All Comments on 'Nighttime Confessions'

by capecodmercury

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DeadWouldDeadWouldover 18 years ago
You left it so open it was pointless

wasting your time writing it - as it was pointless me wasting mine to read it.

You can do far better than this bullshit.

The silly woman has no proof whatever that Don did anything wrong - nothing but some obviously embellished story from the neighbourhood busy body.

She was too dopey to ask about her doubts and now she will rationalise her cheating by blaming him... so stereotyped it is painful.

Seems we are heading for another blameless woman just like the wife in untruths and no consequences where she cheated because her husband didn't stop her... Save me please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
this is your story

you wrote this story you finish it or stop writing b/s.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

The writing was very good and the scene setting vivid. However, the openness of the conclusion in and of itself wasn't disturbing, it was the notion that "your" end was a ways off - not done or perhaps not even outlined. Therein lies the large dissatisfacton felt by me and probably many.

The premise is interesting but should occur as a natural flow if desired by another writer (otherwise could it be called a chain story?).

Cmon, blow us away with your conclusion - how else will the others know how to vary from it? The natives will be restless otherwise (NOT GOOD Kemo Sabie)!!!

Thanks author - with tentative high Regard

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
She should go home and find her happiness with Don

I like the story and its ending (as you said, it's complete as it is). However, her thoughts, "I'm sure that he [has] good control and technique, but then again, so does Don. Besides his reaction after we finished reminded me forcibly that he was not my husband. ... When Phil finished, he rolled off of me and lay back lost in his own space breathing deeply. I did not feel the connection." tell me that she's going to have to overcome this disconnectedness in order to continue. That's the way women are made, unless they have become nothing more that common sluts.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 18 years ago
Just an equality?

I agree with deadwould she is rationalizing what she didbecause of what she THINKS her husband did.

What if her husband feels guilty as hell when a woman frowardly kisses him and intimates more. Nothing more happens but he still feels very guilty. I can imagine just how forward the girl at the bachelors party could have gotten. Could make him feel guilty without any sex.

Not so with her, though! And It WILL come out. They [group] have gotten away with it for quite some time but it will out. And many marriages will take a hit to the hull.

Is this sex worth the end of her marriage?? That is her question. Not can she get away with it but is it worth ending her relationship with the kids and her husband. A very loving husband, too.

MacDukeMacDukeover 18 years ago
Who Owns Her Pussy?

The finish of this story would present the perfect opportunity to portray a real woman who owns her own pussy and carefully fucks around because she enjoys the excitement. The monogamist nazis, who represent less than 20% of our population (by conduct), will pass harsh judgment on her, but the reality is that most men and women commit adultery for the novelty and excitement - and recognize it as such. It is not a better experience than they get at home, just different and momentarily exciting. Kept to the carefully controlled "rules" of this group, this activity is no threat to their marriages.

She apparently never placed much value on sex, and knows the difference between it and love and committment. So why should she adhere to a strict but meaningless monogamy? But she will screw it up if she persists in avoiding personal responsibility by claiming she doesn't know why she did it. Self-delusion is the worst kind. She did it because she thought she would enjoy it - and she did, albeit with the honest recognition that married sex was different but better over the long run.

The story should be finished in a couple of paragraphs, unless the author takes the time to create hotter sex than in the first episode. She fucked and sucked Phil for the rest of the week, doing nothing she had not done with her husband (please don't offend us by having her swallow or do anal). Then she went home refreshed, resolved to share richer love and sex with her husband more often, gradually encouraged him to spend more time eating her, and became much more tolerant of his possible transgressions, provided he did not do affairs with intimacy. She thought fondly of same time, next year.

Just make sure her boss doesn't find out, or he will blackmail her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

I love the real quality writing and the story is about SO much more than sex. Well done! It wasn't as purely sexual as some but for me, that was great.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
The Best Thing

Do you know the best thing about a story that just suddely stops and has no ending? I don't either.

Kanga40Kanga40over 18 years ago
Who owns my pussy???

Well, MacDuke - I bloody well do!

I decide where it goes and who does what with it.

But, what is this "momogamist nazi" crap?

Society's views, religion nor even your esteemed opinion of the universe have anything to do with cheating or not in marriage, or in any form of relationship.

I made a personal commitment to my spouse when I married him. I very definitely have the right to screw whomever I please whenever I please, BUT I have enough integrity to know that if/when I decide I want someone else I will either renegotiate my 'contract' or void it and move on, BEFORE cheating myself on my freely given commitment.

