My Autography Ch. 04


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Soon Najia also came down. She was dressed, as they say, 'to kill'. Fully made up with all the cosmetics that made her look like a newly wed lady, prepared to receive her hubby from some assignment that had kept him out of town for long. Dad went to see her off, and when they were out of my sight, I heard them exchanging some words. What they spoke remained imperceptible to me. I guess dad was still telling her not to tender herself for the sake of his promotion. They continued for sometime but she left and he came back.

Instead of sitting with me where he sat, he went to his own bedroom. I sat there skipping channels on the TV without anything other then my dad on my mind. I was still having reminiscence of him licking his fingers on the breakfast table and mom telling him about having the same, to his content, for lunch as well.

Half an hour passed but he did not come out of his room. I got bored just clicking channels on the TV so I decided to go up and change, may be use a bit of make up too. So up I went to my room, undressed and took a long shower. I kept the door unlocked, hoping very much that he will come in any moment. No sign of him disturbing me in the shower. I came out, just a small towel wrapped around my body, hoping to find him waiting in my bedroom, ready to pounce on me, yet the room was empty.

I took a long time to dress up, standing nude in front of mirror and leaving the door slightly ajar, just in case. While watching myself in the mirror, I started comparing myself with Najia and mom.

I was different and yet similar to them. I was within my budding period and my boobs and hips were not as curvaceous as mom or even as that of my sis. My nipples were much lighter in colour as compared to mom and even Najia's nipples were a bit darkish in shade. My pubic hairs untrimmed and thus were unlike mom and sis. I was lighter in weight and taller in height then Najia. Mom was of same height as that of mine. Where Najia lacked in height, she was compensated amply as regards to her curves.

Facial features were different too, mom, despite her age and rigors of childbirth and childcare still had a very fresh and innocent face. On the other hand, looking at Najia gave others only one feeling, to get her in bed. She looked vivacious and eager-looking for sex. Her full and well formed lips, her extrovert kind of eyes always looked hungry for some thing.

I kept on watching myself for a long time in the mirror. Once I had a reflection of someone passing by my room. My heartbeat increased and I felt strange sense of anxiety. Yet, no one entered my room or disturbed me and the feeling passed.

I decided to dress up and decided to act modestly, as if I was a new bride, yet to get out of inhibitions. I dressed up as if I was to attend some sombre function of the family and my bodily charms got well hidden behind those plain looking cloths. I went downstairs and again took my position in front of TV.

I waited for dad to come out of his room but he disappointed me. After the episode at the breakfast table, I was expecting him to pounce upon me after seeing off Najia. His behaviour, however, made me feel as if he was having second thoughts.

I decided to go to his room, as I thought that may be he was feeling depressed because of his argument with Najia. After making up my mind, I looked for an excuse, first of all to enter his room and then ways to start a conversation.

When I entered his room, I found him lying on his bed in the dress he wore at the breakfast table, his nightclothes. He had a blanket upto his waist and also a pillow, casually lying across his lap. He was drinking and a bottle of whiskey was placed at his bedside table. He looked at me but chose to remain silent. I stood there, feeling like a kid, not knowing what to say and do.

"Dad, are you okay. I feel that you are somewhat disturbed." I said.

"Oh! Nado, nothing. I just felt like having a few drinks. I hope you don't mind." He replied as I went forward and sat at the foot of the bed. He continued with his small swigs of liquor.

"Can I bring you something, like some snacks." I inquired.

"No honey just let me drink a bit more. I will ask you when I feel hungry." He said as he refilled his glass with whiskey.

I sat there as he continued with his drinking. The silence, albeit slight sound of him sipping and gulping his drink, ruled the room. I was thinking what to say and what to do. "Dad, I know, it may sound odd, but can I join you." I said as I got up and moved towards his bedside table. One empty glass was there and I picked it up, looking at him questioningly.

"Well, what can I say? You are an adult now and in this house, everyone is allowed to do what he feel like." He said somewhat remorsefully.

I opened the bottle and poured in a little of that liquid in my empty glass. I had tasted beer but whiskey was a big leap I was taking.

"Dad, you seem to be a bit depressed. Is something wrong?" I said I returned to my place.

