Payal ki Jhankar Ch. 12


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Done with a few sessions of intense lesbian lovemaking, Payal and Caroline lay together silent for an extended moment.

"Okay so what was this all about?" Payal just had to ask, "we've been together for years and you have never given the slightest hint at having a thing for other girls."

"Oh, I normally don't," was Caroline's surprise answer, "and I've had few lesbian encounters myself."

"Now you've lost me!" Payal protested.

"Clarence keeps talking about how good you taste and feel in bed," Caroline laid it all out, "and I absolutely had to find out the truth of the matter."

"Firstly, did I meet your expectations," Payal had trouble forming her sentences, "and secondly, you're telling me that you both discuss your extra-marital sex lives?"

"Oh yes, we love to regale each other about all our exploits, his and mine," Caroline responded, "including our orgy in Kenya!"

"And he was okay with you being screwed by multiple men?" Payal blurted.

"I guess so, he wondered if I had filmed the encounter!" Caroline replied while indicating that there was unfortunately no videotape, "he really wanted to see you at the end of a large black cock!"

"You did not answer the other part of my question," Payal reminded her, having turned beet red.

"I must say you are much tastier and sexier than what he described," Caroline whispered into Payal's ear as she came atop and began to finger Payal's pussy once again, "but much as I am enjoying this episode I don't swing both ways often and so let's make this a special, once-in-a-while occurrence."


Mike Whittaker was disappointed that the exploratory committee he had set up to establish if he could be a viable Republican Party candidate for President had not responded favourably. He definitely had support in his state, but had not broken through to the Southern Baptist voter or Northeastern business leaders who formed the backbone of the Republican establishment. The shadow of his dead uncle, Senator Richard Whittaker, cast an aura over his campaign that did not jive with conservative Republican values. He wondered if his laid back Texan dress sense, his Charlie Wilson style of office staffing and his tendency to be seen with rather striking women had torpedoed his chances. He saw himself much more as a Bill Clinton type, rather than the staid McCain, Romney or McConnell clones endeared to the Republican base. That said, his last senatorial campaign had gone off flawlessly and his chairmanship of the Foreign Relations Committee was a major accomplishment for someone still not quite fifty. The job required him to spend quite a bit of time traveling to locations all

He was looking forward to his next trip though. The war on terror in Afghanistan and around the world had certainly inflamed Pakistan and Richard was on his way to Islamabad to meet with President Musharraf. He had advised the hosts and his own team that an excellent opportunity existed to condole with Payal, at her village, about her late husband and father. Not only would this be the right thing for a friend to do, it would humanize the relationship between countries. There were general knowledge that he was friends with Payal and Shahnawaz. What had, however, remained secret was the extent of his involvement with Payal. The only person in his team who was privy to this fact was Raylene, who herself had participated in a sexual encounter with Payal years earlier.

Raylene could not help but rib Mike about having a serious hard-on for the Pakistani babe, and received as a reward a quick series of slaps to her buttocks after being pulled across his knees. The two had often been to bed together and the sight of her reddened ass, as Raylene dropped her skirt and bent forward, lead directly to a quickie on his desk, while business outside continued as usual.

"Okay, your secret will remain safe, and I'll find a way for you to be with your lady love," Raylene promised as she put her clothes back on, "but perhaps I wouldn't mind another threesome between the two of us and Payal while in Pakistan!"


Dressed in a sharp blue executive pant suit, and looking like a model of executive excellence, Payal arrived at the British Consulate at 10 a.m. according to the information provided to her and was seated, with her lawyers, in an area separate from the general reception. She appreciated this greatly as she could see Haqnawaz and his people waiting in the bigger room with the general populace. Expecting to be quickly called in to verify a document or two about the impending divorce, she began to feel itchy when the clock first struck eleven and then made its way almost to midday.

"I'm sorry to have bothered you to come, Mrs. Shahnawaz," the consular official sounded genuinely apologetic, "but Mrs. Naziran Haqnawaz has not shown up for the meeting!"

"There must be some kind of mistake," Payal protested, "she called me from Dubai last night and confirmed she was on the flight to Lahore arriving this morning."

"That is indeed true, and we did have a team to receive her at the airport," the official continued, "but she never showed up and the airline staff are as perplexed as we are since her name was on the manifest."

