Party Favor


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Toni insisting it was she who needed to apologize began filling him in on the details explaining Ashley's absence while begging his forgiveness for such an inconvenience. James, smiling while constantly reassuring her everything was just fine, finally agreed to take her up on the offer of making everything up to him at a later date. With the formalities completed, everyone adjourned to the pool.

Chad made all the introductions between James, his friends and the two couples who'd arrived earlier and were now enjoying themselves lounging about the pool... Introductions completed, the party moved into high gear. The men joined in a competitive game of water volleyball playing with the same sort of intensity required to perform the dangerous yet rewarding tasks of their jobs while the women lay lounging about the pool cheering on their respective partners distracting all the games participants dressed scantily in their revealing little bikinis. Neither side willing to settle for anything less than winning continually raising the requirements of victory eventually agreed to a tie so dinner could be served. Everyone retiring to the dining facilities sat conversing enjoying a first class meal served by their gracious hosts Chad and Toni.

Dinner completed, table cleared, Chad's projected time of departure quickly approaching, he quietly disappeared retiring to their room to prepair and get ready for an unscheduled weekend of work. The two couples took over the table starting up a friendly game of cards as James, Teddy and Sam took over the den in an all out kidnapping of the big screen with intentions of watching their alma mater playing football as they cheered and rooted them towards victory.

Toni, playing the perfect little hostess continually running re-filling drinks, replacing empty beers, offering chips and salsa or whatever anyone desired, was just beginning to feel the effects of her second glass of wine when she spotted her husband emerging from the stairway dressed for work in his uniform. One of her own personal weaknesses, Achilles heel... Whoa... God she loved a man in uniform and with the added effects of the wine taking hold?...

Chad made his way amongst the various guests apologizing for his untimely departure having to leave so quickly but thanked everyone for their attendance, participation saing they'd all have to do this again, hopefully soon. Once finished he started looking around for Toni wishing to bid her a goodbye. I mean... Damn he wasn't gonna be home till Sunday evening and the image of her hot little body performing such an erotic display of... of... provocatively inviting moves burning, searing, insisting their images be permanently etched amid his memories leaving him unmercifully tortured during his temporary absence... Oh, just forget it.

Unsuccessfully searching practically everywhere finally he began his journey towards the door only to discover her already awaiting his arrival. Light out, hallway darkened, with everyone else busy either with the game or playing cards...

Toni dropping her robe leaving her standing in just the little yellow bikini that'd started their tryst earlier in the day crossed her arms shrugging her shoulders, cutting her eyes at him with that ornery little smile, wagging her finger for him to come hither. Shit!, With an abundance of sexual suggestiveness oozing from the stunning brunette he stood little to no chance of escaping her provocative persuasiveness submitting once more to her irrefutable charms...

Laughing, shaking his head at finally having found her but as usual... on her terms, made his way to the sexy little tease only to be greeted with her arms around his neck, body pressed firmly to his, and... and... Whoa Shit!...

The wine having its inhibition lowering effects, her nipples erect poking through her top, his shirt, pressing, burning into his chest signaling the extremity of her arousal... Soft lips melting to his, tongue insisting its entry be not denied, working convincingly, forcing its way between his lips... she began her expert manipulation of driving him insane. Forcefully pushing him against the wall, insisting his participation, seductively working, grinding her hips to his... Again, teasing, encouraging... she felt the unmistakable response she was soliciting straining through his pants in full honor and appreciation of her talented, very effective efforts.

Chad head spinning wishing for a little taste of what he'd so foolishly passed on earlier, Toni simmering from his denial along with the additional effects of the wine... Knowing this was a losing proposition having to leave for work right now, pried her arms from around his neck holding her back as he made an impassioned plea for mercy. "Baby, God knows I don't want to but I've gotta go to work." Reasons for calling in filling his thoughts increasing their reasoning by the second... The last time he'd been with her after she'd relaxed consuming just a couple of drinks... Oh Shezus! She was insatiable! "That's it, I've gotta go now!"

