All Comments on 'Never Bet with your Heart Ch. 05'

by monkeytail10103

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I'm glad it ended that way, It was one of the few stories that I've read that resonated with some kind of practical honesty, its something that many authors seem to forget, there are fantasy's and there is reality.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loved it

A great ending to a dangerous tale. Please, no more bets.

CybawulfCybawulfalmost 11 years ago

That husband is a ball-less douche, he was only lucky he had such a good wife and an understanding friend, (though that friend openly admits to having the hots for the wife.) he is and will always be a stupid wimp with no gonads... Good to see this didn't have the flow on affect your other stories had.

RePhilRePhilalmost 11 years ago
Please finish the madness

Before our eyes bleed to death

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Stupid bet

betting on relationship always have been the American way,not wise.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
wow how do u know it wasnt of him fucking your wife previously?

why would u keep u relationships with a guy who was going to cuck u?

can u understand the concept of mentally defective, all three of you!

and this is of course an IR story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Dudes a wimp..its obivous the wife is a lying slut!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Piece of shit story.

It took a piece of shit to write it, put this dogg turd in interracial, asshole.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Dear Anonymous you love dog tards

you read all these stories while eating pig tards and licking donkey dicks!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Have you noticed how crazy the un/under-employed losers get when the wife does NOT cheat? Really yanks their limp little pee-pee's (if you could get a hold of something that small to yank).

Keep writing and ignore the yapping of the LW chihuahuas.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Nicely written. Good job. Did hubby learn his lesson?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Good ending

I want to strangle him for letting this get as far as it did but in the end she was a truly loving wife. Refreshing.

Bev59Bev59almost 11 years ago
Love it

You had me hanging til the last minute. Great storytelling, great!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Great story!!

The thing is...this fantasy will only get stronger for him, and I would suspect for her too. He will think about what he saw Ty doing to this other woman and will always be thinking how hot it would be if it really were his wife. Thinking that it would hurt a lot, but how erotic it would be if it really were her. He will forever want it to really be her getting fucked like that in front of him. This I think would be the true reality of it. He will alway wish the opportunity will come up again and that it will happen with him there to experience it with her! Very well written...Thank you for sharing your story.

Richie4110Richie4110almost 11 years ago

It is very moving to read a story that has a BTB feel to it and to be rewarded with one showing compassion, understanding (if not renewed trust), and resolve. I want to believe that I could reach the same results if confronted with the same dilemma.

Thanks for this very fine effort.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
One more thought . . .

Some of these commentators are committing the ole slippery slope fallacy. Just because a couple indulges in fantasy play, does not necessarily mean that it is inevitable that it ends in total debauchery. Fantasies can be dangerous when they first emerge, but in the case of this couple they discovered in a very impactful way what their boundaries and limitations were. This loving wife brilliantly orchestrated the circumstances to force her hubby into realizing what he really wanted, or didn't want. I think depending on his reply text, she may have divorced his perverted ass.

gordo12gordo12almost 11 years ago
Nice twist

on a frequently used plot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Nice Save!!!!

You pulled off a Good One!

AND, he's lucky to have her!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

You led us right up to the moment of impact (referring to my earlier train wreck analogy) and then semi-resolved the conflict. You broke the stereotypes used in your earlier stories. You showed us the mechanics of the seduction (actually, the husband's flagrant disregard for his marriage) in anticipation of the infidelity. You showed us that you were ready to deal with the aftermath of adultery for the first time. And you tied several elements together in your resolution, namely, the bets, the cheerleader outfit, the website, and Jill's taunting/testing of her husband.

I wonder if you had this "ending" planned all along, or if you are responding to criticism or suggestions from other writers.

Frankly, though, I felt this episode was rushed, especially after all the buildup. Maybe you were using the absence of detail and dialogue to demonstrate the Unnamed Tarheel's lack of concentration, but if so you overdid it. If the guy is going through heartbreak, a 10-minute romp between his wife and his rival feels like all night, not the other way around.

Okay, Ty may be a stereotyped athlete, but you made him professional enough not to steal his friend and subordinate's wife.

Jill is still hot for Ty, but she won't be the one to break up the marriage that simply. For now she is content to stay his dream lover, so long as he can still be hers.

