Payal ki Jhankar Ch. 12


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"Tu cheez bari hai mast mast (you are an intoxicating thing)," he hummed a popular Indian tune as his exploration of her nude body continued, "but you want me to let you go free despite all the pain you have caused."

"Shah ji, you can have many like me in Pakistan," Naziran pleaded, "my life is now outside this country, please have mercy and set me free."

"Okay, I'll let you rest for now while I think the matter over," he arose from the sofa-bed, "perhaps we will be able to come to some sort of understanding."


"So you have your whore wife back," Paijoo was screaming furiously at Haqnawaz, "but that bitch Nida is in Malaysia, so am I to simply be happy jerking off?"

Ever since seeing his cousin some months back at the funeral of Payal's father, Paijoo had dreams of possessing Nida. It was a case of history repeating itself as his father, Haqnawaz, had not been able to shake off his lust for Payal despite the passage of much time since her wedding to Shahnawaz. Now Paijoo was seeing the object of his lust slipping away as his dad was getting closer to his ultimate objective or possessing Payal.

While Nida was definitely not as striking as Payal had been in her late-teens, she nevertheless was a babe in the true sense of the word. Her exceptional education, sense of dress and liberal values all were elements that focused Paijoo's mind on Nida. Of course, he knew that Payal would not approve of any such relationship given the antics of his father towards that family in the past decades. Yet, hope is eternal and he imagined all sorts of scenarios whereby he could possess his beautiful cousin. And when hope is present, along with an active imagination, one can sometimes surprise himself with solutions.

"You know that scheme of yours to involve the Airport VIP Security worked really well with that servant girl," Paijoo reminded Haqnawaz, "and I am wondering if something can be arranged that ensures Nida has to return to Pakistan and we can nab her in a similar manner!"

Haqnawaz was stunned by the cogent reasoning of his otherwise imbecilic and boorish son and responded, "Okay, why don't you think something up with your mother and let me know so we can right all the wrongs ever done to us!"


Payal was seriously concerned that something was amiss with Naziran. She had immediately called up Asif Dehlavi in London, who had confirmed that the movie star had indeed departed as indicated. Amos and Ruqaiya also had no clues as to Naziran's whereabouts. Payal got a further "no-idea" answer from her friends in the British civil service. The US embassy in Islamabad could not turn up anything either. It was apparent that Naziran had fallen prey to some dastardly scheme. Alternatively the ground had simply opened and swallowed her up. Yet in her heart and mind she had the nagging feeling that Naziran was somewhere in Pakistan and that she had somehow fallen into Haqnawaz's obvious trap.

"We'll see what can be turned up," President Musharraf assured her, "and it would be a real pleasure to be of service to two lovely ladies who have done the nation proud."

Payal had finally turned to the one person who would have perhaps the best knowledge of the goings-on in the country. The direct number that she had received during the dinner a few weeks earlier with Mike Whittaker connected instantly to an aide and then to the President himself. Musharraf was all ears concerning her call and appreciated the fact that Payal was asking for help to locate someone else and not seeking a personal favour.

"You will, however, have to make me one promise, dear lady," he continued, and Payal wondered if this would lead straight to his bedroom, "once we do recover your friend, the two of you will join me for dinner so I can talk to both of you further about serving the country."

She took a sigh of relief that contrary to what she had heard in passing, the President was not inclined to take advantage of her beauty.

"Give me a few days' time to figure out what is going on and I promise you will hear back from me soon."


Payal's mind was taken off Naziran's disappearance when she received a call from Haqnawaz's first wife, Parveen. Sounding very excited, she announced that a suitable match had been arranged for her son, Paijoo, and that the wedding would be held in three weeks' time. Being Paijoo's aunt, Payal was obligated to attend the event. More concerning was the fact that her daughter and son, being first cousins to the groom, also needed to be in Pakistan. She inquired about the bride to be, and was advised that she belonged to a respected landed family, but no real details were shared.

Payal's kids were keen on the event, neither having been given too many details about how their uncle and cousin had been absolute bastards. Tickets to Lahore, via Bangkok, were booked for an arrival well ahead of the event so they could do the necessary shopping in Pakistan.

