knowing what was coming. My mind at that time was reeling, I had a dozen things to say, I wanted to yell to scream, yet here I was naked in my room with one of my students. He knew what he wanted, and I knew it was expected of me. I had already tried arguing and it hadn't worked.

I crawled onto the bed drawn to awareness of how obscene my ass must look from behind. Without panties the spectacle of what was on display at the moment, what was gaping open had me blushing. Then I felt air cooling the moisture and heat that had spread from my sopping pussy out to my asshole. On my knees I got up beside Joe. He raised his head slightly to watch as propping myself on my elbows I reached out and wrapped my fingers around his penis.

My mouth was dry from the weed, as I leaned forward, I could see a dollop of moisture on the tip of Joe's cock. The head was round and full; I descended taking it into my mouth. I dragged my tongue over the droplet feeling it's slick texture.

"Ohhhh yeah." Joe hissed. From the corner of my eye I could see his raised face and knew that he was watching me.

Here in the privacy of the bedroom I shared with my husband, I was completely naked on my knees bent over the penis of a student! I flipped between revulsion and something far more sinister. As disgusted as I was with myself, that sickening feeling in my stomach, the obscenity and depravity that I was committing, every fiber of me knowing how wrong, how immoral this was, how much of a filthy slut I was being treated like. I was VERY aroused.

If you asked me later how I felt I would say trapped, I would say used, I would almost say forced or raped, but at that moment, on that bed, naked on my knees with my ass stuck out and my legs spread so I could feel my pussy lips separating, I felt every vein in that penis as they dragged across my tongue and lips and I hungrily went after it.

Joe didn't last very long, but with his fingers curled in my hair he held me fast as he grunted and came filling my mouth with his semen. I swallowed letting it thickly coat my throat and temporarily alleviate the cotton mouth I was experiencing.

After several seconds Joe let go of my head. He continued to pant slightly for a minute or so as I slumped on the bed beside him. Finally I got up and went back downstairs. Joe was slow to recover.

Back in the living room, Martin and Dean had another joint. They laughed as they lit it.

"Mrs. G." Dean said. "Hit this, your buzz should be fading by now." I wordlessly took the joint, and naked in my living room I inhaled deeply. Behind me I heard Joe shuffling down the stairs.

"We gotta' get some food." Dean said. "I'm gonna' call Michelle and get her to bring some." It took a second to grasp what he was saying as I finished my second hit and gave the joint to Joe who had his hand out for it.

"What?" I said flatly, the cobwebs parting momentarily.

"Michelle, she hangs out with us all the time. We told her we had a chick that would do whatever we told her, we just didn't tell her who. You know her though she's in you third period class." Dean said. "She's one of us and wouldn't say anything. She already swore not to tell that we had a girl on the side."

The way he was talking about me was making me nauseous.

"You said, you wouldn't tell anyone." I said glumly, the tone of defeat was too clear.

"Get over yourself." Joe said. "You just blew two of us, and Martin's next, you're in no position to argue about whose in charge. Besides we said we wouldn't get you in trouble, and we won't. I'm gonna' call Michelle, why don't you go take care of Martin before the food gets here."

My eyes fell to Martin, who was clearly hard as a rock, and tenting his jeans. The look on his face was expectant, but I don't think he would've had the nerve to ask himself.

"I don't want to do this anymore." I said.

"Good thing it's not up to you." Dean answered. "Go upstairs and get on your knees in front of the bed, wait for Martin to come upstairs." He paused and I stood there swaying, and getting more high by the second. "NOW Mrs. G." Dean said. His words startled me and I found myself obeying.

In my room I knelt facing the bed at its foot. A moment later Martins timid footsteps padded into the room. I heard him undoing his pants and wrinkling them off. There was a clink as his belt hit the floor. Then he slid in front of me sitting at the edge of the bed. I knew what was expected of me and performed my duties without saying a word. Martin was shaking the whole time. I think I may have been his first. As he came he panicked and had spasms, pulling his cock out of my mouth and shooting semen all over my face. I remained half kneeling half bent over the bed. His hands were on my head the whole time.

"Sorry Mrs. G." Martin said sheepishly. His hands went slack and slid to the bed by his side as he lay back on it. I got up went into my bathroom and cleaned the sticky mess off me. Streaking my make-up more in the process. When I came out Martin had already gone downstairs.

"Mrs. G!" Dean called up. "Where are you!?" His tone made me jump it was so demanding.

"What?" I called emerging from my bedroom and rounding the corner to come down the stairs. My voice had certainly wavered.

"Michelle should be here in about ten minutes, I was wondering what was keeping you. Are you still pretty fucked up and high?" Dean asked. I nodded, my eyes were puffy and heavy, my skin felt tingly all over. "Here I refilled your wine. Drink it, it'll get rid of the cum taste." Dean said handing me my wine glass from earlier, it was refilled to the top.

I took the glass and raised it to my lips. The wine was not particularly refreshing with my mouth dry from the weed, but the taste and texture was mesmerizing. As I sipped it Dean reached around from behind me and squeezed my breasts. Then he began playing with my nipples. I lowered the wine glass from my lips, one arm crooked to hold the wine the other limp at my side I stood frozen.

Dean's exploration traveled from my breasts to my stomach, then lower yet. With Martin and Joe looking on Dean's fingers tousled my pubic hair, it was slightly darker than the curly hair on my head, and a little less red. My hair is auburn reddish brown, but between my legs it was brownish black. I knew what was coming as he slipped a finger over my clitoris and then slid it between my lips. Behind me he had scooted up and I could feel his new hard-on in the cleft of my bared buttocks. My pussy was so wet...his finger slid with ease down that crease.

