All Comments on 'Pussy Stupid'

by Phoenix Arrow

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Hell of a story!!! Loved it.

You must have been talking about my mother-inlaw. When I first meet my wife her mother was just like your character in the story. My father-in-law was so hen pecked he could not breath without her permission. I laugh now when my mother-inlaw brags about how her daughter has a new house , or money in the bank , etc. My job in my marriage is to supoort my family and fulfill my wife's needs. An her job is too suport our family and fulfil my needs. So it is a two way street. If I am not taking care of her how can I except her to take care of me. Also the person I most respect in the world is my wife.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
That cool story

Wahat a great story and make more of it. put another chapter 2 thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
it was dumb

yhe stoey was dumb any woman who gives up a well paying job is pussy stupid. the whole story is pussy stupid. where is the incest where is the taboo at the story was stupid any one who liked it must want woman to be slaves.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

As an Incest/Taboo story (hell, as a basic sex story) this is rather stupid. However, it it had been labeld as a satire, then it wouldn't have been too bad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

You've managed to tell quite a few truths within your story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

What in the world was that supposed to be about? I think you had your plot confused. It almost made me go to sleep.

vargas111vargas111over 18 years ago
Pussy Smart

Daughter is closer to the truth, but needed to rub in that the flip side of love and respect is sex and lots of it and agreement to bear children. On the other hand, ther is nothing special about being a HOUSEwife. The important thing is to be a HOTwife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

As a man, and as someone with a brain, I'll bet you all the money in Beverly Hills that the writer was a man. Only dumb, hateful men or remarkably put-down women think this way about feminist, especially lesbian feminist. Maybe Rush Limbaugh wrote this while zonked on prescripts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

That story was boring, poorly written and with a paper-thin plot. Crap, crap, crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Loved it!!

It was completely beyond expectation and utterly fascinating. Very well done, simple little drama. I like it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

As a woman, I thought this had a very inciteful view into the minds of uber-feminists. They want all sorts of "equalities"-but want to still be given special treatment. They turn into man-hating feminists because they had abusive relationships, but then seek out a new, abusive relationship.

I liked it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Really Interesting

Really intersting and origional idea for a story. I loved it! Would have liked it to have gone on longer though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Why do you people make incest stories? It`s DISGUSTING! How do you people feel when you hear, "Because of this story I became attracted to a family member."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

You seriously don't have a clue what the fuck feminism is... maybe you only get intimidated by all those extreme movements, but real feminism isn't about supressing the men nor about being a twit who quits her job... you've made it extremely black and white and it's complete CRAP!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

It's obvious that some guy wrote this story. He doesn't have a clue about what feminism is all about. Not only was the story off but the content was boring. Why oh why is this even posted in Incest/Taboo in the first place?

As for the person who wanted to know WHY people write about's mostly fantasy. I see you share the same fantasy or you'd not be reading ANY story in the Incest/Taboo category now would you. People like you fool no one! Time to come down from your soap box.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Other then the fact the story is in the wrong catagory (though I dont think satire is the right one either) this really brought back some memories. I could have sworn that you had been speaking of my step mother. I read where a few of the comments where calling the story pussy stupid and that a man knows nothing about the plight of women. Those are the poor lonely women who think that only anouther woman can understand the pains from back then. The truth hit too close to home for all of you?It is a good story and it was well writen. I am going to look for more stories from you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Playing With Fire

This story, or dialogue, leaves a bitter taste. I have no problem with almost any fantasy, including a bit of embarassment or humiliation, but this reads far more like a tirade against the more extreme end of feminism without any inkling of the truer goal, equality. (Not to mention the lack of anything approaching eroticism) Either you're a hateful lesbian, or you're a submissive wife who'll bow to hubby's wishes. The daughter's protrayed as being right, despite the sheer idiocy and the abrupt 180 of her stance of homosexuality, not to mention her apparent inability to stand up to her fiancee. If she wants to be a housewife, great. If she wants to submit, fine. But don't make it seem like that's the only 'right' way for women to act, especially those who're still dealing with workplace sexism.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

I was only attracted to this by the comments (I normally dont read Incest or gay shit coz that's is for sick people)

First, this was not a story, its just bullshit. Second, its not erotic.

The only good thing about it is that it will piss off women, which is a good thing, because women are usually up to some kind of shit anyway. If women had no slist and tits, I wouldn't even talk to them. But that is besides the point.

This writer is a moron. Just goes to show what happenes when you spend too much time fucking your mother and your sisters (see, its the women's fault). All you Incest lovers, stop it, or end stupid like this writer. Stop incest, stop gay shit, let you woman go to work and hand over all the cash. That's my point.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
One of the worst I have ever read

You obviously don't understand lesbians or feminisim. What the hell is wrong with people like you who think all lesbians are just bitter and angry because of men? No, we don't want cock. No, we don't hate men. No, we aren't taht way because a man left us.