Payal should have put more thought into the new development and the situation regarding Naziran, but a major Chen Group meeting was scheduled just a few days later in Lebanon. The Group had increased its Africa and Middle East hotels significantly and were on the verge of announcing plans for a new property in the autonomous Iraqi region of Kurdistan. The trouble was that her kids would reach Lahore a day ahead of her return. She tried to get them to delay but both children were adamant that they would stay with Payal's mother and be just fine.


Lebanon was unlike any other Arab country Payal had been to. Although it lacked the opulence of Dubai, Beirut oozed class and beauty. She was impressed by the superb landscape and beaches. She also took note of the natural beauty among the Lebanese females, who dressed much more liberally than their Peninsular Arab counterparts.

Payal was no slouch herself and sent many Lebanese tongues wagging with wonderment as she arrived for the meeting wearing a sleeveless black skirt with a red belt around the waist, stockings and sharp red heels. She could sense that the eyes of the Iraqi participants were constantly on her. But by now she had learnt very well that her beauty was extremely disarming to powerful men and also aided greatly in moving discussions along. Ismail Kurdi, the fiftyish Iraqi chief executive was particularly deferential every time she brought up a point for discussion. She had no doubt he was having visions of a tryst with her in the very near future. The meetings proceeded extremely well and Payal's handling of negotiations was much appreciated by both the Chen side and the Kurdish partners from Erbil. Not only had the property in mind been finalized, plans were laid out for two more hotels in other main Kurdish cities.

A celebratory dinner was held at the finest open-air Iraqi restaurant in town. Payal found that the food was being served on a circular table, which had a high backed sofa going almost around it. She was not surprised to find herself seated between Clarence Chen and Ismail Kurdi.

She was not too concerned as she felt Clarence's hands on her left thigh. She had anticipated spending that night with him, having not done so for the past two nights due to his other business commitments. What she did not expect was a second hand landing on her right thigh and probing inwards. Ismail Kurdi was continuing to have an active conversation with other folks at the table, while his hand had deliberately strayed into Payal's lap. She had not worn a particularly daring dress, but had opted for a black and grey skirt that enclosed her breasts and was held up around her neck. She had decided against stockings and a pair of open-toe shoes enclosed her feet. The lack of stockings meant that both Clarence and Ismail had their hands directly on her bare skin. One touch, she was very used to. The other, was highly intrusive but left her few options.

"It's such a pity that both Clarence and you did not bring your better halves along," Payal commented, hoping that it would give Ismail a jolt of reality.

"Oh no, the Middle East is too dangerous a place for our women to be a part of business," Ismail responded, "my wives are happy at home spending my money."

"And how many wives may that be?" Payal just had to ask, while his hand went under her skirt and touched her panties. She wondered if she should slap his hand or his face but imagined that a real scene would be created.

"That would be three," he truthfully replied, "the first my mother's niece and choice from childhood, the second my true love from my college days, and the third my support in my old age!"

"And do I sense you are looking for a fourth?" Payal queried him as his hand slipped between her legs and came up against the panties directly over her cunt. She felt Clarence's hand suddenly being lifted off her other leg and realized that the two men had touched by accident as they felt her up. Ismail's hand continued its bold move up her skirt.

She looked pleadingly at Clarence who also appeared speechless by what was happening just under the table. Payal weighed the options present to her. She could simply sit back and let Ismail finger her till his hand went sore, but there was no guarantee he was going to stop anytime soon. She could give him a serious slap to his face, but then all the good work of the previous days and the new arrangement would go down the drain. She could create a diversion that would enable everyone to get back to normal.

The third idea appeared to be the best of all. Her first impulse was to grab her cell phone and make a call to Pakistan to check on flights. As she opened her purse, Ismail's fingers successfully slipped under her panties and came into direct contact with her pussy. She felt him tense just a bit as he extended a finger and managed to slide about a half inch into her. Payal searched for her phone and then remembered she had left it on the charger in her suite.