The Unnamed Tarheel still loathes himself, is even more convinced of Ty's sexual superiority and knows that Jill will be introduced to heaven if Ty ever touches her. He has viewed life without his woman and is now even less confident in himself than before, though he at least hasn't given up on himself yet. Jill has helped him realize how permanent the damage will be when he finally pushes her into Ty's arms. Because when this Tarheel babe goes Duke, she'll never come back.

Sooooo, will I ever get to read an account of how this petite blond babe named Jill gets her brains f**** out?

wingman777wingman777almost 11 years ago
Great twist.... Since its a STORY, will u continue with a juicier plot twist?

Loved the story. Loved the end twist. Especially like the writing!!

I hope u write more!

If u care to continue this..... Let the couple obsess over the fantasy until they approach Ty about a real show. Then have her wear a mask and talk to the camera teasing her hubby about how good Ty is.

Option 2. A good-looking guy at jills work recognized her from before. Saw the vid, thinking it was her, and tells her how much he enjoyed it, wants his turn, hints of exposing her. She has the hots for him and gives in to his advances, arranges a mtg with hubby to get things in the open. He gets hubby fantasizing and blackmails Jill to cuck hubby(Jill is torn and doesn't put up too much of a fight).

Ty splits from gf, jill consoles him, finds out she was blackmailed. Ty beats the guy up, and hubby lets Jill reward Ty with a bet that is followed through. Jill looses so 1 week, Jill moves in with Ty and Ty's bedroom is on a private cam. Hubby watches all, Jill txt teases during day. At weeks end, Hubby is given option for Jill to return or spend 2 more weeks Jill is judge and uses same test as before.. Hubby's dick chooses 2 more weeks and Jill stays.

Just a few plot line suggestions for a STORY. It's all for good fun!!

Thanks for writing!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Good save and thanks for doing something different then your norm. That is to be commended. I still have trouble with the hubbys who are so afraid of their own shadow they can't even make a decision one way or the other. It's kind of a shame this man had to have this happen. The wife is awesome and he is very lucky she is an honorable far! You could ask the hubby if 2+2=4 and he would have to ask his wife to make sure she was happy with his answer. It's hard for me empathize with anything a super weak man like this does but I enjoyed this chapter.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
To HarryinVa

Since she had his permission to go with Ty, what reason would she have to set up an elaborate delayed video in an attempt to deceive him? Ockham's Razor . . . The simplest explanation is that she set it up to make him realize how wrong it would be. Take the author at his word. It is just a story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Great Story ... Hope you consider more chapters

I like the suggestions given by wingman. Especially about the "black" coworker blackmailing her.

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 11 years ago
Cute twist!

The old warning still applies..."Be careful what you wish for, because you just MIGHT get it!" This story documents that old maxim as well as any. Good work! Not great, the Bull's dick is too stereotyped, as is his sexual appetite and prowess...but it WAS good, and THAT ain't bad!

KentuckySubKentuckySubalmost 11 years ago
Thank you, and Please...

ignore the simpletons who can't seem to separate reality and fantasy. There's a certain contract that the reader has to accept with the author--the transaction requires some suspension of disbelief. Obviously, there is a certain population of reader who can't/won't suspend their disbelief, and then want to bitch that the story didn't meet their narrowly proscribed ideal of who a man should be. Some men are easily intimidated; some men can't find the words they want to say (which seemed to be your hero's particular issue); some men don't know what they want. And just because these readers haven't met a guy like that, or can't imagine a guy being like that, makes those characterizations no less valid. So...please don't be deterred by the chuckleheads who can't seem to figure out that maybe they shouldn't read stories they don't relate to. (More likely they do and can't admit it, but that's a whole other problem for them.)