"It's possible she may have disembarked from the flight prior to departure from Dubai," Payal ventured, "and may be concerned about her safety."

"That is indeed possible, but the Dubai airport has not confirmed any such disembarkation."

"Well since Haqnawaz is here anyway, can he not sign the divorce papers," Payal pressed on, "my lawyers are representing her and have the documents, so we really can proceed anyway."

"No madam, we had suggested this but Mr. Haqnawaz has refused to sign in her absence!"


"You will not believe what a pleasure it is to meet an American lawmaker who knows a thing or two about Pakistan," President Musharraf was ebullient in his praise towards Mike Whittaker. They had just concluded the first session of their series of meetings dealing with foreign relations issues.

"I must confess that my knowledge was helped greatly by a Pakistani lady friend, who I met at Georgetown, had as a campaign worker when I started in politics, and have remained on great terms with ever since," Mike responded, leaving out the obvious bits about the extent of the relationship.

"Well then you must have her attend the official dinner tomorrow night," the President suggested, "she might be someone worthwhile for this administration to look at for future opportunity."

President Musharraf had taken a rather positive route at the start of his administration by selecting a small number of people to be in the cabinet. He had subsequently been forced by international pressure to conduct elections in 2002, leading to the imbecilic Pakistan Muslim League Q run by the Chaudhrys of Gujrat taking over the reins of power. He still, however, remained on the lookout for top-notch people to ensure some quality administration did remain. In this case, the added fact that Payal was a total babe gave him a further reason to want to meet her. He was totally impressed by the praise Mike Whittaker had lavished on her. He had seen her on TV before but never had met Payal in person.

The General was even more impressed when he finally did meet Payal in person. Although her Pakistani dress was significantly more conservative than the skirts and ball gowns she had worn at events outside Pakistan, and she was on the plus side of forty, she still oozed an aura of sexuality that he had not generally seen before in a Pakistani lady. Payal had opted for a simple white outfit with a blouse sectioned in red and blue. On one hand, the blouse brought focus on to her somewhat low cut neck and bosom. On the other it was an appropriate homage to the American flag as the dinner was being held at the US Embassy in Islamabad. The General did have a reputation of being a ladies' man, but Payal's beauty, poise and the fact that she was seated at the main table with Mike and assorted Pakistani and US political heavyweights, meant comments and actions relating to her had to measured. In any case he did note that Mike appeared quite taken with her, and rationalized that the interests of Pakistani-American relations demanded a hands-off approach.

"Senator Whittaker has been singing your praises ever since he got here," the President stated directly as they were introduced, "I had no idea we had such an able diplomat in Pakistan and outside of the Foreign Service!"

"You're too kind, Excellency," Payal gushed back, turning visibly red, "but he forgot to tell you that he was my political science teacher at Georgetown."

"I am glad that your friendship benefits both countries," the President continued, "and I wonder if someone with your credentials would be open to a more formal position serving the country?"

"Sir, I would be ready to be of service," Payal responded, "but present family matters have complicated things for me."

"Ah yes, I do realize that there has been some bad blood among your relatives," he recalled, "but please do note that the offer is not time bound nor is your ability to call me directly for any help in resolving your family issues."


"He's a hound dog and wants to get into your pants, even more badly than I do just this minute," Mike was ribbing Payal as they shared a sofa at his guest apartment in the Embassy compound.

"You have got to be kidding," Payal responded, knowing well that she had been sized up by the military man, "he's a decent, honest, nation-loving, person."

"Oh I'm sure of all that," Mike continued, "but he has a definite inclination for the niceties and nice ladies in the country!"

"Perhaps you would rather I go over to the Presidency right now," she joked, "maybe I should see if he is the man you make him out to be."

Mike stood up, took her hands in his, and seriously declared, "you want me to use the old 'we'll bomb you back to the middle ages' threat with him now, do you?"

Payal could not help suppress a giggle and the moment passed with Mike bowing down and kissing her full on the lips. She had not felt the taste of his mouth on hers in many years and in some ways this was a welcome reminiscence. Payal kissed back with gusto and the tension over the President's interest in her waned in no time at all.