"No, I am not depressed." He said, but he was not at all convincing.

I did the same, gingerly placing the glass on my lips, tilting it so that the whiskey touched my lips.

"Nado, you must not drink straight liquor, go and fetch some iced water, otherwise you will not feel good." He said, abruptly changing the subject.

I put the glass back and went out towards the kitchen to the refrigerator. After taking out a handsome quantity of ice cubes, I filled a pitcher full of water and came back to dad's room.

He handed me my glass from the bedside table and told me to add water to it. While doing so, our fingers touched.

I mixed water into my drink and sat down at my place, very near to dad's feet. The first sip of whiskey, albeit with a lot of water, made my throat burn. Not to show myself as a chicken, I continued. "So, how do you plan to wed Najia off? You miss her so much and, if I am not wrong, you become so anxious because of her going out, just for shopping. How would you be able to cope with her getting married to Imtiaz Bhai?" I asked, whiskey giving me courage.

"Well that's a different ballgame. That's not whoring around, and beside every girl has to get married for enjoying the life." He said, putting down his glass and laying back against the thick pillows behind him.

I continued with talking to him. Getting more intoxicated with each sip of whiskey I took. I became more brazen in my talk with dad.

"Dad, why are you so cross with Najia? After all, you yourself introduced her to this world." I said, with a perceptible slur in my voice.

"Yes, I took her cherry and I was the one who told her to enjoy her life in the way she feels better. I love her like I love you and mom. I also love the lifestyle we have and I enjoy it to the fullest. But it does not mean that she starts selling herself." He said, still with a remorseful voice.

"Dad, I don't think Najia is selling herself, whatever she is doing, she is doing it for you." I said while I started to lie back on my right arm while facing dad, who readjusted his legs to give me space.

"I know her involvement with my boss would accelerate my career but still somehow it's not the right way I want it." Dad said.

I shifted a bit closer to him so that his feet touched side of my thigh. I felt his toe move, as if he was trying to caress me. I kept on sitting, nursing my drink.

As I finished, I again went to pick up the bottle but he quickly handed that to me. His hand, as if out of hurry, brushed my chest. His fingertips touched my skin just below my neck and as a result, sent shivers of excitement through my body.

I took the bottle, poured some whiskey and added ice cold water from the pitcher into the glass. While handing the bottle back to dad, again our fingers touched and when I looked into his eyes, I felt that he was eyeing me differently, but I was quite intoxicated to discern his intentions.

"But dad, I saw her last night with your boss and I think she is enjoying it fully. What's the harm if she enjoys her life, like you want her to, and your career is helped too." I told him.

"You what!" He said as if he had heard some sensational news.

"You saw her with my boss?" He said as he sat up. I kept my glass of whiskey, playing with it and time, waited for the next move of dad. Suddenly, when I looked towards his lap, I saw that the pillow was lying away from his lap and below the blanket, even in my intoxicated state; I was able to see a bulge.

"Yes I saw her, remember I went up during the party. When I was crossing her room, I heard her moan. I thought she was in some trouble, as she did drink a lot during the party, and decided to enter her room." I started to tell him and he was all attention to my words.

In the position he was in now, we both were quite close to each other. His feet were very near to my belly. His toes could have touched me below my boobs on my belly, if he would have moved a bit forward.

"When I entered the room, dad, I saw her sitting on the face of your boss." I said as if I was discussing my homework with him.

"She was naked and your boss sucked and licked her bottom like a hungry baby." I continued with my narration.

I suddenly felt something touching me on my belly just below my boobs; however, the wine and the excitement did not allow me to take much notice of it. The thing moved and when I looked down, it was dad's foot that was caressing my body.

"Dad, you know, I really wanted to join them, but I was not brave enough. Beside I had already offered the 'piece of cake to mom'." I said as I giggled.

Dad's foot was touching me continuously and now it was slowly moving on the undersides of my right breast. I felt excited.

When I tried to sip again, I found that my glass had gone empty. I was already quite intoxicated and did not bother to get a refill.

I relaxed a bit more and now lay on my side. Dad's foot now touched me between my boobs over my shirt. I lay there for a while, silently enjoying the wine, the moment and the sensation of something touching my boobs.