I believe I owe at least that much to the person who made a similar commitment to me.

SO, in the story in question, yes, the woman has the right to do whatever with whomever, IF that is the basis of her 'contract' with her husband. But, if she does not have his agreement, then she cannot do it with impunity. If she asks him and he refuses, then she leaves and does as she wants.

Your philosophy is that we have our cake and eat it too - sneak and cheat is okay.

The concepts of faithfulness, commitment, integrity, common human decency and taking responsibility for one's own actions seem so foreign to you I realise you will have no idea what I am writing about.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Where's the resolution?

If your goal was to create an open ended story, you have succeeded. There is no resoluion of any of the major issues raised in the story. I like reading your submissions. I hate the "non-ending." I hope you have your ending done and submitted.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
over wrote

Seemed like a lot of verbage about nothing to reach a non conclusion. Was it an excuse to have a place to stick sex in or was it an attempt at some higher form of literature that you seemed to miss. Sorry, better luck next time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
A little wordy, but...

Some things in the story seemed to be rehashed over and over or in a little too much detail. The plot is very good and character development is great. I'm hoping the sequel will delve into Don's supposed affair and possible lapse at the bachelor party. Can't wait to see how she handles her own adultry.

sherlock40sherlock40over 18 years ago
She is just rationalizing her actions.

Just like the group did. They chose to be unfaithful to their spouses. They chose to fuck around on them. It didn't just happen, they made a decision.

They all know that it is wrong. The one guy even states that he would hate it if his wife were doing the same thing. I can't believe that he views this not as adultery, but as some form of "exercise." Well, I am sure his wife would understand that. "Honey, I'm going to go do some bend and thrusts on Judy, then I'll hit the treadmill."

And her thinking that sex and love are so separate. What utter bullshit. The only people that use that phrase are either cheating or want to cheat.

In my mind, I will finish the story. She tells the group that she wants no part of them and she was wrong to have done it even the single time. She will not tell any of their spouses as long as they leave her alone. She goes home to Don and confesses to him what happened. They go through a rough spot, seeking counseling about this and the unresolved issues in their lives. Due to the love (that she almost threw away) Don has for her, he is able to forgive her one indescretion while she comes to terms with her own feelings. They go on with their lives, each trying to fulfill each others sexual needs a little bit better now.

Blue88Blue88over 18 years ago
Well done

I enjoyed the story and the ambiquity that Meg is feeling. I also liked how the author took the time to explore the psyches of the characters. The open endedness of this tale is very intriguing and I;m sure that there are many who are even now visulaizing how they can continue the story.

My thanks to the author for an interesting read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Yes!! Bring on the next chapter

While others could write another ending, only the writer knows what[s in his brain. I for one can't wit for the next part, but would be happy to read other endings from other people too! Great story and a thing that has been paining me for a few years with my annual confernce. It was simular to what happened at my coferemce, but sadly the affair turned out to be a one time thing and then we both moved on. To me thos would be a perfect setting for things to last a long long time, betwen friends. That is as long as they can stay just friends, sometimes sex has a way of changing things.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
bring on the future

a fine job!what will happen next?

don87654don87654over 18 years ago
Good, but could have been better

I liked it all except for the use of the condoms. If these people are sincere enough to want to fuck others once a year or so, they should be sincere enough to possibly make some babies amongst themselves without their respective spouses finding out that a poorly planned pregnancy resulting from this once a year fucking would definitely lead back to the date of their conference period. Babies born from such affairs would not have to be recognized by the blood father.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Same Old...Stuff

SOS. Same old--stuff from a zillion other stories. Wife goes to a conference, meets up with (whoever), and goes to bed with (whoever). She justifies it with half-baked ideas that she's getting revenge for her husband's wandering. At least--she thinks he has. That makes it all right. A suspicion makes EVERYTHING alright. Hey, it's just "friendly" sex, right?

By the way, this theme was explored in the movie "Same Time, Next Year" almost 30 years ago. How about something more original, Cape, old bean?

One could hope the author's planned sequel will reverse all this, but I doubt it. SOS. Help, somebody!

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago
Very well written

You have done such a superb job of setting the stage through character and plot development, that this story is indeed ripe for someone else to contribute the final act.

There have been more than a few well known stories where the original author has proposed that someone else finish the story. While there are usually several different endings offered there is usually one that rises above the rest. Anyone who has been on this site for any length of time knows which stories these are. What has always disappointed me is that almost without exception, the original author has not volunteered their own version. I was glad to see that you will pen your own conclusion while still encouraging others to contribute theirs as well. I wonder however if this approach will de-motivate writers from following up on your suggestion.