Toni pouting over his mandatory departure insisted he give her one more kiss. Taking her in his arms obliging her request... just before their lips met, she detoured whispering in his ear. "Guess what?... The doctor said I'm ovulating and should be at my peak this weekend."

You've gotta be kidding!... she'd banished him to condoms for the last three months upon stopping her pills awaiting the doctors approval to begin and now she tells him??.. She knew this, this afternoon and didn't say anything?... Had he known... Shit!... Shit!...

"Everything's a go? Are you sure?"

"Un Hun..."

"When did you find out?"

"This morning, but I was hoping to surprise you this evening. I'm so sorry I didn't know they were gonna call you in..."

"No, No... It's not your fault... There wasn't any way you could've known they'd call me."

"So... Does this mean we have a date Sunday evening?" Toni cutting those convincing green eyes upward awaiting an answer to a question she needn't pose smiled expectantly awaiting his confirmation.

"Oh God... Hell yes... Yes... I wouldn't miss it for the world." Taking her in his arms he held her tightly, the excitement of his beautiful wife ready to start a family, today's little informative escapade... Suddenly found him leaning towards backing off his agreement of fulfilling his obligations at work. "You know what?... I think I'll just call in sick. I'm not really feeling that... Umm like working anymore."

Toni laughing insisting he had to leave and couldn't back out now, assured him she'd give him more than he could handle upon his return this Sunday evening. "You go get some rest big boy... You're gonna need it."

Groaning painfully amid reflections of what he'd be missing till Sunday, Chad begrudgingly departed leaving Toni to rejoin their guests and the party steadily advancing without either of their attendances. Beaming with the excitement of having told her husband, well... that along with the wine, Toni reconvened her duties as hostess while attempting hiding her elation and near state of inebriation. The party continued another hour eventually breaking up with the two couples making an early exit. The football game still in progress, Toni insisted the guys needn't leave allowing them to stay and enjoy the remainder on the big screen complete with refreshments and a stunning hostess still quite scantily clad. That last insertion?... Primarily a simple, rewarding oversight preying on the innocence of their sexy little hostess.

Following her accompanying both Paul and Teri along with the other couple to the door, upon saying their goodbye's Toni replenished the guys' beers and joined them in the den. She herself tipsy and no longer drinking, sat feet curled beneath her on the loveseat relaxing and enjoying watching the excitement of the three young men engrossed amid the game. They, very aware of her presence were steeling glances of her incredible legs and awesome beauty doing their best at not getting caught.

Toni sensing their eyes... I don't know, it's a woman thing... abruptly arose, smiling, informing the men she was gonna change into something more appropriate. Though under the continual protesting of all in attendance, laughing off their various reasons to stay dressed just as she was, exiting and ascending the stairs she retired to her room changing her clothing into something a little less revealing.

Amid her absence the guys couldn't help but voice their opinions over the seductively stunning woman they'd had the pleasure of observing all afternoon. Toss in the consumption of a six to twelve-pack of beer by each of them, Toni dressed in her revealing bikini and even when wearing her robe those incredible legs peaking from beneath, the football game, her stunning looks... Hell... As hot as she looked, married or not even a dead man would take notice.

Less than fifteen minutes later she emerged from the stairway to the accompaniment of three men silent with eyes glued to her heavenly appearance. Though nowhere nearly as revealing, if her intentions had been to minimize the attention she'd been receiving well... she was failing miserably. Dressed in a sleeveless, red, knee length dress buttoning up the front with her waist synched tightly beneath its matching belt... the top v-necked showing off the faintest hint of her incredible cleavage... the bottom split a good six inches above the knee revealing a preview of the legs they'd been admiring already... All of that with matching open-toed sandals sporting a stiletto three to four inch heel... Dark brown hair in perfect array cascading beautifully over her shoulders... framing, outlining her picturesque face... Lips red matching her dress... Tan and eyes contrasting the bright red... Shezus!... Were there not any limits to the extreme sexiness of this incredible woman?...

The three men began complimenting her over her appearance forcing a modest blush from the sweet southern belle. "Ok, Ok, guys... that's enough."