I liked the resolution of this story. I didn't understand why the husband wouldn't just leave her a text message saying "don't go," but you did suggest that he simply couldn't find his words. But I liked the erotic tension and the spiraling circumstances.

gr8whitenorthgr8whitenorthalmost 11 years ago

Option two from Wingman above!!

greowulfgreowulfalmost 11 years ago

Very well done, MonkeyTail. The setup and tension-building was great throughout the chapters, and the climax increased it very well. Kudos. I disagree with those clamoring for another chapter. This story stands well where it is.

javmor79javmor79almost 11 years ago

I swear some of the people who comment on these stories need to log off of their computers and find a therapist. If they are married I really feel bad for their wives. This wife didn't cheat, but they are so demented and jaded that they start making up plots and adding them to the story. Its like they want all wives to cheat. One commenter (Anonymous of course) said that she cheated and taped it on an earlier date for an alibi. Why would she do this when she could have just fucked him without taping it? She wouldn't even need an alibi if she already got away with it. Checking the time stamp would be stupid because if she wanted to get away with it, she wouldn't tape herself and text her hubby to tell him to watch. I swear people, I really think that you guys need to seek some help, because whoever ruined you did a good job. And for the love of God, don't have kids.

I for one loved the story. I'm glad that you kept her faithful to her husband. I'm glad that you made the husband learn a lesson and value his wife more. Great job. Best series I've read thus far.

CleardaynowCleardaynowalmost 11 years ago
Very well done indeed

This is a really excellent story, very well told – and highly erotic. Of all the stories I have read on Literotica, this comes in at Number 2 - and I have a very strong suspicion that the Number 1 story was written by the same author under a different name. There are just too many similarities in the style.

Most stories on this site are pure wish fulfilment, be it fucking , vengeance or whatever. The majority of those stories take no account of how people actually could think, behave or react in these situations. Almost without exception the women are totally unbelievable.

This is one of the small group of stories that realistically work through believable character and logical plot to examine serious issues surrounding sex. In this case: what kinds of fantasy should we indulge in and whether or not we should actually do what we fantasise about.

The husband’s apparent wimpishness is more explicable in the light of his wife being highly excited by the thought of being fucked by Ty. The husband has reasonable cause to suspect that she wants to actually do it. I do not know about other people, but for me, supporting my wife in something she really wants to do (in her case ride horses) is a foundation of the marriage. That creates a dilemma if what she wants to do is something illegal (e.g. rob banks), highly unethical (e.g. write disgusting comments in Literotica) or something highly damaging to the marriage (e.g. fuck Ty). That is a genuine dilemma. His being highly aroused by it intensifies the dilemma and confuses it for him.

For me the key section in this series is in Chapter 4:-

"I trust you," I said.

"That's it?" Jill said. "So you are putting all of this on me?"

"No, that's not what I meant," I stammered

What did he mean? He did trust her and as it turns out, he was correct to do so. That he made a bit of a balls up of the situation is hardly surprising – we all do from time to time.

Taking this fiction as being real, they have as good a chance as most couples of making their marriage now work. Infidelity is far from the only thing that destroys marriages and makes them sterile. Indeed, it is probably relatively low on the list, despite its massive impact.

In particular, despite the impasse the husband found himself in here, the two of them appear to communicate better than many couples on sex and everything else. You do not need to be a psychologist to know that for many couples, after a few years, it is extremely hard to talk outside the established ruts.

There are tiny blips on plot and characterisation but they are not worth raising here. They do not stop all five chapters being 5* in my judgement.

Congratulations & please continue turning out thought provoking stories of this quality.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Will there be other chapters?

Love the story so far. Please tell us that there will be more?

OOAAOOAAalmost 11 years ago


Excellent story!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Yes, it was a good plot twist. But there was nothing "erotic" about it. The main character did not get Fu**ed and I am pretty sure many of us were looking forward to it.

It was... different. But in the end, just felt a little hollow to me.

Good writing though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Absolutely Unbelievably Awesome SEries. Great Ending.

OverthefallsOverthefallsalmost 11 years ago
Nope - didn't believe it

Your twist at the end. The whole story was flat. I never really cared one way or the other about any of the characters. But I didn't believe Jill. I think she screwed Ty. Because that's how all these wimpy husband/stupid bets stories run. And of course it had to be a black man. How totally cliche. This story rates a "1".

threeman45threeman45over 10 years ago
Great story

Personally, you don't see a lot of 'twists' in erotic stories, so I found that a good decision. I also appreciate that the characters stay true through out the chapters. I'll admit, it was a bit lacking in "sex" but there are a million plus stories out there like that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
would have written as long story

5 chapters r like 5 pages

keep writing long stories

ur style of writing z erotic

tae352001tae352001over 10 years ago
5 stars

A story with no cheating... the husband was an idiot with his foolish fantasies I am glad the wife was not and snapped him back into reality and their marriage. Well done. I think a final chapter is in order. My opinion, both Jill and her husband goto the game, then go home and have babies, live happily ever after... I love no cheating stories.. don't like them... I really enjoyed this story.. just finalize it with a last chapter happily ever after... sounds corny but.. that is after all what marriage is all about

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Let her go to Ty

She's lying to him. He needs to wake up and smell the roses. She is a cheating cunt, lying through her teeth. Just another wimpy cuckold story.