You are right in that there is enough material to plausibly take this story in more than one direction.

This couple is portrayed as a decent and loving pair and it would be easy to write a believable story of confession, heartache and eventual reconciliation.

Dons characters inner thoughts have not been heard as of yet. The next act could have him going in any number of directions without being inconsistent with what we know about him to this point. I have a couple of ideas which I will keep to myself.

Her comments about an emotional betrayal being so much more grievous than a purely sexual one, could lead a writer down a very wild and obvious path.

Regardless, I will certainly keep my eyes open for chapter 2.

As I head out to tackle the lawn (real live intrudes again) I will almost certainly be thinking about how I would handle a conclusion.

Thanks again for a great story. I’m certain that it took a lot of time and effort and we the readers do appreciate it.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
I didnt like it

I understand your intent to make a story that would make people think and not lay out all the answers, etc, but I dont think you accomplished that here.

I agree with DeadWould that you left it so open-ended that it was pointless. Kinda like if you have wrote a murder mystery and ended it before even saying who was killed, never mind who did or why. Spend a few chapters writing descriptions of the main characters and setting then just ended it with the qualifier that we have to take your word for it that something was gonna happen at some time in the future. May sound avant-garde but its not worth much as a ficitonal story imo.

You didnt tell the reader enough to make them even consider things imo. I could have got the same out of looking at a couple at a party or out my window and just imagining a bit about how they met etc.

Maybe im wrong and im too literal to 'get it' but I dont think so. Nothing wrong with open-ended and bluring the lines but you need to give us a bit more to work with in order to make it anything other than a generic point-form description of one person's marriage up to this point, which is what this seemed like.

Even if I didnt think this was as good as your previous efforts, I still appreciate your stories. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

She has no proof that her husband cheated. On those two occassions when the wife thinks he cheated who knows what happens, maybe the stripper just kissed him or groped him and he feels guilty about it and the same thing might have happened with the neighbor. The wife on the other hand is nothing but a cheating whore and this we know for sure. I assume that kanga40 is an unfaithful whore from what she wrote in her comment. I know that she says that she hasn't cheated, but a woman that says that she will fuck whomever and whenever she wants i am sure she takes advantage of that. Anyways about the story i have to agree with some of the others and say that it really sucked. The writing was good and it flowed well but the story itself sucked. As far as cheaters go, they should all be shot.

AnonymousCriticAnonymousCriticover 18 years ago
not at all what Kanga said

She said she has the sole control of the use of her body. That's a given for anyone. But she also said that certain uses were covered by a contract with her husband which she has no intention of violating. She further said that, if she decided to do things in violation of the contract and he did not agree, and they were important enough to her to pursue, she would get divorced first. Then none of her actions would be constrained by any contract (relationship with understandings as to what behavior is acceptable) and she would be free to do what was most important to her.

That's the situation in any relationship (including marriage). He agrees he won't take their retirement money and buy himself a Porsche. He agrees he will visit her parents 2 times a year and she agrees he does not have to do it more, even though she's going to see them 8 times. They agree on what, if any, sexual activities are acceptable with others. They agree that they are/n't going to have kids. Each may decide to unilaterally violate the contract, but that will (except on many stories on Literotica) have consequences. Even if the other person doesn't find out, it may change the relationship and interaction between them in the mind of the person who violated the contract. Even if she dies before finding out where the money for the Porsche came from, the way he relates to her may change because he has put one over on her, rewritten the contract unilaterally and this could lead to a serious deterioration of their relationship without the obvious consequences of the violation. It is probably a rare occurrence that a crucial relationship principle is breached without causing some kind of consequence.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
To the guys -

How do you justify your infidelities at conferences etc.?????

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
waiting for the ending...

i appreciate how you immersed your readers slowly to the depth of the wife's mind and emotion. yet, i'm still somehow expecting the hubby could go ballistic once informed of her 'claimed unplanned' indiscretion. all she had as bases are unconfirmed observations and hot-baked piece of gossip/innuendo from a sweet-mouth neighbor...

i'll be eagerly waiting for your next chapter. make it soon please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Amusing Comments

Sorry Author - nicely done but do your closing thing soon so others can also.

Now then - I am continuously amused and purplexed by the comments of authors and readers saying "it wasn't like making love honey - it was just sex"! Now if that wasn't literary licence for saying "it wasn't as good" - what is?