Mike's hands began to disrobe her in a hurry as she worked on his clothes. A few moments later, Payal gasped as he reintroduced his penis to her moist pussy. He had simply laid her on the sofa, not bothering to take the few extra steps to the bedroom, in his urgency to possess her again. Rather than fucking her in a frenzied fashion, however, Mike slowed the penetration to a bare minimum and extended their copulation for a notable while. Finally after both released their fluids, Payal rested in the re-familiarized confines of Mike's arms.

Breaking away from the party and coming to his apartment unnoticed had not been an easy undertaking and had involved Raylene's help. The three had driven over to Mike's guest apartment. Raylene had then donned a dark wig and put on Payal's dress. Giving both Mike and Payal a long kiss each, she had departed for Payal's hotel room, accessing the place without problem.

"I bet you the General would be unable to fuck you like that," he whispered slowly into her ear, receiving a soft punch to his side.

"Are we going to compare notes on his performance and yours," Payal cooed back, "and if so, I'll make a date with him!"

"You need to be punished!" Mike shot back, lifting her legs over his shoulders and placing his cock at her anal entrance. Thankfully he fished a bottle of lotion from somewhere and greased her up prior to pushing inwards.

"I guess I now know how to get you turned on," Payal mused as his cock stretched her back passage, "the General would get a kick out of it."


Just after sunrise, Payal donned a set of Raylene's clothes, along with a blonde wig, and headed to the Serena Hotel. The hotel staff had seen Raylene come by on previous days so nothing was made of the odd-hour arrival. Payal figured that the two would change back into their own personas and complete the ruse. Raylene had other ideas on her mind. As soon as she entered the room, Payal was backed against the wall adjacent to the door as Raylene's tongue was thrust deep into her mouth. Raylene was nearly threadbare and obviously had been awaiting Payal's arrival.

"Come on honey, you did not expect the bee to remain away from the honey pot now did you?" Raylene had a lilting Texan way of putting a non-question, "now strip and get in bed!"

Knowing that she had no plans for the morning and that her driver would pick her up for the trip back to Lahore after lunch, Payal slowly divested of her clothing and joined Raylene on the bed. Raylene had already spread her legs out wide and the obvious signal to Payal was to lick her cunt.

"Thanks darlin', I wasn't going to let that old letch Mike have all the fun on this trip!" Raylene whispered as Payal brought her to climax after climax.

Flipping Payal over, Raylene came up top and slowly began to kiss Payal's mouth. The kisses increased in passion and intensity, but were not rough. Rather Payal felt that Raylene was kissing her in the sweetest and softest manner possible. It was a strange but not unpleasant aspect in her sexual behaviour that Payal had not anticipated.

"Ah see you like that honey," Raylene broke off and smiled, "sometimes one needs to give a break to rough, on the range, sex!"

"You do have a wonderful way of kissing," Payal blurted out truthfully, getting a smile from Raylene.

Giving her an oh-well look and wink, Raylene took Payal's hand and proceeded to the large bathroom. The large tub beckoned and both were soon intertwined on the porcelain and warm water helped them clean off the morning's exertions. Both would have liked things to continue indefinitely but their antics were interrupted by a call from Mike.

"Do you have my assistant or has she gone AWOL in this city?" he sounded mildly peeved.

"She was just going over a few things with me," Payal did not specify that the few things included her naked body, "but she'll be heading out very shortly."

Before I head out, you need to know that Mike is very concerned at your continuing problems with your brother-in-law," Raylene delivered a serious message.

"I am worried that he has not giving up on my family or me despite being blunted every time he has tried something," Payal replied.

"Honey, a son-of-a-bitch is always a son-of-a-bitch so remember that you can always call Mike or me if there is anything that we can help with."

"Thanks, you never know when but I am sure I will need to sometime soon," Payal was honest.

"In that case, give me a till-we-meet-again kiss and we will worry about bad things when and if they do raise their ugly heads."


For Naziran the imminent hope of freedom from the tyranny of Haqnawaz had turned into an immediate existential threat. Things had gone well as she boarded the Emirates flight at Heathrow, heading to Lahore via Dubai. She had secured a Pakistani visa in her British passport partly ensuring that she would have standing with the British Embassy in Pakistan should something untoward occurred. The flights from London and Dubai had been smooth and trouble free, as would be expected for a traveller in business class on that airline. Things had somehow taken a turn when she touched down in Lahore and was greeted by a limousine right at the arrival gate, indicating that she would be processed via the VIP terminal.

