Nancy's Inferno Ch. 09


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Pulling back to get a good look, Simone watched as Calvin helped Nancy out of her top before peeling her skirt all the way down to the floor. Taking Nancy's bra from Calvin's hand once he undid the snap and worked the straps over her shoulders, Simone then nodded for Calvin to pull Nancy's panties down as well until the middle aged divorcee was standing naked between them.

Taking Nancy by both wrists, Simone guided the older woman's hands up to her chest and helped Nancy grab at the edges of her revealing halter top. Reaching down with her right hand, Simone proceeded to massage her fingers through Nancy's steaming cunt as she waited for her to remove her top.

Allowing Nancy's trembling but determined hands to then slip down to her waist after the halter top hit the floor, Simone grinded her hips in slow, sensuous circles until her shorts were at her feet, leaving her just as naked as Nancy.

Continuing to swirl the fingers of her right hand through Nancy's languid wetness, Simone pinched the fingers of her left around the Nancy's right nipple, tugging and twisting gently at it until it grew to the size of a fat grape as she raised her lips to the white woman's ear.

"I want you down there on the bed Ms. Grubbs," Simone whispered. "I want you down there on your hands and knees right beside Calvin...I have something new I want to show you."

Simone's voice rattling around inside her brain, Nancy was powerless to stop the girl when she took her by both shoulders and spun her 180 degrees around to face the bed. Seeing Pastor Grady staring back through the dim light of the cramped room, Nancy did just as she was told and took her place to Calvin's left on the bed.

Surveying the two women's naked bodies, Calvin began to undress as well. Running his hand down Nancy's spine, then over the rounded curves of her behind once he'd rolled his pants all the way down, he couldn't help stealing another glance up to Simone's overnight bag.

"What's in there?" his eyes clearly shimmered.

Rubbing her clit with methodical accomplishment as she stared down at Nancy kneeling below, Simone eventually shot Pastor Grady a sly wink then went over to unzip the bag.

"HOLY SHIT," Calvin had to stop himself from gasping out loud when he saw the 19 year old girl pull what amounted to a rather imposing strap-on apparatus from the black bag.

"Just something I came across online," she offered stoically, loving the look of giddiness and amusement on the preacher's chubby face. "I've only used it once..just took it out for a test drive ..wanted to see what the thing could do before using it on Ms. Grubbs."

"Use what on me?" Nancy wondered with a mixture of dread and anxious desperation, even though she didn't dare turn around to see for herself.

Thankfully, Simone didn't make Nancy stew for long.

If Calvin's reaction had been one of amused disbelief when he saw what Simone had in her hand, Nancy's had been outright shock. The dimness of the room combined at first with her own nearsightedness, preventing Nancy from actually getting a good look at the thing Simone was approaching with. Feeling the tip of the thing press against her right cheek, Nancy breath caught in her throat when Simone dragged the rubbery shaft across her mouth before finally allowing the length of it to rest on her left collarbone. Allowing her eyes to adjust to the conditions, it wasn't long before the detail of what Simone was taunting her with came into full view.

Seeing the harness attached to the prodigious, black as coal, girth, Nancy swooned imagining what the thing was capable of hooked up the right person.

Having only heard stories of such things, Nancy quivered there on her elbows and knees as Simone continued to teasingly rub the head of the faux penis back and forth across her face. Even though the scent was faint, Nancy could tell the thing had been used recently on another woman. Snaking her left hand out and locking it around Calvin's, Nancy braced herself for the inevitable.

"I know you want Pastor Grady there for you..keep your hand wrapped around his because YOU WILL feel this... but I did bring a couple of other things with me including this," Simone leaned down to Nancy and sighed just before dipping the foot-long shaft between the naked woman's dangling breasts.

That's when she produced a plush blindfold that she quickly slipped around Nancy's head, instantly plunging the older woman's world into darkness.

"I know you'd gonna be tempted to look up at Calvin or back at me the entire time Ms. Grubbs.....I want you to concentrate all your energy on how this is going to feel," Simone dryly observed as she dragged the shaft of her strap-on cock down Nancy's back before sliding it ominously between the crack of her ass.

From the way goosebumps instantly dotted every inch of Nancy's flesh, it was clear the power the visual deprivation was going to have. The blindfold itself however had another, more prurient purpose.