So, while waiting for reader comment several things cross my mind - you married because you (_______) him/her!! The entries here are many but it comes down to this - you cared enough to love, respect, commit, want without sharing, and expect the same from them!! I am sure there are others but that is the jist of an exclusive commited legal relationship. If it isn't then what was the point?

Next explain to me the physical difference between making love with your spouse and fucking another? Hmmm - there aint none are there! It's True - there isn't anything you can't do with one than another physically!

Now the toughie (in many people's minds)- What is the mental difference - mind you be specific (______) You may argue until next year but there is but one difference! Think about it for a moment. Well - It's selfish excitement (for many reasons).

So when your spouse says "don't be upset honey it was just sex" - should you just ride it out or be offended that thier new sexual partner made them more excited than you could ever accomplish or imagine? Well - are you offended that you will never get your spouse so high as someone else did and could? Be honest now - So now what is the new purpose of spousal sexual loving or even marriage in this new context - to be second or third or worse best in sexually pleasing your spouse??? Whats worse is they know you can't ever get them there but they will never admit it as it will (not may) disturb the family harmony if it's still present!

Something to look forward to eh!!!

Sorry Author - I beg your forgiveness on this side issue.

jaggers0053jaggers0053over 18 years ago

even if you had completed the story i thought the build up was a bit long winded.

as far as leaving the story open ended i have no problem with that. i am glad you will be coming back with a sequel to give you version for an ending.its always interesting to see other writers follow up with different conclusions to a given plot.its been done by Patricia51,the Troubador,and i believe another writer,unfortunately i don't remember who.all three got great responses and great variety.

one correspondent thought you left the story too wide open but i disagree. to go any further would require the wife to make some sort of decision,which would a have been limiting to other writers.stopping at this point allows all writers to decide what the wife's decision will be.

will be eagerly awaiting the your sequel and other writers version how story will end.



wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
most difficult story i

ever commented on. i read this story within 30 minutes of it's release at literotica. i've been trying to comment on it every since. started at least 10 different times. erased them all. i'm still having a very difficult time of it, already erased several sentences over and over in this reply. i believe the difficultly comes from the fact that there is no continuation for me. the story ended to me right where you left it. i say this because you wrote the characters so well, that i can't find any redeming qualities or values for margaret. she virtually admitted that she married her husband for comfort and self pleasure. her loving feelings came from their intimacy, not her true love for her husband. she confirmed this because of her fear of feeling the same things if she spent the night with phil. she also confirmed this by how easily she cheated on her husband. no thought of him, no worrying about the possible hurt or pain he might feel, no concern about her marriage or family, actually, no remorse or conscience at all. all she's trying to do is decide if it's worth her time and effort to join this little group and have multiple affairs. i don't see any continuation to this story unless you rewrite her whole character. anything she does or anyway she goes only proves how shallow and empty her true character is. she decides to not goin the group. returns to her husband, lives a lie, and never tells him because she knows he will then realize the truth about her. does tell him and he then can see the truth about her. she joins the group therby further displaying how worthless she truly is. as i said, i can see no continuation of this story as it now stands. i also know that some gifted author out there will invariably prove me wrong, and pull off one of those literotica miracles. i'll be waiting to see how they do it.

The WandererThe Wandererover 18 years ago
I loved this tale.

Regretefully I don't think I'm up too writting the next chapter.

But I can see some of our brilliant authors giving us some entertaining reading.

How about her finding out her old man never did cheat on her, would she feel any real remorse then? And of course you've got this other tearcher who wanted to get into her knickers, he could either drop her in it with hubby or maybe a little blackmail. All that without going with this crowd again.

Nice set up, it will be one to keep an eye open for.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
1. Let's Pretend the Character's Real

"And what about my feelings? Was I being honest with myself when I said that the physical act of sex didn't matter? The offer was tempting. The sex had been wonderful and the risk of getting caught seemed to be low. But my thoughts kept on returning to Don. Was I willing to risk my marriage for some friendly sex once a year?" SHE SAYS,,,,


2. Let's pretend you're married to her BUT you do not agree to swinging lifestyle; and that despite your many big and small shortcomings, you've always loved this person (this thing she's decided to do recently is still unknown to you).

Why the conditions? Obvious: if you're like one of those people she has sex with, or if you're LIKE her, then there's NO PROBLEM. "Honey, I've been thinking about spicing our sex life a bit; so, hey, if you want it, let's do it." So there's no problem or conflit of emotions there.

