One Night in Cancun


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"I can imagine," I said. I took a sip from my drink and watched our wives engage in what appeared to be an animated conversation. They were both smiling and laughing as if they were longtime friends.

"This really is a magical place," he said. "You will never encounter friendlier people at any other resort in the world. There is something so liberating about being naked around other people. It completely strips you of your status and puts you on equal ground with everyone else. We all come here as strangers, but leave as friends."

"How often do you, uh..."

"...hook up with our new friends?" he said with a chuckle. "It depends. We don't necessarily go looking for it, but if it happens naturally, so be it. Even when it doesn't happen, it's fun to flirt. It makes me feel young again, you know?"

"Sure," I said. "I suppose." I really couldn't relate, however. I hadn't flirted with another woman since Jane and I met. I couldn't even imagine doing so. Certainly, no woman had flirted with me in as long as I could remember.

The announcement was made that the nightclub was opening, and guests began heading to the entrance. We walked together to the top of the stairs where we were greeted by one of the resort's hosts, who wore a mask and a black cape.

"Will you be participating in tonight's theme?" the host asked.

Jane and I looked at each other in confusion. "You should!" Monica exclaimed. "It'll be fun, trust me."

I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed a mask and cape from the host, and a set for Jane as well. We were then directed to an area in the back of the nightclub where we were instructed to disrobe and wear our masks and capes. I felt oddly uncomfortable disrobing in front of everyone, given that I had spent most of the day naked in front of the same people. I quickly stripped, tied the cape around my neck, and wore the mask that covered my eyes and nose. I looked at Jane and smiled.

"This is really weird, right?" I asked. She nodded and giggled. "Come on. I think we both need another drink."

I led her by the hand to the bar, where we ordered drinks and watched as more and more guests filtered into the nightclub. Roughly half of them wore capes and masks. The other half evidently decided not to participate in the night's event -- whatever that was.

We spent quite a bit of time mingling with the other guests, trying to find out what this theme was all about. Those who knew wouldn't tell us, insisting that we would enjoy the surprise. I could feel the tension and anxiety build as our host stepped onto the center stage and began the ceremony. He held a long staff in his hand that was topped with a copper-colored, phallic-shaped, bulb. The lights dimmed. Ominous music played as he intoned into his microphone.

"Please clear a path to the stage," he directed, motioning with his staff toward the entrance of the disco.

The crowd parted. A man and a woman entered, wearing elaborately-decorated masks and capes. They moved swiftly to the center of the stage as the ominous music continued at a more rhythmic pace. They stood facing each other as the ceremony's host stood behind the woman and untied her robe, letting it fall to the floor. She was exquisitely built, with large and firm breasts, a round buttocks, and shapely legs. She wore only a shimmering golden thong-style bikini bottom.

The master of ceremonies collected her cape, tossed it to an assistant, and moved to the man. He removed his robe as well, revealing the man's well-chiseled physique. The male performer wore only a golden pair of form-fitting briefs that did little to hide an impressive bulge. The MC gathered the man's robe as well, tossed it to his assistant, and disappeared into the crowd surrounding the stage, leaving the god and goddess alone in the soft spotlight at the center of the room.

The two performers stood for a moment, motionless. A rhythmic drumbeat began, which was soon joined by another, and then another. The man and woman on the stage began an erotic synchronized dance. As they gracefully, yet powerfully, moved their toned bodies to the beat of the drums, the large crowd assembled around them was absolutely still and quiet, mesmerized by their movements.

I turned to look at Jane. It was impossible to see the expression behind her mask, but I could see that her lips had parted. She clearly enjoyed the spectacle. I became aroused simply by watching her watch the two dancers. I wrapped my arm around her and held her close as we watched them together. The dance continued, becoming more and more erotic as the dancers practically simulated sex on the stage.

