My Headache

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The 'I've got a headache' excuse from a different angle.
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Kelsey and I had been together only a few months and you know what it's like at first, you simply can't get enough of each other. That was certainly true for us, we made love almost every night, sometimes more than once. Nevertheless there are days when you just don't want to know and it was one of those days that was responsible for adding an unexpected dimension to our sex life.

I'd had one of those oppressive days at work when you come home feeling thoroughly tired out and with a throbbing headache. Sex was the last thing on my mind that day. Of course this happened to be one of the days when Kelsey was feeling extra amorous and so things got a little fractious between us, resulting in me going off to bed feeling irritable while Kelsey stayed downstairs and sulked. I was evidently genuinely tired out because it seemed that no sooner had I climbed into bed than I fell asleep, still sprawled on my back instead of turned on my side as I usually do, something that turned out to be a bonus in a way, although at the time I neither knew this nor cared.

Then while I was asleep I had a beautifully restful dream. I dreamed that I was in a small boat, relaxing under a warm sun with my eyes closed and with a calm sea just gently rocking the boat. I let the dream take me wherever it wished as I sprawled under the sunlight and enjoyed the gentle rhythm of the waves lapping the side of the boat, until the sea became choppy and the waves higher and a little more irregular. I was gradually and very reluctantly forced to abandon my dream, and then, as I awakened, I became increasingly aware that the rocking wasn't in my dream at all, it was for real, and it was not helping my headache to recede in the slightest. It confused me a little until I was fully awake and then I realised that it was the bed that was moving and it was a warm thigh that was tapping at the side of my leg. I still wasn't sure quite what was happening until I became conscious of little sighs and gasps from beside me. Then it finally dawned on me that Kelsey had come to bed while I was asleep and was, as the saying goes, seeing to her own needs. It was her efforts to bring herself off that had caused the motion of the boat in my dream.

Normally waking to something as sexy as finding a woman masturbating alongside me would have had me rolling on top in short order and giving her the real thing, but that night I simply didn't want to know. I did find it vaguely erotic though, erotic enough to let me just lay there beside her, pretending to sleep and listen to her little pleasure noises. In fact I gradually began to enjoy it, although still not quite enough for my body to react with a hard-on. Even when her breathing became ever more erratic and her movements ever more urgent I didn't react physically. To be honest I was more intrigued than anything else, listening with a kind of dispassionate interest as she pleasured herself, but at the same time almost wishing that she would get on with it so that I could go back to sleep. It didn't take long, I could sense her trying to keep quiet and still, but when she came her back arched and she let out a long muted gasp before slumping back on the bed alongside me, breathing heavily. I still pretended sleep and as her breathing slowly returned to normal I did gradually drift back off.

A good night's sleep helped me no end, and by the next morning I was more or less back to normal and wishing I'd been up to making love the night before. But I kept quiet and let her go on thinking that I'd been asleep all the time. Letting her know that I'd been lying there listening was, I thought, asking for trouble. As it was she was a bit subdued and kept giving me strange looks as if wanting to blame me for my bad mood of the previous evening. She was right too and I knew I had to say so.

'I'm sorry about last night, sweetheart.' I apologised. 'I'd just had a bad day, my fault.'

'You're forgiven.' She gave me a wan smile as if she was only reluctantly forgiving my behaviour.

Silence returned and stayed with us until she had put on her coat and headed for the door to go out. Then with the door open she turned and looked at me.

'You woke up last night though, didn't you?' She stated baldly. 'I know you did because your breathing changed.'

I stared at her and sort of spluttered some kind of denial, but she shook her head. 'Don't deny it, and anyway it doesn't matter because knowing you were listening turned me on even more.' With that she closed the door behind her and was gone.

I stood in the hall and stared at the back of the door in amazement, wondering what to make of that. I think that if I didn't have to go to work I would probably still have been standing there when she returned home that evening. Of course, being male, by the time I returned home that evening I had come to terms with her statement and begun to wonder if I could turn it to my own benefit. Kelsey greeted me almost as normal, but I sensed a little restraint in her manner and so I put any dirty thoughts I might have had on hold awaiting a more appropriate time, such as bedtime. But then when bedtime arrived I didn't have the chance to say anything, because Kelsey took the initiative.