But if you look at yourself as strictly monogomous and had hoped that SHE's also of the same persuasion but find out (now that she's made the CALCULATED RISK, "the sex if great and the risks of getting caught are small," she's calculated), EVENTUALLY, that she's not: What are your option?

This person is HIGHLY calculated (not "good" or "bad" in any religious/moral sense: she simply asks herself a question, whether about having sex with any other person she likes, and quickly calculates the risks; if she deems the risks small, she goes for it. She may, when found out, even show some tears; but that's theatrics, not real, deep-felt emotions about pains and sorrows.)

The best and most meaningful course of action, for YOU then, is to take RESOLUTE actions, one way or another, and LET NOT ONE OUNCE of her thoughts (confessions or fake tears) influence your decision. One calculated decision needs to be met with another. Will there be heartaches? Sure. Will the heartaches heal with time and especially with someone else NOT like this calculated woman? Definitely.

3. I think the AUTHOR'S making of this calculated woman resorting to emotions ("now I've cheated on my loving husband and I'm all torn; I'm not sure what to do," etc.) is inconsistant with her cold-blooded calculations.

As some other readers already pointed out, she does not love her husband; or even those she has sex with. It's pleasure, prohibition, and the risks of not getting caught and/or judged by preferrable both her husband and the larger society (or the risks of getting caught being low, she said) that drives her, above all else. Nothing wrong with that; just make sure she stays true to her character: living or dying by her own sword --- and that's her calculability.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Don't matter if you are a man or a woman. Cheating is cheating and there is no excuse,reason or explanation you can give to justify it. None period. If you feel neglected, not loves,unwanted,not desired or what ever the case is than you should sit your spouse down and thalk to them and tell them how you feel. If they don't make more effort than i suggest you get a divorce. Cheating is never an option. Just my two cents.

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

Good well done this is a great story it lets us all think what we would do if this happened to us

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
A veritable conundrum

that you've created.

The comments are to be as expected when an author creates a controversial story. They seem to range over the whole scale; from sex - yea! to you're a sorry bastard!

Being a Johnny come lately to the story allows me to say that if your desire was to create a story for others to write their input, you've suceeded admireably; You stopped at the fork in the road: His faithlessnes, was by inference only, hers was explicit. Where do they go from here?

You wrote a fine example of an open ended story. I just wish I had the talent to write chapter 2. I do notice that Blue88 wants to make the attempt so I will read his contribution with interest, knowing that there are many paths that could be trod to a completion.

Sad to say, when the completion is reached, Blue88 will find himself in the mud from the disgruntled on both sides of the equation.

capecodmercury; You did a fine job. Congratulations and Thank You. Ronnie W.

1Kiki1Kikiover 18 years ago
Who Owns Her Pussy?...embellishing on this one

In response to you Kanga40, your personal attack on MacDuke seems to be unwarranted. Do you know for a fact that his ideals are that there is no regret or remorse? How can you attempt to judge someone based on thier own personal feelings without knowing a history behind them? Is everything in your world so black and white all the time that you never struggle with facing decisions that not only challenge you morally, but ethically as well? Kudos to you if your marriage is so perfect that any thoughts or fantasies of straying have never crossed your mind, but I don't believe that to be true of most of the human race. While I, personally, have never cheated due to my vows, I cannot rightfully judge others who have. Who am I to decide which "sin" is greater? There is none greater than another, so if you cuss, if you drink in excess, if you cheat, if you steal...what makes that different in terms of morality? We all fall short and face our demons and in the end can only answer for ourselves. I thought the story touched on so many emotions that many of us face each and every day and am looking forward to see where this may lead. I don't believe in double standards, and I don't believe in making judgements on others. I think you were way off base on your harsh comments, but then again, it's a free country (for now) and you are entitled to your opinion...

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Just like the group did. They chose to be unfaithful to their spouses. They chose to fuck around on them. It didn't just happen, they made a decision.

They all know that it is wrong. The one guy even states that he would hate it if his wife were doing the same thing. I can't believe that he views this not as adultery, but as some form of "exercise." Well, I am sure his wife would understand that. "Honey, I'm going to go do some bend and thrusts on Judy, then I'll hit the treadmill."

And her thinking that sex and love are so separate. What utter bullshit. The only people that use that phrase are either cheating or want to cheat.

carlosmaccarlosmacover 18 years ago
Fucking around

Great realistic story.