Checking and returning with refills for all, she again graced the men and loveseat with her presence listening to the conversations as the game continued to progress forward. James suddenly realizing their hostess hadn't joined them in the festive occasion, began insisting she accept another glass of wine and join in their festivities. Toni feeling a little better following her short absence agreed adding her one stipulation. "Ok... but only one more glass and no more."

"Sure!.... No problem!...." James observing her start to get up insisted she stay put allowing him to serve her this time besides, she'd been catering their every need all afternoon and now it was his turn to return the favor. "No, No,.. Stay put, Stay put... I'll get it."

Toni's eyes widened in disbelief upon his return. Sporting a huge grin knowing he'd outfoxed her, handed her the largest glass he could find filled to the brim more than doubling the size of the one she'd previously been using. Laughing, joining the other guys already busting a gut over the size of his presentation, Toni began protesting his offer. "James! Oh, my God? No way am I drinking that! I won't be able to climb the stairs if I do."

"Hey, you never said how large a glass. You only said, one more." Extending it to her... Toni shaking her head, laughing over her mistake of letting him serve, relented taking the glass informing him... "Fine... If I pass out none of you'd better make fun of me or tell Chad. He'll kill me."

Taking a sip before looking up to find three men still grinning ear to ear, Toni once again began blushing in utter embarrassment at being watched. "What?... Is something wrong? What's the matter now?"

Assuring her there was nothing... I mean Damn! Sexy, Hot, Gorgeous, easily shaming the cheerleaders they'd been watching shake their little asses during the game... No, nothing was the matter... As a matter of fact, everything was just perfect.

An hour and a half later, with the game nearing its end, having both ridden the two days journey from their homes to James's... Coupled with all the beer they'd consumed found each of his two friends Teddy and Sam, passing out one right after the other there on the sofa. Dead to the world, Toni, unwilling to allow either to ride in their present conditions anyhow insisted that James leave them be letting them sleep off the exhaustion and alcohol. As far as she was concerned, James when ready could use the guest room accompanying his friend's home in the morning when all were in much better condition to ride.

Agreeing yet unready himself to retire just yet... The night young, stunning, attractive company and oh so sexy, wine still lingering amid her glass... James suggested they move the remainder of their party into the living room as not to disturb those sleeping. Feeling little to no pain herself Toni consented awaiting his lead... James gathering both their glasses, nodding his head for her to follow watched as she arose to a pair of legs unaccustomed to wearing heels under the influencing effects of so much wine. Hell, one small step was all she'd managed before finding herself falling forward with no chance of stopping the impending outcome... James asserting the lightning speed he'd relied on throughout his college playing days responded easily catching the tumbling beauty well before any harm could be assessed her near flawless appearance. Toni blushing, still in the arms of this... this...

"Ooooo... Um, Sorry. God I'm so embarrassed." Peeling her tantalizing body from the chest of this enormous man, staring into his soft blue eyes... Shaking her head clearing the effects of the wine interjecting images, thoughts she'd never imagined possible, scolding herself beneath her breath... "What's the matter with you girl!... You're married and shouldn't be entertaining such... such... ridiculous thoughts. Besides, he's a friend and co-worker of your husband!"

"You alright?" James assuring her this wasn't any dream concerned over her well-being, still supporting her in lieu of any additional mishaps, helping her safely navigate into the living room, upon seating her safely on the couch turned on the stereo selecting a station playing soft, romantic music. Sitting beside her handing her the remaining wine, the two began talking loosening up the previously tense moment they'd shared with Toni filling him in with all the details concerning Ashley... Her likes, dislikes, little quirks, shortcomings as well as strengths... Likewise James opened up filling her in with pretty much the same, his own background and projected goals. Smitten with his openness and honesty, as well as his willingness to reveal inner secrets about his vulnerabilities... Combined with charming appeal, great looks and an incredible physique... She informed him she couldn't wait to introduce the two knowing they'd hit it off and were perfect for each other.