As a second finger from Ismail entered her cunt, Payal had another idea. A waiter had just dropped off a pot of hot Iraqi tea close to her. She picked up the pot and motioned to pour into her cup. Just as she did so, Payal turned suddenly towards Clarence and said, "I'm sorry did you just ask me something?" Clarence and others wondered why she had responded to a question that had not been asked, when her hand appeared to slide and the hot liquid spewed out of the pot and right into Ismail's lap. Ismail let out a massive yelp and flew out of his seat, his fingers exiting Payal's pussy in a hurry.

The dinner broke up at that point and Ismail sheepishly excused himself, wishing everyone well and inviting Clarence and company to visit Kurdistan in the near future. Payal made a mental note that such a trip would never materialize if she was required to attend. The Iraqis soon left the hotel for their opulent residences in the hills of Beirut.

Back at their hotel, Clarence quickly took Payal by the arm and she willingly followed him to her suite. She was thankful that the matter had not escalated and that businesswise things were on the level. Clarence pushed her against the door soon as he had closed it and pressed his mouth to hers. His hand went under her skirt and ripped the panties to shreds. Payal silently let him undress her and soon was threadbare. Clarence pushed her down onto a sofa and rammed into her cunt from behind. Payal was surprised by the ferocity of the attack as he pummeled into her. She felt sore on her insides when he finally erupted and let his fluids dribble down her legs as he withdrew.

"Wow, what was that all about?" she queried him, "I almost felt that you were raping me, not making love."

"That is what you deserve for being so fucking sexy and desirable to other men," he responded while caressing her boobs, "I do not know how I held back from hitting that bastard as he fingered you."

"Now, now, you have sat back and watched many times while others have fucked me," she referred to parties in Malaysia that both had attended.

"That is true, but those people were vetted and had my blessing," he answered, "they were my input to your added sexual prowess, but this swine was just a dirty old man."

"But would you have let him continue and perhaps ask to spend the night with me if business decisions were paramount?"

"Don't you ever assume that I would use you as a pawn," Clarence shot back, "I have many businesses but you are just one!"

A smile broke across Payal's face as Clarence made his declaration. Grasping his cock she put her legs around his torso and motioned for him to fuck her in the missionary position. Clarence complied without further comment and soon the two were rocking in the familiar loving embrace that had been a hallmark of their relationship for a number of years. Payal moved up to meet every thrust from him. Clarence anticipated every spasm that racked her body and moved in or out in synch with her senses. She giggled inwardly as she realised that they had not even made it to the bedroom but were giving the large lounge couch a serious workout. Clarence held back as long as he physically could, while Payal came frequently and audibly. Finally, unable to delay his orgasm any more, he let go and slumped as if comatose onto her chest.

"Perhaps we should head to the bed," she nudged him as he shifted his weight off her a bit.

Just as he slowly removed his spent and shrinking cock from her pussy, their attention was diverted by the incessant ringing of Payal's phone, still hooked to the charger. She jumped up and noted that the call was from Pakistan. She figured it was the children letting her know they had arrived safely.

Instead it was a voice she had never heard. The message first sent Payal into shock for a moment and then into a fit of hysterics.

"Listen bitch, we have your children. Nothing will happen to them if you accept the terms of the message you will soon receive. We will call you at your home in Lahore when we know you are back, but only if you return within forty-eight hours. Otherwise you can imagine what will be doing to your darlings!"


"Your children and your friend are being held in a remote part of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas," President Musharraf had called Payal when she reached her residence, having rushed back from Lebanon within the allotted time period.

"So you can arrange for a rescue?" she responded hopefully.

"Unfortunately not at the immediate moment," he truthfully replied, "local arrangements since British times have limited our force levels and ability to govern in that region."

"Am I to assume that you are going to stand by and do nothing?"

"Not at all, we are coordinating a plan with our American allies across the border, and hopefully will resolve this soon and in a good way."

Rushing home from the airport, Payal found the glossy wedding invitation indicating that Nida would wed Paijoo in the near future. The date was just a few days onwards, but no address was provided. The call from the President had provided information that the captives, including Naziran, were being held at the compound of one of Haqnawaz's Aitchison College classmates, Gul Badin Khan, another feudal lord who had built a drug and slave trading empire by exploiting his tribesmen and others. The next call came from Parveen.