Waking up disoriented, Naziran discovered that she was in a reasonably furnished room. Trying the door, she discovered that it was locked and she was a prisoner. The last thing she remembered was accepting a glass of juice as she waited at the VIP terminal while her luggage and passport were handled. She knew that she had been tricked hook, line and sinker by Haqnawaz and that the near future was going to be traumatic.

She could not estimate the time as the room was windowless. Rather than screaming and giving Haqnawaz the pleasure of seeing her squirm, Naziran decided to wait out her captivity in silence. At least the man had the courtesy to have a small fridge in the room with food and drink inside. After a small meal, she realized that she had not bathed since leaving London.

The attached bathroom was not too bad and the shower functioned properly. Divesting her worn clothes she stepped under the lukewarm stream of water. She had also found that her suitcases, with clothes inside, had been delivered to the room, so a change of clothing was not going to be an issue. Ever the actress, Naizran dressed in a fashionable white dress with a red dupatta (scarf) and red shoes. Her make up kit was in the suitcase, and she busied herself primping up for what could potentially be the greatest acting role of her life. Very soon she looked like a stunning starlet rather than a kidnapped housewife.

The door finally opened after a couple of hours had passed. A henchman she recognized wished her the usual "Salaam alaikum" but with a defined sneer. Naziran followed him out into the hallway and was led to a large room with a sofa-bed, chairs and some other furniture. A servant girl appeared with tea and savoury finger foods.

"You are really beautiful baji (elder sister)," the girl spoke after staring at Naziran for an extended while.

"Thank you," Naizran responded, "I can see that you will be a beauty when you group up too," getting a visible smile from the servant.

"Baji, can I do something for you," the girl asked, "Shah ji will be arriving soon and I am told he is in a very angry mood."

"Pray for me sweetheart," was all Naziran could muster as the girl exited on hearing an order from outside.

Haqnawaz strode in and Naziran expected him to take her to pieces. Instead he stood spellbound and his eyes kept going up and down her body.

"I never knew you had become so pretty," he exclaimed.

Naziran disarmed by this comment, responded, "Waliyat di huwa tey paani khaalis wey, des di tarah milawat nahin hondi (England's air and water are pure, not contaminated like at home)!"

Haqnawaz closed the distance and took Naziran in his arms, planting kisses all over her mouth and face. This was turning out completely different from what she had expected. He had, in fact, come over with the intent of beating her within an inch of her life. The visage she presented of a girl in virginal white, and the confidence she displayed, took the air out of his anger and instead awoke feelings of passion for her.

"Bistra (bed)," was the only word he spoke and she understood what was to happen next.

In less than a minute she was naked and spread out on the sofa-bed. Haqnawaz was on her and thrusting with energy he had not managed in years. She visualized being in bed with Asif, but knew that letting Haqnawaz have his way was the best course of action. Haqnawaz did not last long and had soon filled her cunt up with his cum.

"Tera phuda hun vee chuanni di tarah chota hayga weh, tu Wilayat wich innu sambhal ke rakhiya huya si? (Your cunt is as tight as a 25 paisa coin, did you keep it under wraps in England?)" Haqnawaz commented as he withdrew.

"Shah ji tussi meinoo randi hi samajhdey reya karogay (You will always just think I am a whore)," Naziran complained in a flirty manner while thanking her stars that she had the foresight of getting her pussy tightened in England.

Haqnawaz turned her over and forced his now dry cock against her ass. Naziran had expected that he would revert to his brutish self at some point. The change, however, was rather quick and painful. Half his cock was soon down her rectum as he pressed further into her. Naziran had not been anal raped since being in Pakistan years earlier and even though her passage was hardly virginal, she felt the pain from his probing. But despite his hard thrusts into her back passage, she refused scream and let him feel power over her. This time he lasted for a while before coming. Spent after sodomizing Naziran, he pulled out and turned her over. The moment of truth was at hand. Haqnawaz slowly ran his hand up and down her body, tweaking her nipples in the process.