The dance ended and the audience politely applauded. As the dancers exited the stage, the host returned. The ominous music began again. He asked the crowd to form a circle around the stage. He then walked methodically around the perimeter of the circle and tapped the shoulders of some selected couples with his staff, inviting them to join him on stage. As he passed us, my heart leapt when he suddenly reached out with his staff and tapped Jane on the shoulder. She and I joined the small group on stage.

The host directed the men to form a circle around the stage, and the women to stand and face their partners. He made a show of slowly walking around the inner circle while explaining the erotic purpose of the ritual. I could see Jane's eyes though her mask and we shared a nervous giggle.

The host tapped the shoulder of one of the women, and his assistant swiftly moved behind her and untied her robe. The robe fell to the floor, revealing the woman's naked body. The assistant gathered the robe and handed it off to another assistant. This ritual continued until each of the women in the center circle was naked, including my wife, whose nipples appeared erect as she stood naked and vulnerable.

"Behold the beauty of the female body," the host intoned in a deep voice. I looked around the room at the circle of naked women. It seemed as though he had selected the most attractive women in the room. They were truly beautiful to behold. He moved from one woman to the next, touching each one of them lightly with the penis-shaped head of his staff. When he touched Jane, goosebumps formed on her arms and her lips parted.

"Ladies," he said. "Please step forward and disrobe your men."

Jane did as she was directed and untied my robe. It fell to the floor and I suddenly felt exposed and uneasy. I never enjoyed being the center of attention. My only comfort came from my mask, which made me feel as though it hid my identity. Jane smiled as she returned to her position in front of me. Roughly twenty men now stood, naked and exposed, in front of twenty equally-nude women. The volume of the ominous music intensified.

"Men," the host said, "step forward and kiss your women."

When I kissed Jane, she surprised me by opening her mouth and presenting me with her tongue. This instantly caused my cock to swell. I caressed her body as our tongues intermingled. She reached down and squeezed my swollen cock.

"Enough," the host said, interrupting our fun. "Ladies, kneel before your partners."

Jane and the other women did as they were told. She stared straight ahead and licked her lips, prompting my cock to involuntarily spasm.

"Gentlemen," the host continued. "Step forward."

The implication of his instruction was perfectly obvious. I moved forward and Jane eagerly took my cock in her mouth. She swirled her tongue along my shaft, sending electric sensations throughout my body. I looked to my left and right. Surrounding me were women on their knees servicing their men with their mouths. Never in a million years could I have envisioned myself in such an erotic setting.

The experience was far too brief. "Enough!" the host said. The men stepped back while the women remained kneeling. "Men, now move one person to your right."

My heart raced. I looked at Jane in panic. What was happening? I looked to the woman on my right. She looked directly at me and smiled. I glanced again at Jane, and then to the man on my left. Was I about to watch my wife put another man's dick in her mouth? My cock twitched and swelled. What was happening?

For a moment, I considered grabbing Jane and scurrying out of the disco and back to the safety and comfort of our room. But then I felt the tap of the host's staff on my shoulder and I hesitantly moved to my right. I stood in front of an anonymous masked stranger who was kneeling before me, my throbbing cock mere inches away from her mouth. We stood for what seemed to be an eternity as we awaited the next instruction.

"Ladies," the MC said. "Move to the center of the stage, please."

My ominous music faded away. I heaved a sigh of relief as the women rose to their feet and moved to the center of the stage. There they were handed their robes, which they tied around their necks.

"Always remember," our host said, "the greatest of all erotic body parts is the mind. Allow your mind to embrace all the erotic possibilities this world has to offer and you will be greatly rewarded. This concludes tonight's ceremony. Please enjoy the rest of your evening."

The lights in the room slightly brightened and dance music began to play. I remained frozen in my spot, suddenly feeling ridiculous as one guest after another passed by and clapped me on the shoulder.

"Nice job," one woman said. I turned to see it was Monica. She giggled and glanced down at my still-throbbing cock. I scrambled to collect my robe and quickly covered myself.

"Yeah, thanks for telling me what we were in for," I said with all of the sarcasm I could muster. Jane approached and we shared a knowing glance.