Learn something before you try to write again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Get off yourselves

I think this is a good story and want more. To everyone else stop taking yourselves so seriously and stop putting labels on yourselves and feeling like you have to live into them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

that is the worst story yet

WvyoungboylustWvyoungboylustover 17 years ago
it was a interesting story

was a good story , good dialog

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
blown out of the water

as a child of the end of the big feminist push at the end of the '70's even I had a clue as to the fact that the whole rally was being pushed forward by man haters, and keep in mind that I was just small boy in a truly man woman equal household. So, when i happened to stumble into this roll on the floor kind of laugh comedy of words I could not help but finally respond. In the back of my mind I could actually see an angry and bitter used up mother being pissed that her daughter had gotten past all the man hating and found true love and respect. To close I would remind you that misery loves company and that those who are miserable do not wish to be happy, but desire to bring us down to their level. Hooray for those who find joy and respect, may they never feel the sting of the miserable.

keairankeairanalmost 17 years ago

This should have been put under the essays section, as though it is a story, it is essentially an essay written as such. I mainly agree with the daughter in this story. I was brought up in a gender-equal family, with My father being the first among two equals, which is what a family really should be. Men are naturaly stronger than women, it's a fact of biology, take an average woman, and have her arm wrestle with an average man, and the man will win, every time.

I have an incredible amount of respect for those who campaign for female equality. But, if you are looking for equality, leave it at equality, superiority makes everyone mad. There is no superior gender. Each gender has their own particular strengths. Women are better about particular things, men are better in there own ways too. There is no inherent superiority between the genders, just biological differences (i.e. boobies, vagoo, and dick, along with the specific hormones that go with each specific gender, estrogen and testosterone being the two major gender-specific hormones).

Women have there own specific abilities. The average woman will be able to connect the two sides of her brain more easily than a male will. This is a physical fact of the two lobes of the brain. There are more actual physical connections in the female brain than in the male brain. Women are normaly better at expressing emotions than the typical Man.

Men on the other hand, have the superior afore-mentioned strength and muscle mass. Men also have a better ability for mechanical workings of something (i.e. mechanics, carpentry, and other spacial estimations). The average Man also will tend to be protective of something, whether it be a family member, a friend, or an object.

This is probably a ground-in istinct hard-wired into the male brain. (Note to self, turn this post into an essay)

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

What grade are you in? Does your pussy smell that bad...ugh STUPID PUSSY-AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
to each their own, but seriously

I understand that everyone gets off to their own thing and that placing one's brainchild up for public scrutiny certainly merits acknowledgement. I find it unfortunate however that this dialogue you present us with contains such negative and simplistic view of feminism. I will not pretend to represent a truly comprehensive approach to contemporary feminism. I have however come in contact with a fair ammount of the literature. I would propose that at best this story presents a version of Mackinnon's feminism missing it's nuances and idiosycrasies. To be frank, this representation displays none of the characteristics of the real radical feminism of Judith Butler or Chris Cuomo. Their radical feminist views more closely resemble ethical passivism or continental philosophy than some rash "man hating" ideal. but, once again to each their own.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Good write, wrong place

The story, if you can actually call it a story, was very well written and speaks of some intellectual insight. Yes, it was filled with dialogue usually not spoken between a mother and daughter (I'm assuming this, since I'm a guy, I don't really know), but the message was still clearly portrayed. That being said, I don't think it really belongs where you posted it. This is literotica, and the general idea of a sex story is a story about people having sex not people having a sex related dialogue. In the end, a good write, but think twice before you try to pass it off as a sex story.

Venus_LoverVenus_Loverabout 16 years ago
Refreshing Story

I thought this was a very intelligent article and definitely showed originality and was refreshing to read. As far as feminists and lesbianism go, I appreciate positive stories embodying their principles and desires. This story borders on offending them, but I think they need to be tolerant of this writer as I am of their sometimes extreme views also.

To this writer I would say that you should not worry about most negative comments, but write for the majority who appreciate well written refreshing stories. I have had the experience of getting thoroughly trashed and becoming discouraged to the point of stopping my writing. But later I realized that I should ignore the few disgruntled frustrated persons who always trash good writers and bad alike.

Let your fertile imagination be your guide and let it rip. These stories are for fun and are mostly fiction, so why get uptight about a few extreme viewpoints or stories. Some BDSM is extreme and many stories (particularly non consent) on this site greatly disturb me, but I just ignore them and read the ones I like.

Who am I to try and judge so many others. Who is normal anyway?

This particular story will enliven some and piss off some, that it the nature of controversy and this story is certainly controversial. Certainly more interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

It wasnt that bad. just wasnt what i expected. i think it was in the wrong category, and it didnt get me off at all. this is incest, and there was no sex going on between mother and daughter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
I have an issue with it

I think this story chooses to make a lot of assumptions, and I have a huge problem with that. First of all, feminists are NOT all man-haters. And not all "strong women" want to be little house wives. Not all feminists do either. And it's not just weak women who are housewives, so don't assume I'm coming at it from that angle.