Our society is too uptight about sex. I like the tantric buddhist philosophy that sex is the ultimate expression of union. However, if one is married then the real issue is truthfullness. Cheating on the side is dishonesty, but if both partners are aware then I don't see the problem. This is not to discount the problem of STD's however.

My wife and I are faithful to each other but have both agreed if we met the right couple on a vacation away from home swinging would be a lot of fun. Any takers? :-)

bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
betrayal of the cheating wife

You have a good story but the wife is a cheating one the others are the same thing i think Don should be informed to what is going and spill the beans to the other spouses.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Get down to the brass tacks sooner in your story.

Each of us lives his or her own life. We live for the satisfaction of ourselves and others. Appropriately concealed affairs do not necessarily hurt a marriage and in fact may paradoxically help the marriage by making marital lsex any thing but boring. My problem with her story is that she spends too much time and words establishing herself as a decent, law bidding and moral woman before she finally gives to us the juicy stuff. A little more and earlier excitement would help a lot.

bornagainbornagainabout 17 years ago
Don the victor

Don may have messed up once but she royaly screwed up her marriage i hope she burns in hell.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Sex was hot, but she cheated because her husband cheated on her. She shoulda divorced him. Now she is no better than her idiot husband, Don.

bornagainbornagainover 16 years ago
The cheating Wife

The wife might have suspion but she has no proof now Don needs the proof she cheated on him so she might as well put her head between her legs and kiss it good by.

nyminusnyminusalmost 15 years ago
Meg is nothing but a cheat

While Dom may or may not have had a blow job or even some sloppy fifteenth fro a hooker at a batch party and even though he had Barb had a quickly in her bedroom. Meg fucked Phil for hours and was even talking about future cheating. Don should divorce the cheat and make sure the wives husbands know of their cheating after getting him a peice of the other bastards

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

there was this understatement of don, not especially this to that. is it a surprise she wouldn't?

Kippy189Kippy189about 14 years ago
Why do they read it?

You know, by some of the comments I wonder why these people even read stories on Literotica? BTW I liked the story. Keep it up

0649d0649dover 13 years ago
haha, society uptight about sex? i find that it's not.. and that it is..

and both of them are crazy. Frigid bitches versus sluts? No thank you. The truth is that men and women should be taught about sex.. but only allowed to do it in monogamous couples. A couple might decide to go swinging, but that relationship is nowhere near as meaningful as a loving relationship if it was just the two of them. In any case, it is one of the factors that leads to loss of respect and intimacy. If you share intimacy with someone else that is not the same as getting it with your partner. I want to point out that it is one of many things that leads to disharmony; there are lots of trials and tribulations unfortunately..

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Sounds to me like a bunch of self-absorbed "adults" try to rationalize them cheating on their spouses. Like Phil there. The thought of his wife entering in the same type of arrangement would make him upset and if she found out he would be troubled. They KNOW it is wrong but they do it anyways.

Swinging is not my cup of tea but I don't judge those that choose to live that type of lifestyle. But the whole idea behind swining is that the spouses agree, these people are choosing this without their knowledge. The intimacy that is supposed to be between husband and wife is fractured and their spouses don't even know it.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Loved it

I am looking forward to the second part. Very nicely developed.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

well you are a cheating whore and you need to kill yourself that is what you should do.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 10 years ago
Judging on your past writings I would guess that this slut will get off scot-free.

And Don will get screwed in some way. You never write retribution for the cheating wife and make the husbands so weak they will accept anything after frittering around making up their mind. I am going to read the next part and am already prepared to be disappointed.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loved it

This was not simply a great story, it was downright therapeutic. Very insightful.

BoneGureyBoneGureyover 10 years ago

Interesting well balanced story.

Many of the circumstances in the story left a lot of room for readers to ponder.

Can't wait to read the sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Poor Don

Just the typical unknowing and trusting husband. Married to a shrew who believes everyone else when they talk about her husband and never confronts him enough to set her mind at ease. So in time, it becomes easier to become comfortable with the idea of spreading her legs to let the revenge slut loose. And make no mistake, this is a slut wannabe who can never be trusted again by Don. Ever.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago
Here We Go

So Meg cheats on Don. She suspects he has had two trysts but he denies them. Now she feels guilty. Hmmm... What to do? I'll read on...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
what she can do? write a letter detailing all the cheating going on, them get in her car, get to max speed and drive into a concrete embankment

that way all the cheaters get outted, and her husband does not have to be married to an unfaithful slut who may be bringing home to the family a large variety of diseases as well as mental problems.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
how pathetic

Another psycho cunt wife trying to justify her cheating. No real proof of his infidelity and she excepts stories from people she knows tells bullshit rumors for their own thrills. Don needs to get away from this nut job.