'When we get to bed.' She told me, just before we went up. 'After you pretending to be asleep last night and leaving me to fend for myself, I think we should do things my way tonight. Don't you?'

I wasn't sure where this was heading so I kept quiet.

'I'll let you know what I want when we get in bed.' She didn't expand on that but instead she stood up and headed for the stairs, smiling sexily. I was only too willing to follow. We undressed and then slipped into bed together before I rolled on my side and reached out to her.

She shook her head, pushing me back. 'Oh no. Not tonight my darling.' She went on. 'It gave me quite a buzz knowing you were listening to me last night and so we're going to do the same tonight. I'm going to play and you're going to listen, and if that means you go without - then tough luck.'

That wasn't what I'd had in mind of course, but if it sounded like suitable revenge as far as Kelsey was concerned then I'd go along with it, for the moment at least. I lay back and hung my arm around her shoulders without answering. She snuggled in close to me and then looked up at my face and smiled. 'I think it we'll both enjoy it.'

Maybe we will, I thought, turning my head so that I could watch her face and listen to her breathing becoming deeper. For a few moments, nothing, and then she slowly opened her legs and let her hand slide down between them. Once again a nice warm thigh pressed against mine, then there was a long contented sigh and I sensed rather than felt her fingers begin to play under the duvet.

To begin with I would have had no way of knowing what she was doing if it hadn't been for her dreamy gaze and the little smile of pleasure that kept flitting across her face. But then, as she became more aroused, I could begin to feel her movements becoming more and more pronounced until her thigh was once again tapping against mine.

Her eyes opened and she looked up at me, her smile broadening into one of total happiness. 'Thank you, I'm loving this.' She told me breathlessly.

'So am I.' I answered truthfully, my hand seeking my iron hard erection as if to confirm my reply.

Her eyes closed again and her fingers began to work harder on herself, while I gently stroked my cock, not with the idea of making myself come but to kind of compliment her actions. Very soon her thigh was pressing hard against mine as she found the need to spread her legs wider and the bed was rocking gently in time with her movements. By now her breathing was becoming deeper and just a little erratic and I knew it wouldn't be long. I hugged her closer with my arm over her shoulder and heard her murmur softly in response, her eyes flicking open to gaze briefly at me before closing contentedly once more. To hold a woman close while she is on that long climb to a self-induced orgasm has to be one of the most erotic things I have ever done. Every little noise she made, every little twitch of her body turned me on more and more until I badly wanted to join in and make myself come as well, but that wasn't what she wanted and I had more chance of getting somewhere later if I did as I was asked for the moment.

And then she was there. She didn't call out or jerk around on the bed as I had imagined, but instead she just went rigid with her body arched as she had before, holding her breath silently for what seemed an age before letting it out again in one long noisy exhalation before collapsing back onto the bed.

'Wow.' She breathed. 'That was so good.'

I hugged her closer and grinned, happy to have openly shared her most personal moment and believing that the clock had been reset to normal.

'I'm glad you were there.' She told me, looking up earnestly at me. 'I want to do it again.'

'Sure.' I told her agreeing with her sentiment. 'Anytime you like.'

'I mean like now!'

'Now?' That surprised me; I'd imagined that she was spent, so much so that I wasn't even thinking of trying for the shag I so urgently needed. I looked down at her upturned face to see if she meant it. She obviously did.

'Yes, now.' She confirmed, then hesitated just for a moment. 'And will you do it as well?'

'Me?' That surprised me too, but the idea quickly grew on me. At least that would take the edge off things as far as I was concerned.

'Yes, and will you let me watch you, please? I want to see you come.'

I managed not to give a stupid answer. This time I managed to think of my own pleasure. 'If I can watch you.'