I gasped a little when he plunged it into me, it hooked upwards as he did so I involuntarily raised up onto my tip toes slightly. The way I stood up caused his palm to press against my clit and the combination of being high, naked for so long and forced to do what I had already done caused me to suddenly come. I cannot explain it, but I had an instant orgasm, that fell off just as I crossed the threshold.

My breath was still ragged and coming in short gasps, as Dean angled his hand and literally dug his finger deeper into me. The full length of his middle finger now penetrated me as I stood facing the other two boys. I was already up on my toes, so when Dean used his other hand on my chest, cupping a breast as he pulled my upper body back the result was my pelvis thrust forward. He pushed his own hips forward and leaned back showing them how invasive his finger was in my pussy.

He began to draw it in and out of me. I pushed against him trying to stand flat on the ground trying to lean forward. Then I felt him wriggle in another finger! I could actually feel him opening me up. In and out in and out, his fingers were just flexing. He was seeing how deep he could go, then he'd wiggle his fingers and separate them slightly. I heard a car out front then a car door. Then running footsteps on my front porch.

Dean turned me towards the front door, which was at the bottom of the stairs and only a few feet away. His fingers were still in me. There was a knock at the door.

"Come in. It's open!" Dean said, while holding me out more and making my pelvis stick out further. The door burst open; and there was Michelle, a girl from my third period class. Her eyes were huge.

"Oh my GOD I knew that was Mrs. G's car!" She said, as she looked me over, her eyes drifted down across my body, which was bawdily displayed to her, then came up and met my gaze. I instantly looked down in shame. "Oh my god you're fingering a teacher!" Michelle said then she began to laugh. She set a big bag of McDonald's on the coffee table, "Whose got weed?" She said still snickering.

"We already had her give all of us blowjobs." Dean said.

"She did it!" Michelle said her eyes again getting huge. She had taken the bag of marijuana and was deftly rolling a joint. Dean gently slid his fingers out of me, and lowered me to the floor.

"Yeah she did. She's fucking baked out of her mind too!" Dean said and began digging through the bag. He fished out a double cheeseburger and opened it up. "I'm starving."

Michelle lit the joint and took a deep drag. Joe and Martin sat looking on. "Wow, so I'm getting an A in History!" Michelle said, she was looking at me intensely from head to toe. "She's got a good body for a teacher." She said after exhaling her second hit.

"She's wicked hot." Dean said. "Mrs. G spin for Michelle, let her see your ass." I slowly turned giving a full slow spin.

"That's awesome!" Michelle said.

"You like it?" Dean asked.

"Unreal!" Michelle answered. "Mrs. G, just turned in a circle to show off her fuckin' body to me!"

"You like having her show herself to you?" Dean asked, the question was clearly something of a dare to Michelle.

Martin and Joe dug into the bag of McDonald's. My stomach lurched and I realized I was hungry, while not a huge fan of McDonald's the smell and my intoxicated stoned state made it very appealing. Dean must have seen me eyeing the bag.

"Are you hungry Mrs. G?" Dean asked. I could hear the cruel edge in his voice. I nodded. I glanced over at Michelle to see her reaction to his obvious dominance of me. She was watching the exchange raptly.

"You can eat, but you have to sit on the coffee table with your legs open the while time." Dean said, he motioned towards the coffee table. Michelle snickered a little. "Hurry up and sit!" I sat as quickly as I could and opened my legs. At this point I was sitting across from Michelle and Joe. Martin was off to my left on the chair. Michelle took another big drag of pot, and then looked down between my legs. I hung my head shamefully.

"Wow Dean she's fuckin' WET!" Michelle said laughing. "Mrs. G, look at your pussy! It's all open, and even your thighs around it are wet." I didn't want to look, but my eyes were already downcast it was hard not to glance. She was right I could see the moisture, I could see the way my lips hung open from Dean's aggressive pawing.

"Haha!" Dean laughed. "You checkin' out Mrs. G's pussy!" Dean laughed walking over to look down at my crotch as well. I felt so violated and on display, but I didn't dare close my legs. Dean handed me a cheeseburger, and I unwrapped it and took a big bite, not daring to look up at them, not wanting to see them leering at what I was displaying to them.

"You should touch it." Dean said to Michelle. My stomach clenched up, waiting to hear what this exchange would lead to.

"You just wanna' see me touching another woman's pussy." Michelle laughed.

"Yeah! Your point is." Dean said.

"I'll think about it." Michelle giggled.

"We could make her eat you out." Dean said.

"Yeah, you think I'd let you guys watch even if I let her do it." Michelle said.

"Yeah I bet you would." Dean said. "You let us see your tits that time we were all baked."

"Yeah that was just that once though." Michelle said. I glanced up at her, she was blushing a little, and had just finished the burger she was eating.

"C'mon." Dean said, "I gotta' see you touch it. Mrs. G, tell Michelle you want her to touch your pussy." Dean said to me, he nudged my shin with his foot.

"Ple-ase, touch m-m-y pussy." I said meekly the last part trailing off in a whisper. I was shaking. The bites of burger I had just eaten were sitting in my stomach like stones.

In horror I watched as Michelle stretched her hand out between my legs. I don't think she moved particularly slowly, but the painstaking detail that I can still remember it in, made it seem like an ETERNITY. Yet I was powerless to move, powerless to speak, powerless to do anything other than watch as this 18 year old girl extended her hand, with it's black painted nails, slowly it got closer my legs were open, my wet pussy open and waiting. My pubic hair was like a beacon pointing the way to something that shouldn't be exposed.