Calvin's eyes glowed with anticipation watching Simone take her place behind Nancy's raised and waiting rear end. Hearing the sound of Simone plowing the head of the dildo into the puckered folds of Nancy's vagina, Calvin's cock surged and twitched as it rose majestically above his crotch, as if it too could smell the scent of both women's unmistakable arousal.

Keeping Nancy's small hand securely clutched inside of his as Simone casually pulled her hand back, Calvin waited for her to start strapping the apparatus on. What happened next nearly caused the huge man to topple like a small child from the bed.

Instead of sliding the device down to her crotch and securing the straps, Simone turned with real purpose and trained her eyes on the door of the room.

Her ass swaying wantonly back and forth, desperate for any sensation to quell the fire raging inside her cunt, blindfolded and half drunk, Nancy had no clue her own Daughter Lacy had turned the corner and slowly walked into the room.

Turning her gaze back to Calvin to share in his obviously stunned reaction, Simone's heart filled with a rabid and viral sense of pride at what she'd pulled off.

"...How....?" Calvin's eyes seemed to beg as he watched Simone hand Lacy the strap-on device.


The answer to that question actually came much easier to Simone than she could have ever imagined.

Lacy Grubbs didn't know what to make of the light skinned black girl that showed up at her front door one afternoon. While she'd seen Simone Dobbins a handful of times when she'd accompanied her Mother to church, not to mention hearing about the girl on occasion when she was hanging out with Shawn and his friends, she had no clue how to react when Simon basically invited herself inside. She also didn't know how much she and Simone had in common until Simone started talking.

Even though Lacy hadn't been living in the area a full year, she'd grown quite a reputation for some freakish behavior. How much of that was true, Simone didn't have a clue, but standing alone in the living room with Lacy, there was no denying the tangible aura of sexuality that seemed to ooze from the white girl's pores.

"I know you've been fucking around with Pastor Grady," Simone got right to the point.

"..I..ah....," Lacy started to stammer. "I might have fooled around with him a few times but he's been blowing me off for a few weeks now."

Even though there really wasn't any real agitation in Simone's voice, Lacy was still somewhat on edge knowing the girl was blocking her path to the door.

"Me and him..we had a pretty good thing going..him and his Wife...they haven't been anything for awhile now..every once in awhile something new and shiny comes along and he runs off for awhile, but he's always come back to me," Simone went on with the same casual tone of a woman chatting up an old sorority friend she hadn't seen in years.

"I know he's not fucking you anymore..he's too busy fucking your Mom," Simone added just as Lacy's guard started to come down, her voice now much more biting and concise.

"That's probably why he's been blowing both of us off. And if its true what I heard..that's the second guy in as many months who your Mom's stolen right out from under your nose. Was it true what I heard about her fucking around with that guy who knocked you up?"

"Seems like things have become a pattern...she must be really jealous of you, too are the spitting images of each other.. you just happen to be 20 years younger..she has to think she's somehow getting back at you while she's recapturing her youth. Did you know she was fucking Calvin too?"

Lacy just stood there stoned face, trying to discern Simone's intentions just as she'd done weeks earlier when Calvin showed up unannounced at her doorstep.

Having brought some very good weed with her for her visit, once she'd found some common ground with Lacy, Simone pulled it out and the two were able to bond a little more. The pair commiserated to the point where they wound up making out on the living room floor.

Meeting up with Lacy a second time a few days later, this time Simone brought along the special little contraption she'd purchased online a few weeks earlier. It wasn't long before Lacy was on her hands and knees, taking the strap-on hard from behind.

Wanting to see for herself if Calvin was telling the truth about Lacy's ability to handle anal, Simone eventually pulled the dildo from her pussy then plunged the thing hard into Lacy's rear end.

She wasn't disappointed. Without the 'fuse' a human cock would have in such tight quarters, Simone was able to ravage Lacy's ass until she'd frigged her own pussy off grinding behind her.

After so effectively using the thing on Lacy, Simone switched spots, allowing Nancy's Daughter to return the favor. Over the next hour or so, Lacy took to the new device with natural aplomb, pushing Simone through three full and brutal, bone jarring releases. It was clear Lacy was comfortable wielding the power that came with such an apparatus.