She grinned massively. 'I was just coming to that.'

Why did this girl have the capacity to always amaze me?

We threw the duvet back and I scrambled around to kneel between her widespread knees, gazing down at an already glistening pussy before looking up at her excitedly shining eyes.

She smiled as I wrapped my fingers around my shaft and then she reached a hand down to cover herself. 'Ready?'

This time it wasn't me saying something silly. 'Oh yes!'

At first we both felt a little hesitant, both extremely turned on but also a little bit embarrassed by what we were doing. Neither of us had done it before and we weren't quite sure how we would each react. Would it help or hinder, or would one of us get too embarrassed to continue. We both started gradually, sort of easing ourselves into it with our hands moving gently and slowly over ourselves and our eyes pinned on each other's faces with only a quick furtive glance downwards to check each other out. Then the glances became longer and more obvious until we were really watching each other masturbating with only fleeting looks at each other's faces. Now I knew we were going to be ok.

It gave me a hell of a thrill to watch Kelsey, I'd never actually seen a woman doing it before and, although I kind of knew the mechanics of it, the methods and subtleties she employed were completely out of my experience. At first she used two fingers to open herself up and a third to stroke her clitoris, almost as if she was scratching it. Then, as she became more aroused, she changed to using two fingertips to play with herself, sometimes moving in circles over the tip of her button and sometimes back and forth over it, pushing her rather fleshy labia around as she did so. It was extremely fascinating and very erotic; in fact I was so captivated that I had to be reminded that I too was supposed to be doing more than just holding my cock.

'Don't just kneel there; I want to see you doing it.'

That brought me back to reality; she was watching me as keenly as I was watching her, I nodded and began to gently stroke myself. She smiled and I felt good knowing that I was giving her the same sort of pleasure as she was giving me. I wanted to do it faster, to go at it properly, but I knew that I was so horny from seeing her that I would come far too quickly, and that would spoil it for her. So I just stroked all the way along my shaft slowly and firmly, deliberately wiping my thumb over the tip of my cock each time to make it jerk and twitch. I could hear her breathing getting heavier as she watched and I smiled down at the knowledge that it was working for both of us.

Her eyes flicked up to my face and she smiled. 'I like us doing this,'

'So do I.' I replied, abruptly realising the truth of my answer. My hand instinctively began to go a tiny bit faster.

She closed her eyes and I could see that she was concentrating on what she was doing now. Her breathing was becoming harsh as she rubbed faster and faster at herself, her legs spreading as wide as they possibly could, letting me see more of her gaping pussy with her juices trickling from it. After a few minutes her eyes reopened, but now she had that faraway look of someone getting close to coming. I watched closely, thoroughly enjoying the extremely erotic sight of her fingertips strumming so lightly and so rapidly over her clitoris. Once again she caught my eye and smiled as she saw that I was still watching, enjoying the effect she was having on me. But then her hips jerked and she gasped as she reached the edge of orgasm, the suddenly intensified pleasure taking her full attention. She stopped playing with her clitoris and instead she reached lower and pushed her two fingers into herself, the slippery wetness of her vagina sounding loudly as her fingers plunged deeply. I had not realised how much a pussy in orgasm throbbed and pulsed. I watched in absolute fascination, my hand not moving now but just holding my cock as I stared at her visibly throbbing pussy. Suddenly her eyes took on the shiny faraway look of someone tipping over the edge, her pelvis lifted from the bed and she let out that familar long gasp through gritted teeth as her orgasm finally peaked.

I hadn't expected her to come that quickly for a second time and because I'd deliberately taken it easy I was still miles away. Now I wasn't sure if I should continue or not and so I just knelt between her legs gazing down at her fingers still moving slightly inside her and waited for her to get her breath back while gently rubbing myself. It wasn't long before she blew out a long breath of triumph and grinned inanely up at me, her attention back in the real world. She looked at me slowly rubbing my cock and licked her lips.

'That looks so good.' She whispered breathlessly. 'Will you come over me?'