"Now what fun would that be?" Monica laughed. "The looks on your faces when you were asked to move over to the next person...priceless!"

We found our clothing in the rear of the nightclub and quickly dressed. We then returned to the bar for another much-needed round of drinks. Jane's favorite dance tune began playing, and she and Monica dragged me out onto the dance floor along with Bill. The four of us danced and laughed like we were old friends. Occasionally, Monica would bump into me and apologetically touch my arm, allowing her hand to linger there before pulling away. For the first time since my early twenties a woman was flirting with me. Bill was right: it did make me feel young again.

We danced and drank and chatted into the early morning hours. The nightclub was still filled with guests, although the crowd appeared to have thinned a bit. Jane and I found an empty bed that surrounded the perimeter of the nightclub and took a moment to rest. We lay together, side by side, and caressed each other.

"Thanks for being such a good sport about this," she said. "I know this has been way out of your comfort zone."

"It is," I said, "but it's been a memorable experience, that's for sure."

"And our adventure has just begun," she said. She kissed me softly and smiled. "Well, you've made my fantasy a reality. Is there any fantasy that I can help you achieve?"

I chuckled and tasted her lips once more. "I don't really have any fantasies, honey. You're my fantasy. That's enough for me."

"Oh, come on. Nothing?"

I paused for a moment and considered her question. "I mean, of course every guy wants to have a threesome."

"What? You, me, and another guy?" she said with a sly grin.

"You're hilarious. You know what I mean. But it's not something I want to actually do. I think the fantasy is probably better than the reality."

"Okay..." she said, still wearing her grin. I could tell from her rosy nose that all of the drinks we had consumed throughout the evening were having an effect. I felt a little light-headed myself.

"What do you say we go back to our room and fuck like bunnies?" I said.

"Actually," she said, "what do you say we check out the 'play room' at the back of the disco?"

I had to admit I was curious to see it. We had come this far. Why not?

"Okay," I said.

She excused herself to use the ladies room and I waited for her outside of the "play room." She returned with a naughty grin and we entered the room together. It was a small room that could accommodate maybe twenty people. A small flat screen on the wall to the left played a pornographic movie, but that hardly seemed necessary given all of the real porn action that was taking place in that room.

The entire room was colored red and was lined with double-decked bed-like structures along three of the walls. On nearly every bed were couples having sex. Against the far wall, two couples were engaged in an orgy. To the right, two women were going at it in a "69" position while their partners watched with great interest. In other beds, couples of unknown relations fucked and sucked in every position imaginable. Jane and I stripped off our clothing and headed toward one of the only remaining open spaces. I snatched a couple of towels and lay them on the mattress before diving between her legs to flick my tongue along her swollen clit.

She thrashed and moaned and grabbed handfuls of my hair as I worked my tongue along her labia and up and over her clit. It didn't take long before she announced to the room that she was cumming. Her vocalizing only added to the symphony of moans and groans filling the room. Her body shuddered beneath me before she pushed my head away.

"Your turn," she said. "Just lay back, close your eyes, and relax."

We switched positions. I watched with great interest as she took my cock in her mouth, all while maintaining intense eye contact. She slowly bobbed up and down my shaft. She took me deeper into her mouth and I leaned back, lay my head on a soft pillow, and closed my eyes to savor the sensation as long as possible.

She removed my cock from her mouth, slid her tongue along the shaft, and then reinserted it. Another few bobs of her head and she repeated the maneuver. At some point, I noticed something was different. She took my cock further into her throat than she had ever managed before. Her lips felt fuller. Her tongue a little stronger.

I opened my eyes to see the top of Monica's distinctive curly red head. I felt a jolt of horror. Then I saw Jane peek at me over Monica's shoulder. She was grinning from ear to ear.

"I convinced her to help me with your fantasy," Jane said.

Monica suddenly opened her eyes and looked at me, smiling broadly. "You don't mind, do you?" she asked.