Suddenly, I realized that the wine had hit my bladder and felt an urgent desire to pee. I got up, wobbly on my legs and moved to toilet. I did not bother to shut the door as I realized that there was hardly a need for it.

I removed my 'shilwar' and sat on the toilet seat. A thick stream of piss gushed out of my pussy. I sat there peeing, the door half open. I am sure that dad must have heard the sound of my pissing.

I sat there, even when I was relieved. Then I heard footsteps, and when I looked up, I saw dad entering the toilet.

"Are you okay, Nado?" He said as he moved towards me.

"Yes dad, I feel a bit drowsy. May be I should have refrained from drinking." I said as I looked at him with a smile.

"It's ok, you will be alright. Get up and throw some cold water over your face." He extended a hand and supported me as I got up. I was least bothered about my dress and my 'shalwar' fell and I stepped out of it.

I approached the wash basin, naked except for my shirt. Dad stood behind me as I splashed water over my face.

As I stood, bent over the wash basin, I felt dad's hand on my hip. I liked it and kept on washing my face. His fingers moved and he started caressing my hip. My pussy creamed and I wished his hand to move in between my legs as he did while we had our breakfast.

Soon the other hand came in front of me and took hold of my left boob. He kneaded it and I loved the feeling. He continued for sometime and I closed my eyes to savour the feelings.

Suddenly, he removed both his hands, and as I opened my eyes, I saw his reflection in the mirror, as he sat down on his knees. I felt shirttail from my back being raised and soon his warm breath bathed my hips.

I turned back and his face was facing my crotch. He kissed my furry little bush over my cunt and I also felt his tongue touching my slit for a moment. The nimble touch of his tongue, my partial nudity, the effects of liquor I had consumed and the overall expectancy of this moment, were enough factors to induce a rollercoaster of an orgasm in me. My legs turned to jelly and I had to put my hands over dad's shoulders to keep from falling over.

"Daddy, I love what you are doing to me, please don't stop." Was all that I was able to utter between my throes of pleasure.

He picked me up in his strong arms and carried me to the bed while he kept on showering kisses on my face. He then laid me gently on the bed. I was still dizzy as my orgasm was still to die down.

"You look so lovely and I think I am in love with you." Dad said as he looked at me while standing near the bed.

"I love you too dad. Now don't make me wait any more for what I had been waiting for since morning." I said as he moved forward to the bed.

Instead of replying, he climbed the bed and moved in between my legs. He bent down and I heard him saying, "Let me taste my breakfast."

I giggled on his reference to the breakfast. Soon his mouth was there, covering my dripping wet cunt. He took his time, making my cunt clean and again when it became wet; he repeated his ministrations without any fuss.

Dad sure was a good licker, that's what I could have concluded from the treatment I received from him. His tongue never stopped, touching me in every sensitive part of my crotch. Sometimes he extended his tongue fully into my slit, giving an imitation of a miniature cock. Then he would lick me from front to rear and rear to front, paying special attention to my orifices enroute.

"AAhhhhhhhhh, oh daddy, I love you. There, there, keep doing." The room was filled with my moans of pleasure.

My legs were splayed open to the limit, my shirt was up and lower part of my bra was visible. My jet black hairs spread on the pillow below my head and my mouth was open. I held his head from behind, forcing him into my cunt.

I had multiple orgasms. His tongue treatment was quite different from that of mom or Najia. He was rougher and the change from the gentle lovemaking of my sister and mom was doing wonders.

After I was almost consumed by a series of climaxes, he got up. His face slithered up with my juices and as he bent down to kiss me, I could smell, both kind of liquors on his breath. My love nectar smelled more prominently and also the whiskey was faintly perceptible.

"You taste so fresh, Nado." Was all he said before his lips joined mine in a deep kiss.

As I came back to my senses slowly, I forced him off me. He sat on the edge of the bed and I got down. I sat in his feet, taking hold of his roaring manhood, I looked at him. He was all love and passion.

Without exchanging any words, he understood my intentions and he got up slightly, allowing me to pull off his pyjama bottom. In return, he took hold of the hem of my shirt and, as I raised my hands, he took it off. I was left in the black bra that I wore and soon his hands were behind me, unclasping the hook. My young tits sprang free with the expert movement of his hands.