'Where do you want it?' I gasped, happily surprised at her request.

'All over me, anywhere you want, but some on my tits would be nice.'

'That's where then.' I told her, picking up speed.


We dropped back into a sexy silence punctuated only by the sounds of my quickening movements and the noises of her heavy breathing as she recovered from her orgasm. She didn't stop touching herself though; she smiled dreamily and just very softly stroked her pussy with wet and shiny fingers, all the time staring up at my own fingers running up and down the length of my shaft. I remember wishing I'd got a camera running to catch those exquisitely erotic moments, especially for when I did come over her breasts.

I looked down at Kelsey, grinning happily when I noticed her hips jerk slightly from time to time as her over-sensitised clitoris reacted to her actions. She was still getting little aftershocks from her orgasm. Mine would not be too long coming either; I could feel the first signs at the base of my cock.

'I love to watch you wanking.' Kelsey told me in an excited whisper.

'I like doing it.' I told her truthfully, staring at her pussy. 'Especially with you playing like that.'

She stopped stroking herself and used her two fingers to part her labia and hold herself wide open to my gaze.

'Do you like to put your cock there?' She asked.

I nodded without speaking, she knew the answer, she was just trying to turn me on even more.

'And your tongue?'

I couldn't suppress a little groan at the thought of going down on her. I just loved tasting her wetness and getting it all over my face.

'Oh yes.' I gasped, my hand stroking my cock harder and faster.

'Next time.' She told me. 'Are you getting close?'

I nodded silently, the sensations beginning to intensify.

Kelsey wriggled in anticipation. 'Make sure I get all of it.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on my rapidly approaching climax.

'I'm going to come.' I gasped out.

'Do it, I want it.'

All of sudden I was there; I felt the sensations build and build until finally they exploded and I felt my balls release their load. My eyes shot open and I looked down at where my cock was pointed. My first spurt shot the length of her body, coating her belly and chest with blobs of cream, but landing between her breasts and right up to her chin. I bent forward, holding myself up with one hand beside Kelsey, forced into that position by the power of my climax. I groaned loudly, my second spurt shooting accurately across her left breast, one large blob coating her nipple and causing her to gasp with pleasure. Then I purposely aimed my next spurt to land over her other breast.

Once again she gasped with pleasure. 'Yes, oh yes.'

My spurts declined in power then and only managed to fall on her belly, but she still smiled up at me, happy at what was happening. For my last one, little more than a trickle, I deliberately pushed my cock downwards so that it landed on her pussy, unfortunately just missing her clitoris where I was actually aiming. Then I was spent, and so I rocked back onto my heels and just knelt there between her legs, one arm behind me to hold me up and the other now stroking my cum slippery cock. I stayed there, gazing at Kelsey with a silly satisfied smile plastered across my face.

'Is that what you wanted?' I asked.

'Exactly what I wanted.' She whispered happily, her index finger finding the cum I'd tried to splatter her pussy with and gently spreading it around her clitoris. She lifted her head and looked down the length of her body, now using both hands to spread my load all over her body and slowly, erotically, rub it into her skin.

'I'm going to have to have a shower.' She told me after a few minutes. 'But will you do all of that another time too?'

'As long as I don't have to fall out with you first.' I replied.

She giggled, remembering how it had come about. 'No, you're forgiven, and I promise I won't get annoyed if you're not up to making love occasionally -- as long as you don't mind me doing it myself.'

'Mind?' I asked, pretending to be astonished. 'Mind, no I won't mind. I'll love it.'

I meant that too, and since that night we sometimes indulge in 'do-it-yourself' on purpose. Now it's a natural part of our sex life, all thanks to that bad day at work and my headache.

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AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

WOW!! Terrific!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Welcome back. Nice story. Would it be possible to have a sequel to 'Back in our Old Doorway' now? That was an excellent story.

justaguy222justaguy222about 2 months ago

wonderfully descriptive as always!

oldone39oldone39about 2 months ago

A si ply wonderful story, yes the scene is intense. The story is wonderful.

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