Time passing, James finding himself becoming more and more attracted to this work of rare innocence in an erra of complete bullshit... Out of the blue, cutting off their conversation, he asked her to dance. Catching her off guard... Toni, never expecting such a request though extremely tempting, remembering the last time she'd stood politely declined embarrassingly revealing her apparent reasoning.

"Are you kidding?... I'm not sure I can stand much less dance."

"Come on... Sure you can... I promise not to let anything happen to you and besides... didn't you say you'd make up the Ashley thing?" Ouch... Now he'd stopped playing fair. Assessing her options feeling guilty for his attendance with expectations of meeting a nice young lady only to be disappointed... however, being in his arms momentarily earlier stirred emotions she hadn't known existed. All sides assessed amid his persistent requesting, probably going against her better judgment she agreed. Slowly standing with the help of his outstretched hand, making slow deliberate motions as not to repeat anything even remotely resembling their embarrassing introduction amid the living room, she moved forward accepting his invitation to once more gently press her body to his. Holding her close, feeling that incredible body, those sweet curves pressing ever so softly, stirring, churning... Damn! He wished it was her he'd come to see. She embodied everything he'd always dreamed of finding in a woman... Intelligent, sexy, beautiful, it was all there except... she was already married to his friend and co-worker with no intentions of changing her married status. Doing his best at deflecting her overpowering feminine mystique working its very effective magic, encouraging desires, unthinkable possibilities... continuing to dance enjoying the smell of her sweet perfume and the warmth of her inviting body... They continued dancing without breaking for what seemed like an eternity.

Toni lost amid the romanticism of the moment, soft music, extremely desirable dance partner, temporarily displacing, forgetting her marital status giving in to the wine and ever increasing needs lay her head against his chest snuggling amid the arms of another man. James glancing down into the face of this incredible beauty, eyes closed, peaceful, moving gracefully to his lead... Placing his arm around her waist pulling her yet closer tossed a fleeting glance upward acknowledging this temporary enjoyment of an angel.

Time passing the two danced, sat and talked, laughing and enjoying one another's company for what seemed like hours. Still sipping the now nearly empty glass she'd never intended consuming,, somewhat aware of the present but most definitely feeling little to no pain... Slowly swaying to the music lost amid her fantasies replacing Chad the man she dearly loved temporarily for the warmth of her current partner, politely bowed out informing him she needed to retire before passing out in his arms. James teasing, informing her should she follow through with her threat he'd insure she found the comfort and safety of her own bed, begrudgingly conceded the evening's conclusion agreeing to assist her efforts up the stairs in lieu of her trying it on her own.

Toni very much a lady in any condition or circumstance blushed embarrassed over his various offers informing him with her beliefs of being able to navigate within the surroundings of her own home. Steadying herself with the obliging, muscular support of her dance partner, bending down she removed her heels in hopes of simplifying her impending journey.

James following closely... Ever so ready and willing should she need any support... Eyes glued on her incredible ass swaying, moving so magically, tantalizing him merely inches away... Every stair, fluid poetry in motion... "Shit!... Get a grip James, she's the wife of your host." Lowering his eyes attempting denial of his screaming desire to drink up every last drop of this... this... sultry little tease... Oh yeah, that's great!"... Instead found him again beholding those long luscious legs. "Hell, this is a no win situation."

Toni finally having reached the top, intending to direct him towards the guest room... In her uneasy, dizzying condition found herself once again falling forward into the awaiting arms of an obliging savior. Thoroughly embarrassed seeking some sort of a graceful recovery, apologizing, making a valiant effort at recovering and maintaining her balance, sheepishly she confessed the possibilities of her inabilities. "Damn it!.. Oops... Sorry... I'm such a klutz tonight."

A priceless peak beneath her usually in control, conservative outer facade... privileged to witness such incredible beauty and sexiness of a truly remarkable woman... vulnerable, slipping, professing things she normally wouldn't say... Performing in a manner quite different from her norm... Exposed a side of herself very few were privileged to experience. Laughing, smiling over her unintentional slip of the tongue, still steadying her determined attempts at doing this on her own... Taking full advantage of the moment, James reached down picking her up amid her giggling protests to be put down.