"Oh, so lovely boobs, your mom had similar tits when I first had a look at those." Said dad, with a trace of nostalgia in his voice, as he unbuttoned his top. Soon he was buck naked as I was. Me, holding his manhood in my right hand as his hands reached for my bare tits.

Without much ado, I bent down, taking his head into my mouth. I was not at all anxious about it; mom and Najia had briefed me enough to induce a love for blowjobs. The taste and texture was good, just as I was told by my mom and sister. He was leaking like a hose from the piss hole of his cock and I slurped at his nectar with my tongue.

I continued with my maiden blowjob for sometime. I wanted him to come into my mouth, but dad hand other plans.

He gestured me to get up by placing his hands below my armpits. I got up and he made me sit down again, this time over his cock. I was wet enough and his cock head entered me without any hassle.

He held me, tip of his cock nestled into my cunt's entrance. Even that was enough; the sensation of physical touch and the taboo-ness of the act, made me come for the nth time. As I lost myself, just for a moment, I sank down, my journey halting for a fleeting moment of pain and I lost my cherry.

The slight pain made me wince for a moment but dad's lips on my nipples heightened the pleasure to a degree that I forgot the pain soon. I slid down and soon his balls touched me between my cunt and asshole. He was in me, his second daughter to be deflowered by him.

We stayed in that position for long time. Dad was sucking hungrily on my nipples, alternating his attention from one to the other. I was delirious with ecstasy. Soon our lust forced us to raise our tempo. I jumped over his cock, almost letting it out many a times, then plunging down like a fallen star.

His lust took over his hold, and he forced me on my back. His strokes gained force as the bed rocked with each of his powerful battering into me. Dad's lovemaking was fierce, so different from the gentleness of mom and Najia.

His mouth descended over mine, he kissed me passionately and I explored his mouth. He then again shifted his attention to my tits. He was not particularly gentle, he chewed my nipples but I was in heaven.

"Nado, you are so tight, you remind me of your sister and your mom in their yester years. They still are tight enough, but no match to you." He said between his panting.

"Oh, dad, I want to be torn up by you. I am all yours. Take me in anyway you want to." I said as I opened my legs as wide as I could possibly do.

Dad's pace increased and I went through another earth-shattering orgasm. As my climax subsided, he withdrew his manhood from me and directed his sperm-jets all over my belly and my tits.

I was a sight to see, soaked in perspiration, a bit bloodied crotch and upper thighs, my belly and my tits soaked in dad's cum. He stood over me, marvelling at his doing and then his mouth descended upon mine, kissing me while his hands roamed over my body, spreading all his cum over my entire front, literally coating me in a thin film of his seed.

We lay there for a long time, he kissed and played with me and soon his cock again sprang to life. I had also been busy with exploring his body and I took his thick cock in my palm.

It was so full of life, throbbing with the hyper-circulation of blood that engorged it. It was still sticky with my juices and I kept on playing with it.

"Dad, did you enjoy, ........, I mean id you enjoy your time with me." I asked somewhat gingerly.

In reply he kissed me with passion on my lips and then instead of replying my query he asked, "I hope you are not hurt, I got quite carried away by passion. I was pretty rough with you."

"Dad, I loved every moment of it. It was just wonderful, even better than the time I spent with mom and Najo." I told him as I snuggled close to him.

His manhood poked against my bums, he adjusted himself and it made its way in the crack of my ass. Its warmth gave me tingles and I pressed even closer to him.

"I love you dad." I said.

"I love you too, Nado." He replied.

"Dad, I am not complaining, but certain things bother me about our family. I just can't comprehend the behaviour of mom." I said in a low voice.

"What's the matter that bothers you?" He asked while bringing his hand to my right tit.

"I mean, women are always said to be jealous creatures. Why is she ......, I mean so accommodative?" I asked dad as his fingers twirled my nipple.

"Nado, your mom, like all other women, is not devoid of jealousy. When we were young, she never liked me looking at other women, nor did I have any need to do so. Your mom is lovely in all respect, she is good looking, she is a good company and she is great in bed. She was so even when she wed me." His hand kept manipulating my nipple, renewing a flow of juices from my freshly fucked cunt.