LawrenceVIIILawrenceVIIIalmost 10 years ago
good story!

good writing - very erotic

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Another sad case of not communicating!

She could talk with her fantasy man TY, but not her husband?? BS. Definitely not a truly loving wife.

Lynn_MXXLynn_MXXalmost 10 years ago
Very Good

Though the end was a bit disappointing. You didn't give in to the angry commentors from previous chapters, did you? You're a good story teller, so I hope you keep on writing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

LMFAO at the last post.

robertlrobertlover 9 years ago
Loved the series.

Wonderful ending, very original.

seekerazseekerazover 9 years ago
I love that woman

and he needs to really appreciate her. You had me on pins and needles for 4 chapters and this wonderful ending. The writing was compelling and the storyline superb.

Thank you.

krnchrmankrnchrmanabout 9 years ago
Very good

Very good, kept me on the edge until the very end

Tim413413Tim413413almost 9 years ago
I'm glad I found

this cute little story. Also glad the author did not drag out the last chapter. I had not thought of this ending, but it became clear when he never saw Jill's face.

GoodhueGoodhueover 8 years ago
No More Bets With Ty!

If they know what's good for their marriage,there should be no more bets with Ty!

You play with fire,eventually you're gonna get burned!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
best you have written.

This story has a good twist to it. Fantasy should never become reality. The wife forced the issue very well. She remained loyal, while he dithered. There has to be a lesson there. Well done!

On another note, this is so much better than your latest "10th Anniversary" in 2016. That wife was totally out of line, and the marriage is headed for divorce. He should have stopped what he could, but she had chosen her path already, with someone 20 years younger than herself(?). Your Ch. 4 will end the marriage completely, if Tommy and his roommates shared her.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago
Second time through...

I hate it when an author incorporates a big breakthrough on the part of the characters and then takes it all away moments later.

chijofanchijofanover 7 years ago
great story

Nice. I enjoyed this story as a story. The sexual tensions that you played with and the mood of constant apprehension you created was delicious. You write good. I think the characters were interesting and well developed. I was very sympathetic to our narrator in particular, but I sometimes wonder why the heroes of these stories are always so feckless; they all seem to have cocks, but no balls. But I guess if it weren’t that way, we wouldn’t have a story. I appreciate that Ty wasn’t the stereotypical arrogant Black bull we so often find in these stories. His elephantine proportions might be called into question, but, after having served in the Army for four years in the company of Black men, I can tell you it’s no stereotype. (I think God was very unfair to us White guys.) Jill, of course, was the most delightful character of them all: pretty, intelligent, level-headed and takes initiative, but also conniving and manipulative. Going behind her husband’s back to teach him a lesion about the difference between fact and fantasy? I admire her scruples, but as a side effect, she now has something with Ty that she doesn’t share with her husband. Jill has emerged as the dominant player in this marriage, and hubby had better look out for his personal autonomy going forward. Although I recommend I that you leave it up to my imagination, it would be interesting to see what the next bet will be like. Will Ty remember he’s a gentleman when he proposes the next terms? (He sure forgot when he made Jill wear all those Duke outfits.) And will Jill’s scruples be able to withstand her competitive nature? There’s a lot of shit three people can get into without actually having sex.

bayernpeter1bayernpeter1almost 7 years ago
What a shitty cuck/wimp story!!! MINUS 5*!!!

Are you real in cuckold/wimp? If my wife trys to mindfuck me like your protagonist has done she will be divorced asap!!! What an idiotic fantasy you describe at your stories! Whats erotic or exciting by disrespecting or embarrassing your spouse?

unh0unh0almost 7 years ago
A woman like this...