Tim413Tim413about 10 years ago
Very, very

painful at four pages. And the sequel is five pages?! I'll read it but my life could be easier. (It's a good thing I'm retired and my car is in the repair shop.)

LoneEagleLoneEaglealmost 10 years ago
Small point

I know, this is very much a detail, but as a coach I had to submit. In most states in which I've lived, field hockey and soccer are in the same season, and it would be difficult and probably impossible to coach both.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Superb character development and exceptional writing skills.

Well worth the 4* I awarded. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
one point

Very good story - I gave it 5 stars for the realistic characters and character development.

But: with regards to the 2nd 'cheating' of the husband. From the wife's point of view, a serial gossiper told her a story, which the husband explained away with a plausible explanation. She asked about an affair and sex, and her husband's answer satisfied her that no sex was had. So why would she continue to assume that wrongdoing was had as opposed to Ruth just embellishing a story in the sake of gossip. It's perfectly plausible that Don was invited into the room and said goodbye to the neighbour, and that Ruth walked past and assumed something afoul was at play - then embellished details like looking dishevelled etc. Surely as an otherwise rational character, this train of thought has to come into play?

ErotFanErotFanover 9 years ago

While open ended and ambiguous stories are de rigueur for authors I find them incomplete. As if the author is unable or unwilling to produce his own view of how the story ends OR feels he has produced a superior story to this point and is afraid that any completion s/he is able to come up with does not measure up.

My wish would be for authore to give a prologue warning of such stories OR come back later and point we readers to those brave enough to delve into a coda.

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago

Given her anger at her husband's APPARENT cheating (we still don't know exactly what he did - if all is as we have been told, he pretty definitely did SOMETHING inappropriate, but did he fuck anyone?) for her to cheat, and seemingly consider continued cheating, is highly hyprocritical.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Agree With KarenE

She’s upset by his lack of a confession, with no proof that he has anything to confess!

She’s doubting his story based on what a notorious gossip told her!

And as KarenE says, we STILL don't know if her husband cheated, or was even inappropriate.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...

Still five stars and still one of my favorites.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
They have a sham of a marriage.

People this pathetic shouldn't get married or reproduce.

May they rot.


Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 8 years ago
if it would hurt the other way

If you would get upset because your spouse did it then you know that you are hurting the marriage if you do it.

Awfully nice of her to forgive him for things that she does not actually know he has done.

VapspegeoVapspegeoalmost 8 years ago

Too many unanswered questions in this tale, most of the ideas for her questions came from a gossip. If her husband is a cheater and she doesn't talk to him or get some real information from like a (PI). If she cheats she's no better than her husband but, if he did cheated and she cheats, still a bad situation. One cheater plus another cheater only makes two cheaters bad for the kids, there's NO such thing as getting even. The story starts fine but, the storyline runs afoul with a lack of information about background for characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

The story is well told I enjoyed it very much.

The problem with this couple they don't talk to one another.

But the moral is two wrongs don't make aright, that is the reason I'd like a sequel.

Sex at the conference was pure animal sex but with the husband real loving sex which is longer lasting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
She Thinks Therefore He Cheated

She will find out in short order that he never had sex with anyone. She imagined it and constructed an estrogenic fantasy world and responded to that and not to her husband.

Although she is rather paranoid she was smart enough not to fuck up her marriage previously over her husband's imagined infidelities. Now she might have screwed the pooch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Seems to me a selfish woman

She believes the gossip that everyone distrusts and not her husband because she needs to think he cheated. She believes he cheated at the bachelor party even though there is no evidence. She does this, she does that, she says her body betrayed her. I call BS. Sorry but humans have a brain. She wanted an excuse to cheat and is rationalizing.

My guess is her husband was embarrassed about what happened at the bachelor party and also turned down Barb and was embarrassed.

ErotFanErotFanover 6 years ago
2nd read and comment after 3 years

My impression of the story to this point is much the same as it was 3 years ago. A nice introduction to the REAL story. It is at this point that the drama BEGINS.

I suggested 3 years ago that I'd hoped other authors would take up the story with their own interpretations of what Sesame Street used to admonish their tot audience: "What happens next?" I see via title search that several others have taken up the task.

After re-reading the author's proffered "next," I intend to sample some of the other authors' takes. Let the games begin! ^_^

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
What will happen?