"Payal, I am sorry," she said, "but Paijoo is my son and by marrying your daughter we can both turn him away from his bad habits and also heal the wounds between our families."

"You are out of your mind," Payal shot back, "do you not remember how badly Haqnawaz has treated you or me?"

"Yes I do," was the expected response, "but I do not want my son pining for your daughter for the rest of his life like my husband has for you!"

"But I have never given Haqnawaz any encouragement," Payal was stunned, "rather I have thwarted his every move on my property or person."

"Yes, but this marriage has to go ahead," Parveen coldly replied, "so you have the option of coming here and attending or we will proceed anyway."

"Parveen why are you doing this?"

"I have been treated badly because of my husband's desire to possess you Payal," Parveen spewed her poison out, "now because Paijoo wants your daughter he has finally come over to my side and I made this plan to bring you children and you back to Pakistan!"

Payal felt like the roof had caved in on her. She had been exceedingly sympathetic to Parveen ever since her marriage to Shahnawaz. Yet today, Parveen had shown that she was as cold and calculating as her swinish husband. She truly had demonstrated that she was the mother of that heartless bastard Paijoo after all.

"You will receive the location to the event tomorrow," Parveen barked at Payal, "be there as soon as you can or leave things as they are."


Nida was terrified of what was going to transpire next. Their flights from Malaysia via Bangkok had been smooth and the reception by VIP officers at the Lahore airport did not seem out of place. Things had gone wrong as soon as they were led to a large Mitsubishi Pajero vehicle and guards pointed guns at them.

"Your mother will be coming tomorrow to bless our union," Paijoo gloated as he walked into the room she had been locked inside.

"I would rather take poison than marry you," Nida bravely shot back.

Paijoo raised his arm as if to hit her, but then smiled and lowering it said, "we would not want the bride to be blemished any more than necessary!"

At that moment three large and ugly females walked into the room and started to tear at her clothes. Nida resisted with all her might, but was soon stark naked. Paijoo's erection was formidable and a tent had formed around the midsection of his shalwar.

"Comply and we will be nice," he warned her, "don't comply and I will have your brother fed to my dogs!"

The fight left Nida immediately. Ten minutes later, she found herself bound hands and feet, her mouth taped over, and tossed naked onto the floor. Paijoo had immensely enjoyed the torture being inflicted on his cousin as she was bared and bound. Pushing Nida down, so that her bound hands were behind her back, he started to suck greedily on her sizable tits. His hands wandered down to her pussy, but his progress was restricted by the fact that her feet were bound together and did not allow her legs to be splayed apart. Paijoo now turned her over onto her knees and pushed her head forward. Her asshole was in his sights and he kissed and fondled her back side with lust. Taking a dab of spit he greased her anus and lined his cock up to buttfuck her.

"You stupid idiot, stop you actions this very minute," Haqnawaz had burst into the room, "she may be our prisoner but she is my brother's daughter and you will not treat her like a whore!"

"But dad, you said you wanted revenge on this family," Paijoo protested as the tip of his cock touched Nida's asshole.

"Yes, but this girl is you intended wife, surely you can have some respect."

"The same sort of respect you have given my mother, your other whore wife and every female you have ever known?" Paijoo retorted, not backing away from his intentions to impale his cousin.

He saw stars a split second later as Haqnawaz landed a swift kick right into his ribs. Grabbing Paijoo by the hair, he dragged his son out of the door, yelling in the process for his henchman to assist him.

"I am sorry that he is acting like an animal already," Haqnawaz addressed the naked girl, "after all you are going to be my daughter-in-law and deserve respect."

Reprieved from the anal rape on one hand she was thankful to Haqnawaz, but as a prisoner still she willed that the wrath of God descend on her captors. Haqnawaz slowly gathered her up and lifted her onto the bed. She hoped he would untie her and provide clothes. Instead he covered her with a sheet, kissed the top of her head in a paternalistic manner, and left the room. The ladies did not show up for another couple of hours to release Nida and give her clothes to wear. She was terrified with what was transpiring in her life but was even more worried about how her brother was faring.