The one final hurdle that remained was convincing Lacy to use the thing on her very own Mother.


Sitting there on the bed, watching something that surreal unfold before his eyes, Pastor Grady probably couldn't recite his ABC's at that moment, much less comprehend how Simone had convinced Lacy to do what she was about to do.

The same way a person under hypnosis would never do anything while under that they wouldn't do when they weren't, perhaps Lacy had certain desires embedded so deeply inside her that it took someone of Simone's charisma and sadistic charm to bring Lacy to the very spot she was now standing.

Nancy's left hand still locked securely in his grip, Calvin struggled with a million different urges over what to do next.

Should he remove Nancy's blindfold to give her a fighting chance to see what was happening behind her? Would it be so traumatizing for her to see that, that it might be better just to let her go through with it, thinking it was Simone back there the whole time?

Should be somehow silently shoo Lacy away before she passed the point of no return, knowing the unimaginable line she was about to cross, or should he just lay there and be witness to something so obscene that he was relatively sure no one else in the entire world was witnessing anything close to what he was about to at that very moment.

With Simone's speed getting the rig hooked up around Lacy crotch, Calvin would have never found enough time to find a reasonable way to put a stop to what was about to happen. Tightening his grip on Nancy's hand, Calvin used his free one to reassuringly stroke the back of her head. A visceral jolt went through his body however the instant Nancy jerked beside him.

"OHHH...GAAAAWWDDD," the blindfolded woman croaked, feeling the head of the fake penis find a snug home between the folds of her labia.

"I can't believe she's doing this," Calvin mumbled over and over under his breath just before Lacy hurled her groin forward and 'did it' right before his very eyes.

Even though Nancy had no way of realizing it, she'd entered the 10th ring of Hell the instant her Daughter wrapped her hands around her waist and started ramming the dildo forward. The contrast of the jet black phallus sawing over and over between Nancy's pasty white asscheeks created a visually stunning image for the three people there that didn't have a blindfold on.

"Take it Ms. that ass back against it," Simone would hiss every few seconds, creating the illusion that she was the one actually driving the fake cock home.

Reaching her free hand beneath her body and slapping anxiously at her sopping wet cunt as Lacy worked the strap-on deeper, Nancy clenched her grip tighter around Calvin's hand each time her Daughter screwed another inch of it into her womb.

"This ain't right," Calvin couldn't help but think, but it didn't stop him from jacking his cock off as he witnessed the debauchery unfolding before him.

Why Lacy would have agreed to do something so ruthlessly perverse would have perhaps taken a Hollywood zip code full of professional shrinks to untwist, but she couldn't deny the electrical jolt of excitement and power, not to mention the ultimate sense of control she felt hearing her Mother wince and wail below, her entire body buckling on her hands and knees, helpless to Lacy's every whim.

It wasn't long before Simone had slid behind Lacy and snuck her right hand between the white girl's ass, twisting and jabbing her fingers through the girl's slippery quim, watching from over Lacy's shoulder as she eagerly plowed the strap-on into her Mom.

"You're soaking wet," she teasingly whispered into Lacy's left ear, awestruck by the beauty of Nancy's pink vaginal sheath clinging to the blunt black instrument Lacy penetrated her with from behind.

"Gonna cum, Ms. Grubbs?" Simone leaned in and asked the bellowing woman on the bed.

"YES..YES..YES...," Nancy choked, her inhales and exhales bleeding crazily together as she continued to blindly rake her fingers across her clit.

"Getting close?" she taunted yet again, this time grabbing Lacy by the wrist and raising it into the air just before bringing her own hand down hard on Nancy's right asscheek.

"OOOWWWWW," the older woman howled, her pussy gushing even harder against the unforgiving phallus behind her.

"Now you do it," Simone seemed to silently beckon to Lacy.

Understanding the intent of her new friend's unspoken offer, Lacy traced her fingers around the same reddened spot Simone had just smacked her Mom then raised her hand high to do the same.

"OOOUUCCHHH..OHMYGOD...OHMYGOD..OHMYGOD......Please don't stop," Nancy grimaced, spinning her fingers violently across her cunt as Lacy stood behind her, spanking her again and again.

The overflow of sensation proved to be too much and Nancy finally came there on her knees, her flooded vaginal walls constricting like a starving python around the hard rubber appendage splitting her in half.