Phil is going to have his balls taken!

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Hope Don destroys Phil and.his marriage, then kicks the bitch to the curb. She deserves no better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

At least two comments referred to "swinging." I thought that was couples swapping, so went to the Internet. I found that singles can be involved in swinging and it can be group sex. However an important element is agreement. This is a direct quote from an Internet swingers site:

"Consent is also essential. Remember, if your partner is not on board with you being with someone else, you are cheating; and if you are being sexual with someone who does not want that, you are molesting or raping them."

An example given of swinging that is not swapping, was of a pregnant woman who agrees for her partner to get elsewhere what she is not providing at present.

So, what the 8 people in the "conference club" are involved in, swingers would consider to be cheating, not swinging.

Paul in Oklahoma

PS. I am not, nor would be, a swinger. In fact, I shy away from swinger stories. Nevertheless, we should be fair to them and not identify as swinging something that they would not.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I'm not sure why Margaret feels guilty

Don cheated on her first. Seems like she's entitled to a little payback.

DogFuzzDogFuzzalmost 5 years ago

For me it seems to be more of a section or paper for a Psy class. Way too much depth of “rethinking” everything. Boring after awhile. Sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I Didn't See Any Proof

That Don actually cheated. She has some suspicions especially after the neighbor she admits is the local gossip told her what she "saw and heard." Don't suppose the gossip embellished anything or outright lied? I know what I expect to find out and it is that only one cheated. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

☆☆☆☆☆- [5- (4.65/5=93%)]

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago
Reading again

This is a good start, and for.hoping a cheating wife and her lover get destroyed. I don't remember part two, so I can hope for the burn.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Not really

Meg decided, based on suspicion and gossip that her husband had cheated at least twice because he never explained away her suspicions. She never caught him in any lies, but she decided that he was guilty anyway. That had to be in her thoughts, at least in the background, when she found herself willing to cheat.

She is now a cheater; once a cheater, always a cheater. She WILL cheat again and again, until she gets caught.

Fairly well written, for an amateur.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Marge did not cheat on her husband Don, at least not willingly. "Her body betrayed her." Even though Phil made her see "the fireworks" for the first time in her life, she started feeling guilty immediately after the sex was over. Hoping for a beautiful cuck raac ending in the next part.

SarahwithloveSarahwithlovealmost 2 years ago

That "once a cheater, always a cheater" statement is not even remotely true, except in the minds of the bitter and the scarred. People can't be pinned down to a behavior and then, by some magical loss of control, continue the behavior for their entire lives. People make mistakes, learn from those mistakes, and never make the mistake again. If we didn't, there would be chaos throughout the world because everyone makes mistakes. What occurs after the mistake is a matter of character, guilt, remorse, and values.

I have a feeling, that in this story, the husband never crossed the line in both past instances. His wife, based on nothing more than speculation and presumption of guilt, created in her mind a worse case scenario that she couldn't get past. It so distorted her thoughts that she started seeing little things in his face and actions that were normal before, but now seemed abnormal as she tried building evidence to something that didn't exist. Fascinating story, by the way, and an old one as well. I can't believe I just found it now. Bravo, 5 stars and I will read more of your tales. Cheers.

colescuttlecolescuttleover 1 year ago

As well written as could be. A whole world of possible futures, Bookmarked in my "More Better" folder.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I gave this 3 stars NOT because I didn't enjoy the story, tho I thought it a bit drawn out, or the writing. But because, largely, it's unfinished & you're leaving others to do the job. Bob

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

All of this author's stories are the same. The wife is a whore who cheats, but she always has a reason, the lover is a predator and she is just an innocent victim. The husband finally forgives betrayal, humiliation, deception. The author is 100% a woman trying to justify her betrayal. cuck story

NonSequitourNonSequitourover 1 year ago

This author is long-winded; the men are wimps; and the women are stupid.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Megs failure to directly require a discussion about he belief infidelity reflects internal emotional cowardice and set up a cascade of unconscious excuses to cheat. He self serving rhetoric aside she made a conscious decision to cheat and really enjoyed the sex. Missing intimacy should be expected. That she is even considering a repeat defines he dishonesty on many levels. Like man cheaters having the cake and eating it to is

delusionally excuse by "if he doesn't know it won't hurt him".

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Sorry, same as the rest. Same plot just different environment again. She knew she may be a target, yet she did not keep herself aware. All she had to do was walk away and go to her room. Boring maybe, but sexually safe. I cheated on my husband tonight but it was with my finger.

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