Feminists aren't necessarily bitter, angry man-hating lesbians. Nor do they necessarily assume that housewives are stupid, weak-willed women. My Mother raised me with this single statement "I am not a housewife because I don't want to work that hard. So I go to work instead."

It creates a lot of horrid assumptions and perpetuates a HORRIBLE stereotype of feminist women. Say what you will about the feminist movement, but women wouldn't have ANY choices today were it not for them. Every woman today, from the willing housewife to the Fortune 500 CEO, owe the early feminists. They owe those women who suffered and struggled for the rights that we (yes, I am a woman) have today. And as women, we owe it to those women to at least attempt to understand them. Not necessarily agree with them, but certainly not to defame their character.

From a NON-MAN HATING, lesbian equalist activists of the 21st century. From a person who does not believe in making villains of heroes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Ha haaaa

Take that femensists! LOL...

Baph1191Baph1191over 15 years ago
Could use some work

WAY to inaccurate. It was interesting, but I don't think everything is as cut and dry as you make it out to be. Not all feminists are man-haters, and not all straight women are "pussy stupid". Also, the dialogue could be a lot better. And other then that, the only other thing would be to actually add sex. This is a sex story sight, and people usually want to read about sex. So find a different topic.

BadCraziness632BadCraziness632almost 15 years ago
Stuck in the Middle

I would like to know why this article was placed on a story website. My guess is that the content forced the author to post it here. Anyways, it is an interesting piece of satire regarding the promises of gender equality through political activism.

However, the premise is a little narrow. The idea that feminists would be man-hating lesbians is nothing new, and the daughter apparently approving of house work doesen't sound like a solution.

Bascially, what is missing here is a middle ground in which there is equality in marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

should be called "pretty stupid." It's just another frustrated guy tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Makes me wonder exactly how many man-hating dikes go through this same scenario.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Somewhere else

It's not that this wasn't good, but it just doesn't belong here

racheldearestracheldearestalmost 13 years ago
They are only stereotypes

I liked this story. I am a feminist and was not offended by this story in any way. While the two different views that are protrayed in the story are extreme and black-and-white, I think Phoenix does a good job of showing just how extreme and stupid BOTH extremes are. I don't believe this story was intended to depict the views of real feminists, or the views of real housewives, just the stereotypes. Both characters are pathetic, if you ask me. This seems more like a satire story to me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

this was a stupid shitty story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I loved the story. How true is that about feminest????

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Your story ia plausible and isn't badly written but please, please learn to spell.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I have read a lot of crap on here, but this was the absolute worst story I've ever read in my entire life. To begin with, you have no grasp of simple grammar or spelling, let alone any idea as to how a story should flow. I started out turned on and ready to orgasm, but after reading this, I found myself turned off by the stupidity and idiocy you managed to compact into one submission. Your ideas on feminism are highly incorrect, and you should really do your research on the subject before you continue writing. You have NO idea what feminism is, and it's almost painful for your audience. Also, your ideas on homosexuality were just flat out stupid as well. I would suggest you do a lot of research before you write anything next time. I'm not sure you should be submitting anything to this website, either. Anyone under 18 shouldn't be engaging in this, and I'm sure your parents would be horrified to know their 14 year old was attempting to write erotica. This was painful to read. Please learn how to use basic grammar correctly, how to spell, research feminism and homosexuality, and finally, work on the flow of your stories. From the narrative voice, it's easy to see that you're very young. Hopefully as you get older, your writing will drastically improve.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
This story was horrible

Honestly this should be taken down, there was nothing hot about about this. I agree with the guy/girl below me, you know nothing about feminist or homosexuality. You sounds like one of those misogynist guys who decided to make a story to feel better about yourself. I know guys like you heck I even had some friends like that, that I have dropped. The people who had put this story as their favorite only did so because it had sex in it and of course most people read anything with sex in it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Dang Phoenix that's some hurt expressed on a grand scale. I found the references to 'daddy' distracting, perhaps if it was 'steven' or 'your husband' it would work better for the narative.

Iamcurious999Iamcurious999over 6 years ago
All's Well That Ends Well?

I think that everybody will get what they want...

The daughter will make Billy a fine wife, and be a great mother for their children, avoiding the mistakes that her feminist mother made with her.

Mother can continue to play lezzie games with her girlfriend Janice, until Janice get bored with her, and finds someone else, and where will feminist mom be where life, old age, and companionship are concerned?

Oh well, somewhere there are stray cats who need a home...!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Please continue. I loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Written so well from the female perspective, one would almost think you were a female. This should be required reading for all female Jr & Sr high school students. Maybe many of them wouldn't be falsely convinced they were lesbians by angry feminist lesbians and angry demented homos who fear sex with women.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I wish you would write more

lawyerwifelawyerwifeabout 4 years ago
this story is such a hot read

Ive been reading it for years, and it's so simple, that reading it again and again doesn't ruin anything - it's just a series of feelings and images that go straight to your lower brain.

it's genuis. really.

I love it each time.

is it okay if Im pretending a happy ending, though?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Not to be rude

This story feels very insecure, haha.

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