I glanced again at my wife. "If she's okay with it, then I am."

"Good," Monica said. "I saw that hard cock earlier and just knew I wanted it in my mouth." She lowered her head and took my cock in her mouth once more. Her pouty lips traveled all the way to the base until my pubic hair tickled her nose. Those lips then made the slow and deliberate journey back to my cock head.

Jane merely watched with fascination. I couldn't believe she was okay with this. We had never discussed anything like this before. Yet, she appeared to be more than okay. I recognized that expression on her face. She was incredibly aroused.

Jane gently moved Monica aside and they took turns passing my dick from one to the other. The sensation of having two different mouths on my cock was more pleasurable than I imagined. My fear of fantasy topping reality proved to be entirely unfounded. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I felt two slick tongues caress my cock at the same time, working from the base to the tip, over and over again. I could feel a powerful orgasm bubbling to the surface. I didn't want the experience to end so quickly, but it was out of my control.

"Jane," I said. "Honey, I'm about to cum."

She exchanged a wicked glance with Monica and then looked straight in my eyes. "Then cum."

She directed my cock toward Monica, who took it in her mouth and bobbed up and down with intensity and purpose. I hadn't cum in a woman's mouth since Jane and I dated. When she told me she hated doing it, I never asked her to do it again. Monica knew I was about to cum, and yet she didn't seem to mind at all. I felt that surge of pleasure erupt from my cock straight to the back of her throat. She didn't skip a beat. She moaned in pleasure while gripping my cock with her firm lips and tongue. She didn't ease the pressure until she had swallowed every last drop. When she finished, she removed my cock from her mouth and smiled at me.

"Thank you," she said. "That was hot!"

"Thank me?" I stammered. "Thank you!" I looked to my wife. "And thank you, honey."

"It was the least I could do," she said with a chuckle. She exchanged a peck on the lips with Monica, who I noticed was still fully-dressed. Monica rose to her feet and bid us good-bye before leaving the room.

It seemed as though we cleared out the room while all of that was taking place. Only one other couple remained. Judging by the words they said while he rammed into her from behind, I guessed that they were Mexican. Jane crawled onto the mattress and lay next to me. I wrapped her in my arms and we basked in the afterglow for a while.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked with a chuckle.

"I ran into her in the ladies room," Jane said. "The idea just came to me. I figured why not?"

"And Bill was okay with that?"

Jane shrugged. "I guess so. She said something to him on the way to the play room, and he just smiled and kept chatting with some woman at the bar."

The Mexican couple finished their business and began dressing. The man looked at the two of us and smiled. "Muy caliente," he said. I didn't know if he was referring to my wife or the threesome he had just witnessed, but I responded with a "Gracias" all the same.

Jane gathered her clothes and dressed, and I did the same. That was, until I realized the pants crumpled on the floor were not mine. The Mexican gentleman turned to me and asked what was wrong.

"Mis pantalones!" I exclaimed. "Donde estan mis pantalones?"

And so ended the wildest night of my life. It was a story that I will always remember, and yet I can never share with anyone. Except maybe the readers of an erotic website.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


etchiboyetchiboyabout 3 years ago
This was written April ‘19. It’s now April ‘21. Exactly 2 years.

Did SJ retire? Switch story submission sites? Hate to say, but get Covid?

Just wondering if there are going to be more good stories.

jazzharpjazzharpover 3 years ago
Thanks for the fun story!

This is the type of story I like to see in Loving Wives. Damned hard to find.

literalvirginliteralvirginabout 5 years ago
Great job!

I've read quite a few of your stories. Definitely worth my time because you rarely miss. This is one of your good ones. Loved that fact that they didn't immediately hook up with the other couple. Keep it sizzling and I hope to see more chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Very erotic story..

...and very well written. I read in your bio that you may be considering not writing anymore. I encourage you to keep writing if your other stories are this good. I'll for sure check out more or your stories. 5 stars. Thanx!


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