Nodding for Calvin to scoot around as Nancy continued to convulse below, Calvin maneuvered his large frame off the edge of the bed and sat down on the pillows above Nancy's head, stretching his feet out to each side of the blindfolded woman as she begged for mercy below.

Once he was settled, Calvin couldn't imagine a better view. With Nancy's face cradled against his crotch, he could look straight forward and see Lacy standing above her Mother's rear end, continuing to thrust the strap-on in and out until Nancy was on the verge of mental and physical collapse.

"Simone..try the thing in her ass..with as much as she's creamed all over the damn should sink right in," Calvin chirped once he'd made himself comfortable.

"My Pleasure," Simone snidely replied as if she was the one the dildo was strapped to.

Pulling the strap-on from her Mother's snatch almost in synch with Simone's words, Lacy eased up on her tippy-toes and aimed the drenched tip of the weapon upwards towards Nancy's virgin asshole.

"Oh Dear'll kill me," Nancy managed to whisper, knowing full well what was coming next as she rubbed the side of her cheek up and down against Calvin's still raging erection.

The way she was invitingly wiggling her ass side to side, it spoke to a clear determination however on Nancy's part to at least give death by orgasm a try.

Fingering her two hands simultaneously through both women's swollen slits, Simone could feel Nancy's sensitivity from her freshly squeezed release, while at the same time absorbing the energy building inside Lacy as her knees began to buckle beside the edge of the mattress.

"Just hold on tight, Ms. Grubbs," Simone leaned down and whispered to the blindfolded woman from behind.

"I'll make it wont feel a thing," she added just before kissing Lacy's Mom on the back of her sweaty neck.

Slithering her tongue down the indentation of Nancy's spinal column, Simone could feel the woman tremble and teeter from the ticklish sensation. But Simone didn't stop there. Raising her tongue once she reached the base of Nancy's spine, she immediately looped it around the bulbous head of the freshly used dildo, rolling her tongue in slow, lapping circles until she'd scoured a good bit of Nancy's leftover vaginal sheen.

Without missing a beat, Simone then stood up and planted those same greasy lips right over top of Lacy's, sharing an extended passionate kiss with the younger girl as they swapped the juices of her Mother's expended lust. Then with the gentle pinch of the ass, Simone prodded Lacy to finish the job.

Taking the fire hydrant shaped slab of his manhood by its meaty base, Calvin shoved it between Nancy's lips just as Lacy plunged the head of the dildo into her Mother's asshole. The violent gush of guttural air that shot from the depths of Nancy's lungs washed across Pastor Grady's loins as he sat there watching the strap-on burrow it's way into Nancy's rectum.

Swearing he could feel Nancy's teeth vibrating as she struggled to accommodate both girths, he wanted more than anything to slip her blindfold down just to see what must have been a crazed and depraved look of primal want in the woman's eyes. Knowing Nancy would be scarred for life if he did such a thing, Calvin had to be content seeing the way every muscle in her body twitched and fired as her lips expanded around the shank of his cock.

Plugged so completely on both ends, it was clear the pressure was building inside Nancy like a balloon that would eventually meet its critical mass.

"UUUMMPPHH," she would exhale through her nostrils every few seconds, creating an eerie and erotic breeze across Calvin's pubes as he rubbed both his hands through her short blonde hair.

Her breasts resting on top of his thighs, Nancy's nipples felt like two bullets pressing into his flesh as she bucked her rear end backwards against the foot-long phallus.

Resuming her position beside Lacy, Simone snuck her right hand back down to the teenage girl's cunt, swirling and slapping her fingers into Lacy's molten pulp until a visual spray of castoff shot in all directions each time she squeezed her hand. The sensations of Simone's advances caused Lacy's lower body to wobble, which in turn created quite a domino effect inside Nancy when the dildo strapped to her Daughter's waist began to quiver rapidly.

The more the dildo jerked inside her flared anus, the more Nancy struggled to relieve the burning want blistering her own pussy. Pulling her mouth free from Calvin's cock, Nancy rubbed her cheek against the inside of his right thigh to sop up the tears that were leaking beneath the blindfold.

"I need that inside me," Nancy cried desperately, gripping the shaft of Calvin's dick like it was the only thing at that moment that might save her life.