...deserves so much better than this terminally indecisive wimp she's saddled with! She needs to end this marriage, stay "friends" with him (which is as far as their relationship should have gone) and allow herself to find a real man she can count on to BE the "man" In their marriage. Sorry, but I think much more highly of Jill than "jerk"...I mean "husband".

dmbdriver1dmbdriver1almost 7 years ago
i was hoping for the ending you give it.

I was thinking the whole time how I would feel and you got it just right. My guts would of been ripped out too if that ever happened to me and my wife, the only thing is she would've home to a empty home with a open window that I jumped from. Great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
every insecure closet-cucky's nightmare

watch them bleat, hear them squeal, moaning in terror while they spank a tiny monkey

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

fag cuck shit.

TatankaBillTatankaBillover 6 years ago

Ya had me fooled! This is a great story and you told it well. I thought I was reading a very good- but disturbing!- cuckold tale and it turned out to be one of romance, devotion and redemption. Nice work! I love happy endings. Cuckold stories are a bit like a train wreck for me. I know it ain't gonna end well and I'll be angry with all the parties involved but I often can't avert my eyes. This had a twist ending that brought an immense sense of relief. And that's a testament to your skill as a storyteller. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Holy Cow!

I was thinking that for an otherwise intelligent couple they sure were acting like complete idiots in playing with Ty. My heart was racing in the last chapter. Glad they avoided disaster.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
This entire story was pretty hot.

While the ending was not what I would have preferred, I am not going to whine about it like that pathetic troll who whines about every story where the wife has sex with others. Keep writing and I'll be sure to read them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
The entire story was not hot.

Only pathetic losers would think this story is hot.

texxmantexxmanover 5 years ago
Liked the ending

Husband got better than he deserved for being an idiot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Happy Ending to a Lesson Learned

A surprise but happy ending. You wonder how many couples go into the hotwire style driven by a fantasy rush only to have major regrets once crossing over into reality. The loving wife realized that her husband may have been thinking with his dick and put a great plan in place for he husband to experience a perceived reality to learn his true feelings without crossing the line. A great and unanticipated ending. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Well, I see

the Cuckerati of LW are deeply disappointed in this. Don't worry cucks, there is an ample supply of the kind of slop you enjoy in LW, and there will be more. Here we have an original ending. Good for the author. Pity he included the fetishistic bbs trope, which is tired and racist. My experience in real life is that wives whose husbands make them Hotwives do not respect their husbands. They may stay for material reasons or to provide a stable home for children, but they DO NOT respect their husbands and, ironically, feel somewhat unloved.

lukeey90lukeey90over 3 years ago

Dam if i can get a wife like that...too bad she's in love with a wimp

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story. A wife who really loves her husband, even though he is an idiot.

PorterrhPorterrhalmost 3 years ago

This guy was nothing more than ‘lab rat’

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What a perfect story bro.

My heart was near to stop before she knocked the door ❤️❤️

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

An amazing wife married to a headcase husband

Speechless2025Speechless202510 months ago

Hands down, one of the best series I've ever read on Literotica! What an emotional roller coaster ride! Thank you!

RVrratRVrrat10 months ago

Incredible story. Thanks for posting.

someoneothersomeoneother8 months ago

interesting story.

Emma2009Emma20095 months ago

A great story with the best ending possible. If She had fucked Ty, that could have ended their marriage, since that was not what he wanted. Instead, we see a smart woman who loves her husband and knows she needs to tea him to be careful what he wishes for. Or thinks he wishes for. They also learn to watch what they bet!! Great story!!

HighBrowHighBrow3 months ago

I didn’t like it until this last part, pretty contrived, but sweet and saved it for me.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Well told with a twist. The wife was far smarter than the MC, who was at times feckless and craven. But she set him up and then got his real reaction. Fantasies should be discussed but only acted on within in the confines of a loving, respectful, consensual marriage. Some doors are best left closed. Glad to see Ty had remorse and helped in shutting that door for them. Those bets need to stay away from sex. Again the wife is vastly superior to the MC. 5 stars. Quite a ride.

EzrollinEzrollinabout 1 month ago

How pathetic to read a story and bitch about it ...while spanking your monkey. That said, the ending was a clever diversion, I gave it four stars.

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